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A field of yellow buttercups.

Wild Buttercup Photos and InformationThe wild buttercup is a member of the ranunculus genus. There are several different varieties, often with yellow flowers. They all typically contain, acrid protoanemonin glycoside oil to some extent. Thus they are listed as poisonous. There are some known pharmacological uses. They are considered an invasive weed in gardens.


A grassy fenceline with no discernible plants.

Weeding Along a FenceWeeding along a fence line can present its own problems, as the fence can make it difficult to remove the weeds. This page contains a suggestion for preparing your planting area with future weeding in mind.



Getting Rid Of Honeysuckle Without Chemicals?Eradicate this invasive plant without using Roundup or other harsh chemical herbicides. This is a page about getting rid of honeysuckle without chemicals.


Caution Poison Ivy sign surrounded by growing Toxicodendron radicans.

Identifying Poison IvyIf you do a lot of gardening, camping, or hiking it is well worth the time to become familiar with the appearance of poison ivy, to better avoid contact. This is a page about identifying poison ivy.


Four leaf clovers growing outside.

Four Leaf Clover Photos and InformationAlthough clover usually has only three leaves, you can often find clovers with four or even five leaves. These are considered lucky and are often confused with the three lobed Irish shamrock. This page contains four leaf clover photos and information.


Flowering Chickweed

How Do I Get Rid of Chickweed in the Lawn?Getting rid of and preventing the re-invasion of your lawn by chickweed requires not only an herbicide, but also the maintenance of a thick healthy lawn. Or you can simply eat it away. This is a page about, "How do I get rid of chickweed in the lawn?".


Velvetleaf Weeds in an Iowa Cornfield.

What is This Plant? VelvetleafThe velvetleaf plant, a native of Eastern Europe, Asia, and north Africa, is a noxious annual that reproduces from seed. The plant can reach 3 - 8 feet and produces one yellow to yellow orange flower per solitary stalk. It outcompetes for resources with surrounding plants. This is a page about, "What is this plant?" Velvetleaf.


Mallow flowers and leaves on white background

Getting Rid of Mallow Weeds?Part of the same family as okra, cotton, and hibiscus, the common mallow can be very invasive in gardens and lawns. Because of its deep tap root and spreading growth habit it can be a challenge to eradicate. This is a page about getting rid of mallow weeds.


Giant Ragweed plants

What is This Plant? Giant RagweedThis north american annual from the sunflower family, is considered a noxious weed and an allergen. This is a page about what is this plant? (giant ragweed).


Bush surrounded by rocks.

Getting Grass out of Landscaping Rocks?This is a page about getting grass out of landscaping rocks. Pulling by hand is the best way to remove grass or weeds from between rocks if there are other plants nearby that you don't wish to damage or kill. Boiling water or vinegar are used by some gardeners taking care to protect surrounding plants.


Dandelions in Grass

More Dandelions Than LawnDandelions are an invasive species that is notorious for taking over unhealthy lawns. There are several ways to reduce or eradicate them from your lawn. This is a page about remedy for more dandelions than lawn.


Steam Above Pot

Killing Weeds with SteamOne alternative to using herbicides to get rid of weeds in your lawn and other areas is to use steam. There are several products on the market to choose from. This is a page about killing weeds with steam.


Poison Oak

Killing Poison Oak Without Damaging SoilWhen trying to eradicate noxious weeds and vines, it may require special methods or products to do this without contaminating the soil. This is a page about killing poison oak without damaging the soil.


Moss and weeds growing between pavers.

Keeping Weeds From Growing Between Pavers?Weeds can easily take hold in the cracks between paving stones. This is a page about keeping weeds from growing between pavers.


A house with a nice lawn and attractive landscaping.

Stickers Growing in the Grass?Depending on the offending plant there are some ways to rid your grass of these painful seed pods. Hand weeding may be your best choice, but herbicides are an option. This is a page about stickers growing in the grass.



Rock Ground Cover

Killing Grass in Rock Ground CoverLandscaping done with rocks can be quite attractive especially for xeriscape gardens. However, having grass come up in your gravel is not attractive. This is a page about killing grass in rock ground cover.


