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482 Posts | 1,311 Comments | Active Since 2007
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A piece of cornbread on a dinner plate.

Sour Cream Cornbread (Gluten Free)
With the weather being cool, it was a good time to bake some muffins to freeze. They turned out scrumptious.


A close up of a yellow bloom on a plant.

What Is The Name of this Plant? (Double Petunia)
I found the identification. It was stuck deep in the plant. It is a MiniFamous Neo Double Deep Yellow Petunia. Says it is self cleaning-less work for me. Height 8-12 inches. Spread 12-15 inches. This sounds like fun.


A close up of a yellow bloom on a plant.

What Is The Name of this Plant? (Double Petunia)
The flower does look like a rose.


A close up of a yellow bloom on a plant.

What Is The Name of this Plant? (Double Petunia)
I am enjoying this plant. It is beautiful.


A close up of a yellow bloom on a plant.

What Is The Name of this Plant? (Double Petunia)
Thank you. I think you are right.


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Apple Moist Cornbread Muffins
Ill have to try the apple in cornbread.


Copper Wire Unicorn from Old Transformer - copper wire unicorn sculpture

Copper Wire Unicorn from Old Transformer
That is beautiful. You are so talented.


A loaded baked potato with asparagus

Crockpot Baked Potatoes
Sweet potatoes also cook well in the crock pot. I tried it for the first time today. No water added. I just washed them and put them in the crockpot and cooked on high for 4 hours. I added a little butter and some cinnamon sugar and they were great!! They looked...


A loaded baked potato with asparagus

Crockpot Baked Potatoes
Ill have to try that. We love chicken most any way it is prepared and this sounds really good. Thanks for sharing.


A loaded baked potato with asparagus

Crockpot Baked Potatoes
Thank you!! That is great to know. I will surely be trying it.


A loaded baked potato with asparagus

Crockpot Baked Potatoes
Great. Let us know how the Hobo dinners turn out. I would like to try that too.


A loaded baked potato with asparagus

Crockpot Baked Potatoes
I did not put any water in the crockpot.



A loaded baked potato with asparagus

Crockpot Baked Potatoes
6 ears corn and 2 cups water. Cook on high for 4 hours. Ill never boil corn on the cob again. Love it this way and I can mow grass while cooking it!!


A loaded baked potato with asparagus

Crockpot Baked Potatoes
When the weather gets hot, I put my crock pot on my screen porch to cook in it. Its great for cooking corn on the cob as well.


The finished concrete soap holder.

Concrete Soap Holder
That is pretty!!


The finished chicken breast with a salad.

Stuffed Chicken Breast
That looks delicious. Ill have to try it.


A pile of money with a face mask.

How Are You Using Your Stimulus Payment?
My husband talked me into using ours to get me some hearing aids. Now we dont have to turn the TV up so loud. Im still getting used to them.


Icy asparagus branches and fruits.

Icy Asparagus Branches and Fruits
This is beautiful especially when enlarged. You must have been in the ice storm we had recently.


A side dish of carrots in a shallow bowl.

Cracker Barrel Carrots
Thank you. Im improving.


A blue bird being held.

Beautiful Birds
As I was reading your post, I was wondering how you were able to hold the birds. Thats sweet.


A cabbage roll on a plate.

Homemade Glumpkies' (Stuffed Cabbage)
That looks so good! Ill have to try it.


Brown sugar in a mixing bowl.

No Mix Homemade Brown Sugar
Thats simple enough. Ill have to try it. I can see how your last step, which is so simple, \ would work as it all is blended together anyway.


A dog looking up at the camera.

Baxter (Boxer Mix)
LOL. Dogs are smart.



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Copycat McCormick Recipe?
I was using McCormick Spaghetti mix and could no longer find it in the store so my daughter got on line and ordered it for me. They sent a box of Lawrys instead of McCormick. My daughter called and inquired about it. They refunded the money and told us to keep...


A sky full of clouds that resemble cotton balls.

Weird Looking Clouds
Thank you. I have never heard that and probably would not have learned about it if you had not told me. Very interesting. I love looking at cloud formations.


A clothes basket with strings attached for pulling.

Drag Your Clothes Basket
I have a reach extender in every room in the house. Sometimes, I even have to go get another reach extender to pick up the one I knocked over. I had a set back with my hip surgery and Im having to walk with a walker for a month. I have 2 more weeks to go and...


A doe with her two spotted fawns.

A Mother's Love (Deer)
Thats so sweet!!!


A blood stain on a garment.

Removing Blood from Garment
Thank you so much. Please keep praying for me. My legs and feet are swollen but that is to be expected after hip replacement surgery. I would like to know how long the swelling will last.


A blood stain on a garment.

Removing Blood from Garment
Thank you Judy. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Please be careful and stay well. Wear your mask.


