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Fixing a Perm?
Actually you should wait a lot longer than one week. More like a couple months. Being your perm was a home perm that went bad, because nobody knew what they were doing, your best bet would be to go to a beauty salon and get their advice. I have a sister that...


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New Jersey Christmas Charities?
Most of the Christmas charities have a deadline of around Thanksgiving for taking applications, they also have an age deadline of 12 years. Each kid only needs one gift from their parents, and the gift doesnt have to be designer clothes or electronics or expensive...


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Social Security Disability Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and find out from them.


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Abusive Husband?
Unless you are a glutton for punishment, dont go back. I dont think people ever change that much. He has been given a couple chances.


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Christmas Charity Help in North Carolina?
Most of the Christmas charities have a deadline of around Thanksgiving for taking applications and most of them also have a cut off of age 12. Most of them also verify income. We all know Christmas is coming and no matter how hard up they are, most people can...


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Choosing a Service Dog Breed?
To be a true service dog, they have to go through specialized training. You cant just get a dog and train it yourself. Does your mother use a walker that should take care of her issues. There are also other aids for assisting people to arise, etc. Check with...


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Roof Repair for Low Income Individual?
Check with your local Social Security Office and see if you qualify for medicare/medicaid. Your disability is probably too high to get these things. I get $700.00 retirement Social Security and even before I was old enough to get medicare I was on complete...


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Social Security Settlement?
Why dont you call your Social Security Office and talk to them to get the answer?


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Room Addition Help for Low Income Family?
I havent heard of anyplace that helps build on extra rooms.


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Pre-lit Tree Lights Not Working?
My solution would be to buy a couple 100 count strings of cheap lights and put them on the tree.


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Chairs and Curtains to Coordinate With Carpet?
I have been renting since 1983 and have never worried about what colors match the carpeting that comes in the apartment. The way I look at is any guests that you have will know you are renting and wont expect your belongings to co-ordinate with the rug or walls...


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VA Disability and Child Support Arrears?
You will have to talk to your local Child support Collect Office about this. It is free to talk to them. That being said, you created a child, children, and it is your responsibility to at least partially support them.



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Life Insurance Money?
How do you know he left life insurance for you, did he have a will or something? Just because there was life insurance that doesnt mean it was specifically for you alone, it could have been meant to help your care giver support you and however many other kids...


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Survivor Benefits?
What has your local Social Security Office told you? I dont know why your daughter would qualify for her Dads disability benefits. Now another question why did you have a child with somebody that was unable to work. Basically if a person is so bad off that...


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How Long Before Benefits Start?
Have you actually been approved, or did you just have an interview/paperwork type of appointment. That being said a lot of things in the SS Offices dont move very fast.


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Survivor Benefits Eligibility?
For heavens sake! Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them about this.


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Finding Christmas Charities for Children?
Number one you can buy clothes at a thrift store. At the Salvation Army you can go to their office and get a voucher for, if I remember right it would be three outfits of free clothing. I think you will have to state your income. Remember that just because...


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West Virginia Christmas Charities for an Older Child?
The charities have to draw the line some place. A kid only needs one gift from their parents and it doesnt have to have a designer label or or be something in the line of electronics. You can even find good quality things at thrift stores and some of it is...


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Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
You are going to have to talk to a Social Security office to find out the answer.


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Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. That being said, you arent the only person living on a fixed income and the rest of us are getting by. It takes some careful budgeting, and not doing much in the line of entertainment.


Finding Christmas Help?
Each child only needs one gift. As far as that goes they are young enough yet that being they dont go to daycare or anything, if certain adults didnt talk about Christmas they wouldnt know about it. It could be just another day. That being said I know they...


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Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. They can give you the right advice. A lot will depend on if the father worked enough years to qualify for Social Security.


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How Soon Can I Get Another Perm?
Talk to you beautician, providing you have one, otherwise my advice according to what different hair stylists have told me over the years you should wait quite awhile.


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Social Security Survivor Benefits Eligibility?
Talk to your local Social Security Office, they can give you the correct answer.



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Social Security Survivor Benefits Eligibility?
Have you talked to your uncle about this. That being said, I dont think any survivors benefits are supposed to go directly to the minor child. My guess would be that they would be used to help support that child, and if the money isnt needed for that it could...


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13 Year Old Birthday Party?
Why does a party have to be anything special? I just dont understand kids and even adults needing special things to do for birthdays, weddings, etc. For birthday parties, and anniversaries, etc. people used to get together and visit/hang out.


