
Annie Rios Hill

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14 Posts | 1,773 Comments | Active Since 2004
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Jim, so nice of you to share your kitty. Squeaker is very pretty and has landed into a safe haven. Squeaker looks like he could land in some trouble, if you put a Christmas tree watch out. My cat used to climb to the center of the tree and hide out and once...


Sydney (Australian Shepherd/Collie)

Sydney (Australian Shepherd/Collie)
Sydney, is gorgeous! What a pretty little face... Have fun.


Luna Belle Laughing (Chihuahua?)
How funny! Ok I tried this with my Jack Russell Terrier and my Yorkie and they looked at me like I had two heads. The yorkie hid under the couch... with his bottom sticking out and up...what a nut.. How did you do that???? Best picture of a pet I have seen...


Baby birds.

Baby Doves in Nest
Great picture! God always shares his greatness and when we see it WOW. I had three baby robins and as they got bigger I would go outside and they would fly to the fence and sing for me. They still come by all three to sing. I remember thinking how special I...


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Are Exterminators Worth the Expense?
YES once I had a swarm of ladybugs, and they were everywhere clinging to screens, bricks, siding, glass anything it was horrid. You really could not see the house, ewwww. I got home and ran to the phonebook called Mr.BugKiller. He said the next day he would...


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Scaredy Dog?
Our little Yorkie is male and scaredy cat....he is one tiny spoiled doggie with the attitude of a 10foot Bear. He barks at anything, yet he climbs up to my hubbys chest and shakes like a big baby. My husb was falling for it, I was the meanie. 2 months later...


Diaper Cake

Baby Diaper Cake for Shower
Sharon, I have been to many showers and never seen anything so creative, original and useful and cute. Thank you for sharing the photos. And thank you for the countless tips. A.


Baby Shower Pin (Favor)

Baby Shower Pin (Favor)
Melissa, how cute. Boy with your idea and Sharons I am now waiting for someone to be pregnant so I can use these ideas!!! A.



A Kid's Best Friend (Christian and Daisy, Labrador Retriever)
Sharon, Cute picture. Where do you get your energy? I bet you run circles around that little guy. A.


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A Man Shopping Joke
Yep the best I heard. My husb LAUGHED a lot with that one. Thank you for the laughter, you always have cute jokes this one was it!!! YOU GET MY VOTE for a prize.


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A Couple Driving Down the Road Joke
Terri, where do you get your stuff? I love them keep going.....I had a long, day car ride with husband and yes we had a long quiet hour due to a discussion gone south. I only wish Ihad heard that before our trip...we both laughed at this again Thank You. A


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Salsa With Corn and Cilantro?
This a GREAT one I got from a magazine. Shoepeg Corn Salsa can of Salsa Herdez (mild) can of black beans can of yellow corn bag of frozen shoepeg corn (white corn) cilantro chopped up juice of lemon and lime (fresh is best) mix let sit for a few hours or overnight...



Blackie - An Adorable Cat
Blackie is so pretty. My kitty used to love to be told how beautiful she was and she would pose. Your kitty looks very bright and happy with great toys. I once had my mom sew some pillowcases shut after I stuffed them with empty WalMart bags cuz they crinkle...


Angel in Pink

Angel in Pink - Rewards of Babysitting
How cute. She looks so relaxed and happy, ahh to be so carefree!


Dressing Up - My Son and His Army Stuff
WOW what a face! Too Tough Army Man, tell him he looks too tough. He has gorgeous eyes.


Skye Hunting for Dinner

Skye Hunting for Dinner
Doggie looks like he could handle any wild turkey. Pretty picture. A nice cool thought for a hot day.


Dakota sitting.

Dakota (American Eskimo/Beagle)
Dakota is gorgeous and such a sweet face! Your history is so special and what a bond you two share. Dakota looks like she is one proud happy doggie what a gift you gave to her. Oh being a cat person all my life I had a dog growing up but now I have a yorkie...


Oscar The Cat
Oh those green eyes! Memorie of my first rescue at age 9, I found Harold. He looks like your Oscar. I like the name Oscar it sounds noble. I think it is nice you went to the shelter, it is the best place to get a pet. =^..^=


A yard sale with many people shopping.

