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Ladybug Problem?Would anyone know how to get rid of ladybugs? At first I thought they were so pretty, but they have infested my walls and ceilings. I live in the country, but the windows were closed all winter.


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Removing Bird Poop Stains?A bird built a nest behind our new light fixtures on the porch. Now there is bird excrement on the fixture as well as the concrete porch floor. How do I remove the stains? Marilyn


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Removing Bats from a Roof?Do any readers have suggestions on removing bats from a roof? They are going in the soffits and fascia. I've talked to both a pest control agent (who scared me) and a bat expert (who told me I should be thrilled!).


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Water Moccasins Deterrents?I just found a baby Water Moccasin in my shop. Is there a deterrent I could put in there that would keep them out?


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Getting Rid of Bookworms?I ordered an out-of-print book that I would like to keep, but as I was reading it I found several (cute) little bookworms. I don't want the rest of my books infected.


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Moth Infestation?It seems that overnight our kitchen has been infested with bugs! Most of them are potato bugs and little tiny tan colored moths. They fly around everywhere and leave their egg sacks and larvae in all our crevices! How can we get rid of them?


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Fire Ants!We are having a terrible time with fire ants this year. I don't want to use anything harmful to children or pets. Does anyone have any good way to get rid of them?


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Pigeons on Air Conditioners?There are a lot of pigeons in our place and they love to stay on top of the air conditioners (wall) outside the house. They build nests and make it their home. The side of our house gets so dirty because of their droppings. It's disgusting! - Medrid


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Flea Remedy?I need a frugal way to get fleas off dogs that stay outside.


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How do I Keep Squirrels out of the House?We have squirrels in between our kitchen ceiling and bedroom upstairs, we do not know how they are coming in but do know they go onto the roof. Does anyone have any ideas how to keep them out besides trapping them. The electronic Pest Control units do not seem to work, I have 3 of them. From Anna in Maine


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Caterpillars are Taking Over My Trees?I am in Washington state and there are caterpillars everywhere right now. They are orange and black and about an inch long. You can see their nests all over my trees and when you look closely at the nests there are between 10 to hundreds of caterpillars in each one.


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Homemade Boric Acid Bait Recipes for Ants?What kind of homemade bait recipes can one make? These three simple recipes are easily made using boric acid as the active ingredient.


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Keep Squirrels from Going into a Bird Aviary?I'm having problems with the squirrels going into the bird aviary. Can I get rid of the squirrels with rubber snakes? Do I hang the snakes on trees, fences, or the bird aviary itself? Can you help me out? Thank you. Mike


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Cockroaches in a Trailer?Hi, I am renting a modular home in Tempe, AZ for a few months and there is a real cockroach problem. I think this is the first time I have ever seen a cockroach in real life. How do you get rid of these critters without calling a bug services? Or can you? Creepy! Thanks, Diane


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Feeding Birds without Feeding Pigeons?I love feeding the birds and squirrels but in doing so get tons of pigeons and they take over my bird feeders. How can I feed my birds but not welcome pigeons? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Sue



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Daughter Bitten by Unknown Bugs?My 3 year old daughter keeps getting bitten, in the house, sometimes at night, sometimes during the day, by unseen, unknown bugs! They are very red, and incredibly itchy.


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Centipedes in the Bathtub?Help, I have centipedes in my bath tub and would like to know how to get rid of them. All help will be appreciated. Nan in Northwest Iowa


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No Moths Without Using Mothballs?I'm going to put a dresser up in the attic to store clothes and I'm just wondering if anyone has ideas/tips on how to keep the moths away without using moth balls because I heard they do damage to clothing plus the smell is so overpowering.


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Keeping Foxes out of My Garden?How do I keep foxes out of my garden?


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Gnat Problem in Convenience Store?I work at a convenience store where we have a bakery case. We have fresh donuts brought in every day, and every day they end up in the garbage because of gnats. We clean the case every day. Please HELP! What can we do to eliminate those pesky gnats? Thank you. Pam


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Need Fast Working and Child-Safe Dog Deterrent?I need some help dog has decided that he needs to potty in the area of the yard that all my play equipment for my daycare children is in. He always went to the far side of the yard until winter, didn't want to get as wet, so, he hurried and found a closer spot. Does anyone know of anything that will get him back to his old spot? I don't think Cayenne Pepper is a very good idea in a children's play needs to be child friendly but not doggie encouraging deterrent Thanks!! Sas-E-Sheri


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Copperhead Snake in My House?I found a copperhead in my house yesterday. Saw it in the basement in the morning and came home to find it in my bathroom! I don't know if it was the same snake or one of a pair or more. I have 4 cats and all are good mousers - but ....


