
Growing House PlantsAsk a Question Follow

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What Is This Plant?Please help identify this plant. It grows long stems with spotted leaf. There is usually one or two that grow very tall but then the stem splits and then dies. This process repeats. How do I keep the stems from splitting? I feel like this is a type of lily pad and meant to be in water'.


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Indoor Sunstar Plant?I have a new Sunstar plant and I want to put it in my office at work but I don't have a window in my office. Can my plant survive without sunlight every day?


An African violet in a pot.

African Violet Not Blooming?Repotted my African Violet over a year ago and it has not bloomed since then. How do I get it to bloom again?


A green houseplant in a pot.

Identification of House Plant?Its leaves are unnaturally curly because it is was a plant on the discount rack of a big box store. It came with no tag and there was no other plant like it there to see if another plant like it had a plant tag with name/care.


A flowering houseplant.

Identifying a Houseplant? (Kalanchoe)What is the name of this plant please?


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Orange Sun Star?I have a sun star plant whose leaves yellowed, he has bloomed. How do I prune him for the best care? Or are there any other suggestions? Thank you.


A overgrown plant.

What Is This Plant?I found this neglected plant outside my new house. It was still in a pot. Anyone know what it is? I'm zone 9b, thanks.


A plant in an arrangement.

Identify the Plant in This ArrangementThe woman who used the plant with the purple buds in this Ikebana arrangement doesn't remember the plant's name, and we'd like to know what it is! Can you identify it? (I blocked out another plant up higher in the photo to avoid confusion).


A small green plant with wide leaves.

What Is This Plant?I am wondering what this delightful plant is. A friend of mind gave me a cutting. She had it growing in her bay window. It was trailing with a woody type stem from a pot, and there were clusters of green, like in the picture, spaced out on the woody trailing stalk or stem. The cutting is rooting easily in water, it already has roots after only 1 week from being cut.


A spider plant in a pot.

Spider Plant Drooping and Leaves Getting Yellow?My spider plant leaves are getting yellowish and also drooping. Just bought it 20 days ago. I have also been watering it twice a week, mainly when soil gets dry. Currently, I have kept it in a north direction in main hall. Please suggest how do I get it into proper shape.


A green houseplant in a pot.

Identify this HouseplantI received this plant in one of those houseplant basket gardens. It was a small accent plant. I transplanted it into this bigger pot and it spent the summer outside on my porch. It has very small pink flowers in clusters. Does anyone know the name of this plant?


Insect eggs mixed with dark debris on a deck.

What are These Insect Eggs?I found tons of those eggs in the soil and around the root system of a house plant I was transplanting. What are they?


Leaves on Peace Lily Slow to Unfold - potted peace lily with new growth

Leaves on Peace Lily Slow to Unfold?Since our last move my peace lily has been very finicky. I had it outside under my porch and it wasn't doing good. So I brought it inside and as you can see it has sprouted much new growth. However it is taking the leaves forever to unfold. And some are even browning at the tips. I am going to start misting it in case it may be too dry inside. But is there anything else I should be doing?


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Sun Star Plants Top Heavy and Drooping?I recently bought a sun star plant and the bulbs are top heavy and causing the entire plant to droop. What should I do?


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Caring for an Umbrella Tree?I think I may have killed my umbrella tree by overwatering it. It has totally turned dark. If I leave it will it come back?



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Cleaning Houseplants?Can I use mayonnaise to shine the leaves of houseplants?


Leaves Bending and Drooping on Spider Plant - hanging spider plant

Leaves Bending and Drooping on Spider Plant?I've had this spider plant in my house for a few months. It was doing great! It was super happy in my north facing bedroom in the window, then I moved it into my living room to the west facing window, there's not as much light, but there was still enough. And then I started to notice the leaves are all bending. So I moved it back to my bedroom....


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Caring for an Umbrella Tree?How do I care for an umbrella tree? I found one that is almost a yard tall. Someone left it in my garbage room and it is in great shape. It is root bound and very thirsty. I gave it a nice drink today of my super vitamin water that I make for my cannabis plants (water, banana skins, and avocado shells) that I let sit for days. I figured that I would give it a nice drink before transplanting.


