
Melanie Jackson

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1 Post | 372 Comments | Active Since 2008
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Toilet Makes Loud Screeching Noise?
Definitely haul that plumber back to your house and make him fix the problem.


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Lawn Mower Starter Rope Stuck?
You might try spraying a little WD-40 on whatever part(s) you think are stuck. If that fails, then youll probably have to take it to the shop.


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4 Year Old Won't Behave?
I would agree that a talk with the pediatrician is a good idea. As for praying, well, thats kind of silly, because (as the old saying goes) God helps those who help themselves. Meaning, you need to take action yourself, or God cant help you. ;-) Shows like...


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Using Self Stick Vinyl Floor Tiles on a Shower Wall?
I kind of doubt it. I used self-stick tiles on our bathroom floor, and when some water sloshed out of the tub, it loosened the glue and caused them to shift. I wish Id used linoleum, now.


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Complimentary Colors for Hot Pink and Cream Kitchen?
Hot pink goes great with black. Dont overdo the black, but its a great neutral color to ground any neon color. (Take it from someone who grew up in the 1990s, when EVERYTHING was neon + black!)


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Porch Paint That Doesn't Fade in the Sun?
We were told to use deck stain. I had painted the back porch with outdoor paint, and its almost all gone after just one year! Deck stain comes in various colors; I dont know if theres such a thing as high-gloss deck stain, but at least you wont have to keep...


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Will My Auto Insurance Cover This?
It depends on your individual policy. The only way to know for sure is to call your insurance agent and ask.


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Reuse Disposable Vacuum Bags
Bad idea, Im afraid. These bags arent as efficient, which will result in more dust being deposited back onto the carpet and elsewhere in your home. This is especially bad in homes with allergy sufferers.


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Make Own Bottled Water
Thanks, Deeli. I was looking for the info on which plastics were safe to reuse. :-)


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Use Shower Curtains for Drapery
Thanks for the tip!


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Fabrics to Use for Making Rice Heat Therapy Bags?
I use old T-shirt fabric, myself. Ive never had a problem with it. :)


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Finding the Calorie Counts for Fruit? :-)



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Tank Cap for a Scunci Steamer (Model SS-1000)?
Check the manual for contact info (or find it on Google), and get in touch with the company. They should have replacement parts for sale. eBay might be another place to look. Hope this helps!


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Clean Your Toilet with Baking Soda and Red Wine Vinegar?
I would just put in the baking soda, and then add the vinegar carefully...because it will fizz like crazy when it hits the baking soda, and you dont want a smelly, fizzy mess on your floor. :-)


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Making Candy Dishes from CDs?
Here you go!


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Homemade Weed Killers?
Ive used bleach, but I dont like to because I doubt its safe for the environment.


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Protectors for Outside Cushions
I echo that question...Im from Nebraska, too. :-D


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Removing Candle Wax from Jars?
Thank you--Ive always wondered how to clean candles out of glass. Im assuming this would work well with metal candle holders, too.


Soothing aching feet for Mother's Day.

Soothe Aching Feet for Mother's Day
Thanks for posting this. Ive been meaning to give Mom a pedicure, and Mothers Day is a perfect time to do it. :-)


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How Do I Display Children's Aprons at a Craft Market?
You might try making a two-dimensional mannequin by cutting the shoulders of a child out of something like foam board, and putting it on a post of some sort or hang it from a wall display. If you have some pegboard, you could even just put them on hangers and...


My Frugal Life: Stay Prepared For Everything
There is no shame in being on food stamps. Sometimes circumstances prevent people from earning enough money, even to be frugal. Nowadays, especially, people must look for work while theyre on food stamps, so its not like these recipients are lazy. Were just...


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Fedex Your Luggage
Ive used the USPS to ship some last-minute items that we didnt get packed in time for the moving company. The USPS didnt lose anything, which is more than I can say for the movers.


