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27 Posts | 553 Comments | Active Since 2012
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Swiffer WetJet Multi-Purpose Cleaner Leaves Floor Sticky?
I would just eliminate the chemical they use and create my own mixture that I know worked with the floors, such as vinegar or ammonia or simply soapy water Swiffers are great design but not necesarily great product


Preschool Slogan Ideas - logo

Preschool Slogan Ideas?
begin brightly at Bright Beginnings! Brighter Kids at Brighter Beginnings Cast off the shadows of ignorance and despair at Brighter Beginnings!


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Re-dyeing Hair After Bleaching and Coloring?
I would use henna straightaway just to wait for the time where you hair is healthier and can redye it


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Making Your Own Lampe Berger Fragrances?
aura cacia is a great, strong, and not expensive brand of essential oils. Oils with strong scents are patchouli (not for everyone), frankincense, ylang ylang (very floral/cloying), orange, and of course lavender. Eucalyptus is also a nice and strong but very...


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Growing Avocado Trees from Cuttings?
A fun way to grow an avocado is from the stone You simply put it in water and watch it root. As soon as the root outgrows the water receptacle, you can transplant to soil. YOu can have a nice sapling in as soon as 6 months


Identifying a Bug Found in the Bathroom - two colored brown bug

Identifying a Bug Found in the Bathroom?
I had water beetles like that until I decided to steam clean all my drains and between my water fixtures and other areas.


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Best Glue for Attaching Seashells to Wood for Outdoor Decor?
I have pretty good luck using Matte Medium or Modge Podge glue.


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Using Expired Cake Mix?
Considering how dirt cheap cake mix is (you can even get it for free at food distros) I wouldnt bother using an expired one if its 6 months or less, no need to replace anything more than that, replace 50% of it per eveyr 6 months of expiry


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House Training a Yorkie Puppy?
The best way to train a puppy is crate training because then you have control over their movements and it is easy to train when you are absent or at night. Animals, even ones that are hard to train, are loath to go in their sleeping quarters, which is why this...


Identifying a Segmented Casing or Cocoon  - possibly a moth cocoon

Identifying a Segmented Casing or Cocoon?
A moth. And since its from central PA I would hazard it is one of the moths on this site here


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Making a Lettuce Salad for 400?
it depends on the lettuce and the type of salad but I hazard from 50 to 100 heads of lettuce would work


What Breed Is My Puppy?

What Breed Is My Puppy?
I have personally known a German Shepherd that had the exact same markings



What Breed Is My Dog? - tri-color dog

What Breed Is My Dog?
Definitely looks like part Boxer to me.


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Parakeet Behavior?
In many animals, sitting and staring at each other can be part of aggression play, or sizing each other up. It can be a prelude to a fight for dominance. Even amongst humans it is seen as vaguely hostile or unsettling behaviour. They either like each other...


Identifying Small Brown Bugs - perhaps an earwig

Identifying Small Brown Bugs?
it does look like a sawtoothed beetle. We had those ones. It was hard to get rid of.


Mail Wedged in the Letterbox - wads of mail

Mail Wedged in the Letterbox?
I kind of want to say, fire. Kill it with fire. You can torch through it with a blowtorch or light it on fire in some other way. If you have water or fire extinguisher nearby, it would work out well. I think something should be done about the persons who did...


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Dyeing Hair After Bleaching?
This sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen. You may want to visit a dermatologist to make sure your scalp is OK. Your hair and scalp may be so damaged you may have to shave it off and start over. Use wigs for a while. More dye seems like the last your scalp...


Cleaning and Deodorizing Vintage Baby Shoes

Cleaning and Deodorizing Vintage Baby Shoes?
Leaving them out in the sun, or inside the car on a hot day can take care of the shut-up smell. Of course you dont necesarily want to leave them in the light of the sun itself for many hours, less they get bleached out also never understimate the power of baking...


Value of Cabbage Patch Kid Doll - African American girl doll

Value of Cabbage Patch Kid Doll?
I dont think this doll is one of them, but there are a few OG CPK worth a lot of money and these are it:


Apple Butter in jar & on plate

Instant Pot Apple Butter
well I made a HUGE batch. I kept one in a 16 oz jar in the fridge for one or 2 weeks with no problems. I froze the rest.


Identifying Vintage Figurines - girl with basket figurine

Identifying Vintage Figurines?
If these were Hummel, theyd be worth a significant amount of money. They are made in the style and even colouring of Hummel, but the 2nd one maybe looks a bit sloppy and I cant make out the insignia on the bottom. Hummels tend to be more matte than glossy and...


