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148 Posts | 481 Comments | Active Since 2000
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Frugal Christmas Gift Ideas?
A batch of homemade fudge, divinity, or peanut brittle is always well received and enjoyed. Or a loaf of fresh home baked bread and a jar of homemade Jam. My mother is 82 and housebound, so my gift to her is to take her shopping and to lunch once a month for...


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Well Water Tastes Bad?
I use a Pur Filter on my faucet. It just hooks to the cold water faucet on my kitchen sink. It pushes up to the side when I am not using it...such as drawing water to wash dishes, etc. Then when I want water to cook with or to drink, I pull it down and it filters...


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Storing Peach Seeds Until Planted?
You can store them in the freezer in a ziplock bag, but really it is not too early to plant them, I would plant them in something like a CoolWhip container or a cottage cheese container. Put a few drainage holes in the bottom and make sure they dont dry out...


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Looking For Okra Recipes?
The secret to good okra if you dont care for the slimy consistency, is to saute it in olive oil first, then add other ingredients. I usually add chopped onion and bell pepper, and continue to saute it. Then I may add a chopped (b)green(/b) tomato. Sometimes...


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Veggie Pasta Salad
Sorry, I guess I left that out. I use 1 cup mayo to half a bottle of Italian Dressing. Harlean from Arkansas


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Easiest Peanut Butter Cookies
You can use this same recipe for sugar-free cookies. Just use 1 cup of Splenda in place of 1 cup of sugar, and use a sugar-free peanut butter, such as Smuckers Natural Peanut Butter. Kroger also has a natural peanut butter in both creamy and crunchy that has...


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Reducing Yeast Taste in Homemade Bread?
Here is the recipe that I use for white bread, although I bake whole grain breads mostly anymore. This recipe came from the husband of a friend. He made the mistake of criticizing her home made bread, and she said if he thought he could do better, he could...


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Use A Frisbee As Inexpensive Hummingbird Shade
This is better than my least not as temporary. I have been using a Styrofoam picnic plate weighted down with a piece of wood. It isnt so much for the shade that I have added the plate on top. My feeders are hung in the open from a shepherds hook, and...


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Cleaning Grill Racks With Ammonia
This also works great for the burner grates on your gas stove. I do mine about once a month, and their is no buildup of spills or grease on my ten year old stove. Harlean from Arkansas


Raised Beds With a
PVC Greenhouse Frame

Raised Beds With PVC Greenhouse Frame
We made a frame similar to this a few years ago, when we needed some temporary storage area. We made it tall enough to walk into, and used metal rods pounded into the ground to put the PVC on, and covered the area with a large blue tarp. It served the purpose...


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Recipe For Creamy Macaroni And Cheese?
In my opinion, the easiest way to make creamy mac and cheese is to use Velveeta Cheese. Dice it up and stir it into the HOT macaroni, then add milk a little at a time until you get a creamy consistency. If necessary, reheat after adding the milk. Harlean from...



Will Birds Use Old Nests?
I am reading a book by Althea Sherman, an ornithologist who studied the birds in National, Iowa for 50 years. The book isBirds of an Iowa Dooryard and she studied all birds, but her real love was the Chimney Swift. She designed and built a tower in 1915 to...



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Newspaper Ink on Wood Furniture?
You might try making a paste of baking soda and olive oil. The baking soda is slightly abrasive so may take up the ink stain without damaging the finish. And the olive oil will be better than water on the finish. I clean up many types of stains on my counter...


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Can You Play Harmonica With Dentures?
My husband has been playing a harmonica for about 60 years. For the past 10 years, he has had full dentures. He uses a denture adhesive prior to playing, and plays beautifully. For most of those years, he just played alone for his own enjoyment, but for the...


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How Do you Calculate Nutritional Information?
I have used a program for several years now that I really like for this purpose. You can download a free trial from You can use it free for 20 days, then you must buy it to continue using it. The price is $24.00. As you type your recipe into...


A loaf of cheddar cheese bread.

Saving Money On Bread
Most of the bread outlet stores will sell feed Bread by the tray. This bread is still perfectly good, but you dont get to choose what you want. They are technically selling it to feed animals, and I have bought trays for the critters for $1.00 a tray which...


