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Is Walmart Paint Quality Paint?Do you think Walmart paint is just as good as the other or should I buy from Home Depot or Sherwin Williams?


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Painting with a Foam Roller?Do the small foam paint rollers work well, for painting smooth surfaces, like kitchen cabinets? Years ago, I used a foam paint roller and it created many, many small bubbles on the paint surface. I will be using latex paint.


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Adding Color To White Paint?Does anyone have a suggestion of what I can add to a white can of paint to add color to it. Preferably something from around the house? Any color but white, I would prefer yellow or blue.


New Paint Not Sticking to Old Paint - white painted door

New Paint Not Sticking to Old Paint?We are trying to paint over the existing paint and although we have rubbed it down the paint isn't going on.


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Kilz Primer is Very Watery?I bought Kilz primer to cover very dark paint. I was surprised at how thin and watery it was and the part of the wall I painted looks like the paint is trying to separate or run. This happens after I smoothed the paint with my brush.


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Oil Based Paint Not Drying?I used an oil based concrete and floor paint on my slate tile. After 2 days, it is still tacky and you cannot step on it with shoes or they leave marks on the paint. What can I do?


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Making Antique White Paint from White Paint?If I add some brown paint to white paint will I have a nice antique white for my farmhouse projects?


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Painting Mobile Home Walls?I recently painted my walls with a semigloss sheen. Can I paint over that with an eggshell sheen?


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Painting and Sealing a Laminate Counter Top?I painted my old bathroom counter tops to mimic capstone. I put on my first thin coat of Minwax Polyacrylic. I sanded, a bit too hard. I am heavy handed and had never done a project that required this. I had white places and spots.'I have just applied a primer coat on top of that to start over or just paint the thing and forget it. But I will once again have to apply a sealer.


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Painting Closet Doors?A while ago there was an article about how to tape off a closet door so it could be painted inside the taped area. I would appreciate seeing the article.


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Best Top Coat for Painted Kitchen Countertops?I am going to paint my kitchen countertops. What is the best (inexpensive) top coat to use? I already painted my bathroom countertop and used polyurethane (from a video I had watched), but it doesn't seem to work well. I want the best finish for the kitchen.


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Best Paint for Melamine Boards?What kind of paint is best applied over joined white Melamine boards used as a countertop? Should I use epoxy, appliance epoxy, enamel or acrylic paint or paint used for a dry erase board?


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Painting Walls to Cover Nail Polish Stains?I'm painting the walls. My daughter did decorations with nail polish on the wall. I've painted over them with 2 coats of magnolia color, but I still can see the nail polish decorations. By painting more and more coats would that cover it or do I need to do something else?


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Home Painting Assistance for Low Income Homeowners?My elderly mom desperately needs her home that she's lived in for 52 yrs. painted. It's only been painted twice in all those years, I think. What she needs is someone to scrape and prepare the outside, my husband can spray paint it. My mom is very low income and can't afford much. I am looking for help for her.


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Painted Oil Based Enamel Paint Over Latex?I painted latex over enamel. I realized my mistake later. Then I painted oil based enamel over latex. Now it is scuffing up. How do I fix?



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Painting Over Wood Walls in a Mobile Home?Can you paint over smooth wood in a mobile home? I removed some of the contact paper and under it is untreated wood.


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Painting Over a Varnished Floor?How do I prepare to paint a floor that has been painted and coated with a varnish or polyurethane? It is in a historic building and the floors switch between cement and wood, but all were painted this way.


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Varnishing a Painted Door?Can I put clear varnish on a painted wooden door? They are new doors and I have just painted them with a satin sheen paint. I want to be able to protect them from dirt from dogs laying up against the door without having to clean every day which will wear the paint away eventually


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Painting Over Wallpaper?Is it feasible to paint over wallpaper, since there are new paints out there?


