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2 Posts | 346 Comments | Active Since 2005
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Meatloaf for Kids?
I noticed that there are some universal truths in these posts. Use ketchup instead of tomato anything. Its sweeter; kids like that. I also add one rounded cooking spoon of clear jelly--either currant or apple. Remember what I said about sweet? I use oatmeal...


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Cure for Dry Feet
I remember seeing fine cotton gloves in a basket at thrift stores or resale shops. You might check there. Costume stores may have something, too.


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Carrot Juice Stain on Clothing?
That awful tomato or carrot stain on plastic storage containers. Yuck. I found out that setting the container on the patio table in full sun for one or two days bleaches it right out. O.


Sleeping long haired black dog

Mikey (Dachshund)
Our oldest is a 17+yo Maltese. Hes nearly blind and stone deaf. His back legs are slowly going, so he eats layin down like a Sphinx. He broke his back years ago, but got well from that, so the legs are slowly going this time. We give him Deramaxx every morning...


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Maple Cupboards?
How about multcolored (as in Mexican) tiles for the area of the backsplash, or mirrors for that area? Get a fan deck (strips of paint color), and use the fourth shade from the outside for the LR, and the second shade from the outside for the kitchen, whatever...


Muffin (Papillon/Shih Tzu/Poodle)
No. LOL That makes her a PooPappyShitz.


Dog Coat for Cold Weather

Making a Coat for My Dog
Excellent! May I steal this idea? I only steal from the best. the Oracle


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"Sounds of Christmas" Theme Float?
How about decorating everything with sleigh bells, lots and lots of them. one..two..three..four..the whole way. Or do a snow blower for snowing, where the sound of Christmas is silence, as in Silent Night.


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"Sights & Sounds of Christmas" Float Ideas?
Check out this other thread:


A child dressed as a pumpkin with a man.

Our Little Pumpkin
If you dont love pumpkins after this, go home.


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Burnt Plastic in the Bottom of My Oven?
This works for plastic on a toaster, and it may work for you. Acetone, specifically nail polish remover containing acetone. Be sure to read the label, since not all nail polish remover contains acetone. I learned this from Haleys book.



small dog in coat

Sabrina (Miniature Pinscher)
I am the MinPin Shop Steward. You must stop making this darling dog dress like a baby. How humiliating. Her natural coat is just lovely as it is.


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Overweight Dogs?
Your dogs must be really good cooks. From here, it looks like, except for pears, you are feeding the dogs too much and exercising them too little. No treat is lo-cal if you eat enough of it. The first thing to do is read the label on the dog food, and feed...


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Poll: Have you used ThriftyFun's coupon site?
They only print one per page, which is wasteful. Many stores think they are copies. This isnt worth my time, so I voted it didnt work for me.


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Removing Color From Fabric?
Sometimes, adding color is the key. To calm down yellow, try light grey dye. You have to experiment a little, so get the largest scraps you can from the valances and try it out. If not grey, try a cream color.


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Cleaning a Tempurpedic Mattress?
Tempurpedic mattress are not cashmnere, unless theres a cover on it, and some mattresses have one. Tempurpedic uses a very dense foam, commonly called memory foam. For the price you paid for that mattress, I would call the manufacturer. Its their business to...


Red Pomeranian sitting in a garden bed

Lady (Pomeranian)
No photo above in CA. Down here is OK. What a cutie!


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Softening Ice Cream for Scooping
Fifteen to twenty seconds.


Dew covered web.

Beauty of a Spiderweb
Looks like my ceiling AFTER the housekeeping service has been here. Lovely photo.


Cleaning a Computer Keyboard

Cleaning a Computer Keyboard
Note to Editor: Water isnt death to electronic things as long as the power is not used and is disconnected, so little electrons cant run around in there and get zapped. You have to be sure its dry inside and out. I saved a lot of drowned phones by not pushing...


