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162 Posts | 252 Comments | Active Since 2008
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Dog Has Diarrhea After Swimming in the Ocean?
Depends on where you live. I live in the Pacific Northwest, and a few years ago, my dog got Salmon poisoning at the river near the coast. Apparently there is a bacteria that lives on a parasite that lives on the fish. If your dog ingests the bacteria, it can...


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Selecting a Good Watermelon
The watermelon farmer at the Farmers Market told me to thump them too. If you feel the vibration on the other side of the watermelon its a good one. If you dont itll probably be mealy. He also said to be super careful not to drop the melon or bang it around...


Closeup of male pit bull puppy, white with dark markings around eyes.

Dog Chewing on Shoes?
Sometimes dogs with separation anxiety will chew on things that smell like you (with Mason it was our bedding, and he can open door knobs). If shutting your shoes in the closet isnt an option, try making them taste bad. We have some no-scratch stuff we use...


A quinoa salad with black beans, corn, tomatoes and other spices.

Black Bean Quinoa Salad
This was super tasty! Were making it again for dinner tonight. :)


Closeup of Salt and Pepper Cats Sleeping on Leopard Print Blanket

Salt and Pepper (Cats)
Arent these pictures just the cutest! Your babies are sooo adorable.


Chow lying on the beach.

Is Broccoli Good Or Bad For Dogs?
Ive never had a problem with broccoli other than noxious dog gas. Most premium dog foods include vegetables. My vet said that vegetables and leftover stew were great for dogs.


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Bunny Losing His Fur?
My husband (who bred and showed Mini-Rex Rabbits with 4H all through high school) says that he suspects fur mites with missing patches of fur between the ears, and no other rabbits. He was told at a conference that Vaseline is good to kill the mites followed...


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Dog Has Black Smelly Tar in His Ear?
My dog had that. Its an ear infection, probably a yeast infection. I got an ear solution from the vet that cleared it right up. Since then, Ive seen lots of posts on ThriftyFun from people whove had success with homemade ear washes using vinegar or womens yeast...


Grilled pineapple topped with coconut sorbet and toasted coconut.

Grilled Pineapple with Coconut Sorbet
Looks yummy. How many points?


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Dog Chews Up Bedding When Left Home Alone?
You need to talk to your vet and a dog trainer. If money is an issue, the trainers at PetSmart will give a free consult. Tearing blankets when youre not home on its own sounds like it could be separation anxiety. Tearing blankets is a comforting technique. Thats...


Tex the Dog With Man in Yard

Tex (St. Bernard/Pit Bull Mix)
Tex sounds like a wonderful (and beautiful) dog. Im very sorry to hear of the loss of your brother, and I hope its some comfort to know that he passed on with his best friend by his side. Im glad to hear that someone in your family was able to take Tex in. Tex...


Three Generations of Moses Happy and Smiling Together

Three Generations of Moses
You have a lovely looking family. How great that youll have these pictures to treasure for always.



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My Dog Won't Eat?
Wait it out. Most likely, she will eat if shes hungry, and may be getting confused by the frequent food changes. I personally have a picky dog and found that he just likes to nibble little bits through the day rather than gobbling up everything in sight like...


Sushi Cake

Sushi Cake
Very creative and so detailed. Great job!


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Planning a 12th Birthday Slumber Party?
Absolutely! They dont care about the space and four girls wont get too noisy - youll be there to shush them if they do. You didnt say how old the other people are in the apartment, but if there are kids, perhaps they could stay at a friends house for the night...


Siamese Cat

A Visiting Siamese Cat (Santa Barbara, CA)
What a beautiful cat! I used to have a Siamese, they are just wonderful.


Bowl of caramel corn

Homemade Caramel Corn
Im partial to yellow popcorn myself. Thats actually my turkey pan if you can believe it. Fits a 26 lb. turkey and not quite all the caramel corn. I need to go bigger :)


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Encouraging Children to Get Rid of Extra Belongings?
I put a laundry basket in each of the kids rooms and tell them they must fill it with things to donate. I must admit that sometimes what ends up in there is stuff thats they had only because I was still attached to it - like my old stuffed animals or nice toys...


