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Small White Jumping Bug?There was a small, long, white, see through bug on my living room wall. When I went to lift it; it jumped. What could it be?


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Killing Micro Mites With Vinegar?It makes sense that vinegar can kill mites. Has anyone had success with this?


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Keeping Worms Out of Garage?Worms crawl into my garage when it rains and they die and stick to the garage floor. How can I keep them from coming into the garage?


Rodent Control, Closeup of Wood Mouse

Rodent ControlThis is a page about rodent control. It's easy for rodents to sneak into your garage or storage shed, especially during the winter. Getting rid of them can be difficult so preventing them from getting comfy in the first place is the best policy.


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Neighbor's Dog Getting Under My Mobile Home?The neighbor's large Pit Bull keeps getting under my home. I have a well installed vinyl skirting, but he just goes right through it. Besides my venting and insulation, what else can he be damaging (i.e., natural gas line)?


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Vinegar Fruit Fly Trap?Does putting a cup of vinegar on the counter catch and kill fruit flies?


Fruit fly trap

Getting Rid of Fruit FliesYou just bought some bananas or other fresh fruit at the market recently. Now you are seeing tiny spots before your eyes. Your kitchen is enveloped in a haze of tiny flying bugs. You probably have fruit flies. This is a page about getting rid of fruit flies.


Repelling Hornets, Bumble Bees, and Wasps

Repelling Hornets, Bumble Bees, and...This is a page about repelling hornets, bumble bees, and wasps. Many people prefer to keep hornets, bumble bees, and wasps away from where their homes.


Closeup of termites in wood.

Homemade Remedies for TermitesThis page contains homemade remedies for termites. Termites can cause a lot of damage to your home. Exterminators are quite expensive, so before you call for an appointment it might be worth trying some homemade remedies first.


Getting Rid of Fleas in Bedding. Upclose photo of a flea.

Getting Rid of Fleas in BeddingThis is a page about getting rid of fleas in bedding. Removing fleas from your bedding will be a big help in stopping them from spreading throughout your home.


Mosquito on someone's skin.

Repelling MosquitoesThis is a page about repelling mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can make being outside unpleasant very quickly. There are many methods of repelling mosquitoes, find the one that works for you.


Controlling Earwigs

Controlling EarwigsThis is a page about controlling earwigs. If the earwigs have already infested an area they can be difficult to get rid of.


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Potato Bugs in Basement?How do I get rid of potato bugs coming into the basement wash room?


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Keeping Squirrels Out of a Tree?I have a ornamental pear tree in front of my house. The squirrels make so much mess. Is there a way to stop them from coming on the tree?


Wasp sitting on a glas

Homemade Wasp RepellentKeeping wasps away from your outdoor activities can be a challenge. For those who are allergic to their sting, they can be life threatening. This is a page about Homemade Wasp Repellent.



Upclose photo of a fruit fly.

Preventing Fruit FliesThis is a page about preventing fruit flies. Fruit flies can be a real nuisance in the house and can make it difficult to keep fruit out on the counter. Preventing them from multiplying in your house will ensure that they don't take over your home.


Flea on a white background.

Homemade Flea TrapThis is a page about making a homemade flea trap. Fleas are a horrible nuisance to have around your home. get rid of these tiny pests with a homemade flea trap.


Close up of housefly on white background

Homemade Fly TrapsThis is a page about homemade fly traps. Houseflies can be extremely annoying and hard to get rid of. They can also carry many diseases. Once they get in your house they're nearly impossible to get rid of. Stop these pets and save money by making your own fly traps.


Getting Rid of Fleas in Bedding. Upclose photo of a flea.

Getting Rid of FleasFleas reproduce very quickly so it is best to get rid of them as soon as you become aware of them. Not only do you need to get them off your pets, you need to get rid of them in your home too. This is a page about getting rid of fleas.


Dog Scratching at Fleas

Getting Rid of Fleas in Your YardOne of the main sources of fleas coming in on your pets is your yard. Keep fleas out of your home by removing them from your yard. This is a page about getting rid of fleas in your yard.


Ants on a carpet

Homemade Ant Killer RecipesStore bought ant killers and pest control services can be expensive and toxic. Save money by making your own. This page has lots of green ideas for killing ants at home.


Photo of mounds from moles.

Getting Rid of GrubsThis is a page about getting rid of grubs. Grubs can leave unsightly dead patches in your lawn. Grubs are also attract moles which can leave your lawn spotted with mounds of dirt from mole holes.


