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7 Posts | 967 Comments | Active Since 2010
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How Long Will Homemade Potato Salad Keep in the Refrigerator?
I make a big batch (using 6-8 large potatoes) and keep it in the fridge in a large plastic container with a tight fitting lid. It keeps two weeks. I live alone and when I make potato salad, I usually have some every day, and have actually had it last two weeks...


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Is AARP Membership Worth the Investment?
Yikes! $16 a year? When I renewed my membership 2 years ago, I think I paid about $13 for THREE years! I have a year to go, and Im not sure about renewing again. Im on the fence about them. I enjoy the online Discussion groups and participate all the time, since...


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Repairing Christmas Tree Lights?
If you still have the box the lights came in, check to see the wattage of the bulbs it takes. Assuming you are talking about mini-lights, you cant mix wattages. Some take the 2.5 - 3.5 watt bulbs, and others take 6 watt bulbs. Also, some bulbs are super bright...


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Removing Butter Stain From Clothing?
I have had good luck with dish detergent, like Palmolive.


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Cooking Bacon
Where do the foil lined cookie sheets come in? Also, I cant see running the oven for 45 minutes to cook bacon, when it takes about 5 minutes in a skillet on the stovetop.


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White Artificial Flowers Turning Yellow?
You didnt say whether they are plastic or fabric. If plastic, they can be washed to clean dust off, but theyll never be white again unless you spray paint them white. If fabric, I heard shaking them in a closed bag with a little cornmeal will remove dirt. Try...


Think Before Throwing Out

Think Before Throwing Out
I love this idea, and your designs! I have a technical question; what kind of primer and what kind of paint works best on linoleum? Im sure the type of primer and paint is important to the projects success. Thanks for sharing!


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Keeping Track of Passwords?
I use two systems: the first, and handiest, is an address book with alpha tabs, like someone else suggested. I alphabetize by the name of the website (,, etc.) which goes on the top line, then put the username & password on the next...


"No" (Cat)
No is adorable! Im so glad he found a good home and you made him a member of your family. What a character he is!


Dry Dog's Belly with Sheet After Walk
Again, please do not use dryer sheets (fabric softener sheets) on your pets! The chemicals in them are very harmful if ingested. In November I posted a warning about this on this website, here is the link. Here is an excerpt: This is a very dangerous idea, because...


Dry Dog's Belly with Sheet After Walk
AGAIN - PLEASE DO NOT USE DRYER SHEETS (FABRIC SOFTENER SHEETS) ON YOUR PETS! The chemicals in them are very harmful if ingested. In November I posted a warning about this on this website - here is the link. Here is an excerpt: This is a very dangerous idea...


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Puppy Bites When Playing?
I have a cat who bites occasionally, and used to be much worse. She was a rescue, so I know she had a hard life and wanted not to reject her. The lady from the rescue group told me to blow in the cats face whenever she bites - and I think that really worked...



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Freezing Casseroles
I like this idea, except that I dont like to cook or even microwave with plastic wrap. I cant be sure about the chemicals in it. I plan to use parchment paper instead. I have never used the bags they sell to line a slow cooker, but if safe, they would be another...


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Warm "Lovie" for an Elderly Pet
Hi Slee15 from Alabama! Nice to see you on this website too! You know me from AARP Groups as Jinglebelle - here I am Pixiedust7. I guess we cant resist spreading the good ideas around! This is a really neat idea, that Ill keep in mind for the future. Right...


Scenery: The Potomac River in the Fall
What a beautiful scene! You have a good eye for a nice picture. I like this so much, Im going to save it on my computer (with credit to you, of course). Thanks for sharing this!


Recipes for a Dog With Allergies?
Have you tried tuna, quinoa, cabbage, lettuce, or goat cheese? I have no idea how the allergy scores work either, or what scores these foods have. These are foods that some of my dogs have liked, that were not on your list. Good luck! Please keep us posted...


Training a Dog That Was Abused?
Like others pointed out, she is afraid of men, and I suspect that she was abused by a man. Great patience, time, gentleness and having your father do positive things like feeding and petting her, will help her get over her fear. He should not walk straight...


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Removing Baked on Grease on Ceramic Bakeware?
I have heard that submerging the item in a sink full of hot water with water softener and detergent works. I dont remember how much water softener is needed, probably about 1 cup per sink full of water. The water softener counteracts the minerals in hard water...


Getting My House and Life in Order?
Hi Rebecca, I have the same clutter problem, only worse. My house DOES look like the hoarder shows (which I dont watch but have seen clips). It helps to just work on it for 15 minutes a day. If you feel like going on, you do so, but if you dont, at least you...


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Shopping for Ham Flavored Soup Base?
Penseys Spices carries Ham Soup Base and Seasoning. Its about $8 for an 8 ounce jar, but a little goes a long way. Their website is They sell by mail and also have stores, which you can locate on their website. If you get their mail order catalog...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Neutered Dogs Fighting With Each Other Around Females in Heat?
Aside from eliminating the problem with the males, spaying the females will spare them from possible, and all too common, female problems as they age. Unspayed females frequently develop uterine tumors and other problems, and being in heat twice a year is agitating...


