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Pressure Cooker Recipes?I just recently purchased a pressure cooker and would like to know where I can find some good recipes on the internet. Also, if the readers have some recipes that they have tried themselves, I would appreciate you sharing them. Thank you for your help.


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Looking for Meals for One?I live alone and hate TV dinners. I also don't like leftovers more than once. I would welcome ANY suggestions for simple meals for one. Raggedy_Jane


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What to do with 40 boxes of pasta?I recently got 40 boxes of free pasta. Any suggestions besides pasta salad, and spaghetti? I have all kind of pasta and need some ideas. Also I have about 40 cans of mild green chiles. Do you know any recipes which use a lot of them? Thanks so Much! Wendy


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Recipes Suitable for Diabetics?I'm also interested in recipes suitable for diabetics. Anyone else? Many Thanks, Susan from Edmonds


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Good Recipe for Seasoned Butter Beans?I would love a tasty recipe for seasoned butter beans - for crockpot or stove top. Preferably like the Glory Brand but a lot less costly --Last time I had any, they were 87 cents a can! Looking forward to hearing how everyone makes theirs! melody_yesterday


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Figuring Quantities for Luncheon for 35-40 People?I would like to give a luncheon for 35-40 people. I want to plan a build your own salad, baked potatoe, and soup bar. How do I figure out how much to lettuce, for example, to purchase per person? ... -Cynthia Williams


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Food and Fun Recipe Cookbook For Kids?I am doing a prodject in language arts, I'm supposed to make a mini cookbook with recipes for children. If anyone has any links or ideas please respond. juniorbaker


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Holiday Diabetic Recipes?Does anyone have holiday diabetic recipes? Jean


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Making Flavored Oils?I need help in making flavored oils. - Lu


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Fun Kids Food Cookbooks?Can someone please tell us your favorite kitchen cookbooks, where the focus is on fun kids food. We have triplet boys, age 3, plus an older 4 1/2 year old boys.


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Looking for Healthy Oatmeal Recipes?Does anybody have any creative oatmeal recipe ideas that does not involve sugar or flour? Meaning no oatmeal cookies, bars or bread. I want to start incorporating oatmeal in our daily diet but plain oatmeal for breakfast gets kind of boring.


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Recipe on Brown Sugar Box?I am look for a recipe that I had years ago and foolishly loaned out and it never came home. The recipe was off the back of a box of brown sugar, either Imperial or Domino, but I'm leaning toward Imperial. The recipe was for a cake and it contained brownsugar, nuts and the secret ingredient was instant coffee crystals. It was a delicious cake, not too sweet, not too bready. I've already checked the websites for Imperial and Domino sugars and had no luck. I've almost given up, but maybe someone can help. Moral of this story... never loan the original of a favorite recipe. CJ From Dallas


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Homemade Marshmallows?Does anyone out there know how to make marshmallows? On qvc this morning they were selling a cookbook and said you could make your marshmallow for pennies! I thought that would be fun for the grandkids! Thanks, Carol from Tennessee


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Cooking for One?My son is in a new town with a new job, having graduated from college. I asked him what he was going to have for dinner, and the answer didn't make me happy. Frozen pizza, TV dinner, mushy salad in a bag destined for the trash and hot dogs were all he had in the fridge. Not nutritionally balanced.


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Looking for Cauliflower Recipe?I am looking for a recipe for a salad that has cauliflower, cream cheese, black olives and I don't know what else, but it is delicious. If anyone can share this recipe I would be so grateful.



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Need Cinnamon Roll Type Recipe?I'm asking for your help on helping a friend find a recipe that her Mom used to make. (Her Mom is in a nursing home and doesn't know or remember much any longer, sorry to say.) My friend says it's along the way you make cinnamon rolls, but you use cottage cheese as a filling, along with cinnamon and chopped nuts. Thanks for any help! Terri H.


