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Food Sticking to Stainless Steel Skillet?I brought a 10' stainless steel skillet from Bed, Bath and Beyond for $25.99. Does anyone know why it sticks while I am frying in it? There's more batter stuck in the pan than on the fish when I'm done. Please help.


Cooking Frozen Chicken Breasts - bag of sliced chicken breasts

Cooking Frozen Chicken Breasts?How long do you bake frozen chicken breasts for and at what temperature?


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Food Sticking To Non-Stick Waffle Iron?I bought a new non-stick waffle iron, and since "non-stick" doesn't always mean that, I preheated it and brushed oil on it, as the manual said to do. Well, we all know what happened, right?! Stuck all over the place. I know not to spray Pam, etc. on non-stick. It's the kind that beeps when the waffle is ready, so I know I didn't open it too soon. Please help!


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Soaking Up Bacon Grease?For years when I cook bacon, I have always placed the bacon on paper towels to soak up the bacon grease. I do this for hamburgers too. Instead of buying paper towels all the time, I am looking for another way to do this. What do you do?


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Pancakes Keep Coming Out Flat?No matter what I do, my pancakes always come out flat! I have used mixes, extra baking powder, baking soda, and flour. Does anyone know what I can do to make pancakes look the way they do on the boxes? Thanks.


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Hamburger Patties Are Dry?Lately my hamburger patties fall apart and are very dry. I'm supposing the fat content has something to do with it but how can I keep them from falling apart? I am making large patties kind of like a hamburger steak. Thanks for any help.


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Cooking Noodles?Do you dry the noodles afterwards?


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Substitute For Pork Chop FatIn years past, I have made some very good pork chops and gravy. Today, they're pretty good but not as I remember them.


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Problems Deep Frying Fish?I was wondering what I am doing wrong. Every time I try to deep fry fish it sinks to the bottom of the pan and when I try to get it out it falls apart.


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Roasting a Frozen Pork Loin?How long do I cook 2 pork loins from frozen state in an electric roaster pan?


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Cooking a Frozen Pork Loin?How can I cook a frozen pork loin that's 4 pounds? Any recipes?


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Making Riced Potatoes?How many pounds of raw potatoes equal 6 cups riced potatoes?


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Measuring Dry Macaroni?I need to know how to measure the correct amount in cups to fill a 1 1/2 qt dish when prepared.


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Cooking Dried Noodles?How much water should I use for the best possible outcome?


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Using a Slow Cooker Liner in the Oven?I want to make candied yams in my crockpot, using a liner. But I will need to toast the marshmallows on top in the oven. Is it okay to do this with a liner for the crockpot?



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Frying Fish?Why do you have to pour hot oil on the fish before you deep fry it? What is the benefit of that? (The fish already has a coating.)


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Cooking a Frozen Stuffed Turkey?Can you cook a stuffed Butterball frozen turkey in a oven roaster?


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Best Way to Cook Dried Beans?What, in people's experience, is the best/easiest way to cook dry bulk beans so that they are actually soft? I'm trying to release dependence on canned goods because of the cost, but I get mixed results at best and it always seems to take for ages.


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Cooking a Turkey and Ham at the Same Time?What temperature and for how long should I cook a 16 lb turkey and 10 lb smoked ham, if cooking together?


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Keeping Grilled Chicken Warm After Cooking?What is the best way to cover grilled chicken to keep it warm? Whenever my husband grills chicken, once it is taken off the grill, he covers it with a aluminum foil or a lid from a pan. I notice that after a length of time, the skin on the chicken becomes soft, and loses some of its grilled flavor.


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Cooking Cabbage in Galloping Gourmet Oven?How do I cook cabbage in my Galloping Gourmet?


Binder For Corned Beef Hash - bowl of corned beef hash

Binder For Corned Beef Hash?I haven't eaten corned beef hash in many years. I saw a large (24 oz.) can, greatly reduced. I bought it with the intention of making patties of some sort and then frying and freezing most of them.


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Cooking Turkey Breast and Sweet Potatoes?Is it OK cook to cook them at the same time? What is the best way to cook a 7lb. turkey breast and sweet potatoes at the same time?


Uses For Colored Aluminum Foil - gold colored aluminum foil

Uses For Colored Aluminium Foil?After Christmas 2015, my local grocer put a lot of holiday items on sale. One was colored aluminum foil. The original price was around 4 dollars. They were marked down to 50 cents. I bought a couple rolls of the silver and a couple rolls of the gold.