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Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and ask them. They know the right answers.


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Social Security Death Benefit Claim?
You are going to have to call your local Social Security Office to find out the correct answer.


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Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Have you thought about calling your local Social Security Office and asking them? They are the ones that know the correct answer.


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Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. That is the place to get correct advice.


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Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. They are the only ones that can give you the correct answer.


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Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. They can give you the correct answer.


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Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Have you talked to your local Social Security Office? They would be the ones to ask. Your grandson might be disabled, but there are a lot of disabled young people that are taking care of themselves with the aid of case managers and he should also be collecting...


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Child Support and Social Security?
Talk to you local Social Security Office, they are the ones that will know.


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Qualifying for Survivor Benefits?
Whoever was raising you and your brother probably received the benefits and used them to help pay the expenses of raising both of you. Call your local Social Security Office and see what you can find out.


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Social Security Disability and Child Support?
Call your local Social Security Office and ask them.



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Survivors Benefits for Multiple Children?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them.


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Social Security Benefits for Children of Deceased Parent?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. That being said is the by any chance a possibility that you arent capable of controlling all the money at one time.


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Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them.


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Social Security Dependant Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and ask them.


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Sharing Living Expenses With Boyfriend?
It sounds like you were taken for a sucker. He wants a built in baby sitter plus somebody to help with his living expenses. Considering he and his kids use more of all the things listed than you do. I would get the heck out of there.


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Social Security for Mentally Challenged Adult?
Call your local Socai Security Office and talk to them, in order to find out the correct answer.


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Veteran's Disability and Child Support?
As long as you have custody you are the one that should be receiving child support. There is absolutely no reason that a non custodial parent would need the support. No matter what your income is it is still the responsibility of the absent parent to help support...


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Social Security Survivor's Benefits?
Not everybody that is ADHD is considered disabled. If you arent declared disabled you dont get it. As far as the school stating that your son has learning disabilities goes, if you apply for disability for him, more than likely he will have to be tested by...


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SSDI Benefits for College Students?
You are going to have to talk to your local Social Security Office to find out he correct answer.


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Eligibility for Survivor's Benefits?
I have never heard of anybody collecting survivors benefits from a sibling, no matter the age of the siblings. I have only ever heard of widows/widowers and minor children receiving survivors benefits. Call your local Social Security Office to find out the...


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Receiving SSI Benefits?
Talk to your local Social Security Office to get the correct answer.


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Benefits for Child Receiving Survivor's Benefits?
Talk to your Department of Social Services/Welfare Office about this matter. They can tell you the right answer. Probably they will consider your income too.


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Social Security Survivor Benefits Eligibility?
Talk to your local Social Security Office.


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Qualifying for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Call you local Social Security Office and talk to them. They will know the proper answer and procedures.


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Child Support Payments?
How could we know what the judge will do? Even if any of us were judges, each judge does different things within the law. If he changes jobs frequently his wages can still be garnished. That is providing his jobs dont pay him under the table. He can always...


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Qualifying for Social Security Benefits?
You are going to have to ask your Social Security Office what other proofs you need. If you were married to the father a marriage license should be considered proof.


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Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. They are the only ones that know the correct answer.


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SSI Benefits for Home Schooled Child?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. They can give you the correct answer.


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Help With Home Repairs?
I am low income and that is the reason that I live in a rental apartment instead of a house. This way I dont have to worry about repairs. When something goes wrong the landlord takes care of it. Yesterday I needed a new air conditioner, so I called the manager...


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Child's Survivors Benefits Reduced?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them about it. They are the people that can give you the correct answer. If you were married to their mother, you should be getting something too.


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Social Security Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. They are the only ones that know the correct answer.


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Hair Damaged by Perm?
I dont know about your hair falling out, but it has been over processed too many times in too short of time period. If your aunt is a hair stylist she should have know that. In my 74 years I have been to numerous hair stylists and they all say the same thing...


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Roof Repair Assistance for Senior Citizens?
The only organization that I know of is a nationwide government funded organization. It has different names in different places. IF you are so low income that you cant afford to repair it yourself, you must have a social worker/welfare worker through the Department...


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Home Repair for Low Income Families?
Your friend should have been having one repair made at a time. You cant tell me all of these major repairs occurred at the same time. Maybe she should sell the house as is and move into an apartment. There is a nationwide organization that goes by different...


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Home Repair for Low Income Families?
The thing with getting into Section 8 housing/low income housing is, depending where you live there is usually quite a long waiting list. Where I live it is roughly five years.