Value of Collectible Thimbles - variety of thimbles, including two that are house shaped

Value of Collectible Thimbles?
If you wanted an alternative to dismal ebay, you could try to contact thimble collector associations. They might know who wants these, what they are valued, etc.


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Intact Male Cat Mounting Other Male Cat?
yes, he should be altered ASAP before the spraying starts. Once he starts spraying, even after hes altered, he will keep doing it. In many animals humping is a sign of dominance more than anything, and could be a personality quirk that will persist


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Ford Ranger Heater and AC Not Working Properly?
I had a 07 Ford ranger and I had the same problem at one point. Its also not the first time I hear of the problem. It must be one of those design flaws and possibly a reason why the Ranger, though a great truck, was dicontinued after 09



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Feeding a Parvo Survivor?
Parvo survivors do well with soup and other soft foods. Also just whatever he wants to eat.


Value of a Leonardo Collection Porcelain Doll - doll wearing a fur trimmed coat and holding a teddy bear

Value of a Leonardo Collection Porcelain Doll?
I cant even find a manufacturer for these dolls, and its apparently because there isnt just one manufacturer: i believe sold in the UK, made in china. you have the tag with her name which is good. these dolls, and your other doll are considered contemporary...


Value of a Grundig Majestic Vintage Stereo Console

Value of a Grundig Majestic Vintage Stereo Console?
In the right market you could expect to get as much as $900 for it. There are old radio swaps, where people get together with all sorts of amazing radios to buy, sell, or trade. I am betting this would be a popular item there.


Value of an Antique Bedroom Set - tall dresser with mirror on top

Value of an Antique Bedroom Set?
Im sure, even without looking around for a pedigree or brand, just judging by how nice it is and its functionality, that you could get at least $300 from selling it at the typical sorts of places.


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Cleaning Cat Poop Out of Carpet?
after removing all solid residue, you would scrub with an OxyClean-type cleaner and a stiff brush. After that you may want to use an enzymatic cleaner. These have enzymes specifically designed to rid yourself of organic odours. These are available anywhere...


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Roof Repair Assistance for Low Income Homeowners?
It would be helpful if you posted where you live. All areas have either charities or non profit centres that help folks with this sort of thing. Places to check are - Habitat for Humanity - local food bank - churches -Lions clubs you can go to their websites...


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Double Tip Drawing Pen Dried Out?
If you have an alcohol-based marker, just soaking the tip in alcohol can help it out. If you have a water-based marker, doing it in warm water. If its a pigment/paint marker, try acetone or nail polish remover. You might try acetone regardless of the make of...


Identifying an Old Wooden Chair - old wooden armed chair with vinyl  upholstered seat

Identifying an Old Wooden Chair?
This is a marvelous English Captains chair, looking to be the real deal, looking to date from the early 1900s, judging by the condition and the plaque. The manufacture looks to be Christopher Pratt: After about 1900 Pratts sometimes fixed a small metal plaque...


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Recovery Time for a Puppy with Parvo?
Is there a chance he ate something that didnt agree with him? I dont think he was poisoned per se but maybe he encountered a plant or some rotting food. Either that or parvo.


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Kenmore Top Freezer Section Not Working?
Aside from the fan, also look to the seal of the door. If it is not sealing properly, that not only prevent cooling success, but will wear out the mechanism. As well, if you can, check to see if the coils are clean. Sometimes when theres buildup on the coils...


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Locating Half Siblings?
There is a site that used to be free but now is a premium site it is called you could write them and request a free trial. It is a really deep, exhaustive search engine, the sorts that PIs and other folks use. You could of course hire a PI but thats...


Value of a Lane Cedar Chest' - front of closed chest

Value of a Lane Cedar Chest'?
Some people still want these. Even as a functional piece of furniture you should not expect to get much less than $140 for it. You can probably list any place as the marketplace is quite open now. Ebay, yard sale, flyer, etc.



Grow New African Violets and Succulents from Cuttings - closeup of a violet let with new growth

Grow New African Violets and Succulents from Cuttings
yes I like to open it now and again. Usually after a watering it collects like that.


Grow New African Violets and Succulents from Cuttings - closeup of a violet let with new growth

Grow New African Violets and Succulents from Cuttings
It is also much nicer than the plastic wrap. Good luck finding leaves! As well this site sells starters I think - they definitely sell plants


Value of a Brandt Drop Leaf Dining Table

Value of a Brandt Drop Leaf Dining Table?
As a fucntinal piece of furniture you should be able to expect as much as $80 for this piece. You should not take much less. You can fix the burn yourself if you sand it away, put wood putty, and then varnish on top of that. This would not be OK if you were...