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Free Address Labels?
Almost any word processing program has the ability to make labels, so you wouldnt have to download any new software. I use Microsoft Works, Microsoft Word, etc. :-)


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How Do You Get a Dog to Stop Chasing Cars?
For the dogs safety and your neighbors safety, they should either be fenced in or (if you cant afford fence) leashed. Most cities (and even my tiny little town) have ordinances prohibiting dogs from running free.



Chloe (American Longhair)
Beautiful name for a beautiful cat. You can tell she already has the run of the house, LOL.


Frankie (Chinese Water Dragon)

Frankie (Chinese Water Dragon)
Amazing...Ive never seen a Chinese water dragon before! I love all sorts of living creatures!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Why Do My New Bathmats Have a Skunk Odor?
I have a bathmat like that. Its not skunk, its the smell of the mat itself because its new. The only thing that cures it is time. The smell will eventually go away. Until then, you might want to air it out daily on a clothesline or whatever, and that will help...


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Really Different 25th Birthday Party Ideas?
What are his interests? If he likes music, a music theme would be good. Movies--an Oscars theme (Oriental Trading Companys website has movie-themed party goods). Whatever he likes, go with that. :)


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How Can I Take to Treat Vertigo?
Vertigo is often associated with ear problems. This is something to take up with her doctor, as it could be the sign of something more serious.


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Garage Door Not Opening Properly?
You might want to search Google to find a Genie forum, or any forum about repairs of this nature. Most of us around here are into living frugally, but not necessarily complicated repairs such as that which you describe. You obviously know quite a lot about...


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Finding An Inexpensive, Basic Cell Phone Plan?
I have an Alltel (now Verizon) prepaid phone, and its great. $7.50 a month, and even though you dont use texting, its included. (Though Id recommend using Google SMS with your text can get the weather and all sorts of info via text when youre...


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Lawn Mower Not Running Smoothly?
Call a lawn mower repair shop to ask them what it might be. Whatever it is, it doesnt belong in your gas tank, thats for sure. :(


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Indoor Cat Got Out for the Night?
If she appears to be okay, the only issues I could think of are either picking up fleas/bugs, or getting pregnant (if its female, and hasnt been spayed). Good to know your kitty found its way home!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Free Dental Care?
Try going to a local church (Catholic churches, in particular). Even if youre not a regular at that church, they can link you up with some way of getting your teeth taken care of. If the first church cant help, keep calling/visiting other churches until you...


Decorative bulletin board pins.

Craft: Bulletin Board Button Pins
Ooh, I like this idea! I have some pushpins I could do this with. Thanks!


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Denture Tablet for Cleaning
Those things are amazingly useful, arent they? Theyre also good for cleaning out vases with necks too small to get your hand into. Plop-plop, fizz-fizz, a quick rinse, and its clean!



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Use Paint Can Opener For Opening Jars
Ive been doing the same thing, only with a screwdriver. Its so much easier to open jars after that seal has been broken, isnt it?


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Advice for Saving for the Future?
The best place to get this sort of advice would be at your bank. They offer assistance like this for free, and the person you talk to would have a lot more experience than any of us do. Also, theyd be able to ask you all the necessary questions, to determine...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Getting Rid of Wild Strawberries?
I found this on Google: I hope its of use...


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Recycle Buttons and Zippers From Clothing
Great idea! Its a lot cheaper than buying new buttons to change the look of clothes.


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Looking For Power Cord For Betty Crocker Indoor Grill?
Try eBay, as they often sell power cords that are either identical to or compatible with various appliances. Failing that, you could go to an appliance or electronics store, and ask them if they have a compatible cord. Bring your old cord, of course. Most of...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Cleaning The Toilet Tips?
If they get dirty in just one day, its probably an issue with the type of water in your area. Weve got really hard water, and even our toilets dont get dirty again that fast. Soft water might be the way to go, to eliminate this problem for good. Because theres...