Why Does My Peace Lily Have Bent Leaves? - sort of droopy leaves

Why Does My Peace Lily Have Bent Leaves?My peace lily seems to have healthy leaves, no browning or wilting, but they are all bent. This plant was a gift and they have always been this way. The plant is in an east facing window with early morning bright light and then filtered light all day. What causes this and can I fix it?


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Treating Scales on a Ficus and Other Houseplants?I have the issue of a sticky substance on my indoor ficus and other house plants (scales). I have tried some remedies which don't work. Can you recommend a product or oil to try? The local garden store was not much help.


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Growing Plants in Water?I have a couple of plants in vases, but the water seems to start smelling bad after a few weeks. What can I do or what should I put in the water to prevent this from happening?


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Moving a Spider Plant Outside?When to put a spider outside after winter in NE Arkansas? I am about 1 hour NW of Memphis.


Identifying White Bumps on Fern Stalks

Identifying White Bumps on Fern Stalks?I rescued a fern a few years ago. This year it has sort of skeletal branches with tiny white blobs along the stalks instead of leaves. Is this seed?


Insects Tearing Pothos Leaves - row of holes in leaf

Insects Tearing Pothos Leaves?My pothos plant's leaves are small yet the plant is growing well, but every few leaves has a rip in them. I thought it was the thorns causing them, but now I am finding spiderweb like substance on a few leaves. What insects could be causing this?


Identifying a Houseplant - red leafed houseplant

Identifying a Houseplant?It is not in the best shape, it used to have a long stalk with a flower, but it's a trooper and growing new shoots!


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Identifying an Orange Star Plant?I have an orange star plant, I think! Mine is yellow; is it something else?


Caring for a Kalanchoe Plant

Caring for a Kalanchoe Plant?I rescued a kalanchoe (daigremontiana?) that wasn't doing too well. After repotting and giving it plenty of light, it seems to be doing better on top and getting some new baby leaves. However, the bottom leaves are much thicker, stiffer, and most are broken. Any advice on where to go from here?


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Feeding an Orchid?I have my first orchid, a phaleonopsis. It's full of blooms and I want to know what is a good brand orchid food?


Saving a African Violet Exposed to Cold Temperatures

Saving a African Violet Exposed to Cold Temperatures?My African violet appears to have frozen to some degree after being left in temps of 34 degrees after the electricity went out. Can they be saved?


Growing Dieffenbachia - Dumb Cane - damaged plant

Growing Dieffenbachia - Dumb Cane?One of the dogs in the office chewed on the plant and caused it to completely break off and fall over.



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Caring for African Violets?What living arrangements do African Violets prefer? How long or often do their little purple flowers last or bloom?


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Lucky Bamboo Water Turned Green?I have been growing bamboo in glass containers in my window for about 8 months. The water stayed clear and no fungus or algae occurred. All I ever did was add water or a few drops of plant food. I'm often out of town for a week and it had still been clean and clear. This last time the water had turned green.


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Temperature Range for Orchids?What is the correct temperature to keep my phaelenopsis orchid healthy?


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Damaged Aloe Vera Leaves Turning Brown?I've had my aloe vera for over a year now, but recently I had to do some remodeling to the window it's in and left it on my desk, where my cat promptly bit two of the leaves breaking them open, but not off. Now the leaves have become brown in color and shriveled at the tips where the bites were.


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Houseplants Dying?I can't find any insects in my plants, but something is sucking the life out of them. I do have moths in the house and can't figure out where they are coming from either. My spider plant is all yellow and brown. My hoiya looks like something is urrowing through the leafs.


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Caring for a Sun Star Plant?I have a sun star plant, does anyone if if I can put it outside or do I need to keep it in doors? How I do I care for this kind of plant? I saw it and thought it was pretty.