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Great Outdoors Themed Parade Ideas?
I wonder if youre even having much of a parade now, as everything seems to be closed up Be that as it may, maybe a nice astronaut theme would work. That is technically out of doors, in outer space. Have everyone dress as astronauts, throw sparkles to be like...


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Buying Wide Tablecovers?
I would check Amazon and Ebay as the obvious places. As well you could post a request in a sewing circle or quilt meet. These are people who habitually make things.


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Finding a Someone Who Makes T-shirt Quilts?
This is funny because I literally do this Here is a piece I made with t-shirts (in 2017 portfolio section: I live nowhere near you but you can contact me off my site http://www.artsnquilts...


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Getting a Puppy After Losing One to Parvo?
IF I were you I would wait a bit. Maybe a month or so, both to grieve properly and to make sure that your home is disinfected. Parvo is extremely contagious and spending that month really cleaning could make things a lot better for the outcomes of a future...


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Paying Back Child Support?
I am not a lawyer but I would say no. That ship sailed a long time ago, and you were never informed It would be different if the mother had been looking for you all these years and you had been hiding, and suddenly you resurfaced - then most likely a judgment...


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Buying Replacements Plates for a George Foreman Grill?
Since this is a rarer model, probably ebay would be the best bet.


Removing Dye Transfer from Jeans - view of the outside of the jeans

Removing Dye Transfer from Jeans?
definitely do not use bleach! try the vinegar and the cold water over and over again until the stain finally goes away. It can after some time.


Is My Dog a Full Blooded Chihuahua? - tri-colored dog with large upright ears

Is My Dog a Full Blooded Chihuahua?
From the look of it, absolutely. The body type is clearly there. The colouring I am not so sure about, however.


Identifying a Goodwill Find - brass curved rack with legs

Identifying a Goodwill Find?
How big is it? My first instinct is to say a log or a luggage holder. I find it interesting that the bars are so far apart which means whatever its supposed to hold to be long and thus not liable to fall thru the cracks. The shape that goes up slightly is interesting...


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Poker Tile Rules?
It really depends on the type of game youre playing, and with whom. Pick a set of rules or a team and they should sort you out.


Value of an Antique or Vintage Armoire - armoire

Value of an Antique or Vintage Armoire?
This looks like it could be a legit antique with some inherent value, but without a marker, theres no way to tell. It looks like the sort of antique that would have inherent value due to its age. Since it is your piece, my advice is, unless you are seeking...


Information and Value of ELPICO RP770 Record Player  - portable record player

Information and Value of ELPICO RP770 Record Player?
I would consult with an old timer radio enthusiast group. Old time and antique radio swap meets, clubs, forums, etc. Your item is technically not a radio but these guys would probably know - a forum wher you can post a pci and...


Identifying an Irritated Hairless Spot on a Dog - large area on left side of dog's face

Identifying an Irritated Hairless Spot on a Dog?
this sort of dog with flappy skin is very susceptible to hot spots and skin irritations, especiallly where the flaps meet. A lot of it has to do with trapped moisture and bacteria that connects. Fleas can cause these issues as well.


Identifying a Convertible Coffee and Dining Table - drop leaf table

Identifying a Convertible Coffee and Dining Table?
I have seen numbers like this on furniture that is from the early half of the 20th century in the US. More than that is hard to say because of the generic nature of it.


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Overwintering Elephant Ears?
well, it is encouraging about whatever part of the stem is still there. I dont think this plant is supposed to overwinterize like this so if it comes back at all then thats just simply amazing.


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Issues with an Adult Child & Rent?
To me it really depends on what his financial situation is. I am glad he is actually contributing something, because so many times in these cases kids go home, mooch, and contribute nothing. He also actually has a job which is a big plus. If he can well afford...


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Roasting a Frozen Pork Loin?
Be very careful with pork as you could get Trichinosis or other parasites if you do not cook thoroughly, at least 160 F. You should defrost first for at least 20 minutes, then cook on 100F Check the meat and once your temperature reaches 90F to 100F, cook for...


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Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
I believe he didnt even reach age of disbursement (62 1/2 at earliest) for himself; as well, I dont believe adult children are set to receive, een if he had been of age - the only who could have received would have been the spouse, and thats only if theyd been...


