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Avocado Plant leaves on white

Pruning an Avocado PlantKeeping the height of a potted avocado tree under control requires careful pruning to increase fullness and reduce overall height. This is a page about pruning an avocado plant.


A huckleberry bush with berries.

Pruning Huckleberry Plants?Evergreen huckleberry plants may not require pruning, but if you want to encourage growth and increase berry production, the best time to prune is late winter or early spring. Learn more about pruning your huckleberry below.


Shaping a Weeping Pussy Willow Tree - tree in pot inside

Shaping a Weeping Pussy Willow Tree?When pruning a weeping pussy willow tree, use garden pruning shears. They are a member of the group of plants that can best be defined as those that, you prune after they bloom. This pruning cycle ensures that you don't cut off the new grow that will produce the fuzzy catkins the following spring. This page offers ideas for shaping a weeping pussy willow tree.


Maintenance Pruning For Wisteria Standard - standard wisteria

Pruning a Wisteria StandardWisteria are often pruned to a standard tree shape instead of being allowed to vine. This is a page about pruning a wisteria standard.


Woman with curly red hair trimming a Japanese Maple Tree.

When Should We Trim Our Japanese Maple?Late fall or early spring are generally considered the best times to prune these trees; when the sap is down. Fall is probably preferable. Leaf drop is usually indicative of a good time in the fall. This is a page about, "When should we trim our Japanese maple?".


Woman in green dress deadheading a rose.

Pinching Off Dead BloomsMany flowering plants will continue to flower if you remove spent blossoms. This page is about pinching off dead blooms.


Gloved hands pruning a shrub.

Pruning ShrubsMost books describe pruning as an art. Depending on the type of shrub, you will be shaping the plant or encouraging blooming. This is a page about pruning shrubs (pdf).


A blooming lilac bush.

Pruning a Lilac BushAs with many flowering shrubs the best time to prune a lilac is right after they finish flowering. This is a page about pruning a lilac bush.


Lilac blossoms on an overgrown bush.

Pruning and Rejuvenating Overgrown LilacsCareful pruning can, not only keep your lilac well shaped and of a size that fits your space, but it can also encourage new growth and blooming. This is a page about pruning and rejuvenating overgrown lilacs.


A lilac bush being pruned at flowering time.

Revitalize Your Flowering Shrubs Through PruningProper pruning of your flowering shrubs can not only keep the plant tidy and well shaped it can also improve the flowering energy of the shrub. This is a page about how to revitalize your flowering shrubs through pruning.


Two hummingbirds visiting the blooms of a hummingbird vine

Pruning a Hummingbird VineThis is a page about pruning a hummingbird vine. A variety of perennial vines invite hummingbirds to visit their flowers, and need to be pruned back before their next growing season.


Hand deadheading hibiscus blossoms from a mature plant.

Pruning a HibiscusThis is a page about pruning a hibiscus. Knowing the best time to prune your flowering shrubs can not only improve their shape, but will not disrupt their blooming.


Man holding pruning sheers surrounded by cherry trees in bloom

Pruning Cherry Trees?This is a page about pruning cherry trees. Pruning your fruit trees is important for their health and fruit production.


Blooming Spirea

Pruning Spirea?This is a page about pruning spirea. Pruning spirea is actually fairly easy to do, whether you are pruning for shape or to rejuvenate a mature plant.


Blue Spruce Tree Branches

Pruning a Blue Spruce Tree?This is a page about pruning a blue spruce tree. Keep your blue spruce tree looking beautiful in every season with proper pruning.



Dracaena Tree

Pruning a Dracaena or Dragon Tree?This is a page about pruning a dracaena or dragon tree. These easy to grow large succulents are a favorite houseplant. Proper pruning can help create the grow patterns you want.


An older man trimming a bush with garden shears.

Cleaning Up After Trimming BushesThis page is about cleaning up after trimming bushes. Keeping your shrub prunings controlled can make tidying up faster and much easier.


Topiary Landscaping

Topiary Landscaping IdeasThis is a page about topiary landscaping ideas. Topiary is the practice of creating artful designs with plants, particularly those typically used for hedges.


Forsythia Hedge

Pruning a Forsythia Hedge?This page is about pruning a forsythia hedge. A hardy, perennial shrub that with proper pruning produces an abundance of yellow flowers in the spring.


Frangipani Tree with pink blossoms.

Pruning a Frangipani Tree?This page is about pruning a frangipani tree. The beautiful frangipani (plumeria) also known as the Lei flower, is native to warm tropical areas of the Pacific, especially Hawaii.


Pear Tree

Pruning a Pear TreeThis is a page about pruning a pear tree. Proper pruning requires a thoughtful approach and the right timing.


Pruning a tree

Pruning Times: What and When to PruneProper pruning is a good way to help your trees and shrubs stay healthy and strong. This page is about pruning times: what and when to prune.


Pruning a Rhododendron

Pruning a Rhododendron?This is a page about pruning a rhododendron. Like many flowering shrubs, care must be taken when pruning a rhododendron so as not to remove next season's buds.


Pruning Hydrangeas

Pruning HydrangeasThis is a page about pruning hydrangeas. As with many plants timing is important when pruning, especially with flowering plants.


Pruning A Tree

Pruning A TreeThis is a page about pruning a tree. Pruning your trees is a recurring garden task; doing it well will maintain the health and beauty of your trees.


Pruning a Crepe Myrtle Tree

Pruning a Crepe Myrtle TreeThis page is about pruning a crepe mrytle tree. Unless damaged by frost, a crepe myrtle generally doesn't require much pruning.


Pruning a Hedge

Pruning a HedgeThis is a page about pruning a hedge. Properly pruning your hedge will ensure a pleasing shape and allow for blooming on flowering shrubs.


Large Purple Clematis Flower

Pruning a ClematisThis is a page about pruning a clematis. The clematis is a superb floral addition to your yard. With it's bright large flowers and hearty vine like growth, this flower is as much fin to grow as it is to admire.


A butterfly on a lilac bush.

Best Time to Prune Flowering ShrubsThis is a page about the best time to prune flowering shrubs. Flowering shrubs like azaleas, lilacs, butterfly bush, hydrangea, and many more can provide beauty for years to come, but look best if they are pruned at the right time.


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