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Flea Problem?I have a little 9 week chihuahua. When we got him he had no fleas, but I have a half german shepherd/husky that lives downstairs so I think he got it from him I was wondering what I can use and will not be harsh on the lil' chihuahua and what can I use for the dog that lives downstairs. I have wooden floors all through the house. What will be a good solution to use to clean the house where the dog has been. Ana


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Gnats Coming out of Litter Box?Please help! Our kitten eats Iams food for kittens and it seems that there are little gnats coming out of his litter box. Does anyone know what causes this? - Ana


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Large Snakes in Swimming Pool?We have found several snakes, about 18 to 24 inches long in our yard. They are brownish. The other day I found two of them in my pool skimmer basket; one swimming and one had its head off, apparently by the other one? Could these be a type of moccasin or another poisonous snake? Regards, Cecil


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Bait for Trapping Yellow Jackets?What can I use to get rid of jellow jackets? Is there any one thing that would attract them so that they would go in a trap for yellow jackets? We bought 4 of the traps and put the liquid in but now that has lost its power. Sincerely, Patricia


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Fly Repellant for Porch Area?I'd like to know if anyone has any suggestions on how to stop common houseflies from hanging around on our back porch. They seem to accumulate there every day. The porch is very clean, no food or animal waste is present to attract them. And please don't suggest one of those unsightly sticky fly ribbons. Thanks ~Harm0ny~


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Mysterious Pests Brought Home with New Kitten?We got a new kitten for our addopted kitten to play with, but this month old tyke brought a little annoyance with him. At first they only bugged the kittens, but after flea treatment (which works on more than just fleas) they started biting my family (me especially).


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Flea Remedies in England?I live in England and we do not have things called bombs here but as my friend's dog has been in my home she brings fleas. I have been bitten raw this week ang help for your English friends would be welcome as my friend will not admit her dog has fleas.


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Cat Repellents?Tips and advice about cat repellents. Post your ideas here.



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Looking for Snake Advice?I was terrifed a month or so ago, when I was ascending the basement steps, and a snake was curled in the corner. I was absolutely terrified, and beat it with a mop I was taking upstairs to throw away. It kept moving, and then I sprayed it, with I don't know what---and it stopped moving. I put the mop over it and went into to town until my husband got off work. I put mothballs around, because I heard that repels them, but got an awful headache. We got something at the farm store called snake-away, and it smelled like moth balls. Also, we live next to fields in the country, and sometimes mice are a problem. I think we have gotten rid of them. I would appreciate all advice. Thank you!! Alleen


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Termites on Books and Cartons?How do we get rid of termites on some household items like books and paper cartons. Please give us tips.


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Bug Eating My Rose of Sharon?There is a black bug with tiny red spots eating the devil out of my Rose of Sharon seed pods, still on the bush! Any idea what these things are and what to do about them? Thanks Rachel


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Purpose of the Flea?What is the purpose of the flea? How does it benefit the environment? Does anyone know? - Suzzette


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How do I get rid of Moths in the carpets?We had moved out of town for a few years and had our house rented out to various renters. Now we are back and the carpets, etc all have moths (the clothes moths not the flying kind).


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Tiny Red Bugs in Cupboards?I have seen these tiny red bugs in boxes of pasta, counter tops, cooking pots and pans, and even on top of the refrigerator. Where do they come from? How can I control them? My wife can't eat or sleep. (Arachnaphobia) What shall I do? - Patrick


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Lady Bugs and Asian Lady Beetles?How can you tell the difference between regular lady bugs and the asian lady beetle?


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Is it a Rat or a Squirrel - What do I do?I work at least 70 hours a week and winter is here and something has decided that since I am never home it will move in and has taken over.


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Miniscule Biting Black Insects?I have miniscule black flying insects that are biting me. I have no pets but do have house plants. I have tried the vinegar, alcohol and water mixture and haven't been able to rid myself of them.