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Cleaning Soot from Walls?The prior tenants in an apartment heated the place primarily with a wood burning stove. The walls now have a lot of soot on them. We anticipate painting and question should we clean the walls first or prime/seal them and then paint.


Painting Over Glossy Trim Paint

Painting Over Glossy Trim Paint?Can I paint over a glossy paint on wood work and window frames without sanding down first?


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Painting Modular Home Walls?Can you paint modular home walls where the paper has been torn off? What is the process?


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Re-painting a Wall?I need to paint a wall that has been repainted a few times which leaves streaks and botches no matter how many times I go over. The original color is (off white) about 10 years old. Someone suggested that I would need to use a primer first and then repaint. If so, where can I buy the primer and how best to use it?


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Using Primer Over Varnish?Can I use Valspar high hiding primer on slightly sanded, varnished stair spindles before I paint?


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Paint Peeling Off Plaster Walls?I have a house built in 1952 with plaster over drywall. The paint sheets right down to the original perfectly smooth plaster skim. What gives? This has happened in every room in the house, so it is not a localized problem. No water leaks, nothing. Is there some special priming or sanding I should do before repainting?


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Preparing Walls to Paint After Removing Wallpaper?We just removed the wallpaper in one of the rooms in our house using the mixture of fabric softener and water. Will wiping the walls down with water remove the residual fabric softener enough to paint?


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Painting a Popcorn Ceiling With Smoke Damage?I had a kitchen fire due to an electrical short in the range hood. I have a popcorn ceiling. The ceiling has been cleaned by professionals, but it still looks black. What type of Kilz primmer do I need to purchase and what type of paint? I know I need to use a 3/4 in. roller.


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Dresser Drawers Stick After Painting?I recently painted an old wood dresser for my daughter. It turned out awesome, but now the drawers are tight and sticky to open. Is there anything I can do to fix this besides sanding and repainting them? It was fine before I painted it so it is due to the paint.


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Decorating and Painting Old Plaster Walls?We have just moved into a old French farmhouse that we're doing up gradually. We have noticed a lot of the dated wallpaper is stained or peeling off and the paint is cracking on the ceilings. We have decided to decorate, preferably paint. What is the best way to prep and paint the walls?


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Painting Over Wallpaper?I am attempting to paint over wallpaper flaws with the same color flat paint. The cream color, where painted, has a bluish shadow. Nothing works! One person said to paint the paper with a dark brown color and after cream paint was applied, it still has the blue shadow.



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Painting Mobile Home Walls?I am remodeling my mobile home. I read the answers to painting walls in a mobile home. You said to prime them first. Can you use a paint with the primer already in it to repaint the walls? These walls are not vinyl.


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Latex Paint Peeling Off Oil Paint?I live in a house that was built in 1900. The previous owners painted over oil based paint with latex and the latex paint is peeling off in some places. Do we need to peel all the paint off, or just the places that are peeling before using Kiltz and then painting with latex paint?


Painting Formica Shower Walls

Painting Formica Shower Walls?I have a small, full sized bathroom in a 400 sq. ft. 1957 trailer. What kind of waterproof paint can I use for tub walls presently Formica? Thank you for any advice.


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Painting After Wallpaper Removal?Is it absolutely necessary to prime the wall after wallpaper removal and before painting? Is a paint with primer in it acceptable? The drywall is 10 yrs old and was previously primed and painted.


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Painting Brick?What products are needed before painting a brick home's exterior, for sealing, etc.?


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Chalkboard Painted Fridge?I want to paint my fridge with chalkboard paint. Does anyone know what kind of primer I should use? The fridge being magnetic is not important to me.


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Kitchen Paint Color Advice?My kitchen is an old 1973 ranch style. It has laminate countertops, and vinyl flooring. The cabinets are white. I would like to spruce it up, but not sure of a color choice.


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Kitchen Paint Advice?My kitchen has custom lights and distressed cabinets. The counters are a dark brown granite. What color should I paint the walls?


