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Things for the Garden and Great LinksThere has been quite a bit of discussion lately about gardens, ponds, etc., so I thought the following ideas might be of interest to a few of the readers. As you can see, most are links to craft instructions for decorative garden items. The final three are ideas are described in full.


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Recycling Cement Blocks from Renovation? We are renovating a small home in the tropics of Qld. We are going to replace a falling wall with a window or door. In order to do this we have to remove the current wall which is made up of cement blocks, most will break during the demolition side, however having done this before (during summer!), I believe that there would be an easier, but more so, global friendly way to recycle these blocks in our garden.


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How to Kill a Passionfruit Vine?We have a tiny backyard and decided to grow a passionfruit vine on a arch. It grew like wild fire and everyday for the last 3 years I have pulled out passionfruit suckers from our garden. It has taken over a third of our garden and we set fire to the vine on the arch and pulled out the root. That was a month ago and we have more suckers than ever. My husband put weed killer directly onto each sucker but more are coming everyday. Please help we are desperate. We live in Australia with hot weather and we never once fed or tended this plant. Melinda from Australia


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Ground Cover for Moist Ground?Does anyone have recommendations on what would be a moisture loving ground cover, but one that doesn't look "snakey"? There's a low spot in my yard about 10x10. I thought about a weeping willow, but my hubby said the roots would get into the septic system which runs through there.


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Always Blooming Flowerbeds?I had a neighbor who had the most beautiful flowerbed. Seemed like every week or something new came up to change the look of it. I always wondered what her secret planting method was. I'd love to know.


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Shade Cloth With Pictures?Does anyone know where I can find shade cloth or fabric with pictures silkscreen on it? I saw it on one of those home improvement shows and they used it outside in someone's yard ...


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Keeping Foxes out of Garden?Need to keep foxes away from a veg. garden and away from 2 dogs. Any ideas?


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Attracting Fireflies To Your Garden?Do any of you gardners know how to attract fire flies (lightening bugs) to a yard?


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My Baby Hibiscus Is Dying?I did recently transplant it. But Ive never had a problem with that before. Usually my Hibiscus are ten feet tall by now. It could be snails. What can I try, if anything? And does anyone have any other advice on transplanting?


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Killing Rhubarb?Does anyone know how to kill rhubarb short of digging up the entire roots? Mine has been there for so long I would have to hire a tree stump removal company.


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Peonies and Ants?I have ants along the side of one wall of the garage. I have peonies at the end (or corner) of the garage. For some reason the ants have not found the peonies. How do I introduce them to each other. I had buds on the peonies, but they withered up because there are no ants to eat the wax off.


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Learning About Gardening?If you're new to gardening and don't know how to start, the best idea is to visit someone else's garden and ask how they do it. Most will be delighted to share in how to prepare your own masterpiece!


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"Grows in a Minute" Vines?Has anyone heard of a vine called "Grows in a Minute"? I knew a person in Macon GA that had it years ago and wish I had gotten more information. As I recall, she had it trailing up fishing line from the ground to the edge of a deck.


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Bring The New Look Back To Cypress Mulch?Thrifty people unite! I have used more than a handful of thrifty tips and have never been disappointed. Does anybody have a tip on how to bring that 'new look' back to cypress mulch? After a couple of Florida summers it goes from orange-like to a grayish. YUCK! Please only send proven tips as the foliage would be too expensive to replace.


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Bees Destroying My Grapes?Help please. The bees have invaded our grapes and are destroying them. The vines are so full of all kinds of bees eating my fruit. What can I do?



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Apples for Mulch?I have 3 apple trees in my backyard. Are apples good for the mulch pile? There are a lot of apples that fall on the ground and rot before I get to them.


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Nature Foretelling the Season?This may sound foolish to some but, I have heard that you can use nature to foretell seasons. Like, pine cones growing high in the trees means a harsh winter. I was wondering if maples can tell us something too. We live in a rural area, with lots of pine birch and maples.