Useful Yard Sale Spending
What a great buy.


Toto - One hot dog
Cute doggie, what kind is he? Poor thing looks really hot. I cut my cats hair and pups hair during summer they love it.


More Bunnie
OH! You have a tortise cat. =^,,^= I had one a long time ago my favorite cat full of personality Mine was long hair. I love your kitty how sweet. Bunnie looks so sweet, and loving. Thank you for sharing, I vote your pic the BEST cat picture.


Cokeyo (Chocolate Toy Poodle)
Pretty dog, great pics! I really like the name you came up. I think the one sitting in the car was adorable.


Patio Garden - Botanical Madness
Breathtaking photo. Do you live in CA or somewhere warm? It reminded me of the patio at my moms amazing gift that green thumb. I took my mom a near dead umbrella plant she kept reviving it for me til I told her to keep it, in a large pot it shot up past the...


Up close photo of tuxedo strawberries.

Chocolate Strawberry Tuxedos
Gorgeous and yummy looking. How stylish. I think you have to be really really good not to eat them up.



Great picture what a cute guy. I love that name.


Taco, Our Baby
Is Taco part Jack Russell Terrier? Looks very cozy and comfy. Ahh about time to get a nap here too. Cute picture.


My New Friends - Brie and Tissy
I am glad you have Tissy & now Brie. I can see Brie seems very relaxed with you and Tissy. I am sorry for your loss. It is amazing how our little 4 legged friends can help heal our hearts. My heart goes out to you and know I will send up a prayer for you. God...


Display Cookie Cutters On Walls

Display Cookie Cutters on Walls
I really like your idea! So original. I like the part of the memories, nice.


garden path

Beautiful Garden Path
Great idea. The kids did a WOMDERFUL job!! This is not only thrifty and creative but family oriented. This is much better than having kids playing electronic games!!! I hope you sit out there and enjoy the fruits of all your labor and love.


garden path

Beautiful Garden Path
***oops*** WONDERFUL


Butterfly Napkin Rings

Butterfly Napkin Rings
Thank you for sharing! Very pretty, and practical and something I will try to make and use daily. Thank you.


Nitro (Rottweiler/Lab)

Nitro (Rottweiler/Lab)
Cool name. He looks very lab-ish. Labs are the best family dogs too. He looks friendly and fun.


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Placemat Tote Bag
Neat idea, thanx.


Evan's Animal Birthday Cake
Cute and yummy looking! Nice tip. Happy Birthday Evan!!!


Jimmy (Toy Poodle)
Ahhh the life. Jimmy is adorable, love the hat!!! He is one lucky doggie.


Lilies in July
Pretty picture. Nice looking flowers.



Zeus (Norwegian Elkhound)
Pretty boy & stylin...boy he is adorable and good natured to pose.


Beautiful Daughter and Niece
ohhhhhhhhhh!!! cute and sweet...


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Color Advice for a Princess Room?
My girlfriend did something like this. One purple wall 3 pink walls...then a border just outlined and inside the border she rubber stamped tiara actually the 5 year old went around stamping. It was adorable. Your imagination is the limit. Oh she also stamped...


Buddy, Our New Found Friend
Ohh he is gorgeous!!! Glad you took him in. There is nothing more heartwarming. We have 2 doggies the one we found is the BEST the AKC Yorkie we were given by a friend is a spoiled one actuall we spoil then both....we have no kids and lost a kitty so we were...


Snowman Ornaments

Snowman Ornaments
cute and fun to make too thank you for the idea...


picture of growing sunflowers in a planter

Growing Sunflowers in Pots
WOW, that is a cool shot. You could print out your photo enlarged and frame it..great...


A dog on a couch with an Amercian flag.

Jolee (Jack Russell Terrier)
Cute, your Jolee & RJ ard adorable... hey Jolee looks like my cookie...she is mostly white with some dots on belly and both brown ears and one brown circle eye and the other white lashes and all... My hubby thought it was our Cookie... I have a question on...


