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Make Frozen Lasagna Taste HomemadeThis is a tip I thought I would share since I did this over the week-end and my dinner guests loved the lasagna dinner. They all thought it was homemade! Little did they know, I purchased the Stoffers large frozen lasagna when it was on sale at my favorite store.


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Add Carnation Instant Breakfast to CoffeeI made the Carnation with 1/2 cup of milk, then filled my big ol' mug the rest of the way with my coffee. Well, it was just delicious!


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Prevent Mold on Cheese with VinegarIf you are like me and prefer to purchase a "chunk" of cheese instead of already shredded cheese, this tip is for you.


Hibiscus flowers made from gum paste.

Hibiscus GumpasteEverybody wants to have the best looking cake. Since it's summer season in my country, I get a few demands of tropical or summer themed cakes. Today I'm gonna show you how to make realistic hibiscus flower gumpaste, beginner level.


The sprouted lentils.

Sprouting BeansEveryone can do this. You only need a container with a cover. You may use many kinds of beans. I used lentils this time.


A loaded baked potato with asparagus

Crockpot Baked PotatoesIn the past, I seldom baked potatoes because it takes so long to bake them in the oven, however, I do love them. Today, I tried baking some in the crockpot and they were scrumptious.


Brown sugar in a mixing bowl.

No Mix Homemade Brown SugarBeing frugal isn't complicated. It tends to be just the opposite. Over the years, I've shown appreciation for tips submitted by littergitter, Sandi/Poor But Proud and others, that make things unbelievable simple. Here's one from me.


Two boxes of oranges with different pack dates.

Check Produce Labels For DateAnyone having issues with produce spoiling much quicker than they should? I have made a few Costco trips and each visit I'm always left with something spoiling much sooner than they should (especially oranges).


A bulb of fresh garlic with one peeled clove.

Peeling Fresh Garlic is a CinchPeeling fresh garlic really slows you down when you're cooking dinner. Try this tip the next time you use fresh garlic! It works.


UFO Cow Abduction Cake - finished cake photo shot against a black backdrop

UFO Cow Abduction CakeThis UFO cake is just out of this world! The saucer and grassy ground area are two different cakes, so there is plenty for a big party. I saved a couple hundred dollars making this cake from scratch instead of calling up the local cake artistry. Plus, it was super fun. Here are the steps on how to make your own!


A beef patty made inside a ziploc bag.

Make Beef Patties Inside Ziploc BagOne of my absolute favorite meals is hamburgers. I always mix in at least 1-2 seasonings, the most flavorful for me being ranch and onion powders. I dread the mixing and shaping part though because bits of the ground beef sticks to my hands, as I roll and flatten.


A colander of herbs in a car window.

Quickly Dry Herbs in Your CarMy car sits in an open sunny spot and frequently is quite warm when I go to use it. Since I had lots of basil to dry, I thought I'd try to dry it in the car and it worked perfectly!


Ready Bacon Anytime - cooked bacon on a piece of parchment paper

Ready Bacon AnytimeI see pretty expensive pre-cooked bacon in the stores now and decided to make it myself since I don't always have the time to make bacon for a quick, hearty breakfast.


A plate containing different sprouted seeds.

Sprouted Seeds from your Kitchen CabinetI always sprout seeds, especially in the winter. I add them to sandwiches, salads, soups, or even eat as snacks! I normally just use a mason jar with a piece or cheese cloth or a little screen material under the jar ring/cap to allow me to rinse and drain daily until they sprout.


Tomato skins being removed after blanching.

Easy Peel TomatoesTo peel tomatoes to use in stews and sauces, or if you just prefer them skin-free like I do, this is an easy way to get the job done quickly. Remove the stem, score the bottom with a big X, then dunk in boiling water for 10 to 15 seconds. Transfer to an ice bath to cool. Right when they're cool, remove from water and the skin will slide right off.



How to Make Sushi Cakes - serving tray with sushi cakes and condiments

How to Make Sushi CakesYou don't have to be a professional baker to make professional looking decorative cakes. I made these sushi cakes using regular cake batter, frosting, and candies you can find at any shop. It cost me 1/10th of the price that I would have paid had I ordered them from a custom bakery and they were absolutely delicious!


