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10 Posts | 545 Comments | Active Since 2006
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Dog Has a Lump on Its Neck After Parvo Vaccination?
Hello, Have you taken your puppy back to the Veterinarian? Please do ASAP, vaccine injection sites can cause an infection. Your Vet needs to know about this.


Reddish brown dog.

Jubilee (Rhodesian Ridgeback - Pitbull Mix)
She has such a happy face and she looks well loved, she is adorable.


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House Training a Blind Dog?
Hello, So sorry about your precious baby. There is a website that can help you. It is I hope they can help you. Also, you can ask your Veterinarian for any suggestions and he can refer you.


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Can Diluted Flea and Tick Shampoo Be Used as a Spray-on Treatment?
Hello, No, I would not use that mixture. As Deeli said, it will leave a residue on your dog. It will be sticky and also not good for her unless it is rinsed off.


Getting Rid of a Dog's Bad Breath?
Hey neighbor, I am up in Petaluma. I have worked for a veterinarian for over 27 years. You need to speak to your vet about having a dental done. The anesthesia is safe and gum disease can be an indication of mouth odor. Plus at his age, he might have to have...


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Why Does My Puppy Dribble Pee All of the Time?
Please take you baby to the Vet, he could have a urinary track problem.


Spike (Little Corella Cockatoo)
Awww, look at that face. He is posing for you, what a ham. I worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years and we had a Cockatoo as our hospital bird. He was our greeter and we took him home on weekends. His name is Max.They are very smart and learn quickly. Have...


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Dog In Heat Isn't Eating?
Please call your Veterinarian and make an appt for her. You can also make her spay appointment at the same time... Good luck.


Steamer (Newfoundland)
Look at him, he is just wonderful. My neighbor has 2 of them and they are the Mayors of our street. We love them dearly. Thank you for sharing.


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Can My Puppy Get Parvo from a Stray in My Home?
She needs to have her vaccines ASAP! She can get sick from not having them, not only from being around another dogs. Where is the puppy?


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Humorous Caption For Christmas Card?
Is this your son you are talking about? How about.I want to help Santa build toys for the children of the world.



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Why Would My Dog Have Dry Peeling Skin on Her Nose?
I think your dog has what they call Collies nose. It is red and peeling because it is sunburned. This is a frequent problem in long nosed dogs. Please ask your Veterinarian for any suggestion to treat her.


A mama squirrel looking for some food.

Hungry Mama Squirrel
OMG! She is just adorable! I can see she is lactating, so she must have her babies somewhere safe. She is depending on you to feed her now that she has babies to feed. I think it is wonderful that your Mom feeds her, she is now like an extended member of your...


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Putting Crushed Charcoal Between Padding and New Flooring?
Hello, No, I wouldnt do that. Charcoal can be toxic. Why would you use charcoal?


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Puppy With Diarrhea?
Please go to the vet asap. this is an emergency


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Dog Not Eating?
Hello, please go to another Vet. Asap. A dog that does not eat is an emergency.


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Faulty Electric Blanket Control?
Take it back to the store and replace it.


Petey-Pie (American Eskimo)
Aww. So adorable, and yes he looks like he is saying Arrrgh.


Gargamel (Basset Hound)

Gargamel (Basset Hound)
Awww, he is just adorable. My neighbor has a basset named John Henry and he is the official greeter. We just love him.


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My New Puppy Won't Eat?
hello, Please take your new baby to the vet!


Bernese Mountain Dog

Charlotte (Bernese Mountain Dog)
Aww, she is adorable. My neighbor used to breed them and she would sleep with them in their bed. We loved having them in our yard to play. Your baby is so lucky to have such a good home.


Gizmo The Cat
Aww, she is just adorable. I have 3 cats and they are my babies, they all eat and sleep together. There is hardly any room in our bed at night as they all have their own place and if you get up, they give you a look like you have disturbed them. They are so...


Acey and Gizzy (Mixed Breed)
Aww, thank you for taking them and giving them a loving home. I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years and I can tell you that when they swallow something they shouldnt, it can be life threatening. I have seen puppies eat...a remote control, a ball...