Saving a Dying Houseplant

Saving a Dying Houseplant?This plant is dying! When I got the plant it seemed to flourish. It almost looked like a tree. Now I have this and it's stagnant.


Getting an Orchid to Rebloom - potted orchid on window sill

Getting an Orchid to Rebloom?I got this orchid last year from Walmart and it was a blue orchid that is called mystique by SV. After the flowers died and the steam died I cut it off at the base. I water it at least once a week and it's never been fertilized. My house is usually about 70 degrees F., all the time.


Repotting an African Violet -small potted violet

Repotting an African Violet?Should I repot my violet in a little bit bigger pot or wait?


Orchid Leaves Turning Brown - orchid in pot

Orchid Leaves Turning Brown?Is my orchid lost? I recently brought it to my house from my mom's. It now has more light and the right amount of water, but the leaves are all turning brown except the green one on top that came in the last 3 months. That leaf is still firm and standing up nice. What can I do or is a lost cause?


orchid plant in pot

Caring for Orchids?I have been feeding them ice cubes. And they seem to like it because their leaves are strong and green. There roots are coming out of the pots. I am afraid to transplant them, because I don't know the type of soil. And I don't want them to die. They also are not flowering.


Purple flowering orchid

Caring for an Orchid?I received this plant as a gift. I don't really do gardening or have much understanding of plants. Can anyone tell me what this plant is called and how I look after it? Would I need to take it out of the box and repot it?



Leaves on Houseplant Turning Brown?The leaves on my plant are turning brown on the ends.


spider plant

Spider Plant Leaves Bending?My spider plant is getting really full and the leaves are bending. Any suggestions? Is there somthing I should be doing differently? Does it need a bigger pot?


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Choosing a Low Light Plant?Does anyone know of a plant the will live in low light? My livingroom has very little light and I love plants.



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Peace Lily Not Blooming?Why won't my peace lily bloom?


dark green leafed plant

What Is This Houseplant?Do you know what this is?


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African Violet Care?Can I use a watering bulb for an African violet? My pot does not have a drainage hole.


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Replanting Prayer Plants?How do you replant and separate prayer plants?


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Growing Indoor/Outdoor Lucky Bamboo?I read the previous answers and I am wondering about transplanting my "lucky bamboo" from its ceramic stone filled 2x5in box to a 5 to 10 gallon smartpot. How large will this plant get and is it worth growing in a 5 gallon or larger pot?


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Pathos Plant Dying?I've had this plant for over a year and a half. All of a sudden, after repotting for the first time, all of its leaves are turning yellow and falling off. Even the green leaves are curling. Today I was inspecting it and noticed some white bugs in the dirt!


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Getting Rid of Gnats on Houseplants?I have had my fiddle leaf plant for several years. How do I get rid of the tiny bugs everywhere?


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Using Leaf Shine?Why can I not use Leaf Shine by Miracle-Gro on hard cactus stalks or leaved ones? What do I use on air plants to make them shine?


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Growing a Prayer Plant?I bought a prayer plant because it reminded me of my mother. Well, I guess I don't have a green thumb when it comes to these plants, the leaves are turning brown and falling off. Could I get some advice on how to take care of it.


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Watering Houseplants With Crab Water?If I water my plants with crab water (crab shells soaked in filtered water) will it make my house smell for a long time? Do I need to boil the shells in the water or just soak them at room temperature?


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Growing Spider Plants?What environment is needed by spider plants?


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Propagating African Violets?I had put a leaf in water, and it grew roots. I planted in perlite, but there are no plantlets coming up. Should I replant it in African violet soil? It has been several months.


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Twisting a Bamboo Stem?How can I twist a straight bamboo stem into a curl or twist? I bought a straight bamboo stem and now I want to make it curly.


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Proper Care of a Money Tree Plant?My boss purchased a money (good luck) plant from Home Depot, but we need to know how "not" to kill the plant.


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Sticky Residue on Money Tree Leaves?I have a money tree. It has a sticky residue on the leaves, and the leaves are turning yellow. What is wrong with the plant?