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No Bake Pie Recipes Using Raw Eggs?
I just read recently that although it is possible to have and egg with salmonella, it is very unlikely since about 1 in 8000 eggs have it. Harlean from Arkansas


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What Bird Chirps At Night?
The bird that comes to my mind even though it is not a chirp, but I love to hear is the Whippoorwill. He calls late at night in late spring and early summer. A mournful cry that sounds like his name..(b)Whip(/b)-poor-(b)will(/b) (b)Whip(/b)-poor-(b)will(/b...


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Keep Losing Excel Shortcuts From Toolbar?
I dont know the answer to your problem, but I know of a wonderful site where you can get the answer. The site is and she has a weekly newsetter also. I have been getting her newsletters for about 8 years now, and still learn something new...


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Meals That Can Be Prepared in Advance?
If you truly want to eat healthy, you should stop using hamburger helper and look up recipes for these dishes on the internet to make from scratch. Go to Google and type in search words such as healthy food recipes Take the time to study a little about what...


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Using a 1950's Sunbeam Mix Master Mixer?
I had a sunbeam mixer from the early 60s. I used it until it wore out...about 35 years, and wish they would still make them. They did put out a Classic model a few years ago. It looked like mine did, but it sure didnt work like mine. I used it only a few times...


Hummer at an orange flower.

Attracting Hummers To Your Garden
Be selective when you buy your feeders. I bought a couple that when it rains, the rainwater enters the feeder through the tubes and dilutes the nectar. I solved the problem by poking a small hole in the center of a Styrofoam picnic plate and threading the hanger...


Copper heart on wooden circular plaque with a key attached above the heart.

Key To My Heart
What a wonderful idea...quite creative, and I am sure it will be a cherished treasure for all times. Harlean from Arkansas


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Uses for Oatmeal Containers?
Use them for freezing cookies, dinner rolls, crackers, or potato chips. They will stay fresh, but not draw moisture and get frost covered. Also protects them from getting smashed and broken in the freezer. Harlean from Arkansas



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What is Extrusion Technology?
luvmygingerkids is exactly correct. Years ago, I worked in a plastic extrusion factory. We made everything from Television cases to telephones. We also made Maybelline Compact cases, handles for steam irons, etc. These items were made by putting plastic pellets...


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Making 55 Easy Princess Wands?
I once made Spiders from Sweetgum balls and attached them with an elastic thread to a stick. I went to a florist and bought the sticks they use for balloon bouquets. They look like a straw, but are a lot sturdier and a little bit longer than a drinking straw...


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Seasoning Veggies and Beans?
My secret ingredient since we are on a low-fat diet and trying to cut down on red meats, is to add a little liquid smoke to replace the Ham or Bacon in recipes. It will fool your taste buds. I use this when I make Bean Soup. Another trick I use to make great...


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Why do Recipes Call for Both Water and Milk?
I dont know about the bread machine recipes, but usually the water that the recipe calls for is used to proof the yeast, or to soften it before adding to your recipe. I choose to substitute water for the milk that is called for in the recipe. Especially with...


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Poison Oak Warning For January
The best remedy for Poison Ivy or Poison Oak is available at many health food stores. It is Hylands Poison Ivy/Oak tablets. This is a homeopathic drugs or chemicals, just natural organic ingredients. I have been using and recommending this product...


Giving Sunflower Seeds to Squirrels?
I have large trays(mine are old cookie sheets from a commercial bakery) that I put my seeds in for the squirrels.You could use serving trays, cookie sheets,pie pans or pizza pans. This is especially helpful when we have snow. If the seed gets covered with snow...


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Home Remedies for Dog Joint Pain?
I dont know about home remedies, but I have an inexpensive treatment that we use for our 3 Rat Terriers. Two of them are 14 years old and the other one is 11 years old. We give them each a baby aspirin (easily done if you wrap it in a bit of cheese. Wal Mart...


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Scrubbing Bubbles® Automatic Shower Cleaner Reviews?
I havent tried it because I thought that it would only clean a strip instead of the whole interior (and another person confirmed my thought). I have had really good luck with the shower spray from the Dollar store. I have a walk in shower with glass sides and...