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Can I Shave My Yorkie?
Please take her to a groomer and have her done. She needs her hair for summer/especially the winter months. If she gets tangles, you need to brush her more. Tangles are like someone constantly pulling your hair and are very painful. Good luck.


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Can a German Shepherd Husky Mix Live Outdoors in the Winter?
Hello, Why does he have to stay in the garage during winter? Snow in Canada. Lonely dog in the garage. No contact with the family. Please find a proper home for him if you are not willing to give him love and companionship. He deserves much better than a cold...


Marlee (Puggle)

Marlee (Puggle)
She is adorable. She has the cutest face ever.


Panda (Bluetick Hound/Border Collie)
Wow, I bet he had a great time playing in the mud! Panda looks like he had a great time. He is adorable.


Toby, Ty, and Tiny (Fox Terriers)

Toby, Ty, and Tiny (Fox Terriers)
Awww. Your fur babies are just adorable! I can see who runs the house. Lol.


Collie running.

Cochise (Collie)
Coach is just beautiful, or should I say handsome. Thank you for sharing your beautiful companion with us.


Gemmah and Thor (Australian Shepherd/Blue Heeler)

Gemmah and Thor (Australian Shepherd/Blue Heeler)
Awww. They are so cute! My sister had 2 and they are really smart and easy to train and they love the whole family especially children.


Tiger lying upside down on pavement.

Tiger (Ridgeback Cross)
Aww, look at that happy face. Your fur baby is adorable!


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Shopping for a Child's Pull Toy Train?
Hello, Please try the Vermont Country Store.Com, they have vintage toys. Good luck


Cuddles (Basset Hound)

Cuddles (Basset Hound)
Judy. She is just adorable. My neighbor has a basset named John Henry and he is just the best ever! He loves everyone. We have a Corgi named Tucker and John thinks he is his older brother, but, John is the boss. We love him dearly.


Tan and cream Cocker

Lily (American Cocker Spaniel)
Hello, Lily is just adorable. We have had Cockers our whole lives and we just love them. The only medical problems you might have are ear infections and maybe some eye problems. She is a beautiful buff.


Winston (Golden Retriever)

Winston (Golden Retriever)
Lori, Aww, Winston is the the cutest fur baby ever. There is nothing like a boy and his dog. Goldens and Labs are the best family dogs ever.



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Removing Rust from Metal?
Hello, Try WD-40.


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Chinchillas As Pets?
Hello, They require a Dust Bath so that can be messy. They are expensive and do need Veterinary care, but they are cute!


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Treatment for a Dog With Torn Anterior Cruciate Ligament?
Hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years. The only treatment for an ACL is surgery. Your dog will be in pain until the surgery is done. This is a very common problem in your dogs breed. Please have the surgery done so your baby can be pain...


In Memory Of Ginger Snap (Cat)
Hello Linn, Awww, she was just adorable! I have 2 orange fur babies, that we love dearly. I know exactly how how feel. I know you will see her again when you cross the Rainbow Bridge, she will run and jump in your arms. Hugs, Sher, Tucker, Punnie, Bears & LeLe


cat with christmas tree

Angel (Cat)
Awww. Great idea. Now She can enjoy Christmas with your family. So cute!


Mae Mae (Porkie)
Awww, she is just adorable! We have a Welsh Corgi Name Tucker and he is our precious fur baby. They are certainly a huge part of our family.


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Buying Yardley Cover Stick Concealer?
Hello, Try the Vermont Country, Good luck


What Breed is My Dog?
Hello, Your baby looks to be Golden Ret/ Lab. Very sweet.


What Breed is My Dog?
Hello, What a cute face! Such a sweetie. I think he/she looks to be part pit bull.


KJ (Pit Bull)
Awww! Look at that face, so sweet. You can tell that is his car. Lol.


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Dog Seems Depressed?
Hello, please take her to the vet. Have some labs done and then have her spay! Good luck.


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Hair Turned Orange After Dyeing?
Hello, Please go to your hairdresser so she can fix it.


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Dog is Licking Its Hair Off?
Hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years as an R.V.T.. Please take your baby to his/her Vet for an exam, it sounds like what the vet will call a hot spot. This can be treated with a topical medication and your vet might give her an injection...