An up close photo of a moth.

Getting Rid of MothsThis page is about getting rid of moths. Having moths inside your home can be a real nuisance. They can destroy clothing and other fabric items.


Groundhog in the grass.

Getting Rid of GroundhogsThis is a page about getting rid of groundhogs. Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, can be a real nuisance in your yard. That can destroy your garden and their holes can ruin your lawn.


Snake coiled in an evergreen tree.

Getting Rid of SnakesThis is a page about getting rid of snakes. Snakes are a cause for alarm for many of us, particularly when startled by one. There are a variety of effective methods to repel snakes.


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Skinny Brown and Clear Bugs in Bed?I found 4 skinny brownish black and clear bugs in our bed. What are they? I found these right about bedtime. I have never seen them before and I don't know what they are or how to get rid of them.


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Little White Jumping Insects?My dog brought in fleas and now there are these little white things jumping on everything. What are they?


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Snake in Wall of House?I found a snake in my house under the fridge. Then it went into a small (like a pencil) hole in the wall under the sink. What can I do? Please suggest an answer. I am afraid of snakes.


Fly paper strips hanging by clothes pins.

Making Fly PaperThis is a page about making fly paper. If you are being pestered by flies, make your own flypaper. This pest control solution is an effective way to get rid of flies. Making it yourself allows you to solve the problem without chemicals, using ingredients from your kitchen.


Pigeons eating bread on sidewalk.

Getting Rid of PigeonsThis is a page to getting rid of pigeons. Pigeons have been known be be called "flying rats." These birds can be pests if they have chosen to hang out near your home or office. Here you will find tips for humane ways to deter pigeons.



Flying ant on a white background.

Getting Rid of Flying Ants?This is a page about getting rid of flying ants. Swarms of flying ants are not uncommon during the summer months. If these swarms are from colonies in your yard or the walls of your house you may want to get rid of them.


Japanese beetle eating a leaf.

Getting Rid of Japanese BeetlesThis is a page about getting rid of Japanese beetles. Japanese beetles can wreak havoc in your yard by devouring flowers and stripping the leaves off of plants. The grubs will also destroy grass by eating the roots.


March of the Sugar Ants

Getting Rid of Sugar AntsThis is a page about getting rid of sugar ants. Sugar ants can take over an area in a very short amount of time. They are an annoyance to have in the house.


Two earwigs on a yellow flower.

Getting Rid of EarwigsThis is a page about getting rid of earwigs. Earwigs are nocturnal omnivorous insects. They will eat both plants and other insects. It is their enjoyment of our flowers and vegetables that prompts the desire to rid ourselves of these hungry pests.


Metal sink drain.

Getting Rid of Drain FliesThis is a page about getting rid of drain flies. Drain flies can reside both indoors and outdoors. They like moist places where they can feed on organic matter. Drains clogged with hair, food or other organic materials provide a good place for them to breed.


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Getting Rid of an Intelligent Mouse?I just inherited a house and to our disgust and surprise I have noticed that we have a mouse (or mice). We see droppings, they ate the bread out of the bread box, and even ate the trash out of our garbage can in the kitchen, leaving behind urine and droppings.


Bat flying over a field.

Getting Rid of BatsThis is a page about getting rid of bats. Bats are actually very beneficial to have around because they eat an enormous number of bothersome insects such as mosquitoes. However, if they are nesting in your attic, you will probably want to get rid of them.


A gopher in the ground.

Getting Rid of GophersThis is guide about getting rid of gophers. The cute little gopher is the bane of many a gardener and home owner. They are herbivores that love to eat roots. They will eat the roots of your vegetables, flowers, and lawn. Getting rid of them can be difficult.


Aphids on a rose bud.

Getting Rid of AphidsThis is a page about getting rid of aphids. Having a rose, or other flowering plant, suddenly covered in aphids can be a a depressing sight. Fortunately, there are many ways to get rid of them and you may not have to use chemicals.


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Ants are Eating Holes in Tomato Plants?We are having trouble with holes in our tomatoes. It looks as if ants are eating them. We have sprayed them with an organic spray and with Ortho, but are still having trouble with this. Can you give us an solution?


A dog scratching his fleas.

Home Remedies for FleasFleas can be extremely difficult to get rid of when trying to avoid toxic remedies. With perseverance home remedies can work. This is a page about home remedies for fleas.