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Run Out of Bisquick?Does anyone have a recipe for biscuits from scratch. That comes close to what Bisquick makes. Doreen from Indiana


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Homemade Clove Oil?Please post a recipe for clove oil made from home. Kathy


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Creative Ways To Serve Vegetables and Create Healthy Meals?My husband is as finicky an eater as many kids that I know (including my brothers.) He absolutely hates vegetables, and since he already had a stroke, and has both high blood pressure and high cholesterol.


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Recipes Using Black Glutinous Rice?It is normally used for Asian-style desserts, I believe. Does anyone have a recipe for making a savoury dish from black glutinous rice?


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Need Help Cooking Without Canned Goods?I found out my son has ADHD, we are a family of 5. I am learning to cook all over again and I am so overwelmed, it is not funny... We can no longer use canned goods so I am learning to cook from scratch.


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What to Serve with Chile?My husband and I both love cooking chile - and have lots of variations on this theme. However we nearly always serve it with plain rice and I wondered if anyone had any ideas of more interesting accompaniments?...I have a pot on the stove at the moment and would love to make something a bit different tonight!


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Uses for Sweet Ground Chocolate Powder?I recently purchased a 30 pound box of Ghirardelli sweet ground chocolate powder with cocoa for $80.00 ($2.66/pound). This tastes wonderful in my coffee mochas! But I have several questions:


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Recipe Ideas that Are Easy To Transport?This is a request from Arlene from PA. (not Hurricane Arlene) lol. I would like to have recipes for a full meal for a family of four that can be prepared and delivered to their home when someone is in the hospital and they need help with food.


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Cheap Lunch and Snack Ideas for 4 Kids?I've been trying to come up with some ideas to help me stretch my pennies while feeding all these kids. (Breakfast, Lunch, & snacks). I prefer quick and simple foods, but most the time, that's not the cheapest route. Even though I buy everything store brand or even use coupons, it's still way over my budget.


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Recipes Using Oatmeal?I know I have read a recipe for baked oatmeal in the newsletter, but now I can't find it. I have been given 2 very large boxes of original oatmeal. The type that takes a while to cook.


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Mexican Recipe with Hot Peppers and Carrots?Last year my husband went to into Mexico for the day, and had a dish of hot peppers and carrots that he thought were in vinegar (?). I am told that it is a traditional Mexican dish. Does anyone have a recipe for this. He just loved it.


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Burritos - Tips and Recipes?What is the secret recipe or tip to making good burritos?


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Ranch Aspic Recipe?A very dear friend of mine would like to have her mother's Ranch Aspic for dinner in a couple of weeks. Her mother has Alzheimer's and can't remember how she made it and I've searched the web with no results whatsoever.


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Recipes for a Beginner's Cookbook?I have inherited a daughter-in-law recently who has no idea how to cook. Does any one have any beginner recipes I can put in a cookbook i'm making for her?



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Recipes Using Butterfinger Bars?Does anyone have suggestions for what I can do with 2 dozen stale, rock hard Butterfinger bars? I'm thinking maybe cakes or cookies. Hopefully the baking will soften them up a bit.


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Angel Food Ministries Recipe Ideas?I am looking to start a topic for those of us that get food each month from the Angel Food Ministries. I would like to know what you have made from your Angel Food groceries.


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Recipe Ideas for Canned Ravioli?I just "inherited" a box of canned Ravioli. If I just keep serving them, as is, straight out of the can, peoples eyes will become crossed! Does anyone have ideas of preparing and serving these goodies without leaving people groaning?


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Pickled Garlic Recipe?Does anyone have a favorite recipe for pickled garlic, you'd like to share?


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Fondue Instructions?I recently purchased a little 11-piece Fondue Set from Walgreen's today that I got for half price per the Manager because there were no instructions included. Where can I find missing instructions online? I've tried searching the web for the distributor but no luck with instructions.


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Food Vendor Ideas for a County Fair?Our Ladies Auxiliary is thinking about having a food stand at our county fair. Does anyone have any suggestions on something new we could offer that other vendors might not offer? Thank you for your suggestions.