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Can I Use Kitty Litter for My Guinea Pig?
Hello, No! Please do not use it. It can cause upper respiratory infection. Please use a product called Care fresh, do not use any pine shavings as they cause upper respiratory infections also


Zeke (Dog)
Awww. Zeke looks so happy playing with His family. So nice he has a great home.


Grey and white cat in garden.

Zoe (Maine Coon)
Awww. Zoe is beautiful! It is so nice to hear that she is the queen of the house. Lol. As she should be.


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Planning a Small Informal Wedding and Reception?
Wow! Congrats. Well, on the table I would put Mason jars (you can buy them at your local craft store) and then fill them with store bought flowers. As a remembrance, I would purchase heart shaped cookie cutters and give them to your guests with a piece of ribbon...


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Signs That a Dog is Pregnant?
Wow. She is so young! I would take her to the Veterinarian and have an exam, if she is not pregnant leave her there to be spay.


Dixie (Australian Shepherd or Blue Heeler)
Awww...Dixie is adorable! She has a wonderful home and many friends to keep her company.


Bandit (Cat)
Awww...Bandit is so handsome! I love the expression on his face, so content. We have 3 kitties; Pizie, Bear-Bear and Lilly Lulu. Dont they just warm your heart.


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Guinea Pig Won't Eat?
Hello, It is time for a visit to the Veterinarian to check out her mouth. Poor thing, She has to eat/drink. Good luck.


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Can I Give Milk Of Magnesia To My Dog?
Hello, I have worked for a veterinarian for over 27 years. Please do not ever give your dog/cat anything over the counter unless your vet says too. Doing this can be dangerous to the health of your animal.


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Sources of Financial Assistance with Medical Expenses for the Uninsured?
Hello, You can get in contact with the manufacture of the drug and they will provide it free of charge. Good luck.


Closeup of beaded wind chime.

Make a Wind Chime with Old Beads and...
Wow! What a great idea. You know we all have that junk jewelry laying around. This would be a great project for a child to give as a Christmas/Mothers day gift. Thank you for sharing.


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Kitten Trying to Nurse on Owner's Arm?
Hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years. Your cat is still suckling because he was weaned too soon. Please get a small soft stuffed animal and make it his baby. He will grown out of this stage but for now it is very comforting.


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Seizures in Dogs?
Hello, Absolutely not! This could kill your baby! Use the medications your Vet has prescribed.


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Can I Wash a Coach Purse in the Washer?
No, please take it to your dry cleaners.


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Use Tuna Water to Tempt Senior Cat to Eat Dry Food
Thank you for sharing. I have done this for many years. I worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years and our Dr.s recommended using tuna in water to give meds. You can also have your meds compounded in to a flavored syrup, or you can just buy the syrup for...


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Game Ideas for a Class Reunion?
Hello, Wow! Congrats. Why not play: Who has been married the longest? Who traveled the farthest? who has the most grandchildren & etc. and then offer a small prize to the winners.


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Flowers for Shady Areas of the Garden?
Hello, For an annual, I always plant impatiens. I just love them


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Are Cedar Chips Toxic if Ingested by a Dog?
Go to the Hospital ASAP! Cedar Chips are toxic. Also, there are foreign objects in your dogs system.


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My Child Won't Poop In The Potty?
Hello, Please do not spank him! Call your Dr. and ask them for any suggestions. My grandson had the same problem and he is fine now.


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Buying New Disposal Gaskets?
How about trying your local Lowes/Home Depot?


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Kenmore HE4T Washer Has "Control Locked" Light On?
Hello, Did you read the manual? Or try their website


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Controlling Ticks on Calves?
Please call your large animal Veterinarian and ask them.


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Marks on Lawn from Dog Urine?
Hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years. Please take your baby to his Doctor to find out why his urine is so concentrated. Have a urinalysis done and then you Dr. can tell you what do do from there. Drinking more water would certainly help...


