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A young boy opening presents with his family on Christmas morning.

Youngest Child Opens Presents FirstOne tradition my husband introduced to my family when we married 42 years ago has become a custom of all of my sibling's families also. I would like to share it with you.


A Christmas tree with no presents underneath.

No Present ChristmasWhen my mom got diagnosed with cancer, we had one last Christmas. We all decided we all are having a no present Christmas. Honestly presents were the last thing on our minds. As sad as it was that Christmas was the best Christmas. Just the three of us together. I learned that the presents isn't what makes Christmas, it's truly just being with the people you love the most.


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Tighter BowsAfter making all the loops you need for your bow twist the bow instead of the wire holding your bow together. This makes a much tighter and fuller bow.


A wish list for a girl named Amy.

Birthday and Christmas Gift ListsChildren want a lot of things. When my children were growing up, I would put everything they asked for on a list. Items had to be in our budget to be included on the list. A few weeks before their birthday or Christmas, I would have them look at the list and circle the 3-5 items they wanted the most. This way they would get something they wanted and still have an element of surprise.


A seasonal tray with a coloring book and a box of chocolates.

Thoughtful Christmas Gift IdeasI am looking to gift others with lasting items this year. I liked how this seasonally decorated tray looked and I paired it with a seasonal adult coloring book. I decided to top it off with a small box of chocolates.


A tiny gift box made from lids from Stax potato chips.

Recycled Lids as Tiny Gift BoxI bought this little Coke Cola magnet for a friend of mine. I didn't have any cute little gift bags so I made a little present box out of two Stax lids. I just measured it and the magnet inside fit.


A Christmas box with a selection of summer sausage, cheese and jams.

Christmas Gifts: It's The Thought That CountsHow many times we've heard that old saying. Is it really true. I mean 'really'? When you've been dropping hints for the past three months you'd like to have a new BMW M4 for Christmas, only to wake up Christmas morning and find a Nissan Versa in the driveway with a big bow around it?


A collection of medicine and other health care needs.

Give Gifts People NeedI am big on giving and living frugal. I truly find things of need a treasure when people give it to me. The other day, a friend mailed me 4 stamps. Another purchased me 3 packages of apples. I sent a picture to a friend and she saw I needed something in my kitchen to help with storage. It was sent by surprise.


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Christmas Gift for your Mail CarrierI think I found the most unusual gift this year for my mail carrier, Pete! While I was at the Post Office the other day, I bought him and his wife a book of stamps and put it in a very cute Christmas card. I think it will be his most unusual gift EVER! What do you think? They need stamps just like you and I.


Gifts wrapped in corrugated cardboard with white string.

Corrugated Cardboard for Christmas Shipping and WrappingIf you want to help our environment as well as save money then stop using wasteful, polluting bubble wrap and tape for wrapping and posting your gifts. Look instead at using almost free and stylish products like corrugated card and old fashioned string. Corrugated cardboard can be found at any supermarket, where they throw their used packing materials.


A collection of greeting cards found at yard sales.

Look for Greeting Cards at Yard SalesI got 7 Hallmark and Papryus cards for $1.50. The cheapest I have ever gotten cards was for 50 cents at Dollar Tree. These are far nicer, and one even plays music when you open it. I keep my cards organized by category, so I know when I need to stock up on a certain type.


Rolls of wrapping paper being hung by metal shower hooks.

Shower Hooks to Hang Wrapping PaperYou can hang wrapping paper on shower hooks on a towel bar,or in a closet.That way it will not get ruined like most of mine does.


Serving Dish With Salad

Serving Dish as Part of the GiftIt's bridal shower, graduation party, barbecue, and the season for many other celebrations. If you are asked to bring a dish, include the dish the food was made/served in as part of the gift. This need not be expensive. You can get great deals on new items, and thrift stores have plenty of choices.


The contents of a baby shower gift, placed in a reusable pail.