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Cooking with Frozen Cabbage?I have a head of cabbage which I froze. I now would like to make ham and cabbage. Would the cabbage be alright to thaw and use in this recipe? I use cabbage, ham, and sliced potatoes along with caraway seeds.


cup of beans

Cooking Dry Large Lima Beans?I have a pound bag of large lima beans. We have always used the seasoned canned ones. I would really like to cook my own dry beans. I don't know how to season them. Could someone help me please? They are good over rice, beans and soup that has seasoning. How do you season them?


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Using a Turkey Bag in Electric Roaster Oven?Can I cook a turkey breast in a turkey bag in an electric roaster oven?


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Cooking a Turkey in a Foreman Rotisserie?How long should we cook a turkey in our George Foreman Jr rotisserie?


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Cooking a Turkey in an Electric Roaster?Do I have to add water to the outer roaster pot to cook the turkey?


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Cooking a Turkey Breast in a Bag?Can you cook a 10 lb turkey breast (bone out) in a turkey bag in an Oster turkey roaster or do you have to take it out of the bag it came in?



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Cooking Frozen Green Beans?How long do I boil my frozen boilable bag of blanched green beans? I have several bags of seasoned blanched green beans in boilable bags which I have frozen. When I want to use them, do I just place a bag in boiling water and boil for a few more minutes to be table ready?


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Adjusting Cooking Times for Smaller Recipe?How do you adjust the cooking time when the recipe is cut in half?


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Cooking With Frozen Cabbage?Can you use frozen cabbage for soups?


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Making Lasagna in a Nuwave Oven?How long and at what temperature do I cook lasagna in my Nuwave oven?


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Using Meat Tenderizer?I've always been afraid to use meat tenderizer - if it can do that to meat, what is it going to do to my intestines?


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Using a Microwave Convection Oven?Would like to learn any tips on operating the convection oven. Thanks


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Cooking Lamb in a Turbo Oven?How long do I cook lamb chops in a turbo oven?


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Cooking Chicken Wings?What level do I cook chicken wings on?


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Figuring Cooking Time for Large Casserole?I am making green bean casserole. I have to make four times what the recipe calls for. How do I figure out how long it should cook?


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Cooking Time for Large Green Bean Casserole?I am making green bean casserole, but have to make four times what the recipe calls for. How do I figure out how long it should cook?


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Steaming Vegetables Without a Steamer?I've been seeing a lot of information about steaming food and having specific kitchen equipment to do so. I was hoping to start steaming certain veggies to keep more of the nutrients and was curious.


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Baking in my Big Boss Rapid Wave Oven?Can I bake, using my standard bakeware (not glass) in my Rapid Wave oven?


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Using Glass Pots on Ceramic Stovetops?Can I use a glass coffee peculator on a ceramic stovetop?


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Making Popcorn the Old Fashioned Way?I have a bag of popcorn in my cupboard. I tried to pop it the other day, but my husband doesn't think I did it right. I bought it at the bulk store, so I have no directions. Can anyone let me know the old fashion way to popcorn? Thank you. :)


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Cooking Vegetables?Do you put a lid on veggies that grow in the ground?



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Cooking Spaghetti Sauce in a Cast Iron Pan?I was wondering if anyone knew if you can make spaghetti sauce or anything with an acid base in a cast iron pan? I have looked and read different opinions everywhere and I don't want to leave a metallic taste in my food.


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Avoiding Pasty Mashed Potatoes?I refrigerated uncooked, but peeled potatoes for a couple of days because I couldn't fit them all in the pan that was cooking up a huge batch of mashed potatoes. When I did cook them up and made mashed potatoes, they tasted pasty instead of like the original. Is there any way to avoid this?


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Cooking Split Dried Pinto Beans?Do you treat split dried pinto beans the same as you would regular pinto beans?


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Cooking Dry Beans?I've been using them for years, but it seems lately, I can't get the beans to the right texture. I've been doing the quick soak method. Should I try the overnight method? Any other suggestions?


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Scheduling Serving Turkey?I want to serve a 14.78 pound roasted turkey at 2pm. What time do I put it in the preheated oven? Also, what temperature is the oven set for?


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Cooking Pork Hocks in a Turbo Oven?How long does it take to cook pork hocks in the turbo; and at what temperature?


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Using an 8-qt Pressure Cooker?I have an 8-qt pressure cooker with no user manual (Mirror 92080 model). I have never used a pressure cooker in my life. Could someone give me some guidance?


