
Garden Pest ControlAsk a Question Follow

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Disappearing Zucchini Blossoms?What is snapping the flowers off my zucchini plants? We have a 2 ft. fence around it.


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Keeping Squirrels Out of the Garden?How do I get rid of chipmunks and squirrels in my garden, without hurting them?


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Giving Plants a Soapy Water Bath for Insect Control?I have heard that "soapy water" baths are good for plants in order to avoid insects or plant plagues. Is there any truth to this? If not, what can I do when their leaves seem to have been eaten by an insect?


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Saving My Plants from Japanese Beetles?Does anyone know anything that will get rid of Japanese beetles? They are destroying my cherry tree, by eating all of the leaves.


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Keeping Squirrels from Eating Pecans?How do I get rid of pesky squirrels, other than killing them, so I can eat some of my pecans?


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Can I Use Dish Soap to Get Rid of Garden Pests?I heard that you can use a mild mixture of dishsoap and water to spray on your garden plants to prevent bugs. Is this true? My beans are being eaten severely.


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Protecting My Hibiscus Plant From Little Green Worms?I want to know what is eating my hibiscus tree. It is a green worm like insect. It is eating the leaves. I have put soapy warm water on them and it does slow them down. I want to naturally get rid of them. Does anyone have any idea what they are and how can I get rid of them?


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Getting Rid of Aphids on Cabbage?I need a home recipe to get rid of aphids on my cabbage.


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Rabbits and Squirrels Eating Garden Plants?How can you keep rabbits and squirrels from eating your garden plants?


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Controlling Insects in the Vegetable Garden?I am an amateur gardener and I am trying to grow a mixture of vegetables. Over the past three years I have been losing vegetables to all sorts of diseases and I am ready to do battle. I am growing: onions, lettuces, potatoes, peas, strawberries, carrots, ....


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Getting Rid of Pests on Potatoes?How do you get rid of garden pests on potatoes? In the past we would use potato dust, but it is not available anymore. Thanks in advance.


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Getting Rid of Frog in My Yard?Does anyone know how to rid toads/frogs from your garden? They "talk" all night and it is impossible to get a nights rest.


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Keeping Flies Off of Shrubs?How do you keep flies off of shrubbery? It is a green shrub with green and white leaves and sometimes green and yellow leaves.


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Pests are Eating My Pansies?My potted pansies have been doing very well for almost 2 months. Recently they apparently are being eaten by something that I cannot identify.


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Organic Treatment for Plum Curculio Beetles?My fruit trees have insects called curculio that destroy all the fruit when it is about an inch long. The agricultural department says the only thing you can use to kill this long nose insect is serious poisons. Does anyone know of a homemade organic way of getting rid of these little creatures?



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Little Green Worms on Zucchini Leaves?I found little green worms on my Zucchini plants. They are under the leaves. Some of them are in a web like material. How do I get rid of them and keep them from coming back?


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Blue Heron is Eating My Koi?How do I get a blue heron from eating the koi in my pond?


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Aphids on Dill Plants?Aphids are taking over my dill, what do I do?


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Will Vicks on the Fence Keep Raccoons Out?Will using Vicks on top of my fence keep raccoons out?


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How Can I Get Rid of White Flies in the Garden?How do I get rid of white flies? I have them in prodigious numbers every year. I spray with dormant oil every month and I've tried using K-Neem which didn't seem to do anything at all. I also have spider mites on my red bud tree that I spray for, but never get rid of.


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What Is Eating Holes In My Leaves?What could be eating the leaves off my cantaloupes and beets?


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Squirrels Digging in My Plants?What can I purchase to stop squirrels from digging up all of my plants? I need the name of a product and where it can be purchased. Thank you.


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Ants Are Eating My Sunflowers?I have little black ants eating my sunflowers. What do I do?


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Swarms of Small Black Bugs ?I live in southeastern NC and lately the outdoors has been overrun with small black mosquito-like bugs. They come around in a swarm.


