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Home Canning Low-Acid Vegetables (PDF)The method used for canning a product is determined primarily by the acidity of the food or mixture of foods being canned. Low-acid foods must be processed in a pressure canner to be free of botulism risks.


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Apple Pear Crockpot ButterPut in crockpot and put on high for 1 hour and then turn down to low for 7 hours, stirring occasionally to keep from sticking. After 7 hours, take lid off and cook on high for 1 hour.


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Beef and Chicken Stock Tastes Like Vinegar?I had an over abundance of frozen beef and chicken stock so I decided to can it to free up some space. I brought it to a boil, poured it into my sterile jars and then did a 10 minute water bath. I have opened both the chicken and the beef stock and they taste like I added vinegar to them. Can someone please tell me what happened?


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Depression Jelly Recipe?My mother died about a month ago and my dad has been talking about jelly mom made during the depression that had no fruit, tomatoes or figs but just a clear red strawberry flavored jelly. Can anyone help me with a recipe you might have?


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Canning Refrigerator Pickles?I was wondering if you refrigerator pickles can be canned? If so, how do you do it and do you have a recipe?


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Stew and Soup Canning Recipes?Does anyone have anyone have any canning recipes or site(s) that have canning recipes on them? When I do a search it's just too much to look through. I am specifically looking for stew and soup recipes.


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Pork and Beans (For Canning)Soak beans overnight. Boil until soft with pork and salt, adding as little water as possible.


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Labeling When CanningI enjoy trying new recipes to preserve the harvest of different vegetables and fruits. You never know when you will have an over abundance of an item. But often after canning, I forget the name of the recipe used or where to find it again.


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Labeling Mason Jars?What is the best way to label mason jars so that when I wash the jars the label does not come off? Also, I'd prefer labels that aren't too costly and, if possible, eco-friendly.


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Reuse Honey Bottle For Squeeze JellyMy four year old grandson was ready for lunch and wanted to know where the squeeze bottle of jelly was for his sandwich. I had just emptied a squeeze jar of honey, so I removed the top.


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Pickling Banana Peppers?I need a simple recipe for pickling banana peppers.


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Is Oven Canning Safe?I have done all my fruit in the oven for many years and have never had any problems whatsoever, nor have I ever had a problem with jars breaking or fruit spoiling, ever.


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Crispy Sweet PicklesSlice cucumbers and chop onions and peppers. Sprinkle salt over mixture and let stand for 3 hours in non-aluminum container. For syrup, combine vinegar, sugar and seasoning and bring to a boil.


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Canning Pimentos From Green Pepper?I need a recipe for canning Pimentos from Green pepper.


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End of Growing Season CanningToward the end of the growing season as production is slowing down, I begin canning a concoction I call Vegetable Medley.



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Canning Non-Tomato Based Soup?Every time I can a non-tomato based soup, after a few weeks, the soup turns very acidic and is not edible and I have to throw it out. What am I doing wrong?


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Keeping Berries From Settling At Top Of Jam?I just made a couple of batches of Strawberry Jam, and I always have a problem of the berries settling at the top of the jar. Any suggestions?


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Test Your Canner Gauge Every YearBefore you start canning this summer, call your local extension office and see what days they will be testing canner gauges. They should be tested annually for accuracy. Most check for free, some charge up to $2.


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Keeping Pickled Cucumbers and Okra Crunchy?How do I keep okra or cucumbers crunchy when pickling them? Thanks to all!


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Canning Tomato Juice?I am looking for tomato juice canning recipes.


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Canning Pimento?I am looking for information on canning pimento.


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Canning Broccoli Soup?What are the do's and don'ts of canning broccoli soup?


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Pineapple PicklesSimmer together for 45 minutes: vinegar, sugar and spices. Remove spices from brine. Add pineapple chunks and simmer gently for 1 hour. While hot, put in hot pint jars and seal.


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Soup Base Recipes For Home Canning?Where can I find a good soup base for home canning? I want to can soups for my mom for the holidays. I know that you cannot can dairy products, so I am looking for a good base for broccoli cheddar soup and potato cheese soup.


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Dilly BeansPack beans lengthwise into hot pint jars, leaving 1/4 inch head space. Add to each pint, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 1 clove garlic and 1 head of dill. Combine rest of ingredients and bring to a boil.


