
Jennifer Nelson

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1 Post | 313 Comments | Active Since 2004
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A pack of huskies next to a mother and child on a couch.

The Pack Order in Your House
My male (neutered) and female (spayed) act as equals? No dominance at all. Perhaps because they are rescued? Thanks! Jennifer


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Using Cooking Bags In Your Crockpot
I use them all of the time in my Crockpot, Ive never added water though. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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How to Pick the Right Veterinarian
I have always looked for American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) certified Hospitals. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Neapolitan Mastiff

Why Spay or Neuter Your Pets?
Thank you Catherine. For the life of me, I dont know why people REFUSE to neuter and spay. For one, the pets are not happy going through life unaltered. Forcing a pet to live like this is cruelty in my opinion. Keep spreading the word! If it makes one person...


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Getting Pets to Swallow Pills
My dogs are not the problem but the cats can be! lol Butter is a good idea for them, Ive been doing this for years :-) Thank you for the suggestions! Regards, Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Dawn for Soap Scum Removal
Wow, thanks for the tip! I have always used Dawn, but did not realize it could remove soap scum, the price is right also! Jennifer Northrn Virginia


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Got a Large Dog That Hates Water and Baths?
In the chilly weather I take my pups to Petsmart for their baths and let them deal with it. lol During the hot summer months, I do the same, put the leashes on, take them outside, tether them like a horse and wash. Mine dont try to sit down even though they...


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Dawn for Soap Scum Removal
I never would use Dawn on my car! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Sam (Raccoon)

Sam (Raccoon) and Chick
Thank you Penny, what a sweet story! Jennifer


Movado the Cat
Leah! Movado is so pretty! I love his story! Arent rescue kitties the best? They so appreciate a loving, safe home. Bless you heart for adopting! Jennifer Northern Virginia


My Frugal Life: Dealing With Big Bills
I have also been hit with huge bills, but I dont feed cheap food to my dogs or cats either. I will do without before I compromise their nutrition. Good for you, Sandy! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Loans and Credit Cards for People With Bad Credit?
Go with a reputable lending organization, call various banks. Loans for people with bad credit usually means loan-shark interest rates. Good luck! Jennifer



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Finding a Home For a Stray Cat?
Please phone the Vet Hospitals and tell them your problem, they may be able to help. Also, phone Petsmart as they are in contact with all of the kitty rescue groups. There is a Petsmart in Columbia (MD) where I have boarded my dogs at their Petshotel. By the...


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Finding a Home For a Stray Cat?
(b)Please do not to go freecycle.(/b) You never know the intentions of people out there. It is not safe for the pets. Many people take free dogs and cats and sell them to labs. Dont take the chance with this precious kitty. Vets or Petsmart are the safe way...


Lonley Dog

Leaving Your Pet When You Go Away
I take my dogs to PetsMart PetsHotel, and I get them the private suite. They are signed up for doggie day care, please check these people out, they are the best. Otherwise, I would hire a pet sitter to live in my home to walk them three times a day and spend...


Boris- Russian Blue

Boris (Russian Blue)
He is so pretty! What a wonderful life Boris has now. I love rescue kitties! Thank you for sharing his picture, he looks so comfy! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Patches Lee Williams
Wow, he is beautiful! He loves to play tag??? What a cute kitty! Thank you for sharing! Jennifer Northern Virginia


T.J. (Bread Basket Kitty)
Oh my gosh, T.J. is precious! I love the picture in the bread basket! Its amazing he likes baths! Thank you so much for sharing, and by the way, my father was from Elkhart! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Suma - Grey Cat
He is precious! You have given Suma a wonderful home with all of the love you have for him. All of my kitties have been from rescue and I know how they can capture our hearts. Thank you so much for sharing his picture and story. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Putting Butter on Your Cats Paws When You Move?
Oh, I would never do that to my kitties, but mine dont go outdoors. When I moved I immediately had the bed set up, put the linens on it, put the kitties in the room and closed the door. They felt at home with the scents and familiar bed. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Flea and Tick Season
Thank you Robin, I back you 100% on this. My two indoor dogs are on Frontline all year and I purchase it at Since they are on preventative all year, there is no chance fleas can get into my house and onto my indoor kitties. Jennifer Northern...