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Gnats In Room With Guinea Pigs?I have guinea pigs and I gave them some pineapple about 2 wks. ago. I started getting gnats and was using a flying pest spray on them. I would spray the entire room after removing my piggies and let it sit closed for an hour or so. Well, no more pineapple since my piggies don't eat it but my gnat problem has increased about 10 times more than before. How do I get rid of these annoying things w/out harming my piggies and how can I prevent it.


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Will My Cats Catch The Mice?I have three cats and I thought you would not get mice if you have cats but I have got mice and don't know what to do. Will the cats catch the mice? They are all indoor cats, I can't put poison down. Julie


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What is this Minuscule Fuzzy Pest?I have reached desperate mode at this point. I live in a apartment in Ohio. I have been dealing with some type of black flying bug that is about half the size of a tiny pin head - a mere fleck!


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Lady Bug Issues?I just went in to wake up my 14 month old from her nap. I opened her blinds and was shocked to see 16 ladybugs all over her window. I live in the mid-atlantic region where it has been cold, but we are having a few days of warm weather. Does anybody have ideas how to rid of these nasty bugs that will not harm my children?


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Safe Way To Get Rid Of Gophers?My yard is full of gopher mountians and I don't know what to do about it. Does anyone know of a safe frugal way to elminate them from my yard? Thanks for your help, Rhonda


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Help with Stray Cats?I have 4 stray cats that hang out on my back porch. I have a male neutered cat inside. Apparently, one of the strays is also a male (unneutered) and he has been spraying my house--gross! I have a 2 year old and I don't want him to go out and play when this cat sprays. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get this stray cat to stop spraying or to get him to leave? Help please! melissa in wv



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Keeping Worms out of Flour and Oatmeal?How can I keep those little pesty worms out of my flour, oatmeal and other dry products? I remember a good tip a long time ago, but cannot remember what it was.


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Attracting Bats For Pest Control?People often think that both my wife and I are "bats" when we tell them that we would like to draw bats into our area. Knowing that bats are probably one of the best mosquito eaters, along with swallows, we would like to draw some into our area. We have two questions:


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Diatomaceous Earth For Termites?Will diatomaceous earth get rid of termites? Ellen


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Skunk Under Inground Pool?We have a skunk living under an Inground Pool and I have tried moth balls, black pepper, D.E., and I can't convince him or her to find another home. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Bat Living Above Our Front Door?Does anyone know how to get a bat from roosting above our front door? The bat roosts on the brick above our door. We have hung netting over the brick and that has not helped.


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Natural Repellent For Wasps?Does anyone know of any natural insect repellent for wasps? For example: mosquitoes do not like citronella, fleas are not fund of cedar.


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Keeping Cats Off My Fence?How do I keep the neighbor's cats off the top of my fence? It has a four foot lattice with a top rail and it's covered in wisteria but the cats next door manage to sit up there and tease my dog.


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Can I Purchase Bats?O.K., some people may think me daft or more accurately "bats". I live in an area of Colorado, right near a river in the mountains, where there should be bats.


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Cornstarch For Roaches?I was told that cornstarch was an easy way to help get rid of roaches. Is that true? If so, does anyone have any directions for it? A friend of mine and her husband really need the help. My friend is allergic to all forms of bug sprays and bombs.


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Insect Repellent Recipes?Tips and recipes for repelling insects. Post your ideas.


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Ant Trap Recipe?I believe it was in an old newsletter here that I had read something about how you can get rid of ants by putting something out for them that they will eat and that will then swell in their stomach and cause them to explode.


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Territorial Scrub Jay?Here in California we have Scrub Jays (not called Blue Jays since I was told those are on the eastern coast of USA). My very own Scrub Jays has torn apart our window screens (to make a nest?).


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Mice Repellent Recipes?Tips and recipes for repelling mice. Post your ideas.


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Raccoon Deterrents?Does anyone have any idea how to get rid of a racoon that is raiding the food in a humming bird feeder? Your suggestions will be appreciated.


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Flying Bugs Outside Our Door?We have alot of flying bugs right outside our door. How can we get them away?


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Copperhead Snake Information?We've been building a cabin in WV and I'm planning on going out in July to start painting the inside. What I'm concerned about are snakes, Copperheads to be exact. We were out to the cabin a few weeks ago to do some work and my Hubby was weed whacking.