House fly on a white surface.

Getting Rid of Flies at a Restaurant?This is a page about getting rid of flies at a restaurant. The food waste and garbage thrown out at restaurants can attract a lot of flies. Flies buzzing around your customers is certainly not good for business.


A wasp's nest in the corner of a roof.

Keeping Wasps Away From Your HomeWasps can build a nest surprisingly quick around your home and be difficult to relocate. This is a page about keeping wasps away from your home.


underside of Black Widow Spider

Getting Rid of Black Widow SpidersThis is a page about getting rid of black widow spiders. Many spiders are helpful to have in your garden. However, black widow spiders can be dangerous to have around your home and garden.


Worm crawling on a stack of bookc.

Getting Rid of Bookworms?This is a page about getting rid of bookworms. The term bookworm is often used to refer to several types of beetles, worms, and lice that can damage books. These pests are often found in older or not well maintained books. If you are unfortunate enough to notice these literary destroyers in your collection, you will want to act quickly.



Squirrels going through fascia board into attic.

Keeping Squirrels Out of Your AtticThis is a page about keeping squirrels out of your attic. Squirrels can be entertaining as they scamper about your garden. If they decide to move into your attic, they can cause serious damage to house wiring and insulation. Additionally, they will contaminate the area with urine and feces.


Wasp inside a plastic cup.

Homemade Wasp TrapsThis is a page about homemade wasp traps. Buying wasp traps and the attractant at the store can be quite expensive. Making your own traps is easily done with items you may have around the house.


A snail on a flower stalk.

Getting Rid of SnailsThis is a page about getting rid of snails. Although many people think snails are cute, they can be devastating to your yard and garden.


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Getting Rid of Mice in the Kitchen?I live in Florida, in my dad's house that I just inherited. We have noticed over a 2 week period that something chewed a hole in the bread and a hole in the cabinet under the sink for the purpose of eating the garbage in the trash can.


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Using a Zodiac Flea Bomb?How do I use the Zodiac flea bomb? I have two dogs and one cat. I use Advantix on my dogs, but my cat is allergic to every type of topical flea products. Will the Zodiac work, and how do I prepare my house? Do I need to remove food, dishes, etc.? Please help.


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Something is Leaving a Trail of Dog Food Through the House?I have been finding a trail of dried corn (kept outside airtight), dog food (inside airtight), so I know it is coming from dog's bowl, and dead bugs (June) (kept outside jk). It starts under my dryer, then on to the washer, refrigerator, dishwasher....


Raccoon in park trash bin with plastic bag in its mouth.

Keeping Raccoons Out of the Trash?This is a page about keeping raccoons out of the trash. They are at it again. The masked raiders have once again feasted in your trash bin and left a mess for you to clean up. It is difficult to keep these intelligent creatures out of the buffet in your side yard.


Raccoon sitting in the garden near a flower pot.

Keeping Raccoons Out of Your GardenThis is a page about keeping raccoons out or your garden. Raccoons are awfully cute little bandits. However, when they start raiding the garden we generally start looking for ways to keep them out.


Spider on web with dew drops on it.

Spider Repellent RecipesThis page contains recipes for spider repellent. Many people are scared of spiders, or simply don't want them in or near their house. If you are one of these people, then you need a spider repellent.


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What Are These Bugs?My family likes to collect rocks, such as arrowheads or just old creek rocks. My fiance has several of these rocks laying in our window sill to display. If you pick them up and look "closely" you can see a quick, tiny bug smaller than a flea dart off!


Mole Digging Out of Hole into Open Air

Getting Rid of Moles in Your YardThis is a page about getting rid of moles in your yard. Moles can make your yard look really messy in a very short period of time. They are notoriously difficult to eliminate from your yard and often require professional assistance.


Slug on a Leaf

Getting Rid of SlugsThis is a page about getting rid of slugs. Slugs in the garden mean raggedy, nibbled on leaves. These snails without a shell enjoy the humidity of a garden environment. There are several ways to help reduce the slug population in your garden.


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What is the Source of Fruit Flies?Where do fruit flies come from? Are they in the fruit or your home?


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Getting Rid of Hornets?We seem to have an infestation of hornets and cannot seem to find the nest anywhere. Does anyone have an inexpensive solution to repelling the little pests? My husband is allergic to the bites. Please help, we do not have the finances to call in an exterminator.


A close up of a black house fly.

