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16 Posts | 577 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Will Cotton Poly Sheets Make Good Cleaning Rags?
I must admit I am not a fan of polyester. I would use old towels and softer cloth for clean up rags and perhaps save the sheets for covering things you want protected from dust, or anything else requiring covering surfaces. You could cut them and hem them into...


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Getting Antiques Appraised Before Selling?
Well, appraisers charge to come and look at anything, and contrary to the television antique shows, the whole thing with antiques is perfect buyer at the perfect time; how likely is that where you live? I worked in an antique shop for some years, and this is...


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Is Alcohol a Disinfectant?
Alcohol is a disinfectant. Isopropyl has an ingredient to make it unsafe to drink, but I saw a hand sanitizer the other day, Purel I think, which used ethyl alcohol. It was lovely on the skin after it dried.


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Disinfectant For Laundry Other Than Bleach?
Id use borax too. Maybe wash twice, with hot water, or if not hot water, twice on longest cycle, and dryer dry. I forgot; since its summer, hang the garments/bedding in hot sun. Sun plus ozone from the atmosphere is a great disinfectant.


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Maintaining a Friendship With an Overly Dependent Friend?
Tell yourself you will help her with one thing every 2 months. When you hear the one you are willing to do, do it with a good spirit. Make up and practice a list of excuses so you are ready. Ask yourself re each and every request if its something her husband...


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Shelf Life of Ground Ginger?
Toss it. The dark spots can be areas that got damp and could be contaminated with bacteria. Wash jar, rinse with boiling water, turn upside down on a towel. Go to a health food store or store like Sprouts or Sunflower or any that has spices in bins. Buy some...


My Frugal Wife!

My Frugal Wife!
I am happy for your family and that you have the insight to see the qualities of your wife as a gift to the family. Bees are a wonderful idea. You will have increased production in your garden, especially if you plant flowers amongst the veggies. Also I understand...


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How to Tell When a Dog is Going into Labor?
A lot like us; if they havent disappeared to a dark spot as mentioned, they may spot with liquid, streaked with blood, pant, turn around a lot, appear uncomfortable, and so on. Make sure they have a soft folded old blanket or towels right at hand, and speak...


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Drying Zucchini?
The reason we are supposed to slice food for drying in uniform slices [a wedge is not uniform, as its wider in one spot, and thinner at the apex] is to make sure the food dries thoroughly. Otherwise you can get mold, or one part [the thinner part] will dry...


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Teaching a Cat to Use the Toilet?
There is a woman in Denver in the news lately for training cats to do all sorts of things using a clicker and reward system. Cats apparently can be trained to do a lot, just have short attention spans. I think its enough to get kitty to go in the toilet. Flushing...


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Getting Rid of Snails?
You might try sprinkling area with sand, oyster shell, anything a bit gritty. Maybe even coffee grounds, or diatomaceous earth.


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Writing a 50th Wedding Anniversary Announcement?
I would just say Mr. and Mrs. Brown, parents of: and list the children in order born. Dont mention they are deceased. People who know them will know, and fill in those who dont. The parents would still want them remembered and their remaining son would too...



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Dog Losing Fur?
Yes. I have a great suggestion, and I recommend it for people as well. I saw a hair restoration miracle on an elderly pekinese and its owners husband as well. The dog was losing its hair and looked like it was on its way to doggie heaven when I visited this...


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Showing Support for Adult Child's Career Making Decisions?
In todays job market college is no longer a guarantee of a good job. Or any job for that matter. I am adamantly opposed to school loans as they can never be discharged through bankruptcy, and the interest rate on the loan can be modified by the lender at any...


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Ideas for Starting a Bakery Business?
If you think you can avoid temptation, go to work in a bakery that specializes in a wide range of baked goods. Unless you cant leave the goodies alone, work there several years and really learn everything you can.If you cant leave the stuff alone, dont follow...


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Finding a Fun Less Stressful Job While Pregnant?
Im assuming child care doesnt pay good money. So in that case having the certification may or may not matter if you are not going to continue. The only way it would matter is that it shows you went to the trouble of taking initiative. In this economy that may...


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Name Ideas for Renovation Business?
What are you renovating?


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I Can't Afford School Clothes?
Call your local Adult and Family Services, or whatever its called in your state and they will know all resources in your area. Since you have the web, also check your local newspaper if on line; they usually run an article on resources for kids clothes and...


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Getting Rid of Moles?
Good grief, from Portland, Oregon, to Capetown, those pesky diggers are everywhere. My sis in law tried hair and steel wool down the holes and only minimal success. I would think anything physical that would impede comfortable digging for them, since their...


