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Using Handy Stitch For Hemming?
Hi, This little hand-held portable sewer is so cute! Here is a YouTube video I found: Have fun! ---Robyn


A small dog near a crate.

Is my Little Girl Full Blood Chihuahua?
Hi! What a sweetie! I absolutely agree that she is a deer-head chihuahua. The shape of her head and her ears show me that. I have a deer-head chihuahua, as well as an apple-head chihuahua. Thank you for sharing your beautiful baby! Robyn


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Finding Help After a House Fire
Hi, I would also call the Attorney Generals office of Arizona, for assistance. Robyn


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Finding Help After a House Fire
Hi, I am so sorry you are going through this! This was the fault of the landlord, so it is time to get a pro-bono lawyer and sue the apartment complex. Call HUD. Here is the link: On top of this...


A collection of World Book Year Books.

Worth of World Book Year Books?
Hi, As a journal-maker myself, I know how precious this type of thing is to makers of journals, especially vintage junk journals. I would put these for sale on ebay, for creative people who like to decorate their smashbooks, art journals, omni journals, etc...


Identifying a Small Brown Insect?

Identifying a Small Brown Insect?
Hello, I agree that this is a midge. I have looked on the internet and found a picture of one at this site. I think this most closely matches your photograph. Here is some...


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How Would I Fix Flarp (Noise Putty)?
Hi There, I think pouring a few drops of warm water over the dried out Flarp, and kneading it in, might work. I also read that cutting up the flarp, into little bits, while it is in a small container, will help the Flarp to absorb the warm water better. The...


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PDF Instructions for the Love and Money Hexagon Loom?
Hi, This loom looks interesting and fun to use! Here is a link to a YouTube video I found, that looks simple....


Identifying Antique Chairs? - armless wood chair with round seat

Identifying Antique Chairs?
Hi, This looks so wonderful! If there is a stamp, you can slightly moisten the inside rim of the chair, and the stamp should be more visible. I am not sure what type of chair this is, but it is very interesting! ----Robyn


An egg sac on wood.

What is this Egg Sac
Hi, I have a Facebook group I am on, and it is a bug identification group. When I post pictures there, they identify them. I am not sure if they could identify this egg sac, but it is worth a try, if you are already on Facebook. Robyn


Identifying a 1970s Rabbit? - gray and white stuffed bunny

Identifying a 1970s Rabbit?
What a beautiful rabbit~! I can see why you loved him! I dont know who made the bunny. I asked my computers Cortana, and she could not find any matches to this picture. I think it is beautiful when someone keeps a precious, keepsake, such as this! Robyn


What Sort of Bug Is It? - brown bug

What Sort of Bug Is It?
Hi, I think it is a baby cockroach. I am not sure what kind, whether German cockroach or other type of cockroach. I think this is not a German cockroach. I was going to recommend Advion but Advion only works on German cockroaches. ---Robyn



Value of a Brandt Flip Top Card Table? - table with the top flipped up

Value of a Brandt Flip Top Card Table?
Hi, This table is absolutely beautiful! Someone would be willing to give you the price you want for it. I thing you could get $600.00 if you find the right group or person that is interested in collecting this type of antique.


Value of a White Sewing Machine? - flat black rather plain sewing machine

Value of a White Sewing Machine?
Hi, What a beautiful sewing machine. I saw one like this one, listed on ETSY for over $250. Of course that does not mean the lister will get this much for the machine, but that is what the seller has it listed for. I love seeing sewing machines! Robyn


Ancestor Necklace - framed necklace

Ancestor Necklace
This is very pretty and meaningful.


What Kind of Husky Is My Dog? - white puppy with ice blue eyes

What Kind of Husky Is My Dog?
Hi, Your beautiful dog looks like a Siberian Husky. What a wonderful picture to see! Robyn


Number Cake Craft - finished cake next to a sample.

Number Cake Craft
This cake rocks!


Value of a Murphy Chair? - upholstered wooden dining chair

Value of a Murphy Chair?
Hi, It all depends on finding the right buyer who is motivated to want this particular chair. I have looked on e-bay and found them listed from anywhere between $30.00 to $400.00. The chair has an antique look and it might bring more if a few old antique pieces...


