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Mold on Mulch?Does anyone have any suggestions on getting rid of mold/fungus on mulch in the flower beds?


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Uses for Fireplace Ashes?What can I do with wood ash? Besides tossing in the woods. What garden plants or veggies like it?


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Recycling Cement Blocks from Renovation? We are renovating a small home in the tropics of Qld. We are going to replace a falling wall with a window or door. In order to do this we have to remove the current wall which is made up of cement blocks, most will break during the demolition side, however having done this before (during summer!), I believe that there would be an easier, but more so, global friendly way to recycle these blocks in our garden.


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Can you rescue the ivy?A few weeks ago, I accidently applied the "Weed and Feed" fertilizer on the ground covering ivy. Now the ivy is dying. Is there any way to rescue the ivy? Please advise. Thank you, Gerard


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Blackberry Vines are Consuming my Backyard?I'm from Oregon and we have thousands and thousands of blackberry bushes. However the ones that keep coming up year after year are threatening to take over my yard and my sanity...


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How to Kill a Passionfruit Vine?We have a tiny backyard and decided to grow a passionfruit vine on a arch. It grew like wild fire and everyday for the last 3 years I have pulled out passionfruit suckers from our garden. It has taken over a third of our garden and we set fire to the vine on the arch and pulled out the root. That was a month ago and we have more suckers than ever. My husband put weed killer directly onto each sucker but more are coming everyday. Please help we are desperate. We live in Australia with hot weather and we never once fed or tended this plant. Melinda from Australia


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Improving Sandy, Clay Soil?I love flowers and different plants but the soil at my home does not. I have part sandy soil, part hard clay soil. Some parts the water runs off, other parts I water and it runs right thru, so that the plants seem dry all the time.


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Ground Cover for Moist Ground?Does anyone have recommendations on what would be a moisture loving ground cover, but one that doesn't look "snakey"? There's a low spot in my yard about 10x10. I thought about a weeping willow, but my hubby said the roots would get into the septic system which runs through there.


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Always Blooming Flowerbeds?I had a neighbor who had the most beautiful flowerbed. Seemed like every week or something new came up to change the look of it. I always wondered what her secret planting method was. I'd love to know.


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Cats in Garden?The neighbourhood stray cats have decided to use my gardens as their own personal litter box. I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to deter them.


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Land Clearing Tips?Tip for clearing land of scrubs, trees and brush to allow for gardening or building. Post your ideas.


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Shade Cloth With Pictures?Does anyone know where I can find shade cloth or fabric with pictures silkscreen on it? I saw it on one of those home improvement shows and they used it outside in someone's yard ...


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Castor Plant and Skunk Cabbage?Does anyone have any information of the castor plant and skunk cabbage? Laww


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Keeping Foxes out of Garden?Need to keep foxes away from a veg. garden and away from 2 dogs. Any ideas?


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Attracting Fireflies To Your Garden?Do any of you gardners know how to attract fire flies (lightening bugs) to a yard?



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Gardening Challenge - Planting In Shade?I have an area in front of my house that could use some planting. It's under the eaves and shaded by trees, one being a pine. So I need something that would tolerate dry, acidic, shade. I live in zone 4b. Any suggestions?


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My Baby Hibiscus Is Dying?I did recently transplant it. But Ive never had a problem with that before. Usually my Hibiscus are ten feet tall by now. It could be snails. What can I try, if anything? And does anyone have any other advice on transplanting?


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Killing Rhubarb?Does anyone know how to kill rhubarb short of digging up the entire roots? Mine has been there for so long I would have to hire a tree stump removal company.


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Peonies and Ants?I have ants along the side of one wall of the garage. I have peonies at the end (or corner) of the garage. For some reason the ants have not found the peonies. How do I introduce them to each other. I had buds on the peonies, but they withered up because there are no ants to eat the wax off.


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Learning About Gardening?If you're new to gardening and don't know how to start, the best idea is to visit someone else's garden and ask how they do it. Most will be delighted to share in how to prepare your own masterpiece!


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"Grows in a Minute" Vines?Has anyone heard of a vine called "Grows in a Minute"? I knew a person in Macon GA that had it years ago and wish I had gotten more information. As I recall, she had it trailing up fishing line from the ground to the edge of a deck.


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Free Mulch from the City - Could it Carry Diseases?Could someone, anyone, solve this argument between my boyfriend and myself about free mulch obtained from the city? I received a large (very large!) pile of free mulch from the city from their wood chipper after they had trimmed the limbs away from the power lines.


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Spider Plant Question?I have a spider plant that is outside hanging from a tree. It is doing very nicely this summer and it has a few "babies". How should I plant these? I never had a spider plant before and am curious.