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Dealing With Frizzy Hair?
I would first try a glycerin solution, but definitely dont rub with towel. Just wrap and blot. Glycerin is $3 at Walmart. Put about 8-10 drops of glycerin in 1 cup water and put in spray bottle. NOT squirts, drops. Its very concentrated and sticky if too much...


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Older Kenmore Washer Does Not Agitate or Spin?
Could be the transmission/gears. Id say its time to part with your machine. I had a GE, which the store told me was a mid range machine when I bought it and could expect 10 yrs from it. I wore it to death, died at 10 years, bought another, wore it out with...


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What Type of Doctor to See for Muscle Spasms?
A calcium, vit d, magnesium supplement may help you within a couple of days if you are deficient in minerals. You can have muscle cramps from low potassium, low salt if its hot weather. A glass or two of gatorade or gatorade type product will fix that right...


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My Frugal Life: Penny Pinchers
Please post so we can all read how you get the mortgage holder to allow you to do that? Do you pay the regular mortgage payment and extra which you ask to be applied to the principle?


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My Frugal Life: Penny Pinchers
Please post so we can all read how you get the mortgage holder to allow you to do that? Do you pay the regular mortgage payment and extra which you ask to be applied to the principle?



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Jobs You Can Do While Pregnant?
Any job that is physically safe for you and your baby, that will hire you. My grsons girl, 6 mths along, just went back to her old waitress job. You dont want to work in a garden center, or around chemicals [paints, etc] because of fumes. Some places wont hire...


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Uses for 10 Year Old Champagne?
I wouldnt toss it. Its either drinkable or not. If not, its on its way to vinegar. Im thinking a light vinegar like rice wine vinegar, good for any number of sauces or light dressings.


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Birthday Gift Ideas for Active, Skater Boyfriend?
A nice cake. The excitement of a new relationship is present enough.


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Hiring a Lawyer for a Child Support Case?
You can call most lawyers and ask a question for no cost at all over the phone. Call a few and ask.


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Lasagna Gardening?
Basically the idea behind layered gardening is to smother the grass and weeds, include everything plants will need over time. You want to go from coarse to fine. You can use cardboard/newspaper for bottom. Small twigs, branches, bush trimmings for next layer...


Someone checking their insulin levels next to healthy produce.

Beating Diabetes
There are a few things diabetics can do with no danger to themselves, whether on meds or not. I will definitely do it the natural way if I ever develop it. Walk after meals. Fiber, fiber, fiber: unbuttered popcorn [from scratch, not the microwave type], all...


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My Cat Has Dandruff?
Use emu shampoo, either for pets or humans. Not too much, and rinse well. Bath couple times a month, on warm days, always rinsing more than you think. It works.


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Cleaning Farm Eggs?
Wipe the eggs with a damp and wrung out cloth if there is obvious something on them, otherwise leave them alone. There is a coating on them naturally that keeps bacteria out of the shell/and therefore the egg. The shell is porous to some extent.


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Getting Seeds From a Pine Cone?
Kind of a smaller, flatter version of a sunflower seed.


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Filling a Rain Barrel With Tap Water?
The chlorine will, as it a gas in natural form. Any alum will remain in solution, but just getting rid of chlorine will help.


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Starting a Research Business?
$10 to $20 dollars. People will pay even though we can do a lot of research ourselves, and I myself can find almost anything about anything. The reasons people will want someone else to do it are varied: poor eyesight, fear or lack of knowledge of computer...


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Underarm Smell on T-shirts?
Try to have only cotton shirts, not cotton/polyester. Polyester textiles are problematic for various reasons: odor, stains, hot to wear.



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Organic Solution for an Apple Tree?
If theyve got bugs, probably nothing will help this year. BUT, read up on dormant sprays for fall, and then for next year and absolutely perfect apples, read up on bagging apple trees, originally a Japanese idea, now very popular with the Home Orchard Society...


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Strawberry Baskets and Containers?
I use them as mini-colanders for anything small that needs to drain: baby bottle nipples, small caps, bits of wool or yarn Ive dyed, etc.


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Preventing Mold Growth in Stored Cooler?
Wipe out cooler with bleach water, and store open. After you are sure its dry, cover open area with old sheet, that sort of breathable cloth to keep out dust.


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Controlling Insects in the Vegetable Garden?
Well, I am not an expert, but I have experimented a lot with gardening and I took a permaculture intensive workshop for 2 weeks, which covered a lot of gardening. Sometimes conditions stress plants which makes it easier for bugs to victimize the plants. How...


