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Gift Ideas For Boyfriend's Daughter?I need gift ideas for my boyfriend's daughter who is turning 21. I am searching for a special gift to give my boyfriend's daughter. I have not met her yet since she lives in another state. I only know her from what her dad tells me and from reading her travel blogs. She has traveled the world, comes from wealth, and has pretty much been raised as an only child. So, she doesn't want/need for too much.


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Present for Boyfriend?My boyfriend's 16th is coming up in December and he is a guitarist. Any ideas about what to get him? He loves old cars, guitars, and rock music. Plus should I get him a present for Christmas and combine it with his birthday gift? It's my first time as a girlfriend for the holidays. :)


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Bday?Okay so my bf's birthday is like two weeks away and I don't know what to get him. He's not athletic and I don't want to spend too much. We're both anime geeks and enjoy talking about classic cars. Seriously I'm debating just getting him a hoodie right now.


15th Birthday Present Ideas for My Boyfriend

15th Birthday Present Ideas for My Boyfriend?My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year and 2 months now and he's turning 15. I don't know what to get him for his birthday. He and I meet at school and he loves exercising and doing media, playing video games, and he's like the smartest person in our year group at school. I want to spoil him for his birthday the way he spoiled me, but more because he deserves it a lot.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 17th Birthday?My boyfriend is turning 17 in a few weeks. We've been dating for a couple months and I have no idea what to get him especially during this whole quarantine. He's not big into sports or video games, but he likes doing stuff outdoors like hammocking and he really enjoys running and things like that. He might enjoy presents that don't really have anything to do with those things.


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Gifts Ideas for My Boyfriend's 18th Birthday?I am in need of gift ideas for my boyfriend who I have been dating for almost two months, but talked to for three months before we decided to date. He is shy, a goofball, plays video games somewhat and a football player, but does not play rn. We are both seniors and he loves gummy bears.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 16th Birthday?My boyfriend and I have been together for 8 months now and I am absoutely stumped on what to get him for his 16th. Any ideas?


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 16th Birthday?My amazing boyfriend's birthday is coming up. I have an idea for a gift, but I need to know if it's a good idea. So my idea, was to get a picture of us having our first kiss. Then frame it in a nice frame. Is that a good idea? Or should I add something else to this gift?


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Gift Ideas for My Crush's 15th Birthday?So, my crush's birthday is coming (it's in January). He will be 15 yrs old and he plays the violin and piano and I think he likes sports cars. I don't really know what to give him, nothing that would raise questions to his parents or mine tho.


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Gift Ideas for My Boyfriend's 19th Birthday?My boyfriend's birthday is in two months. This is his first birthday that I'm going to celebrate with him. I'm actually confused right now because he's from a very wealthy family and I'm not like him. He's into fashion. He dresses a lot. He likes music too. He plays a lot of musical instruments like the piano and the flute. He likes going out a lot too.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?Okay! So my boyfriend's birthday is in late August and he will be turning 15. To give you a general idea we've been friends since we were practically toddlers; if not babies. Two days after his birthday will be our 10 months! I already have an Adidas hoodie picked out because I know that he looooves hoodies and Adidas is one of his fav brands.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?My boyfriend is turning 15 on September 15 and I don't know what to get him. He likes bike rides, singing, stuffed animals, movies, games, and anything that has romance in it.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?My boyfriend is turning 15 in October and I don't know what to get him and what to do for the day as we have school on his birthday. My boyfriend likes bikes and sports. Please help as I want to do something special for him as I will be in Portugal for six week and will not be able to see him. I know he really wanted us to meet and hang out during the summer holidays.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 14th Birthday?I have no clue what to get my boyfriend for his birthday! He's turning 14 this month and I have nothing. We've been together 9 months and have known each other since the first grade. Please help me find a gift for him before it's too late.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 17th Birthday?My boyfriend is turning 17 in twelve days and I have no idea what to get him. He got me an amazing present for mine, but he's a nightmare to buy for. He has everything. He's into video games. What should I get him? I wanna get him something he'll remember also and I'm so stuck.



Making a Gift for My 15 Year Old Boyfriend - framed photo collage

Making a Gift for My 15 Year Old Boyfriend?I made I picture collage of him and I can't decide what to do with it. I put it in a white picture frame and I was going to put inside jokes on the frame, but I don't know anymore. What should I do?