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Making Crafts for Money?
I have never seen a legitimate job doing crafts from home.Or anything else for that matter. With all the people looking for this type of work, the (b)real jobs(/b)would require no advertising for help. It seems to me they would have waiting lists. My suggestion...


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Wedding Reception Room Wall Decorations?
When my daughter got married, she and her husband gathered up photos from their childhood pictures, etc. and displayed them around the room. I searched through my pictures and gave my daughter several. I was worried about losing them in the mail...


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Debbi Meyer's Green Bags?
I have not used them,have not even checked on the price, but I (b)LOVE(/b) the new Reynolds Vacuum Sealer that you can buy at WalMart in the grocery store. It is found where you find the Ziplock bags. They are very inexpensive, and the special bags are inexpensive...


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Reusing Gift Wrappings
I have always loved the idea of gift bags because I hate to wrap gifts. They are becoming so popular now, that I have decided to make them in different prints and different sizes as a new item for my pre-Christmas craft shows this Fall. I just have to decide...



Window frame built around photo.

Turn A Photo Into A Window Outside
I Love this idea! What a gift it would make!! Harlean from Arkansas


A yarn Snoopy ornament

Snoopy Tree Ornament
Unfortunately, my pattern for Snoopys Santa Hat didnt transfer in the correct size. The good news is that the change is easy to make. Just extend the bottom line of the triangle to 4 inches and then draw the side lines to intersect at the top. Hope this is...


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Guess What You Are Buying Me For Christmas?
This brought a smile to my face....remembering one year when my husband brought in several wrapped packages and put them under the tree. I asked him who they were for, and he said, These are to me....from you! So that was the year that I didnt know what I got...


Angel Clip Necklace

Angel Clip Necklace
I LOVE this idea! Great gift item for the kids to make for Mom, Grandma, and pretty enough to wear with any outfit. Will be using this next year with my Great granddaughter who is 6 and loves making crafts. Harlean from Arkansas


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How to Store Marshmallows?
I open the bag as soon as I get home from the store, pour the entire bag into a gallon size ziplock, and add about 2 Tablespoons confectioners sugar. Zip the bag and shake to coat the marshmallows. They will stay soft, and not stick together for a long time...


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Stove Top Teriyaki Pork Loin?
I do not have a recipe Per Se for the Loin you are wanting, but do have experience with pressure pans. My suggestion would be to brown the loin, place on the rack inside the pressure pan. Since it is already flavored with Teryaki, it doesnt need much in the...


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Full Dinners That Can be Frozen and Reheated?
Mashed potatoes probably wont work very well on a plate, but it works well to freeze them in Ziplock bags. I use sandwich size bags, fill them, and press as much air out as possible. Make them flat so they will stack in the freezer. When you are ready to use...


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Preventing Frozen Dinners From Getting Excess Ice in Them?
The secret is to eliminate as much air as possible from your package before you freeze it. One method is the Food Saver. I have also had good luck with Press and Seal. I cut one piece and lay it on the counter, sticky side up. Lay my food in the center, then...


Ideas For Marketing Farmhouse Style Aprons?
Look up the information for selling your products on Google Base. It is fairly easy to set up, and there is no fee for the ads. You can place an ad for 30 days, and then you can repeat it after it expires if you like. If you need more information, contact me...


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Dog with Yeast Infection on Skin and in Throat?
We have a Terrier that started out with a flea problem, but continued to scratch even after treating him for fleas. He scratched until his body looks like what you have described. We rubbed him daily for several days with Hand Lotion, and his hair began to...


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Freeze Grapes as a Snack
I also freeze banana slices and dices apple with the peeling. Because of the natural sugar in these fruits, they dont freeze really hard. And a very healthy snack.


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Freeze Grapes as a Snack
Dice up an apple, peeling and all, and freeze on a layer of plastic wrap in a small cake pan to keep the pieces separated. Freeze and store in a Ziplock bag. Do the same with a sliced banana. Give the kids a mix as a snack. They will love them. And so will...