Fly Repellent RecipesThis page contains fly repellent recipes. With summer comes open doors and windows and more flies. Find recipes and techniques to safely shoo those flies away.


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Squirrels Digging Up Tulips?Squirrels dug up all my tulips; how can I stop them?


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Bugs Eating the Wood Under the Counter?I have bugs that are eating the wood under the kitchen counter. What do I do?


Furious girl with a fly swatter.

Getting Rid of GnatsThis is a page about getting rid of gnats. Seeing spots zipping past your eyes? It could be the dreaded gnat. These tiny insects multiply rapidly and can become very annoying.


Raccoon Getting into Birdfeeder

Getting Rid of RaccoonsThis is a page about getting rid of raccoons. Raccoons are very intelligent and can be cute when viewed from afar. However, they can also be messy and feisty pests to have around.


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Aphids on Tomatoes?I am looking for a natural cure for aphids on tomatoes.


House Fly

Getting Rid of House FliesThis is a page about getting rid of house flies. House flies are a nuisance and unsanitary. Getting rid of house flies is easy if you use the proper methods.


Caterpillar eating a leaf.

Getting Rid of CaterpillarsThis is a page about getting rid of caterpillars. Caterpillars may be cute but they can quickly devour your plants.


Spider Hanging on web Outside

Getting Rid Of Spiders Outside HouseWhile spiders are a beneficial arachnid, some carry venom that can be very poisonous to people. This page has answers to the question: Please tell me how to get rid of spiders and their webs from my backyard?


Getting Rid of Ants

Getting Rid of AntsWhether you are trying to deter little sugar ants in your kitchen, wood eating carpenter ants or biting fire ants in your backyard, there are a variety of different pest control methods. This is a page about getting rid of ants.


Closeup of green bodied house fly.

Getting Rid of FliesThis is a page about getting rid of flies. Flies are not only annoying, but they can also be unsanitary. Getting rid of them is often a difficult undertaking.


Wasp on Vespiary

Getting Rid of WaspsThis is a page about getting rid of wasps. If wasps infest your home they can be a real nuisance. There are several varieties of wasps and many different ways to get them out of your house.


Tent caterpillars in a tree.

Getting Rid of Tent CaterpillarsCaterpillars can be very destructive to your trees and garden. Here are tips to preventing this pest. This is a page about getting rid of tent caterpillars.


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Getting Rid of Spiders Without Pesticide?Does anyone have a non-toxic way to get rid of spiders?


A spider trapped under a drinking glass.

Getting Rid of SpidersThis is a page about getting rid of spiders. Many people wish to get rid of spiders and remove them from their home, basement, attic, garage and yard. Here are pest control tips for removing arachnids from your living space.


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Keeping Birds from Eating Berries?How do you keep birds from eating your entire grape, blueberry, and blackberry crops. I didn't even get one!


Black and white rabbit eating grass.

Keeping Rabbits Out of Your GardenThis is a page about keeping rabbits out of your garden. Although cute, rabbits can be a real pest in the garden. They can quickly devour all of the plants you are growing.


Keeping Deer Out of Your Garden, Doe in Suburban Garden

Keeping Deer Out of Your GardenThis is a page to keeping deer out of your garden. Many people love to see deer visit near their home, unless they are trying to grow a garden. Deer will eat through all of your harvest before you know it.


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Getting Rid of a Hornet's Nest Behind Siding?I have a hornet's nest under the brick on my house and one by one they're finding their way into my basement. What do I do?


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What Kind of Bug is This?They are also black and have blueish eyes. The two front legs are longer and they have what looks like a stinger on the back kinda like a wasp or a scorpion's.


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What are These Small Red Whisker Looking Bugs?These bugs look like small red whiskers, they like light colored skin especially when it's humid outside. They don't bother my dark skinned friends unless they are wearing damp, light colored clothes.


Fungus Fly on Grass

Getting Rid of Fungus Flies in Your HouseplantsThis is a page to getting rid of fungus flies in your houseplants. Flies in your house plants can be a real annoyance and once they are established they can be difficult to eradicate.


Getting Rid of Bed Bugs, A bed bug on a blanket

Getting Rid of Bed BugsThis is a page for getting rid of bed bugs. Even in the cleanest household, an infestation of bed bugs can occur. There are many options for prevention and treatment of this pest as well as advice for treating the painful red bites.


Puppy scratching.

Keeping Flies Off Your DogThis is a page about keeping flies off your dog. Dogs that spend time outside are often bothered by biting flies. Are you looking for ways to protect your pet from these annoying insects?