Blackie (Toy Poodle?)
Oh he looks like he is just waiting for you to cuddle up with him!!! He is a very pretty boy.


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Healthy Beverages?
Crystal lite is soo good but pricey, I use the generic found in WalMart right next to Crystal lite. Cheers as I hold a glass of fruit punch Crystal lite generic but of course....!!!!


Sassy Richardson (Jack Russell Terrier X)

Sassy Richardson (Jack Russell Terrier X)
Ahhhh! So lovely, the blue visor is just adorable with her sweet face!!! I have a rescued JRT and she is the BEST doggie. Mine is not hyper, she is mellow and loves to sit with us and take care of her spoiled newer brother a yappie yorkie.



My Furry Friend - Braveheart
What a nice story and cute picture. How blessed you are to have such a friend.


Trunk Full of Kitties
Too cute, all those bright eyes... I think the middle one who is all black is my favorite. Oh it would be hard to pick just one... =^,,^=


Preserve Memories With A T-Shirt Blanket

Preserve Memories With A T-Shirt Blanket
that is such a great idea. thank you for the picture it is great... I am gonna try this too.


Rooting plant in stemmed glass with rocks and water.

Rock Garden Rooting Glass
I always wondered how to do this. I never asked as my sisters and mom are green thumbs. So now I can try this. I have finally one house plant that I have had for 10 months and I named it and check it and enjoy it daily.


Prettier than a Blackeyed Susie

Kokoa Girl (American Staffordshire Terrier)
She is pretty and good to know she is sweet. I am usually very careful if I see a pit bull or rott. You took a gorgeous pic and she is great model and the flowers look so pretty. Her coat is so silky too. Brush her teeth after the icecream...I do to mine if...


Angel Noelle - Schnoodle

Angel Noelle (Schnoodle)
Oh what a sweet face! The one with her teddy bear is adorable and I think you can make out her halo. The charmin episode must have happened when her halo was in the shop getting its dents worked out(my dad used to say that about me) .... She is quite the beauty...


Daisy Ringing School Bell

Daisy (Budgie) Ringing the School Bell
Adorable, she is cute and bright. I love that picture with the bell... =^,,^=


Marty Cat
Pretty kitty, lovely eyes and he looks like he is talking...


Magic wand.

Beaded Magic Wand
Cute , and fun looking. I am going to make one for me. I just got some glass beads and was looking to make something pretty. I will put this on the shelf or on the wall. Thank you for the idea.


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Cinnamon Apple Sauce Ornaments
looks fun and easy. I am making these tomorrow. Thank you for posting your idea.


Cat in the grass.

Mittens - Cat with Extra Toes
Cutie! I like the name, Mittens. He looks like a friendly, snuggley, guy .


Patch (German Shorthaired Pointer)

Patch (German Shorthaired Pointer)
Gorgeous Patch! Kitty is adorable and how sweet they are friends. We had a cat that my doggie would cuddle up with at night. I like that picture very cute.


Little P
cutie...he looks like a little bit of trouble! cute


Mia on a paved surface outside.

Mia (Jack Russell Terrier) and Dougal (Westie)
huh never seen a jack russell like that...does it have welsh corgi mix? I have a jack russell and she is MELLOW and no troubles which no one can believe she is so good, our yappie yorkie well.... Your westie is cute both are cuties..


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Was Getting Married, Now I'm Expecting?
I would wonder about someone wanting to to wait due to Medicad. I knew of gal who had baby and the guy said no to marriage because she got SSI and medicaid and he let her live with him and claim them on his taxes..they went to disneyworld and on cruises with...


Tally in Her Hat

Tally in Her Hat
Oh she is lovely. A real cat in the hat! I wish I had her. ....


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Making Use of Eucalyptus Leaves?
Living in CA we would get the leaves and place in an old pillowcase and then doggie would have a great place with nice smell. Also we used the balls from the tree with twine and make doggie necklaces for all doggies we knew. I heard it helped with fleas. Our...