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Gift Ideas for a Boyfriend's 16th Birthday?My boyfriend and I have been dating for about 6 months and he is turning 16 the next month. He loves video games, eminem, and Marvel and DC movies a lot, especially Batman. I want to get him a very special gift and at the same time not something too expensive. I want something to show how much I love him and at the same time he likes it.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?I need help, my boyfriend's birthday is in a couple weeks and I don't know what to get him. I know not a lot of people might see my question, but my boyfriend's 15th birthday is in a couple weeks and all I know is that he likes to read, his favorite color is blue, he thinks K-pop is okay.


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Sweet 16 Gift Ideas?My niece is turning 16 years old Dec. 31, 2020. I am looking for a gift idea to plan for her party or vacation trip.


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Gift for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?My boyfriend is turning 15 in December and I don't know what to get him. He likes playing football and his favorite team is the Raiders. He is also very shy. I have no idea what to get him; can someone help?


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Birthday Gift for Boyfriend?I've been dating my boyfriend for about 2 1/2 months now and his birthday is the 14th of November. He lives in another state and he's turning 22. I want to get him something that will say I miss you and is something he likes. Any ideas?


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 17th Birthday?My boyfriend is turning 17 in a couple of months and I know it's a while away, but I just want to get some ideas. By the time of his birthday we will have been dating for just over a year and he spoils me all the time so I want to give him a gift he'll love. He likes motorbikes and cars and is a country boy with a farm.


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6 Month Anniversary and Birthday Gifts for a Boyfriend?My 6 month anniversary is 10 days before Christmas so I was thinking about getting candy with cute puns and then a portable charger and charger for Christmas since his phone constantly dies. But then his birthday is about a month after Christmas.


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Boyfriend's Birthday Present Ideas?My boyfriend's birthday is coming up in July. I know it's far away, but I want to be a couple months in advance because I know I will stress out if I wait. He loves dirt bikes, Fortnite, and anything active.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 17th Birthday?I need urgent help! My boyfriend and I have been going out for 11 months and I have no idea what to get him. He has his own car and does rowing. He always spoils me, but I have no idea what to get him!


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?So my boyfriend's birthday is the beginning of May (he's turning 15) and we have been dating for 4 months so far. I have no idea what to get him. Also it's on a Monday.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?My boyfriend's birthday is in a little over a week and I have no idea what to get him. I've asked almost all of his friends what I should get him, but they all tell me they don't know. He likes all sports and he plays video games all the time.


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Inexpensive 16th Birthday Gift Ideas for Boyfriend?So my boyfriend's birthday is coming up and he's turning 16. I don't know what to give him. I just want it to be something special because he's leaving to go to Dallas and I just want him to have something that reminds him of me. Do any y'all have any suggestions?


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?I'm in a bit of a pickle. My boyfriend's birthday is in a week (2nd of March) and we have been dating 2 months and over 2 weeks. I know that I'm going to bake him like a cute cupcake or a muffin, depending on if I have icing stuff. He doesn't do any sport, but does do drama. Maybe a branded cap, but I don't know.


Birthday and Christmas Gift Ideas for Best Friend

Birthday and Christmas Gift Ideas for Best Friend?So I just wanted to say first, thanks for all your advice on birthday party ideas, and I kind of need your help again. My best friend of all time lives 2 hours away from me. Her birthday is coming soon and I don't know what to get her. She's turning 15 and loves things that have a use or value, or are sentimental (are you picking up what I'm putting down?). Of course, I have some ideas, but they don't seem to be good enough or best friend worthy.



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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 18th Birthday?My boyfriend is turning 18 on November 12th. I have no idea what to give him.


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Birthday Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?My boyfriend's 15th birthday is July 3rd and it will also be our 7 month anniversary. I want to make it extra special. He loves cars and racing and he plays video games and does a few sports. What could I give him for everything? I need at least 3 things.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?My boyfriend is turning 15 in August and I do not know what to get him. He likes riding his bike, exercising, and playing video games. It would be a lot of help if you gave me some ideas.


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15th Birthday Gift for Boyfriend?My boyfriend is turning 15 in a few months and I really wanna make it special, but I'm not sure what to get him. He isn't really into sports and really likes video games, if that helps.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 14th Birthday?My boyfriend is turning 14 in May. What do I get him? It has to be £20 or below.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?I love my boyfriend and he is turning 15. What should I get him for his birthday? I am too scared to talk to my mom and my dad about what I should get him. I need help fast.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?My boyfriend's birthday is tomorrow and I don't know what to get him. He is turning 15. We have been together 5 years now and I still don't know what to do. He really wants an Xbox one, but I don't have that much money. He is the type of bf who can't get enough technology or memes.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?My boyfriend's birthday is on Valentine's Day. Mine was 5 days ago and he gave me a bracelet that said LOVE on it. We have been together for a few months. I would like to get something small. I don't wanna give him jewelry, cos it's a bit samey. He likes football and is very intelligent. Any ideas?


