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Easy Tree Limb Clean Up - off they go

Easy Tree Limb Clean UpI decided to do a little tree trimming in my yard and once I got finished I had a whole lot of limbs in several areas of my yard. It was going to take several trips to get them all moved to my dump pile. In the past I would have dragged a handful of limbs (all that I could get in one hand) to my dump site.


Lilac blossoms on an overgrown bush.

Pruning and Rejuvenating Overgrown LilacsCareful pruning can, not only keep your lilac well shaped and of a size that fits your space, but it can also encourage new growth and blooming. This is a page about pruning and rejuvenating overgrown lilacs.


A lilac bush being pruned at flowering time.

Revitalize Your Flowering Shrubs Through PruningProper pruning of your flowering shrubs can not only keep the plant tidy and well shaped it can also improve the flowering energy of the shrub. This is a page about how to revitalize your flowering shrubs through pruning.


Pruning a tree

Pruning Times: What and When to PruneProper pruning is a good way to help your trees and shrubs stay healthy and strong. This page is about pruning times: what and when to prune.


Pruning a Crepe Myrtle Tree

Pruning a Crepe Myrtle TreeThis page is about pruning a crepe mrytle tree. Unless damaged by frost, a crepe myrtle generally doesn't require much pruning.


man pruning shrub

Revitalize Your Flowering Shrubs Through PruningWithout maintenance, most flowering shrubs eventually get overgrown and leggy or they start to lose their flower power. As tempting as it is to yank them out and start over - don't do it! Many can be revitalized with a couple of cost saving pruning techniques.


Pruning Your Evergreens

Pruning Your EvergreensMost evergreens need little or no pruning to grow their best, but occasionally dead or damaged branches need to be removed, growth becomes excessive, or trees grow out of their natural form. In these cases, it pays to know when and how to prune your evergreens.


Pruning Sheers

Gardening Pruning Primer: What and...Knowing what and when to prune is essential to maintaining a healthy and aesthetically pleasing garden. Here are some general guidelines on what to prune and when to prune it.


When Should We Trim Our Japanese Maple?We have a 30 year old beautiful Japanese Red Maple tree in our front yard that is getting way too tall and wide. It is getting near wires and hitting the house. When is the best time to cut it back and give it a good trim and shaping? Thanks.


Pruning Hydrangeas

Pruning HydrangeasAdvice on how and when to prune hydrangeas from the ThriftyFun community.


Late Winter Pruning

Late Winter PruningProper pruning is a good way to help your plants and shrubs stay healthy while preparing them for budding. It's best to prune shrubs that bloom in the summer and fall in the late winter or early spring prior to bud development.


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