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Advice For Tree With Small Figs?
I believe this has more to do with the type of fig tree that you have. I have this type also, and a friend who has a nursery said if I want large figs, I should plant a Turkey Fig. I plan to do so this Fall. My fig tree bears all summer, but they are very small...


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Help Selling Homemade Doll Clothes?
Google has a place where you can advertise your things for sale and it is free. you might want to try there first. You make your ad and submit it and they run it for 30 days. You can find the information for this at They automatically link...


Cow bank from mayonnaise jar.

Moo-La Bank
Thanks for the compliments....just wanted to add an additional note. If you have jars with a metal lid, or if you use a canning type lid, carefully cut a slot in the metal with a large knife. Be sure to turn it over and lay it down on a solid surface and pound...


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Installing a Review Mirror in a Buick Regal?
You can buy a kit in the automotive dept of Wal-mart. The kit includes the glue to attach the rear view mirror to your windshield along with complete instructions. It is fairly easy to do. Harlean from Arkansas


Saving Money on Long Distance?
Tip for Senior Citizens on low income....check your local phone company for Life Line service. It is based on your income, but will cut your phone service about in half. My 85 year old mother uses this, and her bill is about $14.00 a month. She also doesnt...


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Pie Server To Get Every Bit Out Of Food Packets
I just use my kitchen shears and cut along 3 sides and then open it flat. Then scrape it into a bowl. There is not much liquid to worry about in the tuna, so this works well for me. Harlean from Arkansas


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Recipe For Healthy Cookies?
Here is a recipe that I have developed from an old recipe I had used for about 45 years. I just made a few changes to make it low fat,high fiber, and sugar-free. Sugar Free Oatmeal Cookies 1/2 cup Unsweetened Applesauce 1/4 cup olive or canola oil 1 whole egg...


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Sweet and Sour Sauce - Tips and Recipes?
Here is my favorite Sweet and Sour Sauce, and how to serve it with chicken and rice. Quick, easy, inexpensive, and delicious!! Sweet and Sour Chicken Breaded chicken nuggets (cut in half and heat in microwave just before adding them to sauce) 3/4 cup water...


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Bread Mixer Recommendations?
I sort of agree with Lyndagale62 about the breadmaker. I use mine always to mix my whole wheat bread, but I dont like the way it bakes either. I select whole wheat dough cycle, and and after it mixes and kneads the dough, and it rises the first time, I turn...


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Dress Well For Less Money
Your outfit sounds beautiful. You should include a picture so we can see the results of your bargin Shoppin Harlean from Arkansas


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Online Paperback Swap
I have been a member for a little over a year, and really enjoy it. If you are a fan of Audio books (either on CD or Cassettes, they are also available for 2 credits), and they also have a sister site for swapping Music CDs, although I have never checked that...


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Store Leftovers In Clear Containers and In One Place
I also cook intentional leftovers to stash in the freezer. Then, on the evenings that we have events that dont leave time for cooking, I can retrieve my leftovers and have a meal on the table in about 10 minutes. I also cook rice in large quantities, and put...


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Reupholstering Sofa Cushions?
Taking the cushion cover apart and using it for a pattern is the best way, but for those of us that arent that good with the sewing machine, I tried something a little different. I had a floral design couch with cushions that had big holes worn through the...


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Use Paper Grocery Bags For Mailing
If you are discovered using inside out priority boxes, you will be required to pay Priority Mail rates. Many of the priority boxes are stamped Priority all over the inside to prevent using them in this manner. Harlean from Arkansas


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Stomach and Hips Tightening Tips?
My husband and I have a piece of equipment called the AB-Lounge. It is relatively inexpensive....available at WalMart for about $100.00. And an easy exercise product to use. Also available for a little less at with free shipping. The picture is from...


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Glass Etching Kit?
I agree with Vicky....dont etch the doors, and use the squeegee. Our shower has two sides plus the door in clear glass. I buy shower spray at the dollar store, and when we finish our shower, we spray down the glass, and also the two fiberglass walls with the...


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Use Shredded Mail For Packaging Material
I use a woodburning stove to heat my woodworking shop in the Winter time, so I shred my newspapers, junk mail, and catalogs. I line my shredder basket with a plastic grocery bag. When it is full, I tie it shut with the handles. Then store them for starting...