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Pet Safe Slug Treatment?I am looking for a slug treatment that won't harm cats and dogs.


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Squirrel Eating Tree Bark?I have a problem with squirrels eating the bark on our red bud tree. Does anyone know where I can buy a tree baffle or how to make one? I have a baffle on our bird feeder, but that is too small for a tree.


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Aphids on Milkweed Plants in Butterfly Garden?I read the answer re: milkweed for butterflies. I have a much harder time trying to grow them, from seed-starting, to trying to keep the sucking aphids off every day. Your other grower stated he had grown "tons" of milkweed in Spring Hill, FL.


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Fig Tree Has Worms?My fig tree looks like it has worms. What can I do to treat it?


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Ants Eating My Roses?The ants are eating my roses and it's leaves. I sprayed the leaves, but the spray is harmful to the leaves, too. A friend told me to wrap a plastic bag around the base of the plant, but the ants just crawl over that, too. Any suggestions?


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Grey Beetles on Zucchini Plants?My zucchini plants die just as they start to blossom. Later in the season they are covered with a gray beetle. What can be done without using pesticides?




What is This Insect?I am a complete novice learning about home vegetable gardening, mostly by trial and error. I need some help. Can you help me identify the pest in the attached photos? It is killing my zucchini and has already killed our banana peppers. I don't know what will fall next.


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Getting Rid Of Spider Mites?I would like information for how to get rid of spider mites naturally on my houseplants.


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Something Eating My Hibiscus?Varmints are digging into the mulch we spread around Hibiscus and Hydrangea plants. They are digging into the top and the side and looks like they are eating stems and maybe even bulbs.


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Lizards Eating Melon Blossoms?How can I keep lizards from eating watermelon and cantaloupe blossoms?


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Something is Eating My Swiss Chard?My young chard plants have holes in the leaves, about 1/4 inch in diameter. Could it be cutworms? Ho do I prevent them?


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Soap Solution for Flies on Grape Vines?We have small flies on our grape leaves. We have about 1/3 of an acre and so far about 5 plants are infected. Can you recommend a soap mixture that would get rid of the flies and not hurt the grapes?


Tomato Hornworms?Thanks in advance to any advice. I have been growing tomatoes starting in March of 09, the problem I have is horn worms. My question is: How do I protect my plants from this cruel act of nature?


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Flies Attacking Crepe Myrtles?I have Crepe Myrtles on both sides of my front porch entrance. During the summer, these are normally plagued by Japanese beetles feasting on their leaves. This year, however, there are almost no beetles.


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Voles in the Garden?How do I keep a voles out of the garden?


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Dish Soap for Aphids?I have aphids on my roses and want to know the soap to water ratio for mix.


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Brown Bugs Eating My Flowers?I have these strange bugs attacking my flowers petunias, marigolds, etc. They are like a large ladybug, only brown rather than orange. They fly when disturbed.


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Cats Using Flower Garden as a Litter Box?Please help, my neighbour's cat is using my garden as a litter box. I've cleaned it once but the cat returned. If I put moth balls out will this keep the cat out or will the cat eat them?


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Worms Eating Tomatoes?What are those short, fat, gray worms eating my tomatoes? How do I get rid of them?


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Rodents Eating My Tomatoes?We have a tomato plant on our deck, hanging in an upside down plant hanger. Something has been ravaging it during the night. The leaves are curled and some are chewed with holes. Some are missing altogether.


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Getting Rid of Bugs on Pumpkin Plants?I have bugs on my Pumpkin plants.



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Getting Rid of Aphids on a Hibiscus?Is using soapy water on Hibiscus aphids as effective as purchasing a


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Birds Eating Tomato Plants?Birds are eating our tomatoes before they ripen, we have net over the plants, but no help. Is there something else we can do?


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Homemade Garden Insecticide?I am looking for insecticide recipes.


