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10 Posts | 545 Comments | Active Since 2006
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Remedies for Dog With Hot Spots?
Hello, Please take your baby to the Veterinarian. I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 20 years and Hot Spots can be very painful and become infected. Your Doctor will clip/clean the infected and give an injection to relieve the itching and he/she will...


White cat laying on a couch.

Cat Has Itchy Scabs Around Neck?
Hello, Yes! there is another medication that your Veterinarian can give you. Please give him/her a call and ask. Good luck. If you cat wears a collar, please take it off, and make sure you use flea prevention.


Cat is Rubbing Dirt in Wounds?
Hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 20 years. Please take your baby to the Vet. ASAP. Having ear mites is very painful and can cause underlying infections. Your Vet will take a swab and put it under the microscope to help him determine which medication...


Cat is Rubbing Dirt in Wounds?
Oh, by the way there is not an over the counter medication that will rid your cat of eat mites, you must have a prescription.


Flag pole in yard

Homemade Flagpole
Wow! What a great grandson you have. He did a wonderful job. If he were near my house I would pay him to put one up for me. Adding the solar light on the top was a great idea as our flag has to be lit up at night.


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Dog Chewing Things Other Than Toys?
Alone in the bedroom? Dogs are not spiteful, your dog is lonely & bored. Please walk her and give her time out in the fresh air, being locked in a room all day is bad for her. Change her toys and give her a lot of attention when you are home.


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Choosing a Reputable Dog Breeder?
Please either take the puppy, or go to your local shelter and adopt a puppy from there. Puppies at the shelter will be put to sleep if they do not find a home.


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Kitten Not Using Litter Box?
Hello, Please do not do as one of the people mentioned. Never hit your cat, it is straight out animal abuse! 12 weeks & 3 months are the same amount of time. Please take your kitten to the Veterinarian for an exam and all his vaccinations. When you see the...


White dog laying on side

Miley (Siberian Husky/Lab Mix)
Awww, Look at that beautiful face! I am so glad that Miley has a wonderful home. I am sure you two will share many precious moments together. Hugs.


Cute little white dog in yard

Fuzzbutt (Bichon)
Aww, how cute he is. He looks like a little trouble maker. Isnt it always the white fur-babies that like dirt/mud lol. Thank you for sharing the pix of your adorable baby.


Frontline Available Without A Prescription
Yes, this is true. It has been a Costco for a very long time. I am waiting for advantage to get in to the stores also. Thank you for sharing.


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Potty Training a Four Year Old?
Hello, This is what my daughter did. She had our grandson (age 4) try to pee in the toilet by using cheerios or fruit loops(placed in the toilet water) and told him to aim for the middle and sink them like a battleship. He thought this was great fun and couldnt...



Lounging small white dog

Patch (Miniature Jack Russell Terrier)
Awww... Look at his precious little face. I know how comforting it is to have a beloved pet at your side. My Welsh Corgi Tucker follows me everywhere I go. We love him dearly. Give a hug to Patch from us.


Bella calico cat

Bella (Calico Cat)
Awww, Bella is just adoarable. We have done the same thing with a stray that showed up about 10 years ago. Pie Pie now sleeps with us and is the king of the house. We love him dearly.


Brown puppy with black face

Tank (Puppy)
OMG! What a precious little guy (for now) Tank is a great name for him. We have a friend that does Search & Rescue and their Golden Retrievers name is Tracker. Your fur baby is just adorable. Thank you for sharing, Can you post more pix as he gets bigger? Take...


Jay in a Jar

Blue Jays Trapped in Homemade Squirrel Feeder
Aww. Poor birds. Can you come up with another feeder for the squirrels? You might not be home or see them in the bottle and they will perish. Good luck.


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House Training a Six Week Old Puppy?
Hello, Please call your Veterinarian for any advice. Your puppy is now ready for his first round of vaccines. Please do not hit your puppy or use anything to hit him. Hitting him will make him lose any trust, confidence & love that he will have for you and...


