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The baked Peach Bread

Peach BreadThis is the season when peaches are abundant. You can substitute berries or other fruits as well. This is great for company, snacks and even breakfast.


6 Week Bran Muffins

6 Week Bran MuffinsThe batter can stay in your refrigerator for 6 weeks, and you can bake as needed. I halved the recipe, baked them all, and froze them.


The completed Pancake Muffins

Pancake MuffinsI am trying to eat healthier and to help accomplish that goal, I have been meal prepping. I still have quite a sweet tooth though. It is hard to keep most sweet foods in the house because I will binge on them. I found this pancake muffin recipe on Pinterest and it is the perfect sweet treat when I am having cravings. I store the muffins in meal prep containers and freeze. When I want 1-2, I defrost and reheat in the microwave. Chocolate chip and blueberry are delicious. I look forward to trying other toppings too.


A cooling rack full of baked muffins.

Two Grain Raisin MuffinsThese are dense and will satisfy your hunger and keep you full. They are very healthy and freeze well.


A plate of chorizo muffins.

Chorizo MuffinsI want to share with you one of my all-time favorite recipes. Chorizo gives the muffins a special taste. The chorizo muffins can be cooked, according to your tastes, with spicy or not spicy chorizo. It is ideal as an aperitif or as a main course, accompanied by a green salad. It's very delicious, especially when the muffins are still a little warm.


A piece of cornbread on a dinner plate.

Sour Cream Cornbread (Gluten Free)I have had this recipe for years. It calls for Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix. I made it often until I became allergic to gluten. Jiffy Mix became a no-no and I stopped making it.


Fresh baked muffins on a cooling rack.

Fresh Cranberry MuffinsAnother low-sugar recipe that tastes great. The recipe says you get 8 muffins, but I got 12.


Muffins on a cooling rack.

Healthy Cinnamon Apple MuffinsI like low sugar recipes, and I always post my successes. This has an optional cinnamon sugar topping, which will post but did not use to save calories.


A blender popover in a wooden bowl.

Blender PopoversA quick roll to serve with salad!


The completed pan of rolls.

Basic Bosch Bread RecipeThe only way to make homemade bread is using a Bosch--at least that's my family secret!


A loaf of cranberry apple banana bread cooling on a rack.

Cranberry Apple Banana BreadUsing applesauce in this bread to make it more moist since I used half whole wheat flour and half white flour.


The finished loaf of sliced cheesy garlic bread.

Cheesy Garlic BreadJust a good way to dress up some French bread instead of the same old same old garlic bread!


A loaf of chocolate chip pumpkin bread.

Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread with Caramel Almond GlazeI made these loaves of bread to give to my friends for part of their Thanksgiving brunch or breakfast. Recycled Halloween pumpkin for a Thanksgiving treat.


A plate of sourdough cinnamon muffins.

Sourdough Cinnamon MuffinsTwo years ago I made a sourdough starter and have kept it going. Every time I decide to "feed" it, I make sourdough bread. One can only make sourdough bread so often, so I wanted to find other recipes using sourdough starter and found this muffin one.



A baked loaf on a cooling rack.

Healthy Apple Oatmeal Breakfast LoafThis uses whole wheat flour, oats ground to flour, coconut oil and very little sugar. I omitted the topping to save further on calories. It is delicious without it.


A loaf of pepperoni cheese bread on a cooling rack.

Pepperoni Cheese BreadMost of the quick bread recipes I find are sweet quick breads. This was a nice change of pace to find a recipe for a savory quick bread.


A loaf of ABC bread.

ABC BreadA very moist bread with a syrupy sweet nut topping to die for! ABC stands for apple, banana and chocolate/caramel.


A baked loaf of almond butter chocolate chip bread in the pan.

Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Banana BreadOut of eggs? You can make this delicious banana bread! This is an easy loaf to make for breakfast to serve with fresh fruit or tea/coffee or a nice dessert treat!


A baked loaf of

Homemade BreadThis bread is very simple to make. I'm not that great at cooking, but this turned out even for me! And the best part is that it tastes wonderful! It is extreamly fluffy, and it's a nice and relaxing thing to make.


