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206 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Cat Vomit on Wool Carpet?
After lifting up the clumps, I use Resolve pet cleaner and a scrub brush in the cleaning aisle of your food store. It works for me and removes the smell and stain. Use in a corner first to see if it will affect the color of your carpet.


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Locating a Christmas Charity to Support?
Try Operation Christmas Child. Pack shoe boxes for children all over the world if you want to go international. Go to and find out the details on how to pack a shoebox and where in your area to deliver it to for shipment. We are active...


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Locating a Christmas Charity to Support?
Try Operation Christmas Child. Pack shoe boxes for children all over the world if you want to go international. Go to and find out the details on how to pack a shoebox and where in your area to deliver it to for shipment. We are active...


Photo of a woman holding a huge cabbage.

Garden: Giant Cabbage
So happy for you and hubby. You should be proud going green.


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Choosing a Food Chopper?
I like the As Seen on TV Valdalia Food chopper. It does great for me. I got it at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.


Seal Plastic Bag to Make Air Tight
There must be a second picture missing.


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Planting a Mango Tree Near a House?
I wouldnt put anything with the name of tree next to the houses foundation. I have seen many that have regretted it.


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Using French Fries in Hashbrown Casserole?
I have done this successfully. Works well.


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Use Pliers for Opening Bottles
I have been doing this for years and it really works.


Photo: 59 Years Of Comfortable
Beautiful picture for you to cherish forever. Bless you! Ann Chattanooga


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Can You Buy the Powdered Cheese as Sold in Boxed Mac and Cheese?
We get ours at a restaurant supply store. They make it in plain and nacho cheese. I think the brand we have had is Trio, but others make it too.


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Frozen Fruit Slush
What size of cans of pinepple 8 oz or 16/20 0z cans?



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Refreezing Hot Dogs?
I have always heard to never refreeze thawed food. You can cook them then refreeze.


A close up of a jaguar.

Jaguar (Stone Zoo, Stoneham, MA)
Beautiful picture! You need to enlarge this picture and frame it. It would be awesome.


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Check Hardware Store for Craft Supplies
You can also use the wedding rings in the bridal aisle in the craft store and gold, silver, and irredescent chenille stems as well. All are good ideas.


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Resolving a Dispute With a Family Member?
All get together and sit down and hash it out, hug each other and tell each other you love them. I just lost my sister and we had a real good relationship of love and respect and cant imagine having her die and with bitter feelings. I was able to be with her...


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Use Coffee Filter as Camera Flash Diffuser
Maybe I am missing the details here but using coffee filters as a light softener over lamps seems like a fire danger to me. Maybe I need a detailed explanation.


Reuse Salt Pour Spout With a Canning Jar

Reuse Salt Pour Spout With Canning Jars
What a neat idea. Cant wait to do this. Thanks!


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Spray Inside of Tin Foil When Baking
Better still buy the non stick foil. I love it. It is a little more expensive but consider the spray etc.


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Feed Family for a Week
Thanks for the tip. You are an amazing lady and a thrifty Mom. Best wishes.


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Keeping Drains Clear
You can put coffee grounds in your drains if you want to but I have heard many plumbers say no to the coffee grounds. It is a very costly thing to do as michawnpita says. Please think seriously before you do this.


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Macaroni and Cheese Too Dry?
Onesummer try this recipe that has been in our family for several years and be a little kind to your heart. It is good and creamy. Macaroni and cheese: 2 cups (8 oz) elbow macaroni (I use whole wheat macaroni) 1/4 cup margarine or butter (optional) 1/4 cup...


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Repairing Cracks in Drywall?
I would use the webbed seam tape for wallboard as well on the cracks. This will help it from cracking again. Apply the webbed tape and use a putty knife to put the spackle ( I use wallboard paste) over the tape in a thin layer and let this layer dry. Then put...



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Looking for a Tool for Cleaning Tub Without Straining Back?
I use a back brush. It has a long handle. Mine has the same type netting that the popular bath gel sponges have. It works great after I spray the tub with Krud Kutter. Got the brush at Walmart and the Krud Kutter at Lowes and Sherwin Williams paint store.


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Keeping Dogs Out of the Garden ?
Build a fence out of mesh wire around your flowers or make him a fenced run. There also is a metal device that screws into the ground at the pet stores and after you screw it into the ground hook his leash to it and put it far enough away he cant get to the...


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Reusing Coffee Filters in the Garden?
I use mine in the bottom of pots when planting to keep the dirt from coming out the bottom of the pot. I put gravel in the pot first then the filters then the potting soil. Good for drainage.


Black mushrooms painted on a wall to disguise water damage.

Disguising Wall Water Damage
I agree with dakota. The time you spent on the painting should have been used to remove the dry wall and let it dry out and replace it. Drywall is not hard to do. You can easily do it yourself. You only have to do up 4 inches above where the water was. If there...