Identifying Household Bugs - small two tone bug

Identifying Household Bugs?
people are saying its a stink bug, but to me it doesnt completely look like a stinkbug - stinkbugs have a more trapezoidical type body and are more flat and dont have that much coloring the photo is hard to tell though. Does it do anything? Fly? Bite?


What Is My Chihuahua Mixed With? - light brown puppy with flop over ears on the couch

What Is My Chihuahua Mixed With?
Chihuahuas, I think, have perky ears and her ears droop just like a Terriers or maybe a Dachshund but these ears are nowhere near as long as a Daschhunds. Also she has stayed pretty small so I would vote for Terrier as well


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Kitten Peeing on Rugs and Furniture?
I would follow the work of Jackson Galaxy, the guy from My Cat from Hell. He states that with a lot of cats it boils down to territorial problems - in particular to having lots of high places in which to perch so that he can be above other people and animals...


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Value of a Thomas Kinkade Print?
Kinkades had a very interesting business model but the upshot is it might not be worth that much because they were essentially factory-produced. On the other hand, they re popular paintings so people are still buying them. I would expect $100 or more.


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Permed Hair Straight in Some Places?
It could be damaged. Sometimes when the hair is damaged, the perm will not take. With perms you are damaging the cuticle of the hair with chemicals and heat and if the damage is irreversible the curl wont hold its shape. This is the same mechanism whereby naturally...


Is My Dog a Pit Bull? - white and brindle brown puppy

Is My Dog a Pit Bull?
I see some Beagle in him, due to the ears. Definitely some sort of hound dog


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Frigidaire Refrigerator Ice Maker Not Working?
cleaning out the lines should do the trick


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Cleaning Dirty Uniform Work Shirts?
I vouch for baking soda and vinegar. Together, they clean out lots of stains. They create a little explosion that gets stains out.


Making Hand Sanitizer with 99% Isoproply Alcohol

Making Hand Sanitizer with 99% Isopropyl Alcohol?
3/4 is the ratio but you are better off using 70% alcohol as it turns out


What Kind of Bug Is This? - small oval bug on white cloth background

What Kind of Bug Is This?
it looks like a beetle but its hard to tell in the photos. What is its color? Does it really have wings? What is its size? All these help ID it.


Identifying a Stuffed Reindeer - stuff

Identifying a Stuffed Reindeer?
Corporate outfits will just order generic products from anonymous overseas factories, with no thought to a brand or an identity. It will be very difficult to find, if possible.


Identifying Small Black Jumping Bugs on Dog - black bug

Identifying Small Black Jumping Bugs on Dog?
Im pretty certain this is actually a flea, like others have said. Diatomaceous earth around the house and in external areas can help take care of the problem.


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Using Lysol to Make Disinfecting Wipes?
this is a bad idea because Lysol is so hazardous and is a dangerous chemical. It is as bad an idea as using an all-bleach sanitizer many hand sanitizers exist, one good one uses alcohol and aloe vera gel


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Homemade Virus Protection Hand Sanitizer?
eye glass cleaner is mainly designed to de-streak glasses. They probably have some ammonia content, therefore since a lot of glass cleaner does. So saying, it is probably not good for what you want it for.


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Screws for Older Kenmore# 17892?
I would buy one of those rod with a magnet attached and set about looking for those screws. As you said, they ahve to go somewhere Also was she sweeping/vacuuming? YOu might check in the vacuum bag or even in the trashbags if its not too late (hateful though...


Getting Rid of Fleas - cans of pesticide

Getting Rid of Fleas?
get some diatomaceous earth and put it everywhere. That is a substance that will kill all hard-shelled bugs. aside from that I have questions about your situation. I was not aware that you could just see flea eggs everywhere like that. I was also not aware...


Value of a Murphy Chair - dark wood chair with slat back and no arms

Value of a Murphy Chair?
You should be able to get at least $20 per chair just because they are nice and people always want chairs.


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My Bread Maker Isn't Mixing Completely?
IT sounds like a motor problem to me.


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Causes of Sudden Death in Dogs?
it does sound like cardiac arrest. It is unfortunate with these specialized breeds that sometimes they have congenital problems. I am sorry for your loss


Identifying Egg Casings or Cocoons - dried leaf cocoon

Identifying Egg Casings or Cocoons?
yeah this does not look like a cocoon. It almost looks like an owl pellet to me


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Starting Rhododendrons from Cuttings?
Rhododendrons can be temperamental. Plastic is always bad because will be source of fungus infections. Its always best to go with natural materials. And always disinfect all your mtaerials, pots, when you start. Also sometimes even if you do well, sometimes...