A cooling rack of baked muffins.

Fragrant Spiced MuffinsMade with 100% whole wheat flour, these are healthy and satisfying. You can substitute other dried or fresh fruit for the raisins. You can add nuts and/or seeds. You can even substitute part of the whole wheat flour with other healthy choices such as rye, soy, oats, bran or wheat germ.


A baked loaf of banana bread with chocolate chips.

Banana Bread Topped with Chocolate ChipsSimple and quick banana bread recipe. All I had to do was measure out all the ingredients and tossed into my stand mixer!


The egg mixture brushed on the rolled out dough.

Cinnamon Raisin Bread RollThis is a great bread roll to serve for breakfast, dessert or as a snack. I especially love eating this cinnamon raisin bread roll with butter, yum!


The muffins cooling on a cutting board.

Chocolate Chunk Banana Protein MuffinsI love making these little protein muffins. They are wonderful as a post-workout snack. I also like to have one for dessert as they keep me from waking up in the middle of the night from hunger pangs. When you have them warm out the oven, the chocolate chunks are super gooey and lovely. You can achieve this later on by popping one in the microwave for 10 seconds.


Hot Water Fried Cornbread

Hot Water Fried CornbreadOur son made some of the best fried cornbread I had ever eaten. He used boiling water to mix with the cornmeal. The boiling water causes the starch in the corn to crystallize and the cornbread comes out extra crispy. I just had to try making it myself and it turned out scrumptious.


A slice of gluten free banana bread.

Gluten Free Banana BreadWhen I have extra bananas that are going to get too ripe for eating, I use them to make banana bread or freeze them for smoothies or to just munch on. This is a recipe I got from a friend years ago, when I first found out I had Celiac disease. The bread comes out moist, but not too moist. It is great as a snack or served with ice cream for dessert.


Corn Dog Muffins on plate

Jiffy Corn Dog MuffinsA great quick dinner. I made my own corn muffin mix. I halved the recipe.


Kombucha Soda Muffins

Kombucha Soda MuffinsI got a box of Kombucha once, and though I like kombucha, I could not drink it fast enough. So I found this recipe which I believe is kind of based on Irish Soda bread, but used the Kombucha. It is remarkable and vegan. The original recipe calls for honey or agave, but I use molasses as it is my go-to sweetener due to its earthy taste and high minerals content (potassium, iron, and magnesium). Also you can use butter or oil.


Buttermilk Muffin on plate

Buttermilk MuffinsI found this in a very old Southern cookbook because I had some leftover buttermilk from another project. They are really delicious and soft and rise very well. I highly recommend this recipe.


baked Pancake Mix Muffins in tins

Pancake Mix MuffinsThese are so convenient and you can have variety in every batch because you add your extras to the muffin tins themselves.



baked Bread in pan

Chocolate Peanut Butter BreadA great combination of chocolate and peanut butter makes this a great snack or breakfast. I used 1/3 whole wheat flour and Equal Naturals instead of sugar. I also eliminated the drizzle.


Biscuits in basket

BiscuitsDue to the Coronavirus and having to stay at home, we are making less trips to the grocery store, therefore, I'm not buying as much sliced bread as I have in the past.


baked Chocolate Banana Bread

Chocolate Banana BreadStandard banana bread takes much longer to bake, here's a delicious chocolate banana bread alternative ready in 30 minutes. Also, what's great is you don't need any butter for this recipe (which I'm still out of.)


adding flour to Mug

Banana Muffin in a MugA great way to use up bananas that are beginning to brown. Make them for a quick breakfast or snack.


pan of baked Banana Bread

Lower Calorie Banana BreadThis has very little oil or sugar. I added about 1/2 cup of chocolate chips. Healthy to eat for a snack or anytime. Freezes well.


baked Banana Oatmeal Muffins

Banana Oatmeal MuffinsMake these delicious banana oatmeal muffins. Perfect for a little treat after school or dessert for dinner especially paired with some vanilla ice cream!