In Memory of Rusty (Sheltie)

In Memory of Rusty (Sheltie)
Dear Linn, Omg! Your boy is beautiful. I am so sorry to hear of him crossing the Rainbow Bridge. We have lost our Winnie, Sophie & Woobie all within 2 years, they had cancer. We miss them terribly. Our fur babies are certainly members of our family. I know...


Kitter Peabody (Tuxedo Cat)

Kitter Peabody (Tuxedo Cat)
Awww, Your fur babies are just beautiful. Dont you just love how they enrich our lives. We have Tucker, Bears & Pie Pie. They all sleep with us, of course! Your babies have a wonderful home. Take Care, Sher


KC (Dachshund)

KC (Dachshund)
Awww. Well, peek-a-boo. How adorable he is. We have Tucker, a Welsh Corgi who is now 13 1/2 and I just love the other seriors. KC has a wonderful home and you can tell he is so loved. Take Care, Sher & Fur babies


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Removing the Smell of Canned Cat Food From a Copper Box?
Fill the can with coffee, fresh that is, and leave it overnight.


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GE Washer Draining Slowly and Displays DR Error Code?
Hello, Have you read the manual? You can also go to E online and ask them.


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Foods I Can Eat After Having My Teeth Pulled?
Hello, my daughter is an RDA. She said do not use a straw! The straw can cause any sutures or clots to break and bleed. She also said to eat very soft foods. She recommends having your new dentures placed in your mouth immediately after your teeth are pulled...


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Shopping for a Bell Jar to Display a Doll?
Hello, Please try Good luck.


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Removing Cigarette Odor from Drapes?
Hello, Yes, have them dry cleaned.


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Toilet Scratched By a Plumber's Snake?
Hello, Go to your supermarket and buy a pumice stone, it is made for cleaning porcelain i.e. toilets. It should be on the same aisle as other household cleaners. It comes in a small box. Good luck.


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Identifying and Removing Pests on a Horse?
Hello, How kind of you. Please tell the owner ASAP! this horse could have what are called bot flies. They are very common if you have horses, they must be removed immediately. I have worked for a large Veterinarian for many years, this horse needs help.


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Power of Attorney Responsibilities?
Hello, The answer is yes. Other siblings have a right to know and if you dont provide them with the information, they can take you to court to get any answers they need to know.


In Memory Of Freckles (Husky-Shepard)
Awww. Rest In Peace you beautiful fur baby. You had a wonderful life here and now have a wonderful life now that you have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Your human parents loved you so much, and they will see you again one day. You are just a beautiful girl...


Rachel the Cat

Rachel the Cat
OMG! She is just adorable. Those are her babies and I wouldnt touch them for anything. lol. My Bears has a baby he carries around and he will give you a look if you even try to get it from him. Bears puts his baby in bed at night with him and of course he sleeps...


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Remedies for Worms?
Hello Patty, I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years. No, there is not a home remedy for any type of worm that your dog might have. When you get paid, please take a stool sample to your Vets office and they can tell you which type of worm your dog...


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Does Garlic Help Dog With Worms?
Hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years and the answer is no. Please take a stool sample to your Vet and have them check for worms and which kind they are. You Vet can treat them with medication once he/she finds out which type of worms they...


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Cat Has Small Scabby Spots on Neck, Shoulders and Near Tail?
Sounds like flea bites. Please take her to the vet!


Mckayla (Golden Retriever)
Hi, Awww, How nice of you to give her a home in her senior years. She looks so happy with your family. Big Hugs and tail wags to her Sherri & Tucker


Mckayla (Golden Retriever)
Awww...There is nothing like a Golden or a Lab to make a family complete, especially with children. Your fur-baby is just beautiful.


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Excessive Sweating?
Hello, Please see your Doctor, there could be an under lying medical problem.


Dog With Giardia?
Hello, Do you take your dogs swimming? Do they drink water from a stream/creek? There is a parasite that is in the water that can cause this to happen. Please watch them, thank Goodness it is treatable. Good luck.


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Dog Losing Fur?
Hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for many many years. Did your Vet do a skin scraping? If not, he/she should and check for any mites/parasites on the skin. Please go back.


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Getting an Underweight Dog to Eat?
Hello, I assume you have been to the Veterinarian? My Corgi eats a brand that was recommended by our Vet. The name is Wellness, it contains sweet potatoes and is very palatable. My Tucker loves it.


