
Melanie Jackson

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1 Post | 372 Comments | Active Since 2008
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Cat with her head in a tuna can.

Hailey The Cat
That kitty is so beautiful!! Her fur is so gorgeous, I want to brush her. :-D But please dont feed her any tuna from a can of people food. Here are foods that cat owners shouldnt feed their kitties:


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Removing Stickers From Painted Wall?
The hair dryer idea is the one Ive always used. The only time that didnt work for me, was when the sticker was made of really cheap paper.


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CD-R Recommendations For Burning Music?
I use Maxell CD-Rs, as I find they work best with my CD-RW drive. Ive had problems with Sony and Memorex, while people with different CD burners can use them just fine. Best thing to do is buy small amounts of each major brand CD, and see what works. NEVER...


Patty and Creede (Shetland Sheepdogs)

Patty and Creede (Shetland Sheepdogs)
Oh, theyre gorgeous!! Words fail me!


Aid with Prescriptions - RX Hope
Thank you for sharing this--comes in very handy for those of us who have no insurance.


boy on slide

Use Bright Clothing or Background in Outdoor Photos
Excellent advice, and your photo looks great!


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Freeze Heavy Duty Water Bottles For Work
Thanks for the info! Ive been trying to find some sturdy plastic bottles, but the ones water comes in have gotten flimsier by the year.


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Buy a Year's Worth of School Supplies in the Fall
We do that, and we dont even have kids in school, LOL. School supplies are just as useful as home office supplies. We got notebooks at Wal-Mart this year for only a NICKEL each. I thought it was a typo!


Have a Plan in Case of a Fire

Have a Plan in Case of a Fire
Weve always had what we call our Tornado suitcase--packed just in case the worst happens--which includes our medications, important papers, extra clothes, personal care items, and the manual for our NOAA weather alert radio. In addition, we keep our purses...


Have a Plan in Case of a Fire

Have a Plan in Case of a Fire
Grammi Fran -- To keep your kitty from hiding under the bed, you might want to use blankets or towels to block access to that area. Storage bins are also a good bet, provided Kitty cant squeeze between them. :-)



Use Your Door as a Message "Superboard"
I love this idea! We need to replace our old wooden back door with a new metal one. Itll be a great place for putting up reminders, etc., as we head out to the garage!


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Chores for a 9 Year Old?
@melodybh: With the kids doing all these chores, whats left for you? Also, kids need time for doing homework and research for school reports. Not to mention, they need time to get outside and play in order to stay healthy. Im all for getting kids to chip in...



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Hydro-Sil Electric Heater?
Im looking into those, as well. I hope someone here has one, and can post some more details about it.


Photo of two origami baskets

Origami Basket
Thank you--I adore the Hello Kitty one in the pic! I love paper crafts...cant wait to give this a try.


Suitcase Dog Bed

Suitcase Dog Bed
Very cute, but make sure theres something in place to make sure the lid doesnt come crashing down on Fido or Fluffy. It could really do some damage to an innocent paw. But with such a safety measure in place, its a darling idea!


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Use Lidocaine To Ease Mammogram Pain
If a mammogram hurts THAT badly, its time to go to a new X-ray lab. Ive got fibromyalgia, and Ive only had some residual aches and pains after a mammogram. The others who commented about not using lotions, and being cautious about lidocaine toxicity are correct...


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Check for Free Museum Day
Wow, thanks! Now I know what Ill be doing for my birthday!


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Use A Hair Dryer To Remove Contact Paper From Shelves
A hair dryer will help you get tape, labels, etc. off just about anything. :-)


Garden: Helpful Snake
We have snakes, and I love them! Theyre so beautiful, the way they slither around...its almost magical how they move so quickly and gracefully.


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Dog Joke
LOL! Smart dog!


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Older Dog With Dislocated Hip?
Contact another vet for a second opinion. He/she would know a lot more than any of us would. Good luck!


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Calculating Grocery Savings?
When we began budgeting more carefully, what we did was just go to the stores with a list of the common items we used, and wrote down the prices. Then I used the computer to make a table listing the items and each stores prices. That gives you a good overview...


How to Go on a No TV Diet
People like this writer, who live in Sun City, have no lives, so of course they dont need TV. We need it to stay informed about things like this all-important election. Local news. Weather. You can educate yourself about an unlimited number of topics, by watching...


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Use Craft Containers For Daily Medication and Vitamins.
Ive been doing this for years. Its a huge help for those of us who must take several meds, and tend to get confused about what was taken when. :-)



Lady pushing a lawn mower.

Environmentally Friendly Lawn Mowers
Weve had an electric mower for about 20 years, and we love it. Gas powered ones are so smelly and hard to start. Ours is corded, but we might have to get a rechargeable, since weve moved to a place that has a larger lawn. But wed never go back to gas-powered...


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Cover Your Paint Roller With Saran Wrap
Weve been putting our rollers in plastic grocery bags, but your idea of plastic wrap sounds much neater. Well have to try it! As for putting the rollers in your fridge--please, dont! Paint is not meant to be stored near food!! Your rollers will stay just as...


