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Use Glass Votive Candle Holder for Eyeglasses - glasses in sock covered glass votive holder

Use Glass Votive Candle Holder for EyeglassesI needed a holder for my glasses, but I didn't have one. I put an anklet sock over a glass votive candle holder. I like how it turned out ;)


Rice for Keeping Felt Pen Fresh

Rice for Keeping Felt Pen FreshI recently took on the 3 day task of photographing all the jewelry I have to sell.


Binder Clips holding Notes

Binder Clips to Stay OrganizedThe space is limited on my desk. So I have my laptop on a tray. This gives me space underneath for things that I don't need very often. It's where I keep my external hard drive, a supply basket, etc.


An electrical cord bundled neatly inside a piece of pool noodle.

Store Extension Cords in a Pool NoodleUsing a pool noodle cut to the size of your cord, make a slit half way through your noodle.Then wrap your cord, insert into the slit of your pool noodle.Put into the drawer this way they will not tangle, and you will know where they are. You can also hang them up.


Using Mason jars for storing dry goods.

Mason Jar StorageFor this tip, all you need is a mason jar, its lid, and a piece of fabric. I use fabric samples that aren't too thick, and look cute together. You can put them in your kitchen full of flour or sugar. You could also use them in a craft room full of buttons, or stickers.


An organized pantry

Organizing When DownsizingYes, it can be done! Find the right web sites that sell the right organizers to fit your needs at a cheap price! I just downsized from a large townhouse to an apartment. I used every trick with every idea I could find for storing in a fashionable way. And I even have space left over.


Two Shopping Bags in One - one folded and placed down inside the open one

Two Shopping Bags in OneHave you ever had either or both of these things happen? You purchase those in-store bags with the square bottoms and the handles, but, sometimes you need some more support in them? Or you often get more than you came for and need another bag. I just had this happen to me on my way back from the store.


Safely Store Hearing Aid in a Jewelry Box - hearing aid in small jewelry box

Safely Store Hearing Aid in a Jewelry BoxHearing aids have gotten smaller (and more expensive, ranging in the price up to several thousand dollars). The soft cases they come in are no protection for those costly little computers.


A car key and remote on a bedside table.

Leave Car Keys on Bedside TableI keep my car keys beside my bed on my beside table for two reasons.


File Replacement Buttons and Yarns - wooden file box

File Replacement Buttons and YarnsOften when you buy a sweater, jacket or coat, or other clothing, it comes with a couple of replacement buttons or yarn to repair a snag. These can be easily lost. I take mine and staple or tape them onto an index card (one card per clothing item).


Use a Notebook to Organize

Use a Notebook to OrganizeWhen we get too busy with things, we tend to forget our priorities. This is when we need to take down notes for our activities. Take note of your paid and unpaid bills, make a checklist of your activities, a checklist on things you want to buy and list down things that makes you more productive.


Store Plastic Grocery
Bags Sensibly

Store Plastic Grocery Bags SensiblyIt feels good to let our artistic juices flow. It's stimulating to see just how many different ways we can approach a particular project. But usually, when we've had our fun, we have to admit; there's really just a few, if not just one or two best ways to do anything.


C-Clamp Temporary Shelving

C-Clamp Temporary ShelvingOn a trip to my local Sears store to buy a wrench, I passed through the men's clothing department. They had set up a display table for shirts using c-clamps. It was quite ingenious, at least I thought so. This might work for temporary shelving in your home, light weight items are probably best.


Turn a Silverware Tray into a Small Shelf

Turn a Silverware Tray into a Small ShelfI found this for .50 at a local yard sale. I find that most of these trays are a bit slanted so you can't use them for shelving. But this one was perfect in 3 ways.


Organizing my Cabinets

Organizing my CabinetsI have been reading different ideas here on ThriftyFun, and looking on line for frugal ways to redo my under the kitchen sink, bathroom sinks, my kitchen drawers, my food cabinets and pans, etc. I really made out very well after doing a lot of searching, I found the best pricing and best variety at



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Storing Christmas WrapThe best way to store wrapping paper is to unroll it from the cardboard tube and then re-roll it and store it inside the tube.