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Keeping Blender Buttons Clean
This is a nifty idea! You could also used heavy duty plastic wrap, or cut a good piece from a freezer bag that is otherwise useless.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Advice for Paying Off a Payday Loan on a Tight Budget?
Open an account with a credit union. They are much friendlier and accomodating than commercial banks. Once you have an account with them, see if they can give you a small personal loan to pay off the payday loan, plus a little extra. Put the extra into savings...


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Paint Color Ideas for Kitchen with Hickory Cabinets and Blue Countertops?
I agree with Allison5, that red or yellow would be adding too many colors to the scheme on the walls. I was also going to suggest cream or a light shade of blue, a blue compatible with the blue in your countertops or floor. Red would be all right for accents...



Adult pads as puppy pads

Adult Pads as Alternative to "Puppy Pads"
This is a really nifty tip! I had some underpads left over when my mother passed on, and I used them several years later for bedding when my 18 year old cat was failing, and could no longer get up to use her pan. I never thought of looking for them in a dollar...


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Vitamin C To Keep Fruit Fresh
My friend and neighbor, Bill, told me the vitamin stores carry ascorbic acid powder. He sprinkles it into things for added vitamin C, and to keep apples from turning brown when making pies. (He bakes his own pies sometimes.) This would save the time and trouble...


Snow Storm (West Virginia)

Scenery: Snow Storm (West Virginia)
What beautiful scenes, especially the first one! I agree with Deeli - you should use it as a Christmas card or at least as a decoration. You must have a wonderful camera, and you know how to use it. I suggest you take a picture of the same scenery, from the...


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Where Can I Buy Inexpensive Work Jeans and Slacks?
Try the clearance racks at Kohls, if you have one nearby. They have amazing bargains in their clearance racks.


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Buying Essential Oils at a Good Price?
Hi Polly, I was interested in the answer to your question and Googled Camden-Frey, suggested by twinkies. As it turns out, they have a pretty bad reputation, which I discovered at the link below. After reading the comments there, I wouldnt get involved with...


What Breed is My Dog?
Your puppy is so adorable! I think it looks like part Border Collie. Cute & Precious certainly does apply. I hope youll post more pictures as he/she grows, and tell us the puppys name. Good luck with your pup!


Can I Refresh the Color on Faded Silk Plants?
There are fabric paint pens and textile markers available from the Herrschners and Mary Maxim catalogs and websites. It would be tedious coloring each leaf, and I dont know how soon the colors might fade, but it is another alternative if you cant find the spray...


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Lactose Free Milk Substitute That Tastes Like Milk?
My friend Bill is lactose intolerant and loves the Lactaid and Smart Balance Lactose-Free Fat-Free milks, and even store brands. He says it tastes just like regular milk. He also uses milk pills because he eats regular cheeses and must counteract them. Bill...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Painting a Bathroom With Off-White Tile With Gold Flecks?
A light to medium shade of aquamarine might be nice with your tiles. Its a cool, pleasant color, and a light color. A dark color might make the bathroom feel smaller and confining.


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Trouble Viewing Web Pages on a Notebook?
In Internet Explorer theres the word Page on the Command Bar above the window. You click on the arrow and a menu appears; in the bottom 1/3 you will see Zoom; put your cursor over the word Zoom and another menu opens to the right or left; it lists percentages...


Keeping Cats Off Counters

Keeping Cats Off Counter Tops?
My cousin suggested sprinkling cayenne pepper on an area when I was having trouble with one of my cats jumping on the tops of the refrigerator and a china cabinet nearby. It has a strong smell that cats dont like. She had used it with success to keep her cats...


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Uses for Leftover Bread?
Stale bread slices are always great for French Toast, as they are drier and soak up more of the egg mixture without falling apart.



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Computer Shortcuts Using the Control Key
Thanks so much for these tips Elaine! The left click-left click shift tip will save me so much time and frustration when copying recipes from certain websites, because I have to copy some of them section by section as they do not allow copying from the Print...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Can I Buy Dishwasher Detergent With Phosphates?
Please do not use detergents with phosphates, they have been banned for good reason. Any Google search will turn up 100s of articles about how they are harmful to the environment. The detergents themselves also contain harmful chemicals. There are plenty of...


Use Skirt Hanger for Storing Rugs

Use Skirt Hanger for Storing Rugs
Great minds think alike! Ive been doing this for years, as I have quite a few Christmas mats Ive collected over time. They all hang together at one end of a closet.


Use Skirt Hanger for Storing Rugs

Use Skirt Hanger for Storing Rugs
Lol! Ive been doing this with my holiday mats for about 30 years! Skirt hangers are also good for storing small quilts and afghans to avoid fold lines.


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Making Mitt Duster From Old Shirt
What a clever idea! Thanks! Ill try to remember this when my flannel tops wear out.