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Stumps on Cleared Acreage?I just had 6 acres clear cut and was paid several thousand for the timber. I plan on using some of that to cover the expense of cleaning up the brush. I plan to make this a field.Here's the problem. Do I leave the stumps to rot or do I pay quite a bit more to have them dug up? Rent a stump grinder? What next?


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Growing Recommendations for Zone 5b?I would like to know what trees, plants and flowers would do best here (Zone 5b). We have a new home and need trees, plants and flowers that I can take care of. I do well with tulips, daffodils, crocus and the summer salvia types.


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Growing Plants in Chert?Does anyone know anything that will grow on a hillside of chert or how to get something to grow in chert?


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Planting the Top of a Pineapple?I am interested in taking a pineapple and cutting off the top to plant. Can anyone give me some good suggestions on how to do this?


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Brown Boronia Information?Can any one tell me about "Brown Boronia"? And where to get them? My zone is 9-10 in Southern, CA. I'm told that they will grow here.


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What is corn gluten?What is corn gluten, and where can I purchase it?


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Cutting Back a Yellow Trumpet Vine?My yellow trumpet vine has never flowered after a few years. I just read your advice to cut it way back before it gets its leaves. Is it too late to do it now? I trimmed some of the longer branches, but it is starting to get leaves. Can I still cut it way back?


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Have a Plant SwapHave a block or community exchange of plants: seeds, plants, gardening tools, etc.


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Is Cypress Mulch Safe for Dogs?We have six dogs and my yard has a lot of trees with half dirt and half grass. I just bought cypress mulch to go on the dirt but someone said it was harmful to the dogs. Is this true and can you give me some dog friendly suggestions for the yard?


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Keeping Plants Alive When You're Away?Keeping plants alive when you are on vaction. How can I keep my plants alive when I am gone for months? I'm going out of the country for June, July and August, the hottest months of the year, and I am looking for advice on how to keep my plants alive for the duration.


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Growing Vines in Roulette, PA?Will clematis vine and sweet pea vine grow well in Roulette, PA.


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Flowers and Herbs for My Patio?I have a northeast facing patio that gets decent sun, I am wondering which flowers and herbs will do best there from fall to winter?


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Using Car Wash Water on Plants?I seen dirty car wash water being used on other dirt but wonder if this could be used on plants to keep bugs off?



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What Type of Hydrangeas Do I Have?I have two hydrangeas I bought from Frank's Nursery and Crafts two years ago and I cannot remember the name. Is there a hydrangea (big leaf) that begins with "Van" or "Von". I thought it was a nikko blue but the name seemed to begin with a V. Can you help?


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Where Can I Buy Episcias?I would like to know where you can buy Episcias, a good nursery that have good plants.


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A Plant Propagator Made from Car TiresA Plant Propagator Made from Car Tires. With the tip about the solar cooker made from car tyres, the same principle can be used for making a mini propagator for seedlings. . .


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Hummingbird Vine Not Blooming?Hummingbird Vine Not Blooming. I have had a hummingbird vine planted now for 2 years. It has grown to the maximum, but unfortunately it hasn't bloomed in the 2 years I have had it. Do you have any idea why it possibly hasn't bloomed at all since I've had the plant? Do you think I may need to trim it back some?


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Sunflower Plants Growing Multiple Flowers Instead or One? The sunflowers grow tall and then the tops of the plant branch off and make several small flowers rather than one big one.


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Cutting Back Sunflowers?I recently planted one of those "flower carpets" and ended up with very tall sunflower plants. I love them, but don't know anything about growing them. Do I cut the plants back at some point, will they come back into bloom every year, etc?


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Potted Asparagus?I live in Hamilton, Ontario and I have potted an asparagus plant. Now they seem to grow like the ornamental with long leaf fronds but it is supposed to be the vegetable.


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How does epsom salt affect plant growth?How does epsom salt affect plant growth?


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Pyrocanthus Roots?Pyrocanthus Roots. What sort of roots does a pyrocanthus have?


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Can you use shredded paper as media to grow plants?Can you use shredded paper as media to grow plants?


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Building Grow Lights?How do I build my own grow lights?


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Fast Growing Hedges?I need advice about purchasing cheap hedge type plants that are fast growing for a full sun, dry climate.