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Help Make A Difference - Hurricane Katrina
Sharon, that was weekend I was going to buy a new computer after a long wait and saving. Well I could not spend that $ on me after seeing what I did on TV. I sent the moneyto Red Cross instead. I figure it was better spent and they could use more than BestBuy...


Sissy Cat

Sissy (Cat)
Pretty kitty! What a pose. She knew how pretty she was and wanted the attention, how cute. Thank you for sharing, we need happy. =^..^=


A striped crocheted baby sweater.

Crocheted Baby Sweater
How pretty, wish I were talented. I can barely sew a tiny bit. Times like this I wish I could.


Lenny - Mini Schnauzer

Lenny (Mini Schnauzer)
He looks like a little precious teddy bear. My Oso (bear) is a 4.8pd yorkie who brings us daily laughs, love .


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Planning a Huge 1st Birthday Party?
Some cultures are big on baby party. Get a box of cornstarch and cookie cutters in shapes of fish and make ornaments and paint like Nemo. Maybe put a centerpiece on every other or so table so you can scrimp there. I would put a couple of disposable camereas...


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Smelly Outdoor Trash Can?
Call the city and tell them you need a new trashcan and will get a replacement...I just did this after our deep freeze went out with meat and we did not discover this for weeks in the hot summer... Anyway they do not immediately offer a replacement...


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Help Us Name Our Servers
Thrifty1 Thrifty2 Thrifty3 or Thrifty,Saver &Cheapo let us know what you pick...


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Dogs Chewing Everything?
I have a Jack Russell Terrier & a yorkie... We went thru this chewing stage.. Swat them with the swatter... I had a can of dust remover spray near my compute when I noticed a little one chewing at my NEW couch and was ifnored so I sprayed the dust spray and...


Sweet Peas and Rosemary
Pretty the rosemary is something that I would not thought of, great tip. The photo is nice and your description was very nice. I always enjoyed the scent of sweet peas when just watered.


CoCo Loves Her Bone
Adorable photo. She seems to like her big bone... Looks like she is wondering where to hide it... What a sweet face.


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Taking In a Cat Traumatized By Hurricane Katrina?
Cat person here;THANK YOU for helping kitty. Yes kitty needs own space to understand she is not going to be left again. The pee on girlfriends stuff is; sheer dislike of girlfriend he belongs to kitty not some silly girl. I belive this to be true as my cat...


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Dogs Peeing On Wooden Coffee Table?
Have a water bottle or squirt gun at the ready! It worked for my first dog, they get the message fast and I never had to yell. If having 8 dogs works for you then fine. Do not be bothered by posts who tell you to give away your dogs. I think if you can manage...


Little boy in his castle.

Make a Castle Bed for your Child
Marianne, your son is lucky to have such talented, caring parents. This lets your son know you special he is. If you are able to do this then great, he looks very happy and proud. Its not the $ but the love kids remember. My mom always played ball with us and...



Moxie, CoCo's sister loves her bone too.
What a sweet face. I like her name too.


Banky and McKinnley
Ahh cute baby...Jack Russells are so wonderful, sweet and loving. Yours looks like it has wirey hair like mine. I love that picture it is sweet.


Wedding Cake for Pigs

Wedding Cake for Adorable Pigs
Maria, so the cake was for the peeps? When you said 2 pigs getting married, you meant it. I laughed so loud, I just woke my husband. He asked if I was ok out here and I said get your glasses he came out and said, huh, what kind of site are you at? he thought...


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Saving Money on Mascara?
Please be careful adding any liquids to your tube of mascara. You may be introducing bacteria. I like to save to however I buy new Maybeline every 90days and toss out the old, same thing with toothbrush you need to toss after 90 days for germs. I sat in many...


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Baja Express Salsa Baja?
the toasted flavor is from roasted tomatoes and chilies to do this; rinse veggie poke a few times with fork place on a open gas flame and keep moving veggie ( i do this with bare hands a large fork is ok) then peel the skin off it turns black and dont worry...


A cake decorated with Hello Kitty.