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Leaving Fat in Chicken Broth?
I always leave a little bit on like Annie does :-) Jennifer Northern Virginia


Bernese Mountain Dog

Riley (Bernese Mountain Dog)
Berners are wonderful pets. I see them in all of the restaurants, bars and stores in Switzerland - from where they come. If you go to Switzerland and apply for one with a breeder, it can take up to two years to get your pup. What a lucky find for the both of...


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Keeping Savings Safe From Creditors?
This sounds like something highly illegal and not too wise. Records are there and the money can be traced.



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Older Dog With Bad Teeth?
She needs to go to the Vet ASAP. Healthy teeth is a must.


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Pickle Juice for Dogs? Why on would you give the puppy pickle juice? If you are cooking for him, check out the link above from the ASPCA, it is a list of foods which should never be given to a dog. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Little Man Tuxedo Cat

Little Man (Tuxedo Cat)
Oh my gosh, he is absolutely precious. Lucky both of you! Thank you so much for sharing his story and the picture. Rescue pets RULE! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Sunless Tanning Lotion Reviews?
Jergens. It is hard to find in the DC area as one of the local magazines gave it the highest rating for a natual look. I was able to find Jergens when I was in Atlanta so I loaded up! Friends think Ive been in the sun the look is so natural. Jennifer Northern...


black and tan Doberman in profile

Breed Information: Doberman Pinscher
They are also very amusing, clown like and play like kittens! My Dobies have all come from rescue and I could not ask for better companions. They are my babies and respond to love and praise. Dobies are excellent indoor dogs. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Princess the Cat
Laura, what a wonderful life she will have with you after that horrific beginning to her innocent little life. Believe me, you will be blessed many times over for taking her into your heart and home. Thank you so much for sharing her story and, by the way she...


Toot the Cat
Oh June, he must be so much fun! What a handsome boy. I know he loves having you home! You are both lucky he found you :-) Thank you! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Sparkles the Cat
Oh my gosh, what a horrific situation for that poor baby. Thank you for rescuing her from that nightmare. She adores you and knows you saved her life. Jennifer Northern Virginia PS, I pray that person does not ever get another cat, he should have been prosecuted...


Molly the Cat
Molly loves you for saving her life. What a wonderful bond you have, Bless your heart. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Sparky and Pepper
How precious, they do belong together. You have two beautiful, sweet babies. Thank you for sharing. Hugs to them! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Heartworm Shots?
Self treatment for heartworm is (b)not(/b) an option and it is fatal unless treated ASAP. I agree with Sandy 63, if cost is a concern, perhaps this is not the dog for you. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Cutting Patterns with Ginger (Cat)
How funny! Ill bet shes all over your newspaper also! Thank you for the picture and story, she is beautiful. Jennifer Northern Virginia



Mouse the Cat
Margarita, it sounds like the two of you are great buddies, and truly enjoy each others company. He is absolutely adorable! Taking him on walks is perfect, as I dont think kitties should be forced to live outside. Thank you so much for sharing his story! Jennifer...


Lucas (Lost During Hurricane Rita)
Lisa, I am so sorry, words are of no real comfort but I can feel the pain in your loss. Bless you for taking him with you, as he never felt the sorrow or horror of being abandoned. Oftentimes, it helps to go to a shelter and adopt a kitty who needs a good home...


Cat tree with chair seats attached to wall.

Is Your Cat Tree Too Small?
How much fun! My kitties would love something like that! Thank you Kerri, for the idea and the picture! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Lucas (Lost During Hurricane Rita)
Lisa, I am so happy that you have taken another baby into your arms to love and spoil. Ryan must make your heart sing, and I knows how much he loves you. You and Lucas will indeed be joined again, I feel it in my heart for all of the little ones who must at...