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Grocery Shopping At Multiple Stores
I used my PC to create different shopping lists for different stores. That way, theres no confusion or worrying about which color is for which store. I also leave room at the top for writing down things we only need occasionally, like furnace filters. When...


Limb pen holder.

Useful Items From Tree Limbs
Agree with the others here...oleander is indeed poisonous. If you used bushes from some other tree/plant, these are cool ideas, however. :-)


My Frugal Life: Tips For Spring
When you do the CTRL + A and CTRL + V tricks, all youre doing is saving the text into RAM. So if the computer locks up or shuts down, you lose all your text anyway, because RAM is always cleared out whenever you restart your computer. What you need to do instead...


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Flatten Ground Beef Before You Freeze
I do that, too, and it really cuts down on thawing time.


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Google Searches for Free Samples and Coupons
Thanks for the tip! I never thought of using Google News for such a search. Im going to give it a try!


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Aloe Vera for Acne
Sounds like a great idea! Just one caveat...this should be tested on a small area of skin first, to make sure youre not allergic to it. :-)


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Summer Fun: Kids Newspaper
I did that once when I was a kid. It was loads of fun. :-)


Carrot Hand Towel

Carrot Hand Towel
That is just too cute!


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Chamomile Tea for Lightening Hair?
Im dark-haired, but I used to use a chamomile rinse simply because it left my hair feeling so nice. :-)


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Caring for Your Dog After Surgery?
I would add that, if in doubt, call the vet. He/she will know how soon and how much water to give your dog. Good for you, getting your pet neutered, BTW. :-)


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Freezer Not Cold ?
I, too, was just going to say make sure theres not a freon leak. Also, you simply might need more freon put in. Same goes for your cars air conditioning.


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Attaching Headboard and Foot Board to Bed Frame?
Im not sure what you mean by a regular queen frame (a Hollywood bed frame?). However, if I were you, Id just see where the holes in the head/footboards need to be, in order to fit on your lower frame. Then ask at the hardware store, what kind of drill and screws...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Animals Eating Strawberries?
What kind of animals? Neighborhood pets, rabbits, birds, or burrowing critters? If the animals are above-ground, fencing your strawberry patch might work. If the animals can reach them from above, then a fence with netting or chicken wire over the top might...


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Improving the Tensile Strength of Viscose Rayon Thread?
I dont know how, but maybe one of these links can help?


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Difficulty Getting Investment Funds Released at ING?
For future reference (for you, or anyone else reading this), weve been with WT Direct for three years, and their service is fantastic. I do agree with the posts may end up needing a lawyer. You have the right to get your own money. We had a similar...


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Recycle TV Dinner Boxes for Organizing Mail
Dont the boxes have freezer odor from being in the store? Maybe its because I live in a humid area.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Easy Candle Making Instructions?
The absolute easiest is to find candle wax that comes in little chips or beads, pour it into a suitable container, then add a wick. These items are available at craft shops. Craft shops have lots of candle-making supplies, so you can pick the ones with the...


Peppermint Patty

Peppermint Patty (Domestic Shorthair)
Oh, shes a beauty! I love black-and-white cats so much.


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Frugal Oatmeal
Yum! Sounds worth a try!


Jean Draft Stoppers

Jean Draft Stoppers
The rice wont spoil? If thats the case, then Ill use your idea. Weve been needing some draft stoppers desperately, but I had no idea of how to stuff them.


Purrrl (Maine Coon Mix)
She is an absolute beauty! I just want to pick her up and cuddle her! :-)


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Frugal Eye Make-Up Remover
I dont know about the no more tears shampoo. Ive gotten that stuff in my eyes, and had to go to the eye doctor to get prescription eye drops, for relief. That shampoo is horribly misnamed. :-(


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Move Closer When Taking Photographs
That is the one mistake most people make: Standing back too far from the subject. With todays cheaper digital cameras, you have to really make sure to get in close, because the wide-angle lenses make the subject look farther away than it actually is. :-)


