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13 Posts | 479 Comments | Active Since 2014
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Two clear ornaments filled with beads.

The Frugal Organizer
As an avid crafter, I can empathize. Perhaps check with your landlord and offer to fix holes in the walls before you move ... putting up shelves above doors and windows is remarkably inexpensive (plain brackets at the hardware store, simple planks which the...


Recycling Dryer Lint - TP tube filled with dryer lint

Recycling Dryer Lint
Thank you very much for posting: Id been aware of fire starting, but birds nests? Makes perfect sense (and if helps, why not).


Gluten Free Chex Party Mix closeup

Gluten Free Chex Party Mix
Experimenting with recipes is fun! And good for you adapting the original to your specific needs. Other gluten-free options include using air-popped popcorn, cooked garbanzo and rice snack mix (from Bulk Barn, if you have one in your area). For an ultra-low...


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Manual for a Vintage Brother Pacesetter?


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Locating the Lint Trap on an Old Dryer?
See if you can find and write down the make and model and even serial number. Contact the manufacturer (if theyre still in business). You may have to hunt down re-manned (re-manufactured) parts or investigate making a substitue. As to heating? Check everythings...


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Thank You Speech Ideas?
As you prepare to get up in front of everyone, put aside your own potential nervousness. Think about all the people who have helped you and to whom you would like to convey your appreciation. Sit down with pen and paper and bring each name, each face to mind...


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Windshield Washer Not Spraying?
Given that your vehicle is new, Id bet the sprayer is clogged. Its fairly easy to check / clean. Alternatively, if its still under warranty, let the dealership fix it.


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Removing Water Spots on Stainless Steel?
Magic eraser works wonders!


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Repairing a Leather Chair?
If I understand you correctly, Philomena, the leather portion of the chair has worn away. What do you think about covering the remaining cloth with a new piece of fabric or leather or even faux leather? Im sure youve seen the type of thing I mean on lazy boys...


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Replacement Bottom Plate George Foreman Grill?


What Is This Houseplant? green leafed plant with scalloped edges on top leaves

What Is This Houseplant?
I agree with cybergrannie, but its hard to tell from your photograph. Kalanchoes are succulents with thick leaves. If thats the case, you have your answer. The plant may also be Swedish Ivy (thinner leaves, tends to vine). The former blooms, the latter not...


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Donating Fabric in New York City?
Check the Rotarians or other charitable organization for groups of women who make quilts for the less fortunate? A quilt-supply store might be a good place to start inquiring?



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Stabilizing a Tea Light in a Blown Glass Holder?
Any lid from any empty jar should do the trick, but if you can find a lid the exact depth / heighth of the hump, youll be in business.


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13th Birthday Party Ideas?
Why not check out a local bead supply store to see if they teach classes? If the guests on your list are all girls, that might be a fun option. Boys, however, might also like to learn to make braided wrist bands?


Identifying a Houseplant - succulent that appears to be a jade plant

Identifying a Houseplant?
And if you repot it fairly frequently into progressively larger pots, it can grow to be quite tall. It does well in full sunlight but will require more frequent watering.


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Using One Outlet in a Room Disables the Other?
Im sorry to say this, but if it means preventing a fire and losing everything, please hire an electrician. Mobile homes are notorious for electrical issues. And fires. Do what you can, please, to stay safe.


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15th Birthday Party Ideas?
Its your birthday. What do YOU like to do? And make a party around your preferences. For instance, if you like to cook, hold a pizza party (where everyone makes their own with toppings you all prepare / slice). If you love music and dancing, ask everyone to...


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No Power to RV's Breaker Box?
And check the fuses. Any blackened ones will need replacing.


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Re-Dyeing Hair?
A friend of mine stripped the natural colour from her hair a couple of times, with different dye jobs between (over the course of ~ 6 months). After the fourth treatment (strip, dye, strip, dye) her hair was skimpy, fragile and broke easily: no life whatsoever...


Roasted Chickpeas

Roasted Chickpeas
Easier, cheaper and healthier to find dried garbanzo beans (i.e., chick peas) at a store with bulk bins. That way you can cook them to the desired crunchiness (as opposed to the canned and overcooked mushy version) and omit salt altogether if your blood pressure...


Roasted Chickpeas

Roasted Chickpeas
Chick peas (also known as garbanzo beans) can also be found dry, in bulk. Soaking and cooking them (as one would any other legume) means avoiding salt altogether. I like to leave the cooked beans in the cooking water until ready to roast. Draining and adding...


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Fixing a Hole in a Coleman Pop Up Camper?
Why not stop by an auto-body repair shop, Marina, and ask them about using bondo. Its a type of putty which dries when applied and the technicians then sand it down to match the countours of the vehicle. No drilling of holes (in your already fragile plastic...


couch and chairs

Curtain and Throw Pillow Colour Advice?
Im with pamartmam when it comes to checking magazines and pulling out pages of the ideas you find most appealing (according to your personal taste / preferences). Google images is another excellent source: try different key words in your search. Someone else...