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The Benefits of Buying Used Cars
I am a doctor, and my colleagues tease me no end about the fact that I buy only used cars. One cardiologist was upset that his new Mercedes needed a new engine just after the warranty expired. hahahahaha Youre right about the savings. But theres more. If you...


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Cooking Okra
I was born in Arkansas, but my Mother thinks theres something seriously wrong with me. I dont like okra or pecan pie. Its OK. I moved to California, and no one notices anything out of the ordinary.


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Tips For Getting The Correct Free Formula
Too bad you didnt breast feed. Its much more relaxing.



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Anniversary Fiesta
Pin-the-Tail-On-the-Donkey. Get a mariachi (as in marriage) record for background music. Hat dance record(?) for the Hat Dance--using a sombrero or old mens felt hat. Pinata. Fill it with hard candies or teeny-weeny toys. Put a dime in some enchiladas for prizes...


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Song from Episode of Bones?
Finding the name and author of a song is simple. Just Google a line from the song, and you will get a lyrics page.


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Google Products Before You Buy
This is a top notch tip to save you a disastrous purchase. You dont have to follow any advice you read, but now you know how to look at a product. I was going to buy a tabletop icemaker. Thank goodness I checked out the reviews. These ice makers tend to stop...


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Keeping Credit Card Signatures Legible
Thanks for a really helpful idea, Tripleb.


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Camouflaging A Pimple
Actually, you would do better not to use a liquid foundation at all. Use Bare Escentuals mineral foundation (like a powder), which wont exacerbate the problem at all.


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Measuring Your Torso, Arms and Legs When Making Clothing?
Actually, I have a different approach. I get out the best fitting article (shirt, skirt, pants, (i)etc.(/i)) I have. then I sit down and measure that to make a pattern. For the body measurements: Arm=from under arm or shoulder seam to bones that stick out on...


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Getting a Job In a School?
Is there more than one school district in your area?


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Dry Callused Feet?
I have your problem, too. Heres what I use. I get my scraper from It takes off dead skin, not living skin. I am diabetic, so I like to be safe. This is used as needed to get to pink, healthy skin. Every bedtime, rub in high-density cream (it...


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Decorating My Apartment?
When I was in high school, my mom told me, You are an inexpensive date, not a cheap one. Remember the difference. The same thing can be said for decorating. You just have to remember the difference between cheap and inexpensive. If you have white or beige walls...


Frugal and Tightwad Living
Do you have a freecycle there? Its a website of everyone in the community offering free things, so if you need them, you can pick them up. Weve had everything from broken dishes (for mosaics) to autos. Of course, lots of clothes. I got Sesame Street party supplies...


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Cleaning Burnt Oil Stains from a Sauté Pan?
I guess you mean stainless steel pans. Soak in a sink with Dawn liquid detergent. Use SOS. To avoid this in the future, wipe with a paper towel or a teflon scrubber as soon as you are through cooking and rinse. Then your pans wont be stained.


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Watch for False Advertising
I dont know about back East, but in California, bait and switch is a crime. No wonder they were so happy to grease your palm. You should send a letter to your Attorney General about what happened to you. Maybe youll save others the same grief.



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Poll: Do you eat ground beef?
I never eat ground beef. Its too fatty, and thus shrinks when cooked, so whats the point? Ground sirloin or prime ground chuck are far superior in taste and texture, and much lower in fat, so little shrinkage, more per dollar when cooked. Look also at portion...


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Float Ideas for West Fest (West, TX)?
Get Your Health Czech-Up = theme. Use a red pick up with EMTs in various medical uniforms, giving checkups.


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Organizing a Walk-in Closet?
Use any money or save your money for Huggable Hangers from HSN. They are also on eBay. Usually, messy closets are from being too crowded. So take everything out--all of it, and put in a stack only that which you wear. It will go back in. Now you see how much...


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Odor from Pet Stain on Microfiber?
If t here is an ad for Zero Odor on this page, it is very good. Similar product is Natures Miracle at pet stores.