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How Do I Restore a Formica Tabletop?
I dont know what you mean by restore? Leaving it on and refinishing? Putting on new formica? If new, unscrew the metal stripping and try to remove it without creasing it, and follow directions for putting on new formica they will give you at the store where...


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Additional Home Treatment for an Anemic Cat?
Well, I hope the plant is gone, so that cant be a worry again. You can get frozen chicken livers at low cost at several stores in their frozen meat area. Id give her one cooked [saute on low/med heat in little oil after thawing out] per day, sprinkled with...


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Leaves on Dwarf Pear Curling and Turning Black?
Read and search under fruit trees for treating your tree in the fall. Same excellent treatment tips as given by Mrs Christmas, but suggestions for dormant sprays as well.


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Dumpster Diving: Free Stuff?
All of these are great ideas, including the cautions. My Dad had a business which created waste [plastic scraps, large paper bags], which he took to the land fill himself about once a month. He used to look through stuff and got things like a great waffle iron...


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Buy Magazines Used at Garage Sales
I agree; its a great tip. Often I will buy for a few cents a magazine I wouldnt pay full price for, and find the one or two things of interest. I also like to have a supply of bright pictures for great grandchildren to look at, cut out, paste, etc.


A fistful of dollars

Frugal Fundraisers
I have always had a fundamental objection to fundraisers. Ask yourself what the school nets after paying for products, etc. and just ask for that much money from parents. If school nets 25 cents from each candy bar, ask for the 25 cents. Most can afford the...


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Refrigerator Is Freezing Food?
I dont know if this will help but try these steps. Unplug fridge and pull it away from wall. Empty it. Take out drawers. Start with the back and clear away all dust, especially crusty dust. Look for any little holes that might be air holes. Carefully probe...


Children's Fancy Dinner Party

Children's Fancy Dinner Party
WONDERFUL! That is one of the best ideas Ive ever heard for summer activities...bravo. With that activity, you taught them meal planning, shopping, food prep and serving portioning, presentation, clean up [gives them a realistic idea of what actually has to...


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Butterscotch Pudding Pie Filling Recipe?
Thank you; I read it and emailed it to myself. It looks like it contains all the things I remember her putting it it. I will definitely make it, sans the bourbon and toffee, because I want to see if the base recipe is what Im aiming for before I embellish it...


Emmy The Dog
Lil Emm is just too cute. What a lovely coat.


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Hanging Socks on Clothesline to Dry Without Stretching?
Toes as suggested or just fold at the halfway mark. I never make socks into balls, I always lay the pair together and fold in half because it doesnt stretch top and they stack nicely.


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Ideas for Making Handicrafts That Will Sell?
Well, its warm where you are, and there may be some cultural differences between what we might do, and women in Bahrain might do. Im thinking your primary market would be for women and girls, right? Since you are experienced with hair how about getting some...


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Morning or Afternoon Kindergarten?
What is the sleep schedule of your family? If everyone is up early including the young man, take him to morning if and only if he will have had time to eat breakfast etc. If you are rushing other children off to school, maybe its too hectic. Afternoon kind...


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Comparing Weight Loss Programs?
Id like to offer a suggestion. One of the things most people who overeat fear is being hungry, especially at first. If you like spaghetti sauce, and vegetables, and ranch dip and raw veggies, and sandwiches, I did this once and I was healthier in so many ways...


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Homemade Sudsy Ammonia?
According to wikihow, its clear ammonia (1/3 cup), dash of dish soap, in quart bottle of water. It states Always add ammonia to water, not the other way around


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Can I Make Bread Without the Paddle Hole from the Machine?
You could use the machine to mix the dough, do the first rising, and then switch to greased bread pans, punch down and form the loaves and let rise in draft free area or slightly warm area if you have it. Oil top of loaf with butter (soft) and cover with saran...


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What Can I Use to Get Rid of Ivy?
Herbicides and pesticides now have an established link to neuromuscular diseases such as Parkinsons, so I cant recommend any; how about a goat? Maybe you can rent or borrow one.


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Making Kitchen Table from Recycled Items?
I love projects like this: I have made so many things the creative way... Top and legs can be made anyway you want; probably need a couple of pieces of hardware to put it all together and you dont want to skimp there. You want sturdy connectors [will vary depending...


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Toilet Clogged With Deodorant Container?
I am so sorry; how handy are you? You will most likely have to take the toilet off the seal on the floor to get out the deodorant because its probably caught in the trap. The seals are not that expensive, and it will take about 2 hours of straight work, more...