Baby Shower Gift in Reusable PailI have a baby shower to attend soon for a boy baby. So I themed everything 'Not Pink'. I wanted the gift to be cute, and the package to be re-usable and fun. This cute pail holds a couple of hooded towels, and a huge bank/bottle which is full of baby goodies.


A present wrapped in comics from the paper.

Christmas Gift Wrapping TipsI read so often about wrapping gifts in comics from the Sunday paper, so I wrapped my grandson's gift in comics. It is really cute!



Removing a bow after the present has been given.

Reuse Special Christmas BowsReuse special Christmas bows for years to come, as you can see in the photos. After the present is open, you can easily remove the bow and use again.


A hand stamped gift wrapped package.

Five Minute Emergency Gift WrapMy mom got a last minute invite to an event and she needed to take a gift along. As a crafter, I always have gifts that could be given, but what to do to wrap the gift? There was no time for water colors or food colors, as I needed to make gift wrap that would dry almost instantly and would still look presentable.


Fill Plastic Gift Bags for Christmas Gifts

Fill Plastic Gift Bags for Christmas GiftsThese plastic gift bags are so nice! I bought this one because it was so colorful. I plan on buying a matching blue fleece throw and adding a little stuffed Olaf character.


Gift Wrap from Book Cover

Gift Wrap from Book CoverI wanted to use a reusable wrapping for this small gift. The wrapping is made out of the silky fabric of a book cover. I can think of a few other uses for these book covers as well, for after the recipient receives the gift.


A girl giving her teacher a gift.

Christmas Gifts for TeachersAs a retired teacher, I want to offer a bit of advice on holiday gifts for teachers. Gifts are never required, of course, but what no teacher needs are things with apples printed on them, or things that state "teachers are....".


The Perfect Gift

The Perfect Gift Evokes Warm MemoriesSo many times we are trying to find the perfect gift for someone, and mistakenly think that an expensive gift will let the person know how much s/he means to us. I have found that the best gifts are the gifts that jog our memories and give us the same warm feelings we have when we were around that person.


Save Cellophane for Gift Wrapping

Save Cellophane for Gift WrappingIf you are lucky enough to receive flowers, save the outer cellophane wrapping and use it to wrap gifts. You will be recycling and saving money as well.


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Gifts For Crafty FriendsMy best friend and I set up at craft shows, so always at gift giving time, we buy each other items that we can use to make crafts for our shows.


Rolls of wrapping paper with cardboard tubes

Cardboard Tube for Storing Gift Wrap RollsStoring partly used rolls of gift wrap can be a bit of a nuisance. The paper unravels and becomes crumpled. You can end up wasting a lot, or sometimes all, of the remaining paper.


Wrapping a Gift That Hasn't Arrived

Wrapping a Gift That Hasn't ArrivedI ordered my son a pair of shoes that didn't make it in time for his birthday. I wanted to still give them to him, so that he would know they were on the way. I took a shoe box that I had around the house, filled it with tissue paper, and put a printed photo of the shoes inside the box.


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Decorate Clear Pens As Guest GiftsIf you have a large group to give to, I suggest the capped ink pens with the clear barrels. What you do is find a pretty and very busy picture in a magazine. Cut the picture out, open the pen by pulling the ink out, roll the picture around the ink container and reinsert to pen. Put the cap back on and voila! You have a gift that costs less than 10 cents each!


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Celebrate Milestone Birthdays with CardsIf you know someone you would like to honor for any decade birthday (30th, 40th, 80th, etc.), contact friends and family by email or Facebook. Have them send cards so that by your friend's birthday, they will have received that number of cards. I always suggest to send a card from each family member, including pets, so that your goal will be reached.


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Old Encyclopedias for Gag Gift CardsSince old encyclopedia sets are hard to sell and no one has the space for them anymore, individual volumes make great "birthday" or event cards. Give the volume that is the initial of the person ...


Open suitcase with gift wrap stored inside.