Cat standing on Hardwood Floors

In Memory of Garfield (ThriftyFun Office Cat)
Awwww. Garfield looks like such a sweetie boy. I know exactly how you feel. Losing a beloved pet that is part of your family is hard to bare. WE had our wonderful cat Rodney for over 22 years. We now have 3 cats that are spoiled rotten,as they should be. Garfield...


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Treating a Kitten with Eye Discharge?
Hello, Please see a Veterinarian ASAP. A kitten with an eye infection can have other things going on. Please do not ever give she/he any medication unless you talk to a Veterinarian.


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Attach Corks to Keys
OMG! What a great idea, Thank you for sharing.


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Dog Has Red Spot on Paw?
Hello, Please go to your Veterinarian. It could be many things that are causing him pain. Could be a foxtail got in between his toes, and other numerous things. Please go ASAP, a limping animal is in pain. Good luck.


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My Dog Keeps Smacking His Lips?
Hello, Please take your fur baby to the Veterinarian, there could be a dental problem that he is trying to tell you about. Smacking lips is not a sign of dehydration it is a sign of an underlying medical problem.


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How Long Are Dogs in Heat?
Hello, Are you a breeder? If not, you can have her spay.


A brown steer with a yellow tag on his ear.

Norman (Brown Steer)
Awww. Norman is just adorable! How nice he has a wonderful home and loving friends to take care of him.



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Cats Have Stopped Eating Dry Food?
Hello, At their age, they might need a dental. I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years and cats usually have a dental twice in their lifetime. Please have their teeth checked, I have 3 cats and a Welsh Corgi. Each of my cats have had a dental in...


tan cat lying on tile floor

Male Cat Won't Pee in Litterbox?
Please take him to your Veterinarian for a checkup. There might be an underlying medical problem.


A German Shepard puppy on a patio outside.

Duke (German Shepherd)
Aww, what a sweet face Duke has! We had our German Shepherd Lady for almost 13 years. We miss her terribly. This breed is so loyal and protective of their family. Our Lady was the most sweetest, she always loved to play and sleep with the kids. Have a wonderful...


A ragdoll grey and white cat with blue eyes.

In Memory of Gizmo (Cat)
Dear Irene, I know exactly how you feel. We lost 2 of our beloved fur babies a year ago, 8 months apart. We were heart broken and still are. We lost our Sophie (She is on this site) and our handsome Woobie. They were both so loving and slept with us every night...


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Training a Puppy Not to Bite?
Hello, Please call a trainer and take your fur baby to puppy class. In this class he/she will learn all the obedience he/she needs. Also, Hitting your dog, ie: even a small tap is animal abuse and you are teaching your dog to be aggressive. When you hit him...


Pinkie (Great Pyrenees)

Pinkie (Great Pyrenees)
OMG! Can your Pinkie get any cuter? I know this breed is very loyal and protective of their land and family. They are one of the best breeds for kids. Thank you for sharing.


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Dog's Urine Smells Fishy?
Hello, Your fur-baby could have a urinary track infection. Please go to your Veterinarian ASAP and have it checked. If it is a UTI, it can be very painful. Good luck.


Cute brown and grey dog outside.

Ellie Mae (Yorkshire Terrier-Toy Poodle)
Awww, what an adorable face she has. thank you for sharing the cute pix of your fur-baby.


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Solutions for a Puppy That Whines and Barks?
Hello Donna, Well, from what I get from your post, your puppy sounds like he is lonely and wants attention. A puppy needs a lot of human interaction to function in a family environment. Do you pay much attention to him? i.e. walks everyday & playtime? Dogs...


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Infant and Toddler Remedies for Colds and Coughs?
Please do not give your children any medication until you call the Doctor...


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What Can Cause Dry Scaly Skin in Dog's Ears?
Hello, Please take your dog to the Veterinarian so the Vet can take a scraping of the scales in your dogs ear. He will then look at it under a microscope and determine if your dog has ear mites. Your Vet can prescribe any medication that is necessary to treat...