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Manual for a Scunci Steamer?
I Googled scunci steamer manual and got several results. :-)


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Coconut Decorations for a Luau? They have lots of ideas for themed parties, like luaus. You dont necessarily have to buy their stuff, just look at it for inspiration, and then make things yourself, on the cheap. ;-)


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Puppy Has Cherry Eye?
Costs vary from vet to vet, area to area, so youd have to look in the telephone book and just call the different vets near you, to find out. :-)


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Painting Throw Rugs?
Actually, fabric paint or dye would be a better idea, as spray paint will crack and flake off over time. :-)


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Putting Photos on a Quilt?
Im not a quilter, but I would assume that you just put the picture on a piece of fabric to be used in the quilt. Office supply stores have T-shirt transfers that you can run through an ordinary inkjet printer. Print the photo(s) on them, iron them on the fabric...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Two Year Old Likes to Get Finger Tangled in Hair?
The answer: Short hair. My hair was very fine at that age, got snarled over everything (not just fingers). She cut it in a little pixie cut until I got old enough to care for my hair better. Saved me a lot of tears. :-)


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Best Method for Making Payments to Collection Agency?
Checks are OK, but debit cards arent a problem, either. You have the proof of your bank statement and/or the print-out you make from your banks web site as proof. Plus, you dont have to pay for a postage stamp, or risk the check or MO getting lost in the mail...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Improving Dog's Weight and Muscle Tone?
Yes: Dont expect a dog to be ripped. Thats a human thing. :-) Ask your vet if your dogs weight is normal. If not, he/she can suggest dietary changes. Good luck!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Pillow Top Mattress Not Soft Enough?
Pillow top mattresses dont feel particularly soft, as theyre made of a rather dense foam. Theres nothing wrong with putting a feather bed on top, if you need that sort of softness. I have fibromyalgia, and even though I was fortunate enough to inherit a TempurPedic...


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Student With Sports Scholarship Doesn't Want to Play?
I agree that you need to get things out in the open, and find out why he dislikes football now. Is he just tired of it, or is there a problem in college that he didnt face when he was in HS? Either way, he needs to have a chance to talk things out, so he can...


Harley (Mixed Breed Cat)

Harley (Mixed Breed Cat)
OMG, hes adorable! He looks like quite a character. :-D


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Crafts Made With Wallpaper?
Origami sites have some simple patterns, which might work. Be sure to test them on regular paper, first, and confirm that whatever project you do is suitable for heavy paper. You could also cut up the scraps to strips, etc., and use them for accents in scrapbooking...


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Hanging Tulle From The Ceiling?
Have you tried using thumbtacks? Or if theres too much tulle to be supported by thumbtacks, perhaps wide-headed mails would work.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Allergic Reaction to Polyester Blanket from Walmart?
Have you ever had a reaction like this to anything else made of polyester? I ask, because a lot of what Wal-Mart sells is made in China, of inferior materials. So maybe youre allergic to polyester, but you might also be allergic to some unknown contaminant...


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Trouble With Woven Hat Pattern for Knifty Knitter Round Loom?
Is there a forum for Knifty Knitter at the manufacturers website, where you could ask? Beyond that, Im sorry I cant be of much help, because I dont know how to use the Knifty Knitter. :-(


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Email Account for Passwords
E-mail isnt very secure, and e-mail accounts frequently get hacked. Which means, if someone hacks your e-mail account, they have access to all your passwords. The alternatives listed here are safer. :-)


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Canceling NetZero Service?
Perhaps this will be of help? Good luck!


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Repairing CD/DVD Drive in an E-Machine?
@MCW: eMachines is a computer brand name. Yvonne, I would think that the manufacturer offers at least a one-year warranty. There should be papers in the box the computer came in, that provide the contact info and instructions on what to do. :-)


Plastic heart garland.

Craft: Recycled Heart Garland
I cant crochet, either, but this is great inspiration for similar projects. Thanks!