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Storing and Organizing Crossword PuzzlesI absolutely love crosswords! I have books of them and I work the ones in the daily newspaper. Rather than have a bunch of ratty folded up newspapers lying about I cut them out, glue them to 3 ring paper with the answer on the back and keep them neatly in a 3 ring binder.


closeup of mug

Use Coffee Mugs for StorageI'll share some of my uses for favorite coffee mugs. I have one on my computer desk which has pens, small scissors, pinking shears and 2 regular pairs of scissors. The large wooden thingy I use to turn my pillows inside out before stuffing. I have several mugs on my kitchen counter for small kitchen implements.


chore list

Organizing Household ChoresWhen my husband and I were first married (many moons ago), he once complained that he felt I was asking him to do what he felt was a unfair amount of chores. My solution was to make a list of all the chores that I had to do to keep our little apartment clean.


empty paper towel rolls

Plastic Trash Bag Storage for CarUse an empty paper towel roll. You can use it plain, paint it, or decorate it. It is a great craft projects for the kids. Stuff it full (will hold about 5) with plastic bags. It will fit inside console or pocket on you vehicle. Great for putting trash in, especially when you have children.


labeled cords

Labeling Charging CordsWe have numerous cell phones and small devices that all use the same charging cords. I can never find any of my charging cords. I end up buying new ones or it always seems like the kids miraculously have one when mine goes missing.


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Remembering PasswordsI love to crochet, craft, sew, read news daily, and look for new recipes and while I do have a password saving program, it does not always work! Or perhaps I am techno-tarded, either way depending on my 60 year old memory proves not successful.


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Using Lists for OrganizingI'm a big list user. I have an excel spreadsheet on my computer with tabs. I have a list for my movies, cookbooks, kitchen items, books, and more. I get this habit from my mom!


Basket to store silveware on counter.

Uses for Dishwasher Silverware BasketsI've had to replace a few dishwashers in my day and have determined that those silverware baskets are great for many things. Here are two uses for them.


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Remembering PasswordsUse a phrase or an abbreviation of a phrase that you can remember and a series of numbers for your password. For example "i am crazy about dogs" can be "iacad" then add numbers and a special character at the end.


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Hiding PasswordsKeep your passwords on the back of a picture in a frame that is somewhere you can easily access. That way, you will always have your passwords available, but someone else won't know they are there!


Peek into drawer of boxes.

Organizing with Old VHS Tape BoxesI collected a whole lot of old video tapes from our local community so they could be recycled by a firm in Bristol (UK). I saved some of the boxes as I thought I would be able to use them somehow.


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Storing In Process Jigsaw PuzzlesUse a large poster frame to put your puzzle together on. A thrift store is an excellent place to get one. Turn the poster over for a plain background or use tag board from the craft store.


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Organizing for Your DisabilityMy son has Down Syndrome so we've learned to make things simple around our home. I moved his bed to the center of his room so he could walk around it to make it, much easier than making a day bed which needs long arms to reach to the back when making it.


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Mother's Tips For OrganizingMy mother was not one to have a lot of devices for storage or organizing clutter. Here's what she taught me:



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Drip Trays for Muddy ShoesDo you have muddy shoes, boots, clogs? I have a cheap and easy solution.


meds in container

Container for Expired MedicationOur doctor's office has a drop off box for expired medications, which makes getting rid of them very easy. However, we aren't there very often so I collect any that we have in a large plastic container.


canister on fridge

Spice Canister for Saving Box TopsI save Box Tops for my friend's daughter, since our school doesn't collect them. I bought an inexpensive magnetic spice canister to put them in. It has a slit on top, making it easy to drop them in.


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Storing Small Manger PiecesI have small Venetian glass manger set that had lost some pieces over the years until I realized that they could fit into the little pockets in gift candy boxes and be further cushioned by the "beehive" candy cover paper; haven't lost any since.


cloche over camera

Displaying an Old CameraI have an old camera that I really enjoyed having out on a shelf, but it was always so dusty. I found a cloche at the store that fit perfectly over it. Now I don't have to worry about damaging the camera when trying to dust it.


antique compass

Displaying an Antique CompassMy husband wanted to display a compass given to him by his stepdad. I found a small shadowbox frame and removed the glass. I attached a small cup hook to the top and painted it with black nail polish to make it less visible.


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Reusing ShoeboxesA lot of shoeboxes can be unfolded to lie flat. This helps a lot in storing the ones you haven't re-purposed yet. When you re-fold it, do it so it is inside out.


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Organizing Tips on the InternetWhen reading the card file methods for keeping track of tips found on the Internet, I had to offer two other resources. Both of these allow you to store the tips ON your computer for easy access, and neither takes up any space on your hard drive.


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Use Address Labels on Items You Lend OutThese can be used to attach to DVD's, books or other things that you own and want a reminder to return to you.


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Address BooksWhen adding names to my address book, I will add the first name of the person under appropriate letter. Then I will add an entry under their last name. If I forget a first or last name, I can look it up under both names. I never forget or misspell a name this way


Bread ties marking cords on a power strip.

Bread Tie Cord LabelI hate when I go to unplug something because there are a bunch of unidentifiable cords plugged in. Many bread bags come with those little plastic ties to hold them shut. These will fit around almost any cord and can be written on with a Sharpie to help identify all of your cords.