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15th Birthday Gift for Boyfriend?My boyfriend is turning 15 on October 22. He loves to play Xbox, Playstation, he owns so many games that idk what he's got. He's obessesed with Jurassic Park. He loves anime shows, so do I. He's not really into sports, but does play football.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?It's my boyfriend's birthday next month and I'm really stuck on what I should get him. I've seen a few ideas on here such as CDs, a meal, a picture, etc., but I'm just not warming to any of these. We will have only been together for 2 months by the time of his birthday.


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Gift Ideas for Mother's Birthday?My mother's 45th birthday is tomorrow and I don't know what to give her! I am currently not able to leave my house. What am I supposed to make or arrange?


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 16th Birthday?My boyfriend turns 16 in 5 days and our anniversary is 2 days after that. What can I get him?


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Birthday Gift for My Boyfriend?My boyfriend is turning 15 in a week. What should I get him for his birthday? ' We've been dating 3 months and 6 days after his birthday will make 4 months. He says he doesn't want anything, but I still want to get him something.


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Birthday Gift for Boyfriend?My boyfriend and I have been together almost 3 years now. His birthday is on May 27th. We live in the Kansas City area. He loves watching the Royals, is fascinated with the military, loves antique shopping, and loves G.I. Joes. He is joining the navy and I want to get him a gift that he normally wouldn't buy himself.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?So my boyfriend is turning 15 years old. We have been dating for about 4 months. He loves soccer and his favorite team is Manchester United. His favorite candy is Sour Patch Kids and his favorite food is steak. I'm not quite sure what to get him and I want it to be just right.



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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 18th Birthday?My boyfriend turns 18 in 2 weeks. He's into football and music (just a listener), absolutely doesn't like to read, he's dying to be a sailor, and he's not easy to be impressed. We've been together for 2 years and I love him so much I just wanna make his 18th special. So any idea?


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50th Birthday Gift Ideas for Mom?My sisters and I want to give my mom a really nice 50th birthday gift. We originally planned to buy her the new iPhone and record a heartwarming video, but she went and bought herself an iPhone for Christmas! My other idea was to just give her money, but I would like to give it to her in a memorable way.


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Birthday Gift Ideas for Boyfriend?My boyfriend and I have been dating for a month and 3 and half weeks. His birthday is coming up, but I have absolutely no idea what I should get him, because he doesn't really talk about things he likes often. I didn't want to just ask him and then he knows what I am getting him. I have no idea what to do.


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15th Birthday Gift for Boyfriend?I've been dating him for almost 11 months now and his birthday is tomorrow! I don't know what to get him. What do I do?


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?My boyfriend and I have been dating for 5 months now and he's turning fifteeen in a couple of weeks! He loves to play the drums and he loves basketball. I don't want something too sentimental, but I don't want to get him something his friends would give him.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's Birthday?I'm really stressed because my boyfriend's birthday is in 2 days. I don't really know what to do for him! We have been together for almost 6 months and best friends for about 4-5 years. I recently moved to a different state. What is something that I can buy that my boyfriend would love?


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Inexpensive Gift for Mom's Birthday?My mom is turning 46 tomorrow and I'm broke with ten bucks to spare. My mom, probably along with other moms, as well, says that she either doesn't want anything, or that she doesn't know what she wants. I need help.


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Asking for a Cash Gift for Combined Birthday Party?I have five children, and this year we would like to consolidate all of their birthdays into one big summer celebration. Two of my kiddos are right before and right after Christmas. They never get a birthday party because people are so busy with their hectic holiday schedules.


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Gift Ideas for Mum's Birthday?My mum's birthday is tomorrow. My dad has travelled this Thursday and I don't know what to do. I don't have a gift and I can't get out of the house to get one. What shall I do instead?


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Birthday Gift For My Boyfriend?I have been dating this amazing guy named Cruz for awhile, but I have no idea what to get him for a birthday present. I've known him for 2 years. He is really into 4 wheeling and dirt bike riding. He loves to fish and hunt. He is not into video games, but he loves movies.


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Gift Ideas for Mother's Birthday?My mom's birthday is around the corner and I still don't have somthing fo her!