A bottle of homemade raspberry red wine vinegar.

When Life Gives you Lemons (or Raspberries)There is quite a story behind this little bottle of raspberry wine vinegar. About 12 years ago we bought a house in Slovenia with a vineyard- an actual vineyard of about 60 vines. We were very excited by the prospect of growing our own wine until we realised we didn't have a clue how to care for the vines or make the wine.


A boxed cake mix and extra ingredients to make it taste homemade.

Make Boxed Cake Taste HomemadeSometimes I bump into a boxed cake mix on sale for SO cheap, I can't say no. Having it handy helps save precious time, but it just doesn't taste nearly as good as a cake made from scratch. Here are some tips on getting your boxed cake tasting homemade.


A cooler with ice to keep grocery store shopping cool on the way home.

Bring Cooler on Grocery Shopping TripsEvery time we restock our weekly groceries, we make sure to bring our cooler. We place the cooler in the trunk with ice packs.


A baggie inside a plastic cup, for packaging food for the freezer.

Putting Foods in a BaggieWhen I need an extra set of hands to hold open the baggies so I can put in the soup that I want to freeze, and don't have my hubby around, I just use a giant quart size cup and place a baggie inside of it. I'm able to drop anything into that "baggied cup" and then pull it right out when it's filled, and do that for as many batches as I want to freeze.


A paper plate with detachable mixers pushed through, as a splash guard.

Use Paper Plate As Mixer Splash GuardWhen you're using your mixer, sometimes things tend to splash around. Put a hole in a paper plate. Put your beaters through the hole, to protect from messes.


Homemade Panko Breadcrumbs

Homemade Panko BreadcrumbsI had never used panko. I bought a can out of curiosity. I thought it was OK, but I also thought I could do better. I did do better. This homemade panko made with fresh baked French bread is far better than what you buy after it sits on a shelf for who knows how long.


Blueberries in Container

Bring Fruit to Potlucks or Church DinnersWe recently attending a cookout at church People often pick up cookies or cokes or something processed to bring. I think blueberries are a great food to bring because they have so many vitamins and antioxidants in them. So I will be bringing blueberries, strawberries, and other wonderful real food to all the meals I attend.


An old casserole lid covering a plate of leftovers.

Save Lids for LeftoversOver the years, I found I had more casserole lids than I had casserole dishes. I found an excellent use for them besides filling in for the odd pot lid. The smaller lids work great for covering a bowl or a plate of food when microwaving. I especially like it for microwaving my leftover oatmeal. Comes out like it is freshly made, same with rice or potatoes.


A pan of bacon on a cookie sheet, ready for the oven.

Cook Bacon in the OvenI am scared of frying bacon. I know, sounds silly, but I have been burnt by popping grease a few times and I am bacon shy. My husband, showed me this trick shortly after we married. This is how he "fries bacon", in the oven.


The finished lump of clarified butter.

Easy Clarified ButterThere is clarified butter, and then there is ghe or ghee. They are not the same. Clarified butter, or 'drawn butter', as it was called in times past, is the simpler to prepare of the two. It can be used many ways. Essentially, it is regular butter with the milk solids and water removed.


A canning jar with cut up carrots and celery.

Keep Celery and Carrots Fresh for WeeksCarrots and celery wilt away in the veggie drawer if not eaten in a few days, how sad! I tend to go through 'phases' where I want veggies for awhile, and then they get shoved behind a delicious PIE, where they die a quiet death. With this tip they get a second chance, and so do I!


Converting All Purpose Flour into Cake Flour

Converting All Purpose Flour into Cake FlourAll the years I have been baking, I never knew there was a conversion to turning All Purpose Flour into Cake Flour!


Bottle Top Dish Covers for the Refrigerator

Bottle Top Dish Covers for the RefrigeratorThe bottle tops with their lids make perfect bowl covers for the refrigerator. This particular one is from a white vinegar bottle.


Cooking Spaghetti Squash and Saving Seeds

Cooking Spaghetti Squash and Saving SeedsSpaghetti squash is such a nutritious and low calorie substitute for pasta. Many recipes call for baking. I have found that after cutting the squash lengthwise, scooping out the seeds, and microwaving cut side down for about 10 minutes (depending on the size), it is perfectly done. The added bonus is that the seeds can be saved for planting. I simply wash the seeds and leave them out for a few days to dry, then store in a paper envelope.