A blood stain on a garment.

Removing Blood from Garment
Thank you. Im going through physical therapy and they are giving me a good work out plus Im doing the exercises at home as well. No pain, no gain. Im getting there.


A blood stain on a garment.

Removing Blood from Garment
I sure do hope so. Thats my passion.


A blood stain on a garment.

Removing Blood from Garment
Thanks Jess. I going to do it and will be able to kick a football before long, I hope.


A chestnut-sided warbler in a bush.

Chestnut-sided Warbler
They are some nice photos of the birds. I wish I had a camera like that. What kind are you using?



A foggy reflection on a lake.

Foggy Reflection
Thats beautiful. We have had several foggy mornings. Makes me want to walk down to the pond near our house the next foggy morning we have and take a picture.


A clean glass jar with no label residue.

How to Remove a Jar Label
I usually remove these labels with the hair dryer. Steaming also works. Both methods leave no glue residue.


A pinto bean brownie with ice cream.

Pinto Bean Brownies
I want to try this. Do you drain the beans?


A clean glass jar with no label residue.

How to Remove a Jar Label
I probably could have steamed the whole label at one time and peeled it off in a jiffy however, this was my first try steaming a label.


The half peach served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Baked Peach Halves
Last October, I did not get to bake these peaches any more as they were no longer available. This year, I am getting an early start. In our area, the hard cling free peaches are in the stores now and they dont get juicy like the early peaches do. They are great...


Sugar pills being stored in a prescription pill bottle.

Storing Sugar Pills For Diabetes
Thats a good idea. What brand of sugar pills do you have there? My husband keeps peppermint sticks in the glove compartment but I like your idea better.


The half peach served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Baked Peach Halves
I dont think you will be disappointed. I cant wait to bake them again.


A spider web covered with dew.

Orb Weaver Spider Web
This spider is an artist. I have looked at several videos and found this one that is good. Hope you enjoy it.


Iced tea with lemon slices.

Get the Most from Your Lemon
Thats a good idea. Lemon freezes very well. I juice mine and freeze the juice in tablespoon size in ice trays.


A dish drainer with no bottom tray.

Finding A Bottom for a Smaller Dish Drainer
That probably works better than the drainer tray. Good idea.


Scrubbers Using "Scrubby" Yarn - finished scrubby with a hook and the darning needle lying across it

Scrubbers Using "Scrubby" Yarn
I have one of these and I love it. It was given to me.


Trees in front of a still pond.

Nature's Stillness (Wisconsin)
Beautiful reflection picture.


The wires in a card shuffler.

How to Repair a Card Shuffler
We are still using this shuffler machine and its doing great and on the same batteries. We play canasta every day and sometimes twice a day. Playing cards is a great way to spend time together especially during this Covid virus.


The wires in a card shuffler.

How to Repair a Card Shuffler
We are still playing Canasta every day. It is so much fun and challenging. The card shuffler machine is working great. No more problems. I love this little machine and if it and when it gives out, we will be getting another one.


A page using a Google search on a single word.

Internet Search Tip
Thanks for this tip. I didnt see it when it was posted. Its quicker than my old method.


A plate of star shaped apple cider vinegar gummies.

Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies
I made the vinegar gummies and Jell-o Jigglers and layered the two. The first time I did this, they did not stick together. The second time I did it, I let the vinegar gummies congeal first then I poured the lemon/lime Jell-o over it while it was still warm...


A plate of star shaped apple cider vinegar gummies.

Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies
These are good. I also made some Jigglers by the recipe on the Strawberry Jell-o box. I cut the recipe in half. The vinegar gummies are good but when I put the two together, they are scrumptious. Thanks for the recipe.


A nest containing house sparrow eggs.

House Sparrow Eggs
When I first saw this picture, it looked like a pretty calico cat, on the right of the nest, looking at the nest. Then when I enlarged the picture, I see that it is a dead leaf. Funny how my eyes can play tricks on me. It will be interesting to watch especially...


Fresh green beans from the farmer's market.

Keeping Green Beans
When I went to the farmers market last Friday, I purchased enough string beans to last for 2 cookings. A few days after that, my neighbor brought us some more string beans so then, I had enough for 3 cookings. I had already wrapped my extra for the week so...


DeKay's Snake - small brown snake in a man's hands

DeKay's Snake
We were walking today and she reaches out and grabs this fellow off of a pine tree limb. Its a beautiful rough green snake and has pretty eyes. Looks sweet enough but no, I dont want to hold it either.


DeKay's Snake - small brown snake in a man's hands

DeKay's Snake
I must say, he does have a sweet little face and beautiful eyes.


An unpaved country road.

Silence Is Golden
We had a phone line from our house to my grandmothers house and there were two other houses connected to it as well. It was before we actually got phone service on our road. It was an old crank phone. I walked under that line every day but never heard any voices...