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Sorting Backlogged Emails? is one of the mail services where it is very easy to set up folders. I (b)do(/b) have a folder for Thrifty Fun newsletters there, and I have mine set to come into my Inbox, but they are labeled for the folder, and I archive them to the folder. Usually...


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Cleaning a Gas Oven?
I stopped using oven cleaner in my gas oven years ago because it seems like you can never get all the residue cleaned out. I use primarily just baking soda and water made into a paste. For stubborn spots, use a Scotch Brite pad. If that doesnt do the trick...


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Labeling Mason Jars?
I use the same method as Darlene...A black Sharpy permanent marker. I write on the lid the contents and the date that I canned it. That way when you use the product and wash the jar, you dont have to change or redo the label. And the lid is only used once for...


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Homemade Cures for Poison Ivy?
This is not a home remedy, but I have been using it and recommending it for over 20 years. The product is Hylands Poison Oak tablets, and is good for poison ivy as well as poison oak. This product is a natural remedy that is available in health food stores...


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Cleaning Painted Cement?
All the floors in my home are painted concrete. . I use Awesome that I buy at the dollar store. Mix about 1/2 cup to a gallon of warm water.Wring the mop out until damp and mop. Rinsing is optional. I dont usually rinse. Let dry and put a couple coats of Future...


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Homemade Pot Holders?
I crochet granny squares and stitch them to squares of the same size cut from worn towels Stack them granny square, towel square, and a second granny square. You can stitch them together by hand, or machine stitch them by stitching around all for sides and...


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Old Fashioned Hard Boiled Eggs
I cover my eggs with cold water and add about a tablespoon of salt. If egg shells crack, the salt in the water keeps the whites from seeping out. A Tablespoon of vinegar added to the water will also work. Bring to a full boil, cover with a tight fitting lid...


Making Seed Tapes

How to Make Seed Tape
I wanted to add another photo to update this article. I took a picture yesterday.This was taken 10 days after planting the tapes. As these plants develop, I will pull every other one to make room for the others to grow a little larger. Harlean from Arkansas


Making Seed Tapes

How to Make Seed Tape
Seeds do not always germinate 100% is the reason I put them a little closer and thin, if necessary. Harlean from Arkansas


Full List of Recalled Pet Products
One product that I read about in our local paper several days ago and checked out is Ol Roy Dog Biscuits from WalMart. The paper stated that they were on the recall list. I called the number on the back of the package, and spoke with someone, who assured me...


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Growing No Till Vegetables?
If you can find a horse farm that uses straw as bedding in their stalls, see if they will sell you a load, or they may even (b)give(/b) you a load. I am lucky because we have Oaklawn Race Track here. They hold races from January until April, and I can get all...


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How can I easily hold up my Gladiolus?
I have seen in a gardening catalog some stakes for Gladiolus. They are stiff wire, and are about 3 feet or so high. The tops are bent into a spiral about 6 inches and they are about the diameter of a saucer. I think you could make your own easily from a coathanger...


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Easter Egg Dye Recipes?
When I was a little girl, my mother used to make her own dyes because she didnt have money to spare for store bought ones. She boiled onion skins in water for a sort of yellow color, some she dipped in tea and coffee to stain shades of brown, used beet juice...


Organizing Tupperware in Your Cupboard

Organizing Tupperware in Your Cupboard
I just sent all my old plastic microwave containers to the thrift store, and replaced them with plastic containers from the Dollar Tree store. I bought 5 sizes...large rectangular, medium round, small round, medium square and small square. This seems to take...


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Jacket Potatoes Recipes
To me, a jacket potato is one that you wash instead of peel and boil (in its jacket) and then use for various recipes. I like to save money by buying large bags of potatoes. Ten pounds are much cheaper per pound than 5 pounds. Sometimes I cannot use them all...


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Surge Protector vs. Power Strips
Another precaution along these lines is to make sure that the surge protector you use has a place to hook in your phone line. If you hook your phone from your computer into the phone jack and dont go through the surge protector, your computer can be damaged...