How to make (and carry) the coldest, sweetest southern ice tea!

Make and Transport Sweet Southern Ice TeaAlways start with cold water and four family size Lipton tea bags. Bring tea to a simmer, add approximately 1 gallon cold water and 2 cups sugar. Use less water if desired, and adjust sugar to taste. Stir well and refrigerate.


Cut up zucchini to use in place of fruit.

Use Zucchini as Apple or Pineapple SlicesThis is one of the neatest things for using extra zucchini. You can use those large ones no one wants or regular sized ones in place of apple or pineapple slices in pie or cake recipes.


Homemade Cherry Pitter

Homemade Cherry PitterYou don't have to buy a cherry pitter. You can make your own if you have a soda or water bottle and a straw. Put the cherry on top of the bottle opening, and push the straw through.


butter under glass

Softening Butter QuicklyI often have spur of the moment baking ideas and get annoyed when a recipe calls for softened butter. Even when "gently" microwaved, I have a tendency to melt some of it. The best way around that is to pour boiling water in a microwave safe glass in order to heat it the glass.



Ice and Ladle Fat SkimmerWhenever we watch cooking shows, my husband sees those handy dandy fat separator tools and asks me if I want one. I'm perfectly happy with my way: put ice cubes in a ladle and skim across the fatty top of whatever you're separating. The cold will get the fat to congeal in the ladle. Just like a magnet!


Check if Your Avocado is Ripe

Check if Your Avocado is RipeAfter many mistakes I finally learned how to tell if your avocado is ripe to eat after visiting an avocado farm in California!


Keep Asparagus Fresh

Keep Asparagus FreshPut your asparagus upright in a couple of inches of water. It will stay fresher several days longer than conventional methods.


Peeling Garlic Easily in a Jar

Peeling Garlic Easily in a JarDon't buy pre-peeled garlic or spend the time doing it yourself. Avoid the garlicky fingers by putting your garlic in a jar, screw the lid on, and shake vigorously for 30 seconds. The first half the of the shaking will break the cloves off, and the second half will peel the skins right off the cloves. It's a great little workout, too! ;)


Make Rice with Half the Calories

Make Rice with Half the CaloriesScientists have proven that by simply cooking your rice with some coconut oil then cooling, it changes the rice's digestible starch to indigestible starch, which prevents much of the rice from being metabolized into glucose, cutting the calories by about 60%.


Keeping Salads Crisp

Inverted Dish to Keep Salads CrispInvert a plate at the bottom of the salad bowl. Any moisture will collect under the plate, keeping the salad fresh.


Easily Remove Grease from Ground Beef

Easily Remove Grease from Ground BeefWhenever I browned hamburger meat for tacos, spaghetti, or whatever, I used to take the meat out of the pan, transfer it to a strainer to drain the grease and then return it to the pan to finish cooking. I have found a better way.


Removing Bacon in One PieceI don't know how many times I've tried different ways to get one piece of bacon out of the package and into the pan flat, not ripped not torn but flat.


Delicious cooked steak.

Turn Cheap Steak Into Amazing SteakI love a really good fillet mignon from time to time, but my purse never does! Here is a super easy way to make even the cheapest cuts of steak into a velvety delight, using just salt and sugar.


frozen veggies.

Adjusting to a New LifeMy husband recently passed away and life has changed so much. One issue I have had was cooking for one. Buying things like celery and carrots was beginning to be a waste since I couldn't use up the fresh vegetables as fast.


A bowl of popcorn.

Healthy Microwave PopcornAll you need for some perfect fresh popcorn is some popcorn kernels, a microwaveable bowl, a microwaveable plate that fits on top of it, and, if you so desire, a pat of butter or coconut oil.



A pat of real butter.

Don't Substitute for ButterI don't mean to start a war here, but I am 77 and I have eaten butter all my life. I don't do the half measure and I don't add water. If a recipe calls for butter I use it because it is dairy. Who knows what is really in margarine?


supplies for sprouted

Make a Seed Sprouter for SaladsSprouting jars are about $20 in your local healthfood store. Instead, pick up either a sheet or a pre-cut plastic needlepoint canvas from your local dollar or craft store and cut them to fit the top your Mason jar and screw on with the canning ring.