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Quick Tomato RelishIn a heavy medium saucepan bring to boil all ingredients. Stirring all the while as it comes to boil. Simmer 25 to 30 minutes or until mixture thickens, stirring often.


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Pear Preserves?Please tell me why pears are not sold as preserves, jam or any other form of spread in the grocery store.


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Canning Minestrone Soup?I have made minestrone soup and canned it. I have found that when I open the bottles, the minestrone has an off-flavor. I have eaten the soup anyway with no consequences. What I would like to know is what is causing this off-flavor? Is it a certain vegetable or the way I can the soup?


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Canning Stuffed Peppers?I want to can stuffed sweet peppers. Why can't I put the cooked stuffing before I put into a raw sweet pepper and put the pepper in a jar? Pressure canning it at 10# for 90 minutes should be OK I would think.


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Vinegar-Proof Covering For Canning Jars?I have started making pickles and chutneys again after a gap of about twenty years. I used to use Porosan synthetic skin to cover the jars but cannot get it now. Does anyone know a cheap vinegar-proof alternative for use on all sizes of jar? Cheers.



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Preserving Pimentos?I would like to preserve pimentos. How do I do that?


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Canning Baked Goods?Why do people only put food "mixes" (e.g., cookie mix, cake mix) in jars as gifts? Why not just make the finished food item and seal the jar properly, as is done in canning? Is there some kind of food safety issue I'm not understanding here? Thanks.


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Preserved Barbecued Squid Recipe?Does anyone have a recipe for bottled, barbecued squid? I want to bottle (preserve) some squid but want to try barbecue.


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Canning Homemade Marinades?If I put homemade marinades in a jar for a gift how long will they keep? Does preparing them weeks (maybe months) ahead of time ruin them?


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Recipe for Canning Sauerkraut?I need a recipe for canning sauerkraut.


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Canning Upside DownWhen canning, I fill my jars up, clean their tops and cap them. Then I turn them upside down in the water bath canner I have. I process tomatoes and squash or Hobo Stew.


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Fruit Floats to the Top When Canning?I'm canning plums by water bath method. The problem is even though I stew the plums in syrup a few minutes first and then scoop them into mason jars and top with more hot syrup after 30 minutes of the hot water bath, all the fruit floats to the top of the jar.


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Hot Water Bath Canner Recipe for Applesauce?Does anyone have sugar free recipes for canning applesauce in the "Hot Water Bath Canner"?Thanks and God Bless.


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Red Pepper RelishGrind together peppers, onions and celery. Pour boiling water over this. Let stand 5 minutes. Drain and repeat once more.


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Recipe for 7 Day Pickles?Does anyone have a recipe for 7 day pickles?


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Canning Recipe for Hot Pepper Salad?I am looking for a canning recipe for a hot pepper salad. It has peppers, chopped garlic, and olive oil. I have searched the internet, but haven't found what I am looking for. I am hoping someone will have what I am looking for or could point me in the right direction.


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Canning Tomato Pasta Sauce?I canned tomato based pasta sauce. I didn't put any lemon juice in it, is this OK? If not, can I open the jars, add the lemon juice and reprocess the jars?


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Canning Spaghetti Sauce?Can anyone tell me if they have ever frozen tomatoes and then canned them when they get the time? Also has anyone ever made spaghetti sauce and canned it? How was it?


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Making Apple Jam?Can someone tell me how to make apple jam. Not apple butter, apple jam.


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Can You Use Frozen Grapes to Make Jam?Can you use concord grapes that have frozen on the vines to make grape jam?



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Link: Canning InformationFor those interested in canning foods and storing them safely. This is a site put out by the government that has a lot of information. I have been canning for years from meats to veggies and fruits, and soups and sauces.


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Easy Canning Instructions?I am a first timer and am looking for easy canning instructions. Thanks.


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Making Apple ButterPeel and slice enough apples to fill a heavy six quart pan. Cook rapidly, stirring frequently, until apples are soft; then cook slowly, stirring constantly. When the mixture begins to thicken, add spices and sugar.


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"Old Fashion" Canning Recipes?As a child, my mother always seemed to be canning something. Unfortunately, in 1985, she passed away at the age of 59; and here I am at age 63, wishing I had gotten my hands on some of her good ole' mouth-watering recipes.