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Link: For A Live Operator
Thanks for posting this, ashleybunkin! I heard this once before and forgot to write it down, and so of course, I couldnt quite remember it. Thanks chevygirl1224 for your info, too. Im copying both these items and saving them right now!


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Dryer Sheets for Shoes
I keep giving feedback about the chemicals in dryer sheets, which can be very dangerous. I suggest that you at least do not put your bare feet into any footwear that has had dryer sheets stored in them - always wear socks. If your feet sweat, you shouldnt use...


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Use Parchment Paper Instead of Cooking Spray
Carlan, I so agree with you. Parchment paper is better than cooking spray! I bought some parchment paper at a great reduced price a while back and had never used it. Recently, I tried it for a cookie recipe that recommended it, and I was in love! I didnt really...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Making Small Wooden Ladders for Craft Projects?
Here are two more ideas for you: look for the accessories that are sold to go along with the ceramic villages (although you might not find them until Christmas time, unless you go to gift shops that carry Dept. 56, Lefton, etc. all year round); also, you might...


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Pear Salad
This sounds great, but I am uncertain about two things. By large can of pears does that mean the 15 to 16 oz size? And, is that 2 to 3 oz. of cream cheese, or 2 3-oz packages of cream cheese? The proportions in a recipe like this are kind of important, otherwise...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Recipes Using Ketchup?
Have you tried using catsup straight from the bottle as a dip for potato chips? Its super yummy!


Norman (Jersey Cow)
I think its wonderful that Norman is appreciated for his own uniqueness and has such a loving home! No matter what kind it is, just about every animal has its own personality, something that too many humans dont understand. Norman is very personable and cute...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Shopping for Cat Collars That Stay On?
Years ago I found Beastie Bands, and since then I use nothing else for my cats. I bought mine at the vets office. They are stretchy, rubbery bands with an outside fabric layer printed in many different designs and colors. Beastie Bands close with velcro, and...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

How Can I Get Into Quilting Inexpensively?
Anthony, you can find loads of fabrics and clothing to cut up at rummage sales, flea markets, and garage sales, as well as thrift stores and remnants at regular retailers. Look for fabric by the yard, sheets, curtains, tablecloths, upholstery fabrics, dresses...


Double Rainbow

Scenery: Double Rainbow
What a gorgeous photo! I love rainbows too, but dont see them too often. Thanks for sharing your experience; I am wondering how far apart are you and your sister? Thats amazing that it was visible in two different states!


kittens in a basket

Mario and Isabella (Kittens)
They are adorable! So precious! Im so glad you took both! Dont you wish they could stay this way? Years ago I took my kitten to the vet at 3 months old (for a vaccination) and said Cant you make him stay this way? Even though he grew up, he was always adorable...


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Spam Fried Rice
This sounds good, but the amount of rice wasnt given. Also, is the rice pre-cooked, or uncooked? Thanks. (b)Editors Note:(/b) The ingredients list states 4 cups of cooked rice.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Prevent Apples Slices from Turning Brown?
My friend Bill taught me that you can also sprinkle apple slices with ascorbic acid powder, which is available at vitamin stores. As a bonus, it contributes some Vitamin C.


Wildlife: Winter Visitors
Your photos are beautiful! You obviously have a good eye and a good camera. I love nature photos! Thanks for sharing these.


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Fabric Freshener for Room Deodorizer
You do NOT want to breathe this stuff! Fabric softeners, both liquid and sheets, contain toxic chemicals. So do commerical room fresheners and fabric fresheners. The chemicals in them, including the scents, can cause hormone disruption, respiratory problems...


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Testing Fabric for Colorfastness
Its hard to find anything that is colorfast today! What happened to colorfast fabrics? Nearly everything I buy from the plus size stores or mail order catalogs has colors running when I wash them, except for acrylic items. Poly-cottons run, cottons run, even...


shamrocks crocheted onto plastic bead necklace

Crocheted Shamrock Necklace
Thanks for sharing this idea! I saw it too late for this year, but I have bookmarked it for the future. This edging could be used on other things as well.


Nina Maria (Bunny)
Veronica, your bunny is adorable! She sounds like a real character, so much fun, and with a great personality! I love the pictures! Enjoy her!


closeup of pulling a sleigh

Phenix (Horse)
The first picture should be a Christmas Card! Hes a beautiful horse & your pictures are lovely. Thanks for sharing them!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

How Can I Reduce My Heating Costs?
Since youre a Long Islander, like me, go to the LIPA (the electric company here) website; they have a lot of tips, some of which you might not have thought of, and offer home energy audits. They also have links to programs that give grants for upgrading & replacing...


Keeping Bags from Falling into the Wastebasket

Keeping Bags from Falling into the...
I had some extra large rubber bands for a while, until they broke, and couldnt think of anything to replace them with. I tried tying a knot in a cut-off pantyhose leg and using that, but it was ugly & didnt work that great. I love this tip & have put these...


When Are You Being Too Frugal?