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Wilton Yearbook 2006 Cupcakes?I want to make the cupcakes feaured on the cover of the 2006 wilton yearbook. Has anyone made these? How do I decorate the faces? With candy melts? How do I get black candy melts. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


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Recipes that Use Syrup?I was given a bottle of Mrs. Butterworth's Syrup. I don't buy this type of syrup and am at a loss of what to do with it. I like thick syrup so I won't use it for pancakes. Does anyone have any recipes I could use it in?


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Sausage and Gravy Recipe?I am looking for a sausage and gravy recipe.


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Recipes Using Dry Milk?I have a few packages of Dry Milk that my Mom gave me, and I have no clue what to do with them. Any ideas for usage? I'd hate to just pitch them. And if a recipe calls for milk, can I use this (already made) instead of regular milk?


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Making Cookies for People With Allergies?I am looking at making frozen cookie dough for allergies. I want to do this for people who can't bake for their kids and would buy this. Can you use rice flour for a base (to replace wheat)? I saw that some substituted soy flour for eggs. Are there any other non-egg substitutes you can use?


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Recipes Using Sardines?I have bought a couple of cans of sardines and would like to know what I can make with them. I usually use salmon and tuna but the calcium in sardines is high as well. I have high cholesterol and am looking at ways of lowering it. I only buy water pack fish.


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Cooking for One Without Waste?I live alone and have been trying to save money by cooking my meals at home. I know buying a whole chicken is cheaper but I'm afraid that the leftovers will go to waste, any ideas? The same goes for a roast.


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Recipe Ideas for Ulcerative Colitis?My husband suffers from Ulcerative Colitis which is a constant inflamation of the bowel. His diet is so limited most of the time. No fried food, no seeds. So many things can add up to a flare up that I am half afraid to feed him.


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One Pot Recipes?When we had a family of 7 with regular visits from friends I thought nothing of using 5 saucepans to prepare a meal but now it is just my husband and myself I resent washing up all those pots. Has anyone got any good one pot recipes suitable for two oldies?



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Recipes Using Breakfast Cereal?I have been searching for ideas for using WIC cereal. I receive 48 ounces every month but we only go through about half of it. I can choose between Kix, Cheerios, Honey Bunches of Oats, and corn flakes. Does anyone have any great recipes or new uses for one of these cereals?


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Recipes for a George Foreman GV5 Contact Cooker?I bought a George Foreman GV5 Contact Cooker that had no instructions or a recipe book in it. It was the only one they had and I need help from anyone who can tell me how to work it and recipes for it.


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Recipes Using Avocados?I love fresh avocados and can sometimes get really good deals on them. Does anyone know of a recipe or if you can freeze them in any way?


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Recipes Using Cream of Wheat?I have Cream of Wheat cereal that is not getting eaten, I am looking for recipes that I can use it up in?


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Mush Recipe?Recipe for making Mush. My mom used to make "mush" for us when we were kids, and I need to get the recipe. I have found recipes on the internet, but they use cornmeal, and it is yellow, what she made us was white. Would anyone happen to know how to make this?


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Sweet Cheese Ball Recipes?I am looking for sweet cheese ball recipes, for example key lime or white chocolate. The mixes can be purchased online or in specialty stores. I would like to make my own.


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George Foreman Contact Roaster Instructions and Recipes?George Foreman Contact Roaster Instructions and Recipes. I have a George Foreman Contact Roaster that was given to me by a dear friend as a gift. When I opened it, it has no instructions or cookbook to go with it and it was the only one they had at the store.


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Watermelon Pickles?I need recipe for Watermelon Pickles.


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Recipes Using Orange Marmalade?Any ideas for using orange marmalade? I bought a pint jar of orange marmalade for a specific recipe which we decided we didn't like. I don't really care for marmalade on toast, biscuits, etc. so I wondered if there's other ways I can use it?


Recipes Using Bulk Chocolate Cake Mix?I traded a piece of unwanted polyester to a friend to make her friend a seat cover for her porch swing for about 30 lb. of chocolate cake mix. Besides making cake-in-a-mug and a little in the topping mix for cherry crisp I am at a loss as to what to do with so very much of it.


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Light Summer Meals?Light Summer Meals. I am looking for some quick and easy, low cost, light summer meals. My husband works nights and needs something easy to eat. I hate cooking and since I am home in the summers, it falls to me to put dinners together.