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Child Won't Go to School After Being Bullied?
Id be afraid to go back to school if someone had pushed me down the stairs too! I would make sure the teacher knows whats going on - maybe you can get your daughters schoolwork temporarily until the problem child is dealt with. If you have a school counselor...


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Saving Money on School Clothing?
Thrift stores are great. You can also buy clothes online. My sister lives in rural Alaska (not even a gas station) and she has to get everything - including groceries - online. often has free shipping, even to rural areas. You can also ask other...


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Teaching a Pitbull Not to Bite?
I wouldnt risk it. The staff clearly thinks it is a bad idea for you to take this particular dog into your home since you have other pets and children - and after a year they know him well. You need to put your kids first. It may be that hes a sweet dog most...


Finished Apple Bread

Chris' Apple Bread
Thanks! Let me know how it turns out!


Finished Apple Bread

Chris' Apple Bread
350 degrees F


Dog sitting.

What Breed is My Dog?
Along with Chow, I would think he has some sort of terrier in him (standard size schnauzer or poodle maybe). He has a terriers face.



upclose of tile

Tiling Between Counter and Window
Thanks! The window adds so much light into the kitchen. The only problem is that the cats love it as much as I do :)


A trellis with wood poles and rope, for training beans.

Simple Pole Bean Trellis
This is much more attractive than any of my husbands bean trellis solutions. Ill suggest he do it this way next year for sure.


Banana Applesauce Muffin

Banana Applesauce Bread (Or Muffins)
Theres no sugar. The bananas and applesauce give it plenty of sweetness.


can opener

Invest in a Safe Edge Can Opener
I have one of these and love it too. Mine is Papered Chef brand and finally after 5 years it needs to be replaced. I love that the cutting blade doesnt come into contact with the contents of the can, and since the lids are not sharp they can be recycled or...


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Authentic Salsa Recipe?
My family has been making this great canned homemade salsa for years. I think its just like the ones they serve at restaurants. You should give it a try:


Baked Snake
I made the snake again this year using spicy brown mustard, ham and swiss cheese for a more mellow flavor - I liked it even better! And surrounded him with sliced lettuce (grass) for a prettier presentation! Very popular with the potluck guests!


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Dog Has Separation Anxiety and Chewing Problem?
We adopted a dog with severe separation anxiety, so Ive been there. Its awful to come home and find precious heirlooms destroyed. What worked for us was a combination of training and medication. We used a combination of a pheromone collar (sold over the counter...


Plants Vs. Zombies Cake

Plants Vs. Zombies Cake
I did do some checking before using the clay. It is non-toxic and made from plant-based ingredients. There are no package warnings other than a choking-hazard warning. It was also only on the cake for about 5 minutes. We set it up, put on the candles, then...


pom pom ornament on tree

Pom Pom Christmas Ornament
Cute! My son asked if we could craft some Christmas Ornaments together. This one looks like winner :)


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12th Birthday Party Ideas?
My kids have a budget for their birthday parties. They purchase the cake, snacks, favors, and pay for the activities. This really helps keep the parties reasonable, especially since they get to keep any money thats left over. I think this teaches an important...


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Dog Scared of Laminate Floor?
My large dog had a really hard time with laminate at the bottom of the stairs at my house. After he sled and fell a couple times, he would just stand on the stairs waiting for help getting down. We put an inexpensive door mat at the bottom of the stairs and...


Dogs on patio.

Dog Keeps Jumping the Fence?
He is a very smart dog to have outsmarted the electric fence. If you havent already, it would be worth seeing if your landlord will work with you raise the fence a bit. I also recommend getting him neutered. Our local Humane Society website has links to several...