American Red Nosed Pit Bull

Misty Blue (American Red Nosed Pit Bull)
Awww, Look at her face, so loving. She looks like she is wondering what you are doing and where you are going. So nice of you to give her a warm & loving home. Have fun with your fur-baby. Thank you for sharing her picture.



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Training an Unruly Kitten?
Hello Sadie, Well, your new kitten needs to have things that he can play with. Make sure he has plenty of cat toys around to distract him. Please do not punish him for biting, this will only encourage him or make him afraid of you. Please have plenty of food...


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My Pet Chihuahua is Throwing Up Intermittently?
Dear Irmie... Please take her to the Veterinarian. Throwing up is serious. If she is not keeping any food down, she is not maintaining a healthy weight. She could have an obstruction if her food is not staying down. Take her ASAP ! Good luck.


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Old Dog Peeing in House?
Hello, Please take your fur-baby to his veterinarian for an exam. He could possibly have a urinary track infection. Your Vet will do a urinalysis to determine the appropriate method of treatment.


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Remedy For Tape Worms?
Hello, I am sorry to tell you that there is not an over the counter medication to treat your pet for tapeworms. I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years. Please take a fecal sample to your Vet and have them check the sample for any parasites. There...


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How Do I Remove Diesel Fuel from a Dog's Coat?
Hello, I totally agree with Fuzzy. I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years and that is what we used when there was an oil spill in the San Francisco Bay. We used it on all the sea birds, otters and any other mammals that were affected. You might...


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Hide Your Child's Easter Basket
Hello, We used to use talcum powder and put bunny prints in the carpet in their bedroom (easy to vacuum later) the prints led them to their baskets and of course a half eaten carrot was on a plate near by. My daughters are now married with children and do the...


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Take Picture of List with Cell Phone
Hi Jaye, OMG! What a great idea. Thank you for sharing


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How Safe are Pets When Traveling Air Cargo?
hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years and I have filled out more airline travel documents than I can count. Please be careful when flying your pet in cargo. If the area you are flying to is too cold or hot, your pet can sit on the tarmac...


Bobby (Brown Tabby)

Bobby (Brown Tabby)
Awww. How adorable Bobby is. We have our Lilly who loves to lay the same way, waiting for some lovin. Have a wonderful long and happy life with your precious fur-baby.


Annie and Bear (German Shepherd)
Hi, Thank you for sharing the pix of your beautiful fur-babies. We had our Shep Lady for 14 years and we still miss her terribly.


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Hummingbird Feeder Recipe?
Hello, Please do not use it. It will kill them. There is too much vinegar. Please use the regular Hummingbird recipe with sugar & water. Do not add any color to it at all. If you want color in your feeder please buy hummingbird food at your local garden store...


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Make Your Own Hummingbird Food?
Hello, Yes, Red food coloring is harmful to the hummers. I worked for an avian Veterinarian and they said it would kill them.


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Treating a Cockatoo That is Scratching Itself?
Hello, Please see your local Avian Veterinarian. You can call your local spca to locate a Vet that specializes in birds. Birds can scratch for many reasons, mites being one. Your Vet can tell you exactly what is wrong and how to treat it... Good luck


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Reviews of E-Book Readers?
I have the kindle and i just love it. The battery life lasts about one month as opposed to all the other E-Readers. There are many free books you can download.


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My Cat Pees Everywhere?
Please have her spay. Poor little thing is so miserable right now. Not only are you not there but she is going throught this all by herself. She might have a urinary track infection. I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years and your Veterinarian can...


My Pets
Oh, what a picture, I thought you came in my house and took a pix of my Ned. lol I have a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Tucker and 3 cats. All of them have been rescued. We just love our fur-babies. Thank you for being such a kind and loving person.


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Treating Red and Itchy Outer Ears?
Have you thought about going to a Doctor?


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Getting Rid of Birds Nesting on House?
Awww. Why would you want to get rid of it? A mother bird has made your house a safe haven for laying her eggs. They will be gone in over 2 months. Cant you wait? Please do not destroy their nest. Thank you.