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Sleeveless Shift Dresses?
My moms searching for those, too--Ill check out Woman Within, and ANY other sources that you thrifty folks might send our way. Thanks!!


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Treating Tendinitis In Ankles?
Your primary-care doctor could probably tell you which specialist to see. My guess would be either a podiatrist or an orthopedic doctor.


Black Converse shoes.

Saving Money on Shoes
DO NOT buy shoes at thrift stores!! My aunt did this, and she once contracted a nasty case of athletes foot. Plus, its bad for your feet, to wear shoes that have molded to the shape of someone elses foot.


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Cat Keeps Bringing Me Her Kittens?
You need to get this poor kitty spayed before she gets pregnant again! Its imperative to do this, for her health. Shes only 9 months old, and having kittens could compromise her health and even stunt her growth. Her immature body could be one reason so many...


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Make Your Own Shaker Top With Aluminum Foil
Clever idea! Ill keep that in mind if ever we lose a shaker top.


Saving Money with Sheets
Ive used sheets for so many things. I even created a set of matching cushions for patio furniture, with several large flat sheets purchased at Wal-Mart!


Picture Frame

Saving Money on Picture Frames
I like the polarized glass idea! Getting rid of the glare really would enhance the look of your prized photographs!


A recycled market bag made from plastic grocery bags.

Making Market Bags from Plastic Bags
Wow, if I didnt have fibromyalgia, I would love to learn to knit and/or crochet, to be able to make beautiful things like this!


Beware " Daily Top 10" Emails; Actually Malware
General rule of thumb: If you didnt request it, delete it. Another important tip: Always, ALWAYS use web-based e-mail (Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.). DO NOT EVER use your e-mail client (software) to download e-mails to your computer. Thats how viruses and other nasty...


Classroom with chairs on top of desks.

Budgeting for Teaching Supplies
I dont know if other states do this, but I discovered something great in small-town Nebraska, of all places. The library system for these towns has a die-cutting machine, which is loaned out to different libraries. Ive been going up there every few days, and...



Dish of avocado treatment.

Homemade Avocado Deep Conditioning Treatment
Wow, Moms been looking for an intensive dry-hair treatment thats free of harmful chemicals. Ill suggest this one to her. Thanks!


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Will The Snake Come Back?
You didnt say if its a big or small snake, or what type of snake it is. If its poisonous, then get animal control out there to take care of the problem. If not, then let the snakes be. Theyre beautiful creatures, and they wont hurt you. About the only way youd...


Cutie Mobility Scooter?
Do a Google search for reviews of the scooter. There are also places like that feature customer reviews of everything from appliances to banks. I hope this helps!


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Preserving Game Boards and Pieces
Great idea! The taping technique also works well for paperback books, to preserve the corners and spine.


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Name for a Christian Daycare?
@Patricia1951 Blessed be is actually a traditional Wiccan/Pagan phrase, so it might confuse people into believing its a Wiccan/Pagan daycare, instead of Christian.


Tinkerbell the Cat

Tinkerbell the Cat
Dont feel bad for calling the cat Stupid...we had a silly brown tabby-striped cat that we called Doofus. :-D In that picture, she looks like shes ready to take on any intruders...and theyre going DOWN! LOL!


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School Supplies For Summer Birthdays
I agree with Barbara...birthdays are too special for something thats so ordinary, and reminds a kid that the end of summer vacation is near. Nothing ruins a kids special day like underwear at Christmas, and not getting toys for their birthday. :-( Give them...


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Make Car Repairs to Save Car Payments
Plus, you dont have to worry about your car being recalled a week after you bought it, either....


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Cat With Excessive Shedding?
Are you sure there isnt a health or nutritional problem involved? That sounds like an awful lot of shedding, compared to the similarly stressed-out cats you deal with.


Curb Shopping
I usually ask at the house, before taking anything from the curb. I figure its polite to let folks know why Im hanging out in front of their house, so they dont call the police on me, LOL.


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Tips For Getting Used To Dentures?
Eating with dentures can be a choking hazard (even according to the Red Cross web site!). So I dont eat around other people since I got dentures; its worth a little inconvenience to avoid choking. As for talking, just practice, practice, practice! In fact, I...


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Preparing In Case Of A Storm?
I was in a natural disaster once, and I learned quickly that there are some things people just dont think of till its too late. Keep some cash on hand for buying things, because if the powers out. Chances are you wont be able to use your debit/charge card. Keep...


Colorful Shredded Paper

Save Money on Packing Materials
As an eBay seller, Ive been doing all of the above for years. I also used the same packaging techniques for our recent move halfway across the country. :-)


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Help with 4 Year Old Behavior?
As a bipolar patient, myself, I agree that this could be a manifestation of bipolar disorder. I wish Id been diagnosed sooner, as Id have been spared a lot of misery with untreated and inexplicable mood swings. The earlier a problem is detected, the earlier...


white kitten peering out from behind plant leaves

Snowflake (Kitten)
The foliage brings out the green in her eyes...absolutely precious. I once heard somebody say that white cats are angels, and this one is no exception. :-)


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Selling Crafts With Characters on Them?
Sorry, but its definitely illegal--you can only make things for PRIVATE use out of such fabrics. Making things for sale is a violation of copyright. It can also get your eBay account suspended, if you try to sell such items on eBay.