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Curtain Color Advice?
Personally, Lisa, I prefer neutral shades in window treatments. They can be costly, even if youre buying the fabric and rods and going the do-it-yourself route. Beige sheers would be nice. For colour in the room? Plants (real or silk), plant pots, cushions...



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Finding Assistance After a House Fire?
United Way, Salvation Army ... ask the firemen, too. And then theres Google:


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Accessories to Coordinate With Orange and Grey?
White and navy blue go well with orange and grey. Why not check out a local fabric shop and pick up a few samples (a yard of each) from the bargain aisle? Leave them (whichever colours you choose) on the bed for a few days and stick your head in the door every...


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Getting Dyed Hair Back to Normal?
Firstly, Im amazed your hair doesnt break when you brush it. All that chemical? Can you be patient and just let it grow back, keep trimming until all the fake colour is gone? How do you feel about shaving your head and wearing wigs, hats and scarves until it...


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Keeping Photos from Sticking Together?
Isnt this why many people put their photos in albums with clear plastic over each page?


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Keeping Craft Bows From Getting Flat?
As long as you dont put anything heavy on top of them, they should be good. To keep that from happening, accidentally, store them in plastic bags and attach the bags to clothes hangers.


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Sewing Machine Starts Running When Turned On?
Sounds like something might be stuck in the gear box or pedal, perhaps thread or a broken pin / needle. If you use canned air to clean your computer, give your machine a good spray in several spots: the foot pedal of course, but also see if you can get between...


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Removed Stitches Stretched Cross Stitch Material?
Have you tried pressing it with your hot iron?


A canning jar with cut up carrots and celery.

Keep Celery and Carrots Fresh for Weeks
Add a pinch of ascorbic acid (powdered Vitamin C) to help keep the veg crisp.


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Speech for Receiving a Book Award?
Congratulations! People read your book, and thats pretty amazing too, right? Dont take that the wrong way. With all the books being published and available? Its pretty great yours attracted readers. Id say gratitude is the order of the day. After all, if anyone...


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Decanter Stopper Too Loose?
The easiest fix I can think of, marce-sanabria, is to wrap the bottom of the stoppers with (cleaned) elastic / rubber bands. Add one at a time until you get the snug fit you want. Wax might have a tendency to fall away in pieces each time you remove the stopper...


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Remedies for Thinning Hair?
Whats causing your hair loss? Age? Medication? Lifestyle (i.e., people who frequently dye their hair often have trouble)? Check with your doctor? Once you know the cause, finding a solution will be easier.


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Job Ideas for a 12 Year Old?
If you have seniors living in your neighbourhood, they often need help with simple things like mowing the lawn, raking leaves, shovelling snow (depending what part of the country youre in), running local errands ....



Angel Hair Pasta with Pesto Sauce

Angel Hair Pasta with Pesto Sauce
Store-bought pesto has plenty of oil in it already. One tablespoon pesto added to hot, cooked-and-drained pasta then tossed like a salad is (to my way of thinking) a much healthier alternative than adding more butter. Faster, too. Add diced tomatoes for visual...


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Finding Fabric Donations?
Why not check out local goodwill stores (Salvation Army, Value Village and the like) for curtains and bedspreads which might be had for very low cost. Fabric stores have clearance and end-of-role aisles and might be convinced to heavily discount their already...


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17th Birthday Party Ideas?
On my sisters last birthday, she made a list of new things she wanted to do / try: one item for every year. Why not ask your friends to help you with a list of your own, then do one of those things with them to celebrate your bday? No item need be expensive...


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Changing the Color of Beige Drapes?
Have you considered using bleach? Perhaps undo a bit of hem (top or bottom) to do a test?


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Troubleshooting Wiring?
Im all for do it yourself projects, Morris, but wiring problems can be serious. Please check your home insurance policy and be sure your smoke detectors are fully functional. Maybe think about hiring a professonial to check your work?


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Removing Wrinkles from Prom Wedding Dress?
Before you spend a dime, try hanging the dress (on a nice hanger) in the bathroom. Let the warm steam from your shower loosen the wrinkles. Next, lay the skirt portion on your ironing board. Take a clean cloth (an old facecloth or dish towel would work) and...


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Re-dying Hair After Using a Colour Remover?
You pretty much deplete all the nutrients from your hair. Depending on our natural colour (red and white blonde being the most fragile, brunette being the strongest), your hair may become very fragile and break easily. Consider doing a test with a small portion...


herbs in planter with cute birdhouse decorations

Repot Herbs to Bring Inside
Id recommend keeping them in quarantine (away from household plants) until youre absolutely sure there are no bugs or fungus. Granted, most bugs arent fond of herbs, but they are able to mutate / adapt. I brought some dill in this year ... and a host of aphids...


pink Japanese anemone flower

Japanese Anemone
Looks an awful lot like our provincial floral emblem, the Alberta wild rose.


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Selling Pine Cones?
Take pictures. Post them online (kijiji or Craigs list, for example) with your asking price and contact information. Responses will tell you if people are interested. Or not.