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Holes in Leaves of Basil and Pepper Plants?I have bugs on Basil and Pepper plants. There are lots of little holes on both plants.


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Preventing a Dog from Peeing on Plants?How can I keep my dogs from urinating on my flowers and bushes?


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How To Keep Deer and Rabbits From Eating Your Plants?I am having problems with either rabbits or deer eating my Monkey Grass. I have tried a commercial spray that stinks. Does anyone have a "home" remedy?


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Something is Eating the Leaves on Canna Lilies?I have a few canna lily plants. They are developing holes in the leaves. What type of bug would do this? How do I find the bug, and how do I remove them?


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Worms Eating Cherry Tree Leaves?What are the little worms eating leaves on my flowering cherry tree - they also hang from the branches?


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Zinnias Being Eaten?I just planted my Zinnias and something is eating them, the flowers, leaves, everything. What could it be? Thank you.


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Bugs on Topsy-Turvy Plant?I have a topsy-turvy plant that is about 18 to 20 inches long. It is having a problem with bugs. The leaves are getting eaten by a very small worm-like bug inside of the leaves. It seems healthy anyway but a lot of the leaves have this in them. What can I do?


Palm With Scale?I think I have an Africa palm, which I re-potted after 3 or 4 years (about 3-4 yrs. ago). I keep it on my front porch where it gets no direct sunlight, and in the winter I keep it in a spare shower, also diffused light. How did it get scale, and how do I get rid of it?


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Bugs on Red Tip Tree?How do I get rid of the little "blister" looking bugs on my red tip tree?


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Where Can I Buy Diatomaceous Earth?Where can I buy fresh water food grade diatomaceous earth in Houston TX Area? I want to use it as a wormer for my horses and dogs. Thanks.


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Bugs on Plants That Were Brought Inside?I have brought plants inside for the winter and have little tiny brownish colored bugs all over a new sprout. They fall from the windowsill to the counter and they are getting really aggravating. I have tried wiping them off with a wet paper towel but they just come back. I have also tried spraying them and the whole plant with a mixture of water/dawn dish liquid. Any suggestions?


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Pests Eating a Sweet Potato Plant?I have a sweet potato plant that something is eating on, it has little holes. I looked to see if I could find what was eating the leaves but did not see anything. This is a border plant or used for hanging baskets.


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Flying Bugs on Miniature Rose Bush?I have a miniature rose bush with flying bugs everywhere. I have it isolated in the bathroom and have been spraying it with soapy water. Any suggestions on killing the flying bugs?


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Getting Rid Of Insects In Locust Trees?I have 2 locust trees around 20 years old in my yard. I have had them trimmed twice as they are quite large. I am noticing that there are a lot of dead branches now on both trees. I am assuming some insect or fungus is attacking them causing foliage to cease and limbs to dry out.


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Something Is Eating My Garden!First of all, I lost my enire garden to the severe hail we experienced. I have babied back what plants I could salvage and have been very protective of them. I was able to produce 1 pumpkin that I have promised to my granddaughter, but when I went to check on garden this morning something has eaten the whole side of it off.


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Natural Slug Repellent?I want a natural slug repellent that doesn't kill the slugs, but just deters them. I don't want the bad karma of killing them just because they're hungry.


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Ants on a Trumpet Vine?My yellow trumpet vine had a lot of black ants this summer. Is that normal? I never noticed this other summers. They were so many that a few came into the house. If ants are normal, can I spray something on the ants, or will I kill the plant?


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Bugs Feeding on My Hibiscus?Some type of bug is chewing big holes in the leaves of my hibiscus plants. I have seen a few white flies, but I don't think that they are the culprit. This morning I saw the bug but have no idea what it is. It looks like a tiny mosquito. It has wings and maybe a green or yellow middle section. They fly very fast and about 5 to 10 were on some of the leaves. Please help. Thanks!