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Using Vinegar, Garlic, and Ginger for Leg Cramps?
I dont have a recipe for that, but I have read in several places that regular yellow mustard helps with leg cramps a lot, so I guess Id try that on a sandwich. Leg cramps can also be caused by lack of potassium; do you get enough tomatoes, bananas, baked potatoes...


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How Can I Repair a Clothes Steamer That Doesn't Steam?
Might have a little corrosion, or heating element could be going, in which case theres nothing to be done. But if you are a bit handy, get a small plate or container and start taking it apart,putting screws on plate, and check to see if all wires are connected...


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Who is Responsible for Maintenance in a Rented Duplex?
Also, read the original lease; repair issues should have been spelled out a little, and should still apply. Landlords neglect their property for several reasons, all of which suggest its time for a move: They are slumlords and dont give a hoot, just want the...


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Frugal 25th Anniversary Travel Ideas?
Make 3 lists and write down every possible expense you can imagine. Write down travel costs and time, and how much actual time you would have there and when you have to get back to work. Talk about how you imagine each scenario to play out and ask yourself...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

How Can I Get Rid of Wild Onions Growing Between My Bulbs?
If they are in clumps, try to pull out a few from the center of the clump and work your way to the edges, while holding down the soil near your bulbs you want to keep. I understand one can cook with them; I think they are pretty myself.


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What Can I Use on Combination Oily and Dry Hair that is also Frizzy ?
Try this for a month [to give your hair time to find its natural balance]. Take 3 Tablespoons of baking soda, the arm and hammer stuff, dissolve in large glass of warm water [try doing this over kitchen sink to give yourself time to rub into hair without it...


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Why is Water Collecting in My Dishwasher After Usage?
I cant say for sure if this will help, but it might temporarily while you figure out the underlying problem. Do you have a garbage disposal? There seems to be some tie in via suction/vacuum/air pressure between garbage disposals and dish machines. Run hot water...


My Frugal Life: Run Of Bad Luck
I hope you dont mind if I saw the humor in your little article; with a little tweaking I could see it as a novellette along the lines of The Egg and I. Think about it.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Recipe for a Small One Layer Cake?
Older cookbooks often have one layer cakes from the depression era; a treat for people when there wasnt enough for a large one, or also WW2 cake recipes when eggs and butter were rationed. There is also the option of Jiffy mixes; they have little one layer...


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Pit Bull Puppy Chews on Everything?
The operational word is puppy. It does pass, but put up anything you might be upset about being chewed, such as legs of a nice coffee table. Get large bone now and then, roast it and then give it to him for 1-2 days. They do get nasty. Rawhide chews helped...


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Ear Aches After Having Mono?
Only you can tell when you need to see a doctor, but nowadays I understand some doctors are recommending garlic oil for earache in children to avoid using so many antibiotics. This is how I make it for my great grand baby. Take some nice fresh garlic cloves...


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Sharpening Sewing Scissors Cheaply?
You might try googling the technique: sharpen your scissors yourself.


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Dark Underarms?
The only thing I can suggest is scrubbing with a soapy washcloth and some sugar or cornmeal, or lentil flour, something grainy. I wouldnt use any chemicals of any kind because there are lymph nodes under the arm and you dont want that skin to absorb a foreign...


My Frugal Life - Managing on a Budget
Wonderful ideas! are doing just about everything I could ever think of, and I love coming up with new re-uses for things.


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No-Bake Coconut Macaroon Candy?
I dont have the recipe, but think the were made with sweetened canned condensed milk.


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Finding Postage Rates On Line?
I worked for a small mail order business for a year not long ago, and you will want to got to, and think up to 2-3 pounds, usps was less, and over that, ups. But, since its been 3 years, they have calculators online and you can figure it...


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Retaining Independence and Self Confidence in a Relationship?
Is this person just incredibly happy to have you in their life? Or is this longer term, of many years standing. If its relatively new, dont worry, the new will wear off and you will wonder where it went. If its long standing, just make sure you know how to...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Making a Picture Frame?
Having worked in a framing department, let me tell you, it would be so much work, and equipment as well, not worth it. HOWEVER, do not despair. If it had the stand, it was factory made, and comes in a standard size, like 5x7 or 8x10, right? The stands dont...


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Growing Morning Glory from Seeds?
Morning glory seeds are larger, right? But 4 ounces is a lot. My guess is youll have more than you bargained for, but they are lovely. Keep watered until they pop up because the shell of the seed is rather hard, and I imagine wont crack right away. Next time...