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Remedy for Itchy Bumps on Face?
You need to see a different Dr.


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Dog Has Non-painful Firm White Bumps on Skin?
What did your veterinarian say? I assume you took him to the Dr. for an exam. If not, you should do so asap. Good luck.


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Uses for Expired Grapeseed Oil?
Call a local restaurant. I live in Calif. and by law, they must recycle used oil. Maybe they can help you. Good luck.


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How Communicable is Parvo?
Yes! Please take your litter to the Veterinarian for an exam. The Vet can give you the proper advice. Good luck.


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Cleaning Fixodent Off Dentures?
Soak them in warm water and the Fixodent will soften and then you can just brush it off.


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Experiences With Canine IMHA (Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia)?
Hello, I am so sorry to hear about your beloved Bea. I lost my Cocker Spaniel Josie to the same thing. I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years and I had access to all the big guns in the Veterinary field and I could not save my own dog. We did 3...


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Caring for a Five Day Old Puppy?
Please take your new fur baby to the Veterinarian and he.she can instruct you on how to care for your baby.


Pink Hibiscus

Pink Hibiscus
Dear Joanne... I would love to carry on your parents memory here in Northern Calif., I am in the Napa Valley. If you would like me to do that, it would be my pleasure. My E-Mail is I can take pix and show you the progress.


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Saving Money on Cat Expenses
You have some great ideas but, please do not use sawdust or wood shavings for litter. I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years and we have found that wood will cause upper respiratory and eye infections in cats. Good luck.


White Bulldog closeup on head.

Dreamer (American Bull Dog)
OMG! What an adorable face. He is just precious. I am sure he is the captain of his ship, as he should be. Thank you for sharing this picture of your wonderful fur-baby.


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Treating a Dog's Hip Dysplasia?
You need to have hip X-Rays taken to actually diagnose what is wrong with her hips and you should certainly have that growth looked at by a Veterinarian. She is probably in some pain so I would take her ASAP. Good luck.


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Treating a Child with Constipation?
My grandson had the same problem and the Dr. recommended Miralax. The Dr. also prescribed a baby enema. Please ask your Dr. before changing anything in his diet.


Rusty (Border Collie)
Wow! Rusty is just adorable. He is so handsome, Give him a hug.


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Dachshund Has a Non-painful Bump at the Base of His Tail?
You need to change Veterinarians ! You need a solid opinion on whats wrong. They can certainly do a biopsy and fine out which type of growth she has. Good luck.


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Cigarette Smoke on Leather?
You can take it to your local dry cleaners and they should be able to get the smell out. Good luck.


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Getting Hair Dye Off of Skin?
Hello... This sounds silly but... Cigarette ashes work great! I went to beauty school (back in the day), and this is what they taught us to use. It works every time. Good luck


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Dog Won't Stop Scratching?
How about an examination by his Veterinarian? Itching/scratching can be a cause of many things. Please take your pet to the Vet.


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Why Do My Ceiling Fan Light Bulbs Burn Out So Quickly?
Are the bulbs the correct wattage for the fan?


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Can I Use a Dark Brown Purse in the Summer?
Hey girlfriend, you be you! You wear whatever you want! I use a brown purse & shoes in the summer. Go for it. Have a great summer


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Repairing Torn Suede Boot?
Is there a shoe repair store in your area? I would bring them there and find out if they can repair it for you. Good luck.


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Treating a Dog With Urinary Incontinence?
Hello, Please see another Vet ASAP! Your fur baby need medical care. Good luck


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Squirrels Chewing Through Window Screens?
Aww, please feed her! She must be starving! If she is chewing through your screens. When you started to feed her, you became her food source and you just cant stop, she depends on you. Please go to the store and buy her some food that is good for her, you can...


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Getting Rid of Parvo Virus in the Yard?
I am sorry to say but Parvo can live in the soil for up to one year. The usual method for cleaning up the parvo virus is bleach/water. Please call your veterinarian for any instructions. Please do not bring another dog into your yard until you are sure the...