Aisha (European Shorthair)

Aisha (European Shorthair - Moggie)
Vickie, Aisha is beautiful, wow! I love the picture with the flowers, and I know how much the two of you look forward to your walks. What a fascinating story of your trip to Greece and extending your stay to bring her home into your loving family. You will...


Mitchell the Cat
Mitchell looks like a sweet baby, big baby! TV time with you must be very special to him. It sure looks like he knows how to relax! Thank you Janice for sharing him with us. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Black, gray, and white tabby.

Leo (Tabby Cat)
Lorraine, he is BEAUTIFUL! I see a happy kitty face! You both are so lucky to have each other :-) Jennifer Northern Virginia


Bonnie, Spurt and Maggie

Bonnie, Spurt and Maggie (European Shorthair -...
The gang! How lucky these babies are to have you in their lives. I only adopt rescue kitties and they delight my heart. I know they love you as much as you love them. Thank you so much for sharing your heartwarming story. Many Blessings to you, Jennifer Northern...


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Dog Pees in the House When I'm at Work?
Will baby gates work for the kitchen? I hire a mid-day walker for my dogs which works well because they will also do a 5:00 walk if Im going to be a little late. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Dog Pees in the House When I'm at Work?
I agree with fauxpaslover and Maya. If I could not have afforded a dog walking service, I never would have rescued these two. They depend 100% on us and it is unreasonable to think they can hold it for 9 hours. Having a dog is a huge responsibilty and we need...


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Encouraging Children to Not Wear Shoes?
No way would I let a child walk barefooted on anything but a clean floor at home or lush grass in my backyard. Okay and around the pool. Ill bet a doctor would have serious concerns about going barefoot in public, plus I think it is disgusting. Jennifer Northern...


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Helping a Rescued Dog?
I dont like shouting, but GET HIM TO THE VET ASAP, he is dying. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Helping a Rescued Dog?
Regarding tea tree oil, please read this from the ASPCA Poison Control Website: I work in a pet store, and a customer told me that tea tree oil, often used for flea control, can be toxic...


W.h.i.s.p.e.r. (Persian Cat)

W.h.i.s.p.e.r. (Persian Cat)
Isnt it funny when she talks? I had one who did the same thing. Whisper is so cute! Oh, and very beautiful. She did know she wanted to adopt you. Congratulations to the both of you! Thank you so much for sharing her story and adorable photo. Jennifer Northren...


BB (Parakeet)
BB is such a cutie, and isnt he a lot of company? Parakeets are wonderful pets and it sounds like he is full of personality! Thank you for sharing! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Storing Celery
I agree, it does work! The foil is the answer :-) Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Poll: Have you driven the same car for 10 years or more?
I maintain a 1988 Crown Vic Wagon for my pups! We drive it twice a year from DC to Atlanta and they love the room! It is an excellent car, drives better than my Mercedes (the pups think - they hate leather seats) and I keep it going for them! I will never part...


Shadow the Cat
She is beautiful! You got her when she was two weeks old? Jennifer Northern Virginia


Honey (Labrador Retriever/Border Collie)
KJP, she is one lucky baby. Bless your heart for all you went through for her. Vic is right, be very careful if you let her put her head out the window! Cheers! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Wildlife in the Backyard
Harlean, how lucky you are to have the wildlife in your yard. City living does not afford me that pleasure, I am so envious! Bless your heart for feeding all of Gods Gems ... and thank you for sharing the pictures and story. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Kitty Girl
She is a beauty and you have not only saved her life, but given her the most wonderful, loving home she could ever dream of, and she sure looks happy! What a precious baby, thank you! It is heartwarming to know people like you and your husband are out there...