Extra Dish Drainer - white dishpan with a wire rack inside

Extra Dish Drainer
I found another rack that is a better fit for my dishpan. Im using this extra dish drainer every day now and washing the dishes just once a day.


Taking a check out of an envelope.

Frugality And A Question Of Morals
At times we have received advertisements in the mail with a one dollar bill or a two dollar bill inside as a promotion. I didnt return the currency nor did i pitch it the trash. I dont have it now so I guess I spent it and the rest of the letter went in the...


Hot Water Fried Cornbread

Hot Water Fried Cornbread
Cook and freeze any leftovers and heat up for another meal. To reheat, place the frozen patties in a cold oven. Set the temperature at 425 degrees and bake for 7-10 minutes or until sizzling hot.


cut Yellow Cake 7 plate of strawberry shortcake

Yellow Cake from Scratch
The sugar is not correct. Its suppose to be 1 plus 1/4 cups of sugar.


A cooling rack being used to drip dry grapes.

Multipurpose Cooling Rack
Want to separate the kernels from the good popcorn? Pour it out on your cooling rack. The kernels fall through and most of the popcorn will be on the rack. Rake the popcorn off the rack into a bowl. No more chopping down on a kernel and breaking a tooth.


A cooling rack being used to drip dry grapes.

Multipurpose Cooling Rack
This rack also works well for draining cherries.


A woman relaxing with head and legs raised.

Coping Skills with Depression and Anxiety
I had to go to the emergency room last Saturday with my finger. They took my blood pressure and it was 232/104. It usually runs 120-140 over 60-65. I guess I was stressed out as to what was wrong with my finger. The doctor numbed it and lanced the swollen area...


A woman relaxing with head and legs raised.

Coping Skills with Depression and Anxiety
Thats good to know. I wonder if the relaxation method would lower my blood pressure if it happens to get too high.


Beware of Poison Ivy and Poison Oak - tall poison ivy plant

Beware of Poison Ivy and Poison Oak
I have not seen any Poison Sumac. What we have in our area is called Winged Sumac. Poison Sumac has red stems. Winged Sumac is not poisonous. You can tell the difference by looking at the stem. Winged Sumac looks like there is some leaf on each side of the...


A Sheltering Place (Chinese Maple Tree) - beautiful photo looking up through the branches and red leaves of this magnificent old tree

A Sheltering Place (Chinese Maple Tree)
Thats beautiful and so peaceful looking. Thanks for sharing.


Biscuits in basket

These toasted biscuits sure do look good. I wish I could eat them.


Biscuits in basket

My husband and daughter have really enjoyed them. I wish I could eat them but I have to have gluten free.


Macaroni and cheese in foil containers.

My Life Since Being "Quarantined"
I love your attitude. I, myself, have found that Im much happier when I get my mind off myself and do something that benefits others.


A heart shaped Earth.

Cleaning Plastic Containers Used For Powdered Drinks
I was wondering where you were. Stay well.


A dab of coconut oil to use for dry hands.

Coconut Oil for Dry Hands
The coconut oil is working so well that I decided I didnt need to use my hot wax right now, however, that is a great idea.


A dab of coconut oil to use for dry hands.

Coconut Oil for Dry Hands
I had not even thought about using my hot wax which I use during the cold months. Im going to get it out now and plug it up so it can be heating. Thanks for the reminder.


Cookbook Value - southern cooking book cover

Value of Southern Cookbook?
Thank you. You two have been very helpful with all that information.


Cookbook Value - southern cooking book cover

Value of Southern Cookbook?
Thank you. I think Im going to hold on to it. It was handed down to me many years ago. It has been used but still in good shape. Every time I try to clean out my recipe books, this one gets stuck back in the pile.


Get Outside and Exercise - picking up litter

Get Outside and Exercise
This is that same view after a beautiful snow fall.


Get Outside and Exercise - picking up litter

Get Outside and Exercise
I think the blackberries are going to be plentiful this year. The wild ones are full of blooms.


Get Outside and Exercise - picking up litter

Get Outside and Exercise
Another pond reflection picture from our daily walking exercise. I love getting outside and walking.


Get Outside and Exercise - picking up litter

Get Outside and Exercise
Chickens are doing great. Did you read my chicken story You dont have to kneel to pray?


Get Outside and Exercise - picking up litter

Get Outside and Exercise
This is a picture my daughter took with her phone. It turned out better than mine.


Get Outside and Exercise - picking up litter

Get Outside and Exercise
Another stroll down to the pond today to soak up the beauty of Gods creation. The water was still and I was able to get a reflection picture.