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How Long to Save Medical Insurance Documents?
I know the standard answer for most records is 3 years, but Id consider saving all records for any insurance, as long as you use that company. Id go to the trouble of maybe having a tall filing cabinet out in the garage [you can get older ones at garage sales...


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Cleaning Pans With Baked On Food?
I know just what you mean. I use my rubber spatula to scrape out what I can, rinse it with the spray thingy, fill with water, put in small drop or two of dish soap, next morning go around it again with spatula, rinse and see whats left. I use a small scrub...


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Cleaning Vintage Baby Clothes?
You dont have to use bleach. Amys tip is excellent. I would only add that if you are lucky enough to have plain and unscented home made soap you can grate it into a pot of water brought to the boil and taken off the burner for the soap to dissolve and soak...


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Medicare Advice?
I would call social security and ask. Medicaid will go back 3 months if you have financial problems so maybe medicare has a similar provision.


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Making Extracts?
You wont get a syrup unless you put sugar in them. Thats what makes the syrup. This is an experiment and if it says 6 weeks, just wait and see, and if you dont like it, try something a bit different next time.


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Organic Weed and Grass Killer?
I believe corn bran is now used to kill weeds, used like mulch. Covering grass with a mat, boards, or black plastic will kill it. How much grass influences the choice.


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Killing Ants in the House?
I was just reading yesterday tumeric repels ants. Now, how to use is another method. You can get it cheaply at Asian or Indian markets, but it is a bright orange yellow and I use it for a dye. But I am thinking if you had sliding doors you might sprinkle it...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Killing Ants in the House?
I was just reading yesterday turmeric repels ants. Now, how to use is another question. You can get it cheaply at Asian or Indian markets, but it is a bright orange yellow and I use it for a dye. But I am thinking if you had sliding doors you might sprinkle...


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Eating on $300 a Month?
Figure out what you like; if you will eat anything with potatoes or rice, carrots, noodles, etc, find the best buy on those or just get a few and wait until you can find a good buy. Like 5-10 pounds potatoes, 2 pounds carrots, 1-2 pounds rice, 2 pounds noodles...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Making An Above Ground Root Cellar From a Freezer?
Read on the web and see if you can find directions for building an above ground potato mound for storing potatoes in winter. I read it somewhere but dont recall where. I think you do need more dirt, maybe a layer or two of straw or something insulating. There...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Making An Above Ground Root Cellar From a Freezer?
Read on the web and see if you can find directions for building an above ground potato mound for storing potatoes in winter. I read it somewhere but dont recall where. I think you do need more dirt, maybe a layer or two of straw or something insulating. There...


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Cooking Fish?
It is coagulated protein from fish juices/moisture. It tastes fine, but looks yucky to some [depends on how much]. Scrape it off and try not to mess up the fish or cover it with parsley. Or maybe let fish drain a bit on paper towel or rack before cooking and...


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Cleaning Kitchen Appliances with Baking Soda?
Or use a damp rag, sprinkle on quite a bit of soda and start scrubbing. I never had good results until I started using more soda, and the rag/sponge has to be very well rung out or it just dissolves the soda, which needs to be dry to scrub, but every so slightly...


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Free Computer Training Site for Senior Citizens?
I dont know about sites on net but great sources for learning about computers are free classes at some libraries, some community colleges, and senior centers.


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Name Ideas for Homemade Pet Treats Business?
Yes, I liked the snappy too. Snappy Dog, Dog snaps, something with word snap in it.


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Killing Mealybugs, Scales, Aphids, Spider Mites, etc.
For around $10 dollars you can buy about a 1000 ladybugs who will be more than happy to clean up those aphids and probably a few of the others as well. They will likely also set up a colony near by and be around for years. But it sounds as though your plant...


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Cleaning Patent Leather?
I dont know if this will work, but when I was a kid, patent leather was polished with a little vaseline and buffed. Im thinking if you put some vaseline near the glue, and then put a shoe [for testing] in the freezer for an hour in a grocery plastic bag of...


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Ideas for No-sew Curtains or Roman Shades?
By no-sew I assume something using iron on tapes with the pull threads already attached. I would think the kits would have instructions, but for good measure Id check the store where you buy the kits for a good book on sewing for the home/sewing window treatments...


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Finding Free Fill Dirt for the Garden?
There are usually signs at construction sites, or possibly on free part craiglist or similar sites. Id just keep an eye out while driving around.