Hello Kitty Cake
Maria, I want one too! I am 40 something, but I still love Hello Kitty. I purchased a cake top set from Walmart for my bday in FEB but yours is gorgeous and I wish I could have one too. Your daughter is so adorable your photo is cute. She is just too cute. I...


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Wedding Cake for a Morning Wedding?
GET CAKE, yum. I had a local coffee shop make my cake it turned out the owners flew to belgium to get their chocolates. It was Valentines Day and we had two touching heart shaped cakes with white chocolate glaze, frostings ohh so rich and good. A year later...


John Hall and Goats

John Hall and his Kids (Goats)
Oh cute. John is a cutie.


Bunnie's Brother Joey
Joey is very regal and elegant looking. He looks so cute my fav was him on desk sleeping. Bunnie is goregous, my fav cats, tortiseshell. My AllieMae (1994-2004) ws long hair tortise and the owner of my heart. I now have 2 doggies, my heart wont let me have...


Horse with Ribbons

My Friend's Horse
ADORABLE, I just want to reach up and kiss that sweet face.


Pomeranian in a wicker dog bed.

Indy (Pomeranian) 2 1/2 Months
Yup, fluffy and a cutie.


Bear (Border Collie Mix)
Pretty boy. Sounds like he has fun chasing the chickens. So great that you got him a shelter.


A black toy poodle dressed in a Hawaiian costume.

Ivy and Queenie (Toy Poodles)
What a pair of cuties.


My Cat Star
Oh is she a tortise shell? The color is so pretty and cute photo. Take more so we can see her little face. Oh my kitty once jumped into frig and I closed it (me not knowing) later I heard a soft meowing...oops..


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Submitting Tips With Your Name or Moniker?
I like this site because of the great people. Robin, Teri,and so many more your tips are great, recipes yummy and most of all when I miss my family in CA ...I log on here and enjoy this site. Animal pictures are so cute and I look at them at night. My husband...


Pet parrot.

Avery (Parrot)
Avery is very handsome such colors. His best features are those playful & smart eyes all this with playful side. He and is little ducky is the cutest picture yet.


Justin Time - Quarter Horse Gelding

Justin Time (Quarter Horse)
WOW a bargain! He is a beauty and so photogenic. Enjoy.


Humanitarian Aid Mission in Afghanistan
I thank you for your photo. I think your photo should be seen by all. American school children to remind them how privileged they are and for others to know the Military does so much. I salute each active military and our Veterans for all they do, been through...


Thunder (English Setter)

Thunder (English Setter)
Love the close up, those eyes! Cute.


Two people with hillbilly survivor hats on.

Hillbilly Survivor
cute. great smiles!!!!


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Gossip Joke
Still laughing...I needed something funny about now. My doggies think I am wierd , laughing here.


Chai (Weimeraner)
Pretty sleek guy!


Piers the Cat
Pretty kitty, the little nose is so cute. I miss having a kitty kat around.. =^,,^=


First Bite of Solid Food

First Bite of Solid Food
Very sweet looks like shes saying, YUM!


Cocker wearing straw hat.

Starlight - Star (Miniature Cocker Spaniel)
She seems to lilke the hat. she has a very cute face, great of you to bring an older dog home.


standing head to head

African Gray Parrots
I loved the pictures and the feedback.Wow it seems like you can train them to speak. Also can you still give them snacks in your hand as they get bigger, I know it wont be the same as hand feeding. sounds neat.


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Water Saving Tips?
Ok I love to save $, the earth etc. only I learned a horrible lesson in San Francisco during a drought. I was living there with my aunt we were asked by water co. to volunteer cutback on water we did this for 4 months. It was tough I ended up cutting my long...


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Turn Off Electronic Devices That You Are Not Using
A few years ago while in So.Cal an electric company did on air audit of a home and surprise the biggest electric sucker, a plugged in electric toothbrush. It was the only thing that they said is always sucking electric even in off position while plugged in...


Angel (Rescued Cat)
Theresa, how sweet, your husb. pulling over for the kitty! =^..^= I love that sweet picture how peaceful he looks all cuddled up snug, knowing he has a home. I agree rescued pets are the best, I have a rescued dog and she is the most loving pet ever. God Bless...