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Getting Rid of Mosquitoes
This is an old Internet hoax :-( Jennifer Northern Virginia


Shelby (Calico Cat)
Oooo, she is gorgeous, and looks quite content reading her book. Isnt it funny when they chase their tails? ROFL. I am so happy you have given her a loving home, she is a very lucky kitty. Thank you so much for sharing her story. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Mystery Shopping Advice?
I was a mystery shopper at local coffee places. By the time I filled out the paperwork, it was not worth the ten dollars I received. Twice they didnt pay me because they said I didnt answer one of their zillion questions with enough details. Aggh. No more. Jennifer...


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Walking Dogs and Cats on Hot Pavement
Excellent advice Linda. My dogs are only walked in the early morning and around 6 pm, and I am fortunate to have shade at those times. During the day, the dog walker takes them out just for a few minutes and its back in the house. Not only do their little paws...


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Crockpot Reviews?
I refuse to buy one of the new crockpots. My old one (from the 70s cooks to perfection). My advice is to look for an old Rival at a yard sale. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Natural Recipes for Worming Cats?
I would not advise doing anything like this on your own. A Vet will know what type of worms they have and will give you the proper medicine and dose. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Beetles Eating My Crepe Myrtle Tree?
Maggie, if you are in Northern Virginia, phone Merrifield or Campbell and Ferrera. They do all of my gardening and will rid you of these. Jennifer Alexandria


Rufus - Ruby-throated  Hummingbird

Rufus (Ruby-throated Hummingbird)
WOW!!!!!!! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Rosie (Great Pyrenees)

Rosie (Great Pyrenees)
Rosie is a sweetheart! Look how comfortable she is in the picture, spoiled I presume? :-) Thank you so much for sharing her story and picture with us. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Liquid Smoke Reviews?
Hi Joesgirl! Do you have studies to back this up? I did a search and could not find anything. I love a couple of drops of this .... but now I am worried? Thank you sincerely, Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Liquid Smoke Reviews?
Nope, I still cannot find anything about Liquid Smoke being carcinogenic so Ill happily splash it in my BBQ sauces, etc., as I have always done. I also add a tiny 1/2 drop to melted butter and brush the steaks as they are grilling. Very good. Jennifer Northern...


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Small Fans To Keep My House Cooler
I have a three story home with central air which I set at 77. On each floor there are fans to move the air which makes the air feel more comfortable. The heat index right now is 107 degrees, and inside its breezy and cool! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Can I use Advantage and a flea collar on a 7 week old kitten?
Please do not self treat a 7 week old kitten. Its my gut feeling that combination might be lethal on such a young baby. Take this kitten to the Vet as he/she will need a round of shots also, and they can check for worms. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Can I use Advantage and a flea collar on a 7 week old kitten?
teds mom, I completely missed posting of the collar horrors. Thank you for the reminder. Desiree, please keep us posted. By the way, 7 weeks is one week shy of the acceptable time to remove this baby from its Mom. This is another reason to take him/her to your...


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Tips for Restless Pets
Oh, I agree. When I leave for work I turn on the classical music station for my pets. It also works on a 12 hour car trip to Atlanta which we make twice a year. They will settle down and sleep most of the way ... soft music playing :-) Jennifer Northern Virginia



Samson (Siamese Cat)
Awwww! Sam is precious. What a sweet baby, I love his face! Bless you for taking this poor kitty into your home, he is rewarding you with his love. Thank you so much for sharing his store and picture!! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Squeek the Cat
Oh, he is a beauty ... and what a character!!! LOL I love the reaction he has with the watermelon! Thank you so much for sharing the story and picture of your precious little buddy. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Nando the Kitten
He is precious! I would have kept him also, it is so cute how he mothers the new kitties! Thank you so much for sharing Nando with us! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Mini Dachshunds