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Using Fresh Grape Juice for Line and Wrinkles?
Alpha hydroxy acid is in a lot of fruits and it will over time peel off layers of outer skin and make it look nicer. So will lactic acid. So you can use crushed fruit, or yoghurt or buttermilk. You might try getting a can of dry powdered buttermilk and mixing...


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Removing the Odor from New Silk Garments?
I dont know if the scent is the silk or the finishing technique which may use chemicals, or the smell of the dye or shipping container. But I worked for a natural dyer for a year, who specialized in silk, and sometimes it does have a scent for a while until...


Start Seeds in a Kids Swimming Pool

Start Seeds in a Kids Swimming Pool
This is a wonderful idea. You might also add a tablespoon or two of compost around each plant as it grows. Ive read this idea before and it seems like a wonderful idea. That person put a clear plastic tarp with air holes poked in over the top of the pool, the...


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Fading Black and White Shirt?
I am not sure if this will help, but I dont think it will hurt. Wash shirt in either water with maybe 1/4 cup dissolved salt and rinse well, or preferably, a cup of white vinegar in washer at least med full of water. Rinse well. Either of those is supposed...


Quick Bread

Sunken Top on Quick Bread?
Im having trouble myself, most likely, if all things are same the oven is not holding temp as before, wasnt really preheated enough, or possibly humidity has affected your flour (it does), so it wasnt really enough flour. Probably not the baking powder.


Cabinet Color Advice for Kitchen With Dark Mahogany Floors and Blue Granite Countertops?
I lived in Africa once, and seeing that lovely blue with hints of green in it reminded me of the lovely days in the Highlands of Kenya. How about a soft green taken from the dark streaks in the granite; a pastel/light version. It would be like the blue skies...


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Felt Tip Pen Stain on Wood Furniture?
Well, it depends partly on how old and worn the finish on the wood is. I would proceed cautiously in case the varnish is thin; if you start removing the ink and it smears you dont want to make it worse by spreading it onto bare wood. Get a million q tips and...


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Quinceanera with Dragonfly Theme?
Not sure what you mean by dirty. Why dont you tell us what youve made the other parts from, and that might be useful for ideas.


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Best Vacuum for Laminate Flooring?
For starters, why not a little swiffer shaped thing with a lambswool type cover. It will get all the hairs and dusty stuff, and slide other objects which you can sweep up with a nice synthetic [soft style] broom. Shake out the cover into garbage can and toss...


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Choosing Plants for a Vegetable Garden?
Above writer has great ideas. You can also read the tag on your brocolli starts/seeds and if its not a hybrid let one or two plants go to seed, and then use the dry seed to start more brocolli in about September for a fall crop.


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Company Names for a Design Business?
Tell us what projects you see yourself doing.


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Olive Oil Facial Cleanser?
Years ago I read an article on using oil on ones face for a cleanser and I did it for a long time; olive oil was the recommended oil. Fill the basin with fairly hot water. Use cotton ball to put very thin layer of olive oil on face [cover hair with towel or...


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Tips or Saving When Dining Out?
Hey John, Portland is my home town and Im currently in exile in Colorado and my dear brother is also named John. That aside, the best way to save money on eating out, is eat at home. Sorry. But, many restaurants are offering deals right now if you eat with...


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Substitute For Buttermilk?
Measure out milk and put in 1 teaspoon lemon juice or 1 teaspoon vinegar if thats for baking; it wouldnt do for salad dressing or drinking.


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Squirrels Eating Plants?
I understand your frustration, but since 2006, squirrels around the world have been going hungry because of weather disturbances/out of phase resulting in little or no nut crops. They are starving. In 2006 it happened in Poland, Russia, and I think it was last...


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Rabbit Ate My Burning Bush?
If the trimming was mainly on the ends of branches towards middle, bush will probably be fuller. If they took off whole branches in uneven manner, hard to say. Pruning often encourages growth.


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Tips for Gaining Weight?
Age is the most likely cure; my husband and children were all slender until about 40, now they are less slender, but not fat. Are there any digestion problems? The one thing I have noticed universally is how buffed and filled out people look after military...


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Tips for Gaining Weight?
I forgot to say what I mean by good plain food; I do not mean potato chips, candy, junk food stuff. For some reason I think that will make people obese but not a healthy weight. I mean meat, starch, veggies or casserole, or whatever you like by way of main...


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Stench in the Microwave and Kitchen?
Move microwave to another location, like your Moms garage. See how much odor is left. Turn on fan above range for few hours full blast. Do what you can to remove remaining scent with Febreeze room spray as suggested above. Early in morning add pleasant scents...