Woobie the Cat
Precious & Priceless....poor dog...oh well Woobie looks pretty pleased with himself!!!! =^,,^=


Precious picture.Cheetos is adorable, how fortunate for him to have you find him. He looks like a bundle of love.


White dog lying in bed.

Toby (Maltese/Cockapoo)
Toby is sweet and cute with his Eyore.


Garden Tunnel for Kids - distant shot of boy inside the tunnel

Create a PVC Garden Tunnel
Good idea and looks like a cool spot.


Sebastian (Cavalier King Charles)

Meet Sebastian (Cavalier King Charles)
Pretty boy and good natured.


Harry the Cat
What a face, I am surprised his tongue isnt sticking out...maybe he is in hiding and does not want his picture taken...LOL


My Mom and Her Garden
Your mom is as pretty as her flowers. Amazing gift she has. My mom is 75 and just recently got interested in computer playing games. I never thought I would see that day. She asked if I thought she was silly I said not at all. Seeing your mom makes me want...


Molly (Dusky Conure) and Sammy (Sun Conure)
How cute. They look like they are very playful, and ejoy each other. That picture is priceless it is the one that made me smile and laugh. Thank you for sharing.


Tricolor wire haired dog lying on floor.

RJ (Beagle Mix)
He looks like a puppy, so bright and happy! He is a cute dog.


A sports themed quilt for a young boy.

Keepsake Sports Quilt
Cute quilt and little guy. Sharon you are one talented lady.


Tiger laying in the grass next to a hosta plant.

Tiger (Orange Tabby)
I had a cat like that and he took off, we kept inside and at night he would HOWL and he had other cats who would sit outside waiting for him to go...he finally refused to come back in he was fixed and he took off with another cat and rarely he comes back with...


Karleigh and Her Aunt
Pretty baby and auntie. Great picture of smiling girls.


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Veggie Recipes?
Oh try baking a sweet potato or yam till soft... then a tiny bit of butter and brown sugar...yum.... I make a mix of salsa with 2 rinsed cans of black beans, and rinsed 2 cans of kernel corn it is so good.


Ella B is Climbing Now
oops caught in the act! how sweet and cute. id keep a close eye on this one...


Taking Pictures In Flowers
Priceless!!! I love the one with the little toes, how sweet she is.


Kady laying in yard near fence.

Kady (German Shepherd/Shiba Inu)
Pretty doggie. Yes the rescued pets are always the best. Probably cuz the appreciate having a home. Thank you for saving this pretty one.


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Generic Allegra
Just realize that the savings wont kick in for a few months. I had mine refilled recently and got the generic and only saved 4 dollars but the pharmacy said it takes at least 3 months before it gets cheaper.


PB&J Helps Medicine Go Down
She is adorable.


He is very pretty. Cats are so loving and great friends too. He looks like a playful happy cat. =^,,^=


Taliesin in the Bath
Cute little one. I agree no one should leave a child in the tub alone even for just a sec.


Cat with neck ruff.

Max (Maine Coon/Persian)
Very elegant and regal cat. He is soo pretty. meoow



Brody (German Shepherd/Husky)
Pretty doggie. Yes German shepard dogs are said to be the smartest.


Grandson with Credit Card Offer
How cute. I hope you find the rest of your family.


Grandson with Credit Card Offer
How cute. I hope you find the rest of your family.


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How Often Should You Change Your Furnace Filter?
We change ours lots. We have 2 indoor dogs. We just like to make sure it is clean. We buy the cheapies and chnage every month or every other month at least.


View of the helmet painted like a shell.

Turtle Costume for a Baby
The cutest turtle ever!!! How adorable and how crafty. Hats off to you with a little one and energy left over.


Little girl dressed as a flower garden.

Flower Garden Costume
CUTE and so crafty. I think that is the fun part when everyone gets involved, kids need that. And isnt it fun to share it with them.She will rake up the candy with this outfit!


Couple dressed in costume.

Gold Digger and Sugar Daddy Costume
Great idea! Loved the adorable pic thank you for sharing. It was nice to give all the instructions.