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Dollar Tree Tub and Shower Cleaner
The Works is available in several stores.


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Back Child Support and Survivors Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. As far as the mother of your child collecting money from different sources, that isnt so unusual. I have a friend that collects a quite large some in disability from the state that she lived in when she...


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Table for Small Kitchen?
You can find small sized drop leaf tables. I do have a wood card table that is about 36 square in my small kitchen, but there are times I wish I had one that is more rectangle shape.


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Roof Repair of Low Income Families?
There is a nationwide organization that helps seniors and disabled people with home repairs. I cant tell you the name of it because it has different names in different locations, even in different cities in the same state. I THINK most of the time it is referred...


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Ideas for Finding a Free Laptop
I worked in an Easter Seal Office for about 10 years and never heard of them giving out computers. They are known to do things like durable medical equipment(wheel chairs, walkers, commodes, canes, things like that.) Also they dont just help special needs kids...


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Back Child Support and SSDI?
Call your local Social Security Office and ask them. They can give you the right answer. Something you should consider is your ex also has back bills to pay too.


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Proving Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Have you talked to the local Social Security Office about this? I have no idea if illegitimate children qualify for survivors benefits. My opinion is that if his mother is willing to do the DNA test, it isnt really any of the wifes business, unless she controls...


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?
When I was your age the only kind of birthday parties kids had were with close family members. My kids had two parties with friends. One when they were ten and one when they were 16. For the 16th party, they sat in our family room and played board games. All...


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Shower Stall Curtain?
Any shower curtain will work for a shower stall. I have never heard of shower stall curtains.


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Social Security Eligibility?
In order to get the correct answer, you will have to call your local Social Security Office and talk to them.


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Social Security Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them.


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Social Security Survivor Benefit Eligibility?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them.


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Age of Emancipation for Minors?
Isnt it age 18 for both boys and girls? Anyway I have always heard that they are no longer considered minors at that age. It is different from when I was young, when if I remember right boys had to be 21 before they were considered adults.


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Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Are you sure your father is using your money, instead of his own survivors benefits? He should have been getting some of his own. Furthermore in the case of minors, which you were until recently the money that minors get is usually used to help with their expenses...


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Talking to Granddaughter About Dirty Unsafe Apartment?
It wont do any good to talk to her. She will have to decide on her own that she has to grow up. I have an adult daughter that was the same way, until she got to being about 40 years. She wouldnt change the bags in the vacuum cleaner because they cost money...


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Finding Rental Assistance Programs in New Jersey?
Have you checked with the Department of Social Services/Welfare Office? All states/cities have an assistance program, that is funded by the Federal Government. I think is is called Section 8, and it has slightly different names all over. Usually there is a...


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Finding Help for Low Income Family House Repairs?
There is a nationwide, government sponsored organization that helps seniors/disabled people with home repairs/modifications. It goes by different names in different states/cities. Some places call it Opportunities for Independent Living(OIL). Talk to your social...


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Finding Help After a House Fire?
It isnt up to the system to help you. If you are in the system already, you only get so much help a month. Most counties have a County Welfare Office, look them up and maybe they can help you with deposit and rent for one month. I dont know if you received...


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Survivor Benefits?
You are going to have to talk to your local Social Security Office about that matter.


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Survivor Benefits for Students?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them.


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Cake Sinks in the Middle?
Do you check to see if they are done, like you are supposed to? You do this by sticking a toothpick or something similar in the middle, and if it comes out clean the cake is done.


Collecting Social Security Survivor's Benefits?
A person has to work a certain amount of time to qualify for SS and I would imagine the same applies to Survivors Benefits. Usually when a person first applies you are denied, then you appeal, it can take a long time. That being said, Im sure the Social Security...


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Collecting Survivor Benfits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. They are the only ones that know the correct answer. My guess is it will depend on how long she worked, if she worked.


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Sharing Mortgage Expenses With Boyfriend?
Whatever you do, get everything done in writing and notarized. My opinion is he should be responsible for half of everything, including insurance and groceries. The way his attitude sounds, I wouldnt let him move in with your, and I would really hesitate marrying...


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Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. They are the only ones that can give you the correct answer. My thought is the answer would be no because of the fact that he never worked he would never be eligible for Social Security benefits.


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Survivor Benefits?
I guess I dont understand why she should get anything else, even though she cant get Survivors Benefits. She got along before her Dad died, she should be able to get along now. If she is old enough she could get a job.