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Making a Rug Out of Socks?
There is a patent #6923026. Go to , join for free, then search for the patent number above. It looks complicated, but it probably is easy when you get the knack.


Benji (Lhasa Apso)
What a sweetie.


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Converting an Outdoor Cat into an Indoor Cat?
You are not G-d; you cant keep them alive forever. Theyll think you moved, and they were thrown into prison. No cat is ever an indoor cat, except by choice. So make indoors very inviting by keeping the litter box scrupulously clean, get those hammocks that...


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Using Placemats to Protect the Nightstand
I use salad plates, candy dishes and ashtrays--anything made of glass and china, wider than saucers and low-slung. You can find them for very little at thrift stores. The more artistic they are, the better.


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Crack a Nut Without a Nut Cracker
Hand it to an elephant.


Textbooks in Library

Check Out Textbooks From The Library!
This is why Indiana University has a reserve library. You may use the books in the reading room, but may not check them out. That way, everyone has a chance to use the booklist books.


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Poll: Does your home have an air conditioner?
Since I got my memory-foam mattress, Im no longer hot in bed (while sleeping, duh). I dont know why, but it seems to modulate the temperature.


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Cleaning a Foam Mattress?


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Cat Scratching Furniture?
I never have that problem because I train my cat that clapping my hands once means no. I start with a sharp noisy pat with my fingers on the cats behind just in front of the tail--its solid bone there. Never hit the cats head--unless you want to treat a cat...


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Dealing with Smoking at Family Gatherings
You are a kind and generous soul. But tell me, when have you ever been to a party where a fire started from a cigarette? I know I never have.


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Timeshare Advice?
We use ours for a week away for our wedding anniversary every year, then Thanksgiving every year. If you want to sell yours, use the person at your home resort. If you dont like your home, trade for a week at different ones until you find one you like. If you...


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Buying an Olive or Cherry Pitter (Cherry Stone)?
You have to google cherry stoner. There are lots. Heres one:


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Nut Cup Favors?
Go to Smart&Final Iris or any restaurant supply store. As a medicine cup, try a surgical supply store. Decorate with ribbon and little toy blooms or blooms from a many-bloom type fake flower.


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Preparing Muslin Fabric for Painting?
Apply Gesso, available at art supply stores and at . Google gesso.



Changing the Names of Kittens?
If you havent already called them lots of different names like cutesypoo and sweetie pie, it would really surprise me. One more name would hardly be any different.


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Removing Candle Wax From My Cat's Fur?
A hairdryer should work, or a craft heat gun. Turn it on before the cats in the room. Use the towel to bundle the cat, and use newspaper (its thrifty) under the tail to catch the melted wax.


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Family Closet for Organizing Laundry
Now thats what I call a laundry room. Most home floorplans were designed by those who never do laundry, or expect us to abuse our launderers by making them do laundry at the top of the stairs, in a hallway or in a closet.


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Finding Large Table Cloths
You ladies should browse eBay.


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Vacuum Salesman Joke
I also smile from a true vacuum story of my own. After vacuuming and demoing and selling his best, I explained to the salesman that he could sell me the vacuum--straight from the box--as a used vacuum. Looking defeated, he did.


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Inexpensive Denture Soak
Hydrogen peroxide can be found at dollar stores, too. Please tell me how to dilute it. (b)Editors Note(/b) I believe you use it full strength.


Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Info

Breed Information: Bernese Mountain Dog
BTW, Ellen, these dogs pull carts, not cars, unless you knitted the car out of steel wool. hahahahaha (b)Editors Note:(/b) Whoops, must be a typo. Thanks for catching that.


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What are "Fashion Earrings"?
Fashion earrings are not made with precious metals, such as gold or silver, nor are they made with gemstones. For pierced ears, it is important to buy only earrings that are non-allergic: sterling silver, fine silver, gold, platinum or titanium. Plated materials...


Levii (Part Siamese)
I dont know about Siamese, but this cat looks like a Bengal without good markings (marbelized), except for his face.