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Easy Berry Canning JuiceThis is based on a long family recipe, and I changed some of it to make it very more protected, though, it makes the best juice, and it's very easy, you just have to give it some time for the flavors to develop.


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End of the Garden PicklesSoak cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, onions, celery, and tomatoes in salt water (1/2 cup salt to 2 quarts water) over night. Drain. Cook carrots and string beans in boiling water until tender.


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Quick Decorative Jar CoversDecorating jars of homemade preserves is a cinch with cupcake wrappers, available in many patterns and colors at the grocery store.


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Standard Can Size MeasurementsPicnic = 10-1/2 to 12 oz. = 1-1/4 cups, 12 oz. vacuum = 12 oz. = 1-1/2 cups, #1 can = 11 oz. = 1-1/3 cup


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Is There a Difference Between Eating Pears and Canning Pears?What is the difference between eating pears and canning pears?


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Canning Zucchini Relish?If you make zucchini relish and you have your canning jars hot and fill them with hot relish do you still have to put them through another hot bath before or after sealing them?


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Can I Use Vinegar with 4% Acidity for Canning?I've noticed some stores are offering their own brands of vinegar at 4% acidity instead of the traditional 5% acidity. Will this have any effect on canning foods? That's a 20% cut in acidity.


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Do I Have to Process Canned Foods if I Use Self Sealing Lids?With self sealing lids, do you have to process canned foods in a boiling water bath?


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Blueberry Jam Turned Out Hard?I have just made my first attempt at blueberry jam, the old fashioned way without using pectin. It has gone so hard that I am thinking of reheating it and pouring it onto a baking sheet to make boiled sweets.


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What Do I Do if the Canning Lids Did Not Seal?The canning lids on my jam jars did not pop and seal. How do I correct this?


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Garlic in My Canned Pepper Rings Turned Blueish?A few weeks ago I canned banana pepper rings. As well as the banana pepper rings, I added fresh garlic and onion. My question is: Why did my crushed, fresh garlic turn blueish-looking?


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How Do I Can Tomatoes?We have a lot of tomato fields around us. So I decided to stop and ask one of the farmers if he would mind me picking up what they had left behind. I have never done any canning so I was wondering if someone could tell me what to do with all of them.


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Canning Hot Peppers?I would like information on canning hot peppers.


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Free Printable Canning Labels?I am looking for a site where you can get free canning labels to download and type in the jar contents. I found several that say free but really are not. Thanks.


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Pressure Canning?I am canning leftover vegetable soup. I have a 6 qt. Elite platinum digital pressure cooker. It holds 4 pt. jars. I need to know how long to set it for.


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Recipe for Jarring Geese?I got some geese and am looking for a recipe for jarring them if anyone can help.Thanks.


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Canning Chicken Rice Soup Safely?I didn't realize chicken/rice soup had to be canned in a pressure canner instead of a bath canner. Can I freeze the soup if I have already canned it in a bath canner? Or can I now can it in a pressure canner?


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Canning Fresh Chestnuts?How do you can fresh chestnuts?


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How Economical Is It To Pressure Can Food?I already can in a water bath. I get as much produce out of my garden as I can and go to a place that sells canning veggies pretty darn cheap. I want to buy a pressure canner at Walmart for about $60. What I want to know is: how economical is it to pressure can?


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Recipe for Hot Dill Pickles?I'm looking for a recipe for hot pickles. I've been told they are dill pickles with chili peppers.


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Selecting a Tomato for Canning?For those of you who garden and can food, what variety of tomato is best for canning? I am looking for a tomato that has a big yield, great flavor, and isn't too watery.


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Pear Preserves Turned to Sugar Once Cooled?My home made pear preserves turned to sugar after cooling in the jars for a few days. Does anyone know if it is possible to reheat, add more liquid and can them back in clean jars?


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Can Jelly and Juice Year RoundI love to can and make jelly and jam. So when the fruit is readily available, I make a batch or two of jelly and can the juice in quart and pint jars. Around Christmas time, I make another batch or two and again in mid-spring.


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Why Are My Pickles Mushy?My pickles always turn mushy. What am I doing wrong?


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Finding Free or Inexpensive Canning Jars?I am looking for free or cheap canning jars of any size, shape, or color. Where can I find them?