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Bring The New Look Back To Cypress Mulch?Thrifty people unite! I have used more than a handful of thrifty tips and have never been disappointed. Does anybody have a tip on how to bring that 'new look' back to cypress mulch? After a couple of Florida summers it goes from orange-like to a grayish. YUCK! Please only send proven tips as the foliage would be too expensive to replace.


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Bees Destroying My Grapes?Help please. The bees have invaded our grapes and are destroying them. The vines are so full of all kinds of bees eating my fruit. What can I do?


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Confederate Jasmine Plant?This summer I purchased a confederate jasmine plant and it has done wonderful... green with wonderful fragrant white flowers and has grown up the trellis winding around it every day.


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Apples for Mulch?I have 3 apple trees in my backyard. Are apples good for the mulch pile? There are a lot of apples that fall on the ground and rot before I get to them.


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Wisteria Seed Pods?What is the purpose of those very heavy seed pods that eventually dry up and fall off of a wisteria plant? I know that I don't want another wisteria plant, but want to take some of the weight off of the trellis, nless someone knows another reason why mother nature grows those wisteria seed pods!


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"Fruit" Growing on a Jasmine Plant?I have a Jasmine plant that I have had for two years. Last summer it bloomed beautiful little white flowers that were waxy to the touch - almost felt artificial. I brought it in during the winter and it lost quite a few leaves on the lower half.


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Caring for Lavender and Fuschia in the Winter?Does anyone know if lavender and fuschia can stay outside in zone 6 during the winter months? I have all types. If not, can I bring it in as a houseplant? And how would I do that?



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Nature Foretelling the Season?This may sound foolish to some but, I have heard that you can use nature to foretell seasons. Like, pine cones growing high in the trees means a harsh winter. I was wondering if maples can tell us something too. We live in a rural area, with lots of pine birch and maples.


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Avocado Seeds Not Sprouting?Any ideas why my avocado seeds that I have had in water now for 2 months still aren't sprouting, I have them suspended pointed side down. Also, what other plants can you grow using fresh vegtables or fruits?


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Gardening in Florida?Finally the temps have cooled off here. I'm going to try to start my veggie garden and plan on doing some flower gardening also. I have so much energy now! Does anyone have any Florida gardening tips.


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Stumps on Cleared Acreage?I just had 6 acres clear cut and was paid several thousand for the timber. I plan on using some of that to cover the expense of cleaning up the brush. I plan to make this a field.Here's the problem. Do I leave the stumps to rot or do I pay quite a bit more to have them dug up? Rent a stump grinder? What next?


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Growing Recommendations for Zone 5b?I would like to know what trees, plants and flowers would do best here (Zone 5b). We have a new home and need trees, plants and flowers that I can take care of. I do well with tulips, daffodils, crocus and the summer salvia types.


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What are the Benefits of Seaweed for Farmers?I am employed by a local Maritime Council and our coastline has recently been hit by large deposits of Kelp like seaweed, getting on for nearly 2000 cubic meters. Can anyone explain to me the benefits that seaweed may have for local farmers if we are able to deliver it to them?


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Growing Plants in Chert?Does anyone know anything that will grow on a hillside of chert or how to get something to grow in chert?


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Planting the Top of a Pineapple?I am interested in taking a pineapple and cutting off the top to plant. Can anyone give me some good suggestions on how to do this?


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Using Creosote Logs In The Garden?Can I use Creosote logs for a flower bed or will the Creosote harm the plants?


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Brown Boronia Information?Can any one tell me about "Brown Boronia"? And where to get them? My zone is 9-10 in Southern, CA. I'm told that they will grow here.


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Something to Plant in Cracks in Pavement?I have just moved into a rental property which had grass growing in all the cracks in the pavement and drive way. I have pulled up all the grass and I would like to plant something in the cracks by seed...


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Will Lilac Bushes Deter Deer?We enjoy having deer come into our backyard from the woods. If I planted a lilac bush, would it deter the deer from coming? Or do deer just not feed on lilac bushes?


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Bushes With Yellow Flowers?Every place I look I see these beautiful bushes full of yellow flowers (they have several flowers on each branch), does anyone know what they are called? And how would you start one of them?


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Hardiness Zone Confusion?When I look at certain plants and seeds it appears that I am in different zones? Some packs of seeds say I am zone four, but here it says zone 6. Am I losing it or is there a reason for this?


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What is corn gluten?What is corn gluten, and where can I purchase it?



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Cutting Back a Yellow Trumpet Vine?My yellow trumpet vine has never flowered after a few years. I just read your advice to cut it way back before it gets its leaves. Is it too late to do it now? I trimmed some of the longer branches, but it is starting to get leaves. Can I still cut it way back?