Tea Kettle Boiling on Stove

Killing Weeds With Hot Water?This method of non herbicide weed control has become popular. Be aware that it can damage shallow rooted flowers near by and kill beneficial mico-organisms in the soil. It is also not effective on all weeds. This is a page about killing weeds with hot water.


A bunch of foxtails in lawn.

Getting Rid of Foxtails in My Lawn?The most effective way to get rid of foxtails in a lawn is to pull by hand. This is a page about getting rid of foxtails in my lawn.


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Using Homemade Weed Killer?I have read about using a mixture of vinegar, salt, and Dawn dish soap to kill weeds. Is this mixture safe to use around trees or raspberry canes?


Boy and girl laughing and playing next to a tree trunk surrounded by tall weed-type grass

Killing Grass Around a Tree?This is a page about killing grass around a tree. Getting rid of grass at the base of a tree can frustrating and tricky.


Killing Grass and Weeds

Killing Grass and WeedsThis is a page about killing grass and weeds. Grass is sometimes the weed that you need to kill in order to create a planting area or to add landscape rock or a path.


Hands using a weeding tool to remove crab grass from lawn

Organic Solutions for CrabgrassThis is a page about organic solutions for crabgrass. Crabgrass can invade your lawn and quickly take over.


Patchy Bermuda grass

Getting Rid of Bermuda GrassThis is a page about getting rid of bermuda grass. Bermuda grass is a popular choice for lawns in hot areas. Because it is very a very durable grass type it is very difficult to get rid of.


Monkey Grass (Liriope) plant

Getting Rid of Monkey GrassThis is a page about getting rid of monkey grass. Monkey grass is a common name for liriope a grass like plant native to parts of Asia. The spreading type of this plant can become invasive and is difficult to get rid of.


Grass up against a flower bed

Keeping Grass From Growing in a Flower...This is a page about keeping grass from growing in a flower bed. Weed grass seeds can be carried by the wind, birds or be already in your soil ready to sprout when they get water.


Wild Onion plant in bloom

Getting Rid Of Wild OnionsUnless you are willing to eat them out of existence in your yard and garden, getting rid of wild onions can seem hopeless. This is a page about getting rid of wild onions.


Gloved hand using a spray bottle to spray a week growing in a driveway crack

Using Bleach as a Weed Killer?Some homeowners prefer to use household products to get rid of weeds, rather than buy a commercial weed killer. This is a page about using bleach as a weed killer.


Salt and Vinegar Weed Killer Recipe

Salt and Vinegar Weed Killer RecipeYou can mix up a homemade weed killer solution using salt and vinegar. This page contains a salt and vinegar weed killer recipe.


Hand spraying a dandelion in a lawn with a spray bottle

Natural Weed KillersThis is a page about natural weed killers. There are some natural alternatives to using commercial weed killers.


Hand spraying weed killer onto a largenweed that is in a perfect grass lawn

Weed Killer that Won't Kill GrassOnly certain formulations of weed killers will work to kill weeds but not your lawn. This is a page about weed killer that won't kill grass.



Wild Violets growing soil

Getting Rid of Wild VioletsThis is a page about getting rid of wild violets. People either love or hate wild violets in their yard and gardens.



Bermudagrass InformationThis is a page about bermudagrass information. Varieties of bermudagrass (wire grass) have become a noxious weed in some areas where it has been introduced. It has the ability to thrive under almost any conditions.


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Getting Rid of Cockle Burs?How do I rid my yard of cockle burs?


common or stinging nettle

What is This Weed?This is a page about "What is this weed?". When you want to identify a plant, you may want to ask others who know. Not all plants that are growing where you don't expect them are weeds.


Johnson Grass

Getting Rid of Johnson Grass?This is a page about getting rid of Johnson grass. Johnson grass is a tall invasive perennial grass that is difficult to eradicate.


rock salt next to grinder and pile of coarsely ground salt

Getting Rid of Weeds with Salt?This is a page about getting rid of weeds with salt. Before you use salt to get rid of weeds do some research to make sure that it is the best solution for your situation.


Medicago lupulina (Black medick)

Getting Rid of Black Medic Weed?This is a page about getting rid of black medic weed. Black medic weed is a small clover like nitrogen fixing summer annual that can appear in lawns.