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Purchasing a Sun Star Plant?Where can this plant be purchased?


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Growing African Violets?How often do African violets bloom?


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Is the Hoya Plant Poisonous?Is the hoya plant and/or flowers poisonous?


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Saving a Climbing Ivy?I have an ivy that I have grown in my bathroom for many years, it had climbed the wall and had great big leaves. My husband accidentally hit the stem with the door. I found the damage when I noticed the leaves seemed wilting.


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Why is My Christmas Cactus Doing This?After many years my Christmas cactus has decided to bloom. This is great, but it is only blooming one flower at a time. One blooms and then it dies.


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Growing Spider Plants?I have plenty of spider plants which have lots of babies on them. I use to keep them in my bay window and in direct sunlight. Do they need a lot of sun?


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Removing Salt Accumulation on Houseplant Soil?How do I get rid of salt accumulation on the top of the soil for my African violets?


Yellow leaves.

Leaves Turning Yellow on Ivy Plant Growing in Water?I've had my indoor ivy plant, which I have grown in water, for a couple of years now without a problem. I trim the roots when they get too long and clean off any algae that may arise from the sunlight.


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Spider Plant is Dying?My spider plant was outside all summer and it was doing great and now I've brought it inside for the winter and it's starting to die. The leaves are turning yellow and brown and falling off. The offspring is also starting to turn yellow. What do I need to do to save my plant?


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Propagating African Violets from a Leaf?How can you grow or reroot an African violet from a stem leaf?


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Overgrown Houseplants?What do you do when the house plant you have grows way big. I have an aloe which has given about 60 babies over last four years that I shared with family and friends. Mama aloe is in 25 gallon container. We live in southwest, Georgia.


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Houseplants for Low Light Area?I absolutely love house plants, but I am now living in a basement apartment with only two small windows at each end and none in my bedroom. Are there any houseplants that would do well with only artificial light from a ceiling fixture?


Plant with dry brown edges on some leaves.

Marantas (Praying Plant) Has Brown Leaves?I have had a nice praying plant for years now, sometimes the edges turn brown while the rest of the plant looks healthy and now it's even growing more spotted leaves, but the older ones still have brown edges.


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Cleaning or Dusting Live Plants?I am looking for a good way to dust, clean my 3 large real plants. I have been using a mild soap, but it seems like it dries out the ends of the greens, and yellows them. Any ideas?


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Watering House Plants?When watering plants, how do I keep from overwatering them?


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Water Drop on End of Peace Lily Bloom?My peace lily had a bloom on it when I got it. The bloom died and I just got another one after 2 years. Tonight I noticed a water drop at the tip of the bloom. It looked like it was crying. What would have caused this?


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Christmas Cactus Wilted?My Christmas cactus is wilted and the leaves are really flat. It got too much water so I transplanted it into fresh dry soil.


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Growing a Celosia Intenz Plant Indoors?I just bought 8 inch Celosia Intenz plant. I live on the east coast and my zone is too cold for it to survive the winter. Can I keep it indoors like a houseplant?


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African Violet Leaves Turning Yellow?My African violet leaves are getting so yellow. It still blooms. This is the white violet. The others are just fine. Why is this?


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Moving Spider Plant Outside in Summer?I live in the midwest where most of the summer it is hot and humid. Can I move my spider plant outside to hang? If so where do I hang it, shade, part shade, sun, where? It is getting so big and has so many babies, I need to move it and would love to hang it on my patio, but I do not want it to die. Please help.


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Repotting a Spider Plant?What is the best way to repot a spider plant? This one is a house plant.


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Growing Magic Beans from Ikea?How to look after magic beans ((black beans) bought from Ikea?


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Wax Begonia Died Suddenly?Have any of you ever had a potted plant that died of jealousy when you brought other potted plants in, within a day? I have this little wax begonia plant that I have in the house. It was thriving and I talked to it all the time and told it how beautiful it was.


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Moving with Houseplants?I am moving to another state in the summer. How can I safely transport my plants?