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Recipes Using Canned "Cream Of" Soups?I am looking for recipes using canned creamed soups (cream of celery, mushroom, chicken). I have too many on hand right now, and want to use some up. It could be for any type of main dish, sauce or gravy.


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Recipes Using Pork and Beans?I have cans of pork and beans and need recipes for these. I am tired of the same old "open can and heat and eat". I would like to know how i can use these up.


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No Bake Treats for a Bake Sale?Our church will be having a rummage sale and bake sale next weekend. It's too hot to turn on the oven. I'm needing ideas on No Bake treats or desserts I can fix, that won't require refrigeration (like pudding), afterwards. Nothing with chocolate, as it'll melt in the temperatures we're having now.


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Recipes Using Mint?Does anyone know a use for mint leaves other than making mint jelly? Could you make your own mouthwash and what would you add to the leaves?


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Recipe Ideas for Relief Workers?I really need some recipes for 25 to 30 people for breakfast, lunch (bag) and dinner. A group from our church is going down to Mississippi for a week to help out Katrina victims. We need ideas for preparing meals for the workers.


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Recipes Using Soy Nuts?I have about 3 cups of soy nuts that I don't know what to do with. I believe they are all salted. i have tried eating them and really don't like them. I can give them away but as I am very tight on food, I would like to try to use them.


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Cooking a Cake in a Saucepan?I am trying to find a recipe on how to make a cake solely in a saucepan on a hob or gas ring. My grandmother used to make her cakes this way but she never passed the recipe on before she died. She never had an oven so she never oven baked.


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Chilli Wine Recipe?I have a very old recipe for chilli wine, any idea what it was used for?


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Recipes Using Potato Flakes?How can potato flakes be made to taste like homemade mashed potatoes? They do not taste well to me when made up according to the directions. Are there other ways to use the potato flakes?


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Recipes Using Cornbread?I seem to always have leftover cornbread. I hate for it to go in the trash once it gets too dry to eat. Besides putting it in milk and eating it or using it for stuffing, does anyone have a recipe that uses baked cornbread?


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Gnocchi Recipe that Doesn't Use Potatoes?Does anyone have a recipe for gnocchi that does not use potatoes?


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Recipes Using Powdered Milk?I have several bags of powdered milk. My family does not really care to drink it so I am looking for ideas on how to use it. Thanks a bunch to all who can offer some suggestions!


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Weekly Menu for the Elderly?I am looking for a cost effective weekly menu for elderly people.


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Recipes Using Gaspar's Linguica Sausage?Does anyone have a recipe that has the Portuguese sausage Linguica in it? Have you ever used it in rice?


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Susan St. James Recipes?Many years ago when Phil Donohue was still on tv, he had Susan St. James on his show. She made some recipes that I used to make and my family loved, but I cannot for the life of me remember all the ingredients or how to put them all together.


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Cooking Hyacinth Beans?I have the most magnificent Hyacinth Bean vine, complete with beans now. I know the leaves, flowers and beans are edible but when I sampled a flower, it had a pungently raw bean flavor. Is there a way to tame that strong flavor?


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Recipes Using French Fries?I have recently been given a large amount of french fries. Other than the obvious frying them to make french fries or chili cheese fries any ideas of what I can make with them?


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Holiday Recipes?I am looking for recipes for the holidays. What are your favorites?


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Recipes Using Sago?Does anyone have any easy recipes for using sago? My boyfriend bought some he made it with milk on the stove and it turned out hard after 30 minutes. It turned us off for a bit but I would like to try it if I had a recipe to go by.


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Old Fashioned Christmas Recipes?I like to research for the origin of things, especially cooking. It is often thrilling to see how our grandmothers did things. This time, I am searching for old fashioned recipes for Christmas, such as spekulatius recipe, stolen cakes, etc.


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Recipes Using Limes?I have about a dozen fresh limes. What can I use them for other than to add to beverages? I am going on vacation in one week and will not be returning for 3 weeks. I don't think the limes will hold up until then.