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Recipes Using Canned Corn?
This is a simple, quick, and frugal recipe for Scalloped Corn. Leftovers heated in the microwave are also very tasty. (b)Scalloped Corn Casserole(/b) 2 eggs Salt and pepper to taste 1 can (15 ounce) cream-style corn 1 can (15 ounce) golden whole kernel corn...


Organizing and Using Leftovers

Organizing and Using Leftovers
I always make a large pot of mashed potatoes when I make them for a meal. Then I pack the leftovers into ziplock bags...enough for one meal in each bag, flatten them to press all the air out, date and seal them and freeze them. To use them, just thaw and heat...


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Modern Cooking With The Microwave
The things I like most to use the microwave for besides just heat and eat leftovers is 1. Bacon. Invest in one of those microwave bacon cookers. Mine is like a small platter with grids in the bottom. The bacon doesnt curl up as it cooks, and you can make it...


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Liquid Sugar for Tea?
I have never made the sweetner for tea this way, but I have made a solution of sugar syrup for the hummingbirds. I use 1 cup sugar to 4 cups water for that, and whatever is left in the fall, I just leave in the back of my fridge and use in the spring and it...


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Creating a Family Website?
You can create a family website on Yahoo. I have never done it myself, but members of my family have, and I dont believe it is too difficult. Harlean from Arkansas


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Potato Recipes?
If you are not able to use the potatoes up fast enough, boil a panful until fork tender with the skins on. If you refrigerate them in an open ziplock bags... they will keep for 2 or 3 weeks. Just use them for fried potatoes, pull the peelings...


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Buying a Used Digital Camera?
I am still using the Sony Mavica 73 that I bought in 1999 and used when I was an eBay seller. I love it. It has 10X Zoom which allows you to take very close-up pictures for eBay items when necessary. I could take pictures of the engravings inside a ring with...


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Buying a Used Digital Camera?
I think my post was misunderstood. I did not buy my camera on eBay. I bought it from BestBuy, an electronics store with a local store. I (b)used it to take the pictures of items that I sold on eBay(/b). I do not trust ebay sellers of electronic and computer...


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Supermarket Mistakes
It really does pay to check your receipt. When I purchased my Thanksgiving Turkey last year, they had run out of the brand on sale, but had substituted another brand. I checked before I left the store to make sure that I got the sale price. I not only did (b...


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How do you carry your checkbook?
I carry mine in a checkbook wallet. I seldom write a check anymore as I have a debit card that I can use as a debit or a credit card, and use it for most purchases. By carrying the checkbook wallet, I have slots for my drivers license, my Sams membership card...


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Chicken with Garlic Cloves?
Thanks Sandy, That is the one that I was looking for. I, too, checked out the link, but had already been there before I asked for help. I am going to email it to my daughter in Utah...She will be tickled pink. I talked with her last nite and told her that I...


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Recipes for Lent?
We eat fish several times a week for the Omega 3 that is beneficial for lowering cholesterol. Our favorite is Talapia that I fix on my George Forman type grill. Tilapia comes frozen...each in a separate sealed package. They are available in most any supermarket...


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Lights That Will Fit in a Wine Bottle?
The Dollar stores have them at Christmas time....specifically the Dollar Tree chain of Dollar Stores. Most of these stores do (b)Clearance Sales(/b) after Christmas, but you might try contacting the store managers to see if they happen to have any in their...


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Healthy Banana Bars (Diabetic and Low Cholesterol)
I just want to add a little more information on the Konsyl that is added for extra fiber. It is a trademark name for a fiber that is listed as Psyllium, and is rather expensive. There are other brands of this fiber that are cheaper, and the only difference...


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Healthy Banana Bars (Diabetic and Low Cholesterol)
Ok folks, I am sorry it has taken me so long to get back here with the nutritional value of this recipe. I though it would be a quick and easy job since I own a copy of RecipeCalc that makes it easy to get this info just by entering the ingredients. However...


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Poll: Do you use dryer sheets?
I dont use dryer sheets, but I do use a liquid fabric softener. I have been using out of the same bottle (200 fl. oz) of Snuggle for about 2 1/2 years now. I pour a pint into a quart jar and fill the jar with water. I then use this diluted mixture to saturate...