When Are You Being Too Frugal?
As Ive written before, one example of being too frugal is the re-use (or alternate uses) of dryer sheets, because of the myriad of toxic chemicals they contain. They are quite dangerous, as they contain neurotoxins, endocrine disruptors, and carcinogens, and...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Rabbit Recipes?
Why? Why would you eat those sweet little animals? To me, thats the same as eating my dog or cat.


Bamboo Skewer Knife Holder

Knife Holder Using Bamboo Skewers
Tomatohanger, you rock! What a great idea! I admired a knife block in a catalog (or maybe online) that was the same idea but used thin wires, I believe, where you used skewers; the thing was around $100 or more. I bought bamboo skewers recently for $2 per 100...


Scully (Tabby)
What a beautiful cat! I love the way he is lit from the side, & also love the pose with the garden gnome. It looks the gnome is looking up at Scully and stroking his whiskers! The details are so sharp. Its a really great photo! Enjoy Scully & his sister. Please...


My Frugal Life: Making It Through a Little Longer
My cousin lives in CO, in the Aurora area, & often tells me about several food banks that she receives food from. There must be a county agency you can contact to find these in your area. My cousin gets great food from them, including whole turkeys at holiday...


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Wire Hanger Cookbook Holder
Im having trouble visualizing this. Would it be possible to post a picture showing how the hanger is bent?


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Travel Carrier For Birds
Thats good thinking! Another possibility is finding a used cage in good condition at a thrift shop, garage sale or flea market.


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Is There an Herb That Will Repel Fleas on Dogs and Cats?
Years ago we fed our cats & dogs brewers yeast tablets to help combat fleas. After a a week or so on brewers yeast, the animals blood tastes terrible to the fleas & they look elsewhere. Not all the pets liked the tablets, so they had to be crushed into the...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

How Do I Train My Cat Not to Sleep on My Head?
Im guessing the offender is one of the obnoxious kittens? This is funny to me, because my cat Snickers comes up & lies across my neck at night, like a fat, furry neck wrap. He purrs & waves his paws in the air & is just so cute & cuddly. He doesnt stay too...


Close Up Photo of Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs

Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFL)...
In 2002, I replaced as many bulbs as I could with CFLs, and noticed an immediate drop in my electric bill of about $20-30 per month. I live on Long Island in NY, where electricity is very expensive, so that was an impressive saving. I have had good luck with...


My Frugal Life: Ways To Live On Less
Irene, it sounds to me like you might be eligible for food stamps, which would save you a great deal of money & allow you to eat properly. Go to the link below & see if you qualify in your state. I know this has helped me a great deal while I am unemployed...


Terrible Twosome

Mike & Meagan (American Long Hair Cats)
What beautiful, sweet faced kitties they are! Its wonderful that you are keeping them together, & Im sure your mother-in-law is smiling somewhere. Thanks for sharing your photos!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Treating Heel Spurs?
I went to a therapist recently for the same thing & the exercises he had me doing helped. First, rest the ball of your foot on the edge of a step & gently lean forward as if youre trying to walk uphill; this stretches the Achilles tendon; do this ten times...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Remedies for Dry Mouth?
My friend Bill can get dry mouth as a result of the CFIDS that he has had for many years. He swears by Vitamin C; he takes 3000 mg a day & says he rarely has a dry mouth when he remembers to take Vitamin C daily. If you try this, you should notice a difference...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Cleaning a Coin?
Even if you dont care that much about its value, toothpaste might be a little too abrasive & wear down the engraving. The best thing is Hagertys silver polish, a dab on a soft moist cloth, then rinse in plain water. If it is silver, it will tarnish again, unless...


Photo of Angel Miniature Poodle

Angel (Miniature Poodle)
I used to have poodles & love those dogs so much! Good luck with your little Angel. I also wanted to compliment you on the beautiful photo of her - you should use it as a Christmas card! Its one of the nicest pictures Ive ever seen of a pet by the fireplace...


Two horses in the snow.

Jazz and Patches (Horses)
Your horses are beautiful & what a beautiful photo you took of them! Thanks for sharing that with us. Best wishes - may you enjoy Jazz & Patches for many years to come!


Cute brown and grey dog outside.

Ellie Mae (Yorkshire Terrier-Toy Poodle)
She has one of the cutest doggie faces Ive ever seen! You can see shes so alert & intelligent. Enjoy your Ellie Mae & thanks for sharing her story & picture!


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Keeping Milk Fresh
What a simple thing to do to save so much money & milk from going to waste! I had heard that the light can destroy the vitamins in the milk, & since then I always try to buy milk in opaque containers. I never knew that light makes milk spoil faster too. I just...


Pinkie (Great Pyrenees)

Pinkie (Great Pyrenees)
Hes adorable! Thats a lovely picture of Pinkie, too! I hope you enjoy him for many, many years. Thanks for sharing this photo.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

100th Birthday Gift Ideas?
How about 100 old postage stamps, the commemorative kind which are issue each year to commemorate something, like the year a state entered the union, a person, an event, etc. You could get one for each year of her life since she was born. Old, canceled stamps...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Uses for Used Dryer Sheets?
You would be better off just to throw them away. Please, at least, do not use them around pets or children. I submitted a post on this subject last year. The gist of it is: Dryer sheets contain loads of toxic chemicals, such as benzyl acetate, benzyl alcohol...