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Recipes Using Honey?I am trying to feed our family without using refined sugar. Does anyone have any good recipes using honey or an alternative to sugar?


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Recipes Using Cocoa Mix?I received some large packets of gourmet hot cocoa mix as a gift, and not being much for drinking it, wonder if anyone has a recipe or two that I can use them in to share?


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Inexpensive Luncheon Menu Ideas?I am giving a volunteer luncheon at my church for the nursery workers. What is an inexpensive menu to serve the guests and their families?


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Recipes Using Raisin Pie Filling?I was given one can of raisin pie filling but no recipe. Does anyone have a recipe using raisin pie filling - not necessarily for pie but for any type of dessert.


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Homemade TV Dinners?Does anyone know any good recipes for homemade TV Dinners?


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Bisquick Recipe Book?I used to have a notebook from Bisquick with lots of recipes but I can't find it.


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Recipes Using Cilantro?Recipes Using Cilantro. I just recently found my love for cilantro. I put it in almost everything. What are some of your easy recipes with cilantro?


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Recipes Using Flat Bread?Recipes Using Flat Bread. We have used flat bread (not pita bread) to make pizzas. Any other vegetarian (no meat, fish, chicken or their by-products) ideas for using flat bread?


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Recipes Using Shrimp Bisque?Recipes Using Shrimp Bisque. I have a few cans of shrimp bisque. Other than using them as the directions suggest would anyone out there have any other recipe suggestions?


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Recipes Using Stove Top Stuffing?I am looking for recipes using stove top stuffing.


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Recipes for Lent?Seeing that Lent is near and I don't eat meat on Friday's would you have any good ideas for fish, or non-meat meals.


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Recipes Using Cream Cheese Filling?I made stuffed mushrooms and have leftover cream cheese filling. Any ideas on how I can use up the rest of the filling?


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Recipes Using Dried Cherries?I am looking for recipes using dried cherries.


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Posting Recipes in a Small Kitchen?Tips for posting recipes in a small kitchen from the ThriftyFun community. Post yours below.


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Recipes Using Canned Corn?I go to a local food bank for my canned goods etc. I don't normally eat canned corn. Does anyone have a frugal recipe using canned corn, all types?


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Mushroom Soup Patties?When I was in my teens, my best friend's mother made mushroom soup patties, they were delicious! I have looked in a million and a half recipe books with no luck. I believe these were made with tinned mushroom soup, crushed crackers and eggs? Does anyone know what I am talking about?


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Recipes Using Wheat Germ?What is wheat germ good for? And how can I use it? I bought some when I was baking at Christmas time for some dog treats I made, and have quite a bit left. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


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Coffee Mix Recipes?I am looking for coffee mix recipes made with pudding mix. Can anyone help?


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Recipes Using Raspberry Divine Dessert Sauce?I went to the food bank today. I got some things that I really don't know what to do with but they sounded good on the shelf. The first is tastefully simple raspberry divine dessert sauce. Any thoughts or suggestions would be great.


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Recipes Using Cranberry Relish?I am also looking for recipes using Cranberry Relish by Sunny Dell Foods. Any thoughts or suggestions would be great.


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Meal Ideas for a Flight Attendant?I am currently a international flight attendant. I bring my own food on the plane since I don't like the airplane food we offer. I fly international, so I always have at least a 24 hour layover in some foreign countries.


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Recipes Using Beer?I knocked a bottle of beer out of the refridgerator this morning. It partially opened. Anybody know a non meat recipe using beer?


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Unusual Food Ideas for a Benefit?We are having a benefit for my father at the end of June and serving turkey and ham sandwiches, potato salad, pasta salad, mac salad, and baked beans. One restaurant owner that is close to my dad wants to make something that is typically not made for benefits to serve with this.


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Curing and Preserving Olives?Today I was given a large bucket of olives freshly picked. Although I googled "curing olives" there were so many listings and so many different instructions it was overwhelming. I wonder if anyone would have some information on this.


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Food Ideas?I am looking for food ideas to take to a family whose father just died. I need need to do something.


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