What Else Can I Do to Improve the Quality of Life for My Ill Cat?
Hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years. Your story is one I have heard many, many times. I know that our Veterinarians would say that it is a hard decision to make but sometimes letting your fur baby have peace is the final act of love & kindness...


In a little tent.

Millie (Cat)
Aww. How adorable she is. She looks like tabby! I have a tabby named Pie-Pie and he is one of the loves of my life. We have 2 other cats. Bears & Ms. Lilly and they all sleep with us at night and our Pie-Pie give us a paw in the face at 3AM every morning. So...


Bud (Coon Hound)
Aww... Bud is just adorable and so nice that he has a Big sister to teach him the all the rules (or not) lol Have fun with your new fur baby. Thank you for sharing this cute picture.


Rottie mix and Malinois in a field of yellow flowers.

Trinity (Malinois) and Niobe (Rott - Sharpei...
Aww, how cute they are and they have such a wonderful place to run and play. They look like they are on alert. lol


Mia and Wolfe (Welsh Corgi)
Hi Mary, I have a Pembroke name Tucker. Tucker is our 4th Corgi and we just love him dearly. There is nothing like watching a Corgi bottom. lol. Tucker is now 14 and still acts like a puppy. The pictures of your fur babies is just priceless. There is a site...


Gabby (Calico)
Your kitty girl is adorable. Can you please have her spay now that she has a litter? There are too many cats that are in need of a home that are in our shelters today...


Miss Angel Diane (Basset Hound)

Miss Angel Diane (Basset Hound)
Awww. She is just adorable. I dont blame her for not wanting kids. lol But my heart really goes out to the people that lost her mother, that was tragic. I hope they are doing much better now and have another fur baby in their home to love. My neighbor has a...


Damu (Pit Bull)

Damu (Pit Bull)
Awww. Damu is just adorable. You are correct in saying Pit Bulls are not all bad, it is the owners that turn them in to bad dogs. I worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years and we only had one Pit Bull come to our hospital that was aggressive and it was...


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Parts for a Devon 400 Quartz Anniversary Clock?
There is a website called They carry various kits and replacement parts for clocks. You can even build your own clock. Hope this helps. Good luck.


Jasper (Dog)
Awww. How adorable Jasper is and he is being so comforted and so is your son. My daughters lab Max slept under my grandsons crib from the first night he came home from the hospital. I took pictures of Max. Max has since crossed the Rainbow Bridge, and our whole...


Cat on refrigerator door shelf.

MooShoo Kitty
OMG! He is just beautiful (Handsome lol) He looks like a Maine Coon. He has a very good home.


House Fire

Photo: House Fire
Aww. How sad for the family.


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How Long Will My Dog Be In Heat?
Please have her spay, there are too many cats/dogs that are in the shelter every day that are put to sleep.


Granny's House in Winter

Scenery: Granny's House in Winter
Awwww... I can just imagine all the wonderful memories you have had in this cute house. Just over flowing with love & laughter. Thank you for sharing.


Candy (Dog)
Aww, How cute she is!!! She wanted you to be her Mom so, she adopted you. Sometimes we get our fur babies in strange ways but we always give them a wonderful home...


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Determining the Value of a Princess Diana Doll?
Try going on E-Bay and looking for your dolls and see how much other people are asking for theirs. Good luck.


Norman (Jersey Cow)
OMG! How adorable he is and so lucky to have such a wonderful home for the rest of his life with people that will love him. Thanks for sharing.


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Parakeet Is Losing Its Feathers?
Please call an Avian Veterinarian and make an appt. then you will be sure of whats going on. Good luck.


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Kitty Litter Substitutes
Hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years and Sawdusr DOE NOT work as litter. It can contian shavings that are harmful to injest especially Pine) and also sticks to their pawas and then they digest it when they bathe. Please do not use this...


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Caring for a Dog and Her Puppies?
Please keep in mind that the mama will have to eat at least 4 times a day as the puppies will take all her nutrients. She will want a break from them so dont be surprised if she just gets up and leaves them alone. Please make sure she has enough food/water...