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Preparing Multiple Dishes in Oven Requiring Different Temperatures?When you are cooking and have several items to make for dinner at differen temperatures what do you do?


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Cooking Spare Ribs in a Convection Oven?I have a convection oven. Can I cook baby spare ribs? on the bottom or top rack? Can you also help with time and temperature. I usually boil them then broil them in regular over. I would like to try the convection oven. I is over 100 deg outside and don't want to warm up the house. Thank you Eva


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Waffle Sticking to Waffle Iron?How do you keep a waffle from sticking to the iron?


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Refrigerator Biscuits?On a recipe for a taco burger bake submitted by Robin of Washington, there is a mention of refrigerator biscuits. Can someone tell me what they are as I've never heard of these in Australia.


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Using Meat Tenderizer?Can meat tenderizer be added during the cooking process if I failed to put it on earlier?


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Cooking from the Pantry?Where can I find a way to make the best use of the odds and ends left in the pantry, before I do a re-stock?


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Substituting a Square Pan for a Round One in Cooking?If the recipe calls for a square pan, can you use a round pan, the same size?


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Cleaning Rhubarb?We made a batch of strawberry rhubarb jam. I washed it and cut off the ends. When I cut it in small pieces to cook, the red outside pulled off into strings. I went ahead and pulled the rest of it off. Should I have left it on?


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Preparing Previously Frozen Potatoes?How do you prepare frozen potatoes that have been blanched? Do you thaw them before adding them to water to cook? or do you heat them from frozen state?


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Cooking With Frozen Cabbage?I want to use cabbage with corned beef, but the cabbage froze on my deck. I forgot to bring it in after shopping. Can I still use it it's still whole?


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Cooking Omelets in a Bag?If it's not safe to use Ziplock bags for your eggs in a bag, what do you suggest we use?


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Converting Conventional Oven Cooking Time for NuWave?If a recipe says to cook in a regular oven at 350 F for 45 minutes, how long should it be cooked in the NuWave? Is there a calculation or formula?


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Reheating a Turkey?I need advice for reheating a turkey I cooked yesterday, 12/18 for dinner guests this evening, 12/19. At what temperature do I need it to be, to reheat a fully dressed, unsliced turkey and keep it moist and juicy too?


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Calculating the Cooking Time When Doubling a Recipe?I need to know how long to bake a chicken/cheese casserole when I double the recipe. I live at a high altitude - 6500 ft.


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Cooking Turkey Breast in a GE Stand Alone Roaster?How would you cook a turkey breast in a GE stand alone roaster?


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Using a Nordicware Eggs 'n Muffin Pan?I need some help on the Nordicware eggs 'n muffin pan. I lost the instructions for this and have a few questions. How long do you put it in the microwave (800 watt oven)? What power level do you use?


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Boiling Potatoes and Eggs Together?Does boiling potatoes with your eggs add flavor?


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Placing Hot Pans on Glass Tops Stoves?I just purchased a glass top oven, but haven't used the stove top yet. With my traditional coil top I used to take my pot off the burner and transfer it to a cold burner to stop the cooking process. Will this crack the top? Can I place a hot pan from the oven onto the cold surface top?


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Cooking Frozen Corn on the Cob?When I get fresh corn I like to cook it by baking it with the husks on in the oven. I saw this on the Food Network and it works great. I was wondering if instead of using the microwave as the article says, could you bake it in the oven?


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Cooking a Large Amount of Rice?What is the proper way of cooking a larger amount of rice maybe 15-20 kilograms, so that it will be completely cooked yet not sticky?


Two bottles of wine, one red and one white

Which Wine to Use for Cooking?My husband and I are wanting to eat healthier and we're trying new recipes. The problem is when some of the recipes call for a little red or white wine, we have no clue what to use.


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Instant Mashed Potatoes As A Thickener?How much instant potato flakes do I add to 1 cup liquid when making brown gravy?


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Why Do Recipes Call for Draining and Rinsing Canned Beans?In a lot of recipes, it says to drain and rinse canned beans. What is the purpose of this?


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Which Wine to Use for a Recipe Calling for Red Wine?If you have a recipe calling for red wine will any red wine do or are they different? I have never cooked using wine before.


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Cooking a Turkey in an Electric Roaster?Is it quicker to cook a turkey in an electric roaster?