Sherlock and Watson (Mini Dachshunds)
Cute and happy puppies! Thank you for sharing!! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Princess Xena the Cat
She is precious, what a lucky kitty to have even survived the horrific beginning, and to end up with such a loving home. Congratulations to the both of you. I love happy endings!! Oh, she is a beauty, her coat is so lush! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Dog With Blood In Its Urine?
The the Mod and Alan are absolutely correct, do not wait, or look for a natural cure, this must be treated immediately by a Vet. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Why do dogs like to roll in dung and dead animals?
I think it depends on the breed. I have working dogs who never have done this, but my friends who have sporting dogs face this problem. I cant explain why, but when we take them to the dog park, some will roll, but mine have never done so. Maybe a Vet could...


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Sudsy Ammonia For Pet Odors
Would this take the color out? Thanks! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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The Best Advice Is From Health Professionals
Hi Robin, Good post! I am amazed at the risk people will take when it comes to the health of their pets. Mine dogs and cats are too precious to me to try any home remedies. Diagnosis and treatment must come from a Veterinarian. People adopt pets without realizing...


Nala (Abyssinian Tabby mix)

Nala (Abyssinian/Tabby mix)
She is precious! How lucky you both are to have found each other. Love the story and thank you for posting. Jennifer Northern Va.


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Plastic Cutting Boards for Meat
I use a glass cutting board. Very easy to clean! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Keeping My Dog Warm at Night?
My female Dobies have always required being covered, especially at night. In the summer they were uncomfortable from the A/C and in the winter the house was never warm enough for them. I have a wicker sofa at the foot of my bed and during the night the girls...


B.C. (Baby Cat) ThriftyFun's Office Cat
Susan, she is precious!!! Thank you for sharing her picture and story! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Making Tastier Bologna Sandwiches
My favorite way (so plain!) is bologna, yellow mustard on white Wonder Bread. Talk about comfort food! Of course I have potato chips on the plate with a huge glass of Vitamin D milk. YUM! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Scruffy the Cat
She is a character, you can see her wonderful personality in the photo! Thank you for sharing!! Scruffy is precious. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Sweeper Reviews?
Oreck is expensive and it is worthless. Okay, it will pick up little dust bunnies on a hardwood foor. I have to vacuum carpets with my old Hoover before I run the Oreck. I purchased this because of the weight, but save your money. I will go with the Dyson as...


calico cat

Maggie the Cat (Calico)
Maggie is so pretty! I love lap cats also, does she snuggle with you at night? Thank you for sharing with us. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Foster the Cat

Foster the Cat
Mic, Foster is beautiful! He sure looks at home in the picture :-) What a lucky guy to have found you for a parent. Thank you so much for sharing his story and picture. Keep up the good work! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Tuscon (Labrador Retriever)
Tuscon is indeed a godsend to your friends, and can you imagine how happy she is being in their home? Rescue babies are the best. Thank you so much for posting her picture, and sharing her story. Kisses for that sweet girl! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Laid out white cat

Josie the Cat
Josie is such a happy and content kitty and he is beautiful. Arent they fun to spoil! Thank you so much for sharing his story and picture. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Rats In My Backyard?
(b)Do not ever think a cat is a match for a rat.(/b) Maybe a tiny field mouse but check with your Humane Society to see the damage a rat can do to a cat. Call the exterminator, they will rid your yard of those pests, they did mine and I live near the river...


Nala (German Shepard)
Thank you for the pictures, Nala is beautiful! She has the sweetest face, I know how much you love her! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Ant Repellents?
Hi Robin! This worked for me. My cats get canned food twice a day and the ants could get to the food in a matter of minutes. I sprinkled baby power on the carpet, the diameter of the plate and it got rid of them immediately. Jennifer Alexandria, VA


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Keeping An Outdoor Dog Warm In Winter?
Do not subject a poor dog to isolation, freezing and hot temperatures. It is not fair. Its obvious your Mom does not want a dog, so wait until you have your own place and then you will be able to properly care for an innocent pet. The joy of having dogs is...