Growing Asparagus

Controlling Weeds When Growing Asparagus?This is a page about controlling weeds when growing asparagus. Keeping the weeds from taking over your asparagus bed is important so the tender spears can thrive.



Killing Weeds With VinegarA common kitchen product that can be helpful to kill unwanted plants, but you need to be careful around plants you want to keep. This is a page about killing weeds with vinegar.



Getting Rid Of Buckthorn OrganicallyThis is a page about getting rid of buckthorn organically. When buckthorn is invading your yard, getting rid of it without chemicals won't be easy, but it can be done.


Picking Blackberries

Killing Weeds in a Blackberry Patch?This is a page about killing weeds in a blackberry patch. Blackberry patches are quite forgiving, but without at least a little attention even the best cared for blackberry patch can become a thick brambly patch full of weeds that are nearly impossible to get at.


Several garden tools.

Environmentally Friendly Ways to Get Rid of Grass?This page is about environmentally friendly ways to get rid of grass. Sometimes there are areas that you no longer need grass and want to safely remove it.


A nicely planted organic vegetable garden.

Preventing Weeds When Planting Your GardenThis is a page about preventing weeds when planting your garden. When planting a new garden, keeping the weeds out can be frustrating. Luckily there are some easy ways to prevent weeds taking a hold.


Goat Head Fruit

Getting Rid Of Goat Heads (Tribulus terrestris)This is a page about getting rid of goat heads (Tribulus terrestris). The seed heads of the Tribulus terrestris are the primary reason most homeowners want to get rid of this spreading weed. When dry they are painful if stepped on and can puncture a bike tire.


Weeds Between Pavers

Removing Weeds Between PaversIf weeds are growing between your pavers, they are not only unattractive but can be difficult to eradicate. This is a page about removing weeds between pavers.



weed sprayer

Protecting Plants When Spraying for WeedsThis is a page about protecting plants when spraying for weeds. Choosing the proper herbicide and application method is a good start toward protecting your plants.


A woman weeding in her garden.

Weeding Tips and TricksThis is a page about weeding tips and tricks. Hand weeding is generally preferred in garden areas to prevent harming the other plants. A few simple tips can help with both weeding and reducing the growth of weeds in your garden.


Sumac Bushes

Getting Rid of Sumac Bushes?This is a page about getting rid of sumac bushes. Like other poisonous plants sumac can cause a reaction on your skin when you come in contact with it. This means that when preparing to rid your yard of this plant you will want to take precautions.


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Getting Rid of Lovegrass?This is a page about getting rid of lovegrass. A native of South Africa this perennial grass has become very invasive in the Australia where it is seen as a weed due to its low livestock feed quality.


Canadian Thistle

Getting Rid of Canadian ThistleThis is a page about getting rid of Canadian thistle. This invasive weed is common in North America and very difficult to get rid of.


Dollar Weed

Getting Rid of Dollar Weed (Pennywort)?Dollar weed or pennywort is a perennial weed that thrives in a moist environment. It can become quite invasive due to its creeping underground stems. This is a page about getting rid of dollar weed.


Clumps of bamboo growing.

Getting Rid of Bamboo?This page is about getting rid of bamboo. There are many varieties of this hardy, fast growing grass.


beautiful lawn

Getting Rid of Onion Grass?This is a page about getting rid of onion grass. Most homeowners do not like wild flowers and grasses invading their lawn. Onion grass, a perennial wild onion common in the southeastern US, is no exception.


Flower Beds

Killing Weeds in Flower BedsIt can be a challenge to destroy the weeds while maintaining the flowers in your garden. This page is about killing weeds in flower beds.


Propane Weed Burner

Making a Propane Weed Burner?This is a page about making a propane weed burner. Some homeowners prefer to use a weed burner rather than herbicides to rid their property of weeds.



Getting Rid of CloverThis page is about getting rid of clover. Sometimes this legume is growing in your lawn or garden where you don't want it.


killing weeds

Planting After Killing Weeds With Vinegar?This is a page about planting after killing weeds with vinegar. After using vinegar to get rid of weeds, you are ready to plant.


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Getting Rid of Nut Grass?This page is about getting rid of nut grass. Finding the best way to remove this tenacious grass depends on where it is located.