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Spray Snow Blower with Silicone
Sounds like a great idea, but could you be more specific about what silicone is? (Meaning, brand names that we could ask about, at the hardware store.) Thanks!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Places to Recycle Prescription Bottles?
(b)Editors Note:(/b) Both of these websites are no longer in operation. Scroll down on this page, to the part that says donation: There are some donation suggestions if you look here, too http...


Wildlife: Horned Owl

Wildlife: Horned Owl
A wonderful picture of a truly gorgeous creature! The sound they make is somewhat spooky, but magical at the same time. I love these birds!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Condensation on Walls and Windows in Mobile Home?
I live in a mobile home, too, and we sometimes get condensation on the windows...but its not from the heater. Its caused by windows that arent completely shut. Double-check to make sure all the windows are tightly closed. If this doesnt work, there is an air...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Refinishing Textured Wallpaper Walls in Mobile Home?
Another mobile home question, LOL! Theres a great forum for help on mobile home decorating, repair, etc., which I found here on I live in a mobile home, and Im still learning about it, so I dont know the answer to your question. However, youll...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Removing Candle Wax from Plastic Cups in Microwave?
Warming the candle wax might actually make it harder to remove. Ive heard you should put candlesticks, etc., in the freezer, so the wax will peel off cleanly. Because warm wax leaves a messy residue behind.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Alternative to Internet Explorer?
Opera is the fastest and most secure browser. You have to download a lot of add-ons, for Firefox to do what Opera does, right out of the box. Opera is the best, Firefox is second-best (as someone else here said, its more forgiving of lousy web page coding, when...


Getting Dogs to Quitting Eating Their Poop?
Victoria Stilwell, on Animal Planet, addressed this problem in Its Me Or The Dog. One part of re-training is to feed your dogs something that will make their feces less appetizing. I think it was pineapple that she fed the dogs. But other retraining methods...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Gift for Boyfriend Who likes Sports?
Go to the NFL shop: They have lots of merchandise. Just pick out something of his favorite team, that he doesnt already have. :-)


Farm cats.

Farm Cats
I gave your post a thumbs-up rating. Cute photo!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Deleting Linux from My Computer?
Linux is an operating system. You dont mention whether Windows is on your computer or not. Thats important to know, because if you dont have Windows on your PC, deleting Linux will make your PC unusable. Youd have to install Windows from scratch, which isnt...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Food Cooked in New Electric Skillet Tastes Like Plastic?
Probably one of those Made in China of Inferior Materials appliances. I agree, return the skillet, and buy one of another brand. That bad taste could be a dangerous chemical being emitted by the skillet, for all anyone knows. So play it safe, and get something...


Dexter (Tabby)
Aww, hes a cutie! Nice to know he has a good home. :-)


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Sandpaper as an Emery Board
Great idea! By the same token, I use emery boards instead of expensive Swedish files, to keep the skin on my feet smooth.


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Use Your Cellphone as an Alarm Clock
Neat idea, and you can also use an electric alarm clock with battery backup. Older ones can be had very cheaply at garage sales. The cellphone as alarm clock would be great in hotels, so you wouldnt have to bring a portable clock. :-)


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Plastic Shelving for Scrapbooking Supplies
Thats a great idea! I dont scrapbook, but I do other crafts, and this sounds like a wonderful way to increase storage space.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Hair Dye Turns Scalp Pink?
It sounds like irritation to me, too. You should see a dermatologist to find out for sure. If you keep irritating your scalp, you could end up losing some or most of your hair, so please take this seriously. That happened to my aunt, and she had to wear wigs...


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Reuse Soda Bottles for Food Storage
Neat idea! I guess theres more to them, than just using them for kids crafts. :-)


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Thrifty Food Tips For 1-2 People
I freeze bread all the time, but never thought to freeze butter. Thanks!


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Use Black Light for Reading Dark Documents
Thank you! I suffer from eyestrain, so that will be a godsend for me.