A Lane cedar hope chest.

Lane Cedar Chest Value?
Hi, This Lane cedar chest is beautiful! I brings back memories for me, when I used to see my grandmothers cedar chest. I agree that you should be able to get around $200.00 for this chest. They are listed on Amazon, as getting more that $200.00. ---Robyn


Insect eggs mixed with dark debris on a deck.

What are These Insect Eggs?
Hi, I agree that these look like they may have come, inside the soil, but at the same time, they remind me of seeds, or seed hulls. ---Robyn


Value of a 1972 Seeburg Olympian Jukebox?

Value of a 1972 Seeburg Olympian Jukebox?
Hi, This is a beautiful piece! I would not repair the Jukebox but sell it to someone local, if you can, who will come and pick it up. You should be about to get $250.00 out of it, but ask a higher price, such as $350.00 and let the buyer bargain the price down...


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Growing Out Nails After Biting?
Hi, I would put triple antibiotic ointment on the fingers which hurt you when you press on your fingers. This will ensure that no infection begins, while you are growing them out. By triple antibiotic, I mean Neosporin or any of the others that have three different...


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Making Masking Fluid at Home?
Hi, I agree with the recipe of mixing latex fabric cement and water, and stirring it up. The recipe is at the following link: ---Robyn


Age and Value of an Antique Dresser? - antique dresser

Age and Value of an Antique Dresser?
Hello, I can tell that this would be worth around $1000.000. It is breath-taking! --- Robyn



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Restoring My Chalkboard?
Hi, I agree the simplest method would be to buy chalkboard paint and redo the surface of the chalkboard. Chalkboards are wonderful and so helpful and efficient. ---Robyn


Value of Mersman Tables 7233 and 7303? - coffee table and two end tables in a driveway

Value of Mersman Tables 7233 and 7303?
Hi, These tables have such character and I am sure you will get your asking price for them. They are very well made! ---Robyn


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Is My Daughter in a Gay or a Straight Relationship?
Hi, I think that this couple just wants to identify as they, or them, and neither female or male. It would be good to ask them what their definition of non-binary is. Robyn


A Funk and Wagnalls 1895 Standard Dictionary

Funk and Wagnalls 1895 Standard Dictionary
Hi, This is a beautiful dictionary, and I would not take less than $100.00. If you can find the people who are really interested in this type of book, then you can even get more! Have a blessed day! ---Robyn


Greasy streaks on wood coffee table

Greasy Streaks on Wood Coffee Table
Hi, I would use a mixture of Dawn dishwashing detergent and water. Rub gently on the oily spots. Then wipe off softly with a clean cloth. This should undo the greasy spots. If not, I would use vinegar. ---Robyn


A small black and white dog on the floor.

What Breed is my Dog?
Hi! Hi! This baby is so adorable! I see Border Collie, for sure, and also I see Catahoula. Judging by the size of the feet, and her build, she will be a tall dog, but not overly muscular. I see Border Collie the most, in her. She will be so smart! Thank you...


Identifying and Treating Bumps on Dog's Head? - closeup of area

Identifying and Treating Bumps on Dog's Head?
Hi, I would use the process of elimination to find out what it is. First I would put Neosporin on the area, and give it two weeks to see if it helps the area. If it does do good, for the area, I would order some fish-mox from Amazon, and give him 9-18 mg per...


A collection of tiny eggs on a sliding glass door.

White Round Tiny Insect Eggs?
Hi, I agree that these might be moth eggs. Be sure not to throw boiling water on the window. Grab a rag and pick them off, and then put the rag in a container, with dawn, and pour boiling water over them and leave them there for a while. Have a wonderful evening...


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Finding Half Siblings?
Hi, I am adding a screenshot of the Linked In Profile.


A small bug on a white background.

What is this Bug?
Hi, I think this little beetle looks like a Larder Beetle. They dont bite or sting, but they like to eat meat and cheese. Here is a link to a photograph: Have a wonderful evening! ---Robyn


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Baby Shampoo or Dawn for Fleas on Kittens
Note: I did not pat them dry, I just let the soapy water drip off, for a couple of seconds, and then placed them on fluffy bath towels, and made sure they were in a warm place ;) ----Robyn


Watercolor Greeting Cards - a finished card

Watercolor Greeting Cards
These are so nice!