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Natural Cleaner For Tropical Plants?Natural Cleaner For Tropical Plants. I am looking for a natural cleaner for tropical plants.


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Controlling Spanish Moss?I need a homemade recipe for spanish moss invader. How can I control it?


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Pink Spreading Plant?I have a spreading planting that I don't know the name, but it turns into a pretty pink carpet. It spreads faster than utility bills! How can I keep controlled besides pulling every single day (almost)?



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Growing Vines From Potatoes?Can you grow a vine from a white or yukon potato?


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Dog Poop in Planting Areas?I read an article you posted about dog poop and gardens. I know dog poop is not good to use, but what if your dog has pooped all winter where you want to plant.


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Rice Water For Plants?Rice Water For Plants. I know you can give potato water to a plants, what about rice water?


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Removing a Root System?I was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to get rid of and/or prevent further growth of a very strong root system found in my yard. It is found especially under trees. It grows around all plants I try to plant. It is a netting of small, strong roots that hold my plants back from being all they could be.


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Share Gardening Duties With A NeighborIf your gardening skills are minimal, try asking a neighbor or friend to co-garden with you to not only cut costs but also the work! If you don't have a place to garden, perhaps try looking for someone who does who wouldn't mind a "helper".


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Planting a Lilac Near a Sewer Pipe?Can you plant a Lilac tree a few feet away from a old tree trunk? I was hoping to hide the trunk with the tree. The problem is also there is city piping 8 feet away as well. In the past, the Cedar tree roots went to piping for water and affected city sewage.


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Ants In My Worm Farm?I have a worm farm that is being invaded by little black ants. I was wondering if there was a safe way to get rid of the ants without killing the worms.


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Order from Austree Not DeliveredI ordered a three tree special from austree in the fall of 2006! they said that my order would be delivered in mid march 2007 and charged me $148.00 on my credit card! I have received no trees nor correspondence from austree since I got charged! HELP!


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Flat Ground Cover?I would like to plant a ground cover that stays flat on the ground so we do not have to cut or mow. I would love to do it once and never again. Actually this is an un-gardening request. Anyone have any ideas?


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Watering a Hibiscus?How much water should be given hibiscus plant?


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Dark Purple Banana Peppers?I have a couple banana peppers that are turning a dark purple, what gives? The peppers appear fine, nice and shiny and growing strong. The stems have some darker stripes running through them. They are sweet bananas.


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Apartment Garden?Due to landlord's remodeling, I am going to have a nice new apartment but no more garden or back yard! Recently, I purchased three tomato plants to be planted in two plastic hanging bags. Does anyone have any other ideas about planting in a limited space? I know about the potted plants and I don't know if I'll even have a patio for a raised bed.


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Starting Curly Bamboo Shoots?I have some curly bamboo. How can I start new shoots so I can share it with my girls? Thank you.


A Yard's Free TreasuresFor many parts of the country, autumn is a time to clean up the bounties of summer and prepare for the severities of winter. While it's tempting to fill trash cans and leaf bags with these summer skeletons, it's also wasteful.


Growing a Pine Tree?Does anyone know if a pine tree can be grown from a pine cone? Where are the seeds? Has anyone done this with success? Tips from the ThriftyFun community.


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Map of Gardening Zones?Where can I find the map of which gardening zone you are in?


Giving Sunflower Seeds to Squirrels?I need a way to make something that I can attach to trees to put sunflower seeds in for my squirrels. Anyone have any ideas? Here are answers from the ThriftyFun community. Post your own ideas here.


Is My Tomato Plant a Patio Plant?My daughter gave me this tomato plant and put it on my porch. This plant has gone wild. I have tied it up. It is full of tomatoes and blooms everywhere. The tomatoes just keep coming. Can you tell me if this is a patio plant?


Watering Bamboo Sticks?Do bamboo sticks need to be watered? The "lucky" bamboo plants you find in discount stores and garden centers (and this includes those sold without leaves and labeled sticks) do need to be watered.


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Leaves on Chili Plant Turning Brown?My chili plant was producing lots of healthy flowers and fruits, but now the leaves are turning brown and dying, even the new growth.