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Painting After Taking Down Wallpaper?Once you remove wall paper what do you have to do?


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Using Chalkboard Paint on Plastic?I have a round plastic table that I set up in the children's play room for our grandchildren. I was wondering if I could paint the top of this plastic table with chalkboard paint, and if it would adhere.


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Painting Countertops?Years ago I had painted counter tops in an apartment. I'm not sure what process they used, but if I ever laid a sack of bread or any printed plastic on them it would leave the imprint...never to be removed again. Have any of you experienced this?


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Repainting Vinyl Mobile Home Walls?I want to re-paint the walls in my mobile home. I found out that the walls were not treated before painting the first time (I believe it was that vinyl shiny stuff), just painted on top of the vinyl. The paint is peeling in spots. What should I do before re-painting?


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Painting Vinyl Mobile Home Walls?How can I paint over vinyl mobile home walls?


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Best Method for Painting Mobile Home Walls?What is best method to use when painting walls of moble home? I'm using a semi gloss with kilts primer. Should I use paint roller, brushes or a spray gun?


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Painting Interior Walls to Look Like Granite?I want three walls on the inside of my house to look like white granite.



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Painting Rusty Metal Doors?I have Bilco cellar doors. No matter what anti-rust paint or treatment I use, the rust still breaks through the paint. Is there any product out there that will work to prevent rust from breaking through--either a special primer and a final coat or whatever anyone uses that works. Thanks.


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Painting After Removing Wallpaper?I stripper wallpaper that was put over vinyl wallboard in my mfg home. I want to paint now and one painter suggested to paint over the backing of wallpaper, which is smooth. Or do I strip off the backing and take a chance on pitting or marking the vinyl wall board?


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Wall Colour Advice?I have a plain beige carpet, a beige marble fireplace, and a black leather suite. Half way down my walls there is a white PVC dado rail. My curtains are bold with a beige flower and black background.


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Crackle Effect on Paint?What is the procedure to get a crackle effect on paint using Elmer's glue, or what type of glue do you use?


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What Color Paint for my Living Room?I have an orange leather sofa and yellow leather loveseat. What color should I paint the walls?


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Paint Won't Stick to Walls Treated for Mold?I had my bedroom wall treated for damp and mould a few months back and it seemed to cure the problem. However I've recently decorated with emultion paint, but noticed the paint won't stay on in the areas that were treated.


Color of countertop

Kitchen Paint Color Advice?I am planing to paint my kitchen. I am not sure what colors will work with my butternut squash colored counter top. I have been at this for 4 days now, and I am hoping to have it done for new year.


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Taping and Floating Mobile Home Panel Walls?In taking off the panel spacers, I found that the gaps are about 1/4 inch. The existing panels have beveled edges. So I have to put a lot of putty/float in the gaps.



Spray Painting Furniture Without Sanding or...I want to paint a baby's changing table. Can I just spray paint it? The original color is oak wood and I want to paint it white. Is it OK to just spray paint it? We are also painting the crib using Kiltz and sanding.


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Removing Paint from Mobile Home Wall Panels?I have a mobile home with pre-printed drywall. The previous owner painted over it and now it's flaking. I can't remove it with a scraper without destroying the wall what is my best option for removal without destroying the wall?


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Removing Air Bubbles on Painted Wallpaper?How do I get rid of air bubbles that have occured after painting over wallpaper? Also the paint has dried and the bubbles haven't gone. I would appreciate your help.


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Painting Brass Exposed to Water?Is there anyway to paint brass shower door frames, to last permanently?


Vintage 1950's metal kitchen cabinets.

Painting Metal Cabinets?I have white enamel cabinets from the 50s that need repainting. I can not remove the doors. What kind of paint will adhere to the old paint. I would like a pearlized white.


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Choosing a Coffee Table Color?I have a black TV stand, an oak coffee table that is in need of being redone, and a white book case that could use some help. I want color, but I want to make it all come together nicely.