A turkey in a yard.

Gobble (Turkey)
Wow! What a beautiful turkey! How nice that you can have him for a pet. Thanks for sharing him with us!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Fleas on Dog and Cats After Treating?
Kathy, please be careful not to use commercial flea products meant for dogs on your cats - they are too strong and will kill the cats. The salt, borax & diatomaceous earth should help with the fleas in the carpets, etc. I always swear by Brewers Yeast tablets...


A yellow dog in a blue wading pool.

Rosco (Dog)
Hes a cutie! He has my vote! From the wrinkles on his head, I wonder if he is part Shar-Pei?


Squirt the cat

Squirt (Gray Cat)
What a lovely photo! Squirt looks like a real sweetie, too. What a character he is! When I was a child, we had a cat who would follow us when my parents & I walked around the block after dinner in the summertime. Fittingly, his name was Shadow! Thanks for sharing...


A robin sitting on an outside plastic chair.

Beautiful Robin Outside My Window
Hi Robyn, Thanks for your feedback! My camera doesnt chime when I turn it on, so that must be something some manufacturers include and others dont. If you check out the features on your camera you may be able to turn it off, if it is bothering you. I wouldnt...


The finished decorative shelf over a frosted window.

Fixing up a Viewless Window
Hi Sandi, I think this looks wonderful! Your oops dont show in the photos & most folks wont notice. This is a very nice idea for a way to display knick-knacks, & I love the idea of a wallpaper border for a valance. Very nicely done! :-) Pixiedust7


My Frugal Life: Healing on the Oregon Coast
Dear Cindy, What a lovely story! Im so sorry for your injuries, but glad that you are mending well. Youre proof that keeping a positive attitude and enjoying whats good in the world is so much better than whining & despairing; it helps you to heal better. Ive...


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Buttermilk Pie
Where are the rest of the directions? You cant just start with bake - how do you mix it together? (b)Editors Note: (/b) The directions were accidentally left out when it was posted. It has been corrected now.


A path with birch trees on either side in Akron, OH.

Scenery: Birch Alley in May (Stan Hywet, Akron, OH)
I just saw this tonight, in catching up with old newsletters I never opened. This is beautiful! Thanks for sharing this with us. Your historical info is very interesting. I would love to see this myself someday.


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Request Take Out Drinks Without Ice
I have been doing this since I was a teenager. I figured out early on that adding ice was a sneaky way to make a lot of money on a tiny bit of soda, while the ice takes up most of the volume in the glass! I have always specified No Ice when ordering in a restaurant...


Ft. Vancouver

Fireworks at Fort Vancouver
I really enjoyed reading about this! Your photos are terrific, especially the ones of the fireworks. (I love fireworks!) If I am ever in that area, I would like to visit this historic fort. Thanks for writing this up & sharing it!


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Small Business Ideas That Save Money
Unless you need your return address labels to be plain, I wouldnt even bother printing those, because I receive so many free ones in the mail from organizations I have donated to in the past, & organizations looking for my help. Of course, I always discard...


Hanging shoe holder with yarn

Yarn Storage Tips
These are very clever and useful tips Sandi - thanks for sharing your ideas!


Recycle Cake Pan for Storage

Recycle Cake Pan For Storage
These would also be good for keeping cookie cutters together, cake decorating supplies together, birthday cake candles and cake toppers together, and chocolate or candy molds together. In the craft area, you could use them to keep supplies together for different...


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Fragrant Bed Pillows
Nicki, Sissy, and Everyone - Please do NOT do this! I am pasting a copy of a post I contributed that explains how harmful are the chemicals in fabric softeners - sheets and liquids. Please read this: Dryer Sheets Contain Toxic Chemicals While it is great to...


Brown and White guinea pig on the lawn

Marco Piggy Piggy (Guinea Pig)
When I was in 6th grade we had a class guinea pig named Irving, red & white like Marco. We kids took turns taking him home for the weekend to feed & care for him. I loved him so much that my parents surprised me with a guinea pig of my own one day. Mine was...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Meaning of a PRA Pet Test?
Hi Ian, PRA is Progressive Retinal Atrophy, a genetically transmitted disease that affects certain breeds, particularly dachshunds. Here is a link for more information, and you can find a lot by Googling PRA test. Good luck with your dog. I hope he doesnt have...


A white husky dog with blue eyes.

Hutch (Husky/Wolf Mix)
Carolee, you are an angel & an inspiration! I voted for you & bookmarked your story so I can find it again. What a beautiful dog he is & you are a wonderful person for caring & taking the time & trouble to let him blossom! Thanks for sharing Hutchs story! I...