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Storing Used Coffee Grounds Until Spring?I have been saving used coffee grounds for the garden. However, we live in the Midwest, so I need to store them until Spring. How do I store them so they don't get moldy?


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Blooming Brier Taking Over Yard?I have some sort of brier (wild tea rose maybe - has small pink blooms) that is taking over the side of my house. I wouldn't mind so much, except it is overcoming my hibiscus. It is now more brier than bloom, and I'm afraid for my hibiscus.


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Confederate Jasmine Not Flowering?I have a Confederate Jasmine. It has very dark green leaves. It's a healthy plant but not flowering. What I can do to induce some flowers?


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Looking For Peacevine Tomato Plants? I'm looking for Peacevine tomato plants and I can't seem to find any gardening site or nursery catalog that carries the plants. Not even the company "Seeds Of Change" that developed it. Can anyone tell me a source or maybe have plants I can buy or trade for. All I can seem to find are the seeds and that's not an option where I live.


Advice For Reviving A Clematis?Should I pardon this clematis? I have a clematis which has been on this trellis since we moved into our home over ten years ago. Every spring I am surprised that it has even survived because it never looks all that healthy to me. You can see that the top of the plant looks healthy and has many buds on which will soon bloom, but the middle areas are woody and unhealthy looking.


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Making Row Covers To Protect Plants?I've recently discovered that something is eating my sunflower plants in one flower bed, and a hibiscus bush/tree on my deck. You mentioned row covers as a deterrent to deer, rabbits, insects, etc staying out of flower beds.


Is This Larkspur?I planted larkspur from seed last year, this year I have a carpet of what I think is larkspur near the original planting. The plant is about 4 inches tall and each has a cluster of 3 spiked leaves. Is this Larkspur?


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Plant That Looks Similar To Cabbage?What are the plants called that look like cabbages?


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How Do You Like Your Upside Down Garden?Does anyone have an upside down garden? How do you like it?


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Rockery Plant With White Flowers?I am a member to the website - all the way from the UK! I think it's great - nothing like this at home! I am looking for a rockery plant that reminds me of my family garden when a child. It was low growing, had tiny white flowers mid spring onwards - very prolific - and grey, almost furry leaves.


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Covering Bare Patches In Grass?Our back yard has both sunny and shady areas where the grass won't grow, so it becomes muddy when I water. Of course, so does the dog. Is there anything that will keep the mud away which I can sprinkle over it. That won't be harmed by the lawn mower, the dog, the occasional heavy rain nor strong winds?


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What Discarded Items Are Beneficial to Plants?Are banana peels, eggshells and coffee grounds really beneficial to plants? Are there any other discarded natural items that can be helpful?


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Planting Vegetables in Alabama?We are moving to Alabama in about 2 weeks. We will have a nice big backyard that I would love to do a little vegetable gardening in. I also would like to plant a couple of fruit trees. I would appreciate any suggestions as to what fruit trees grow good in Alabama. Also which vegetables would be the best to try. Will I be early enough in mid to late June to plant?


What Is This Plant? (Deadnettle Lamium)Can anyone please tell me what the name of this plant is? It is a perennial, small and perfectly round when in bloom. Starts with green leaves and then tiny yellow blooms for just a few days at a time.


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Birds Messing Up Newspaper Under Mulch?We have trimmed the area around our trees with wet newspapers covered with mulch. Now the robins are picking away at the newspapers and it's a mess. any way to get them to stop, or should we have used something besides newspapers?


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Is Georgia Subtropical?Is Georgia subtropical?


Maintenance Free Ground Cover?I have a partially shaded hill that leads down to the river. The soil is poor but grows weeds quite well. Does anyone have a suggestion on a maintenance free ground cover?


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What Can I Grow Under A Cedar Tree?What plants or flowers can be grown under a cedar tree? Right now, there is just bare dirt because the grass will not grow there.