Simple Gift for Boyfriend's 19th Birthday?I have no idea if what gift I should give him. It should be something simple.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 19th Birthday?I'm 17 and he's 18 about to be 19. He's already a certified electrician and has everything he wants and or needs. I on the other hand don't have a job yet. No job means no money. He's always buying me cute gifts all the time to let me know how much he loves me.


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Birthday Present for Mother?I have no idea what I should get my mom.


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Birthday Gift for My Boyfriend?I really need your help. I'm studying in China and my boyfrnd is in India. We have been in love for the last year and 2 months. His birthday is on February 20th. I have no idea what I should give him. Last year I gifted a shirt for him with the help of one of his best friends.


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Gift Ideas for Wife's 50th Birthday?I am a bit stuck at the moment and need help. My wife's 50th will soon be upon me. I have two sons age 7 and 13. What can I get for my wife from my sons? They are ready and willing to do anything, but money is very tight!


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend?My boyfriend is turning 18 on February 28th. Every time I ask what he wants, he says nothing.


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Gift Ideas for Mom's Birthday?My mom's birthday is tomorrow, and I couldn't sneak a present for her from the mall because my brothers made her angry and we had to leave right that second. I have no other way to get her a gift now! Not even a simple birthday card.


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Birthday Gift Ideas for Dad?My dad's 39th birthday is in early April (I like to plan ahead). I usually get him simple things, last year I got him a Coca Cola piggy bank and he never used it. The year before that, I got him a toy of his childhood favorite cartoon series. This year I want to get him something special that he will use.


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Birthday Gift Ideas for Mother?My mom's 39th birthday is in the 2nd week of January and I don't know what to get her! I have about 400 RMB (Chinese money) (I know it's not much because I just moved to China).


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19th Birthday Gift Ideas for Boyfriend?My boyfriend will turn 19 on the 31st of December 2014 and I have no idea what to get him. Can you please give me an idea?


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16th Birthday Gift Ideas?My aunt wants an idea for what she should get me for my 16th birthday. She wants an answer tomorrow! I've looked and looked but found nothing I like or want. She says she won't give me money or gift cards. What do I ask her to get me? P.S. I'm not too girly and I'm not into all that girly stuff too much.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 19th Birthday?My boyfriend will be 19 in a couple of months and I really don't know what to get him.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 18th Birthday?Ok, so my boyfriend is turning 18 December 11th, and I have no clue what to get him. He's into Magic the Gathering, Papa Roach music, and is on the wrestling team.


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Gift Ideas for Daughter's 15th Birthday?What can I get my 15 year old daughter for her birthday? Adriana is 15 going on 25. She is smart, an A+ student, beautiful, should be a model, and very creative. Adriana puts her own video productions together...


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?Today is my boyfriend's birthday and he is 15 on Halloween duh his birth date. I don't know what to get him and I don't have enough money to buy what he wants. What should I do?


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Gift for Boyfriend's 17th Birthday?I have been dating my boyfriend for four months now, and his birthday is on November 13th. He is turning 17 this year and I want to either get him something or make him something, any ideas?


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17th Birthday Gift for Boyfriend?My boyfriend is turning 17 in 12 days and he likes to play football. What can I get him for his birthday? He's a really sporty guy with a great personality that's always by my side!


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16th Birthday Gift Ideas for Girls?My friend is going to have her sweet sixteen soon and I want to give her the awesomest gift she's ever received but we all promised each other that our gifts cannot exceed $10.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 19th Birthday?This is his first birthday with us being together. We are apart from each other because of college. He does jav and discus. Loves fast food. We won't be together on his birthday, but he is coming to my college the weekend after.


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Birthday Present for Boyfriend?So, my boyfriend's birthday is coming up in about three months. He's turning seventeen, and I want to make it special. But, I really have no idea what to get him. He loves to take pictures, bike to beaches, and play the drums and guitar. What should I get him?


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Boyfriend's 18th Birthday Gift Ideas?My boyfriend's 18th birthday is coming up, I have no idea what I should get. He is in the Army, he loves to hunt, fish, he plays video games sometimes, he likes Penn state and the Steelers.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's Birthday?My old boyfriend of 5 months will be 18 in some days to come and I do not know what to get for him 'cause he seems to have everything. He loves basketball very much and his favorite team is Miami Heat. I thought of perfume or body spray, but he has a lot.