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Is Cypress Mulch Safe for Dogs?We have six dogs and my yard has a lot of trees with half dirt and half grass. I just bought cypress mulch to go on the dirt but someone said it was harmful to the dogs. Is this true and can you give me some dog friendly suggestions for the yard?


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Traveling With Plants?Is it safe to clip my plant before I move? He is very long and viney and I think he would be easier to transport if he was smaller, is there any way to do this safely? Any tips for car travel with plants, other than taking him out to give him air to breathe whenever we stop?


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Pricked by a Bougainvillea?I was trimming bougainvillea and a thorn poked my finger through the gloves I was wearing. Three days later, my finger is stiff, red, and very sore. I cannot bend it at the joint where I was poked. Is this something that needs to be treated? I don't see a visible thorn. Can I get an infection?


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Keeping Plants Alive When You're Away?Keeping plants alive when you are on vaction. How can I keep my plants alive when I am gone for months? I'm going out of the country for June, July and August, the hottest months of the year, and I am looking for advice on how to keep my plants alive for the duration.


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What Can I Plant on Top of a Septic Tank?I am wondering what can be planted on top of a septic tank besides grass? I know trees are out!


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Growing Vines in Roulette, PA?Will clematis vine and sweet pea vine grow well in Roulette, PA.


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Cheap or Free Plastic Barrels?Does anyone know a good company or industry that might be a good source for free or cheap recycled plastic 55 gallon barrels that would make good rain barrels?


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Christmas Cactus with Red Leaves?I have 3 Christmas Cactus, one of them has ruby red leaves on the ends of it. What causes this?


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Concord Grapes Not Getting Ripe?The grapes on our concord grape vine will not get ripe, they stay green and hard until they dry up and fall off. Is there something we can do to prevent this?


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Flowers and Herbs for My Patio?I have a northeast facing patio that gets decent sun, I am wondering which flowers and herbs will do best there from fall to winter?


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Gourds Turning White?This is my first time growing gourds some of them are starting to turn white. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?


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Where Can I Buy Episcias?I would like to know where you can buy Episcias, a good nursery that have good plants.


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What Type of Hydrangeas Do I Have?I have two hydrangeas I bought from Frank's Nursery and Crafts two years ago and I cannot remember the name. Is there a hydrangea (big leaf) that begins with "Van" or "Von". I thought it was a nikko blue but the name seemed to begin with a V. Can you help?


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Using Car Wash Water on Plants?I seen dirty car wash water being used on other dirt but wonder if this could be used on plants to keep bugs off?


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Hummingbird Vine Not Blooming?Hummingbird Vine Not Blooming. I have had a hummingbird vine planted now for 2 years. It has grown to the maximum, but unfortunately it hasn't bloomed in the 2 years I have had it. Do you have any idea why it possibly hasn't bloomed at all since I've had the plant? Do you think I may need to trim it back some?


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Sweet Gum Trees and the Bird Flu Virus?I was interested in the sweet gum tree fruit comments about them being helpful to the bird flu virus, is there anyone we can give the fruit to? Who would I contact?


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Buying a Snipper for Sweet Gum Tree Balls?Where can I purchase Snipper for Sweet Gum tree seed balls on the internet?


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Honeysuckle Bush Shoots?What are the shoots that grow out from a honeysuckle bush this time of year?


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Caring for a Honeysuckle?I just bought a honeysuckle tree. As a child I can remember the wonderful sweet smell of it. Mine does not seem to smell like anything. What is wrong with my tree?


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Sunflower Plants Growing Multiple Flowers Instead or One? The sunflowers grow tall and then the tops of the plant branch off and make several small flowers rather than one big one.


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Cutting Back Sunflowers?I recently planted one of those "flower carpets" and ended up with very tall sunflower plants. I love them, but don't know anything about growing them. Do I cut the plants back at some point, will they come back into bloom every year, etc?


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Potted Asparagus?I live in Hamilton, Ontario and I have potted an asparagus plant. Now they seem to grow like the ornamental with long leaf fronds but it is supposed to be the vegetable.


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How does epsom salt affect plant growth?How does epsom salt affect plant growth?


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Pyrocanthus Roots?Pyrocanthus Roots. What sort of roots does a pyrocanthus have?


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Can you use shredded paper as media to grow plants?Can you use shredded paper as media to grow plants?


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Are coffee grounds safe for succulents?Are coffee grounds safe for succulents?


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Building Grow Lights?How do I build my own grow lights?


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Fast Growing Hedges?I need advice about purchasing cheap hedge type plants that are fast growing for a full sun, dry climate.