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Hair Dry After Perm?
Im 74 and have talked to a lot of hair stylists over the years and they all recommend waiting several weeks between coloring and perming. You should probably discuss this with the person that did your hair or did you do it yourself?


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Using Sheets for Quilting Fabric?
I know a lot of people that use sheets for the backing on quilts but I have never heard of anybody using them to cut the squares. However, I imagine it would work.


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Getting Rid of Bindweed or Morning Glory?
Why get rid of it, when it blooms in the morning, the flowers are really pretty. Get a trellis for it to climb on. My late aunt had morning glories climbing a trellis in her yard and she never had trouble with it spreading.


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Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
More than likely the money that you received all these years has been used to support you. That is usually how the money is used. If it wasnt needed for that, it could have been put into savings for college. I dont understand why minors think that the survivors...


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Feeding a Crowd?
You can usually find things like that on google and a lot of cook books, especially those put out by church and other non-profit groups, contain information like that. It is usually for 100 people but when you find out the information for 100 it would be easy...


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Eligibility for Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. They are the only ones that know the correct answer. Even if this is correct, it doesnt affect the amount your kids will be getting.


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Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and ask them.


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Electrical Home Improvement?
How much work do you need done, and if it is a large amount, you should have had it done in small increments. Also is it a matter of necessity or for something that you want in the line of entertainment? There is a nationwide government organization that will...


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Social Security Survivor Benefits?
You will have to call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. I assume you are talking about Survivors Benefits. I have only heard of surviving spouses and kids being able to collect these benefits.


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Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
We dont know as much as the Social Security Office knows. They are the ones that would know the right answer. Were the other kids adopted out, like you were? If your late mother raised the other kids they would have rights to the Survivors Benefits. Being your...


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Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. I have never heard of anybody other than a spouse and kids getting survivors benefits.


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Receiving Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social security Office and talk to them. Have you been supporting yourself for the last three years or has the benefits been going to an adult to help them with the cost of raising you?


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SSI Benefits?
You will have to call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. Do you mean SSI(Supplemental Security Income) or do you mean Survivors Benefits? SSI or SSD usually goes to disabled people. Survivors benefits go to a person whose spouse of parent has...


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House Needs a Lot of Repair?
When you grandma bought the house she should have had it inspected before the final purchase and if the person selling the house refused to make needed repairs she shouldnt have bought the house. Who was helping your grandma to make sure she didnt make unwise...


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Finding Low Income Family Home Repair Assistance?
It is cheaper to make repairs one at a time, as the need occurs. There is a nationwide organization that is government based that will help seniors and the disabled with things like that. I dont know the name of it because it has different names in different...


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Can My Children Receive Survivor Benefits?
Did you think about calling your local Social Security Office? They can give you the right answer.


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Receiving Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. They are the only ones that can tell you the right answer.


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Cleaning White T-shirts?
If you have hard water and add bleach to it, the water in the washer will turn kind of brownish, and any white laundry will turn kind of a peachy-beige color. This happened when my oldest daughter was a baby we had moved into a town that had hard water, and...


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Identifying a Rash?
You should probably consult a doctor, being the anti-fungal cream doesnt help.


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Social Security Survivor Benefits?
If your step son only lived with you for five months after his Dad died, and is now living with his mother, what do you want? Do you want reimbursement for those five months or do you think you are entitled to receive his benefits even when he isnt living with...


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Finding Help Home Repairs?
There is one organization that I know of that is nationwide, and will help senior citizens and people that are actually disabled. They have different names in different states and even in different cities in the same state. Where I live most people think of...


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Adjusting a Sewing Machine Needle?
Have you looked in the instruction book? I am in my 70s and have had two Singers during these years. Both of them were made so that the needle could be set to sew off center, which is handy for certain purposes. If your machine is made to do things like that...


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Directly Depositing Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Talk to your local Social Security Office. As far as that goes, I would think your bank should have been able to help you.


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How Soon Can I Perm My Hair Again?
I have a sister that is a retired hair stylist and she always told her customers, myself included that you should only perm every three months. You wouldnt end up completely bald, you might lose some hair and I dont know about that, but perming more often is...


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Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Call you local Social Security Office and make an appointment to talk to them.


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Collecting Survivor Benefits While in School?
Call your local Social Security Office and make an appointment to talk to them. The way I have always understood it, the benefits stop when a person is no longer a minor. I have heard of some of them stopping when a person is 16 and some when they are 17.


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Confusion Regarding Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. They can give you the correct information.


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Social Security Survivor Benefits?
You are going to have to call your local Social Security Office to find out the correct answer.