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Value of a 1961 Set of Compton's Picture Encyclopedia?
In the world that exists today, very few things have inherent value as in are easy to convert into cash. Same can be said for books - especially for books, some might say. Since theyre about to become 50 years old, that has a certain cache s vintage, though...


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Making Alcohol Disinfectant Wipes from Baby Wipes?
I dont understand why people keep doing this when actual disinfecting wipes re not that expensive & freely available. So saying, just pour in the whole thing. Also I have heard that oddly 70% lcohol is better than 99%.


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Daycare Name Ideas?
Laughing Heart LIttle Seedlings LIttle Learners Rainbow Hearts


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Painting a New Aluminum Mailbox?
Rustoleum is great because you dont even need to prime it.


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Zebra Finch Won't Lay Eggs in Nesting Box?
There may be an odd smell in the box. Maybe it has a weird glue or a weird paint or is of some other material. Could you put in a natural box if thats not what it is?


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Making Liquid Soap from Leftover Bar Soap?
Grate or grind the soap, then use one part soap to four parts water. Add some essential oils if you want. Then just add a teaspoon per cup


Information on a Gas Powered Pennsylvania Reel Mower - old gas powered reel mower

Information on a Gas Powered Pennsylvania Reel Mower?
It seems that whatever value this might have, it is eradicated by its rusty condition. These look to be from the 50s Heres one that looks to be in better condition and the same that sold at auction for $22


Average Weight of Adult Male Pit Bulls - black and white Pit with clipped ears

Average Weight of Adult Male Pit Bulls?
When I see the picture it looks to be bout the right size. As well, he seems pretty stocky for his size, even though he looks about the right size.


Black Spots on Underside of Avocado Leaves - spots

Black Spots on Underside of Avocado Leaves?
avocados do well in a California temperate climate zone that does not get overly cold in winter, is not overly humid in summer but rains in the winter months. Also very sunny Being grown inside can make it susceptible to all sorts of fungi and diseases. A liquid...


Information About Alfretto Figurines - man and woman figurines wearing possible 18th century clothing

Information About Alfretto Figurines?
It looks like theres pieces for sale at around $10 to $20 on this auction site IT looks like this particular porcelain figure producer produced everything from these...


Value of Dandee Porcelain Dolls - the dolls lying side by side

Value of Dandee Porcelain Dolls?
These have basically no value. Mass produced post-80s dolls in an oversaturated market basically have no value. Even if there was a market for these, it would be diminished by the fact they are not in boxes. Though it seems you cn sell haunted dolls for a good...


Identifying Small Black Flying Bugs - long thin black bugs

Identifying Small Black Flying Bugs?
It is hard to tell from the photo. Im not so sure they look like termites because the color does not seem right. It might be good to take one over to an expert for proper identification, especially if you need exterminators


Shirt Collars and Plackets Fading - faded area around the neck band on a blue tee-shirt

Shirt Collars and Plackets Fading?
Many things can cause this, from clothing interacting with detergents or styling products, to high sodium content sweat or water. Since this is happening around the neck, is it possible that you are perspiring a lot, or that you have recently switched shampoo...


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Finding the Current Value of Porcelain Dolls?
Unless they are over 100 years old, most likely they are not worth anything at all. There is no good market for these dolls as they were mass produced.


Value of a Mersman Table - medium wood color triangular, corner table with lower shelf

Value of a Mersman Table?
This is the reflection of economic reality of the commodities market, especially in regards to antiques. Supply & demand is the easiest concept in economics, which is why in theory antiques are worth more than regular stuff, for the simple reason that its not...


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No Power to the Motherboard in Husqvarna Long Arm?
This sounds like a motherboard issue all right. Im not sure a computer person would help as much as the official Husvrna repairpersons would, however, since theyre different interfaces.


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Sewing Machine Stitches Are Loose?
Just reset the machine tension. If it still doesnt reset, clean it to make sure theres no odd threads gunking up the works. If ll else fails, take it to the shop. I had this happen once but the opposite - it was always too tight. So I had to take it to the...


Finding the Model Number for a Nelco Sewing Machine - vintage sewing machine

Finding the Model Number for a Nelco Sewing Machine?
IT looks like a Nelco sewing machine model R-1000


Identifying a Childhood Toy - green dog

Identifying a Childhood Toy?
It will be very hrd to find whta this is. It might even be home-made. It is not a recognizable cartoon character or toy line. Was your grandfather an immigrant from somewhere? YOu could, lets say he was Polish, look at what cartoons or toys they had popular...