Chia Sunflower Bread on wooden board

Chia Sunflower BreadI love breads that are exploding with grains, but nothing beats a fresh homemade loaf. Here's how to make one of my favourite loaves, studded with chia and sunflower seeds.


baked Banana Nut Bread loaves on rack

Banana Nut BreadGreat way to use those ripe bananas to have for delicious loaves later! I also love to have them in the freezer to give individuals or couples (since I make small loaves) or as a small thank you gesture. Homemade is always appreciated!


muffins cooling on rack

Chocolate Chip Matcha MuffinsTry making a batch of these tasty chocolate chip matcha muffins. This is a great treat and I love eating this muffin with a side of tea!


Garlic Parmesan Bread Puffs

Garlic Parmesan Bread PuffsWe are always ordering garlic cheese knots when ordering pizza for events. I thought it would be nice to just make my own that are freezable and reheatable to save some money. These are delicious!


baked Applesauce Oat Muffins on tray

Applesauce Oat MuffinsYou probably have all the ingredients in the house to make these delicious muffins. The bonus is that they freeze well, too. I used some juice leftover from canned fruit instead of the milk.


Chocolate Muffins in baking papers in tray

Chocolate MuffinsMake a batch of these simple and delicious chocolate muffins! These are kid approved in our household as well. Feel free to add nuts or fried fruits in addition to the chocolate chips if you like.


piece of Applesauce Bread

Allegheny Applesauce BreadThis is a healthy snack or breakfast item. I substituted flaxseed meal for the wheat germ and used Truvia for the brown sugar. I also used craisins for a bit of color this holiday season. Due to allergies in the family I left out the nuts.


baked Raisin Oatmeal Scone on plate

Raisin Oatmeal SconesI've had this book for years and just some scones made today. I used free Craisins in place of raisins, and used whey in place of the milk. This recipe only took one bowl and is perfect for breakfast or anytime. Freezes well.


baked muffins

Almond or Pumpkin Seed Matcha MuffinsDo you enjoy matcha? You should try these delicious matcha muffins topped with your choice of topping. I used almond slices for half and the other half pumpkin seeds!



baked muffins in tin

Pumpkin Banana MuffinsEnjoy these delicious pumpkin banana muffins freshly out of the oven. These are great a for breakfast on the go, a special treat or for dessert. Perfect to bake to give as gifts too!


baked Pumpkin Apple Muffins in tin

Pumpkin Apple MuffinsIt's fall. You can't go wrong with some delicious pumpkin apple muffins. Perfect to serve after dinner as a treat, for parties or make a fresh batch as gifts.


batter in muffin cups

Strawberry and Blueberry Oat MuffinsHere is another muffin recipe I made for the kids to eat on the way to school. These muffins are great because they are convenient to eat on the go, packed with protein and nutrition!


Banana Comfort Muffins on plate

Banana Comfort MuffinsNow that fall is fast approaching, it is also time for those great smells of baked fall comfort foods. To start the season, I will make yummy banana muffins! These muffins are a favorite and do well for breakfast, in lunch boxes, on the run, or with a hot beverage. Here is how!


Zucchini Bread cooling on rack

Skinny Zucchini BreadLighten up the traditional recipe by using applesauce. I reduced the sugar and omitted the nuts. The recipe is written as I received it. I have so much zucchini from my garden that I took advantage of this way to use it. This bread freezes well.


Chocolate Zucchini Bread in bread pan

Chocolate Zucchini BreadMountains of garden zucchini and leftover chocolate chips from cupcake making equals chocolate zucchini bread. Great anytime, and can be frozen for future use.


baked muffins

Healthy Blueberry Banana MuffinAn easy and healthy blueberry banana muffin packed with oats, hemp seeds, and flax seeds. This makes a great morning breakfast for the kids on the way to school or as an evening dessert treat!