Get Outside and Exercise - picking up litter

Get Outside and Exercise
Today, we walked down to our neighbors pond. The trees are beautiful and the pollen count has gotten much better. It has been a beautiful spring day here in North Carolina. We saw some wild turkeys and also a Canadian goose in the field. The goose looked like...


A chicken coop with a closed door.

You Don't Have to Kneel to Pray
Im sure you created some great memories living out in the country. I treasure my childhood memories. We lived on a farm that had a lot of timber land with old buggy paths. It was nothing for me to take off and go riding deep in the woods and no one knew where...


A chicken coop with a closed door.

You Don't Have to Kneel to Pray
When I was in 6th grade, my grandmother told me that if you believe, God will answer your prayers. Well, I prayed and prayed for a black horse with white stockings and a blaze face. I wanted one so badly. As I got older, I became more active in sports and other...


A chicken coop with a closed door.

You Don't Have to Kneel to Pray
I really hesitated telling this story but thought it might help to cheer some folks up during these trying times with the worldwide virus we are facing. I really do believe in the power of prayer and my prayers have been answered so many times. Im praying that...


A piece of masking tape on a container of food.

Masking Tape Tupperware Labels
I do that as well. For the refrigerator, I use scrap paper and a little piece of scotch tape to hold the note on the container top. I write it large enough so I can read it without my glasses. Today, I had soup in the refrigerator that I didnt have labeled...


hand held Avocado and Sweet Potato Brownies

Avocado and Sweet Potato Brownies
I learned a new trick. I made another batch of these brownies and decided to use corn syrup instead of pancake syrup. I measured the cocoa before the corn syrup and was surprised when the corn syrup did not stick to the spoon. This made measuring and clean...


A cat meowing for attention.

Use Ear Plugs to Block Noise
Ava pulled this safety vest down from the chair and got in it. I think she is trying to tell us she wants to be a part of our Adopt-A Highway team.


A cat meowing for attention.

Use Ear Plugs to Block Noise
Please click on the arrow and see all of the pictures I posted. Ava is a very sweet cat.


A plate of ham and cabbage stir fry.

Ham and Cabbage Stir Fry
That looks so good. Gotta try it when I can get back to the grocery store.


Banana PB Cookies on plate

Banana PB Cookies
I had one banana that I needed to use so I tried your recipe. I used gluten free flour and they turned out very good. They dont have to get cold for me to enjoy them. I ate them all during the cooking process and grabbed a couple more just then on my way to...


baked Banana Nut Bread loaves on rack

Banana Nut Bread
Thanks. Im going to use your recipe to bake this ASAP. It sure does look tasty.


baked Banana Nut Bread loaves on rack

Banana Nut Bread
How about baking powder?


baked Banana Nut Bread loaves on rack

Banana Nut Bread
I dont see flour listed in the ingredients. How much flour do you use?


A roll of stamps tied with string.

Securing a Roll of Stamps
Thats a good idea!! Thanks. Ill have to try that.


Cubes of butter in the butter section of a refrigerator.

Storing Butter
I keep my butter in the freezer. It will keep a long time. When I open a package, I still keep it in the refrigerator freezer but have it in a zip lock freezer bag instead of the package it comes in. I have had no problems with it changing the taste.


A game board being used to assemble a puzzle.

Carrom Game Board for Puzzle Mat
Today, we purchased a piece of poster paper and it works better to cover the Carrom board game for a puzzle mat. The poster paper does not have to be taped down.


A cooler with ice in recycled bottles.

Using a Cooler During the Holidays
I used to use the gallon milk jugs but they take up so much room and are heavy. Never had a problem with them breaking. I filled them about 3/4 full. I drink Cranberry juice. Its good for your bladder and these make great containers to put in the freezer. They...


Strips of paper to remind you to take morning medication.

Remembering to Take Morning Medications
Thank you. Thats a good idea and I have seen them. I keep my morning meds in one 7 day pill box and my night meds in another 7 day pill box. Its just easier for me to get my morning meds ready for the next day when I take my night meds. Takes up less space...


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Sifting Flour for a Recipe?
Sifted is the most accurate measurement. I have a canister that I keep flour in. When I buy a bag, I sift it before putting it in the canister and it stays fluffed up. When baking, I dont sift if again. I just measure from the canister what is needed. For me...


A smoky fire in a burn barrel.

The Face of the Essence of Fire
I can see some odd faces in the fire which is beautiful and very interesting. However, what is disturbing to me is that it looks like you are burning plastic which puts toxic fumes in the air. Many people dont know the rule of burning, If it does not grow, its...


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Remedies for Hiccups
If someone gets the hiccups, get their attention and then say, Ill give you 5 bucks if you hiccup again. It stops it every time.


A lake and trees in Oklahoma.

"You're doin' fine, Oklahoma!"
Thats beautiful and so peaceful looking. Love how you balanced the photo. You have my vote!


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