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Emancipated Youth Receiving SSI Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them, they are the only ones that know the correct answer.


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Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Are you absolutely positive that your mother isnt paying room and board/rent to your grandma? If you are positive, how do you know for sure? If the money isnt being used for your clothing, how are you getting the clothes? How do you know your mother hasnt been...


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Appealing a Denial of Social Security Survivor Benefits?
In order for a person to receive Social Security and/or SS Disability they do have to work a certain number years. I think it is called quarters. You are going to have to call your local SS Office and set up an appointment to talk to them in order to see if...


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Help with Rebuild After Fire?
Did you have homeowners insurance on your house? If you did you should have made sure to have enough coverage that you could afford to rebuild. It is really inexpensive to have insurance, instead of having to worry about a place to live. As far as finding the...


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Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
What makes you think you have any back pay coming. If you did, it would have arrived right after you and your mother qualified for Survivors Benefits. Do you plan on living with your grandma until you turn 18? If that is the case the benefits should be going...


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Eligibility of Children for Social Security Payments?
You will have to call your local Social Security Office and set up an appointment to talk to them about the SS. checks. How old is your biological son? If you have been paying child support for 18 years, you should be done with it, unless he is disabled in...


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Discontinued Simplicity Crafts Pattern #8788?
Go to the Simplicity web site, sometimes they have a section called discontinued patterns or vintage patterns.


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How Many Ounces in a Cup?
One cup is eight ounces. Four ounces is 1/2 cup. I am 74 years old and have never heard of anybody using four ounces as one cup.


Home Repair Grant Denied?
I dont know what you mean when you say a Home Improvement Grant, unless it is similar to what we have in SD, that is government funded. Here what we have is basically called Opportunities for Independent Living and it has different names in different parts...


Raggedy Ann doll.

Buying White Eyelet Trim?
I just did some quick online research on this matter. I looked at three of the stores that handle fabric where I live and WalMart, Joann Fabrics, and Hancock Fabrics all have the white eyelet trim.


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Removing a Stain from a Prom Dress?
Send it to the cleaners. As far as I know chiffon isnt washable, and the rest of the dress is probably made out of non-washable fabric too.


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Social Security Survivor Benefits and Teens?
Does the 17 year old still receive benefits? I have heard of this happening in other cases. You are going to have to take to your local SS Office. Actually the letter should have given you more of a reason and I bet the letter also said you can appeal the decision...


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Sharing a House With My Boyfriend?
You have five kids between you, are all of them there all of the time? If not, you dont need that large of home. The kids that are there part time can make do in sleeping bags, or air mattresses on the living room floor or on the floors of the other kids bedrooms...


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Keeping Garlic and Onion Salts and Powders from Caking?
I have the same problem and I think it comes from shaking the seasoning bottles over the steaming product that you are seasoning. What I do, when I need some of the caked product is to tap the bottle against the edge of the counter. Actually if I need a larger...


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SSI Benefits for a Child?
Were you and the father married? I would think that would be all you would need. I might be wrong, but I would think a marriage license would be enough proof. Why dont the paternal parents want a DNA done? There must be a reason for that. I dont really think...


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Choosing a School Wardrobe?
The best place for you to shop is where your parents can afford to buy your clothes and for you to wear what they deem appropriate. Being in eighth grade isnt any different than being in any other grade. It is supposed to be about academics, not fashion. At...


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Applying for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Have you talked to the local Social Security Office? That is where you will get the correct answer.


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Sharing Living Expenses With Boyfriend?
I think you are doing plenty. That being said I would never have moved in with him and got into the situation you are in. I tell all young women when they are talking about getting into a relationship to make sure they save a little money every week, have their...


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Eligibility for Survivor Benefits?
I wouldnt put a lot of faith in a home paternity test. To get the correct answer to your question, you will have to call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. I wouldnt be at all surprised if the SS Office would tell you to have a real paternity...


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Finding Help with Home Repair?
I live off $700.00 a month retirement Social Security, so you are lucky to have the amount income that you do. Does you spouse work? If not, they should be and that would be extra income. If you have a social worker/welfare case manager with the Department...


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Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Are you getting the Survivors Benefits or are they actually for the person that is raising you to help support you? Have your guardian/parent call the local Social Security Office and talk to them. That is the only place you will get the correct answer.


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Eligibility for Supplemental and Survivor Benefits?
The state you live in doesnt make any difference. You have to call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. They are the only people that can give anybody the correct answer.