DeKay's Snake - small brown snake in a man's hands

DeKay's Snake
Thank you for sharing these beautiful creatures!


Scenic view of Seattle with Mt. Rainier in the background

A Message From ThriftyFun on the Coronavirus
Yes, this is a challenging time, for everyone, and it is a time of uncertainty. I like to encourage everyone that we will get through this. I am encouraged, daily, how community is coming together, throughout America. We are a nation to be proud of.


Is My Puppy a Pure Bred Pit Bull? - black and white puppy

Is My Puppy a Pure Bred Pit Bull?
Yes she does look like a wonderful sweet darling. The Amercan Staffordshire Terrier, The Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the American Pit Bull Terrier, and the American Bully, all look similar. In my opinion, she doesnt have a wide enough head for a Staffordshire...


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New Dog Not Going to the Bathroom?
I would get a cheap shower curtain liner, and place it on the floor, under the pad. That way if she misses it is easier to clean up. My older chihuahua does the very same thing.


Mixed Media Journal - finished journal

Mixed Media Journal
Absolutely Beautiful!


Dog Peeing Inside Since Getting a Puppy - adult dog and puppy lying on a bed

Dog Peeing Inside Since Getting a Puppy?
I would manage the feeding and drinking time by taking the water up about 2 or 3 hours before you go to bed. Then put it out after you get up the next morning. It could be a urinary tract infection, but probably just stress and regression over the new pup.


Is My Dog a Pit Bull Terrier? - brown and white Pit Bull looking dog

Is My Dog a Pit Bull Terrier?
How beautiful he is! I would say he is one of the following: The Amercan Staffordshire Terrier, The Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the American Pit Bull Terrier, or an American Bully. They are the darlings everyone refers to as pit bulls, and whichever he is, he...


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Feeding 6 Week Old Puppies Milk Replacement?
Hi, Did you mean to say evaporated milk instead if condensed milk?


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Telling Someone to Stop Texting?
I would let him know he us too clingy and to please leave you alone, then block his texts.


Value of Arther Mee Children's Encyclopaedia - old volumes with red cloth covers

Value of Arther Mee Children's Encyclopaedia?
Hi, Lots of crafters like to use these in their works, such as journals and such. I looked online, using the keywords Arther Mee Encyclopedia Sales and I found one that is being sold for $36.00 plus $6.00 shipping.


Value of Collectible Thimbles - a variety of ceramic thimbles

Value of Collectible Thimbles?
These are very pretty thimbles! To the right person, they will bring more of a price. I would check Etsy and Ebay and find comparable thimbles and look and see what they have sold for. You also could make them part of a package, such as fabric and sewing supplies...


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Graphic Design Business Name Ideas?
Hemants Graphic Design Services


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Fixing a Hair Dye Mistake?
Hi I would try to take the dye out of your hair. To do this, soak hair, in white vinegar, each day, for ten minutes, then wash out. This vinegar treatment might give you a better base color to re-dye your hair. Vinegar wont hurt your hair. Here is a link that...


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Decorating for a JROTC Military Ball?
Hi, That sounds like a really nice idea for a party! Oriental Trading Company has a lot of backdrops, and decorations, for parties, including ancient Greece!


What Is My Chihuahua Mixed With? - brown dog with very large ears, in a pouch

What Is My Chihuahua Mixed With?
Hi, I love seeing your adorable Moose! He actually looks full-blooded to me, I do not see evidence of any other breeds, from his appearance! I have a sweet Chihuahua girl who is named Harley. She looks just like your Moose!


What Breed Is My Dog? - black and white puppy in a bike basket

What Breed Is My Dog?
He is so adorable! I think he is part Border Collie and Poodle.


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Name Ideas for an Organizing and Cleaning Business?
Hi, I like the name A Clean Slate or Everything in Its Place.


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Recovery Time for a Dog with Parvo?
Hi, I am sorry your sweet baby is not feeling good. When the puppy has not thrown up for about four hours straight, then you can give him plain, unflavored pedialyte, mixed with water, to the amount of 1/4 cup every twenty minutes, if the dog is not throwing...


What Breed Is My Dog?