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Reusing Every Bit Of Jar Candles
In the spring or summer, you can also leave them out in the sun for the wax to soften, and its easier to get the wax out. Then get another wick, put the wax in a smaller container, and you have a new candle! :-)


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Replacing a Shower Arm?
Ive replaced shower arms, myself. They basically just screw into the fitting, as foxrun41 mentioned. If a woman with fibromyalgia (like me) can do it, Im sure your hubby can, too. :-)


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Teaching a Puppy Not to Growl?
The puppy might be frightened. To us, petting an animal on the head is normal, but to animals, that can be a gesture of dominance. What I do with dogs I dont know is that I put my hand down where the dog/cat can sniff it, below the muzzle. The animal is more...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

House Smells Like Varnish?
Normally, Id recommend cut-up oranges to get rid of odors. But since you dont know where this odor is coming from, you really need to find the source of such a chemical smell. It could be dangerous. In the phone book, there are companies that specialize in...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Removing Wallpaper from Paneling?
1) Dont paint over wallpaper. Youll end up with a mess, as the wet paint will loosen the wallpaper. Yikes! 2) Ask your question here, its a forum that specializes in mobile homes (decorating, fix-ups, DIY, etc.): That forums...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Magazine Swap?
Have you tried this site? Try Googling swap magazines, as that is how I found this site. Ironically, the first Google result for that phrase is your post here on ThriftyFun, LOL!


How Long Should a Puppy's Heat Last?
All pets should be spayed or neutered. Its healthier for the pet, and less stressful for you having to worry about these things. :-)


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Help for Kerosene or Gasoline Smell in Car Interior?
Why does it smell? Was there some sort of leak, or was something spilled in the car? I ask because, if something is leaking from the cars engine, its dangerous to inhale the fumes. So the source would need to be fixed, before you deodorize the car. Then - not...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Best Clothing Styles for Different Body Types?
Even though Im tall, I have short legs, too (my height is all in my torso!). Ive also put on some weight, and have the infamous thunder thighs. Long-over-lean is the best way to go. Wear long tops like tunics, etc., over leggings. Itll cover your thighs, giving...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Dealing With Mood Changes?
This could be service. Regular physicians know nothing about mood disorders, and write off everything as anxiety. Thats how I ended up not knowing I had bipolar disorder. Anxiety pills dont help all mood disorders. There are other kinds of medications which...


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Recycle Comforter as an Insulating Curtain
Greetings from yet another Cornhusker, LOL! I just brought in a quilt from the garage, to help shut out the frigid air were getting this week. Nothing fancy, just using spring clamps to hold that puppy up!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Home Remedies For Ear Ache?
Forget about home remedies, and get to a doctor. You could have an infection, requiring antibiotics, which could cause you to lose part or all of your hearing in that ear, unless you treat it. Where ear infections are concerned, you only have a very SMALL window...


My Frugal Life: Recession? What Recession?
Im as frugal as anybody, but frugality alone doesnt guarantee that you wont feel the recession. I think the original articles author is being very unsympathetic toward people who are suffering. Not everybody has gotten into financial trouble from trying to...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Identifying a Black Snake?
Im not 100% certain, but because it has a white mouth, it sounds like a cottonmouth snake - its named cottonmouth because of the white mouth/throat. If so, it is VERY venomous! Cottonmouth (a/k/a water moccasin) snakes are usually smaller than that, but its...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Identifying a Black Snake?
I cant find a way to edit my post, so Ill post some additional info. OK. I got conflicting info from different websites about this snake. One site said that the snake will flee rather than attack, but others say that this snake is aggressive, and will attack...


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Tips for Speaking Before a Judge?
@GlennsMom, I dont think shes accused of anything; it sounds like a disability hearing. :) That said, I have similar concentration problems because I have bipolar disorder and fibromyalgia (with fibro fog). What I do when I go to a doctor, etc., is sit at the...