Leftover Bread Pudding on plate

Leftover Bread PuddingThe pudding that is very common to our country is unlike the one that's soft and creamy. Our pudding is mostly made of leftover bread or stale bread. It's also soft in the inside but crusty on the outside.


baked Blueberry and Almond Oat Muffins

Blueberry and Almond Oat MuffinsBlueberry and almond oat muffins make a convenient breakfast for on the go. Each muffin is packed with plenty of protein, nutrition and tastes delicious!


baked Strawberry Almond Muffins

Strawberry Almond MuffinsSchool is just around the corner for the kids. I'm trying to whip up more food options for breakfast. These muffins could also be served as a snack or a dessert. You can serve these muffins refrigerated or warmed.


baked Zucchini Bread on rack

Easy Zucchini BreadZucchini is exploding in gardens and supermarkets. Take advantage of this and make this delicious bread. I reduced the sugar by half and substituted Splenda, and left out the nuts due to allergies in the family.


siced bread with dinner on plate

100% Whole Wheat BreadThis delicious bread has ingredients that are all natural. This recipe needs no kneading. If you have an electric pressure cooker with a yogurt function, you can raise the dough in there, and speed up the process considerably.


cut loaf of bread

Sour Cream Zucchini BreadThis is a great recipe that gives you a lot of the food groups in one recipe. This zucchini bread is great for breakfast, snack, or dessert, and a lunch box favorite. Large amounts can be baked and frozen for later, here's how!


piece of Irish Soda Bread

Irish Soda BreadThis recipe makes a loaf that is light, moist, and a little sweet. It's perfect for breakfast or an afternoon snack.


iced Cinnamon Rolls

Yummy Cinnamon RollsThese cinnamon rolls can be made any time of the day and in a short time! With using short cuts like crescents rolls and a few added ingredients. That can be eaten warm or room temperature with a great cup of coffee, tea, or milk.


Apple Pie Banana Bread on plate

Apple Pie Banana BreadThis is a delicious cross between a nutty banana bread and a silky apple pie that contains no eggs. I came up with this because I went away for several days and came back to extra ripe bananas, apples, and a fridge with no eggs. I added the walnuts to the top instead of mixing it in the batter so it was more of a crust layer that added to the apple pie qualities. If you use a nut or coconut milk, this will be vegan. Enjoy!


Mozerella Ham Swirl Bread

Mozzarella Ham Swirl BreadGreat way to use your leftover ham from Easter! This yummy combo reminds me of stromboli. I guess you could dip it in sauce if desired, but it's not necessary. It's moist and delicious to simply slice and eat.


Homemade Tortillas piled on a cuttingboard

Easy Homemade Flour TortillasI posted a tortilla recipe a few years ago. Now I am back with an even better recipe. This is super easy, and only takes a few minutes to make the dough. After the dough rests, the resulting tortillas are soft and do not crack when folded. What I like most about this recipe over the old one I posted is that these can be stored in the fridge and don't dry out. Now, all I need is someone to teach me the trick of rolling out round tortillas!


baked Maple Cranberry Corn Muffins

Maple Cranberry Corn MuffinsCranberries were very inexpensive this year, so I bought extra and froze them. I also got free canned corn from CVS during Black Friday. I substituted pancake syrup for the maple syrup and used regular milk, as some people in my family have a nut allergy.


baked Muffins on wire racks

Whole Wheat MuffinsI love Mother Earth magazine. They specialize in living off the grid, and using our natural resources wisely. I trust their recipes, and they are all delicious. These muffins are simple and good.


Herb and Garlic Bread Spread on bread

Herb and Garlic Bread SpreadThis garlic bread spread was a huge hit at our family gathering. Very simple to make and perfect as a side to compliment your delicious beef roast, lamb roast, chicken, etc.


Garlic Breadsticks

Garlic Breadsticks from Leftover BreadThe best thing with bread is that when you aren't able to consume all of it you can just transform or upgrade it in any way you want. I have plenty of leftovers from the New Year's eve. I didn't want them to get wasted so here's what I did.


Orange Pecan Cinnamon Rolls on table by orange tree

Orange Pecan Cinnamon RollsThese cinnamon rolls are really easy to put together as their base is ready-made dough. The added orange zest and juice really give them a nice zing, and make them smell oh-so-good! I used the oranges from my garden, so I thought the final image of these rolls should be out in front of the trees. :)


Dinner Roll with asparagus and turkey leg

Quick Dinner RollsAs a full-time employee who loves to bake, most of my baking is done on my days off. Today was cold and rainy, so I decided to try this recipe that I found on one of my Facebook cooking groups. It was just what I was looking for and I will make it again soon. You can use either white or whole wheat self-rising flour. I made my own self-rising flour. They were great with butter for dinner and jam the next morning. They make 6, and would easily double to make 12. I used the little silicone baking cups. I could fit 12 in my toaster oven, which means that they will not heat up the kitchen come summer. You cannot taste the mayonnaise at all.