A Healthy Path For Losing Weight

A Healthy Path For Losing Weight
Stephanie here :) Thank you for the kind words, Jess. I am so happy we started our journey together! Youve achieved so much and its been great to have someone to split dinners and share recipes with :) I have something to add regarding activity: If youre looking...


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Fundraising Ideas for Student Run Charity?
Penny War Fundraisers can be really fun. Basically each grade or homeroom, has a bucket and you compete to see who can collect the most pennies/points. Large change counts against your total, so the fun is in trying to sabotage other teams by putting large...


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Knowing When Cats are Playing Too Rough?
My two 3 year old kittens kick and lightly bite each other (and the dog) during play all the time - this is normal rough-housing. Cats usually play silently, but will make yowling and hissing noises when they fight (or, in my cranky older cats case, when the...


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Finding a Low Cost Vet Clinic?
Check your local Humane Societys Website. They usually have a list.


Dog stanging on tile floor looking up.

What Breed is My Dog?
He definitely has some terrier in him with that little beard. Maybe Jack Russel or Fox Terrier? He sure is cute!


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Bathroom Paint Color Advice?
We had blue fixtures (with harvest gold counters!) before we gave our kids bathroom a facelift. I did white walls and a seashells/beach theme and it worked pretty well.


Tan and white dog with black muzzle.

What Mix is My Puppy?
I would say definitely shepherd and probably boxer. From the picture, I dont see much husky, though with mixed breeds it can be really hard to guess. Those definitely look like boxer markings to me, though shepherds also have a black muzzle. I have a boxer...


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Treating a Dog's Itchy Ears?
Sounds like a bad ear infection. You can try making ear drops by diluting apple cider vinegar, but ultimately I would recommend you go to the vet for an antibiotic ear wash, especially since the infection is established and is giving off heat. I wouldnt wait...


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Finding a Vet Practice That Accepts Payments?
Contact your local Humane Societies. They usually have programs that help loving owners keep their pets. The website for my local humane society lists several clinics as well as some organizations that can help provide financial assistance to low income families...


White and black medium dog

What Breed is My Dog?
While his markings are similar,Burmese Mountain Dogs are in the 80-100 lb range and very heavy bodied, heavy coated - kinda like a smaller St. Bernard. I just dont see it. I would say definitely Catahoula Leopard Dog - especially with those piercing blue eyes...


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Finding a Low Cost Vet?
Contact your local Humane Society. The website for our local Humane Society lists several clinics that provide emergency services. Contact the clinics to see if any can work with you to discount fee or offer payments. The Humane Society site also has contact...


Black male.

What Breeds Are My Dogs?
Id say your guesses are spot on. What a beautiful, happy looking bunch you have :)


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Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
I painted my kitchen green and it looks really good with the dark brown cabinets and white appliances. I use aubergine (eggplant) and gold as accent colors. So, I bet green would look pretty with your backsplash. You do need to be careful with green though...


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Removing Anti-reflective Coating on Glasses?
Im not sure you can remove the coating yourself without damaging the lenses. Have you contacted your optometrist for help? Mine has always been really good about fixing issues with my familys glasses and theres never been a charge (and my boys are ROUGH on...


Rocco sitting.

What Breed is My Dog?
He looks just like a Llasa Apso with a haircut to me. You can see lots of pictures and breed information here: What do you think?


love monsters 3

Doughnut Love Monsters
Those are ridiculously cute!


Is my Dog a Mixed Breed?

Is My Dog a Mixed Breed?
Its hard to tell from just one photo, but he looks like a beautiful American Pit Bull Terrier (aka Staffordshire Terrier) to me.


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Alternative to Paper Towels
For anyone that uses cloth to collect grease or oils, I would recommend that the cloth not go into the dryer - even after its been washed. I drain grease into an empty can so it doesnt solidify in my drains and clog them. I keep the can of grease in the freezer...