Value of a Brandt Table - coffee table

Value of a Brandt Table?
This looks like you could get at least $350 for it. It is a nice piece.


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Keeping Seams Together When Sewing?
I use pins. I keep them an inch or so apart, and then take them up when I get close to the machine. It takes a bit of effort to do it this way, but in the end its worth it.


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Dog Pooping on My Bed and Hers?
Considering that she is a trained pet and a service dog, this sounds like an illness. In particular this shows some problems with her digestive system. It is possible it is an infection or other problem that will run its course but you should probably go to...


Identifying a Porcelain Doll - doll wearing a red velvet dress and matching hat

Identifying a Porcelain Doll?
Its very difficult identifying dolls, especially newer dolls. There is room to doubt the validity of her age, if nothing else because she still looks to be in fine condition for something that has been hanging around, without any sort of a case, for 9 decades...


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Caring for a Dog with Parvo?
This is a difficult disease. It is possible he is still getting healed from it. By now he should be regaining appetite, but if he doesnt, its still not too late. Chicken soup and broth should help out.


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Allowing Your Daughter to Date at 11?
That sounds like an intense age to start dating. Im not sure what exactly they expect to get out of the experience, but it sounds like theyre the same age, therefore it should be better than if he were much older than that. I think as a socialization exercise...


Identifying Small Two Tone Bugs - oval black or brown and tan bug

Identifying Small Two Tone Bugs?
This looks like carpet beetle. Carpet beetles like light & found near light fixtures, window sills, etc. ITs actually the carpet beetle larvae that cause the most damage - not the adult carpet beetles, so to rid yourself of the problem, you should look in the...


Now Is the Time for a Victory Garden - raised beds with leaf lettuce and other crops

Now Is the Time for a Victory Garden
This is very cool. You have done a great job if this is your garden.


Kenmore Keeps Switching from Zig Zag to Straight Stitch - closeup of machine

Kenmore Keeps Switching from Zig Zag to Straight Stitch?
it looks like the mechanism is worn and so shifts over mid-stitch. If you pulled it apart you might notice something is threaded. probably a professional would fix it


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Vaccinating a Puppy Who Has Loose Stool?
give it a few more weeks for him to have more solid stools. Sometimes a new puppy needs to get readjusted to new foods and new environments.


Identifying a Small Red Lump on My Cocker Spaniel - small round bump

Identifying a Small Red Lump on My Cocker Spaniel?
this could be a cancer or other dangerous thing.


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Name Ideas for a Childminding Business?
Wunderkind Wonder Kids Wondering Smarts Smartz Seedlings Tomorrows Senators Tomorrows Stars


Identifying My Tiny Plush Horse - horse next to a box of colored pencils

Identifying My Tiny Plush Horse?
looks kind of like a Beanie Baby. Kind of like something from the 90s


Identifying a Porcelain Doll - baby doll wearing a long white christening style dress and cap

Identifying a Porcelain Doll?
This is a mass produced doll from the 80s therefore probably doesnt have much of a brand as these were not even designed to be keepsakes.


Bump on Doodle's Chest - dark pink bump on dog's chest

Bump on Doodle's Chest?
please do not pop this! Even if it were an abcess popping it could spread the infection. If it were some sort of tumor this would be terrible.


Age and Value of a Lakeside Deluxe Reel Mower - vintage reel mower on the lawn

Age and Value of a Lakeside Deluxe Reel Mower?
this is an early midcentury mower that would fetch $50 or so in the marketplace


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Re-Dying Hair After Removing Color?
you should definitely wait though if you are OK going darker and you are desperate to do something, use henna, which is 100% natural.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 17th Birthday?
You must know whether he likes music or movies or whatnot. Or books. QUarantine is a good time for consuming media -books, movies, etc - especially if you live in one of those areas with mandatory lockdown. Here are some interesting books: https://www.bookdepository...


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Dog More Anxious Than Usual?
I dont know ifyou are in quarantine or anything, but I have heard that some dogs behaviours and personalities have changed after having their owners be home all day. They become more protective and nervous - especially if you have not taken him on many walks...


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Removing Wax from a Brass Candle Follower?
I have used the freezing as well as the boiling and the boiling in my experience works better.


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Body Butter Business Name Ideas?
Buttery Butter Butter Butters Butter ME Up Wholesome Butter Goods Essential Butters Essential Purity Buttermilk Bounty Butterfly


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Kenmore Machine Won't Sew Hand Wheel Locked?
unclogging the bobbin generally resolved this issue


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Unlocking a Murphy 4017 Cedar Chest Without a Key?
these locks are generally very easy to pick


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Roof Repair Assistance for Low Income Homeowners?
you may alert a church or a charity organization and see if anybody in the area has volunteered their services.