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Removing Concrete Paint from Porch?I painted my front porch with concrete paint, however the paint never completely dried. The paint still feels wet and gooey. What can I remove it with? I put sand over it hoping it would just dry with sand texture.


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Painting Over Bathroom Waterproof Paper?Can I paint over thick bathroom paper, like tiling on a roll paper? I am looking to use proper bathroom paint. The walls are so bad in my old cottage, I would have to take all the paper off and have the walls replastered otherwise


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Painting Over Prepasted Wallboard?What type of paint do you use to paint over prepasted mobile home wall board?


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Painting Contact Paper?We have contact paper on a section of wallboard in our laundry room and are painting the room. It is not a section that gets touched or brushed against often and I would like to know if we can paint it to match the rest of the room?


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Painting the Ceiling in a Travel Trailer?I am going to paint the ceiling in my touring caravan. Can you tell me what paint to use please.


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Painting Damaged Walls in Mobile Home?We are starting to paint a bedroom in our 1994 mobile home. The wallpaper is made on the wall and it started peeling. The surface underneath is not a smooth finish. What should we do so the room looks evenly painted?


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Painting Stainless Steel Appliances?I fixed scratches and gouges in my frig door and in the process it took the color out of the area. The door is discontinued so I can't replace it. The rest of the frig is black, so I am thinking about painting the door black.


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Painting Ceiling in Mobile Home?I want to paint the ceiling in our mobile home, but my husband is insisting it can't be done, as it is not dry wall. I would like it white and not the cream it is now. I believe it is vinyl. What prep and paint can I use?


View down the stairs.

Painting Entryway and Staircase Walls?The entryway staircase area is dark of course unless the light is on, but there is not a window. You walk in the door and have a small entryway and go up the stairs to the main living areas. My question is where do you stop the paint line as you enter into the living area?


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Painting Over Oil Based Varnish With Water Based?Can I use water based varnish on previously petroleum based varnished floors? The drying time is the main factor in this regard.


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Removing Peeling Paint from Walls?The paint on the bedroom walls is peeling in most places. What is the best way to remove or cover it with new paint?


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Painting Vinyl Walls in Mobile Home?I just moved into a mobile home and I would like to know if it is possible to paint over the vinyl walls. I was thinking of doing the sponge painting on some of the walls. Has anyone done this? Also can I repaint the cabinets?


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Painting Mahogany Window Frames?I have hardwood window frames (mahogany). I want to paint them gloss white to smarten them up. What is the best way of going about this?


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Repainting Semi Gloss Acrylic?Can I paint semi gloss acrylic over the same without sanding? It was lasted painted approximately three years ago.


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Latex Paint Peeling Off Cabinets?We used a very expensive latex paint that contained a primer over oil paint, to paint kitchen cabinets. Now the paint is pealing. Is there a solution?


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Painting Over Bare Plaster Wall?Prior to painting I removed a dated border. It peeled the paint underneath off revealing bare plaster which isn't covering with the paint. How can I cover this?


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Painting a Tile Floor?I just purchased an older home. The master bathroom has some really ugly, drab blue tile on the floor. Is it possible to paint the tile and if so, what is the success rate of the paint staying and not chipping or peeling?


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Painting a Wall After Removing Wallpaper?When you go to repaint a bathroom and after you have removed the old wall paper do you have to sand the walls and what do you do with the seam tape that is partially coming off? Do you have to remove the old tape tototally or just put new spackle over it?


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Painting Over Textured Wallpaper?I am currently painting over a textured vinyl wallpaper. I have cut in the ceiling and edges with a brush. Then I rolled the rest of the wall. After drying, I am able to see all of the spots I cut in at first.


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Refinishing a Laminate Backsplash?Can you faux finish the laminated back splash in the same technique as the counter tops?