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Getting Rid Of Gnats In Garden?I have tons of gnats in my garden. I have used the soap pesticide to no avail. Please help, I have tomatoes, peppers, flowering plants these are all in pots on my patio.


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Keeping Spider Mites Off a Lemon Tree?I have a lemon tree that was started from a seed 54 years ago. I keep it in the sun room of my house. This winter it got spider mites and nearly killed the tree. How can I keep it safe from the mites? What can I use to kill the mites indoors?


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Keeping Ants Off a Snowball Bush?Will soap and water spray help keep small ants from eating new leaves on a snowball bush? Anything else to try?


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Lizards Are Eating Kalanchoe Plants?I have several beautiful kalanchoe plants in a planter and the lizards have discovered them. At the rate they are eating the leaves the plants will die. I am looking for a solution to the problem. Does anyone know of a way to get rid of the lizards?


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What is this bug? (Japanese Beetle)What bug that looks like a small black fly with a red underside eats hibiscus plants? What kills them?


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Baby Shampoo Pest Spray?What is the recipe for Baby Shampoo Pest Spray, it's a non-chemical pest control. I have small aphid looking bugs on my broccoli plants.


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Small Green Worms On Plant Leaves?This evening while checking my garden, and dead heading the flowers and removing dead leaves from plants, I noticed two small green worms on my rose bush. My vegetables, plants, and flowers all have leaves with yellow on the edges. I have had it planted for about two weeks now. Some of the bottom leaves on the rose bush have small holes on them as if something is eating them. What are the worms and what can I do to help promote the health of my plants without removing and starting over? HELP


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Getting Rid Of Bugs On Tomato Plant?I would like to know how to get rid of stink bugs and these red and black bugs on my tomato plants without using a lot of chemicals


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Homemade Product Similar To "Garlic Barrier"?Can someone please tell me how to make a spray for my gardening plants that is similar to Garlic Barrier? It is too expensive and I would like to make my own at home. It is a strong liquid garlic extract that mixes with water to keep insects off all vegetable garden plants as well as garden flowers. It is safe to use around pets and children. I would so appreciate your help on this as bugs are coming fast and I want to save my plants. Thank you ahead of time.


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Pests Eating Leaves of Hybiscus?What can we do to prevent leaves of my Hybiscus from being eaten by unknown pests? I am first time user and amazed by the information I can send to resolve my problem. Right now I don't have a picture but will take one after I submit this question.


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Dealing With Ant Hills?How can I get rid of ant hills naturally?


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Groundhogs Eating Roses?How do I keep deer and groundhogs from eating my roses?


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Whiteflys on Indoor Plants?Please tell me how to get rid of whitefly on my indoor plants like fine herbs: basil, tomatoes, sage, mint etc.


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Getting Rid of Underground Bumble Bee Nest?How should I go about getting rid of a bumble bee nest in the ground? They take offense at our mowing the lawn. I've heard those nests can get very large under ground if left alone.


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Natural Bug Sprays?Do you have any natural bug spray recipes to share? Please submit them here.


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Ridding Lawn of Ant Hills?Any ideas on how to get rid of ant hills in the lawn? This year my Mom and I both have really bumpy lawns, and we both seem to have been overrun with ants. I would like to be as natural as possible. I have tried hot water but they just seemed to come back.


Bugs And Worms Eating Pumpkins?How do I keep bugs and worms from eating my pumpkins?


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Removing Grubs in Lawn?I think I am in Zone 5-6, I think I have grubs in the lawn and want to treat them. It is August 3 and I am confused from all the articles I read can you please help me.


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Worms Eating My Sunflowers?I am a true novice at gardening, but I planted some sunflowers along my fence (in full sun) and they were really thriving but now there are furry black worms eating the leaves and they are all dying.


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Keep Tomato Hornworms Off Your Tomatoes?How do I get rid of tomato worms?