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How can I get rid of the magpies but keep the rest of the birds?We have all sorts of beautiful birds in our backyard: finches, wrens, quail, robins, and they all seem to get along just fine. We enjoy watching them and feeding them. But now a group of magpies has settled in the area and chase the birds away from their feeders, and will even divebomb our dogs if they get too close! Any idea on how to chase the magpies away but without killing them and to ensure that the rest of the birdies stay?


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Natural Bug Repellents?My girls are going to summer camp soon and I would like to give them a natural way to keep the bugs away. I am really anti-chemical and would like to stay away from the bug repelents that you find in the stores. I know some people may recommend dryer sheets (they seem to work for so many things) but I've read an article that they contain dangerous chemicals.


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Rats In My Yard?I was lying in my hammock this afternoon, and just gotten comfortable when I heard a rustling sound above me. I thought it was birds, and I looked up just in time to see a big rat run across the patio cover and down a tree! How can I get rid of rats? I have dogs that use the yard, too, and I can't do anything that will poison them.


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Getting Rid of Maple Bugs?We have a massive problem with maple bugs every year and they seem to be getting worse each year. Does anyone have a way of getting rid of them?


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Den of Snakes in My Basement?I am asking for help concerning a possible den of snakes found in my basement. We've lived in our house for about four years.


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Keeping Cats From Scratching Screen Doors?I have 2 indoor cats and several cats in the neighborhood come to my sliding glass door and create big holes in my screen by scratching. I have already replaced my screen once and do not want to do it again. What can I do to deter cats from coming to my back door and scratching big holes?


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Bluish Black Flying Insects on My Roof?On the roof of my home I thought I had an infestation of bees. Upon closer examination I don't know what these insects are.


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Blackbirds Dropping Poop and Worms on Our Pool?We have these nasty blackbirds constantly bringing poop and worms and droping them on the top of or in our pool, I tried the CD thing and also bought an owl thats head moves around. Nothing helps, they do this all day long.


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Cottonmouth Snakes (Water Moccasin) in my Bathtub?I live in a small neighborhood in Southeastern Louisiana not far from the Mississippi river. This morning I was going to take my bath and I discovered (or at least my cat did) a black snake curled up by the tub. I didn't touch it!


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How Do I Get Rid of Blue Jays?I have this blue jay that sits by a window of my house and pecks at it. Sometimes it starts pecking around five in the morning. It's always waking me up and it continues to peck throughout the day. I use to have mourning doves that had nests by my front door that have been scared off along with sparrows and other birds because of the Blue Jay.


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White Footed Ants?Does anyone know how to get rid of white footed ants? Sarasota is covered with them.


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Roaches In a Very Clean Home?I have never had a roach in my home, ever, in fact I sanitize counters, mop and vacuum floors constantly, yet this morning there was a huge (an inch or so) tan roach sitting on my sink.


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Removing a Yellow Jackets Nest?We have been invaded by a yellow jacket nest in the middle of the front yard. We have sprayed twice with a 20 percent foam spray. They are still here.


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Getting Rid of Chirping Birds?Every morning at 4:15 a.m., and all day, the birds wake and begin chirping in the holly tree, the oak tree and several others, none of which belong to me but surround my house. What can I do to drive them away to the forest of trees across the street?


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Avoiding Bee Stings?Tips for avoiding bee stings. Post your ideas.


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Keeping Field Mice Out of a Vacant House?I need ideas to control field mice from entering my unoccupied house. It's 4000 Sq. feet on a cement slab. It has cement block walls with steel siding. The house is furnished and 30% is my craft shoppe which is closed. There is not an edible item in the place.


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Gnats in the Basement?I am having problems with gnats in my basement. I don't know what they are attracted to. I don't have any live pants or food in the basement. They seem to be multiplying. How can I get rid of them?


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Termite Control?My husband and I bought our home back in December. Are we long overdue for a termite inspection?


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Bugs on Porch?Every morning, I have to sweep a million dead bugs off the front porch that come at night. They are tiny black bugs and the regular moths and beetle bugs. I have tried a GE yellow bug light and it does not work at all. I don't want to leave my porch light off for security reasons.


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Are Exterminators Worth the Expense?Feedback from readers about the value of using a profession exterminator to help control insects. Post your experiences.