What Breed Is My Dog?
Thank you so much for adopting this precious baby! I can see Basset and Beagle for sure. The short legs and feet, for Basset, and a Beagle face! This makes this beautiful pup a Bagel :D


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Caring for a Dog with Parvo?
Yes it is possible. The virus has to run its course. Your job is to keep the puppy hydrated. If you can keep the puppy hydrated, you can help it get through this awful virus at home. Also it depends on your dog and how much damage to its intestines and stomach...


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My Dog Died Unexpectedly?
Hi, I would doubt that your dog would have had the same illness she had before. I am wondering if she had a bad reaction to something, or got into something. She passed so fast, and it is hard to tell, sometimes, why. It could have been bloat, or it could have...


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House Trained Puppy Peeing and Pooping in the House?
Hi, It is important to have a check-up at the vet. But more than likely, your puppy is having a growth spurt. In this event, just pick her up while saying lets go potty in a pleasant voice. Once she goes potty, praise her, and bring the puppy back inside. I...


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Ridding My House of Tiny Non-flying Insects?
Hi, Sometimes these little no-see-ums are attracted to water and they like anywhere that is damp. Many times the come from potted plants, if there is a damp area in the bottom part of the planter. They will fly into other rooms. In order to get rid of them...


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Zebra Finch Is Laying Eggs?
Hi, How sweet! If she is sitting on her eggs, no matter where they are, they should hatch within 12-15 days. If they are not hatched within 20 days you can throw them out of the cage and nest. Have a wonderful day! ---Robyn


What Breed Is My Dog? - black and white dog on a leash

What Breed Is My Dog?
Hi, I can see the border collie features in your beautiful pup. I dont see that the size of the knees indicates pit bull. I would guess that he is part border collie, and part catahoula, and part hound! I love your pup! He is gorgeous! ---Robyn


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2 Year Old Dog Peeing in Crate?
It might help to get a very large two door crate. It is a wire crate and it has a section where the pet can relieve itself, that is not in the area where the pet lays or sleeps. I have one for my cat, when it is outside. They are great. Put a potty pad in the...


Caring for a Puppy with Parvo - puppy lying down

Caring for a Puppy with Parvo?
Here is a link about using colloidal silver, pedialyte, and charcoal powder. There are other natural remedies also. I wish you the best! Prayers! Blessings, ----Robyn


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Caring for a Puppy with Parvo?
Hi, I am posting this link. It suggests using activated charcoal and pedialyte. I hopethis helps you. Prayers and love sent to you. Blessings, --Robyn


Identifying Tiny Bugs in My House

Identifying Tiny Bugs in My House?
This looks more like a tick than a bedbug.


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Caring for a Puppy with Parvo?
Give him boiled chicken and pedialyte. Here isa link that discusses pepto bismol, charcoal powder and colloidal silver. Prayers. ---Robyn


A single layer chocolate cake

Baking Lessons
Thank you so much. I enjoyed reading this so much!


Use a White Board Eraser for Window Streaks

Use a White Board Eraser for Window Streaks
Hi, I am going to get a dryboard eraser now. Thankss for the helpful tip!


Tie Dye Notebook Cover - finished notebook surrounded with the markers used

Tie Dye Notebook Cover
Hi, This is wonderful!


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Name Ideas for a Jewelry Sales Representative's Business?
Hi, How about Silvias Silver, or Sylvias Bling.


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Keeping a Cat from Licking Sores on Its Belly?
Hi, I would look at the diet, first of all. I would change to a grain-free food and start giving the cat some boiled chicken every day. I would see how this does for the itching. It might take several weeks for improvement to show. I would buy a coconut oil...


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Replacement Kneader Bar for an Oster Bread Machine?
Hi, I would call Oster Breadmakers Customer Support at 800-438-0935. I think they will be able to help you find what you need. Have a blessed day! ---Robyn


After School Program Name Ideas - logo

After School Program Name Ideas?
Hi, I like the term adventure. It reminds me of how wonderful it was to be out of school! How about BABs Afterschool Adventure Squad? Blessings, ---Robyn


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Removing Mud from a Satin Dress?
Hi, I would use the blotting method. Put some detergent in a bowl of water and mix it. Take a cloth, wet it, with the detergent solution, and blot the stain until it is gone. At this point, let the satin dry. I found a helpful website that you might find has...