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Identifying and Getting Rid of Invasive Plant?I have a very invasive flower spreading over my yard/garden. It grows on a single stem, straight up with single leaf branches along the stem. It has a single whitish/pinkish, small multi-petal flower at the top.


Grass Growing in Pavement Cracks

Solutions for Grass Growing in Pavement...This is a page about solutions for grass growing in pavement cracks. Grass growing in the cracks of your drive or walkway can mar the appearance of your home and landscaping.


Ivy on a building.

Removing Ivy From a Building or Home?This is a page about removing ivy from a building or home. Although it may look quaint in photos and movies, you may not want your outbuilding or home to become covered in ivy.


Getting Rid of Ivy

Getting Rid of Ivy?This is a page about getting rid of ivy. Ivy can be a very aggressive plant and take over your garden and trees.


A weed resembling clumps of dandelion.

Getting Rid Of Telegraph Weed?Telegraph weed is a tall hairy weed that spreads easily by seed and thrives in disturbed areas. It's official name is heterotheca grandiflora.


Queen Anne's Lace

Getting Rid of Queen Anne's Lace?This is a page about getting rid of Queen Anne's Lace. Many gardener's and homeowners view Queen Anne's Lace as an invasive weed, that is difficult to get rid of.


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Getting Rid of Quackgrass?This page is about getting rid of quackgrass. A troublesome weed for many gardeners and not always easy to iradicate.


English Ivy on Brick Wall

Getting Rid of English IvyThis is a page about getting rid of English ivy. English ivy is a popular ground cover that is also very invasive in many areas.


Water Hyacinth Plants

Getting Rid of Water Hyacinth Plants?This page is about getting rid of water hyacinth plants. This aquatic weed can take over a pond.


Mint Growing in a Garden

Controlling Invasive PlantsThis is a page about controlling invasive plants. Certain plants are so successful in spreading that they can soon take over your garden.


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Best Time to Weed the Garden?Is it bad for your garden to weed it when it's wet?


Getting Rid of Oxalis

Getting Rid of OxalisThis page is about getting rid of oxalis. Also known as common woodsorrel, oxalis is not too difficult to eradicate.


Getting Rid of Wild Strawberries

Getting Rid of Wild StrawberriesThis page is about getting rid of wild strawberries. Wild strawberries can be a problem for some gardeners.


Getting Rid of Crabgrass

Getting Rid of CrabgrassThis page is about getting rid of crabgrass. Crabgrass is invasive and can be a big problem for many gardeners.


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Killing Weeds With Vinegar?When someone said to use vinegar for weeds, do they mean the white vinegar or not?


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Getting Rid of Weeds With Lime?I have tall weeds with liquid in them. The more I cut them the thicker it grows back. I heard that if you cut it and put lime on it that will kill it. Is lime safe to use near a creek?


Rabbit in Grass With Dandelions

Animal Safe Weed Killer RecipesThis page contains animal safe weed killer recipes. If you have pets who go into your garden areas or you want to protect the wildlife, you will want to take precautions when using weed killers.


Gravel Driveway

Preventing and Killing Weeds in GravelThis page is about preventing and killing weeds in gravel. Weeds will take root where ever they can; even in gravel.


Weeds Between Bricks

Preventing and Killing Weeds Between BricksSeeds will land and germinate in your brick driveway, walkway or patio. This page is about preventing and killing weeds between bricks.


multicolored flowerbed on a lawn

Preventing Weeds in Flower BedsThis is a page about preventing weeds in flower beds. Don't let your beautiful flower bed be overrun by weeds.


Gardener spraying plants

Homemade Weed Killer RecipesHaving weeds in your garden and lawn really detracts from the look of your yard. Avoid using harmful chemicals by making you own weed killer. This is a page about homemade weed killer recipes.


Rock Background with Weeds

Getting Rid of Weeds in RocksWhether it's for a walkway or simply decorative, a rock area can easily become overrun with weeds. Eliminating those weeds can be a real chore. This is a page about getting rid of weeds in rocks.


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Preventing the Spread of the Neighbor's Bamboo?My neighbour's garden is filled with bamboo plants, initially it was nice and provided shade, but it has grown very wild and brushy. It kept on shedding its leaves on my carpet grass garden.