Tuxedo Cat Front

Snickers (Tuxedo Cat)
Sorry, even though I proofread my story about Snickers, I didnt catch one mistake: Snickers was 3 months old when I adopted him, not 3 weeks. The shelter never would have let them be adopted that young.


Porque the Pig

Porque (Red Wattle Pig)
I love the clever spelling of Porque, and she really is a cutie! She looks very personable. I never heard a pig oink either, but I assume the word was just a way of approximating the sound of a grunt. You didnt say if you are raising the pigs as pets or for...


Baby Cat Russian Blue

Baby Cat (Russian Blue)
Funny, I thought my cat Snickers was the most curious cat in the world! He is always into everything, exploring with his nosey nose & little white mitts. :-) Baby Cat is adorable! Dont you wish they could stay kittens? I had a tabby & white cat named Pippi...


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Freshen Pet Bed Pillows In The Dryer
Please dont do this! You are harming your pets! I am posting (again) some information I have posted several times already. Warning About Dryer Sheets And Pets: There have been several posts lately involving the use of dryer sheets around pets - either wiping...


Tom the Cat Laying Down

Tom (American Shorthair)
Theyre too cute for words! I love to see them sleep on their backs! Dont you wish they could stay like they are right now? When I took my first tuxedo male, Skittles, to the vet for his shots, he was 3 months old & I said to the vet, Cant you give him something...


Black and White Cat Being Held by a Little Girl

Panther (Cat)
What a lovely picture! Their faces are precious! I agree, this photo deserves to be on display in your house. You cant get much better than a gorgeous little girl with a sweet-faced kitten! Enjoy them both & thanks for sharing them with us!


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Fresh Smelling Sheet Sets
Oh, no. Not again. Please read this item I posted recently on this website, regarding chemicals in fabric softener sheets. You DO NOT want to expose yourself, your family or your pets to these things! Dryer Sheets Contain Toxic Chemicals While it is great to...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

What are the Birthstones Most Commonly Used?
I just saw this today & am writing even though Im weeks late. The December birthstone is either Turquoise or Blue Zircon. Blue topaz is definitely not the correct birthstone for December. This is a cop-out that has been foisted on the public by the department...


Emma and Cat

Squirt (Cat) and Emma (Dog)
Im so sorry to hear that Squirt has passed on. My sympathy to you, as I know what this is like, having been through this many times. Squirt will always be alive in your memories & your heart. How nice that you got this unique picture of Squirt & Emma when you...


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Homemade Potato Chip Recipes?
Hi Debbie, I just saw this, as I am catching up with un-read email. I have a recipe that I copied recently from the website of All You magazine, which Im pasting below. I havent tried it yet, but it seems simple to do. Good Luck. Homemade Potato Chips Prep...


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Cleaning a Discolored Aluminum Pan?
Pour water into the pot & add about 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, then boil it for a few minutes. My mother used this trick to get any discoloration out of her aluminum pots.


Closeup of Salt and Pepper Cats Sleeping on Leopard Print Blanket

Salt and Pepper (Cats)
How adorable! I love to see cats (and cats & dogs) cuddling together! The photos from Carolee Rose & Robyn are wonderful too!


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Using Borax to Treat Mange?
Borax is poisonous and should not be used around pets. After all, its used to kill fleas and roaches. Please see a vet or go online to Drs Foster and Smith, Petco or Petsmart and get something that is safe to use on your pet.


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Attaching Wheels to a Dog Kennel?
See if you can obtain a used furniture dolley free or cheap through Freecycle or Craigs List. You can also order them from Harbor Freight. Then mount the crate to the dolley with clamps or nuts and bolts.


Closeup of Socks the Cat

Socks (Maine Coon)
Hes gorgeous! I love cats with tuxedo markings. The photo of Socks in the stroller is terrific. Thanks for sharing him with us!


Orange and White Pomeranian

My Little Bear Bear (Pomeranian)
How wonderful that he has reached 18 years old! Hes so cute, I love the expression on his face. Obviously, you have taken great care of him. Thanks for sharing him with the TF family!


Tucker the Dog Laying on a Couch

Tucker (Aussie)
Wow, Tucker really is a beautiful dog! I never saw an Aussie before. His markings are so pretty, I love the way his left eye stands out because of the colored fur around that eye. Good luck, I hope you have many happy years together with Tucker, and thanks...


Grey Feral Kittens Being Watched Over by Parker the Dog

Adopted Feral Kittens
What a lovely story! The kittens in the photo are so adorable & Parker looks so protective. When I was 4 years old, one of our cats had a litter of 4 kittens. Whenever she left them to go outside or to eat, our 6-toed male cat, Dittoe, used to babysit the kittens...


Black and white cat on cat tree.

Cat With High Liver Enzymes and...
Sorry I have no experience with this, but I wish you luck & hope this isnt too serious. Please let us know how she is doing. Good luck & best wishes!


Silhouetted Dragonfly on Flag Pole

Dragonfly on Flag Pole
Wow, Deeli! Excellent photos! (Im catching up with unread email & just saw this today.)