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Uses for Pringles CansPringles cans are great for storing dog poop bags. Fill up a few cans with bags, then keep one in your car, one in a hiking backpack, and one by the back door.


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Organizing Your PurseI use little zippered bags made for holding makeup in a purse. In one, I keep everything I need to have with me. I keep an extra set of keys in the inside zippered compartment of the purse itself.


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Combination Lock For Spare KeyI put an extra key for my house and my car in the outside fuse box and I then lock it with a combination lock. To remember the combination, I put it down as a phone number and put the number in my storage unit.


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How to Organize Helpful TipsI used to have a habit of reading through a collection of helpful tips or frugal living ideas and thinking, "I'll have to remember that". Then, that suggestion, tip, or idea would simply get lost in mental clutter.



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Boxed to Motivate Yourself to OrganizeHaving some perfectly sized rectangular, open cardboard boxes with handle holes on either side is motivating me to organize closets and under the bed areas.


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Reuse Plastic Bedding Packages For StorageI save the packages from blankets and sheet sets (the nice ones with zippers) and use them to store all kinds of things that need to be kept clean and dry.


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Organize 60 Things A MonthTo make organizing simpler so you don't feel so overwhelmed, you can plan to organize two things a day. Maybe two drawers or a closet, or whatever you need to get done. By the end of the month, I have 60 things done!


Another view of this storage system.

Shelf Unit End StorageI have a lot of these shelf units. The cool thing about them is the support rods have holes in the shelves themselves.


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Clear Totes Using Recycled Plastic Zipper BagsThe plastic zippered bags that sheets come in are wonderful as carriers for a shower, (towel, bath items, etc.)


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A "Where'd I Put That?" BookA few years ago I was going through some boxes that I had put away as storage under our bed. I found things I would have been using, had I remembered that I had stored them!


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Organizing BraceletsI have lots of stretchy bracelets and was keeping them in a box. Trying to find a color or type to wear meant rooting through the box to locate it. In my linen closet in the bathroom, on the back wall, I put a few stick on hooks with a narrow dowel laid across them.


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Index Cards to Keep Track of Seldom Used ItemsWhen reorganizing my home, I used to forget where seldom-used items got redirected to. After some frustrations, I learned to keep a recipe card file of alphabetized note cards, one for each item I moved.


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Household Hints from the 1960sI love looking through old books full of hints that worked beautifully well in the past. Here are several I thought you would enjoy (and laugh with me about the "typewriter" hint!):


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Storing 5 Gallon Plastic BucketsThere is an easy solution to un-stick 5 gallon buckets and keep them from sticking again. Set a hair dryer on highest heat and airflow. You want to warm up the bottom bucket to make it expand.


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Organizing CordsHave lots of cords for your electronic devices, computer equipment, etc. and constantly forgetting which cord goes to what? I was until I came up with this simple solution. I take the stick on labels that they sell to label your files with.


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Use Recipe Box for Addresses and BirthdaysUse a recipe box for all of those snail mail addresses you still use. The cards are large enough to put birthdays of all the family members and other special dates or notes on.


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"5S" Your Way to an Organized LifeMany people are overwhelmed with the thought of organizing their home let alone one specific area. A great "workplace" organization methodology you can follow in the home is called "5S", originally employed in Japanese manufacturing plants.


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Getting Organized for the New YearHere are some tips for getting organized for the New Year:


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Keep Wrapping Supplies in a BasketThis year when I wrapped presents, I found a small basket big enough to hold tape, scissors, markers, gift tags and curling ribbon. I set the basket by my side and when I had used an item I put it right back in the basket.


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Use Plastic Coffee Containers for Rechargable BatteriesI use the red and green coffee plastic containers in the following way...


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Organize With 5 Gallon Plastic BucketsHome and especially garage organization can be as short as a trip to your local fast food restaurant. Five-gallon pickle buckets have a huge list of uses: fishing, gardening, storage, etc. They are usually free, and you are doing the green thing by not filling the dump.


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Break Down Organizing Into Manageable TasksI used to be very disorganized; that wasn't the problem. The problem was I had no way to sort things out that felt comfortable to me. But in 1991, I was unemployed for a few weeks and decided to occupy myself by solving the problem once and for all.


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Different Briefcase for Each OrganizationIf you are involved in many different kinds of organizations or work committees, sometimes it is helpful to have a different briefcase for each function.


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Hang Shelves in Front of Your WindowsIf you need more space and have no place to hang shelves you can hang open-backed shelves in front of your windows. In the kitchen, this is a great place to store colored glass ware (like depression or cobalt glass) because the sun looks great shining through the glass.


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Home Organizing Tips Inspired by Don AslettI read in a book written by Don Aslett (the great cleaning guru) something that made so much sense that I am sharing it with everyone.