Use Luggage for Gift Wrap StorageAfter years of juggling with my many wrapping and tissue papers, gift bags, and ribbons I designated one of my rarely used pieces of luggage to hold these items. It is easy to take out into a room to wrap gifts too! Everything in one place.


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Use Ebay to Buy GiftsEbay is a great place to purchase gifts inexpensively. For quite some time, I have shopped Ebay for "new with tag" items that are priced $0.25 to a $5 with free shipping for gifts. Many times, I have paid $1.75 (with free shipping) for new scarves for family members and friends. I have yet to be disappointed with the quality! I make sure to only purchase items from sellers with a reputable reputation that accept returns. It can be a bit time consuming to search for these items but once you find that great deal, it's all worth it in the end!



Give Experiences as Gifts

Give Experiences as GiftsI firmly believe that TIME is one of the best gifts, so one of my favorite things to give as Christmas and Birthday gifts is a fun outing. I've purchased and given deals for fancy dinners out, glass blowing, dinner theater tickets, and for our last anniversary, I got my husband a couples massage class.


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Personalized Photo Gift WrappingMuch of gift giving is in the PRESENTation so here's a way to wow your recipients. Instead of wrapping your gifts in generic wrapping paper, make your own out of meaningful photos.


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Give Free Books as PresentsIn the UK, an organisation called Healthy Planet runs free bookshops where customers can choose six books per person per day completely free of charge. I select a parcel of books according to their preferences, and spend the money that I would have spent on a present on getting the parcel delivered to them.


Colored Tape Instead of Ribbons

Colored Tape Instead of RibbonsUse colored masking tape instead of ribbon to wrap gifts.


Newspaper Comics for Gift Wrap - comic pages

Newspaper Comics for GiftwrapI love giving gifts all year long. Years ago, it hit me one day that sometimes my wrappings cost nearly as much as the gift itself! Now I use comics from the newspaper to wrap my gifts. I already get the paper, so it's free.


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Use Wallpaper for Wrapping PresentsI like to pick-up remnants/rolls at yardsales/thrift stores. I use them as wrapping paper for presents.


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Candy Bottle GiftI use the small water plastic bottles and fill with small candies. The candy had to fit easily in the mouth of the bottle. Then add a ribbon and/or bow to give as a small and inexpensive gift.


Reusable gift bag.

Think Reusable When Wrapping GiftsI love the holidays, but I really don't like wrapping gifts and bags can get expensive to buy.


Packing Paper for Gift Wrap

Packing Paper for Gift WrapWhen my UPS packages arrive, they have brown paper in large sheets for stuffing. I iron them and use colored ink and stamps to decorate the paper for wrapping paper.


Family Recipes for a Great Gift

Family Recipes for a Great GiftI like to gather favorite family recipes and type them up in Word on my computer. I then print them off and place in clear plastic page protector sheets and put them into a 3 ring binder.


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Money Money MoneyI send holiday money gifts to my nephews who live a couple states away. The first year was the best!  I sent $100 in ones.  I got a large box and a ton of old magazines or news paper.


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Balloon BustYou will need a large box, balloons and money: $1 or $5 bills. Roll your bills up and put them into the balloon. Blow a little air in and knot it.


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Practical Vases For FlowersThe dollar stores have become very handy for me. When I go, I get several vases to keep at home. When I want to take flowers to someone, I purchase them for a reasonable price from either a market or a bulk produce place.


Potted baby spider plant and Christmas cactus start.

Plant Cuttings For Holiday GiftsTake plant cuttings now from plants such as spider plant, Christmas cactus, geraniums, etc. to use for quick inexpensive gifts later in the season. Even Dallas/Boston ferns can be divided into smaller plants.


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Saving Curling RibbonWhen I get balloons for my birthday or get Get Well Soon balloons, they eventually go flat. However, the ribbon attached to them is still good. I cut it off, cut a cardboard bobbin from an empty cereal box, then wrap the ribbon around it.



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Retirement Gift IdeasTo really give an awesome retirement gift that the recipient will always treasure, you will need to find out what the person likes. For example, when I retired a few years back my coworkers gave me a heavy duty apple peeler.