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Getting Rid of Spiders in Shrubs?Our holly bushes and rose of Sharon bushes are overrun by spiders and their webs, how would I get rid of them?


photo of ants eating a scrap of onion

Getting Rid of Ants in the KitchenHave ants taken up residence in your home? The kitchen can be a challenging place to get rid of ants since there are so many sources of food. This is a page about getting rid of ants in your kitchen.


Black slug in the grass

Keeping Slugs Out of Your GardenThis is a page about keeping slugs out of your garden. If you live where slugs are prevalent you know the destruction they can cause. They can quickly consume plants and ruin your garden.


Getting Rid of Cockroaches, Woman about to hit a cockroach with a frying pan.

Getting Rid of CockroachesCockroaches are disgusting pests and can be very tough to get rid of. There are many ways to tackle this pest. This is a page about getting rid of cockroaches.


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Orange Spray Furniture Polish as Roach SprayPowerhouse Furniture Polish, the off-brand Orange type that you can buy at the store, kills cockroaches if you drench them with it. A mist of it won't work, they have to be soaked. They go into seizures and die.


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Ground Hog Deterrent?I live in a rural subdivision and I used to have 1 ground hog, but now someone has dropped off 4 more. How can I get them to move on?


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Flea Repellent for People?How can my hairy husband keep fleas off of his ankles?


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What is This Tiny Green Bug?I find this bug on my arms. It is a little smaller than a pin head, the color is like the light color green on army fatigues. I can't see the legs or much of anything else for that matter because it's so tiny.


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Problem with a Robin Pecking at Window?Does anyone have any ideas as to what I can do with a problem robin? From morning until late afternoon, this robin will try to fly into one of several windows. He flaps his wings, pecking on the window and sometimes actually slams into the window.


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Getting Rid of Black Racer Snakes?I have a den of snakes living in my front door stoop which is hollow red brick. I have patched the holes I see and they have a hole the size of a dime they are now using which they made. I know I have at least 5 snakes.


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Keeping Orioles Away from Hummingbird Feeder?I have both hummingbirds (around 3) and Orioles hanging around my house this year. Yipee! I only had one hummer all last year. Unfortunately the Orioles are feeding out of the hummingbird feeders even though I have put out a big Oriole feeder for them.


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Keeping Wood Borers Out of Furniture?How do I keep wood borers away from a wardrobe?


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Using Chinaberry Leaves to Repel Fleas?Can you use Chinaberry leaves in your house for fleas with a house cat? Will it kill the cat to eat them?


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Using Soap to Get Rid of Ants?I have seen on this sight that someone was using Vel soap to get rid of ants. Where can I buy Vel soap?


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Identifying a Dark Green and Yellow Missouri Snake?What snake has a dark green top with a bright yellow underside and is it poisonous?


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Using Bug Spray Around Cats?My parents bought me Spectracide BugStop (indoor/outdoor formula) for when I first moved in since my condo is older. I'm having issues with spiders, gnats, cockroaches, etc.


Photo of a bug

Asian Ladybug Trap Pheromone?Is the lure in this trap a natural pheromone? Or can it be man made?


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Home Remedy for Flies?I live next to a ranch. During the summer the flies are out in insane amounts. I was wondering if there is a home remedy or natural way to get rid of them? I don't want to use chemicals and fly tape only gets rid of a few.


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Small Scarlet Snake Inside my House?I just found a small scarlet snake inside my house. I was watching TV and there it was the snake in front of the TV. I have carpet in my house and my house is very clean. I need to know how or what can I do to put around and inside my house to avoid this scary night.


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Spiders, Ants and Mice Oh My!We moved into a small cottage that is a rental with only a small crawlspace under the kitchen. We put stainless steel everywhere to keep the mice out. That worked some. Then the ants were everywhere. Even on my poor dog. But the biggest problem is the spiders.


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Pesky Squirrels Chewing on Screen Door?I have some really cute little red squirrels that visit me every morning. I love to watch their antics however they have started to chew on my screen door. Does anyone know if there is something I can rub or spray on the screen which would discourage them.


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Getting a Lizard Out of the Kitchen?How can I get rid of a lizard in my kitchen?


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How Can I Get Rid of a Mouse in My House Without Killing It?I have a mouse that is ruling the house and is all over at night. I do not want to use sticky traps to catch it. Please help with suggestions to get it to leave the house.