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Fake Paypal Emails
These guys (phishing guys) are good arent they? To quote the drug runner in Romancing the Stone, referring to his gang, Dese guys arrr such keeders!


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California Travel Tips?
Go to the local AAA for their tour book and materials on California. Escondido is a place for low cost hotels, and a short drive to San Diego. In LA, there is a childrens museum downtown, the Mexican Pueblo de las Reines de Angeles, Japanese town, China town...


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Vinyl Record Covers Tote Bags?
Try this, a few pages down:


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Remembering to Send Birthday Cards?
Hallmark has a reminder program at their Internet site. You list the dates, who, etc., and they will send you e-mail reminders. They also have a list of holidays that is quite inclusive--just choose the ones you want. Most importantly, they have free e-cards...


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Scratch on Laminate Table?
There are felt tip pens in wood colors at the hardware store. They work on my laminate furniture.


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Stocking a New Freezer?
By convenience, I thought you meant entertaining. Put frozen boxes of appetizers in the top of the freezer. A cake, boiled shrimp, cookies or dough, pie dough, frozen fruit, Danish. Anything you dont use regularly, but serve to guests, and can be frozen. That...


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Poll: What new feature would you most like to see on ThriftyFun?
Website recommendations by category--furniture, clothes, etc.


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Poll: Have you ever adopted a rescued pet?
This rescue bit has become a real racket here in California. You would not believe the prices for rescued animals, and the cronyism among the rescuers. It is a disgrace. Two cats adopted us over the years. The male was a huge black DSH called Midnight. He actually...


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Bad Odors When Our Furnace Turns On?
Use ZeroOdorPet. Its on the Internet.


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Paying for a Surprise Birthday Party Without My Husband Noticing?
I got away with the whole number, including a cook in my house. I told him our friend was having a surprise party for her DH at our house. I didnt have to hide anything, including new chairs for the patio. Shes a chef, and told her DH the food she was cooking...


Tuffy (Shi-Poo)
A cross between a Bull Terrier and a Shih-Tzu is a Bull-Shi-Tz. Your puppy could also be called a Poo-Shitz! Cant wait until you hear all the mixed-breed jokes. O. p.s. I heard these from a pet board. Your puppy is gorgeous.


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Frog Joke
I tell this one every St. Patricks Day, and the same people fall for it every time. Whats green and lives in the back yard? Paddy OFurniture O.


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Well Grease Stain on Sweatshirt?
Make sure the dishwashing liquid is Dawn.


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What is Hamburger?
Hamburger is the lowest cut of ground beef. Its whats left over after all the other cuts of beef are taken. You can also buy ground round, ground chuck, ground sirloin, which are ground up cuts of beef. You can also get choice beef or even prime beef ground...


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Dentist Bill Joke
Heres another. A dentist hired a plumber, who spent an hour under the sink. He gave the dentist a bill for $200. Two hundred dollars, exclaimed the dentist. Im a dentist, and I dont make that much an hour. The plumber replied, Neither did I when I was a dentist...


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Store Brands That Are Better Than Name Brand Products?
Dawn dishwashing detergent--brand only. Rubbing alcohol, virgin olive oil, salad dressing, vinegar, nuts, all very good at a Dollar Store. Always check unit prices to see if a brand is more costly. Paper goods less costly at membership store in bulk, also fresh...


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Poll: How much spam do your receive each day?
I use IncrediMail to sort through them, and block/bounce/delete them. I forward other addresses (e.g., Yahoo) to my cable address. I get 3-8 a day. O.


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Cat Pee or Spray on Suede?
Actually, you may also need a suede cleaner. How do you clean those costly boots? With UGG Cleaner& Conditioner. A couple of ideas from UGG: Moisten entire surface with clean, cold water. Apply dilulted cleaner with a sponge, rubbing gently all over. Dont rub...