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Social Security Survivor's Benefit Eligibility?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. That being said, they will probably only give the information to your grandaughters mother. The only way your family will receive the correct information is to talk to the Social Security Office.


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Where Else Can I Look for Help in a Small Town?
There are never many full time job openings in small towns. Do you have a social worker/welfare worker with the Department of Social Services/Welfare Office? If you do they should know of someplace for you to go. There is a possibility you will have to be in...


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Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Have you been getting the Survivors Benefits or have they been going to your surviving parent/guardian who has been supporting you? I find it hard to believe that they would have been going to a minor, because those benefits are intended to help raise the minor...


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Applying for Home Repair Assistance in Kentucky?
Repairs should have been made one at a time as needed, that way it would be more affordable. That being said, there is a nationwide organization that helps senior citizens and disabled people with home repairs. It has different names in different states and...


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Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. They are the only people that can give you the correct answer. That being said, I think you left some information out of your question.


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Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them about this matter. They are the only ones that can give you the correct answer. That being said, if the father of your child never worked, that means he never contributed to the support, and that in turn...


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Social Security Survivor Benefits?
It isnt going to go directly to you. It will go to your guardian/surviving parent to help pay for raising you. Your guardian has probably been receiving it all along. Being a minor you are going to have to talk to the person that is raising you about this. If...


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Home Repair Help for Senior Citizens?
There is an organization that is country wide. It has different names in different states and even cities in the same state. Where I live it is called Opportunities for Independent Living(OIL) in some cities. The city where I live it is called the Independent...


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Social Security Survivor Benefits?
To get the correct answer you have to call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. I have always been under the assumption that the cut off age was 18, period. It is kind of taken for granted when a person reaches age 18 they should be able to part...


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Social Security Child Dependent Benefits and Child Support
I have an adult disabled daughter and when I got divorced in 1983, she was 15 at the time. I got her put on SSI and she was getting child support from her Dad. Her SSI benefits were reduced according to the amount of child support she received. After she no...


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Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
The only way to get the correct answer is to call your local Social Security Office.


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Social Security Survivors Benefits?
The only way to receive the correct answer to your question is to call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. Why would the boys benefits increase just because his sister no longer qualifies? The fact that his sister will no longer receive benefits...


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Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Who raised you and your brothers? The benefits for you kids would have went to that person to use for your support. Minor children just arent given these checks. Another thing if your deceased parent didnt work enough to earn enough SS credits, I dont think...


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Removing a Nail from Wood?
Use the claw end of the hammer to pull the nail out.


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Making a Blouse Bigger?
It would depend on the style of the blouse and how much bigger you need it. Without that information it will be hard for anybody to give you advice. That being said, are you a competent seamstress or know how to sew?


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Social Security Benefits for Students After 18?
You shouldnt have to help your grandaughter while she is in college. She can get school loans and I know lots of young adults that work full time and go to college full time too. Or else work a couple years before starting college, then go to school for a couple...


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Social Security Benefits for Students After 18?
By the way, why isnt your grandaughters mother supporting her?


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Social Security Survivor Benefits for Students?
If you received that letter I would assume the SS Office knows what they are doing. That being said, call your local office and talk to them. I have also heard of students being dropped at age 16, even though they are full time students and doing average to...


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Mowing a Lawn Without a Mower?
Have you looked in thrift stores or rummage/garage/yard sales? What did you use other years to cut your grass? You must know somebody that has a lawn mower that you could borrow, it doesnt have to be a neighbor. Talk to some of your friends.


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Identifying Noise Coming from Attic?
Hot water heat does sometimes make noise, and I would be willing to bet what you hear in your attic is from the heat.


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Treating a Rash in Skin Folds?
Try something like one of the diaper rash creams.


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Social Security Survivor Benefits Eligibility?
How old were you when your mother passed away? I would have thought if you were a minor, being raised by somebody else they would have applied for the benefits to help with the expense of raising you.


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Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Call your local Social Security Office and talk to them. They are the only ones who can give you the correct answer.


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Organizations That Help With Home Repair?
What kind of condition was the house in when you bought it? Apparently, it wasnt in real good condition at the time. I would sell it as is and move into an apartment. At least in a rental you have to worry about repairs. I assume you have a Social Worker/Welfare...


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Organizations That Help With Home Repair?
The organization that I had in mind sounds like they only service low income elderly and disabled. Another thing would be for you to call Habitat for Humanity. They might be able to help you. Also call 211, that is a nationwide helpline number. That keeps a...


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