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Keeping An Outdoor Dog Warm In Winter?
BRAVO, mncl. Her mother does not have a CLUE. Please do not put a poor dog in that environment. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Keeping An Outdoor Dog Warm In Winter?
Kimberly, please contact your local humane society. How unfair to the poor dog to be forced to live in those conditions. Animal enforcement officers will take care of this. Please let us know. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Cleaning A Dried Pet Stain?
My dog left two dark spots on a pink oriental rug and nothing worked at removing them. I bought a Bissell SpotBot and it took every bit of it out. Everyone with a pet should take a serious look at this.


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How To Use A Featherbed?
I use my feather bed on top of the mattress and put the bottom sheet on top. It is wonderful! So comfy in the winter :-) Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Roundworms in Dogs?
I would NEVER do a home treatment. Please take this precious pup to a vet. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Removing Dog Smell?
Even though Dobies do not have an odor, I take them to a groomer for regular baths, plus I wash their beds and quilts every week in Lavender Tide. I also sprinkle baking soda on my rugs before I vacuum. No problem here! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Recipes For Canned Chicken/Pork?
Hi Kenna, Why do you use lowfat? Could you use the regular? What is 1 &frac; cups low fat or fat free cottage cheese ? Thanks! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Pasta Pro For Cooking Veggies
Mine works witn Angel Hair pasta but I also use it for veggies! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Scared Chihuahua

Advice For Dealing With Chihuahua That Won't...
Hi Gillian, The little guy is precious and you are an angel for giving him a loving home. Does he like to go for walks? My two rescue Doberkids (who are indoor dogs) are afraid of rain, so merely letting them out back for potty breaks wont always work. If I...


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Getting Rid of Fleas In Neighbors Yard?
Hi Kathryn! My indoor dogs are on Advantage all year and I've never seen a flea nor have I ever had to treat my yard. I would be curious to know if that is a form of animal cruelty as fleas suck the blood, then the pets come anemic and can die. You might want...


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Egg Breakfast Sandwich
I cant find those cans anymore either. Jennifer Northern Virginia


gray kitten

Lacoste The Kitten
She is absolutely beautiful. Your friend is so lucky to have her! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Dealing with Disgusting Emails?
With AOL I get very little spam, maybe a couple a week. I report them by forwarding to: and to SpamCop. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Tabby cat reaching out with paw towards child.

Yoda (Orange Tabby)
Igmommy, Bless your heart for taking Yoda into your loving family, he is beautiful and sounds like quite the character! Thank you so much for sharing his story and picture! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Baxter The Cat
Denise, Baxter is beautiful! He sounds like a little character too :-) Awww, he was sitting there away from the crowd so you would notice him, it sounds like the perfect match was made. Valentines Day will always be special for you. I love how he likes to watch...


Deer Near My House
How lucky you are to have the deer near you, thank you for sharing the pictures! Jennifer Northrn Virginia


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Neutering a Pit Bull?
I would never, never force a pet to go through life unaltered unless I was a top breeder, it is not fair to them. You will have a much happier companion pet with neutering and spaying. Aggression is one of the dangers of some un-neutered breeds, but I would...


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Can You Wear a Wig for License Renewal in Virginia?
I dont know why not. As long as she doesnt cover her face I dont know what difference it would make. People are alwas changing the color of their hair :-) I did and had no problem. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Can You Wear a Wig for License Renewal in Virginia?
Another thought. I can renew my license over the internet and dont have to go to the DMV. They simply send my license with the same picture and a new expiration date. Bless your friends heart, I know these are confusing times for her. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Can Neosporin be Used On a Dogs Eye Injury?
Do not home treat. Go to your Vet. You could be doing danger to your dog. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Looking for Someone?
What? Can you be a little more specific? Are you looking for a long lost friend? Jennifer Northern Virginia