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Product Review: SpiderEx
Where do you buy it?


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Raised Element Covers for Glass Top Stove?
I read a post on here from a woman that was looking for the wire trivets which we used to use under coffee pots, etc she tried a metal coat hanger over the burner of her cook top, so I tried it and it works. I dont know if this is what you are talking about...


Close up of Baked Ham

Easter Blessings: Baked Ham
I always enjoy your posts, Robin. Your family sounds like a lovely family. Nice to know about you as well.


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Pencil Shavings in Plant Soil
Good idea just dont put it where anything you would eat be because of the lead. Flowers would be fine for you dont eat them.



Garden: Insecticide From Rhubarb Leaves
If the leaves are poison then you couldn not spray on veggies. Just the flowers and roses.


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Tips for Stretching Butter?
My sister used to mix 1/2 butter with 1/2 margarine, and beat in with a mixer some buttermilk, and it is delicious. You can only use it as a spread, and you cant cook with it. Too much liquid and recipes would not turn out well. I am thinking 1/2 cup buttermilk...


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Stretching Frosting
This is true I do it all the time. You never suspect it is out of a plastic can.


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Chicken and Dumplings with Less Fat
Oh my dear the fat is still there you just dont see it.



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Diabetic Cookie Recipes?
Google Splenda recipes. Also read about cooking with Splenda. It is really not cup for cup as advertised. I have found by trial and error that you can use 1/2 of what it calls for. There are plenty of recipes there. Best Wishes for your cooking adventure.


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Making Throw Rugs from Potholders?
I would lay the potholders side by side and ziz-zag them together on the machine with a heavier thread like quilting thread in the bobbin and top.


seed starts

Use Snow To Water Houseplants
I save rain water for here in Southeast Tennessee we dont get alot of snow but do get rain so put some washed out milk jugs to the side and when it rains catch some in a bucket and store in the jugs for your houseplants. They will love you for it.


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Removing Wallpaper from Paneling?
Wallpaper in mobile homes is different than what you put up in a traditional house. They glue it on at the mobile home factory and it hard to get of if not impossible. I dont know what your solution is but I wouldnt attempt this at all. We used to clean out...


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Keep Butter from Burning
Keep the temp low so it will be golden not burned.


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The temperature should be 260 degrees.


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Recycle Mattress Cover for Quilt Filling
I take old mattress pads and use them for batting between two old flannel sheets for the homeless shelter in the winter. I work on them in the summer to have ready for the winter. They are really warm and light weight and most appreciated.


In Memory of Tommy (Cat)
Sorry about Tommy. I know how hard it is. I had a 13 yr old kitty that got diabetes and a gastrointestional desease. She (Punky) was a joy in my life. I now have a cat 17 years old and he is fine now but dont know when he will deteriorate. They sure give us...


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Stop Children From Arguing
Good idea! I had a problem with tattling. She did this he did that type of thing. My mother-in-law was at our house visiting and she stopped it. She fixed a tail out of an old panty hose leg and they had to wear it for 15 min. Well the tattling stopped fast...


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Check for Weevils in Stored Food
Sandi, in the years of all my cooking I have done the same type goofs. Just two months ago I was making the most delicious breakfast and grabbed the fat free half and half to make my gravy a little creamier and it was spoiled. Like you I didnt check it before...


Beautiful Fall Leaves

Beautiful Fall Leaves
I found a similar leaf of a maple tree a few years back and put it on my bulletin board to enjoy and it lasted a long time. Some say if you put it between waxed paper after it has dried it will last even longer. Ive not tried it. Thanks for sharing your part...


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Should I Choose Brown or White Eggs?
This was a trick question in one of our Home Economics tests when I was in high school many years ago and I was the only one to get it right. There is no difference. The white egg is from chickens fed bagged food in commercial chicken houses. The brown shelled...


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Do Copperhead Snakes Have a Cucumber Odor?
I remember living on a farm in So.Illinois and my mom would go to the garden to weed and saying she smelled a coperhead snake and it smelled to her like cucumbers and sure enough she would see one and she was a good shot with a hoe and killed it. I dont know...


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Make Your Own Fondant for Cake Decorating
Would you care to share the recipe?


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Save on Remodeling With a Commercial Account
If you are military active duty or retired show your ID and get 10% off at Lowes. I am a dependent of retired military and get the same discount.


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Stretching Tuna for Tuna Salad
I drain the tuna and give the juice to the cat then add sweet pickle cubes, dried onion, celery, craisins or other dried fruit or a small chopped apple, 1 boiled egg, mayo to taste and 1/4 tsp. black pepper. I have this 2 X a week. This is the only way I like...


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Recipes for Diabetic Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt?
I use any recipe I want which will fit into my ice cream maker and substitute splenda for sugar. Then use 1/2 one percent milk and 1/2 fat free half and half. It is very good.