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Storing Your Toilet Plunger and Brush?
Tall slim garbage pail with a lid?


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Keeping Bedsheets in Place?
Buy suspenders like the kind men use to hold up their pants. Sew buttons on your bottom sheet, one on each corner. Put the suspenders between your box spring and mattress and attach each of the ends to a button as youre making the bed. At the very least, the...


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Eliminating Underarm Odor?
What would happen if you allowed your armpits to breath before applying deodorant? And are you using deodorant or anti-perspirant? Google should have some answers for you, but plain ordinary soap is about as much as you can do to the outside of your body. The...


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Ripening Green Tomatoes?
My sister, an avid gardener (with 60 tomato plants this year), picks them all just before the first frost, brings them into the house and spreads them on newsprint laid flat on the basement floor. Theyll gradually ripen.


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Sharing Expenses With Boyfriend?
At the very least, if you love this man and value the relationship, talk to him about your concerns. Hell be retiring soon and may want to plus have the time to do more around the house in addition to taking over some of the obligations of caring for his child...


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Name Ideas for an Organizing Business?
Owning and operating a business which people will remember is called branding, zaidance. When you think about the services you offer and what people will hire you to do, what words come to mind? As a consumer, when I hear the words dance and breathe, I think...


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Fixing a Leaky Metal Birdbath?
Presuming you like the look of the exterior but dont want the expense of hiring someone to braise or weld the metal, why not simply find a plastic or glass bowl which fits inside? Spray paint the exterior and you should be good to go.


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Cleaning Wax Off a Brass Candelabra?
Not at all difficult, mizmac, but perhaps a bit time consuming. A sink full of hot water, as hot as you can make it (or a hair dryer or heat gun if you have) and alternate by putting the thing in your deepfreeze. Back a forth a few times, chipping bits of wax...


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Determining a Reasonable Cleaning Fee?
Being self-employed, CJNKD, certainly is fraught with questions and kudos to you for being willing to go out on your own! Of course cleaning rates vary from one part of the country to another. Up here (Calgary, Canada) the going rate is $30 - $35 per hour but...


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Removing Stuck Sewing Machine Needle?
Can you move the needle at all, Patricia? Even by hand? (Im wanting to ascertain if the component which houses the needle can be lifted or lowered at all.) In the interest of saving time, feel free to get back to me at Best, Rose Anne


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Free Sites for Finding Lost Relatives?
Although Google can often be extremely helpful, eyebeeleve2, this time you might want to put on your thinking cap. Have you tried Facebook, for instance? How about an online telephone directory for the last town / city you remember him living? Do you recall...


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Sewing Machine Thread Looping Underneath the Fabric?
Sounds like a tension issue, Jane. Bear in mind the top and bottom thread tension can both be adjusted? Set both back to zero and gradually increase one until you get the result you need.


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Starting a Cleaning Business?
You might want to start by talking to your banking representative, ladinedunn. Bankers are the ones who take ownership, right? Make a list of questions: is your suggested service required, who would pay, do they have a rate in mind? You might also want to talk...


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Buying Large Terra Cotta Saucers?
Ive had success finding them at Walmart as well as Dollar Tree.


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Mat Damaged Finish on Wood Desk Top?
I use cooking or mineral oil to remove labels from jars (the ones I want to re-use). The oil works great when removing those tacky / gummy residues. I wonder if it would work on your wood surface as well? Worst case, you wont damage the surface of the desk...


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Manual for Good Housekeeping Sewing Machine?
The best I could come up with is


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Remedy for Allergy to Cats?
Dont touch it, dont let it in your house. If you visit the neighbour, sit on a wooden chair (not covered with fabric) and take your allergy pills with you, just in case. Some cat owners are very conscientious about the hair, others, not so much. If the owner...


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Manual for a Husqvarna Sewing Machine?


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Repairing a Featherweight Sewing Machine?
Nothings quite as frustrating, right? In the middle of a project and the darn machine quits? (Ive been sewing for more than 30 years and remember those early days well. If it turns out you love to sew, consider - at some point - investing in a good machine...


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Name Ideas for a Kindergarten?
Have you considered choosing a name in the language of the country where youll open the kindergarten? Their customs are not ours, and vice versa. Why not ask someone who speaks the language to help you choose something which will not only attract but also not...


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Gift Ideas for Mother's Birthday?
How about making her a coupon book? It will require you to do some thinking about what shed like, but you can make as many as you want. Here are a few ideas. This coupon entitles you to one breakfast in bed made by your child, 24 hours notice required. Present...


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Buying a Camera?
Photographer friends have mentioned the quality of cell phone pictures. Maybe start doing some research along those lines?


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17th Birthday Party Ideas?
From my experience, putting a bunch of people together with food, beverages, good music in a comfortable setting is pretty much all it takes. People start talking, eating, drinking, dancing and - ultimately - entertaining themselves. That said, a good friend...


Carefully Read Food Ingredient Labels

Carefully Read Food Ingredient Labels
High fructose corn syrup is not simply sugar. It is made from field corn. The seed for field corn grown in the US is provided by Monsanto and is called Roundup Ready. That simply means farmers can spray their fields with Roundup (a very serious poison) to kill...