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Identifying Strange Plant In Garden?This morning I saw the strangest plant in my flower bed. At first I thought my daughter had stuck some carrot in the ground for an animal to munch on. Upon further inspection it appears to be some type of plant/growth. It is orange and seems to be hollow. There are three of them in a triangular shape. They look just like a carrot facing up. Any ideas what this could be? Thanks!


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What Is A Water Pick?What is a water pick? I don't know if we have them in the UK.


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Using Shredded Flake Board For Mulch?Any one have information on using shredded flake board for mulch? I know that flake board has urea formaldehyde based glue but I haven't found any information concerning the toxicity. I know it isn't pressure treated so there is no CCA preservative. Thanks.


What Are These Plants?I inherited lots of flowers when I bought this house, but I don`t know what they are! Anyone know? I think one is cat mint since my cats adore it.


Dark green conical plant with pineapple on top.

What Is This Plant? (Pineapple Plant?)I've received this pineapple plant one year ago. It's growing a new pineapple plant from all of it's eyes, and on the top side growing another small pineapple. Until now I still don't know what the name is of this kind of plant. I just called it a unique "Pineapple" Plant. Maybe you can help me to find out what the real name is for this plant.


What Is This Plant?This plant grows very well in my front yard. I received it from my parents. They didn't know the name of the plant. They did know that this plant was useful for curing some diseases, it acts as an antibiotic. The leaves can be eaten and the fruit tastes very sour. Maybe you can help me to find out what is this plant? Thank you.


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Harvesting Black Walnuts?My friend has a huge black walnut tree, and has not found a good way to harvest the black walnuts. They drop to the ground with a green shell around them, and they are very difficult to get the outer shell off. Any ideas? Thanks.


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Buying A Venus Fly Trap?I would like to buy a Venus fly trap. I saw one in a magazine. It's a small plant and it eats small insects that sit on it. Is it too late to buy it because I would set it outside. I can't leave it in the house, my husband has terrible allergies.


White Substance On Grapevines?Can anyone tell me what this white substance is on our grape vine? It's a thick liquid that's running down and collecting on the stems of the grapes.


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Butterfly Bush Not Blooming?My butterfly bush is not blooming this year, why? I have the one with blooms that look like little purple butterflies. It's about six ft. tall and three ft. wide, healthy but no blooms


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Raising Earthworms?I have a balcony garden and would like to 'grow' earthworms. Does anyone have any tips?


What Is This Plant? (Yucca?)Can anyone tell me the name of this plant. It has 3-4 tiny lavender flower spikes on it once a year.


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Burning Bush Has No Leaves?We planted 2 dwarf burning bushes in March right before our record rainfall of the year. Both plants' root balls sat basically underwater for a week, one worse than the other. The one developed leaves and seems fine but the other never developed leaves although it is covered in buds that never opened. We cut a stem and it is green inside and still seems to be alive.


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Lilac Bushes Look Wilted?I bought 2 lilac shrubs when all the flowers went on clearance at Walmart. They looked fine when I bought them and brought them home. I left them in their pots for about 2-3 weeks before I got to plant them. I got them planted into the ground but by that time they looked sort of wilted. I watered and watered and it didn't work so I added some miracle growth stuff and watered.


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Growing Tibouchina Plant?I have a Tibouchina plant, which I believe is native to Brazil. My question is how hardy is this plant? At the moment it is in a pot in my greenhouse, and covered with beautiful purple flowers. I live 400 yards from the English Channel, so our winters are reasonably mild. Any help on keeping this fantastic plant alive through the winter would be much appreciated. Regards to all.


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Mushrooms Growing On Tree Roots?How do I get rid of the mushroom fungi growing on all the ground roots of our fruitless pear tree?


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Burning Bush Changing Color Early?My burning bush is changing color too early in the season. What is wrong with it?


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Hibiscus Has Lots Of Light Green Leaves?My hibiscus plants have lots of light green leaves. Is that normal?


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Gerbera Growing As A Perennial?I have a Gerbera plant that is doing well and would like to propagate it. I went to the plant nursery to buy another perennial Gerbera and was told they're annuals. Mine doesn't know it is only supposed to last one year (that's why I'd like to have more of the same). Any suggestions? Thanks.


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