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John Deere Mower Dies When Engaging Clutch or Drive Gear?
Hi, I was looking at the following site, about this problem, and I found a suggestion to turn the key to reverse mow and it might be able to solve the blade clutch problem. Here is the site: Let us know what you...


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Mother Duck Seems to Have Abandoned Nest?
Hi, Mother ducks know if their eggs are good or not. The eggs are probably bad if she doesnt return for them. If they are good, she will return, in time, to have them all hatched at once, within 24 days. If she doesnt come back, it means they were not meant...


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Keeping Deer Out of the Yard?
Hi, I would put coffee grounds throughout your yard, because deer hate the smell of coffee grounds, and these will deter them from your plants. Coffee grounds are also good for your garden. Blessings, ---Robyn


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Manual for a Vogue Sewing Machine Model 6900?
Hi, I looked online for a specific manual and I found this website, which looks like it would be helpful. The website is at the following address: I love sewing machines, they...


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Low Cost Vets in Sacramento?
Hi, I looked up some possible vets and I think this might be the one that you are looking for: Sacramento Animal Hospital 5701 H Street Sacramento, CA 95819 Their phone number is 916-451-7213. Their address is 5701 H Street Sacramento, CA 95819. The email is...


Repairing a Glider Chair - torn fabric on glider

Repairing a Glider Chair?
Hi, I would look for a glider chair that is the same as yours, and use it for parts. it would have to be an inexpensive one. There is also a guide on here, about repairing these wonderful rocking chairs. Here is the link:


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Treating a Kitten with Eye Discharge?
Hi, These are very common in kittens. If you can afford to go to PetSmart, and get some fish antibiotics, in capsule form, do that. Then take a small pinch of the powder, and put mix it in corn syrup.Then smear it on the kittens foot, near its mouth. Do this...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Getting Free Furniture?
Hi, has a free section. There is free furniture there. First, you choose the location you are at, and then you look up the free section, on Craigslist, and then you reply to the ad. The site is found at I wish you the best of...


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Ford Edge Rear Wiper Fluid Not Dispensing?
Hi, If you see water dribbling out below, or around where the water is supposed to be coming out, then it is the nozzle. If the water is not leaking out in this fashion, it might be the water pump in the back.


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Rooting a Hibiscus Cutting?
Hi, The best way to root a hibiscus plant is to take a cutting in the middle of the summer, but not late in the summer, when the branches are too hard to cut. The cutting should be cut with a diagonal cut, since this helps the cutting to grow. Do not use dirty...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Making Pound Cake from Boxed Cake Mix?
Hi, I would use an angel food cake pan or a tube pan for the pound cake. I would not use a bundt pan for the pound cake. Blessings, ---Robyn


Value of Eggshell Georgian Homer Laughlin Dinnerware - sugar bowl

Value of Eggshell Georgian Homer Laughlin Dinnerware?
Hi, They are very beautiful. I have seen a lot of these pieces selling on ebay and they seem to bring in money. Here is a link to an ebay listing for these: I noticed that...


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Ariens Riding Mower Motor Making a Popping Sound?
Hi, Could it be the spark plug gap length? Shutting off the motor, without letting the mower idle a bit, could cause this. Also a damaged spark plug will cause backfire, and a carburetor which needs adjustment will also cause afterfire. I am including a link...


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Puppy Has Blood in His Stool?
Hi, If the puppy just has a small strip-like amount of blood, it could be from diet. If it is from anything more serious, then it will continue and you will know to look further into the cause. Worms can cause a blood to appear in the stool, and so can a change...


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Electrical Circuit Issue?
Hi, I have had this same thing happen too. The wire of the device might be the issue. Sometimes, wires, and cords, can be the cause of movement causing power problems. I would look at the wires and maybe get a new fan or a new charging cord for the phone. Here...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Adult Cat Just Started Pooping and Peeing in the Closet?
Hi, He probably doesnt like the feel of the litter on his feet. I would get rid of the litter, and place a puppy pad in the litter box. See if he will use the puppy pad. When he is around it, praise him. Be sure to tell him, and point to the closet, that this...