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Mites or Bedbugs on Chair?How can I rid a large upholstered chair (chaise) of unseen biting insects (bedbugs, mites)?


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Wasp Nests?A nest of wasps or hornets has taken up residence under the wooden terracing/steps in my yard. I've sprayed the area as much as I could with commercial products, at night when they are in the nest, but since it is under the wood I can't get them all.


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Getting Rid of Millipedes?How does a person go about getting rid of thousand leggers?


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Ants on Porch?I have ants on my front and back porches. I have sprayed ant killer that I bought at Wal-Mart but the ants keep coming back. Please help.


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Getting Rid of Love Bugs?Is there any way to get rid of lovebugs from your yard, every year they just about drive me nutty.


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Bees Swarming Around Outdoor Lights?I have lots of Malayan Wild Bees coming to swarm around my lights at night. They are dangerous and a nuisance because I have to switch off practically all lights just to get rid of them. They seem to love to warmth around brightness emitted from these lights. What do I do to get rid of them? FIY, at the back of my house are Natural Forests.


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Yellow Jackets (Bees) In My Foundation?I have been dealing with yellow jacket bees for several weeks now. It seems that the one day the bees have quieted down and the next they are back in full force. They have invaded a hole in the cement foundation of my house. Spray foam will not reach them.


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Snakes In Bedroom?I live in upstate NY. And every summer my parents get snakes in their bedroom. We've seeled off every hole inside and out but they always seem to get in. How do I stop them from coming in.


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Cat in Crawl Space?A young cat has gotten under our house crawl space. I have lured it out with food, but was unable to block the hold before it quickly went back under the house. Any suggestions for luring it out long enough to block the hole?


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Huge Ants?We have recently built a garage. We put slag [cement?] right in front of the garage door and now we have ant problems. I am not talking about normal ants, these ants are huge. Can anybody please help me get rid of these?


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Tiny Red Ants in Packages of Food?I have these itty bitty red ants. I don't know what kind they are or how to get rid of them. They have actually gotten into packages of food that haven't even been opened yet. I can't afford to throw away groceries so if any one knows how to get rid of them I sure would appreciate it.


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Roaches Coming In Through Air Conditioner?Here in Florida we have Palmetto bugs -- giant roaches. Does anyone know if bugs can get in through central air conditioners? Everything else seems to be sealed off, including roof vents.


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Small Wildlife Getting Into Trash?I recently moved to a new apartment. They are supposed to be putting dumpsters in. Until that time, what should I do to keep animals out of my trash? I am getting tired of cleaning up garbage on my back porch every morning.


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Ground Moles?I live in Illinois and this Summer we hardly had any rain and it's been extemely hot. I have lived in my house for 14 years and this is the very first time that I have ground hogs or ground moles making tunnels in my front yard.


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Moving and Leaving The Cockroaches Behind?We are moving in a week and there are roaches everywhere. How do I stop them from going with us?


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Keeping Squirrels off My Walnut Tree?I can't stand the mess... Every morning I'm cleaning up after about 6 squirrels who are feasting in my wild (100 year old) walnut tree. What do I do to keep them away? My yard is a disaster; I spend hours cleaning up all the shells and the outer-coat of the walnut. It's a mess also because the outer-coat of the walnut stains everything it touches... What can I do to stop them? They are getting to the tree by the truck, and from the top of Garage. There no way to isolate the tree from these pests...


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What is this bug? (Silverfish)This is a small, simple looking, long bug with small feet that are not very prominent. It is dark gray on the top, and on its underside, it's white. It does not appear to have wings or any really noticeable features.


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Bees in My Trumpet Vines?What can I do to get rid of the bees in my front yard, that are in my trumpet vine bush?


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Gnats in The Diaper Pail?Recently gnats have invaded my home and they have taken a big interest in my kid's diaper pail. I keep things very clean and empty the diaper pail regularly but as soon as one diaper gets thrown in it they swarm around it and in it.


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Putting Frontline on a (former) Stray Cat?I have an indoor/outdoor cat. This cat is not the cuddly type. He was a stray. We began to feed him, now he comes in and has become a little friendlier. But not enough for a bath, or even to put flea stuff on him. I pay a rescue lady to put frontline on him once a month, but her months are getting longer as she is so busy.


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Preventing Mealy Bugs?Tips for preventing mealy bugs. Post your ideas.


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