Italian Greyhound/Beagle

Tobias (Italian Greyhound/Beagle)
Oh my gosh, he is precious! I love the picture, thank you for sharing! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Looking for Birman Kitten?
All of my beloved kitties have come from rescue, common Alley Kitties, they are the best :-) Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Warning About Flea Medicine from the Dollar Store
I would never trust anything from the Dollar Store for my kitties and dogs. I only buy from my Vet. China? Betcha it is from there, it seems to me that they are trying to kill our pets. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Preventing Pasta from Sticking to Colander
I never thought about that either. Thank you! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Getting Pet Meds at a Regular Pharmacy
Vets are allowed to write Meds for pets, some of which can be filled at drugstores. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Zoe the Cat
Amy, she is beautiful and I know she is a joy to you! Thank you for sharing, Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Kitten is Constantly Meowing?
Please take this baby to your Vet. There might be a medical condition which could be easily fixed. Please do not let him suffer if this is the case. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Getting a Dog to Use Dog House?
Forcing a dog to be uncomfortable makes no sense to me. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Getting a Dog to Use Dog House?
I will never understand why people will adopt pets and force them to live apart from the family. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Breast Lumps in Female Dog?
Call your local ASPCA or humane society. Do NOT wait to get her to the Vet. God Bless, please keep us posted. You both are in my prayers. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Price List for Meals Made for a Bachelor Friend?
Hi Mary Lou, The suggestions from Cyinda, moja and the seamstress are excellent :-) My friend owns a catering company, and she takes the price of the ingredients and marks them up, $30.00 food cost, she charges $90.00, etc..... This is one option. Jennifer...


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Keeping a Puppy Calm While Recovering from Heart Worms?
Hi Holly, From what I understand, because of the severity of the treatment, they are supposed to be quiet. Have you checked with your Vet? Normally they are hospitalized for the duration of the treatment. Ive never heard of a one year old with heartworm either...


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Why Is Ammonia Too Strong in a Shih Tzu Puppy?
IN the puppy??? Huh? Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Why Do Shih Tzu Dogs Have Seizures?
Why have you not taken this dog to a Vet for a proper diagnosis? Is the same one with ammonia IN him/her? As Glenn's Mom said, nobody in this forum can tell you why, but the dog is suffering. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Photo of an oil lamp

Preparing For A Winter Power Outage
Wow April, you certainly were prepared. I enjoyed reading your post, as I would have been the one to head to the closest hotel with my dogs and kitty, but around here they are over $200 a night. Ugh. Thank you again for posting your story, I have printed it...


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Keeping Dogs from Peeing on the Floor?
Forcing an animal to live outside is not the answer. Please take this dog to the Vet, he or she can help you. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Smokey (Black Cat)

Smokey (Black Cat)
Smokey is so happy to have found you, he is already giving you the rewards of his love. Thank you for sharing his story. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Consumers Beware Of Quicken Loans
Bravo Victoria! I was warned about this company by two separate mortgage brokers, I am supprised Quicken Loans is still in business since the brokers told me this was fairly well known. They could have been talking about people in the business though. Hopefully...


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Cheaper Medicine for Dog With Seizures?
My beloved dog has been going through chemotherapy for over a year, not only is that expensive but so are her endless medicines. I found that and DrsFosterandSmith sell her prescriptions for a fraction of the cost. Her oncologist will phone in the...


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Recipes From North Carolina?
I recommend the Lee Brothers Cookbook. For N.C. BBQ, I cannot find the recipe recommended by the earlier poster. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Rulers Keep Mice and Roaches out of Cupboards
Bounce never worked for me but steel wool did, you can block where they enter the house (I found the area at the basement door frame). By the way, after paying a professional exterminator company hundreds of dollars over a few years, I did the steel wool on...


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Getting A Dog's Coat Shiny?
Worms is my best guess if the dog is on premium food. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Set Up A Pet Care Savings Account
I have done the same for my two dogs and kitty. There is a huge cushion waiting if they need it. I learned the hard way when my dog came down with Lymphoma and I went deep into debt for her chemo. Now, I dont have to worry about another illness striking as...