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Blister Beetles on Tomato Plants?For the second year we are having a problem with blister beetles on our tomato plants. Last year they were pretty much confined to the tomatoes and we treated with pesticides. This year they seem to have spread. I just saw them on plants on the other side of the house.


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Ants in My Garden?How do I get ants out of my garden?


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Planting After Using Ant Poison?I have a very large ant hill (approx 3' wide by 2'deep and quite high) in perennial plant area of my garden. I have sprayed poison and have dusted the area with ant poison. Do I have to wait for the ants to die or move before planting in the ant mound with new perennials? Will


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Larva In An Oak Tree?We've recently discovered a hole in our oak tree, which has some liquid in the bottom, and is lined with long, brown slimy bugs that resemble centipedes somewhat. There is also a blobbish orange thing I'm assuming is a larva.


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Keeping Pet Chickens and Ducks from Eating Vegetables?I have a client I work for who has chickens, hens, roosters and ducks. She has also planted a garden and the animals are eating/ruining her tomato plants. Is there a way for her to keep them away from her garden, short of keeping them cooped up?


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Getting Rid of Tobacco Worms?How do get I get rid of tobacco worms?


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Bugs Eating Herbs?How do I keep those yucky green bugs and other bugs from chomping away at my beautiful spearmint, mentha and basil plants?


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Keep Groundhogs From Eating Sunflowers?How do I keep groundhogs from eating my sunflowers?


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Ants on My Strawberry Plants?How do I get rid of ants? I wish to get rid of the ants outside before they find the way inside. I really hate them on my strawberry plants. The plants are right next to the sidewalk and deck and the little fellas/gals are coming closer and closer to the door way.


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Iguanas Eating Tree Leaves?What can be used to stop iguana from eating leaves of my young fruit trees?


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Birds Eating My Marigolds?Every year I plant marigolds around my vegetable garden. This year the birds have eaten the flowers off the plants just before they fully bloom. We have a fairly dry spring this year. The years before they have consumed only a few flowers, not all of them.


What bug is eating my plants?What can I do to keep rabbits and bugs away from watermelons, cucumbers and muskmelon? And what kind of bug is eating my plants?


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Red Bugs Eating My Lilies?My Stargazer lilies are beginning to come up but already those red bugs are attacking them. They ate all of the foliage last year. Whenever I see them I knock them off the plant but they are right back on there the next time I walk by.


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Gypsy Moth Caterpillars?Does anyone know of a good "GREEN" solution for those horrible Gypsy Moth Caterpillars? They are eating my petunias and other flowers, last year they ate all my petunias.


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Using Herbs to Repel Slugs and Snails?Someone suggested I put strong smelling herbs at the base of my plants to ward off the slug/snail attack. How should I hold them in place? We get wind and driving rain.


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Where do hedgeapples grow in Nebraska? Where do hedgeapples grow in Nebraska? My daughter and I scavenged a bunch in Kansas at a rest stop but they are getting old. They really work for spiders and other critters.


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Bugs Eating My Collards?Several unidentifiable 'somethings' were crawling up the stems of my collards and there were a number of holes in the leaves. I made sure the leaves weren't touching the ground. What to do now?


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Boll Weevils on My Rose of Sharon?How do I get rid of boll weevils that are attacking my rose of sharon?


Protect Your Plants from Slugs?Slugs thrive west of the Cascades Mountains in the Pacific Northwest. Damaged plants are marked by slime trails and irregular-shaped holes with smooth edges.


Moles in the Garden?Have a problem with moles in your yard or garden? Here are some tips for removing the pests from the ThriftyFun community.


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Bugs on Geisha Girl Plants?I have 2 geisha girl plants that seem to have got what looks like tiny black bugs on its leaves. How do i get rid of them and will it spread to other plants?


Keep Cats Out Of Planters?To help keep cats out of flower boxes between blooms, save small rose branch cuttings and stick them in the box soil straight up.


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