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I Can't Find Legit Freebies? is a good site I used to do it and I used to get so much stuff, dog food, dog toys, books, coffee , toothpaste, shampoo, lotions, ets samples and it really helps so you know what kind of stuff you will buy and I had a small basket in my guest...


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Asking My Mom To Let Me Shave?
Katie, go ahead and talk to your mom. You might be surprised its something she prob has not given any thought to and it is something you have. I remember being the middle sister my mom one day said you need to watch your sister shave or ask what to do oops...


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I Have The Worst Luck Washing Walls!
buy a tried and true product called TSP ask for it in home depot, lowes or stores like that it does not cost much and it WORKS. my girlfriend smoked and walls had a tar coating sticky and yucky ....she never opened windows.


Closeup of Nelson

Nelson (Pitbull/Bird Dog)
Hey that is no pit bull it is a cutie Jack Russell Terrier or Parson type dog some one left one alone for nearly 2wks and when we were told and saw it we melted! Our cookie only weighed 9pds bones sticking out and the sweetest smile today as I sit here she...


Fluffy and Poco (Cat and Cockatoo)
Adorable! Cats are the best and what a friend. How cute to see a cat &birdie combo of friends, and for them to sit for a photo. Thank You for sending and sharing.


Items made from Bedskirt

Uses for an Unneeded Bed Skirt
Cool what a great idea and thank you for sharing your tips. I have a white ruffle that I nearly threw away and now I will dig it out and use it.!


Cats spooning

Peanut and Star
Adorable kitties! =^..^= Peanut is so silky and Star is gorgeous with those colors. They look so snuggly and cuddley....that is so cute the way they sit at his feet. They prob feel very safe in his chair....awwww!


Boo (Beagle Mix)

Boo (Beagle Mix)
he is cute and looks like he is ready to go! what a pose by Boo !


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Costume Ideas for Someone Who Loves Fantasy and Computer Games?
ok these ideas come from martha stewart ... a jellyfish;whiteshirt, white pants;clear umbrella with clear bubblewrap cut in long strips hanging from clear umbrella and have bodywrapped in clear bubble wrap ....or easy stuff is mix elmersglue and water and then...


Boy in deviled egg costume.

Homemade "Deviled Egg" Costume
Cute and cute model!!!


Shadow Taking Her Cat Nap

Shadow Taking Her Cat Nap
Ahh the life of a cat! Shadow looks so content and peaceful. the picture is so graceful, very nice. =^,,^= zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Black Pomeranian looking at man's food while licking her lips.

Nellie (Pomeranian)
Looks like Nellie had one lucky day when you got her!! She is pretty. She looks like she is ready to share some peanut butter with your hubby.


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Free Meals for Children at Restaurants?
Get out your local phone book and call places you like or think you want to try and ASK!!! I see signs outside announcing certain nights KIDS EAT FREE.. and even McDonalds has cheap Happy Meals on certain days the discount it. Good Luck...


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Painting a Room Quickly?
Why dont you just paint one wall in a color your child will like....for an accent...good luck


Peppy the Parrot
Cute...Pretty Peppy such nice colors. Glad to hear he found a buddy in your husband. So happy that Peppy is happy once again.


Gracie (Collie/Shepherd) Tigtig (cat)
Cute picture, isnt it odd how they can take to each other? I think its cute that they are buddies..


Sable in her Costume
Ahh what a sweetie!!! Happy Halloween..


Tiger Helping with the Halloween Decorating
He is gorgeous. I am glad he adopted you, it seems he has landed in a great home.


Krystal (Siamese) Just Hangin Around
How cute smart kitty landing in your yard! She is pretty. I like the she picked a spot to hang out.


A child in a lion costume

Kylie as a Lion
What a sweet face! cutest lion I have ever seen...


toddler poodle costume

Abby as a Poodle
cute cutie!


Woman in yellow towels.

Bath Lady Costume
woo hoo! that is one neat costume looks good.


Molly and Doodad (Long Haired Dachsunds)
Well, well a matched set. They are pretty.


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