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Giant Lima Beans Seeds?
If you want to save money on these seeds, there is an eBay store that has a 2 oz. package of Fordhook No. 242 (about 50 seeds) for 1.75 plus 1.25 for shipping. Most of the seed companies have very high shipping charges. If you would like to check these out...


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Biscuits and Sausage Gravy
We are on a low fat diet for health reasons, and although we dont have biscuits and gravy often, I have found a way to cut the saturated fat some. I use Jimmy Dean sausage also, but use the (b)lowfat (/b). It comes in a green label and has half the saturated...


GE 25865GE3 Cordless Phone Reviews?
I havent had any experience with the particular model that you mention, but I do have a GE cordless phone with one phone line and 2 on the base, and the other in an additional charger. I have had it since May about 8 months, and the charger for...


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Adhesive on Glass Blocks?
I would use lighter fluid and then wash with soapy water. Lighter fluid also works on paper products...for example, you receive mail in a bubble wrapper, and want to recycle the wrapper, but it has an adhesive address label on it. Just squirt a little lighter...


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Tap Water Smells Like Eggs?
The odor is caused by minerals in your water. The egg smell is sulphur. If your dishes and clothes turn orange when you wash them, you have iron, also. This does not mean your water is bad or unsafe, but you should put a filter on your well, preferably between...


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Milk Stains on a Stove?
My favorite thing to clean my stove top and oven is baking soda. Sprinkle it on the milk stain or any other stain or baked on food. Wet a paper towel and scrub the stain until it disappears. Rinse the area with clear water and then shine with a dry paper towel...


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Blood Stains on Sheets?
I just wet bloodstains with cold water and rub them with a bar of soap. then rub the fabric together. Repeat until stain disappears and then launder as usual. Harlean from Arkansas


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Frosting Fudge?
This recipe is so easy that my husband made all the fudge this year with this recipe, trying many different combinations. We make homemade fudge and give to friends every year. The one that he made that is my favorite was with white chocolate chips, vanilla...


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Frosting Fudge?
Sorry, I should have added to my post showing my decorated containers that I used the Microwave Fudge recipe that Cindy Beadlady and Gaildh2 posted below. Harlean from Arkansas


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Healthy Ways to Cut Calories?
Always read the nutritional labels before you buy. And take note of what is called a serving Many products have a very unrealistic idea of what a serving is. And pay close attention to the saturated fat content. Buy canned fruits packed in juice instead of...


Update: Thriftyfun Knocked Out By Storms
I hadnt heard about your storms. I am sorry to hear that you were affected by it, but happy to know that nobody was hurt. Hope everything returns to normal for you by Christmas so you can celebrate the holiday in style. Harlean from Arkansas


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Giving Cookies as Gifts?
You can find nice platters, baskets, and other containers at the Dollar Store for $1.00 each. Last year, I bought Dollar Store pizza pans, and found (also at the dollar store) some extra large ziplock bags that the pan fit into. Just add a pretty stick-on bow...


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Cleaning Gas Stove Burner Plates?
The best thing I have found to clean the top of my stove and around the sealed burners is baking soda. Just sprinkle it onto the stove top and use a damp dishcloth to scrub it. Works better than cleanser and no scratches. Rinse well, and polish with a paper...


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Question About Using Picasa?
I love Picasa for that very reason. I have many craft pictures saved on my computer, and sometimes I know that I have a particular picture, but cannot remember where I have it stored. So I just scroll through Picasa until I see it as a thumbnail, and it will...


A colorful granny square afghan.

Granny Square Afghan
I just now found time to check back for feedback on my projects. Thanks to all for the compliments, and to answer Nancy, Yes there are 8 rows of squares, 8 squares in a row. It is so easy to line it up and get it straight on our king size bed, as the overlap...


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Quick Cooking Oatmeal?
You can use old fashioned oats in place of quick oats. Just run them a few seconds in your blender or food processor to chop them up a bit. Harlean from Arkansas


Rebate tracking list

Keep Track of Rebates (Printable)
Also, make sure that you make and keep copies of everything that you send. The filled out form, the barcode, and the dated receipt. And be sure to follow the manufacturers instructions to the letter. Some of them will disqualify you if you dont follow the directions...


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