Decorated Storage Jar

Decorated Storage Jar
LOL! Both my husband and I thought this was a picture of a real dog in a jar at first glance - a sure sign of great workmanship :) How do you get the calendar picture to go on so smoothly?


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Smoke Alarm Going Off?
All smoke detectors are supposed to be replaced about every 8-10 years, so youre due. New smoke detectors run about $5-$20, so its not too bad, even for 3. Im sure the fire department has a program to help if needed. Some smoke detectors do take a 9-volt battery...


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Removing Dog Urine Stain on Carpet?
My friends husband is a professional carpet cleaner and I actually just asked him about this last week. He strongly recommends a product by BioKleen called Bac Out for pet and kid stains. Its natural, safe around children and pets (even birds), and doesnt leave...


Sitting looking up at camera.

What Breed is My Dog?
He looks a lot like my Mason :) Mason is a boxer lab mix. Heres some pics on ThriftyFun ( I would say your dog has lab for sure. Hes certainly adorable!


Black puppy.

What Breed Is My Dog?
What a cutie. I would guess some kind of terrier based on his fur, perhaps mixed with lab (those eyes)? Other than his coloring he looks a lot like a German Shepherd/Miniature Schnauzer we used to have - but his forhead eyes say lab to me. How big is he?


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Quick and Easy Chicken and Dumplings
I make a soup very similar to this, except I add a bag of frozen mixed vegetables. Fast, easy, and tasty!


Removing CD from Laptop

Removing CD Stuck in Macbook
I had this happen with my Dell Laptop. It also has a CD slot. I had good luck using two zip-ties to grab the disk and pull it out, but it did scratch the disk a bit (luckily the disk was still usable). Hopefully it never happens again, but if it does, I will...


Lying down inside.

What is His Breed?
Hes cute! Pit bull terriers are known for those super expressive ears, but the long narrow muzzle. Could come from a husky. Although his coloring makes me think border collie? :)


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New Poodle is Afraid to Come When Called?
Use treats! Be calm, be patient, and let her come to you. There are two reasons she might run - she thinks its a game or shes afraid. If you chase her to pick her up thats not going to change :) Instead be calm and soothing. Come down to her level and dont...


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ASPCA Immunization Truck Schedule?
Here is a link to the APCA Mobile Pet Clinic schedule for New York:


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Installing Laminate Flooring?
We have had Pergo type laminate flooring in our house for several years. My recommendation would be to buy an extra box for repairs and avoid using it in areas that may get wet. While technically you can replace a section of damaged laminate, the colors change...


Caramels Supreme Finished and wrapped caramels.

Caramels Supreme
Ill definitely have to try that - Sounds amazing!


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13th Birthday Party Help?
They would probably love making a craft. Check your local craft store and see what they have. I know Tie-dye kits or decorating t-shirts is usually popular and you can pick up mens undershirts pretty cheap. Fimo clay crafts are fun as is decorating picture...


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Hydrangea Bush Doesn't Flower?
How old is it. My hydrangeas didnt start to flower for about 3 years.


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New Barking Dog?
Does he bark when no one is home? If not, and he is barking at your roommate, they may need to befriend the dog - or - you can also have them try shaking a can of beans when the new little dog barks so he associates barking with an unpleasant noise. If he bark...


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12th Birthday Party Ideas?
Hawaiian Luau or tropical themes are easy and Oriental Trading Company has a lot of inexpensive decorations and such for that theme. I went to a luau party once where everyone got leis, they had tropical themed food, we had skewers (kids love making their own...


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Cleaning Urine Odor Off Older Dog's Fur?
Vinegar works well for removing urine odors from carpet and skunk smell from a dogs coat, so it should work well. You can either put some vinegar in a spray bottle to use - or- make your own reusable wipes by putting some old hankies or baby washcloths in a...


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Whitening Dyed Shirts?
What product did you use to dye the shirts?