Joey (Papillon Mix)
OMG! Can he get any cuter! Joey is just adorable and so lucky to have a loving and caring home...


Leyla (West Highland Terrier)

Leyla (West Highland Terrier)
OMG! Can she get any cuter. She is just adorable. Thank you for sharing this precious picture of your fur-baby.


Madame, Spot, and Pugsley (Cats)
They are just beautiful, and they look so spoiled (as they should be) thank you for giving them such a good home. What happened to their mother?


In Memory of Zoe (Golden Retriever)

In Memory of Zoe (Golden Retriever)
Awww, Your girl was just beautiful. There is nothing that warms your heart more than a Golden! thank you so much for sharing this wonderful picture of your baby girl... She is now at peace at the Rainbow Bridge. Take Care, Sherri, Tucker, Bears, Pie-Pie & Lilly


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Dog Pooping in My Bed?
Hello, Please take your baby to his Veterinarian for am exam. There might be a medical issue that is causing this to happen.


Belle (Domestic Short Hair)

Belle (Domestic Short Hair)
She is just adorable. You can have her spay at 4 months of age. Please have her spay and do not breed any more cats. There are too many that are put to sleep because they cannot find homes.


Sophie (Lhasa Apso)

Sophie (Lhasa Apso)
She is just adorable! and she looks very spoiled (as she should be) I am so glad she has a wonderful mom to take care of her.


Helping an Abused Dog

Helping an Abused Dog?
Aww. she is adorable! Your fur-baby needs to learn to trust you. She was probably only fed in a crate that is why she eats there. Please leave the door open for her and put her food/water outside the crate nearest the opening so she can reach it. Give her lots...


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Tapeworm Remedies for Dogs?
I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years and there is not a home remedy for tapeworms. Tapeworms are caused by fleas. Please apply advantage or frontline to your fur baby. Please take your baby to the Veterinarian for the proper medication to treat...


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Cat Started Peeing and Pooping in Closet?
1. Replace the litterbox. 2. Taker her to the Veterinarian for an exam.


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Feeding a Baby Lamb?
If you have problems, please call your local Large animal veterinarian for any advice. Good luck.


Gentle Benjamin (Chow - Retriever Mix)

In Memory of Gentle Benjamin (Chow -...
Dearest Sandra, Please know that I know exactly how you feel. It is very painful to lose a precious family member... We have lost our fur babies through out the years and it never gets any easier. We were always with our babies because I wanted them to know...


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Puppies With Worms?
Hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years. Please take your fur baby to his/her Veterinarian. There are different kinds of worms and they must be treated with an prescription. There is not a home remedy to rid your pet of any type of worm. Good...


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Treating a Dog's Ear Infection Without Antibiotics?
Hello, Please take you pet to the Veterinarian for an exam. Your Vet will prescribe the proper medication for your pet. An ear infection is very painful. Ear infections are treated with an antibiotic and there is not an over the counter or home remedy that...


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Natural Ways to Freshen Dog's Breath?
The main cause of bad breath in dogs is dental disease. Please take your fur baby to his Vet for an exam, he might need his teeth cleaned. Good luck,


Black Spots in Sink?
Does your cat sleep in the sink? It looks like blood from flea dirt. If so, please give your cat a bath and apply some advantage to prevent fleas. Good luck.


Holiday: Holidaze in Pacifica
Very cute! We live up in Petaluma but we used to go to Nicks for dinner.


Ace (Himalayan)
Awww...Ace is a beautiful Ragdoll. Thank you for sharing this gorgeous picture of your fur baby.


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Cat Scratching His Neck?
Please take your baby to the Veterinarian for an exam. There might be something wrong.


In Memory of Buttercup (Cat)
Awww, she was just beautiful. I have an orange longhair named Lilly that looks just like her. We have 3 cats. We lost 2 of our fur babies to mouth cancer 2 years ago, we miss them terribly. I know exactly how you feel. Hugs, Sherri, Tucker, Bears, Pie Pie & Lilly...