Peanut Butter Banana Muffins cooling on rack

Peanut Butter Banana MuffinsThis is a moist muffin perfect for breakfast or a snack. I used whole wheat flour and brown sugar Truvia. I also used whey instead of milk. This is a perfect way to use up bananas.


Lemon Spelt Scones on plate

Lemon Spelt SconesA book I received last Christmas called "Whole Grain Vegan Baking" has gluten-free recipes that replace the egg and dairy with potatoes, squash, other vegetables, oils and vegan yogurt. I have recently had a lot of fun making the recipes in it.


baked Whole Earth Muffins on rack

Whole Earth MuffinsSo healthy and tasty. Freeze well too! I used all whole wheat flour for mine.


baked Walnut Potato Bread

Walnut Potato BreadI received a book last Christmas called "Whole Grain Vegan Baking" and have recently have had a lot of fun making the recipes in it. The jist of these recipes is they replace the egg and dairy with potatoes, squash, and other vegetables. Also oils and vegan yogurt.


cooked Apple Spice Muffins

Apple Spice MuffinsI make these apple muffins so chock full of apples, they should be called 'apples with a little muffin. '*Yummy* I love apple season.


Avocado Quick Bread slices on plate

Avocado Quick BreadI had a couple avocados that had been in the fridge for a few extra days. I thought they might be a bit too old, they weren't, but I was committed to trying to make quick bread. I found this recipe on the site and then changed it up a tiny bit. If I make it again I will definitely add chopped walnuts. The batter had a delightful flowery aroma and the bread itself is delicious.


finished Pumpkin Banana Muffins on baking rack

Pumpkin Banana MuffinsThese delicious, healthy muffins are a great way to use over-ripe bananas. I wanted to make these as low calorie as possible. You can sprinkle cinnamon-sugar on the top and add a pecan to each one. You can also add golden raisins or craisins to the batter.


Bread on plate

Apple Pumpkin BreadAhh, it's Fall! Time for Fall cooking'. The wonderful aromatic scents of all those spices! You will love this easy bread.


Pumpkin Zucchini Muffins on rack

Pumpkin Zucchini MuffinsThis is the perfect time of the year to make these. Pumpkin is abundant, and the squash is still in season. They are moist, delicious and freeze well.


piece of Cornbread on plate

CornbreadThis is not sweet, so it could be served with many dishes. If you want a little sweetness, put some jam or honey on top. Excellent served with butter, too. Quick and easy to make.


Coconut Bread on wire rack

Coconut BreadA delicious quick bread for coconut lovers. I will write the recipe as written. I made the substitution of whole wheat flour and 5 packets of Splenda instead of the sugar.


Muffins on cooling rack

Banana-Lime-Coconut MuffinsI had a very ripe banana and limes to use up. I also had some sweetened coconut in the house, so I created this muffin, with excellent results. Try it for yourself!


Lemon Poppyseed Muffins on plate

Lemon Poppyseed MuffinsI bought poppy seeds and am trying all kinds of recipes with them. These muffins are delicious and different.


Blueberry Zucchini Bread on rack

Blueberry Zucchini BreadTake advantage of low prices on zucchini and blueberries. I used frozen zucchini from last year's garden and frozen blueberries from Dollar Tree. I used my toaster oven and it was done in 45 minutes.


cooling Corn Toaster Cakes on wire rack

Corn Toaster CakesThis is a real NY and surrounding area treat that is hard to find nowadays. It costs about $4 for each pack of 4 when you can find them. This recipe makes 12 for a fraction of the price. The muffin top pans can be used for many other things, and will pay for themselves very quickly, as these breakfast cakes are delicious, and you will be making them often!