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Getting Rid of Fleas on Kittens?
Give your kitten a bath in Dawn dishwashing liquid (or other grease cutting dish soap). This will kill the fleas currently on your kitten, but wont do anything to keep fleas in the environment from jumping back on your kitten though. You also need to be careful...


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Concerns About Unsupervised Activities for Young Teens?
Personally, I think it depends on how responsible the kids are and the situation. My daughter is 14 and very responsible. I would be comfortable dropping her and a friend I trusted at a concert (with cell phone), stick around nearby, and be waiting to pick...


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Sewing Machine Won't Pick Up Bobbin Thread?
Remove the bobbin cover and watch what is happening. See if the bobbin thread is getting caught up on something. Ive had problems because there was fluff under the bobbin case keeping it from seating properly, because there was a blob of thread/fluff keeping...


iPhone Goes Straight to Voicemail

iPhone Goes Straight to Voicemail Fix
Used intentionally, the Do Not Disturb option can be quite handy :) I set the Do Not Disturb Scheduled option in Settings to keep my phone from making noise during certain hours (10pm to 8am) UNLESS the call is from a favorite - in my case my husband and my...


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Financial Assistance to Repair Leaking Roof?
Check with your County Offices - the local Housing Finance Association (HFA) or HUD (Office of Housing and Urban Development) often have low income emergency home repair programs that can help you. You can also check with local churches, senior centers and...


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Whirlpool Refrigerator Leaks Water Into Freezer?
We had a similar problem with ice collecting on the bottom of our 12 year old Kenmore side-by-side starting last Spring. It would get to the point where you couldnt shut the door due to 3 inches of collected ice and we had to defrost the freezer every few months...


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Eligibility for Survivor's Benefits?
Under normal circumstances, siblings are not eligible. Heres a link to the official Social Security Administration survivor benefits info:


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15th Birthday Party Ideas?
Setup a spa at home or give each other facials and manicures - or see if you can get a parent to help. You dont need anything fancy. Just a pan of warm water to soak your feet, maybe a little foot scrub and lotion (check the dollar store) and some nail polish...


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13th Birthday Party Ideas?
My sons birthday is December 28th and hes turning 13 this year too :) When he was younger, we celebrated his birthday party a couple weeks early - the weekend before school gets out for the holidays. Once our kids hit about 10, we stopped having parties and...


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Plumbing Repair for Low Income Homeowner?
Check with your County Offices - the local Housing Finance Association (HFA) or HUD (Office of Housing and Urban Development) often have low income emergency home repair programs that can help you. You can also check with local churches, senior centers and...


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13th Birthday Party Ideas?
My son is 14 and his birthday is December 28th. He says DO NOT combine her birthday and Christmas!! He suggests doing the party before school gets out for the holiday (not after). For presents, when he has wanted something really big as a gift, we have asked...


closeup of reddish brown dog

Any Hound in Here?
I just see American Pit Bull Terrier (not hound), but you never know.... You can have a litter of mix-breed puppies where some look JUST like mom, some look JUST like dad and some look like a mix of the two.


small dog

What Breed is My Dog?
The wiry hair and beard definitely says hes a terrier mix of some kind. Maybe a Jack Russell mix or something like that.


mixed dog

What Breed is My Dog?
Id guess Golden Retriever mix too - especially with those cute ears!


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Adult Son is Argumentative?
I think its up to you - you need to pick your battles. Its reasonable to want to be there when the kids open the Christmas presents you give them, and sending a small present for them to open on Christmas day is a good compromise. Assuming you live nearby, you...