Chocolate Chips for Easy Frosting

Chocolate Chips for Easy FrostingUse chocolate chips for an easy frosting. While your cake or brownies are still warm, put chocolate chips on let sit a few minutes to warm them. Once they begin to melt, spread with a table knife.


Damp Cloth Under Cutting Board

Damp Cloth Keeps Cutting Board from...In order to keep the cutting board from sliding around while slicing potatoes, put a slightly damp washcloth under it. Here I am perilously close to a hundred and I didn't know this!


Separating egg yolks from the whites with your hands.

The Best Way To Separate EggsI am going to tell you the absolute best way to separate yolks from whites. You will become a pro at it. You will remember this technique for the rest of your life. You will want to share it with your friends.


Preparing Soft Taco Shells in the Toaster

Preparing Soft Taco Shells in the ToasterWe love tortillas! I keep them in the house and my family uses them for everything from quesadillas, tacos and burritos to just putting butter or peanut butter on them for a snack.


Save Eating Out for Special Occasions

Save Eating Out for Special OccasionsWe were sitting at a buffet one busy weekend discussing how we needed another dresser but can't afford it. Then we paid the $65 bill and went home. It struck me how ridiculous it was to continue to eat out for convenience sake all the time.


Cut plate to protect crust

Crust Cover from Metal Pie PlateAfter wasting countless strips of aluminum foil just to cover my pie crusts when baking, I tried cutting up an old aluminum pie pan to place over my pie crusts while baking. It worked!


Snack Plastic Bag as Sandwich Pocket

Snack Plastic Bag as Sandwich PocketI keep a box of Snack Plastic Bags handy. They are only about 6 x 3 inches - just the right size to fit the bottom of your sandwich in. The mess is all in the bottom of the plastic bag!


Buy Meat in Bulk and Divide

Buy Meat in Bulk and DivideWe all know that buying meat in bulk is cheaper. I used to bring it home, divide it up into servings and re-wrap each serving. It cost me time and money for re-wrapping materials like plastic wrap or bags. Not anymore!


George Forman Grill to Make Bear Paws

George Foreman Grill to Make Bear PawsI have little counter space so everything on it has to be a useful appliance! I regularly make grilled cheese or grilled vegetables on an open George Foreman grill or zucchini fritters on it. This weekend, I decided to try to make waffles!


Tips for Making BiscuitsHoe cakes can be made of flour or corn meal. The name derived from the early American practice of putting a small amount of dough on a very clean hoe blade and placing the blade atop hot coals or stones in the fireplace.


My Chicken Stock has Nine Lives

My Chicken Stock has Nine LivesI have been spending a lot of time in the kitchen lately, cooking traditional foods that our ancestors and grandparents cooked, in fats that our grandparents and ancestors cooked with.


Save Countertops with Plastic Lids

Save Countertops with Plastic LidsWhen I open a new can of coffee, I take the plastic top from the old can and put it on the bottom of the new can. The plastic will help to protect your countertops.


An Easier Way to Eat Snacks

Snack Bowl from BagPierce the middle of the packet of crisps and tear a nice large round hole, making your crisp/chip bag into a ready-made bowl. Leave out your bags like this and you save using crockery that needs washing up.


A Cupcake Base as a Drinks Cover

Cupcake Liner as a Drinks CoverUse a cupcake paper case to cover your drinks in summer. Rip a small hole in the middle for the straw. No flies on me! :D


Microwave Corn on the Cob

Microwave Corn on the CobYou will never boil corn on the cob again. This is easy, and the tastiest, sweetest corn ever. You are not boiling all the flavor out of corn.


Healthy Snacks for Losing Weight

Healthy Snacks for Losing WeightFirst, learn what foods/snacks are your downfall and BAN them entirely from your home! Have these food items on hand for when cravings hit! Remember that the less processed a food is, the better it is for your health.