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Put a Brick in Your Toilet Tank
Never, EVER use a brick for this purpose! I learned that the hard way, when a brick ultimately ruined our toilet. As another poster mentioned, current toilets are already low-flow. But if you have an older toilet, use a plastic bottle (NEVER glass--it can break...


Fixing a Running Toilet

Fixing A Noisy Running Toilet
Thanks for this tip. In all my years of minor toilet repairs, Ive never encountered this (thank heavens). But its good to know what to do, if it should happen. :-)


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Digestive Problems for Manx Cats
I dont have a Manx, but thanks for the tip. Isnt it wonderful how the little fuzzballs take over our homes and our hearts? :-)


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Make Your Own Bra Strap Holders
LOL, what a clever idea!


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Paint Brush Cleaner Recipe
Great tip! You should always wear plastic or vinyl gloves while working with such things, though. Im going to give this a try when we start painting again!


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Install a Carbon Monoxide Detector
I bought one, along with some smoke detectors, as soon as we bought this house. I never got to meet one of my aunts because she died of carbon monoxide poisoning in a car; she was only 21. So Ive been paranoid about CO poisoning ever since. Good for you, having...


Sleeping Himalayan with remote contol

Mop (Himalayan)
Shes a little sweetie! I love Himmies!


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Macaroni and Spam
Be forewarned, that macaroni and cheese is one of the worst foods for your heart, due to its incredibly high sodium content. Spam is not only high in sodium, but also clogs your arteries. A more economical and healthy meal would be a salad...because saving...


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First Mammogram Tips?
I had mine done just last year, and it was agonizing for me. Not only did it hurt my shoulders (I have fibromyalgia), but my breasts hurt for a week afterward. Maybe its because I was slim, and dont have large breasts. And it wasnt just me, either; Mom had...


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Can Your Water Make You Itch?
Hard water can definitely have this effect. A lot of people swear by getting a water softener installed.


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Waxing Shower Tiles?
Make sure you dont get any wax on the floor--that can create a slipping hazard. Ive never tried waxing the shower, myself, so I dont know how well it works.


CD Spindle Toilet Paper Holder - TP on holder decorated with blue ribbon, faux flowers and a small butterfly

CD Spindle Toilet Paper Holder
Cute idea! I use the lids to keep small office supplies in--even pens. I cant stand to throw perfectly good plastic away, LOL!


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Tips For Dealing With Stress?
I went to biofeedback, to learn breathing and relaxation techniques. No matter what you set your mind to do, your body is in full-stress mode, once youve experienced stress. So the best thing to do is relax your body first, and your mind will follow. Just Google...


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First Mammogram Tips?
Lynns right, heart disease is the #1 killer of women, so please dont forget to discuss your risks with your doctor. There was a lump on my aunts breast; it was removed, and she was fine. She developed heart disease, and thats what killed her.


Cyrus (Birman)
Birmans are one of my favorite breeds. Theyre just so beautiful, right up there with Persians and Himalayans. Cyrus is a very handsome fellow. I dont doubt that the lady kitties are happy to attend his parties, LOL!


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Skin is Peeling After Sun Tanning?
Whenever I got a sunburn, I used to put Noxema on it, which helps it heal faster. Its also rather soothing, taking some of the edge off the burn. Some people recommend oatmeal, but Ive never tried it. Sounds a bit drying to me...?


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Printable Miniature Food Items?
Nice site, with lots of links! I didnt make the request, but thanks all the same!


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Strategically Place Note Pads as Memory Aids
I couldnt live without post-it notes! Im so scatterbrained (from fibromyalgia) that I cant remember to look at my to-do list (!). So I write things on post-it notes, and place them in places where Ill encounter them: On the bathroom mirror, my computer monitor...