Tomatoes Started Indoors Not Flowering

Tomatoes Started Indoors Not Flowering?
I think yours are doing pretty well. I planted some seeds a month or so later but they are very small and sickly. Full sun and plenty of water is a good solution.


Information on a Conant Ball Co. Chair - rescued vintage chair with worn back cushion and missing seat cushion

Information on a Conant Ball Co. Chair?
This chair looks like it was manufacture in the 50s. Whatever value it had might be reduced by the rough condition, though a reupholstering might be good.


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Replacement Tires for a Scott's Reel Push Mower?
So there is in Amazon and Ebay whole sections dedicated to replacement for these machines especially nowadays when it is hard to go to stores, this might be the best option


Is My Dog a Pure Bred Pit Bull? - charcoal dog with long ears

Is My Dog a Pure Bred Pit Bull?
yes, her ears look very long, and also her snout looks very elongated. But at this age it is hard to tell.


Value of a Vintage Reel Trimmer - edge trimmer on driveway

Value of a Vintage Reel Trimmer?
An item like this can run up to $100 but due to the condition here, I would say at most $50


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Repairing a Bread Machine?
It sounds like it needs a little cleaning. Possibly with use something got stuck. If it were removable I would try to remove it first, clean out all possible gunk, and see if it works.


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Perming Your Hair at Home?
it is possible that it will turn back, but it is possible that either the mix was defective or you overdid it in regards to time or strength. Perm mixes generally are alkaline and mess with the hair cuticle. It is this action that changes the curl pattern of...


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Value of Manual for the 1986 Pamela Living Doll?
yes - list it. A manual of this sort is exactly the sort of thing that a very specific sort of person might need, and it will not cost that much to mail it, so even if uyou omly receivre $1 for it, thats $1 earned and one less thing that ended up in the rubbish...


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Poulan Pro Riding Mower Won't Start?
Am not sure about the Poulin brand. I had a chainsaw by that brand and it did not last the season before bugging out. Small engine repairpersons are generally pretty affordable, ifthey can be found. Or sell it online for parts.


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Wiring a 20 Amp Ceiling Fan onto a 15 Amp Circuit?
Do not play around with this sort of thing. The best case scenario, it will short out all the time. Worst case scenario you could be looking at real trouble.


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Drying Homemade Salt Sizzlers?
everywhere I read it seems to indicate that the only really important thing is to spread them out evenly over a baking tray anywhere safe for 1 to 2 days and it will dry regardless. I would be nervous about heating them or putting them in the sun, so salts...


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Looking for Williamsburg Gold Gingham Plaid Wallpaper?
Here are some sites for discontinued wallpaper You could possibly also find it on ebay. In general though apparently wallpaper manufacturers only produce and keep a pattern for only...


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Dog Not Drinking After Having Puppies?
It sounds like shes dehydrated. Also make sure that she isnt hemmorghaging inside or otherwise was harmed during the birthing process. It might be best to take her to the vet.


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Eggs Missing from Mallard Duck Nest in Our Yard?
Sometimes a duck will change her nesting site and began moving the eggs around. YOu should look around and see if the eggs were rolled around, to a place under the house or someplace.


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Olive Oil Lamp Set Off Smoke Detectors?
It is possible that the olive oil is burning hotter and thats whats setting off the smoke alarm. Maybe go back to the safflower oil.


Slogan for a Preschool

Slogan for a Preschool?
Welcome Home Schooling From Home Setting the Standard Future Geniuses at Work


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Cleaning Glass Bottles Prior to Decoupaging?
I would just acetone, nail polish remover, or paint thinner. Possibly alcohol.


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Drying Frozen Tomatoes in the Oven Tomatoes?
The problem with freezing tomatoes without blanching first, the water crystals damage the structure. The best you could do is make tomato paste from it.


H2Ox5 Steamer Leaking  - steamer lying on a rug

H2Ox5 Steamer Leaking?
This looks like a washer or seal that is expired or exposed. You could pull it apart and see if you can find a replacement part.


Identifying a Porcelain Doll - two dolls with combed out hair

Identifying a Porcelain Doll?
I very much doubt it - the fact is, a lot of these so-called collector dolls do not have a lot of value. The market is saturated with them and the demand is just not there. This professional doll site has this to say about it: Modern porcelain collector dolls...