Graduation Money SocksBuy socks that match the grad's school colors. Roll one inside and fill with $1s, $5s, $10s or whatever you'd like. It will be 2 gifts in one. Tie colorful ribbons or balloons, etc. for a festive look.


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Ideas For Baby Shower GiftsA couple of suggestions:


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Keepsake Baptism GiftMy husband and I were asked by our daughter and son-in-law to be godparents for their first child, Vivi Anne. We pondered over the most appropriate gift to give to her, one that would carry on through the years.


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Creative Ways to Give Money as GiftsMy hubby and I usually give $50.00 to our nieces and nephews when they graduate from high school. I usually take 50 $1.00 bills and make a chain like we used to make with gum wrappers. I don't tell them how to take the chain apart, they have to figure that out for themselves.


Turn Ribbon Into Tape by using doublestick tape.

Turn Ribbon Into TapeTake a roll of ribbon or wrapping paper and turn into tape. Attach double sided tape onto your ribbon and wrap around an old tape roll. You can do this with anything you want to use.


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Soup in a Jar GiftThe mother of a good friend is dealing with cancer. It is easy to feel helpless when those you love are going through any kind of suffering.


A potted aloe plant, to give as a gift.

Give An Aloe Plant As A GiftAloe plants make for very thoughtful, pretty and frugal gifts. I received one a couple years ago and I have been regrowing new ones from it's shoots to give to people.


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Give Small Crafts As TipsIn addition to giving cash as a tip to hair dresser, nail tech, etc., I offer a few additional small craft items as a Thank You.


Super hero tent kit ina bag.

Fort Kit for Little Super HeroesI made this great super hero fort kit for my grandson who loves to build tents in the house with blankets. My kit uses two large pieces of fabric to which I sewed 2 stretchy ties at each corner of the fabric pieces.


New box based on template.

Make Your Own Gift BoxesI received a gift in this adorable box. I couldn't bring myself to throw it away. And after looking at it closely, decided I could make one myself with supplies I already had on hand.


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Movie Night Gift PackageTeachers get many small gifts, but how about giving them a night at the movies. This can also be used for the adult that has everything.


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Thank Yous That Last A LifetimeTake pictures of you child opening a gift for Christmas or their birthday. Print the picture out and have the child write a thank you on the back of it and send it as a Thank You to the person giving the gift.


Pipe cleaner bows on mesh bag of gifts.

Pipe Cleaner BowsI bought some pipe cleaners and made a bow for my Christmas packages. I put all the packages into a mesh laundry bag, and then put this bow on the top. All the presents were wrapped, but I have to do this or the cats will tear off the wrapping paper.


framed child's photos on scrapbook paper.

Craft: Scrapbook Page with Painted FrameI made this inexpensive Christmas gift for my mother-in-law. I'd made two of my older children years ago and she specifically requested one of my youngest this year. It was very well received.


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Use Stickers To Personalize Wrapping PaperDo you get those free address label stickers from charities soliciting money around the holidays? Don't throw them away. Cut off the addresses, leaving only the cute graphics behind.


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Make Inexpensive Gift Bags and WrappingI like to make inexpensive gift bags for year around use. Pillow cases from the thrift stores make great light weight bags, just fold down the top and run a drawstring through.


Homemade cinnamon sugar shaker jar with tag.

Cinnamon Sugar Shaker As GiftPurchase a glass shaker jar. I found one at the dollar store. In a bowl, mix one tablespoon of cinnamon with a half cup of sugar. This will give you enough to fill about two or three jars.


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Free Printable Gift Tags for any OccasionHere you will find lots of styles of gifttags for download that would work great for Christmas gifts or birthday gifts.


Bag of spaghetti sauce spices in baggie with Christmas tin and tag.