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Tackle Box or Divided Plastic Craft Box for EarringsI was always having trouble finding matching earrings when I had them in a jewelry box. Now I organize my earrings by color in the divided plastic craft/tackle box storage boxes.


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Organizing: Find A Place For EverythingThe best tip is one you have heard a million times ... A place for everything, and everything in it's place. This really works if you make sure you find a spot in your home for anything and everything you will not have clutter - that is if you put it away.


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Keep a Notebook With YouI keep a small notebook with me at all times. I use it to make to do lists, grocery lists, and as a prayer journal. Whenever I need to write something on the list, I have it with me.


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Storing Things Where They BelongWhen folding sheets and pillow cases to store, I put the pillow cases in between the top and bottom sheets. When changing the bed I just have to pull out the bundle and they are all together as a set.


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Save Plastic Fruit Containers For Storing Small ItemsMy wife buys Dole mandarin oranges for my son. The jars the oranges are packed in are a durable plastic, and the label is the kind that can be easily and completely removed.


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A Box for DonationsI keep a box handy for donations to charity. Taped on the box is a blank donation form to list the items on. When the box is full I donate and get another blank for my next box.


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Use A Daily Planner For OrganizingI know people who are pretty scattered in their thinking and life. I suggest to them to get a daily planner. You can make your own. Just get a notebook and each page is a day. Put in at least 30 days. Start with today, put down every thing you have to do today.


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Makeshift Phone Speaker for Being on HoldWe are so often put on hold when we try to get through to government offices and so on, but need to stay on hold so we can talk to someone!


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Use A Daily Calendar Instead of Post-ItsInstead of going out and buying post-its or note pads, I just get a page-a-day calender every year and use the back of the previous day's page.


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Uses for a Cheap Address BookI bought a cheap address book which I keep at my computer in it I put e-mail addresses, log-in names, e-pal names, addresses, birthdays, and anniversaries.


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Uses for Binder ClipsUseful Binder Clips. I use binder clips for everything! Not only do I use them for resealing food packages and holding paper, but for clothing as well. They are very useful for holding up too-long pyjama pants and minimizing waists that are too-big.


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Start Your Day With a ListIf you are generally disorganized, get a spiral notebook and start making lists. Start by writing today's date followed by everything you need to do that day.


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Protecting Your RemoteIf you have kids, you can prevent gooey and dirty hands from gumming up your remote control by placing it in a ziplock bag. They can still see the controls but can't gum up the buttons.


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Substitute Push PinsRun out of push pins? I always do. So I make use of all those little scatter pins they give away at conventions and the like for tacks in my bulletin board, etc. by taking the backs off.


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Save Tiny Ziploc BagsSave those tiny ziploc bags when you come across them, the ones that hold small samples, etc. They can be recycled for all sorts of things, such as sewing kits, eyeglass repair kits, or if they are bigger, groupings of cosmetic samples.


Organizing With Cardboard Boxes

Organizing With Free BoxesTo organize more than one thing of different or the same sizes is not always so easy. Although it's all in where you go shopping. When we started to go to Aldi's I was impressed with their prices, although what REALLY caught my eyes were the boxes that I could take home for FREE!


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Getting Organized in the MorningWe all have times we feel unorganized. When this happens, the first thing you do in the morning is get your coffee, tea or diet cola ready, and make a list of at least 6 things you COULD get done that day.


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Reuse Rolodex CardsWhen you have used ink on rolodex cards and the infomation is outdated, you can use a label sticker to cover the old information.


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Storing Small Things in BasketsIf you have baskets or crocks displayed on high shelves, you can hide small decorative objects inside them, and no one will ever know.


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Carry Address Labels for Entry FormsI love to attend street fairs, and I take along return address labels to use whenever I fill out any entry forms or the like. People always comment on how smart I am!


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Saving Notes Written In Margins of BooksTelephone books and department store catalogs are recyclable but many times we hang onto them because of information we have written in them.


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Keeping Track Of Your Vitamin SuppliesBy purchasing vitamins and minerals on sale and clearance, I soon ended up with a bag full that I had to empty out each time when searching for a desired item.


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Write Clearly When Filling Out FormsWhenever you fill out an application, a rebate, address an envelope or write down your medical history remember, someone has to read it and enter it into a computer.


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Dry Erase Board for AppointmentsWe were always forgetting appointments, so we got a dry erase board and put it up right where we all could see it. We haven't missed an appointment since. It's also good for quick notes to each other.


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Making Your To-Do List FunThe "Flash List". This is a game I made up to get five things done really quick. Start by cutting up small pieces of any kind of scrap paper, keep them in a small box on the edge of your desk.


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