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How Do I Cook Frozen Meat in a Perfection-Aire Oven?Please let me know how to cook frozen meat in the Perfection-Aire Oven. I have the Model Number C2000 which has cookbook and instruction manual. However, there are no recipes for freezer to Perfection-Aire Oven. Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated.


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How Do I Make Brine for Soaking Poultry?Soaking the chicken in brine to avoid dry chicken sounds like it would work. What is brine?


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Will Adding Baking Soda to Beans Reduce Flatulence?I remember years ago my mother cooking dry beans and when they stared to boil she would add baking soda. I think she told me it was so the beans weren't so gassy. Anybody remember how much baking soda and/or what it was for? Thanks.


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Using a Toaster Oven?I never thought I had a need for a toaster oven before, but I finally got one. I know my questions will sound stupid to existing users, so please excuse me. When making regular toast on the wire rack, shouldn't both sides brown?


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Encouraging Teens to Cook for Themselves?Does anyone have any ideas on how I can encourage my teens ages 18 and 20 to cook for themselves? They are both in college and not working at this time.


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Cooking Okra Without the Slime?I fried okra with a little oil and it was slimy and stringy. Then I put water in it to boil it and it still was the same. What can I do to get right?


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Pressure Cooking a Smoked Brisket?I smoked a beef brisket and sliced it, but it is still a little tough. How long can I pressure cook to tenderize the meat without it just going to mush?


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Use Plastic Wrap Under Foil To Avoid Metal Taste?When did it become acceptable to use plastic wrap in the oven? I've noticed several times recently while watching Food Network that the phrase "put it all in a pan, cover with plastic wrap then foil, and put it in the oven for a couple of hours" usually at around 300 degrees F.


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Roasting Time for a Turkey Breast?How long does it take too cook a turkey breast?


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Making Oven Chips?I want to make good oven chips for the grandchildren instead of buying them. Can anyone help? I have tried making them, but they turn out very dry when cooked. Many thanks.


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Croquettes with Mackerel Instead of Salmon?I would like to know how to make mackerel croquettes?


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Cooking With Fresh Pumpkins?I have a lot of smallish pumpkins. I noticed that all the cans of pumpkin say, "pure pumpkin", so I need some help. What is the easiest way to process those pumpkins for baking? I need the pumpkin mash for pie filing, as well as, muffins, scones, and quick breads?


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Cooking Brown Rice at High Altitude?I am needing help in cooking brown rice in high altitude; 6800 feet. I follow the instructions, and the rice never gets tender.


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Cooking Bacon for BLTs?What is the best way to cook bacon for BLTs?


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Using a Galloping Gourmet Oven?I need to know how use my Galloping Gourmet dutch oven.


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Using Canned Beans in a Crockpot?I have a recipe for crockpot chili beans. It calls for 2 cans of drained pinto beans. Will this make the beans to mushy? It says to slow cook for 7-8 hrs.


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Broiling Food in the Oven?Can I use any type of pan to broil food in or do I have to use the broiler pan that came with the stove? The broiler pan that came with the stove seems so hard to clean. Any advice?


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Cooking Hash Brown Casserole in Roaster?I am making hash brown casserole for 120 people. Is there anyway I could put it in a roaster to cook it or would it turn out mushy from the steam?


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Cooking a Frozen Pizza?

How to get the middle of a frozen pizza done without burning the rest of it?


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Frying Pan With Domed Shaped Center?About two months ago, I purchased a large, 12 in. fry pan with glass cover. The problem is, that the fry pan has a dome shape right in the center of the pan.


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Stirring Tips for Cooking in a Skillet?When I stir liquids in my shallow waterless cookware skillets, I find that there is more accidental splashing on to the stove top than with the other brand of pots I previously used. Any stirring suggestions? Thanks.


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Tips for Frying Chicken?What is the secret to frying chicken so it is done in the middle and crisp on the outside? Thanks a million.


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Boiling Partially Frozen, Raw Chicken Breasts?Is it safe to boil partially frozen raw chicken breasts?


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Food Sticking to a Teflon Grill?I've got one of the small (one patty) grills. I've had it over a year and like to use it. I never had a problem with sticking in the past. But now burgers, veggie patties, and wieners are sticking to the Teflon. Any suggestions?


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Using Disposable Baking Pans?I have never used disposable loaf baking pans. Could someone please advise me if there is anything I have to consider when using them? Do I use the same oven temp and is the amount of baking time the same? The disposable pans seems so thin compared to regular baking pans. Thank you.


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