Spaghetti Sauce Spice Mix As Frugal GiftWhen I make spaghetti, I use a mix of spices that I add to my sauce, such as garlic powder, oregano, basil, crushed chilies, and sugar. I poured about one tablespoon full of each into a baggie and zip-locked it closed.


Example of recarded Christmas card.

Extreme RecardingRecarding should be the wave of the future. I save all my old greeting cards and even ask others to donate to me. By cutting certain words, pictures, trim, and colored parts of the cards you are able to recard or recreate a new card.


Memory jar with decorative ribbon.

Gift Idea: Memory JarIn the tough times we live in, it's hard to afford a lot of gifts, but this is special gift, one that comes from the heart and can be made to be given for Christmas, Mother's Day, or birthdays.


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Have Wife Choose Her Own GiftThis is not very romantic, but it worked for my grandmother-in-law. Her husband used to buy her electric kettles, saucepans, etc. when she wanted something for herself. So she came up with this plan.


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Gift Idea: Children's CraftboxChristmas is coming soon and thoughts have already turned to gift giving for the grandsons. This year will be different. My husband had a brain bleed last October and is no longer able to work, so funds are limited.


Gift wrapped in decorated wax paper.

Wax Paper Gift WrapWith just a few sheets of waxed paper, one can give a personal touch to presents and make them look quite exceptional, without spending much money on gift wrap.


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Add Extra Touch to Inexpensive Greeting CardsSince I frequently send cards, I buy a supply of them at yard sales and dollar stores to have on hand. While they have attractive pictures on the fronts and include thoughtful messages inside, most of the cheaper cards have no color inside.


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Store Gift Bags In Clear Plastic ContainerStore gift bags folded flat in a see-through plastic storage container according to size, type of gift bag, season, etc. Stack containers on closet shelf and you will be able to see the bags easily.


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Hyacinths for GiftsAt this time of year, we get ready to plant some hyacinth bulbs for Christmas. All year, I pick up pretty bowls from thrift shops and jumble sales as I see them. In October, I'll fill them with bulb fibre and plant two or three bulbs in each one, covering the bulb.


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Gift Idea EnvelopeDoes your husband or significant other never know what to buy you for your birthday or other special occasion? Create a "gift-idea envelope" for each of you.


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Cook Meals For A New MomThe best thing anyone did for me when I gave birth to my three boys via c- section, was to cook a meal for me. Because of my busy schedule with the boys, I discovered that I could double or triple our family favorite and freeze it.


Used Book (New Day) with pink polkadot paper "ribbon" wrapped around the cover, with a pink ribbon tied in a bow and flower on top of it.

Embellish Used BooksEmbellish a used book when passing it along to someone else. Here, I wrapped the book with a scrap of patterned paper and satin ribbon with silk flower on top.


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Inexpensive Gifts From The HeartWe have thirteen grandchildren and four other small children that we are very close to. Birthdays get really expensive! However, children don't really understand why they don't get a gift from us. So I found a way they get something from the heart and doesn't cost much.


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Use Photos as Gift TagsSince many of us have so many photos laying around, I decided to use them as name tags for gifts. I have 5 children, so instead of writing their names on each present, I tape a photo of them on their packages.


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Use Butcher Paper as Gift WrapSometimes at Dollar Stores or Dollar Trees, they sell rolls of the brown packaging paper. One Christmas, I wrapped my packages in it and used nice, red plaid ribbons. Looked old-timey and traditional.


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Decorate Gifts With Recycled Greeting CardsI am often without wrapping paper for a special occasion. I also keep a box full of cards that I have received, rather than pitch them. When a holiday comes around, it is fun to take a paper bag or white construction paper and use pictures from old cards.


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Tiered Gift Box "Cake"I did this for my sister's bridal shower, but you could do this in a birthday or another fun holiday theme! For a wedding gift tower:


Photo of Gift Bag

Doilies to Accent Gift WrapI love using paper doilies to accent gifts. It adds an elegant touch and is inexpensive.


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Beautify Your Mom's YardA wonderful gift for Mother's Day would be to go clean an area and plant some flowers at a walk-way, right outside a window where she can enjoy the view, or at the mailbox.