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Preventing Blackheads?
Foods high in fat can contribute to blackheads: cheese, chocolate, fried foods ....


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Nail Polish Remover Damaged Finish on Table?
Balds Balm Finish Restorer. You might have to send away for it. Check Lee Valley Tools.


laundry drying on curtain tension rods

Tension Rods for Drying Laundry
Its a terrific idea and also adds humidity to the home (important for those of us who live in dry climates).


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Beeping Smoke Detector?
Have you tried flipping the breaker on your electrical panel?


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Graphic Design Business Name Ideas?
1,000 Words. What do you think of that? Your business is pictures? or perhaps Worth 1,000 Words.


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Teens and Consumerism?
Growing up we were pretty poor too, and my folks - like you - insisted on saving wherever possible. Like your son, us kids didnt understand and wanted stuff. My parents solution? You earn half the money (to buy a bike, for instance) and well match it. The lessons...


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Finding Lost Relatives?
Check with the Church of Latter Day Saints (or LDS), also known as Mormons. Theyve been compiling geneological records for decades and are quite open about sharing their findings. You neednt be Mormon to access the information although they may require a small...


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Decorating Exposed Steel Beams for Wedding Reception?
Instead of going through the expense and sorting through ideas to cover them up, why not focus on drawing peoples eyes toward other, prettier things? Flowers, streamers, tables / decor? That said, you could measure the heighth and length then visit a fabric...


photo of bathroom

Bathroom Towel Color Advice?
That looks almost exactly like my bathroom, Kandreason! Im having great fun with brightly coloured towels: reds, bright pinks, different shades of blue (rotating each week). Fortunately I was able to find a shower curtain with all those bright colours on a...


worn metallic purse straps

Repairing Purse Straps?
Its hard to tell from the picture, Jessica, but can you remove those straps entirely? If so, check out a local fabric shop or hardware store for durable, attractive yet light-weight chain you can use instead? The other option is to take it to your local shoe...


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Invitations to Birthday Party for Deceased Mother?
What a lovely idea, Jamie. How about Celebrating a Life as the heading? Followed by something like, Lets get together to remember (your moms name). She would have turned 50 this (date). Bring your favourite photograph or anecdote.


Store Jewelry Findings in Clear Boxes

Store Jewelry Findings in Clear Boxes
I use these, Sandi (like you, I make and repair jewellery). Theyre also excellent for storing personal jewellery (necklaces dont get tangled with other things and hunting for the right earrings no longer takes forever). Prices vary a bit but my dollar store...


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Finding Lost Relatives?
Contact the Mormon church, Susan. They call themselves Latter Day Saints or LDS and have compiled hundreds of thousands of geneologic records. One neednt belong to their organization to access the information.


Value of Antique Reel Lawnmower

Value of Antique Reel Lawnmower?
Its worth whatever someone will pay for it and because there are so many of them around that likely wont be much. They are, however, a wonderful tool: very quiet and efficient, requiring no gas or electricity.


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Repairing a Burn Mark on Dining Table?
Short answer? No. Long answer? Use a tablecloth.


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Post Office Delivered Envelop to Wrong Person?
Sounds like mail fraud to me. What do you think? Its a federal offense, if Im not mistaken (i.e., under the jurisdiction of the FBI).


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Needle Is Not Catching the Bobbin Thread?
Ive had this happen numerous times through years of sewing, Tomeegurl. The most efficient solution, I finally found, was to remove everything: all fabric which might be caught in sewing machine teeth or bobbin, all threads, the needle (in case the jammed fabric...


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Childcare and Tutoring Business Name Ideas?
What do you think of Watch, and Learn as a name for your business (with or without the comma)?


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Memory Board for 50 Year Reunion?
Are you in contact with the remaining members? If so, why not ask them to contribute photos and stories of the deceased. You might also want to get in touch with the offspring or surviving family members of the deceased and ask them for the same information...


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Decorating a Living Room with Brown Walls?
So many colour options! Tans and shades of beige, yellows, oranges. White might be too stark and red perhaps too harsh. Brass and / or copper accessories would look well too, I think. Be sure to post photos when youre done?


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Mallard Laid Egg on Ledge of Above Ground Pool?
Might not hurt to leave it alone? If you move it, the mother might not know where it went, right? If you want to put something around it to protect it from falling, why not consult a local zoo or perhaps a college where they might have experts who can address...


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Dyeing Hair Back to Natural Color?
If youre really disliking the brown, what do you have to lose by dying it black?


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Finding Free Furniture After a Fire?
Do you have Craigslist or Kijiji or another type of online buy / sell forum? Why not post ads?


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Top Thread Snapping on Pfaff Sewing Machine?
Id recommend undoing it all, Thaaniz. Remove the top thread as well as the bottom bobbin, rewind everything to ensure no thread has a small knot. Check the placement of the top thread spool to see theres nothing preventing it from uncoiling smoothly. Re-set...