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The Legality of Rainchecks?
Well, Susan. Guess who I am? The lady for whom the California Bait-and-Switch law was written some 35 (was it that long ago?) years ago. The rain check was included in that law. A similar thing happened to me for an item listed at while supplies last, and the...


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Saving Padded Mailers
Whatever you do, if you do nothing else, be sure to cover the bar code at the bottom of the envelope. It contains your address, and the envelope will come back to you, and youll have to use new postage. Ooops.


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Replacing or Refacing Kitchen Cabinets?
You just proved my mother is right. She said, A man will do anything if he thinks its foreplay. BTW, whats S&H on Jason? Hes a cutie.


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Spending Time at the Hospital?
If the nurses tell you they dont have the leftover trays, tell them you mean the ones they keep and eat from themselves. hahaha That one worked for me.


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Removing Beeswax Hair Remover From Skin?
I am guessing heat will work. How about the hair dryer?


Bernie (Bernese Mountain Dog) and Wilson (Great Pyrenees)
Lovely dogs. I have a 4.5# Yorkie, but I love big dogs, just too disabled to handle them. My neighbor had a pyrenees which stood on top of the hill next to my garage, but in the middle of the street. When I would come home in my little Italian convertible sportscar...


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Damage from Steamer on Pergo Floor?
I have sevety-year-old oak hardwood floors. Pergo, though is not hardwood, but a laminated photograph of hardwood. Now, you can damage ANY flooring surface with steam. That includes hardwood, linoleum, tile, ceramic, and stone. I have a steamer and I have done...


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Looking For No Sew Blanket Patterns?
Everything in your bedroom is a rectangle, so you can no-sew anthing you need for that room. For pillowcases, cut two pieces 12 wider and 8 longer than your pillowcase is now. Cut the usual 6-inch strips and six-inch corners. Tie around three sides, leaving...


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Spaceman Joke
I always have said if you want to know that what you see is a UFO or alien being, shoot it. Youll get your answer soon enough. Thats what you get for telling space man jokes. O. p.s. My family came from there in 1656.


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Training an Older Collie?
I am Spirit64 E-town, This dog will bite. The snarling is an aggressive or fear-aggressive behaviour. Never leave this dog alone with the baby, especially close-by. No dog is naturally friendly with anything they dont want to be, expecially if theyre trying...


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Inviting People That Will Be Alone
My first year away from home, as an intern, I was alone on the holidays. I made jelly for all the neighbors, wrapped the jars like old-fashioned ones. I got a new down comforter, and decorated my apartment. I got some pretty holiday music, and a premade holiday...


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Use for an Old Golf Bag
Get dowels from the home store. Roll up large items like tablecloths or wrapping paper. The bag is a great upright holder. Use as a planter outside. Use in a family or sports room to hold pool cues, putters for practice, dried or silk floral display. Use at...


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Car Buying Tip 1 - Take Your Time
I usually allow three months to buy my next car. Notice I did not say new car. Thats a sucker bet.


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Cleaning Trash Cans
I put bleach in a spray bottle. Spray the insides before wiping out.


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Thrifty Substitute for Holiday Meal
Some parts of the meal you may find at the dollar store. For example, side dishes and condiments. There are many different kinds of nuts and finger foods, exotic things such as canned hearts of palm and artichoke. There are many choices of canned vegetables...


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Keep Your Eye Out for Good Costumes
Thrift stores such as Goodwill and Salvation Army make a great source for costumes of all kinds. I used to haunt them for components to costumes for plays at my daughters schools. They work just as well for Halloween. You put together the pieces. It cuts your...


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Accompany Your Children Trick or Treating
Yes, it was fun. DH and I would take turns. We also had open house in our LR for R&R for parents and kids who needed a rest stop. Apple cider, bathroom, meet people every year. Put away the pets--its too much for them. Some other families would do the same...


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Best Cleaning Rags
Diapers are. So are old flour sack towels, best from K-Mart.