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Recipes for One?
Id avoid the hot dogs and macaroni and cheese. Both are very bad in terms of sodium content. You might save money here and now, but those medical expenses will devastate you in the long run. :-(


Frugal Valentine's Day Gifts, Saving Money on Valentine's Day

Saving Money on Valentine's Day
Re: Japanese traditions While its true that women (and girls) give men (and boys) chocolate and the like for Valentines Day, you forgot to mention White Day! :) White Day is when the males give chocolates to the females:


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Computer Tips for Seniors
Never, EVER keep passwords near your computer! If a burglar breaks into your house, hed be able to wipe out the cash in your bank accounts, using your bank web site log in information! With fibromyalgia, I have massive brain fog, too...but I just use the same...


In Memory Of Shasta
Oh, its so sad when you lose a beloved furry friend, isnt it? I remember crying so hard when I was 8 years old, because some stupid kid with a BB gun shot and killed my kitty, Whiskers. And it gets no easier when, as an adult, you lose a furbaby. :-(


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Roast Your Turkey in a Paper Bag
Wouldnt that be a fire hazard? Paper in the oven and all?


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Outside Faucet Cover for Freezing Weather
Ingenious idea! I wish Id read this before buying a faucet cover for $3-4!


Purse hanging on door.

Santa Hat Purse
Very cute! I love Santa hats! BTW, its voila, not walla...its a French word. :-)


Maine Coon Kittens Have the Runs?
To be safe, Id just take them to the vet right away. :-)


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Keeping Dogs from Peeing in Flower Beds?
Been there, done that. Some dog owners are so rude, thinking its their Constitutional right to let their dogs urinate on other peoples property, damaging lawns and plants. What I did was to get red pepper and sprinkle it everywhere I wanted to guard against...


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Netscape Won't Load Anymore?
This is a problem that goes beyond simply rebooting the PC. The ideal solution would be to uninstall your older Netscape completely, THEN install the new version of Netscape. But, as you know, youd lose your bookmarks in the process. So weve gotta save those...


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Suggestions for Easy-to-Use Cell Phone?
This phone is specifically for people like him!


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Tuesday Body Lotion from Target?
I Googled the phrase, and apparently its made by a company called Bathmark. Heres their web site: If you cant find the product there, Im sure youll find contact info where you can ask the company about it directly. I hope this helps...


Creative Paper Ideas

Creative Paper Ideas for the Mail
Particularly during the holidays, mail is sorted by scanning machines. So its not a good idea to slow them down by going crazy with your envelopes. Also, things you glue on envelopes can easily peel off, causing damage to postal equipment. Save that creativity...


Burning Healthier Candles

Burning Healthier Candles
Im glad someone realizes that those awful, stinky, scented candles are indoor air pollution. I always buy unscented ones. I dont understand why people love horrible artificial scents, anyway. Fresh air is the best scent of all! :-D


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Christmas Gifts That Fit in an Envelope?
@pamphyila: The OP is from Iceland. :-) Stickers are a nice, flat gift for people who do scrapbooking!


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Making a Mattress More Comfortable?
A cheaper alternative is an egg crate foam mattress topper. Your local hospice facility probably can tell you where to get these, as thats where my aunt got hers.


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Craft Ideas for Two Liter Bottles?
Cut off the top to make a nice funnel.


Lighten the Fuel Load
None of these measures will reduce gas consumption that much on a vehicle as heavy as an SUV. Itd make more sense just to trade it in for something more lightweight, because that will save a lot more money--AND be better for the environment--in the long run...


scary monsters on porch

Halloween Scary Outside Monster
Cute idea! The one on the right looks like Michael Jackson, LOL!


Mooning Scarecrow

Craft: Mooning Scarecrow
Homeowners Associations have no sense of humor, do they?


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Using Storage Bins for Traveling
Um...I dunno...those things would be awfully bulky and hard to carry. I can barely manage a suitcase, when its packed full, and it has a handle. :-(


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What Is Nutella?
Their web site has recipe ideas: Ive never tried it, but it sounds like peanut butter. Ill bet itd be yummy on toast!


Askhim the Cat
Ooh, beautiful golden eyes. What a handsome fellow!


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