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Job Ideas for a 10 Year Old?
Kudos to the kid for wanting to work! (Its almost unheard of these days.) What CAN she do? Dishes? Vacuuming? Light household chores? Many married people with both partners working would welcome a little extra help around the house. Single professionals, too...


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Finding an Ash Blonde Eyebrow Pencil or Gel?
Mary Kay makes a great product, ChattyCatty. Like you, I am averse to red undertones, found this years ago and have used it ever since.


Homemade Marmalade

Homemade Marmalade
Another great way to remove bitterness is to remove the pith - the white stuff - from the inside of the peel. Easy to do after boiling, but wait until everythings cool to the touch. Scraping with a spoon will do the job easily.


head of cabbage

Keep Bugs Away From Your Cabbage Plants
Ive had good success with planting borage beside each suceptible plant (cabbage worms used to shred my hollyhocks). Borage has many health benefits, I hear, but its also very attractive, has a beautiful blue flower (which attracts bees) but - most importantly...


head of cabbage

Keep Bugs Away From Your Cabbage Plants
Quite aside from the entire tabacco debate, Ive found that growing borage amidst plants attractive to cabbage worms makes a marked difference.


Make Your Own Seed Tapes

Make Your Own Seed Tapes
This is excellent for very small seeds, such as lobelia. I used a flour / water paste (added flour to ~ 1/4 cup water until it was fairly thick and paste-like). I used a drop of green food colouring but those who prefer to stay away from additives may prefer...


My Retired Tea Towels

My Retired Tea Towels
Its terrific to see all the people who make a point of minimizing waste (paper towels and plastics). My old tea towels, especially the more thread-bare ones, are terrific in removing excess moisture from riced cauliflower. I simply line the colander with an...


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Value of Eclipse Push Mower?
I should say theres a market, Billy! They cost next to nothing in terms of operations and maintenance, provide an excellent fitness activity, are environmentally friendly (glass clippings are actually good for our lawn) and can be used any time (i.e., no worries...


Use Second Curtain to Keep Shower Wall Clean

Use Second Curtain to Keep Shower Wall Clean
And a horrible sensation it is, right? I ran across a terrific little cleaner a while ago: easy to mix with ingredients most of us have on hand. Spray, let sit, wipe (using a floor mop if bending is too hard). Easy peasy.


Stuffing Mix Meatloaf

Stuffing Mix Meatloaf
And of course the vegans have to weigh in ... lentils, flax egg, plant-based milk: I am definitely going to give it a try. Thanks, Toosa!


Wire Hanging Shelf

Wire Hanging Shelf
S-hooks of various lengths (from the dollar store) would add to capacity.


tab connecting two hangers

Can Tabs for Instant Room in Your Closet
I love the notion, but have often found the raw edges catch on finer fabrics and woolens. Instead, large-link plastic chain from the hardware store works wonderfully.


applying fray check

Trouble With Fray Check
Given that ink often runs when washing fabric, the better bet would be to use dress-makers or tailors chalk. Pencil crayon would also work (but use a light colour to be safe).


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What Can I Make With These Ingredients?
You can indeed make curry, Jim, without almonds or yogurt. You may want salt and pepper. If you have flour and a small jar with a tight lid, add stock and curry powder, shake very well and cook / stir over medium heat to thicken the sauce. Add your other (already...


Loretta Lynn's Cat-Head Biscuits

Loretta Lynn's Cat-Head Biscuits
Absolutely! Where I come from we call them baking powder biscuits, and I substitute the entire amount of butter with no-fat plain Greek yogurt. Flour, baking powder, salt (and / or other seasonings), stir well, add yogurt and hot water, stir just enough to...


Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
Browning bananas work great, too!


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Free Heat from Dryer Vent
I love this idea! However, I do have a question about mold. Have you noticed any such results? Thanks kindly, RoseAnne


bowl of chicken soup

Feeding a Cold is simply fabulous when I feel a cold coming on. Add veg galore, carrots and onions at step 3, sliced fresh spinach, mushrooms and broccoli at step 4.


Meal Tips for Single Workers

Meal Tips for Single Workers
A friend of mine and her husband (both of whom work long hours) spend their Saturday afternoons in the kitchen, cooking together, making meals for the upcoming week.


Tardis Solar Garden Lights

Tardis Solar Garden Lights
Check They recently posted the solar bit.


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Making Pillow Cases from Worn Sheets
Soft old sheets are also excellent to use as interfacing (for those of us who sew). Those of us who garden also use them to cover our plants when frost is in the forecast.


Getting Good Tips Waiting Tables

Increase Tips When Waiting Tables
And lastly, as a server, be mindful what YOU might want if / when youre the one sitting at the table.


Urbanite Raised Garden Beds

Urbanite Raised Garden Beds
An entirely new meaning to upcycling. Good on ya!


Granola in a jar

Maple Peanut Butter Granola
The fat content is through the roof on this! Personally, I dont consider that terribly healthy. Three types of nuts as well as peanut butter? Not terribly thrifty either (given the price of nuts).