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Croton Leaves Drying Out?I have a small croton; in summer the leaves were forming normally, but now I can see them sprouting out, but they dry off while they are still so small with no chance to completely form into full leaves.


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Tenting a Houseplant?How do you tent a houseplant?


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Fertilizing Houseplants?I am a lazy gardener and don't know all that much about fertilizing houseplants. I love to have plants in my house and those that continue to be healthy get to stay and those that prove troublesome get set outside to fend for themselves : )


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House Plants that Will Grow in Water?I would like to have a vase on my desk with a plant in water. Which plants will grow this way?


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Propagating a Dieffenbachia Plant?Can I take a cutting from the cane to start a dieffenbachia (dumb cane) plant? or do I have to air layer it? I received this plant when our late son was injured 13 years ago. It has been divided; I have one tall plant left and I need to do something with it.


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Caring for a Croton Plant?I have a croton which is a new plant; it looks healthy and well. My question is why some of the incoming new growth turns dry and falls off before they have the chance to become full leaves?


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Watering African Violets?How often should you water African violets and cactus?


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Growing Orchids?I was given a beautiful orchid plant for my birthday and all the flowers have dropped off of it. Is it dead? Can I do anything to make it bloom again? I feel so sad to have lost this gorgeous plant. It is just the stems in the planter. Thank you.


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Cleaning Your House Plants?I read an article about cleaning your house plants leaves with something special awhile back. Would anybody remember? I usually keep all of the articles, but I have lost this one. Thanks for any feedback!


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Getting Rid of Mushrooms in Houseplant Pots?I have a very tall Norfolk Island pine tree, houseplant, which has yellow mushrooms sprouting up in the potting soil. How can I permanently get rid of them?


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African Violet Growing Long Brown Stems?I have several African violets that are healthy and bloom a great deal. Their heads (made up of leaves and flowers) are very large. They are also outgrowing their pots. Two of the larger plants look like they are growing over the sides of their pots on large stems.


Plant leaf with a white scale.

White Hard Water Stains on Spider Plants?I live in Phoenix and my spider plants just recently started showing what looks like hard water stains on leaves. They are getting the same water as before and I mist every morning or afternoon. They do not get any full sun, being in Arizona it is 108 degrees F. What can I do?


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Remedy for Powdery Mildew on Succulents?I recently noticed that one of my succulent houseplants, a kalanchoe, has powdery mildew on the leaves. I just moved and it is in a new location, but nothing else has changed. How to I treat the leaves? They now have brown spots where I have wiped it off. Thank you for your suggestions.


yellowish leaf with dark green edges

African Violet has Long Slender Two Toned Leaves?I have five African violet plants. Only the two with white flowers had lower leaves that were long and slender, mostly light yellow in the center with a thin edging of dark green, while their newer growth has come in with more normal looking rounded dark green leaves.


Green on green varigated calathea plant leaves with slight browning on the edges

Leaves on Calathea Plant Curling?I have a calathea plant and since I brought it about 2 months ago it produces new leaves, but the leaves curl inside as if they are burned. I keep it in a pot in a lighted environment, not full sun, soil damp, but not soggy, and it's rather cool around 15 - 27 degrees C.


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Jade and Other Succulents Losing Leaves and Turning Yellow?I recently put out my house plants for the season. We've had a lot of rain, but also some cold nights. Do you think that would have made my jade and other succulent plants lose their leaves and turn a pale shade of green, almost yellow? Too much water? How do I save them?


Closeup of straight cut plant leaf

House Plant Leaves Continuing to Turn...I have a few house plants that seemed to look healthy except for brown tips on a few leaves. I made the mistake of cutting the brown tips off and then that turned brown and made it look worse. Is there a way to remove this without removing the whole leaf?


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Choosing the Right Indoor Plants?My living room is long and doesn't have a whole lot of light. I need a few tall plants that are affordable, are low light, and are okay with a little neglect. I'm new to the whole gardening thing, and I need more life in my living room!


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