Emma the Lab and Her Favorite Toy

Darling Miss Emma (Great Dane/Lab)
I just saw this today, but had to vote & say what a lovely story this is! Im so happy to read about all the good people who rescue dogs & cats & give them a wonderful life. Miss Emma is a beautiful dog & your pictures of her are terrific, you have indeed captured...


Loki the German Shepherd Sitting in the Back of a Tractor

Loki (German Shepherd)
Loki is a handsome boy, indeed! How wonderful that he alerted you to the washing machine problem! He obviously has a great personality. Please be careful about his exposure to the fertilizers & pesticides used on the golf course, being low to the ground, he...


A black mix dog.

In Memory of Voldo (Mix Dog)
My deepest sympathy goes out to you. I remember when Voldos story was posted a while back, you got my vote then, as now. I understand what you are feeling as I have been through this many times, too. He will always be in your hearts. May you find comfort in...


Ellee the Sheltie Laying in Front of Wooden Background

Ellee (Sheltie)
What a beauty she is! Ive always loved collies and shelties & hope to have one of my own someday. Best wishes for many happy years together! Thanks for sharing this beauty with us!


Calf Feeding from It's Mother

Newborn Calf
I agree with all the sentiments expressed by previous post-ers; (except that I had no childhood experiences on farms - wish I did!). I would love to live that kind of life too. Thanks to your friend for sharing her story & photos, and thanks to you Pookarina...


A colorful sunrise over the Puget Sound, with a boat and dock.

Scenery: Sunrise (Manchester, WA)
Wow! These photos are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing them! I agree they would make lovely photos to frame & hang up.


A basket with TV remotes, pens, paper and other small useful tools.

Use Hair Clip to Secure Pen
All very good ideas, Sandi! Thanks!


Baby the Guinea Pig Sitting on a Lap

Baby (Guinea Pig)
I love guinea pigs! Baby is adorable! Enjoy them - and please send pictures of the rest, or the group playing together. Id love to see more. Thanks for sharing!


Bottle of Wal-Dryl and two hot dog pieces with pills inserted into holes made by mixer beater.

Make A Hot Dog Pill Pocket
Your idea is brilliant! I guess sometimes success is part inspiration & part exhaustion! ;-) Thanks for the tip!


Snoop the Basset Hound

Snoop (Basset Hound)
He sounds like a joy to have for a pet & companion! I hope youre together for many years to come. Thanks for sharing him with us! I love his name, too!


An orange cat sleeping in a crib.

Tigger (Domestic Cat)
What an adorable cat! He still looks like a kitten. Theres nothing like a frisky cat to liven things up! Thanks for sharing Tigger & his story with us.


Ocean Shores Sunset with Birds in Foreground

Scenery: Sunset (Ocean Shores, WA)
Wow, these are spectacular! I bookmarked this & copied the third one to my photo collection (credited to you of course). These could be posters or postcards that would sell. Thanks for sharing these & keep on taking photos!


Closeup of Dixie the Chihuahua

Dixie (Chihuahua)
What a cutie pie! I hope you have many wonderful, fun times with your little bundle of furry joy! Please keep us posted on her from time to time, & thanks for sharing her photos and story.


Bebe the Dog Laying on Bed

Bebe (Amstaff Mix)
What interesting coloring! It reminds me of tortois shell cats! Thank goodness the boy rescued her from that dumpster & brought her to the right person! Every precious life saved is a wonderful thing. Bebe sounds like a terrific dog. May you enjoy many more...


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Prepare a Disaster Bin For Emergencies
Excellent tips Cricket! I should follow a lot of this advice myself. Here on Long Island, weve never had to evacuate, but you never know. It would be better to be prepared than sorry. Thanks!


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Removing a Burned Smell in the Refrigerator?
I heard that wiping down the inside with pure vanilla extract kills odors. I assume you wipe it on, leave it awhile, then wash it off. Pure vanilla is expensive, but you could probably do the whole fridge with a 4 oz. bottle by moistening a cloth with the vanilla...


Sebastian on the Arm of a Couch

Sebastian (American Staffordshire Terrier)
It looks like you caught Sebastian in a serious mood! Hes a handsome boy. I hope you have many years of fun together with him!


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Add Vinegar To Pet's Water
I am also wondering how much vinegar to use in their bowls. I never heard of this idea before. I would think the dogs would turn up their noses if the vinegar solution is too strong. I had good luck with giving our dogs & cats brewers yeast tablets, or powdered...


Zoe Chihuahua Terrier Mix

Zoe (Chihuahua/Terrier Mix)
Zoe is a real cutie pie! The chihuahua-terrier mixes really are adorable! How nice that you adopted a rescue dog, too. Good luck with your little Miss Zoe; I hope you have many happy years together!


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Shake Bottle With Dish Soap Or Detergent
What is the purpose here?


Crock in the fridge after meal is cooked.

Pork Steak and Rice (Slow Cooker)
This sounds really scrumptious, and I voted for it, even though I havent tried it yet! I hope to try this very soon!