Healthy Snacks for Losing Weight

Healthy Snacks for Losing Weight
Excellent recommendations, Donna, and thanks for posting! Along with other commenters, may I recommend nutritional density instead of considering supplements as snack options? That is it say, if we consider everything we eat in terms of nutrients, well need...


adding lemon juice

Freezing Mashed Bananas
Theyre also excellent in fruit smoothies with fruit youve canned or frozen yourselft (rhubarb, apple sauce), with frozen fruit youve purchased or other things which have gone a bit soft and youve put in the freezer. The banana is so sweet no sugar is necessary...


roll dough

Homemade Pizza Dough
I call mine next day dough as it requires raising overnight, then raising again after placing in the pan (prior to baking), but it contains no sugar and zero oil. Flour, yeast, salt and water. Very basic, excellent flavour and texture. Same dough can be used...


Nut Loaf

Making Nut Loaf
Using barley, lentils and minced creminis in place of meat (or nuts) would be far more thrifty (to say nothing of lower fat content).


Grandma's biscuits with cheese topping.

Grandma's Biscuits
Baking Powder Biscuits are a staple at my house, and wonderfully versatile. Instead of butter (my mothers recipe) or margarine and milk however, I use the same quantity of no-fat plain greek yogurt and hot water (same volume as milk). The trick is in minimal...


Hang another on an existing hanger using a pop can tab.

Soda Can Tab to Double Wardrobe Space
Truly a great idea, and theyre so sturdy! Ive been using plastic chain from the hardware store, fairly inexpensive, and fabrics dont get snagged on rough edges. Love love love space-saving ideas!


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Scrap Yarn Project Ideas?
Instead of dollar store gift bags or paper gift wrap (regardless of occasion), use leftover yarn to knit or crochet durable gifts bags.


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Scrap Yarn Project Ideas?
Use the single crochet stitch to cover wire hangers as a terrific way to keep silky clothes from sliding off. Use a double layer for light-weight sweaters.


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Organize Recipes in 3-Ring Binders
Between recipes to try (printed, as well as online), favourites, recipes from friends and family (some tried, some not ... yet), cookbooks galore and quite a number Ive written, keeping them all organized used to be a bit of a challenge. Not so much the physical...


Use Shower Curtain Hooks With Hangers

Use Shower Curtain Hooks With Hangers
Plastic chain from the hardware store works, too, and one can either suspend the length of chain from the clothes rod with an S-hook, or - for shorter lenghts of chain - put the top link on a hanger and simply add hangers to each link.


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Use Washer for Cleaning Vegetables
Doesnt the washing machine bang up / bruise your potatoes and carrots? And that leads me to ask how you store them. Back when I was growing up, on the farm, we stored our carrots in sandy soil (they lasted for months) and potatoes in a barrel in the cold room...


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Wrapping Hangers With Yarn
Hi, Sandi. Glue gets brittle over time. Why not try this, instead?


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Growing Micro Greens?
I agree that soil as a grow medium is messy (dirt clinging to greens), and after experimenting with paper towels and even thoroughly soaked cardboard, Ive found that water - all by itself - is effective. Check out youtube tutorials and something called the...


Towel Bar To Store Cleaning Supplies

Towel Bar To Store Cleaning Supplies
Another good option is dollar-store S-hooks (which hang from wire shelves or towel bars or clothes bars), each holds one bottle as well as another hook ... the hooks and array of bottles can go all the way to the floor if you like (or need). If only the small...


Add Shelves And Hooks To Front Closet

Add Shelves and Hooks to Front Closet
An easy option, Monique, involves a quick trip to the dollar store. Pick up a package of shower curtain rings and a package of plastic clothes pins (with holes, as shown). Add a clothes pin to the shower curtain ring and loop the ring around the top of the...


Natural Body Hair Removal?


Organizing an Apartment

Organizing an Apartment
Frustrating, isnt it?! I can certainly commisserate. The best solution Ive found thus far is open shelves, floor to ceiling (with a little step-stool to reach the upper shelves) and as long as the wall allows. Pantry items in assorted glass jars add to the...


Spinach Dip Recipes, A low calorie spinach dip with pita bread.

Low-Calorie Spinach Dip
Vegans in the crowd will love you for making it with soft / smooth or silken tofu in place of both sour cream and mayonnaise. (The fat content is notably lower as well, and those watching their waistlines will also appreciate it.)


Pots, pans and lidshanging on the pegboard in kitchen.

Use Pegboard to Hang Kitchen Tools
My pegboard is inside the pantry door and does a great job holding all my pots, pans, colanders and frequently used tools. I did run across a bit of a problem with the hooks falling out, but ran across this:


A letter L made out of a denim scrap.

Saving Instead of Scrapping Old Clothes
We have a company which collects nothing but worn out clothing and fabrics. They hire mentally-challenged individuals to remove buttons and zippers then wash and mash the fabrics to create horse blankets and blankets for moving companies.


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Sewing Tips
Save the cardboard rolls from Christmas wrapping paper and roll patterns instead of folding, especially the ones you use most often. Folded and pressed paper quickly becomes fragile and tears easily. Professional-looking results when sewing are usually the...