Spunky (Poodle-Pomeranian)
That face and those three lumps of coal look soooo Maltese!


Closeup of brown dog.

Pluto (Terrier Mix)
OMG! Hes bald! Hahahahaha. What a cutie.


Items made from Bedskirt

Uses for an Unneeded Bed Skirt
Brava! Wonderful decorating.


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Birthday Presents for a History Buff?
A bottle of canola oil. A long gold chain that drapes around your hips. I understand hes easy to please.


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Using Found "Pans" in Baking
How did you get the cake out of the jar?


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Melted Plastic on Chrome?
I read about that somewhere. First, I would try a hairdryer to melt it off. I will get back to you.


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Melted Plastic on Chrome?
Forget the hair dryer, thats for wax. For plastic on metal, use nail polish remover, and I suspect the kind with acetone in it. Dont know whether it was stainless steel or chrome or plated. Apparently, it glides right off. Plastic on a coffee pot, use petroleum...


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Storing Crazy Glue
Try a straight pin with a bead on the top--you know the kind--and youre in business. This is the best stopper. I also like the spice bottle idea. I use the fridge, and make sure you burp the bubble so the path is clear. I wrote a fridge poem for a chocolate...


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Soaking Clothing in a Frontloading Washing Machine?
A thousand bucks, and were back to rubbing our clothes on rocks? How retro!


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Melted Plastic on Chrome?
The nail polish remover has to be the kind with acetone. Nail polish without acetone probably wont work, as it didnt for Steve.


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Melted Plastic on Chrome?
The nail polish remover has to be the kind with acetone. Nail polish remover without acetone probably wont work, as it didnt for Steve.


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Christmas Crafts for Kids?
Gee, I hope every one in that company is a Christian, unless the company is a church or a religious organization. Rather presumptious to coopt the employees for one holiday, then expect the kids to go along, too. The age range is rather wide, unless the teenagers...


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New Roof Recommendations?
I dont know about you, but the sound of rain on a metal roof sounds rather romantic. Of course, I have wood shingles, and it almost never rains here in California, so that is my fantasy. Such as off in the jungles of Borneo or the outback of Australia. Works...


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Soften Brown Sugar
I use the lovely air-tight cut-glass jar that nuts came in as a gift one holiday. Its never hard. I use it down to the last granule. So there, brown-sugar fairy! These jars, if they are from the same place, all have matching patterns. I collected a whole set...


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Making Cracker Crumbs
As I recall, preteens were the ones to use the exercise, anyway. If a younger brother got an earful at his sisters door, this was all just part of growing up. Now they make funny stories at reunions and birthday parties. Thats about as family friendly as you...


Two people with hillbilly survivor hats on.

Hillbilly Survivor
Cute kid sitting on the car. hahaha


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Puzzles as Wall Decorations
If you like to travel, map books from garage sales or any large picture or art books from books sales are a good source of things to hang. If you like modern design, using print fabric stretched on stretcher bars and stapled in back is a snazzy choice. Then...


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Cooking Sweet Corn
You guys are killing me! I want corn for dinner. Even better, green corn tamales. Yum.


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Vacationing Close to Home
When I became ill many years ago, this was my only choice. However, there were so many great places and thngs to do nearby, I have had a ball. Since I live in Pasadena, I actually live where people travel from all over and spend a bundle to enjoy our Rose Parade...


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Gnats in The Diaper Pail?
Usually gnats are gone in less than a month, so whatever you use seems to work. They just love decaying manure, and horses, so those are two things to eliminate. Rather, dont eliminate the horse, treat it. So, obviously you must keep the diaper pail clean, very...


Removing Pepsi from Our School
However did we get along?


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Using Clear Plastic Jars
I even wrote to Kraft suggesting they change their packaging to this type of recyclable containers that may be reused. They wimped out. Some brands of yoghurt have plastic caps, some not. I now let the packaging help me choose which brand I buy. Can I reuse...


Photo of a denim purse.