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13th Birthday Party Ideas?
Let her get involved in the planning. She might prefer to pick one or two friends for a girls day instead of having a party. My daughter started doing this when she turned 12, and didnt want to have a party anymore. One year she took a friend to a local water...


tan and white Beagle mix on polka dot bedding

What Breed Is My Dog?
What an adorable puppy! Sorry, I dont see anything other than beagle, she must take after mom :)


black dog with white on feet and nose

What Breed Is My Dog?
Its hard to tell since the picture is a little dark, but your cute puppy looks a lot like a lab to me (I have a boxer/lab mix with similar markings). Did you get her from the owner of the mother? If so, she probably is a husky/lab mix like they said - its not...


view of walls, fireplace, and windows from above

Curtain Color Advice?
Since the couches and lampshades are tan, the cream would probably be the most complimentary (assuming you dont have a dark furry dog or small children - lol!). If you like the blue in the accent pillow on your couch and think it goes well with the rug and...


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Kitchen Wall and Trim Color Advice?
I have older dark cabinets and white appliances and have painted my walls green. I think it looks really nice. My baseboards are oak to match the wood floors in the rest of the house. Heres a picture so you can see how it looks (I tried 3 shades of green before...


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14 Birthday Party Ideas?
The most important part of any party is spending time with your friends. You can create a fun playlist yourself instead of using a DJ and even create your own photo booth. You can use all sorts of silly props (hats, wigs, mustaches on a stick) for fun photos...


Stuffed Pasta Shells

Stuffed Pasta Shells
Chefinyamhill, The site has options to print the articles, email/share the link, or Pin it to Pinterest Also, if you click on the Account link under the search box, the Ratings link will show you every post you have liked, so you like a post, you can later...


Crockpot Spinach and Artichoke Chicken

Crockpot Spinach and Artichoke Chicken
Made this as a Super Bowl appetizer by chopping the chicken into 1/2 inch cubes and adding extra frozen spinach. Great with tortilla chips or on its own. So Good!


dog sitting with a red leash on

What Breed Is My Puppy?
I was just thinking his face looked a lot like my boxer-lab mix, so Id also suspect hes part boxer.


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Neighbor's Tree Causing Problems?
First, Willow Trees drink a lot of water, so if there is flooding you may have cracked pipes (willow roots are known to do that) or another issues. Simply removing the tree (and its roots) is not going to fix the flooding problems... Regarding, the neighbor...


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Neighbor's Tree Causing Problems?
PS - you have every legal right to remove the roots that are on your side of the property line, so that is another option.... but its expensive and you run the risk killing the tree or worse weakening it so it falls your way during the next wind-storm. Maybe...


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Colloidal Silver for Treating Burns
When I got a large nasty third-degree burn on my leg from backing into one of those raised metal fire pit deals, my Dr. prescribed Thermazine Silver Sulfadiazine Cream (1%) to treat the burn. I put on a little of the cream and then covered with a bandage. It...


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Carpet Colour Advice?
I put a light brown carpet that has little flecks of maroon, navy, and forest green in it in my basement and love it. The brown is almost a camel color so its nice and neutral, not too light/not too dark, and little flecks of color make it interesting and hide...


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Nursery School Name Ideas?
Lyseys Lads and Lasses Nursery School?


Curtain Colour Advice?
Since everything else is neutral, I would pick curtains that pop. Maybe a rich contrasting color or an interesting pattern that ties in the shades of brown in the room. If you are buying curtains, get some you like and try them out. You can always return them...


kitten with witch and hat

Bamboo (Tabby)
Bamboo looks so much like my cat, Mario - also a big lap lover!


husky mix

What Breed is My Dog Mixed With?
I really want to say border collie or possibly lab. Shes gorgeous. Such beautiful eyes.


white and brown dog

What Breed Is My Dog?
Looks like a chihuahua to me. I have a boxer mix and while the markings are similar to a boxer, I really dont think she looks like she has any boxer in her.


white and brown dog

What Breed Is My Dog?
PS - We adopted an independent personality dog and he was wonderful! My best advice is to enroll in obedience training as soon as you adopt. It will help your new baby bond with you and see you as their leader. Plus, a well behaved dog is a happy dog (and happy...


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Baking Meatloaf in Silicone Pan?
Nope! The beauty of silicone is that its completely non-stick.


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