Save on your Gym Membership

Save on Your Gym Membership
Having been a gym rat for many years, I absolutely agree with using what we pay for! That said, I have no problem these days getting a good daily work out at home (and driving to the gym in the winter is seriously unappealing). Other alternatives include but...


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Craft Ideas for Used Medicine or Pill Bottles?
Once a month I refill 30 - 31 of them with the vitamins / supplements I take each day. Opening just one container instead of seven saves a bit of time each morning. My lunch typially includes a mug of broth (made from homemade bullion, in powder form: just...


Three bobbins with string on them.

Controlling String On Bobbins
Next time you indulge in a pedicure, be sure to take home the toe-separator- things. They are absolutely great for holding bobbins.


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How Can I Organize Earrings?
I favour these (and have many dozens) in that the containers themselves are inexpensive, stack as high as you like, enable organizing by colour, can include matching bracelets, and keep everything dust free when not in use.


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How Do I Prevent Getting a Razor Burn?
To prevent razor rash or skin irritation when using razor blades (as opposed to electric razors), store your shaving device in a small container filled with coconut oil. An empty ibuprofen bottle, for example, is just the right width. Heat the coconut oil a...


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Testing Fabric for Colorfastness
Note: if making a garment for yourself or someone in your household, pre-wash / dry the fabric in exactly the same way you normally treat laundry. For example, if you customarily wash clothing in cold water, tumble to the damp / dry stage then hang to dry completely...


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Old Pens or Toothpicks for Painting Detail
Brilliant. No matter how steady the hand or fine the brush (Ive even tried eyeliner brushes), getting fine detail has been difficult. Thanks for the tip!


Spray The Snow Shovel With Pam

Spray The Snow Shovel With Pam
No Pam on hand, but coconut oil works. I bet turtle wax would be great, too.


Craft: Jump Ring Earrings

Jump Ring Earrings
How lovely! Would it be possible to add a bead to each ring (the recipients favourite colour, perhaps)?


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Getting Rid of Older Televisions?
Might take a few telephone calls, but any outfit which relies on donations or govt funding might be interested: group homes, veterans centers, community halls / recreation facilities ....


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Handmade Christmas Gift for Boyfriend?
Boys love to eat! And if theyre active / athletic, they can eat pretty much anything. Home-made fudge is easy (Eagle Brand has a terrific recipe) and once you master the basics you can make a number of varieties: with nuts, without, white chocolate, dark chocolate...


Hoop Earring Holder

Hoop Earring Holder
Little S-hooks (from dollar or hardware stores) are terrific for those who might like to hang bracelets and necklaces / chains.


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Make Patterns Out of Shower Curtains
Great thinking! My sewing teacher advised to roll pattern pieces around long tubes such as those used for gift wrap; repeated folding is hard on paper. I imagine the same advice would be beneficial with plastic pattern pieces as well.


A Dozen Ways To Cut Your Trash Bill

A Dozen Ways To Cut Your Trash Bill
People who live in Germany pay garbage disposal fees for anything exceeding their quota (I read this a few years ago and dont recall the weights and fees). My city recently conducted a survey along those same lines, asking residents if we should move to a user...


Use Tray for Containers in Refrigerator
My local dollar store carries these shallow trays / baskets in a variety of widths. The uniform length makes them perfect for the depth of the shelves in my fridge. Pickles in one, sauces and marinades in another, salad dressings in a third ... you get the...


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Distinguishing Real Leather From Fake
Another way to tell the difference is to look at the cut end: if you see layers its not real. Its a bit more difficult with shoes and boots but the same question arises all too frequently.


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Use Oven Rack as Cooling Rack
I take one when we go camping: not all parks campgrounds have grills on firepits.


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Use Oven Rack as Cooling Rack
Over-the-door hangers with oven rack + S-hooks? Perfect for belts and purses.


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Canning Your Homemade Soup?
The definitive guide for how to can foods (water- or pressure-canning) complete with time specifications based on altitude can be found here:


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What is This Song? (Oh She Looks Like Helen Brown)
Helen (Gurley) Brown was famous! I didnt know about the song. Thanks!


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What is This Song? (Oh She Looks Like Helen Brown)
Another great source is, particularly if you know the movie or TV show. The site includes a 30-second sample of the song to help confirm.


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Wrapping Gifts in Holiday Tablecloths
We can also borrow from the Japanese tradition of wrapping gifts in fabric.


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Name Ideas for Senior Home Care Business?
Help @ Home is one, Daughters another. Good luck!


Ready Made Salads In Ziploc Bowls
Adding a few cooked noodles (any pasta) to a salad seems to help extend shelf life for some reason. Could be moisture absorption?


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Substitutes for Egg in Meatloaf?
Vegans customarily combine 2 tablespoons water with 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed or chia seeds. This is called a vegan egg and is - of course - packed with nutrition. Combine the two ingredients in a small bowl and set aside for 10 - 15 minutes. Its a great...