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Simple Tip on Boxed Cake MixesMy girlfriend's dad was a baker and taught me these tips:


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Keeping Flames Down on a GrillA good thing to have when you are grilling is to go buy a empty squirt bottle and when you get home fill it with water. So when you are grilling you can squirt water on the flames to keep them down. It also comes in handy if you want to steam some food.


2-liter bottle holding pasta

Pop Bottle for Measuring Pasta...I use a plastic Coke bottle to get the perfect size portion of pasta. For adults, use a 2 liter plastic bottle, fill it until there is no room left at the mouth of the bottle. This will give you a nice hearty portion, and you won't waste anything.


Step by step photos of separating an egg.

An Easy Way To Separate EggsA small empty and washed out plastic bottle can be your tool to easily remove the yolk from an egg.


Sharpen Your Vegetable Peeler

Sharpen Your Vegetable PeelerVegetable peelers go dull rather fast. I spent many, many years just tossing them out and buying new ones. I wish I learned this trick when I first moved out on my own:


Straining Yogurt Through Cheesecloth

Easiest Homemade Greek YogurtGreek yogurt has been one of the most popular decadent foods lately. It's delicious on its own, but also a great way to cut calories and at the same time, boost flavor and protein. Here is a simple way to turn regular yogurt into Greek yogurt.


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Muffin Tins for Serving CondimentsWe were at a party the other day and the hostess had put her condiments into muffin tins, with a spoon for serving. It was a great idea. She had sliced onions in one, tomatoes in another, pickles, ketchup, and mustard. It was really easy for serving.


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Saving Money on Healthy FoodI have a restricted diet. I admit sometimes it get boring to eat the same type of food so I have been trying to change it up some lately. Summer is the perfect season to get fruits and veggies, but even frozen things can be fresh.


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Product Review: Amore Tomato PasteA few months ago, I was perusing new recipes to try and came across one where one of the ingredients stated "1 tablespoon Amore brand tomato paste from a tube." Tomato paste is available in a tube?


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Egg Mc MuffinsMix your scrambled eggs in a bowl then pour into your measuring cup, easier for pouring. Pour into muffin tins and bake in oven for about 10 minutes. Makes perfect shaped eggs to put on an English muffin.


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Keep Lettuce Fresh LongerI live alone. When I buy a bag of lettuce, I divide it up into serving sizes in quart size bags. In each bag, I place a single saltine cracker that I have wrapped in a paper towel, then press the air out.


Cookie cutters inside a mesh bag in the dishwasher

Mesh Bag for Cleaning Cookie CuttersUse the mesh bag from your next turkey to throw your cookie cutters into. Place the mesh and cookie cutters in your dish washer making sure that the end is closed and placed over a prong.


Sprouts in a Jar

Growing Sprouts Next to Your Kitchen SinkHere's an inexpensive way to add more vegetables to your diet all year, and all it takes is a quart jar and a spot near your kitchen sink.


A cut apple that is held together with a rubberband to keep from browning.

Use Rubber Band To Keep Cut Apples FreshAfter cutting an apple, put it back together with an elastic ban. This will keep it from going brown in lunches.


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The History of MarshmallowsI found this not so earth shaking information in Readers Digest and then did some further research about them and thought it interesting enough to share as food for thought (pun intended LOL).


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Wooden Spoon When Cooking FudgeWhen making fudge, use a wooden spoon not metal. Heat from the fudge will go to the spoon and it takes longer for the fudge to come to the right stage.


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Get Kids to Eat Magic OatmealSeveral kids brought soda and candy bars for breakfast. I said no to that and made oatmeal. They never had oatmeal and refused to eat it. I told them it was magic oatmeal. Before I dished the oatmeal into bowls, I put a couple of drops of food coloring in the bottom of bowl.


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Pancake Batter in Squeeze BottleUse an empty squeeze bottle like a ketchup or syrup bottle. Mix your pancake batter according to your box instructions. Add it to your squeeze bottle with a funnel. Then put it into the fridge the night before, and have pancakes for breakfast.


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Getting Last of the Chocolate SyrupThis might seem like a little thing, but I was tired of not being able to get the last of the chocolate syrup out of the squeeze container, frugalista that I am. You know that awful spitting that it does at the end and it splatters all over your clothes and the kitchen walls?


A cup of hot cocoa with whipped cream and a candy cane.