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Gift Idea for My Boyfriend's 18th Birthday?I really need your help. My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 5 months. His 18th birthday is in two weeks and I don't know what to get him. He's really into music and he plays a guitar.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 19th Birthday?My boyfriend is turning 19 this month, and I have no idea what to get him. I don't earn a lot of money so I can't splash the cash, and this is the first birthday in our relationship. He's into body building and the gym, he works a lot, and is saving up for a car.


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Mum's Birthday Gift Ideas?My mum's birthday is very close by and I don't know what to get her! My money limit is $10 - 20.


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Birthday Gift Ideas for Boyfriend?Okay so my boyfriend is turning 15, and we've only been going out for 6 months, but are really serious. He's into bands and music, but already has an iPod and everything, and we're already going to a concert for his birthday (sponsored by his parents).


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 17th Birthday?I'm struggling with a big problem and I need help! That is, what to get for my boyfriend for his seventeenth birthday. He got me nail polish for my birthday and I use it always, but now it is his birthday coming up and I still don't know what to get him.


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Birthday Gift Ideas for Your Mother?My mother is coming 42 on May 5, 2014. Actually we're just poor. She doesn't like any spa, make-ups, and any fashionistic things.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 17th Birthday?My boyfriend of 2 years is 17 on April 14. And I have no clue what to get him. He loves baseball and hunting and fishing! But it's harder to put together a gift than you think. He has everything and never tells me what he wants. I just need help.


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A Gift for My Boyfriend?My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 months now. His birthday is coming and I'm confused on what to get him. He's turning 23 and he loves photography, wrestling, music, and traveling. He also seems interested in couple stuff (couple shirts, couple rings, etc.).


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Gift Ideas for an 18 Year Old Boy?My bestfriend is 18 and he already got me something, but I don't know what to get him. Please help! Thanks.


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Birthday Gift for Boyfriend?I need suggestions for what to gift my boyfriend this year as he is turning 20. He loves music. That is all that I know about him and I have a collection of his pictures. Can you suggest to me what to do? Please.


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Birthday Present for My Boyfriend?My boyfriend likes music, yet he doesn't like to go with the crowd. What should I get him for his birthday?


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year and 5 months. His birthday is in 3 days. I already have an American Eagle t-shirt and the Hollister cologne with balloons. I just need something special and more personal to top all of it.


Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 17th Birthday?My boyfriend turns 17 on Valentine's Day and I have no clue what too get him. He's not really into sports, but he does love music and loves iPods, etc. I want too get him something unique.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 16th Birthday?My boyfriend and I have been dating for about 4 months now, and he's turning 16 soon. He really loves soccer. I have no idea what to get him, I'm looking for something creative and not too expensive. We also have a lot of pictures together but I don't know what I would do.


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50th Birthday Surprise Gift?We are taking a girl's trip to Jamaica to celebrate 50th birthdays. There will be 8 of us going. The problem is 6 of them are turning 50 this year, and I want to do something special to surprise them while we are there.


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17th Birthday Gift for Boyfriend?My boyfriend and I have been going out for 4 months and his birthday is coming up. He will be turning 17. I have absolutely no idea what to get him.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's Birthday?It's not his birthday yet, but I don't know what to get him. He doesn't like bracelets or chains. He's interested in dogs, but his mam will kill me if I get him a dog.


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16th Birthday Gift Ideas for a Friend?My friend's birthday is coming up soon and I don't know what to buy him. Boys are hard to buy for and the hardest part is I barely have any money and he is turning 16.


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Homemade Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 15th Birthday?My boyfriend and I have been dating for 6 months. What should I make or cook for him?


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 17th Birthday?I have been with my boyfriend for just over 2 years now and it's his 17th birthday next month. He's really into Italian designers and sports cars, has a moped and is about to get his first car.


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Making Creative Gift for Friend's 15th Birthday?My best friend is turning 15 on February 29th. I want to make her a creative present. I'm trying to think of ideas, but my mind is blank.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 22nd Birthday?I need to surprise my boyfriend with something from the heart, but I don't know what to do or get him. He has never had a birthday party, so I'm already planning one of those, but presents wise, I don't know what to do. Help!


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Birthday Gift for Boyfriend?My boyfriend turns 18 in 10 days. He really likes tools and loves to work on things. Should I get him a tool box or what?


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Gift Idea for Boyfriend's 20th Birthday?My boyfriend, of a year and a half, will celebrate his birthday on December 28, right after Christmas! I've been having enough trouble trying to figure out a Christmas gift (which I still haven't figured out), and I need ideas or gift ideas to do for his birthday.