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Making an Angel from a CD?
A few old CDs strung on fish line and hung on trees catch even the smallest breeze and scare the birds from my garden. I also use them beneath candles to catch wax drippings with the added (lovely) benefit of reflected candlelight.


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Preventing Fruit Flies
While I applaud the idea of washing fruit and vegetables which wont be refrigerated, it doesnt always do the trick. Through trial and error (most notably after watering some of my houseplants with cold coffee and grounds: what a mistake THAT was), Ive discovered...


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Painting Exterior Brick?
Im also in Calgary, Karen, and experimenting this year with whitewash (on my gound-level back deck). Given the size of mine (75 x 8), I was looking for something not only economical but also environmentally friendly. Whitewash answers both, but can also be...


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Sewing Fleece on a Sewing Machine?
My Dad used to say, Good tools make all the difference.


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Have a Dedicated Recipe Computer
Between a substantial cookbook collection, recipes Ive found online and the ones Ive written, the best organizing solution Ive found - thus far - is a simple spreadsheet. Of course entering all that took a bit of time, but a few minutes a day was worth it, I...


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I Eat Too Much - Tips for Eating Less?
Tomato or vegetable juice slightly diluted with water then heated makes an excellent - and very filling - cup a soup which I find remarkably effective between meals or in the evening, in place of snack foods.


Pruning Sheers

Gardening Pruning Primer: What and...
Thank you very much, Ellen!


A woman measuring her waist in workout clothes

Healthy Living Tips To Keep Weight Off
A small misting bottle with water or soy sauce is also great on popcorn (and helps seasonings, such as nutritional yeast, stick to the kernels).


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Engaging Core Muscles When Exercising?
Youll notice core strength improvement by paying attention to specific things: lifting will be easier, for example, more easily able to stand up after crouching, less back pain, tummy exercises will be easier, standing straight / posture will be better.


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Sweet Potato Chips
Fish sauce is a better option and certainly more thrifty than olive oil. Ive also found that 3 - 5 minutes in the microwave works better than 20 minutes in the oven. Drop a line if you want my recipe:


Closeup of poptab necklace

Pop Tab Necklace (Choker)
These make great hatbands as well (particularly if you life in cowboy country where a lot of people wear cowboy hats)! Taller / wider and joined at the ends? Excellent candle holders / luminaries. Ive gone so far as to make a vest, but had to line it with durable...


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Stretching Your Craft Materials Budget
Its also fun to explore crafts which require inexpensive supplies, Coreen. Pop-can pull tabs, for instance? Ask friends to collect them for you to add to your own efforts? Check Google Images for all the options, then dream up a few of your own?


Family Talking and Laughing

Fun Game for Reunions or Game Nights
Certainly better than talking about politics! Thank you!


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Removing Heavy Plastic Packaging From Products?
Not only is this kind of packaging annoying / frustrating and hard on the hands (for adults, at least; perhaps impossible for youngsters), its not very environmentally friendly either. How about we do two things: send an e-mail or online note to the company...


Compact Fluorescent Bulbs

Compact Fluorescent Bulbs - Fight Global Warming...
Energy saving tips and ideas are terrific! Weve all been using and abusing our resources without regard to consequences and its good to see a change in mind set, good to see us being more responsible. However, when it comes to global warming, theres simply...


A lamp with stacked books as the base.

Library Lamp Made of Books
As someone with a panache for writing, Shauna, Id say you did a great job of providing instructions for this upcycling project. I cant imagine sacrificing books, but it does look interesting.


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Shop Around For Checks
Support local businesses, or risk losing them. Why not stop by print shops while running other errands and inquire about their prices?


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Getting Organized in the Morning
And if we make the list in order of priority (1 being most important, 2, not so much ...) then at least if we accomplish only two things of the six, we can tick off two important items and still feel good about the level of productivity, right?


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Creating A Greenhouse In The Basement?
A timer on the light fixture is a great idea. Add a small, moveable fan to help strengthen the wee sprouts and consider sterilizing the soil before using.


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Homemade Pumpkin Mix from Scratch?
Yes. The price cant be beat, especially after (or very close to) Halloween. Ive canned it, frozen it and used both / either for soups and stews, even chili. It also make a terrific jam (let me know if you want a recipe for Pumpkin Ginger jam. Check online for...


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Organizing Gloves
Dollar store shower curtain hangers looped into each other to form a long chain, add plastic clothespins (from the dollar store) one or two to each link in the chain, clip mittens, scarves and even headgear with each of the clothespins.


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Marketing with Muffins
Is there anyone who doesnt like home-made baked goods? Have you considered selling your muffins through local restaurants or cafeterias (who dont already have muffins on the menu)? Wrap them in plastic wrap, add a sticker with your company name / contact information...


Frozen veggies in a ziplock bag.

Save Money by Freezing Veggies
Not only are unblanched vegetables okay to eat, they retain the majority of nutrients for up to six months (the nutrition info from a reasonably reliable source, but why not verify). When blanching, if the water changes colour, thats nutrients leaching out...


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