Is This a Bedbug? - bug on pink upholstery

Is This a Bedbug?
Hi, No this is not a bed bug. This looks to be a carpet beetle. They like to eat fibers, and make holes in them. They are like moths. Blessings, Robyn


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Name Ideas for a Furniture and Decor Painting Business?
Hi, I would offer the following: Splash of Color Furniture Painting. Blessings, Robyn


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Repairing a Black and Decker Breadmaker?
Hi, I would suggest calling Black & Decker Customer support at 1-800-231-9786. You can ask them how to fix the problem you are having with your breadmaker. Blessings, Robyn


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Getting a Cat to Stop Peeing on the Couch?
Hi, I agree with using an enzyme based cleaner. Also if you put a plastic cover on the couch, like a shower curtain or something that is plastic, he wont smell the scent. Also, get a little toy water gun. Fill it with water and then spray him if you catch him...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Cleaning Out Dead Leaves and Debris From Under Our Jasmine Bushes?
Hi, I am sure that it is hard to get to. Can you possibly get an attachment for the water hose, and pressure spray all the debris from out from under the Jasmine? In any event, be careful of snakes if you are using a garden tool that is not as long as a rake...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Cleaning an Old Yellowed Silk Christening Gown?
Hi, I would wash in cool water with some shampoo that is very gentle. When you are ready to rinse, then put 3 tablespoons of vinegar (white) in the water. The vinegar serves two purposes: It removed soap and also it fluffs up the material. If you are unsure...


Value of a Set of Pizza Hut Glasses - drinking glasses with pizza topping on each

Value of a Set of Pizza Hut Glasses?
Hi, I love your glasses! I went on etsy and found a lot of vintage glasses from Pizza Hut. Here is the link: You have kept them in such great shape. I would not give them away too cheap. These would look great in...


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Name Ideas for a Homecare Business?
Hi, I would suggest that a great home care business name would be Donnas Forever Home Care. Homecare is such a wonderful way to help others at a time when they most need help! Blessings, Robyn


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Litter Box Used by Male Kitten Has Strong Smell?
Hi, I would suggest getting a probiotic for your kitten. You can buy them online or at pet stores. It is possible that probiotics will help with digestion. Switching foods can help too. Some foods cause worse stools than others do. There is a lot of stress...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Introducing a New Female Kitten to the Resident Female Cat?
Hi, My best suggestion is what I used to do with all my cats. I would put any new kittens in a ferret condo ( you can find cheap ones on amazon or ebay for under $100.00). I would always put the new kittens in the ferret condo. They would stay in there. The...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Repairing the AC in a 1998 Ford Ranger?
Hi, Do you think it might be the linkage wire might be disconnected from the cold hot lever? Read more here: I hope this is helpful! Blessings, Robyn


Value of an Ashley Belle Doll - doll wearing a white top with a dark flower trimmed skirt over a tan underskirt

Value of an Ashley Belle Doll?
Hi, There is more money in selling the clothes of these dolls than the actual dolls. She would probably bring in under $30.00, even though she is in great condition. Blessings, Robyn


Value of a Guiseppe Armani Capodimonte Figurine - girl wearing a bonnet holding a baby duck

Value of a Guiseppe Armani Capodimonte Figurine?
Hi! I love your pretty piece! It is adorable! I have included some similar pieces which are on sale on etsy. Here is the link: These are so lovely, and they bring to mind a simpler and more care-free time! Blessings...


Finding a Replacement Plug for a Coghlan's Air Mattress

Finding a Replacement Plug for a Coghlan's Air Mattress?
Hello, Here is their information, so you can contact them: The phone number is 1-877-264-4526 and the phones will be answered from 8:30am to 4:45pm and this is on Central Standard Time. Their website is located at: Blessings...


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Replacement Parts for a Toyota Sewing Machine?
Hi, Here is a link for ebay: They sell a ton of parts for Toyota sewing machines! Blessings, ---Robyn


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Repairing a Breville Bread Maker?
Hi, Here is the customer service number you can call and ask any questions you have. The number is 1-866-BREVILLE, or 1-866-273-8455. The phones will be answered from 8am to 5pm Pacific time, excluding holidays. The warranty information can be found at the...


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