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Natural Cleaner For Tropical Plants?Natural Cleaner For Tropical Plants. I am looking for a natural cleaner for tropical plants.


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Controlling Spanish Moss?I need a homemade recipe for spanish moss invader. How can I control it?


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Growing Vines From Potatoes?Can you grow a vine from a white or yukon potato?


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Pink Spreading Plant?I have a spreading planting that I don't know the name, but it turns into a pretty pink carpet. It spreads faster than utility bills! How can I keep controlled besides pulling every single day (almost)?


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Dog Poop in Planting Areas?I read an article you posted about dog poop and gardens. I know dog poop is not good to use, but what if your dog has pooped all winter where you want to plant.


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Rice Water For Plants?Rice Water For Plants. I know you can give potato water to a plants, what about rice water?


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African Tulip Tree Damaging a Brick Wall?African Tulip Tree Damaging a Brick Wall. My neighbor has an African tulip tree that they refuse to take responsibility for, despite repeated requests (by myself) over several years and repeated promises (by them) to do so.


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Removing a Root System?I was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to get rid of and/or prevent further growth of a very strong root system found in my yard. It is found especially under trees. It grows around all plants I try to plant. It is a netting of small, strong roots that hold my plants back from being all they could be.


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Starting a Butterfly Garden?I'm wondering what I would need to start a butterfly garden with, also if anyone would have any seeds or plants to share for this garden.


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Why is there moss in my garden?Why is there moss in my garden?


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Planting a Lilac Near a Sewer Pipe?Can you plant a Lilac tree a few feet away from a old tree trunk? I was hoping to hide the trunk with the tree. The problem is also there is city piping 8 feet away as well. In the past, the Cedar tree roots went to piping for water and affected city sewage.


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Ants In My Worm Farm?I have a worm farm that is being invaded by little black ants. I was wondering if there was a safe way to get rid of the ants without killing the worms.


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Flat Ground Cover?I would like to plant a ground cover that stays flat on the ground so we do not have to cut or mow. I would love to do it once and never again. Actually this is an un-gardening request. Anyone have any ideas?


blooming hen and chicks

Are Hens & Chicks Supposed to Bloom?Are Hens & Chicks supposed to bloom? I've had them for years, but mine have never bloomed before this year.


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Watering a Hibiscus?How much water should be given hibiscus plant?


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Dark Purple Banana Peppers?I have a couple banana peppers that are turning a dark purple, what gives? The peppers appear fine, nice and shiny and growing strong. The stems have some darker stripes running through them. They are sweet bananas.


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Planting a Boston Fern?Has anyone planted a Boston fern, after they have spent the summer on your porch in the ground and had them to come up the next year?


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Apartment Garden?Due to landlord's remodeling, I am going to have a nice new apartment but no more garden or back yard! Recently, I purchased three tomato plants to be planted in two plastic hanging bags. Does anyone have any other ideas about planting in a limited space? I know about the potted plants and I don't know if I'll even have a patio for a raised bed.


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How to Kill Vegetation?I am looking for tips on how to kill vegetation?


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Starting Curly Bamboo Shoots?I have some curly bamboo. How can I start new shoots so I can share it with my girls? Thank you.


Growing a Pine Tree?Does anyone know if a pine tree can be grown from a pine cone? Where are the seeds? Has anyone done this with success? Tips from the ThriftyFun community.


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Map of Gardening Zones?Where can I find the map of which gardening zone you are in?


Giving Sunflower Seeds to Squirrels?I need a way to make something that I can attach to trees to put sunflower seeds in for my squirrels. Anyone have any ideas? Here are answers from the ThriftyFun community. Post your own ideas here.


Is My Tomato Plant a Patio Plant?My daughter gave me this tomato plant and put it on my porch. This plant has gone wild. I have tied it up. It is full of tomatoes and blooms everywhere. The tomatoes just keep coming. Can you tell me if this is a patio plant?


Growing an Asparagus Fern?How do you get asparagus ferns to sprout fronds? I have one that has exactly four fronds. It's been this way for years.


Watering Bamboo Sticks?Do bamboo sticks need to be watered? The "lucky" bamboo plants you find in discount stores and garden centers (and this includes those sold without leaves and labeled sticks) do need to be watered.


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Leaves on Chili Plant Turning Brown?My chili plant was producing lots of healthy flowers and fruits, but now the leaves are turning brown and dying, even the new growth.


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Storing Used Coffee Grounds Until Spring?I have been saving used coffee grounds for the garden. However, we live in the Midwest, so I need to store them until Spring. How do I store them so they don't get moldy?


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