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Choosing a Gift for Boyfriend?My boyfriend and I have been dating for close to 2 months and his birthday is coming up. It's also around Christmas. He's turning 19 and I am wondering if I should have his birthday present simpler and smaller and then go more out for Christmas?


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Birthday Gift for Boyfriend?My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 3 months. I am 16 and he will turn 18 on Christmas and I already know what I'm going to get him for Christmas, but not for his birthday. He says "whatever you get me I will be happy with."


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Birthday Gift Ideas for Boyfriend?My boyfriend is Muslim so he doesn't celebrate Christmas; however, his birthday is on December 26. We have been dating for 2 years and he always gets me presents, just because.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 18th Birthday?My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 years now. This will be our 4th birthday and Christmas together. He literally has everything he's ever asked for and I'm really stuck on what to get him.


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15th Birthday Gift Ideas for Boyfriend?My boyfriend and I have been dating now for just a little over a year. He's turning 15 in less than a month and I have no idea what to get him.


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Present for Woman's 50th Birthday?What to get for a 50 year old woman who is very self centered?


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 19th Birthday?My boyfriend is turning 19 this year and I have no idea what to get him. He is a part of the Australian army and is always buying things for himself. He loves his cars, his alcohol, and his chocolate.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 22nd Birthday?I plan to buy a gift for my lover's 22nd birthday and I also plan to present 22 gifts to him. Any ideas for the 22 gifts?


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 17th Birthday?I need to find something to buy my boyfriend. It's our first year spending birthdays together and I can't think of something great.


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Birthday Gift Ideas for an 11 Year Old Boy?l have a nephew who is turning eleven next month, on November 29th. I want to get something nice for him. Any ideas?


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18 Year Old Boyfriend's Birthday Gift Ideas?My boyfriend is really into acting and directing. He loves all this film making stuff. For his birthday, I'm sunk. I plan on surprising him this Friday and show up in his town! But for presents idk what to do.


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Gift Ideas for My Boyfriend's 20th Birthday?I've been with my boyfriend for 6 months and it will be 7 months on the 5th October, however his birthday is on the 15th and he's turning 20. I have absolutely no idea what to get him!


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 16th Birthday?We have been dating for 11 months and he likes games, sports, and hanging out with me a lot, but I have no clue what get him for his birthday. Please help me.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 18th Birthday?My boyfriend is turning 18 in a couple days, but I don't know what to get him. He's black and loves football and basketball!


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 18th Birthday?My boyfriend and I have been dating for 4years and in a few months he's turning 18. I want to give him 18 awesome presents. There are no issues with my budget. We both are of same age and on my birthday he gifted me a brand new Apple iPhone.


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Gift for Boyfriend's Birthday?I been with my handsome, black boyfriend for almost 4 years. He's turning 35. He is a basketball coach. I what to give him something special. Any clue?


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Gift Ideas for Girlfriend's Birthday?My girlfriend's 25 birthday is next month but we can't meet as we are in different cities due to our work. I want to plan a surprise for her.


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Birthday Gift Idea for 5th Grade Boy?I need to buy gifts for a nephew who is going to the 5th grade in the fall. I would like to buy something that is educational. No video games nor books which I always give him. He loves sports! Thanks for your help! What is an interesting birthday gift for a 5th grade boy?


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Gift for Boyfriend's 19th Birthday?What should I buy him? This is his first birthday for us and he loves fashion, dressing, and architecture. We have a long distance relationship and he's probably coming here this summer and I have no idea what he might want.


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20th Birthday Gift for My Boyfriend?I have been going out with my partner for almost 10 months (it will be our 10 month anniversary 11 days after his 20th). We got engaged in February 2013, I am in no financial position to go and spend a lot of money.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's Birthday?My boyfriend and I will be celebrating his birthday soon. Except we are long distance and when it is his birthday a week later will be our anniversary. I know it might be a little too soon, but I still have to pick something and get it and send it all the way to India.


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18th Birthday Present for My Boyfriend?I'm 15 and I've been going out with my boyfriend now for 7 months and in 2 months time my boyfriend is having his 18th birthday. I have no idea what to get him. He is a lovely amazing lad and I love him loads. Please help.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 19th Birthday?My boyfriend of almost 6 months is turning 19 next month. I have no idea what to get him. He likes the New York Yankees, and loves his car. He always pays for dates even if I offer to pay.


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Boyfriend's 19th Birthday Gift Ideas?I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years now, he is turning 19! We have celebrated a lot of birthdays, Christmas, and other occasions. I have brought him everything I could think of, such as: clothes, jewelery, cologne, and shoes.


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