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Homemade Corn Relish is Hard and Chewy?When I make corn relish the finished product is hard, almost chewy hard, what did I do?


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How Do I Can Hot Peppers and Green Tomatoes?I'd like to know how to can hot peppers with green tomatoes in it? Do I use vinegar and water, or just plain vinegar? My grandma use to do it, but I cant remember how. Thank you.


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Canning Fish and Shrimp?Does anyone have suggestions for canning shrimp and fish? I have successfully canned beef, pork, chicken, etc. I would like to can my freezer-full of shrimp and fish in case of power outages. Any suggestions? Thanks!


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How Do I Can Vegetables?I'm wanting to can some Florida red potatoes, corn off the cob, and cranberry beans. How do I start?


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Canning How Tos?I am looking for information on how to can. Can anyone help me out?


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Recipes for Green Tomatoes?I am looking for green tomato recipes.


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Canning Squash and Cabbage?I'm interested in canning cabbage, as well as, zucchini and small squash. Any info would be appreciated.


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Canning Watermelon?Has anyone tried to can (water-bathed processed) watermelon? If you have, how did it turn out and did you use a sugar syrup on it or what?


Figs preserved in a jar.

Canning FigsThis is a page about canning figs. If you have figs left over this season, canning them is one way to preserve them. Now you can cook with figs when they would normally be out of season.


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Cleaning Zinc Canning Jar Lids?Does anyone know how to clean the metal (zinc) jar lids or covers without harming them. These are the ones that were used years ago for canning.They have a glass liner in the top of the inside cover. Thanks


Green apple sitting on the lid of a canning jar.

Canning ApplesThis is a page about canning apples. Sometimes the best way to buy apples is in bulk. If you can't eat them quickly enough, consider canning them.


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Canning Squash?Can you can squash in quart jars, if so how?


Jar of preserved apricots.

Canning ApricotsThis is a page about canning apricots. Maybe you have an apricot tree or found a great deal on a bunch of apricots. Canning apricots is easy and is the perfect way to store them for later use.


A jar of kiwifruit jam and half of a kiwi.

Canning KiwifruitThis is a page about canning kiwifruit. The next time you have ripe kiwifruit, try making kiwi jam. Canning kiwifruit as jam allows you to enjoy this wonderful fruit any time.


Canning Cabbage?I would like information on canning cabbage.


Pile of fresh cherries in front of a jar of cherry jam.

Canning CherriesThis is a page about canning cherries. One of the most popular ways of preserving these tart and sweet fruit for later use in pies and other recipes is canning. Choosing the fruit when it is at its best for canning is the first step.


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Canning October Beans?This is my first time growing October beans. I need to know the best way to can these, please. Any ideas?


Grapefruit slices in a canning jar.

Canning GrapefruitThis is a page about canning grapefruit. If you are a grapefruit lover, you probably can't get enough of this tangy fruit. Canning is one way to enjoy them after the season ends.


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Determining Canning Time for Smaller Jars?I need to can in smaller jars, and want to know how to adjust canning times for a recipe if I am putting product in smaller jars. Is there a rule or a guide line that I can follow?


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Canning Blackberry Salsa?Does anyone have a canning recipe for blackberry salsa? Is it possible to water bath can blackberry salsa?


Meyers lemons in canning jars.

Canning LemonsThis is a page about canning lemons. If your trees yielded a lot of lemons this year, don't let them go to waste. It is very easy to can lemons so that you can use them later.


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Canning Cobbler?I need to can a cobbler. Do I just make the cobbler then can it as usual?


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How Do I Can Green Beans?How long do I process green beans in a hot water bath in the canner?


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Canning Red Cabbage?I would like to know how to can red cabbage.


Canning Peaches?Today I bought a box of peaches. I want to can them, but can't find a good recipe. If anyone has a great recipe I would really like to try it.


A jar of canned peaches.

Canning PeachesThis is a page about canning peaches. Canned peaches are a great way to preserve summer's sweet bounty.


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Canning Using 2 Quart Jars?I have 2 quart jars (1/2 gallon) from my aunt. I would like to can tomatoes in them. Has anyone used them before? What can I put them in and how long do I process? Thanks for your help.


Canning Butternut Squash?I would like to know if you can, can butternut squash.


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