Homemade Cat Carrier

Homemade Cat Carrier
Maybe your cat likes to travel more than mine. It is not secure enough for mine. He hates to go to the vet once a year. I have a regular pet taxi that locks. Good idea for a kitty less excitable than mine.


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Product Review: Windshield Wonder
I have seen these on TV and in Walmart and wondered if they worked. Thanks for the report. The inside of our car windshield is very slanted and hard to clean so will pick one up. Sounds like it will do the trick.


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Hang Greeting Cards Across a Curtain
My love to you my friend! Ann


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Holiday Ice Candle
I did this and put a small piece of broken crayola in wax for a slight aqua tint and it was beautiful. The solid white is really pretty too. You can use any color of crayola you want. Nice for center pieces for baby showers, weddings, Christmas and any occasion...


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Only Use HE Detergent In HE Washers
I have a front loader washer and have used HE detergent fron day one and the washer still stinks. I have tried everything in the book so live with the stink.


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Watching TV Without Disturbing Others?
I am hard of hearing and I have wireless head phones and they work fine. Go to Best Buy and they can help you. Dont get the cheapest ones though for they are not as clear.


Making Paper Beads Finished

Paper Bead Jewelry
I make these beads for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes all year round. Different pages make different colors and I find a sale on craft beads to put in between. Lots of fun. I have already made a 100. Ann Chattanooga


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Chili is Too Spicy?
I agree with Glens mom. Make another batch and freeze what you dont take to the picnic.


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Use Dryer Sheets for Embroidery
Be careful on using the sheets before they have been used. The residue could clog your machine and cause damage.


Rosabella (Tortoiseshell)

In Memory Of Rosabella (Tortoiseshell)
I am a cat lover and hope Rosabella is safe with her kittens. They do hide in a safe place when they give birth so in time Rosabella may bring her family to show you. We all will pray this will be the case. Report the lousy neighbors!


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Use a Steam Iron to Remove Stickers
Dont use steam on wood for it will make a white spot but I will try it on everything else.


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Opening Large Cans of Food?
I have one of those as seen on tv can openers (One Touch) and they do not work on the large cans or on a 6 oz. can of tomato paste. It works fine on the standard size cans. Use a hand can opener. If you are opening large amounts of large cans get a institutional...


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Molasses Butter and Bread
No indeed Robyn. There is nothing better, and sad to say I have lost that dear privelege due to diabetes, so sop a biscuit for me the next time.


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Growing: Rosemary?
We use to live in Maryland and I had a Rosemary bush outside in the corner of our patio covered porch area. It thrived well there. It was in the shade of the hot summer and protected somewhat in the winter. It got snowed on and survived well. If the temperature...


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Buying a Commercial Can Opener?
The can opener we use at our church comes from a restaurant supply store. It attaches to the counter top and is a permant fixture. It opens the large institutional cans and I have opened smaller cans as well. You can Google institutional can openers and see...


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Whitening a Discolored Tooth?
Sounds like the nerve is dead. If it is the only way is a crown to my knowledge. Yes they are expensive but how much do you want a pretty smile?


Green Plant

What is This Plant?
Looks like a sunflower. I just pulled up a bunch of these that sprouted from the bird feeders leavings. If you leave it be prepared to have a tall plant.


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Neighbor Dumps Dirty Cat Litter in Alley?
Jron 7667 you are my kind of person! Good thinking. Dont know if I would have ever thought of such a thoughtful gift. HAHA


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Attach Your Bobbin to a Magnet
Yes magnets cause problems with computerized machines. Even pins that have been put in a magnet dish is dangerous to the machine. I know first hand and a BIG repair bill. Keep the magnets across the room.


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Warning About Morning Glories
As mentioned in some of the articles growing morning glories are not permitted in some states. Check with your extension office before planting them. They get into the crops and causes a multitude of pain for the farmers.


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Shop Other Thrift Stores Before Goodwill
We have an American Thrift Store here and they have good things and price to get rid of their inventory and get out the new. Certain days have certain colors to get 30% to 50% more off as well. I rarely go to Goodwill unless I am looking for a certain thing...


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Grocery Shop At Dollar Stores First
We have an Aldi and it is bag your own but the prices are much lower than Walmart. The veggies are fresh. I take my list there and get about everything we need then go to Walmart for the rest.


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Buy Mulch In Bulk From Landscapers
A lot of cities get their mulch from the wood and leaves and trees that the people bring in and then they shred it. Be careful if you get it from the landfill or free. It will have poison ivy, sumac, and poison oak in it. I wont let my husband put it in my...


No Bake Santa Cookies

No Bake Santa Cookies
I Have made these for years for our annual cookie exchange. They always go over good and are fun to make.


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Reusing Glass Jars For Canning And Food Storage
I was advised by the Home Extension that any glass jar which was not designed to be a canning jar i.e. Mason Jars,etc were not to be used as canning jars. The glass is not as thick and taking it out of the hot water or pressure cooker could be dangerous or...


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