Joey showing his white fluffy tummy.

Joey (Orange Tabby)
Joey is so cute! I have 2 orange/white longhair fur babies (Bears & Lilly). They are best friends and sleep play together. We love them dearly. They are inside cats and they have 2 condos that they climb and they look outside in the front and the back of the...


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How Do I Clean a Flatscreen TV?
We clean our flat screens with a product called MonsterScreenClean, we bought it at best buy. This was recommended when we bought our new TV. It works great, you spray the cloth that comes with it and then wipe the screen. Good luck.


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Black Crust Around Bunny's Nose?
Hi Tyler. I live up in Petaluma. There is a Veterinarian here that specializes in Rabbits! His name is Dr. Pfann and his number is 707-762-3549. Please call him, he will give you and info you need. Good luck. But if you dont, your bunny needs to see a Vet ASAP...


Baby Face (Dog)
Awww, she is just adorable! Thank you so much for giving her a loving home.


In Memory of Bobbie Sox (Cat)
Awww. I am so sorry about your beloved Bobbi Sox. We lost 2 of our fur babies months apart last year to mouth cancer, we miss them terribly. We now have 2 more fur babies in our house and they are just a joy. Hugs, sherri


Pepper and Eclissi (Cats)
Hello, they are just adorable. I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years. Please do not feed your cats dog food. It is not healthy for them. Please give them cat food and they will thrive. If you have any questions, please call your Veterinarian. Good...


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Neutered Dogs Fighting With Each Other Around Females in Heat?
Hello. Are you kidding? Common sense will tell you that you must spay the females! Are you a breeder? If so, you should know better. Please have all your dogs. spay/neutered so they can live a happy life. Call your Veterinarian ASAP and make those appointments...


Painting Glass Lamp Shades?
I know there is a paint you can use. Please go to your local craft store.


Makeup Stains Inside a Coach Purse?
I had makeup in my Coach purse and I took it to my local dry cleaners. It came out just fine. Good luck.


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Soothing a Child's Cough?
Take her to the Dr. ASAP!


Daisy (Burro)
Awww. Thank you so much for giving her a loving home. The people that had her should be punished! Daisy is just the sweetest girl.


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Getting a Job as a Longshoreman?
Hello, My uncle was a longshoreman. He said to go to the local Longshoremans Union and sign up. There are also ships that go to dangerous places so please be careful and ask for their destination and stops in between. Good luck, you will make good $.


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Crate Training a Puppy?
Why do you even have a dog? Poor little thing is being confined in jail for over 8 hours. She needs to have time out of that crate. She must have time to go potty, eat and have play time with you. You need to either find a better home for your puppy or hire...


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Bunny Is Eating Shredded Paper in Litterbox?
Please take your bunny to the vet for a checkup and also to get all the info you need on having one. No, your bunny cant chew on paper, please use pellets as a litter box filler, Bunnies are easily trained. Also, as in the post on this site today. Please give...


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Cat Has Discharge Coming from Eye?
Please capture this poor baby and get her to the vet asap. She is in a lot of pain and her not eating is an emergency.


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Repairing a Jacket With a Broken Zipper?
Take it to your local cleaners, they can fix it for you. Good luck.


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Donating Old Trophies?
Yes, please call your local schools and ask them. I would really try to donate them to your local special olympic program. Good luck.


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Lazy Susan for Board Games
Wow. What a great idea. Thank you


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My Dog is Constipated?
Go to your vet asap.


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Looking for a Canned Food That Does Not Give Cat Diarrhea ?
Hello, Please take your baby and a stool sample to your veterinarian. Your doctor can advise you on what to do. Good luck


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New Dog Not Eating or Eliminating?
Please call your veterinarian and taker her in for a checkup, he can advise you. Good luck.


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Organizing Christmas Decorations for Storage?
Hello, last year I bought clear plastic bins with red tops. I put ornaments in one and all other decorations in the other bins. I made a list on the computer of the items in each bin and taped it to the inside of the bin. I made sure that the labels were facing...