Denim Pocket Purse
If you need feet for the purse, to help it stand up, go to a luggage repair shop. They usually have them and can put them on.


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What to give an outstanding woman?
Dont applaud; just throw money.


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Reusing Paper?
We routinely use both sides of computer printer paper here, since a lot of printing is one-sided, and it doesnt matter whats on the other side. Just keep two stacks of printer paper, used and new, so you can easily switch when you need up-town paper for a clean...


Finished CapriSun lunch bag

Juice Pouch Lunch Bag
Excellent project. Maybe you should submit it to Carol Duvall for her craft show on HGTV cable.


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Smelly Outdoor Trash Can?
I like the idea of letting the garbage company worry about the odor. If they have to trade enough cans, maybe they will give you some good, thrifty advice about deodorizing the cans. Until then, try . Its not inexpensive, but it works. Hooray...


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Find the Brands You Like and Get To Know The Sizes
I used to shop at consignment stores for costumes for school plays. I was surprised at how many great buys were there. Couldnt get my daughters to go for things like the new cashmere sweater for $1. Of course, those days are gone. Nevertheless, bargains persist...


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Soda Can Costume?
Excuse me for being indelicate, but what if one of you has to go to the powder room? Pop, pop, fizz, fizz, oh, what a relief it is....


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Nice Way to Cover a TV in a Bedroom?
Before you hide the TV, make it safe for the smaller members and visitors (children, pets) who may be injured if it falls on them. Anchor it to the wall. Anchor the chest to the wall. Sometimes children are sent to see TV in the bedroom, and try to adjust it...


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Tilex Stained My Porcelain Tub?
That happened to us and we understand that our poor, old tub was losing its enamel surface. Time to call the resurfacing guys. However, Im as cheap as anyone, so I tried beach, which did the same thing--hahaha. By now, after reading the feedback below, I guess...


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Dog is Too Submissive?
A recent article outlined discovery of a fear gene in mice and rats that interacts in the amygdala of the brain to exaggerate the fear response. Further research will follow to see if there is a way to limit its effect. There is a group at Yahoo Groups called...


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Grass Stain on Vinyl Purse?
Formula 409 or Orange Glo.


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Randy Reindeer Crochet Pattern?
Pattern LA172 has a reindeer: Another is listed as a Hallmark pattern, but that is called by another name.


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Aunt Martha's Flour Sack Towels?
I buy Martha Stewarts Flour Sack Towels at KMart (or whatever the name is now). They are inexpensive, wash/bleach white, and do everything but fold laundry! They are essentially lint free, and the hems hold. I believe they are available online. They dry crystal...


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What Colors Go With Sage?
Almost any color will go with sage, as you can see from the other answers. The trick is to find colors that go with your sage. There are two ways to go: (b)1.(/b) Go to a paint store and get or buy a (b)fan deck(/b), that big wheel of paint chips with all the...


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Removing Hair Without Shaving or Waxing?
When we lived in the Raj, and didnt have razors, we used emory boards--nail files. Of course, today you may purchase permanent emory boards that are very cool, from . Check it out.


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Stain From Plastic Bag on Linoleum Floor?
i dont know if methlylated spirit is the same, but acetone-containing nail polish remover can do it.


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Kitchen With Red Sink and Floors?
Whats black and white and red all over? hahahahaha Any bright primary color, including yellow and blue. Get a fan deck, that fan of paint-color cards. Match it to your red sink. Then look for bright colors in the primaries at the same level...


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German Girl Coming To Canada?
To decrease an accent (yours), speak more slowly and speak more deeply. Also go to places we have here you like to go or do, also places Germans dont have or do. (Where do they vacation, Indonesia?) In California, we hosted French exchange students. We love...


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Smelly Down Comforter?
The secret to down is that it must be completly dry, or it may grow some little things that can eat the costly down. Yum, yum, yum. Down is normally washed a number of times in the manufacturing process, but the secret is complete drying. Dry, dry, dry. When...