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Top Load Washer Does Not Drain or Spin?
How old is it? If its 10 or more years old, it might be dead. Otherwise look on web for an 800 number for Frigidaire and find their do it yourself repair number and talk to someone. I used to have a GE washer and dryer, and occasionally had to fix it and got...


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Getting Starch Out of Clothes?
Wash them again, but each time soak overnight in cold water first.


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Finding Free Water Garden Plants?
Put an ad on local craigslist. Theres bound to be someone in your area with overgrown plants.


Winnie The Pooh Cake

Winnie The Pooh Cake
Great job; its very cute.


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Generic Versus Name Brand Bleach?
The bleach ingredient in bleach is a 5-6 per cent solution of sodium hypochlorite. Ive read labels and all seem to be around that percent. Perfumes and water, possibly something else are the remainder, but thats the bleaching agent. You can increase the effectiveness...


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Using Rid-X for Pet Odors?
I love experiments like that. Why not dissolve a bit in a quart of water and test in small area, marking off area with tape and wait several days for it to work.


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My Frugal Life: Common Sense About Money
Where do you live, TXBetty? Texas? I live in Colorado and milk now is 2.19/gal, eggs can be had for 97 cents/doz if you dont mind medium, but you are right about the bread. I shop at KingSoopers and Walmart, though when I lived in Oregon it was WINNCO and Fred...


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Hospital Fundraiser Craft Ideas?
I dont know if this is a help, but maybe just collection jars in local businesses, grocers etc. Or a group door to door collections solicitation, as it sounds as though you live in a small community, and that way there is no money put out for expenses. Just...


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Keeping Bugs Out of a Light Fixture?
I know it seems yucky, but those bugs are no longer bugging you. Maybe rig a home-made bug trap with sweet soda or something to hang right near the light?


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Keeping My Neighbor's Pets Out of My Yard?
Make some sort of latch and wire it shut with bread wrapper wire until dog discovers it cant get in a few times. Then you probably wont have to do it anymore.


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Coloring a Leather Handbag?
Tandy leather has many leather dyes, etc.


What Breed is My Dog?
Thats what he looks like.


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Candyland Birthday Party?
Well, everyone could wear something striped: shirts, socks, pajamas. Or that looked like candy, candy colors, something with round life-saver shapes.


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Mattress Smells Moldy?
You take the mattress to the dump. Mold is bad for everyone and you could give yourself lung problems for the rest of your life. You should write with permanent marker on mattress the world MOLDY for the sake of anyone tempted to take it.


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Freezing Baked Jacket Potatoes?
Enzymes break down the potato. You can can potatoes, but freezing must be harder.


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My Legs Are Itchy?
Well, Aisha, hello there in Mombasa. I lived in Kenya once, years old are you? Dry skin is more common amongst older people, and dry skin can cause itching. The most likely culprit is your soap, or lotion. New brand? For instance Dove soap makes my...


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Reporting a Business That Doesn't Have a Permit?
Well, you can have a home based business involving cooking, but rules are very stringent. I thought of it once, but involves a lot of detail, so gave up idea. Frankly a garage does not sound sanitary unless it were remodeled completely into a modern, stainless...


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Is it OK to Put a Refrigerator in the Garage?
Well I would call an appliance center and ask to talk to manager, who will get info for you. Or if your current in house fridge is older, swap them out, or go to estate sale and get nice older type. I like to buy from estate sales because often older people...


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Scratches on a Porcelain Sink?
Get some Barkeepers Friend and gently use it to buff out the porcelain and hope it works.


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Cleaning Eye Glasses?
Mine did that [they were metal] from lotion on my face. I stopped putting lotion in that area and doesnt happen anymore.


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Harvesting Horseradish?
Why dont you do both; if its not hot enough the first time [that would be upcoming spring, right?] offer it to friends and family who like milder horseradish. Being fresh, I am going to guess it will be plenty hot, regardless.


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Making a Mini Green House?
I had the use of an unheated green house for 4 years once and it was a hoot. I had plants and experiments coming out of my ears. Some years better than others. I no longer have a garden but still put aside stuff for one in future. My son had a waterbed which...


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Costs of Making Your Own Juice?
Like many, I have been tempted by one of those juicer things, and of course, its fresh juice. But, I bought a juice steam extractor for jellys etc, and it produces wonderful juice. I plan on making my own tomato V8 type juice with it. Ive done various berry...