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Breakfast Casserole Using Ranch Dressing?
Debbie, this sounds delicious. Thank you! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Salsa Is Too Sweet?
I read that cider vinegar will work in things too sweet, I think I had that same salsa and I threw it out. I wish I had known putting the cider vinegar in :-) Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Maggots in the Garbage Can?
I keep my scraps in the freezer or refrig. and put that out with the trash the morning of pick up. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Blood In Dog's Urine After Having Puppies?
Get her to the Vet ASAP and get that poor girl spayed. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Doggie Treats Out Of Stale Bread
I would never give garlic or bread to my dogs.


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Doggie Treats Out Of Stale Bread
I feed Taste of the Wild dry and canned to my two large dogs which does not have corn and all the other stuff as was mentioned by someone. They do not eat anything with by-products either and that eliminates most of the well known, popular dog foods.


Dark colored tabby with white paws.

Max (Tabby)
Max is so pretty and at the same time he is Mr. Personality! Thank you for sharing. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Make Your Own Pasta Sauce
Raos sauce is delicious, I cannot duplicate it at home. But when I have the time I make my own and it is almost as good. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Scallop Potato-Tomato-Beef Pot (Crockpot)
This sounds so good, thank you! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Viva La Mexican Mac and Cheese
Thank you! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Southern Hot Cheesy Garlic Grits
Thanks Robin, this looks like someting I would love. I bet substituting shrimp for the black olives would be good also. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Adding Chicory to Ground Coffee?
I used to buy Coffee Partner ground chicory at my local Giant Grocery Stores, however, since Stop and Shop bought them they no longer carry it. Here is a source online which I order from now.


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Keeping an Inside Dog Occupied?
My Dobies like to watch TV so when I leave for work I pop in a childrens DVD. Oh, and they have plenty of toys, stuffed animals, and tennis balls around. Maybe a Kong filled with lots of goodies would keep him busy. I also agree that a second dog would help...


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Dog Has Bacterial Skin Infection?
My Dobergirl had a rash on her back, and there were small patches where she lost her hair. My Vet put her on Baytril for a month and the coat came back. Search the Internet for the best prices, I found 1-800-PetMeds sold it for half of what the Vet did, and...


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Using Garlic to Control Fleas on Cats?
No, never give garlic to a cat or dog. Please consult your Vet for a safe flea control. Read what the ASPCA Poison Control Center says about garlic: Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Keeping My Dog in the Yard?
I agree with fencing a portion of the yard for when your dog goes outside. Never use a chain. Take her for long walks or to a dog park if possible and she will get her exercise. I love dogs and have two, but I dont take them outside unless they are on a leash...


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Dogs Chasing Cats?
My Dobermans have never shown anything but love and respect for my kitties (they all live indoors) but if they did, Id stop them in their tracks. Maybe with a dog trainer, whatever would work. I would not tolerate that behavior for one minute. As one person...


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Dog Food Recipes for a Dog with Liver Problems?
Last year my 6 year old female Doberman was diagnosed with Chronic Hepatitis. Aside from the numerous medications she must take daily, she has also been put on Hills Prescription Diet L/D (liver diet), for the rest of her life. This comes in both cans and dry...


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Pet Potty Stains on Carpet?
Instead of worrying about how to clean up after the Yorkie, I would crate the dog during the day and take it out on for a walk until he did go potty. My dogs are afraid of rain, but will always do their business on a walk, just letting them outside does no...


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Make Meatballs From Leftover Meatloaf
You roll the cooked meatloaf into balls? How do you do this? I understand the small chunks but not the balls unless you do this before its cooked. Thanks! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Dog Won't Go Outside at Night?
Do you make your dog stay outside? If so, that is probably why. My two Dobes have no problem going outside for an evening walk because they know they will be right back in the house. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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