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Cheap Lunch and Snack Ideas for 4 Kids?
First, buy in bulk, at the local WalMart, Sams Club or Costco. Hot oatmeal with raisins is a filling breakfast. Add butter and brown sugar on top. Lets get away from the high fat things like cheese sandwiches. Start with a salad, the ultimate finger food. Chop...


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Cheap Lunch and Snack Ideas for 4 Kids?
I forgot. You can check games out from most libraries with a childrens section. Ask the librarian for other ideas, since there usually is a summer program for kids. Check the local paper for schedules of recreational activities, like swimming, day camp, etc...


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Put a Trash Can in Each Room
Princess Diana and her butler had a system for this. When a basket was full, shed set it by the door, so it coould be emptied. What I do is tie the bag closed and set it by the door, so it goes out on the next trip. I get a clean bag from the supply of clean...


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Adopting Older Cats
Pasadena, CA, has a special program for very low adoption fees when seniors adopt senior pets (5y+), made possible by a special endowment. How cool.


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Replacing Bathroom Faucets?
THIS IS IMPORTANT. When you replace older bathroom faucet, remember the industry is going through a lot of design change. Make sure you know what size and number of holes you have in your sink before you puchase or try to install a new faucet. The new ones...


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Use For Leftover Meat Loaf
Meatloaf sandwiches are soooooo good. 12-grain bread real mayo romaine lettuce sliced tomatoes sliced meatloaf Store your meatloaf wrapped in foil in the meal drawer. Slice and use it cold. This is not diet food, or food for the faint of heart. Great for football...


The Hungry Squirrel
Sometimes, if squirrels get too familiar, a bite can be a problem to you or your pets. In many areas, squirrels are carriers of rabies. If you dont know, check with local animal control or your vet.


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Make Your Own Panties?
Breezies on make high-cut legs with the waist at the navel. Im with you, babe, I dont like skimpy panties. Breezies are also a terrific panty. In fact, check out their great-looking, great-fitting bras while youre there. If you want to save money, buy...


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Raising Money for the Church Joke
Then she played Dixie.


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Profession Decorating Advice?
Dont put furniture along the wall, move inward. Draw the room on paper, cut the furniture out in pieces, and move it around unti it works.


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Profession Decorating Advice? For more, search furniture layout or interior room design on the web. You can hire a decorator by the hour, and be sure s/he is experienced...


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Passed Over For a Job, Need Ideas To Cheer Hubby Up?
I know when I come home from a 20-hour shift at the hospital, I like dim lights, soothing music, like Elvis, a lovely private meal waiting, followed by a warm bath and massage. How relaxing for a tired body and soul. Man or woman, it hits the spot every time...


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Tapeworm Prevention With Dogs?
The cats may be unhappy because the vinegar is not cool. I was always taught that white vinegar is for cleaning, and apple cider vinegar is for eating. My cat once had a diphyllobothrium latum tapeworm when I was in school in Indiana. The intermediary is the...


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M&M's for our Wedding Reception
I volunteer to help clean up after all these weddings. Yum.


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Lamb Costume
That is cute. By pompoms, do you mean cotton balls?


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Looking for Parts for a 95 Isuzu?
Google an Isuzu Club. The members of these kind of clubs usually have a list of sources.


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Meeting DECENT Singles Online?
Is everyone being honest? First, you mention meeting people for a chat, then its meeting men, then its dating (which has a whole new meaning these days), then its DH time. Youd do just as well joining organizations you would enjoy anyway, or starting a singles...


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Donating Your Extras
If you plan a tax deduction, dont forget to use your handy instant camera to take and store photos of the things donated. It can be used to confirm their value.


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Hard (Cold or Frozen) Butter Tip
I use a butter bell. Some are from France. They keep butter soft without going rancid. You can Google them or find them on eBay. QVC has one that looks like a tiny oval casserole.


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Plastic Cake Container for a Salad
This is a great suggestion for anything that might spill.


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