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Advice for Sagging Breasts?
Well, are you normal weight or under/over weight. It doesnt matter, just trying to get an idea of where you are at. I believe in boob miracles because Ive had them. After my first child my boobs were shriveled, sunken and sagging. Fast forward couple of years...


Family: Robin's First Grandchild
Congratulations on your lovely grandchild. Our greatgrandaughter/grandaughter had a difficult birth and swine flu was everywhere, so doctor told us to keep her away from people for 8 weeks and to use one drop per day vitamin D [can find many places and store...


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Best Method for Making Payments to Collection Agency?
Id give them money order [keep receipt part] from us post office. Unquestioned money order and they have o access to your personal account info.


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Converting Two Pounds of Potatoes to Cups?
You can convert somethings to cups easily, like sugar or flour or rice, but you will have to cook up those potatoes, drain, mash down and measure. Then you will know. Also different potatoes mash up differently. Gold potatoes probably weigh more than fluffier...


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Improving Dog's Weight and Muscle Tone?
How old is poor dog who has a human master wanting dog to live up to an idealized image for the humans sake? If young, let it mature to full adulthood, about age 3. Human master can get up and take dog for walk; good for trimness for both. Maybe human should...


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Methods for Cutting Baking Time?
Well, it depends. Ladyscorpio raises completely valid points, but sometimes I start my chicken if roasting at a higher heat for 15 minutes to get the crisping going or finish at higher heat for crisping, but then the goal is not really to hurry it, but to crisp...


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Dishwasher Not Releasing Soap?
Could also brush area around little door pivot area with old toothbrush and warm water. Maybe its just caked.


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Toning Down Spicy Foods?
There are two things that might help: with all spicy dishes, cook the spice itself over low-med/low heat in the oil/fat of recipe the spices to mellow, before putting in other ingredients. I heat my pan to med low, add oil and butter [has to be low enough not...


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My Gold Rings Changed Color?
Take them to a jeweler and talk to them.


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Removing Rust From Chrome?
There are probably product but the foil and cola sounds good to me; however, your chrome product is probably on its last legs because the chrome protection has worn away, but you can just start looking for replacements at garage sales. I see chrome trimmed...


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Removing Rust from Paper Clips?
Rub with scrap of steel wool, not cleaning pads, just plain steel wool.


Small hands putting together a puzzle

Low Cost Educational Toys
One of the most educational things you can give your child is the experience of seeing you make a toy for them. I had a father who made everything, but I didnt have a lot of toys, I had the richness of seeing you could make what you wanted and needed and that...


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Paint Suggestion for Black and White Kitchen?
I was going to say white with small accents of red and green also. As in tiles, cups, print of veggies, cookie jars.


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Problem With Varathane Floor Finish?
Bubbles are a problem with varnish of any kind. See if there is an 800 number to call. You have to make very slow, one way strokes and dont stir can. I used to refinish furniture to the stain phase, and then mix thinner, tung oil and varnish in 1/3rd and rub...


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Painting Room With Red and Black Furniture?
What else is in room you want to keep? How about art work colors, are those the only two colors? Take inventory of all colors, and try to imagine one as wall color, as is, or lighter, or darker. Grays are always good with red and black, but that doesnt feel...


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Chile Juice for Garden Pests?
When you are dealing with chilis, fresh or as powder you have to be aware you are exposing yourself and anyone in area [children] to a potential breathing problem or skin/eye irritation problem. You could blend them with water and let sit, strain after some...


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Knitted Recycled T-shirt Scarf?
Looks like 8-10 stitches for a large needle, maybe size 12-13.


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Price Per Load for Homemade Laundry Detergent?
Where does one find washing soda nowadays? I get my borax at Walmart; its about $3 per box. I use Purex detergent, at WMart for $3. I cannot figure out why detergent has gone up as it has. I do not use the amounts called for. I use about 3 tablespoons for full...


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Smell From Garbage Disposal?
Get some lemons when they are onsale, cut into small pieces or slices and freeze on a cookie sheet and then put in plastic bag in freezer, and until smell is gone, put one in every night and grind it up. You could also pour in some white vinegar [1/4 cup] or...


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Upholstery Cleaner Left Stain on Furniture?
Wipe with damp cloth [lukewarm water] over period of days and let dry in between, and see if you cant gradually fade the ring. I am only suggesting the gradual approach to avoid any mold problems which would rot the fabric. If you feel you got too much water...


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Getting Started on Ebay?
It sounds as if you are planning on selling often on ebay. I only buy, and use a pay pal account linked to my checking account; it goes through immediately and I get notices in my email account within minutes. I agree you dont want to risk bouncing anything...


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