Crock in the fridge after meal is cooked.

Pork Steak and Rice (Slow Cooker)
Correction - I was going to go back and vote for it after I made my comment, but now I see its not a new posting. Oh well, Id vote for it if I could!


Tasha the Kitten on Top of Tissue Box

Tasha (Kitten)
Shes adorable! What a sweet face! Thanks for sharing her photo - please keep us posted as she grows up! Shell be a beauty when shes an adult. I hope you enjoy her for many, many years!


Jemma Bleue the Bulldog Sitting in Grass

Jemma Bleue (Pit Bull)
What a cute dog! I love her markings, so symmetrical. She has an alert and devoted expression on her face in the photo, so sweet! With proper training shell probably be a good therapy dog. Good luck with her & let us know how she does. Thanks for posting her...


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Pet Friendly Products?
Here is a recipe for dog biscuits that a member named Susan contributed a few weeks ago (I had copied & saved it, so I dont know the link.) Make Your Own Dog Biscuits Ingredients: 2 cups whole wheat flour 1/4 cup corn meal 1/2 cup soy flour 1/2 cup sunflower...


Baby the Yorkie by Pink Stuffed Animal

Baby Girl (Yorkie)
What a cute dog! She obviously has a lot of personality! Enjoy her & thanks for posting her story & pictures!


Shaggy the Dog Being Held Up by Owner

Shaggy (Dog)
He looks like a sweet boy & it was so nice of you to give him a home when his previous owners moved. The poor thing must have been bewildered at first. I wish you many happy days with him.


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Inexpensive Pre-drilled Glass Blocks?
Last year the A.C. Moore crafts store chain advertised glass blocks for about $5 each. I dont know if they were pre-drilled or not. If not, I would use battery powered LED lights inside, but not the Christmas light strings. Small LED flashlights and stick-up...


A cute dog sitting on a red couch.

Gucci (Dog)
Gucci looks like a spunky little dog! What a cute face! Thumbs up to you for adopting her & giving her the love & care she deserves. Thanks for sharing her story & picture.


Willie the Yorkie by a Teddy Bear

Willie (Yorkie)
Hes a real cutie-pie! Your patience & love will eventually help him get over his fears. Keep up the good work with him! Let us know how he progresses, & thanks for posting his story & picture.


Saint the Dog with His Squirrel

Saint (Akita Mix)
What a wonderful story! I love the pictures of Saint with his squirrel pal. Saint is beautiful & looks very intelligent. Thumbs up to you for adopting him from a shelter! May you have many long, happy years together! Thanks for sharing his story & photos with...


Bombay Amos in Planter Box

In Memory of Amos (Bombay)
Im so sorry for your loss. Ive been through that myself, many times. He will always be alive in your heart & memories. Bless you for rescuing him & giving him a loving home for the rest of his life.


Millie Standing up to Look at Flowers on Glass Table

Millie (Chihuahua/Rat Terrier Mix)
What a lovely story! Im glad that you & Millie found each other & hope everything has turned out better for you. Best wishes & thanks for sharing the cute photos along with your story!


Close up of Buddy the Minpin Chihuahua Mix

Buddy (Chihuhua/Minpin)
Buddy is as cute as a button! He appears to be very bright too. It looks like you two are perfect companions for each other. Enjoy your little pal & best wishes! Thanks for sharing his story & photo.


Hummingbird at Red Feeder

Wildlife: Last of the Hummingbirds
Well, I learned something about hummingbirds, too. I have never seen any here on Long Island, but friends say they have. I didnt know some dont fly south, I wonder how they survive the winter? Your photo is marvelous. Ive heard its hard to photograph them as...


Mother and Fawn Deer in the Woods

Wildlife: Mama And Baby Deer (Shenandoah...
What a lovely photo! The scenery along the Skyline Drive sounds beautiful! I hope to visit there myself someday. Thanks for sharing your photos & please dont stop!


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Running Older Software On Your Newer System
Thanks for this information, Suntydt! My friend has an older version of Doom that he wants to play on his new laptop (Windows 7) but hasnt been able to make it work. It has something to do with being a 32-bit program & a 64-bit OS. Your tutorial just might...


Man and Dog Singing Together

Ginger In Harmony (Boxer/Border Terrier)
This story reminds me of the scene in Moonstruck when the man walking his dogs howls at the moon along with them! How nice that your husband plays with Ginger that way, & how nice that you captured that on film. You ought to get a video of it with sound! I...


Millie Sitting on the Floor next to a Fan

Millie (Cocker Spaniel)
How cute! This reminds me of several photos I have seen of dogs, usually basset hounds, sitting in front of a fan with their long ears flying outward. If possible, you might want to see if Millie would enjoy cooling off in a small kiddie pool. Thanks for sharing...


Halloween Video

Homemade Halloween Costume Showcase...
I enjoyed this very much! There were so many clever costumes, and the music was perfect! I watched it once, then watched it again on YouTube & saved it to my Favorites list. Im looking forward to this years collection.


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