Weeding the Lettuce Patch

Controlling Weeds In Your GardenThis is a page about controlling weeds in your garden. No matter if you like to garden just for fun or for growing food for your family, having weeds around is a problem. Getting the weeds under control is an important step to getting the most out of your garden.


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Getting Rid of Morning Glory and Buttercup?How do I kill morning glory in my garden? Can I cut it at the base by the ground? How do I kill off buttercup in my lawn?


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Removing Chickweed from Flower Beds?How do I get rid of chickweed in my flower beds?


Poison ivy growing up a tree trunk.

Getting Rid of Poison Ivy PlantsThis is a page to getting rid of poison ivy plants. Poison ivy can be very prolific in your yard and garden. The oily resin is toxic and can cause a severe rash and even lung problems if you try to burn it. There are safe ways to get rid of this unwanted plant.


Closeup of blue flowering creeping charlie.

Getting Rid of Ground Ivy (Creeping Charlie)This is a page about getting rid of ground ivy. Ground ivy is notoriously invasive in many areas. Also known as creeping charlie, this ground cover, a member of the mint family, can quickly take over your flower garden and infiltrate the lawn.


Dandelions With Blue Sky in Background

Getting Rid of DandelionsThis is a page about getting rid of dandelions. Dandelions can be a real nuisance around the yard. Getting rid of them can be quite a chore but your yard will look much nicer afterward.


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Killing Weeds Growing in Pampas Grass?I have some pampas grass growing, but there are all kinds of weeds growing also. I was wondering if 2-4-d could be sprayed to kill the weeds, but not hurt the pampas grass?


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Getting Rid of Bishop's Weed?What is the best way to get rid of bishop's weed? It is starting to invade my garden from my neighbor's yard. I'm thinking it's by seed propagation.


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Getting Rid of Tansey?What is the best post-emergent herbicide to use to kill tansey and not kill the grass?


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Homemade Herbicide Damaged Spray Bottle?I tried to reuse a glass cleaner spray bottle for my herbicide garden spray, but the sprayer quit working. Any ideas on a spray bottle that will hold up to homemade sprays?


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Weed Killer and Lawn Fertilizer Recipe?I am looking for a recipe for a weed killer/lawn fertilizer combination. I think it has vinegar, dish soap and two other ingredients. The recipe was given to me years ago and I can't find it.


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Getting Rid of Weeds Without Herbicides?My entire back yard is virtually 100% weeds and I want to kill everything and start over and put lots of plants in and some grass, too. I have dogs and I won't use Roundup or other chemicals.


Photo of blackberries on the vine.

Getting Rid of Blackberry BushesThis is a page about getting rid of blackberry bushes. Blackberry bushes can grow very quickly in spring and summer and are very invasive. Even though the berries are edible and tasty, the bushes are very difficult to get rid of.


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Will Planting Ground Cover Deter Weeds?My weeds are fast growing in my berms. Someone suggested that I plant a drought resistant ground cover which should kill the weeds. Is this true? If so do you have any suggestions on which ground covers are good and when I should plant them?


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Kudzu Be Gone! Homemade Weed Killer?Does anyone have a homemade weedkiller that works on kudzu, the vine that ate the south?


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Homemade Natural Weedkiller?About a year ago I found a good recipe for a natural weedkiller which


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Can I Leave Wild Strawberry Plants in Vegetable Garden?I have just raked my veggie garden out so that I can start planting soon. I discovered that under all those leaves and pine needles I have lots of wild strawberries growing. If I leave them and plant my veggies, will they bother the veggies at all?


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Getting Rid of Sand Burrs?We live on 1 acre of sandy soil that is over-run with sand burrs. We do have some patchy spots with very little grass. Should we start by fertilizing and building up the turf or can we go ahead and start with pre-emergent? I would like to try using corn gluten meal.


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Will a Systemic Weedkiller Harm Other Garden Plants?I am using a systemic weed killer to kill briars; will this also kill plants such as day lilies, flowers, etc.?


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Getting Rid of Thorn Bushes?Can anyone help me with a home recipe to kill thorn bushes? It is really a problem and getting out of hand.


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Killing Ivy?How do I kill off ivy?


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