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Painting Steel to Look Like Wood?I want to paint steel to look like wood. How do I start?


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Best Paint for Cement Floor?What kind of paint for a cement floor that formerly had linoleum tiles?


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Identifying Type of Paint on Walls?How can you tell if existing paint is oil or latex?


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Painting Over a Water Stain from Leaking Roof?There is yellowing from a leak in the roof. How do I prepare the area before painting?


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Removing Layers of Old Paint?We have a home that was built in 1886. The woodwork and doors have at least 4 layers of paint. What is the best way to remove all this paint? Are there any homemade solutions that I could make?


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Envirotex Lite?I am getting ready to faux-granite paint my counter. I have blue painter's tape around the walls and sink. My questions is: how well will the tape come off after the Envirotex cures? Is there a trick? I've been looking online, but can't find anything.


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Painting a Bathroom Countertop to Look Like Granite?I painted my bathroom counter with melamine paint. It looks nice, but not a granite look. Could I put that look over my melamine and how would you do it? Please help in directing me step by step in doing this.


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Using Kilz Oil Base Paint on Dry Wall?I have 2 gallons of Kilz oil base primer. I would like to use them on some new dry wall and joint compound. There is nothing on the can that says I could use them for that kind of job. Is there any reason I can't use them. Thank you.


Reconstituting Paint?I re-opened a tin of paint, but all there is is a very large lump. How can I use the paint?


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Sponge Painting Walls?I want to use a sponge painting technique to give the walls in one of my rooms some depth. What is the best way to do this?


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Best Paint for a Plaster Wall?What paint either gloss or matte do I use to paint a plastered wall? I know that you add water to it, but I can't remember what paint it is. Please can you help me by answering this question? Thanx.


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Painting a Smoker's Room?I am painting a room which has been smoked in for 15 years. I have washed all the walls down, however, it keeps coming back even though I have put on 5/6 coats of paint.


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Painting a Cinder Block Wall?I have a cinder block wall (1964) that surrounds my property on all 4 sides of house. It is the ugly pinkish color popular in the60s! What type of paint should be used? Will it require 2 coats? How long can I expect the paint to last; the blocks seem porous.


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Painting Over the Strips on Mobile Home Walls?Has anyone painted leaving the wall strips on in a mobile home? They are ugly, but I was wondering if I just painted them the same color as the walls what it would look like. Please post pictures if you have them.


Painting Old Contact Paper?Is there a product than can be on the old Contact paper which will then allow me to paint over it?


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Varnish Bleeding Through Enamel Paint?I've already made the mistake of painting two coats of enamel over varnished cabinets. The yellow streaks still bleed through. What product can I use to correct this mistake without starting over?


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Best Paint of Cabinets Under a Humid Carport?What kind of paint would be best for wood cabinets that have been built on a carport? The wall that the cabinets are on does not get rain, but there is moisture all over the floor when it is humid, which is often in Louisiana. Thank you.


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Removing Paint from Kitchen Cabinets?What is the best way to remove paint off of kitchen cupboards?


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Painting Over Mirror Squares?We bought a home that has an entire wall covered with mirror squares. It is too much of a job to remove them. Can we paint them and what kind of paint can I use that won't peel?


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Painting Over Oil Paint with Latex?I currently have bedroom walls in oil paint. I would like to prime and repaint with latex paint. I have a can of Glidden interior latex primer sealer 14950 white. Can I use this primer over oil paint and then paint over the primer with latex paint? Will the paint peel off?


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Painting Plaster Walls?We live in an old farmhouse with plaster walls. We are struggling with paint staying on the walls, especially the hallway walls and hallway ceiling. The paint is always cracking and chipping off. The last time we painted, it was only about 1 month before the cracking and chipping started.


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Painting Varnished Doors and Doorways?What is the best way to paint over varnished doors and doorways that are very dark?


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Painting Walls and Trim?Should I paint the wall first and then the skirting boards?


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