Simple Tips to Save Electricity
The only problem I have with unplugging the VCRs is that you have to keep resetting the clock...and of course, if you have a program set, you have to have power for the VCR to record it. :-(


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Garage Sale: Label Boxes by Price
The problem Ive found with that is that many people either deliberately put an item in a cheaper box, or else inadvertently get an item cheaper because somebody else put it into a cheaper box. This can cause some unpleasantness between the seller and the customers...


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Logins, Passwords and Security Questions
Thanks for this tip! I was just thinking of organizing that kind of info in a notebook. But the index card idea is even better, considering its so easy to add and remove entries.


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Safe Candles for Power Outages?
We have those cheap (but VERY bright) camping flashlights that we use around the house during outages. Theyre only $3.50 at Wal-Mart, and come with the big battery included! You cant beat the price, or the light output!


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Safe Decibel Levels for Listening to Music?
If you dont have the equipment, you cant measure the decibel levels, anyway, so that info probably wouldnt help you, would it? Anyway.... As a general rule of thumb, you should be able to have a conversation with somebody in the same room without raising your...


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Removing Musty Smell from Fire Proof Safe?
Oranges will eliminate the odor from nearly anything. Slice a few of them, put them on a plate, then put them into the safe. They leave a nice, fresh scent, too!


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Potty Training Regression?
You could tell him that, if he wears his diaper, his poop will end up ALL OVER his bottom? Just a thought.


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Musty Smell on a Stuffed Toy?
If none of these techniques work, you could always have it dry-cleaned. I had to do that with a coat I got from a thrift store, because NOTHING was getting out the musty smell.


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Have a Recycled Christmas
Love this idea! Sort of like going to a garage sale, only you didnt have to pay for anything! :-D


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Lanced Boil Has Not Gone Away?
He should have another doctor on call; if not, try calling another dermatologist. If they cant get you in soon enough, contact an urgent care clinic. Failing that, ER would be a last resort...esp. since youre having symptoms like headache, etc. Theres not much...


Close up of ripe oranges on orange tree

Do I Need to Remove Fruit from My Fruit Tree?
Theres another reason to remove excess fruit: It will drop off the tree eventually, attracting pests. I remember, when I lived in AZ, there were news stories telling people to remove fruit from their citrus trees because it was attracting rats! :-O


My Frugal Life: A Journey
Scarlet, Im sorry to hear how you were forced into a frugal lifestyle...but I admire how youve turned lemons into lemonade. Best of luck to you and your son in the future!


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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Antidepressants arent used because your doc thinks its all in your head. Theyre also beneficial in treating fibro symptoms. Paxil really helps my pain more than any of the pain relievers (which gave me ulcers and chronic stomach problems) ever did. I used to...


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Color Suggestions For Kitchen With Hunter Green Cabinets?
In a kitchen that small, make sure the color is LIGHT, especially when youve got such an awfully dark green dominating your color scheme. Otherwise, youll feel as if youre in a dark dungeon instead of a kitchen.


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Grocery Bags vs. Garbage Bags?
You can easily fix bags that have holes or tears in them. I use cellophane tape on them all the time, and am able to reuse them for wastebasket liners. :-)


Washable Wiping Squares

Make Wiping Squares to Save on TP
When I was a child, I used something similar that my mom gave me, because I had sensitivities to many brands of TP. As for making sanitary napkins, theres no way I could do this, unfortunately. Ive always had VERY heavy periods, and even while wearing disposables...


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Cat Doesn't Use Cat Condo?
Maybe he just doesnt like the upper level of the condo. :-) Seriously, as long as hes not doing damage while climbing in other places, its best just to let Kitty do what he wants. As long as hes using the bottom part of it, at least you didnt waste your money...


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Removing Ironed On Patch From Denim?
Ill have to try that--thanks!


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Tell Businesses of Your Interest
We used to live in Scottsdale, and asked Long John Silvers if theyd open a branch in that ever-growing city. They told us that it was too expensive. Then they closed down their north Phoenix location, yet they have two locations in Tempe. Go figure....


Collage mouse pad.

Use A Scanner To Make A Photo Collage
tblauras right...The GIMP is the way to go, if you want a Photoshop equivalent without the Photoshop price. If you search online for free graphics software, youll find many other programs of this nature, as well.


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Using Up Hand Lotions That Are Too Sticky
I just mix lotions like these with water. Makes a little go a long way!


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Beware Of Online Banking Account Balances
There are personal, friendly banks around--you just have to look for them. Find the smaller ones, rather than the big names. We moved to Nebraska and opened an account with a bank we frequented way back when I was growing up. Theyve been a godsend to us, helping...


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Decorating Your School Locker with Magnets
Aargh, I wish Id thought of this when I was in high school!!! Great Idea!


A person holding an empty wallet

How I Went Broke Saving Money
When you eat healthfully, youll find that you hardly use coupons at all. Since when are coupons offered for fresh vegetables or fruits in your produce department, for instance? Things like peanut butter are really bad for your heart, considering the fat and...


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