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How Do I Keep Field Mice Out of Storage Shed?How do we keep field mice out of our storage shed and equipment?


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How Can I Get Rid of Snakes With Household Products?How do you get rid of snakes when you use household items?


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Getting Rid of Tiny Red Worms and Black Beetles in Sofa?Tiny red worms (1/16 inch) are in my sofa and along with them equally tiny black beetles, not biting either of them. Ugh. How do I get rid of them?


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What Are These Small Gray and White Bugs in Landscape Rock?Millions of small bugs with a gray and white pattern on their backs swarm out of my landscaping rocks in the late afternoon. They are oval shaped, some real small and the largest about the size of an ant.


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Squirrels in My Attic?How can I get rid of the squirrels in my attic?


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Getting Rid of Birds Nesting on House?How do you get rid of birds that are nesting on your house? We can't use noise because it right outside our window.


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Dealing With Aggressive Birds?How do you protect yourself from being attacked by robins?


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What Kind of Animal Could Have Gotten Into My Cellar?I went down my to cellar and found a grey prickly animal in a ball. I think he is dead. I don't know how he could have gotten in. The window has an old carpet with weights on it. I found the old carpet in shreds and concrete bits all over the floor. Has anyone come across this?


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Getting Rid of Vinegar Flies in a Composting Toilet?I have a composting toilet and have vinegar flies I can't get rid of. Please does anyone have any suggestions? I'm going crazy.


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What Should I Discard to Be Rid of Bedbugs When Moving?I got bedbugs from my previous apartment, it got treated by Terminex. We moved right after to another apartment thinking they are gone as we were not getting bitten. Now 10 months later, I got bitten maybe a few times, not as bad as before though.


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Sprinkle Salt on Carpets to Kill Fleas?Can you use rock salt to sprinkle on your carpet to get rid of fleas instead of iodized salt?


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Getting Rid of Snakes Inside the Walls of a House?I bought a house made of cinder blocks, that had been taken over by the jungle for 7 years. The fascia boards had rotted so the snakes were able to get down into the walls. How can I get rid of them?


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Use Dryer Sheets to Keep Pests AwayKeep a Bounce dryer sheet in your pocket to keep yellow jackets away and to repel mosquitoes.


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Keeping Birds Out of Wood Chips?How do I stop birds from getting in the wood chips and flicking them all over the driveway? The wood chips are on the garden.


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What Will Guinea Fowl Eat?I have two questions about Guineas. Will they eat grassburrs and two, will they kill snakes? I know they eat ticks and grasshoppers, but am not sure about the other two. Can someone please let me know. I would be so grateful. God Bless. Hugs.


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Keeping Moles Out of Flower Beds?How do I get rid of moles in my flower beds?


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What is the Safest Product for Cleaning Up Mouse Droppings?The mice have left their droppings in my silverware and junk drawer. What is a safe product to use to clean the drawer, pens, pencils, misc. metal, and wood serving utensils?


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Use Spaghetti in Mouse TrapMy tip is for those people that still use mouse traps, the kind that snap shut. When I had mouse problems, I used peanut butter instead of cheese. Then I took a one inch piece of spaghetti and stuck it in center of the peanut butter.


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Dry Powder Roach ControlIf you have a roach infestation, mix equal parts of boric acid powder and flour, cornmeal or sugar. Put in small lids in the affected areas (keep away from pets and children). Roaches will walk through and eat the mixture when they clean their feelers and legs and then die.


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ET Pest Control for Bats?Has anyone purchased the ET Pest Control for bat removal?


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Natural Remedy for Ants?Sprinkle pantry shelves, window sills, and door sills with a mixture of red pepper and sage to rid them of ants.


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Getting Rid of Fleas on a Mattress?What the best way to kill fleas on my mattress?


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Using Coyote Urine to Keep Cats Out of the Yard?Some readers have recommended coyote urine to keep cats out of my yard. Won't coyote urine attract coyotes to my yard? I don't want them to eat the cats, just want the cats to stop pooping in my yard.


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Do I Have Bed Bugs?I would like to know how to determine if you have an infestation of bed bugs.


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Getting Rid of Blow Flies?I have a bit of a problem with blowflies. I have three indoor cats. The trouble is disposal of the waste. It is heating up around here and we seem to have an abundance of blowflies.


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Getting Rid of Weevils?What do flour worms look like and how to keep them out of the flour?


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