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Mother's Day Potted FlowersDo something nice for Mother for Mothers Day. All you need for this is some pretty flower pots. I have saved mine over the years and your Mom probably has also.


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Shop After Holiday Sales for Hostess GiftsTo save on hostess gifts, I purchase hand towels, kitchen towels, and cloth napkins all year long when they go on sale after any holiday. They are wonderful hostess gifts or stocking gifts at Christmas.


Photos of Spa Baskets

Frugal Spa Gift BasketTo make this Frugal Spa Gift Basket I purchased body wash, body cream, shampoo, conditioner, facial mask, and bar of lavender soap from a Dollar Tree Store.


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Save Kids Meal Toys As GiftsWhenever I go to McDonalds for anything other than breakfast, I get the double cheeseburger happy meal and ask for a toddler toy. I save them to give to grand-kids and great grand- kids for their birthdays, Christmas, or for their mommy's baby shower for them.


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Gift Idea: "Cookie Emergency" PostcardIf you have children attending college out of state and you want to send them a unique gift, here's an idea I have used. I made postcards from the fronts of greeting cards, addressed them to myself, cut out a cookie shape and glued it to the left of my name.


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Collect Samples For Frugal GiftsA drug store near my house gives out lots of samples: lotions, moisturizers, shampoo and conditioners, foundations, even perfumes. I save these items and use them as package ties or greeting card inserts.


Using a bottle to store wrapping paper.

Storing Rolls of Wrapping PaperHere is a new use for my empty 3 liter soda bottle, a frugal rolled paper storage solution. Just remove the top and bottom.


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Doilies over Gift WrapUse doilies over plain paper wrap for smaller gifts. The doily can be used again.


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Fizzing Bath SaltsThis recipe comes from Janice Cox's book Natural Beauty for All Seasons.


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Use Packaging Tape as RibbonUse decorative packaging tape as faux ribbon.


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Gift Bags for SeniorsMy sister-cousins and I make gifts bags for the Senior nursing home every Christmas and the seniors love these. We use items from freebies and small items we collect on sale, off-season, or after a holiday.


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Open Difficult Packaging Before WrappingWhile wrapping a gift that was difficult to open, I had an idea. This particular gift was encased with that familiar hard plastic. This was a present for my young grandson. I knew he would be very excited when he saw the contents.


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Frugal and Green Ways to Wrap Last Minute Gifts!You can use gift bags not directly related to the occasion with some ingenuity. I cut out candy images from an advertising mailing and put them on non-Christmas bags to make them more festive.


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Food Packaging Boxes as Gift WrappingI found a creative way to wrap Christmas packages. I refused to buy wrapping paper, bows, or ribbon this year, so I began to save cereal boxes, oatmeal cartons, etc.


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Wrap Gifts in Old ShirtsFor free/cheap gift wrapping, save old red and green shirts or find them cheap at the thrift store or at yard sales throughout the year. Cut them up and use for wrapping gifts. Any buttons can be used to make cute package ties.


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E-Cards For the HolidaysOne of the easiest ways to save some money this Christmas is to send E-Cards instead of using the traditional paper and post method. The trick is to achieve this without looking either cheap or uncaring.


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Flat Paper Bows for Shipped PackagesDo you have to mail gifts and don't want the bows to be mashed, yet don't want to leave them "plain?" Cut out pictures of pretty bows or make flat "bows" and "ribbons" out of construction paper and glue them on.


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Useful Gifts for Someone Who Has "Everything"For those who are in a nursing home or already have "everything", I have found that a great gift to give is a calendar made at CVS or Walgreens of photos that are meaningful to that person.


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Package Gifts in Reusable ContainersIf you visit the dollar store to buy gift bags for presents, instead of buying a bag, buy a small plastic ice bucket, trash can, food storage container, colander, etc. to hold the gift. For the same price as the gift bag, you are buying a reusable item.


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