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Mister Coffee Bread Machine Not Working?
It looks like the electic circuit that engages the paddling action gets stuck. As said before it might be a circuit board problem, which sounds complex. What happens if you just force end the process or turn it off or unplug it, does that work?


Information on a Bassett Dresser Set

Information on a Bassett Dresser Set?
This does not look too old to me, and correct me if Im wrong, but this looks to be made out of particle board. This is, needless to say, neither that old nor that valuable. Particle board furniture is very sturdy, very heavy, but it is brittle, especially with...


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Replacing the Batteries in Handy Stitch CEX300K?
I had one of these once, and indeed the battery compartment is on the bottom, and you can sort of see the little door that you open to put in the batteries. I didnt know about the Amazon adapter; if Id known that I would have gotten it because playing around...


What Is This Tiny Black Bug? - tiny black flying bug

What Is This Tiny Black Bug?
It looks small and like it has wings. As such it is probably a gnat or a fruit fly. Fly paper can work, as can really disinfecting surfaces and drains.


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Replacing the Plywood Floor in a Food Trailer?
absolutely insert more beams is a good idea. The black waterproofing material is probably Flex Seal or Liquid Rubber waterproof sealant, the kind used on roofs. I see...


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Best Glue for Attaching Seashells to Velvet?
Glue guns are pretty good. They will have things adhere for fairly long. If you dont want to use that, Modge Podge works well as well.


Value of a Vintage Bed Frame

Value of a Vintage Bed Frame?
Regardless of its provenance, a nice bed like this could run to $300 or so because thats what you would expect to buy it for at a nice furniture place.


Information on Dixie Furniture

Information on Dixie Furniture?
Dixie furniture is from 1901 and founded by Henry Link from Lexington, NC. They created furniture here up until 2001 or so when the plant shuttered its doors.


Identifying an Old Piece of Mowing Machinery - looks like a chain driven reel mower of some sort that probably attached to something else

Identifying an Old Piece of Mowing Machinery?
This looks like a reel mower of some sort, so its either that, or some sort of thresher machine. Perhaps it was attached to a truck or some other sort of conveyance.


Value of Vintage CorningWare - cornflower CorningWare covered baking dish

Value of Vintage CorningWare?
I have seen these for sale in yard sales or estate sales for $15 or $25 a piece. So they still have value. They are nice and versatile, as well as good quality.


Value of a Brandt Drop Leaf Table - vintage drop leaf dining table

Value of a Brandt Drop Leaf Table? I found an interesting link with info about Brandt Furniture, which was established in Hagerstown, Md., in 1901, though it went out of business in 1985. Former employees organized to reopen...


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Meaning of HCLR on Inmate Documents?
Online, the consensus is that those specific initials depend on the court. But it does show up associated with violation on parole.


Identifying Small Black Bugs - small bug on window sill

Identifying Small Black Bugs?
This looks like a carpet beetle


Age and Value of an Antique Reel Mower - reel mower with wooden handle

Age and Value of an Antique Reel Mower?
These have some use value, but would probably have more resale value if they were sharpened. You have to have them sharpened professionally. Then you would be able to have more resale value. Without this, you could get $25 for it.


Value of a Conant Ball Octagon Table - medium finish table with door

Value of a Conant Ball Octagon Table?
These lovely pieces could range from $200 to $400. They are a great addition to anyones home, so you should be able to get at least $200 for one in the right context.


Identifying an Old Vanity - old vanity in poor shape as to finish

Identifying an Old Vanity?
This looks like a mahogany piece from the 40s. It looks like a very nice piece which will soon have antique value.


Tiny Black Bugs in the Kitchen - bug on painted white surface

Tiny Black Bugs in the Kitchen?
From the photos, they actually look like roly-polys. These bugs scientific name is armadillidiidae, and are also known as woodlice. They are generally outdoor insects.


Identifying Tiny Household Bugs

Identifying Tiny Household Bugs?
Theres quite a few sorts of insects that will live in electronics. Weevils are one such bug, and these are what these photos look like.


How Many Cups in Jar of Marshmallow Creme? - jar of Kraft marshmallow creme

How Many Cups in Jar of Marshmallow Creme?
This is a very high volume product, and it should be about 3 cups.


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Name for a Bath and Body Products Business?
Cocos Goods Coco Loco Coco Yum Coco Products Cocolina


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Zig Zag Lever on New Home 613 Sewing Machine Stuck?
Aside from a good cleaning and oil, due to its age, unless you are a pro repairperson, you may have to take it to the repairperson.


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