Long haired orange and white cat.

Orange Blossom (Manx)
Aww, she is just adorable. She has such a cute face.


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Keeping an Outside Dog Warm?
Hello, Are you kidding me! You want to keep that poor dog out in the cold? Please give that dog to family that will love and take care of him. I cant imagine the isolation your dog feels.


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend Who Likes Hunting?
Hello, my son-in-law hunts and he buys a lot of his gear from a catalogue called Cabelas. Go to their website and you can find many gifts.


Welsh Pembroke Corgi

Jasper (Welsh Pembroke Corgi)
Hello, I have a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Tucker. He will be 14 Jan. 29th. Corgis are are joy to have. Tucker is my buddy. He follows me Everywhere. They can be stubborn and they might want to herd little children and nip at their heels but they are the most precious...


Cassie (Weimaraner Mix)

Cassie (Weimaraner Mix)
Awww. Cassie knew she would find a good home with you. She knew you were going to be kind & loving to her. Thank you for giving her such a good home.


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Mending Fur?
Hello, Please take it to a seamstress and have her make a cat/dog bed out of it.


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Cleaning a Popcorn Ceiling?
Hello, I use a webster. It is a dust stick you can buy at Lome depot/Lowes. Not all popcorn ceilings contain asbestos (we had ours tested for $60.00) so you might want to consider having that done.


Brady (Labrador)
Aw, Look at that face. He is in heaven next to the water. Labs are the best for families and are so loyal and loving.


Neo (Cat)
Aw, he is so lovey to the play horse. Thank you for giving these fur babies a great home. Happy Holidays.


Copper (Chihuahua)
Awww, he is sooo cute. He looks like he is so happy and I bey he is a wonderful companion.


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Treating Dogs for Worms ?
Hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years. There is NOT an over the counter pill that will take care of worms. Please take your pet and a fecal sample to your Dr., so he/she can determine which worms to treat and what medication to use. Good...


What Breed is My Dog?
Beautiful! He looks like a malamute. They require a lot of activity.


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Where Can I Recycle Old Trophies?
Hello, Please try the boys/girls club, a bowling alley, a pre-school and your local shelters for children. good luck


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Cat Not Using Litter Box?
Hello, Please take your baby to the Veterinarian. There could be a urinary track infection going on.


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House Train Pit Bull Puppy?
Hello, how long is he in his crate? All day? He will need to go potty about 20 minutes after he eats or drinks.


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Slipcovers for Reclining Couches?
Yes! Go to, they have all the items you will need. They have wonderful styles & colors.


Pug in red dress

MJ (Chihuahua - Pug)
Aw. Look at the cute face. MJ looks so happy and thank you for providing such a loving home.


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Treating a Cat with Tape Worms?
Hello, You must get the medication from the Veterinarian. Over the counter medication does not work. I have worked for a vet for over 27 years. Good luck.


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Treating a Cat With Tapeworms?
Hello, Tapeworms are caused by fleas. Please take your fur baby to the vet and bring a fecal sample with you so he/she can identify the specific parasite. Your Vet will give you medication for this, there is not a home remedy. I have worked for a Veterinarian...


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Can Nails That are Too Long Cause a Dog to Limp?
Yes, absolutely! Please take your limping baby to the vet to have them treated. Please do not let this happen again, it is very painful for him.


Sissy (Long Haired Domestic)

In Memory of Sissy (Long Haired Domestic)
Aw, I am so sorry about your Sissy. She found you in the last years of her life and she knew you would be her friend and caretaker. I have the same experience that you had with Sissy and he finally came in the house and now sleeps in a comfy bed with us. We...


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Keeping a Cat from Scratching Wound?
Hello, It sounds like you cat has a bite wound. Please take her to the Veterinarian so your Dr. can prescribe antibiotics and give you an E-Collar. Bite wounds are very serious. This is an abscess that needs to be treated ASAP! God luck.


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Getting Rid of Chipmunks?
Please do not trap them. They are harmless and may have a family near by that needs them to survive.


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