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Use Nail Varnish to Mark Keys

Use Nail Varnish to Mark KeysIf some of the keys on your key ring look very similar, take just 10 to 15 minutes of your time to paint some of them with nail varnish. This will save you hassle and stress trying to find the right key, especially at the end of a hard day when all you want is to get in and put your feet up


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Take Baskets when Running ErrandsAlong with my cloth bags that I take when running errands, I always keep a few baskets in the trunk of my car. They are perfect for buying produce since I can take the same basket to the checkout and they just reload it, and the produce doesn't get squashed on the way home. It's also easier to unpack the groceries since I can see exactly what is in the basket.


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Saving Time In the MorningI am assuming that anyone who logs into Thrifty Fun regularly will already be preparing work bags, sandwiches and uniforms in advance, but here are some other ways of saving time:


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Adjust Car Clock AheadSince my car usually carries me to an appointment, I set the car clock back 7 or 8 minutes permanently. It gives me "catch-my-breath" time. It keeps me from having a panic attack as I cut it close for an appointment.


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Set Clocks Ahead 5 to 10 MinutesI have a bad habit of being 5 minutes late almost everywhere I go. Whether it's work, school or entertainment, I have a hard time getting anywhere on time.


Photo of a to do list.

Make a "What To Do" List for Idle MomentsHave you ever wondered how some people get more done than others? I have always believed that wasting time is as bad as wasting resources or money. I started taking stock of how much time I spend waiting for something, and the numbers will astound you!


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Excuses For Gossipy CallersGossip anyone? I always keep a timer in my pocket when I'm at home. When my friends call with the intention to gossip, I just ring the timer in my pocket and apologize that I must hang up to check the food in my oven.


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Schedule the First Appointment of the DaySchedule doctor's appointments for first morning appointment. You will not have to wait as long and you won't get a sleepy doctor right after lunch. By Gratefulmom


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Call Ahead to Check on Appointment TimesBefore leaving your house for any appointment, call ahead and see if they are on time. If the doctor is running say, 30 min. late, inform the staff that you will arrive 30 minutes late.


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Plan Errands Around Doctor AppointmentsWhen the doctor tells you he wants to see you in a specified time, don't have the receptionist automatically make the appointment then. You can ask if it is imperative that it has to be the exact date.


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Circle Numbers in the Phone BookWhen for the first time you look up the phone number of a person and/or a business take a pen and circle the name of the person and/or business. Then the next time you have to look the number up again, it will stick out like a sore thumb.


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Saving Money vs. Saving TimeTo me, thriftiness is not just about saving money. It's about making the best use of the resources you have. For me, one of my most precious resources is TIME.


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Keep an Errand Tote By the DoorKeep a tote bag somewhere near your door. Put anything in it that needs to be taken out of the house. I keep a file folder in mine for lists and other paper items I don't want to get messed up.


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Keep Extra School Supplies on HandI am the grandmother of 6 of which 3 stay with us most of the time and are school age. Last year, a much learned lesson was learned by Grandmother.


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