Help Out Your Grocery ListFor a couple of years, my husband and I had very, very little cash flow and began going hungry at times, here and there. We never had a lot of food, but it only felt bad when we had nothing but dried noodles and water; rice, if we were lucky.


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Banana DogsLike most people, I was raised on peanut butter sandwiches. I was hungry and in a hurry and in need of a quick jolt of energy so I took a hotdog bun, spread it with peanut butter and stuffed a whole banana in it.


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Vegetable Water Blanching TimetableThere have been a lot of requests for blanching veggies as of late so here's an easy timetable to follow. Be sure to check tenderness part way into the blanching guide times because freshness and size of vegetables vary.


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Quick Aluminum Foil FunnelIf you are in a hurry and need a funnel just double a sheet of aluminum foil and then roll in a funnel shape. It works for me!


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Selecting A Good WatermelonThe best tip I ever got came from a man I met in a grocery store. He was standing there by the watermelons trying to balance a broom straw on a watermelon. I just had to stop and watch him to see what in the world he was doing.


Cake decorated to look like a hamburger

"Hamburger" Decorated CakeMake a simple box cake into a huge "hamburger" cake by adding a few modifications. I used 9 inch round tins to bake yellow cake and cut them in half to form hamburger buns.


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Add Cake Trimmings To Frosted Middle LayerWhen making cake frosting and filling, set aside a portion of it for the filling. When you have to level your cake layers, just make the trimmings into crumbs and add them to the filling portion.


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Use Heating Pad When Letting Dough RiseWhen I am trying to get a yeast dough to rise, I place a heating pad on low underneath the pan of dough. Cover with plastic wrap sprayed with cooking spray and place a kitchen towel on top to keep the warmth inside.


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Finely Chopped Hardboiled EggsWhen I need my hard-boiled eggs finely chopped for recipes such as Cobb Salads, I peel them and run them through one of those netted bags that holds garlic. Just push through over your bowl!


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Keeping Milk FreshThis tip has saved me an unknown amount of money over the years and we are still using it. If you wrap your milk in an opaque plastic bag when you get it home from the store, it will not go sour for a much longer time.


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Keep Lemon Juice Spray HandyFill an inexpensive spray bottle with lemon juice and keep it in the refrigerator. Use it to spritz onto cut produce to keep fresh and crisp. Also great for spritzing as a finishing touch on cooked vegetables, chicken, and salads.


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Use Radish Greens Instead Of DiscardingDo you know that radish greens are awesome tasting because they have a nice peppery flavor? Why throw them away?


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Sun Tea Jar for Separating StockWhen making a batch of turkey stock the other day, I needed a large glass container to put it in to allow it to cool. The only one I could find was my old sun-tea jar - a very happy accident!


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How to Shell Hard-Shelled NutsI have always loved the flavor of Brazil nuts, but they are such a pain to crack whole. Half the time you need to use a pick that comes along with the nutcracker set and then end up not being able to get all of the nut meat out of the shell.


A cooling rack made from 4 spoons

Spoons for Impromptu Cooling RackThis is a great way to cool down a pan from the oven. My husband came up with this - AMAZING! He pulled 4 tablespoons out of the drawer turned them upside down and Voila! An instant rack for cooling.


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Food Tips for a Disabled PersonMy suggestion will help any disabled person or senior citizen living alone. I use a motorized wheel chair. I have a home aide 3 times a week, 2 hours each time. One day is designated usually to cooking. We make up partial meals for the week.


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Identifying Eating Peppers from Cooking PeppersPeppers with 3 bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating. 3 bumps = eat (3 letters in the word).


Picture of a sock as a bottle cozy.

Use Sock on Water BottleDo you have one of those water bottles that you see pretty much everywhere now days? I'm talking about the ones made of metal or plastic that you can refill over and over again. I own several of them, and I really like them.


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Make Crostini and Bruschetta in SkilletWhenever I make crostini or bruschetta, I almost always end up burning the baguette slices no matter how careful I am when toasting them under the broiler, so I tried something different and will never have a burnt slice of toasted baguettes again.


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Homemade Baking PowderThis is so handy and easy to make if you are needing baking powder and find that you don't have any.


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