bagel halves with butter spread

Easy BagelsI gave up bagels a long time ago because of the high calories and carbs. These bagels are so much lower that I can enjoy them for breakfast again. They are not difficult to make. You can vary the flour, and even make it gluten-free. Wait until they are cool to slice. They can be toasted. You can also vary the toppings. I used truffle salt and toasted sesame seeds this time. I will try cinnamon raisin next time.


baked Banana Blueberry Bread

Banana Blueberry BreadIf I have guests over, I usually make a loaf of banana bread because it requires little prep time and is ready in a hour. This time around, I made Banana Blueberry Bread.


baked Matcha Green Tea Banana Bread

Matcha Green Tea Banana BreadI am a huge fan of banana bread and it's fun to experiment with other flavors. If you like Matcha green tea, I think you'll enjoy this recipe.


Banana Blueberry Muffins on rack

Banana Blueberry MuffinsI got this recipe from the owner of a gym. They are very healthy and have no added sugar.


Blueberry Zucchini Muffins in tins

Blueberry Zucchini MuffinsThese were economical as well since I used frozen zucchini from my garden, free applesauce and Dollar Tree frozen blueberries. I did substitute Truvia brown sugar blend for the maple syrup to reduce the sugar content even more.


Sweet Potato Corn Muffins on rack

Sweet Potato Corn MuffinsThis is a healthy, high-fiber, low-sugar muffin. I substituted Truvia blend for the sugar.


Applesauce Muffins cooling on rack

Applesauce MuffinsGetting a lot of free applesauce by combining sales and coupons tempted me to try this one. I substituted Truvia blend for the raisins.


Bran Muffins cooling on rack

6 Week Bran MuffinsThe batter will stay in your refrigerator for up to 6 weeks. I halved the recipe and got 26 muffins. They freeze well and are healthy and delicious.


Fluffy Raisin Bread slice

Fluffy Raisin BreadThis is my favourite raisin bread as it's super fluffy and chewy. I'm not really keen on the heavier ones that are spiked with cinnamon to have in the morning, so this is a nice alternative. It also makes an awesome sandwich bread. The raisins go amazingly well with meats and veggies!


baked rolls in pan

Cottage Cheese Dill RollsEnjoy this wonderful roll for dinner or anytime. I really liked the combination of dill and onion. Most of the time in this recipe is the rising time. I used whole wheat flour instead of all-purpose.


Oatmeal Banana Mini Loaf cooling on rack

Oatmeal Banana Mini LoafThis is a great breakfast or snack. For those counting points, it is 3 points. I doubled the recipe to make two loaves. I got the mini loaf pans for 75% off. It also can be made in the large muffin tins, which I will use when these are gone .


One Bowl Cinnamon Banana Muffins

One Bowl Cinnamon Banana MuffinsA great way to use up bananas that are getting too spotty. This muffin is moist and delicious. They freeze well.


baked ice cream bread in cups

Ice Cream BreadThis is super simple and within an hour they are done. Just two ingredients that you would never think of to make bread but it works!


baked muffins in tin

Chocolate Chip Banana MuffinsAn easy way to use up 3 bananas and get a nice dessert, are these quick and easy chocolate chip banana muffins!


Blueberry Muffins on wire rack

Quick and Easy Blueberry MuffinsOne bowl and one measuring cup to dirty! I got my frozen blueberries and baking powder at Dollar Tree. I did substitute Truvia blend for the sugar, used whole wheat flour and whey from yogurt making for the milk.


Flourless PB Chocolate Chunk Protein Muffins piled on board

Flourless PB Chocolate Protein MuffinsSometimes the best type of gluten free food is one that doesn't even contain gluten free flour. Sure, it's nice to not have to pay for pricey gluten free flour, but sometimes I like to remove flours all together. When I make these muffins, people have no idea there's not a drop of flour in them.


Cranberry Pumpkin Muffins

Cranberry Pumpkin MuffinsStill taking advantage of great sales on cranberries and canned pumpkin. This is another delicious recipe that can be frozen. It makes 24 muffins. I made some changes, which I will include in parentheses.


Sour Cream Chip Muffins on rack

Sour Cream Chip MuffinsA great recipe from Taste of Home. I read the comments and substituted whole wheat pastry flour, yogurt for the sour cream, and oil for the butter.


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