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Dog Has a Dry Cough?
Hello, Please go the vet ASAP! Has your fur baby been around other dogs that have a cough, been boarded? He might have kennel cough (very treatable) please go. Good luck.


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Growing Hydrangea From a Cutting?
Hello, Yes! I have done this many times. The last one I did was 2 yrs. ago and it is now blooming beautifully in my garden. I let it have morning sun only and when it has about 6-8 leaves on it, I re-pot it into a larger one and then in to the ground the following...


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Kittens With Fleas?
Hello, This can be deadly to your new babies, as fleas can suck their blood out. Please give them a bath, (watch their eyes) and use a flea comb. Please change their sleeping blankets & etc. What about the mother?


Can You Cross Breed a Dachshund with a Pit Bull?
No breeding! Especially with a small to big dog, this can cause serious problems. Have them spay/neutered asap!


Sybil (Cat)
Poor Sybil...I feel sorry for her. Can you have her spay after this litter? She will live much longer and then the kitty population will decrease.


Signs Of Illness In Your Pet Bird
Hello, I worked for a Certified Avian Veterinarian and the advise that you gave is right on the money! Good job. Thank you for posting all this important information for bird lovers.


Boots (Sheprador)
Hello, How adorable is Boots! I just love that she thinks she fits in the laundry basket. She looks like she can be very funny.


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Should Parents Share Their Financial Circumstances with Adult Children?
Hello, We set up a trust with our attorney. We told our adult children that should anything happen to us that they should contact his office for any final arrangements. We have put everything in writing ie: who gets what & etc. The financial part is also written...


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Treating a Puppy With Parvo in a Home With Another Unvaccinated Puppy?
Hello, Parvo is highly contagious. Please remove the healthy puppy from your home immediately or he/she will probably get it. Please call your Veterinarian ASAP to have the ill puppy treated at the hospital. Good luck.


How Often to Feed a Puppy?
Awww. Your baby is so cute! It is probably time for a Veterinarian to check out your baby. You can ask all the questions you need answered at that time. Good luck. Let us see more pictures as he/she grows up. So cute !


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Where Can I Have a Portrait Doll Made of My Baby?
Hello, Please go to they can do this for you. I did it for my granddaughter.


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Keeping Squirrels out of Your Bird Feeder?
Hello, You can find information for this at Birds and


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Dog Itching?
Hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years. Your baby needs to see his Veterinarian asap. Your Dr. will do a skin scraping of the skin (painless) and put it on a slide and then under a microscope to determine what is going on. It could be anything...


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Treating Cats With Matted Hair and Dry Flaky Skin?
Hello, Please take your cats to a groomer that has experience with cat mats. Cats that have a tendency to mat must be brushed daily. Please see your Veterinarian for any dander problems.


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Pet Store Flea Treatments Compared to Veterinary Products?
Hello Linda. The answer is no! Pet flea treatments sold over the counter do not work. It is worth the price to go to your Veterinarian for any and all flea products.


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80th Birthday Gift Ideas?
Hello, We bought our 80 year old uncle a beautiful walking stick. He loved it! He uses it daily on his walks and it also provides some support/balance for him. We also gave him a pair of slippers from LL Bean. Good luck and Happy Birthday to him.


Number of Litter Boxes for Multiple Cats?
Hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years. Our Dr. always recommended 1 box for each cat. One box for 4 cats is not helping the cats at all. Cats like a clean place to do their business. Having a clean box will help eliminate problems in the...


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Dog is Food Aggressive?
Hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years. In my experience, Chows have always had a reputation as biters. Your children should come first. Any dog that bites a child should not be around any children, especially left alone with the dog. I would...


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Uses for Bagged Shredded Cabbage
Thank you for your great suggestion. I do use the shredded to make my coleslaw but I didnt even think to add it to my Minestrone soup. Great Idea! Have a great Summer.


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Message to Accompany Gift of Pen to New Writer?
Hello May every stroke of this pen bring you much happiness and serene memories.


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Giving a Dog Dramamine?
Why dont you ask your Veterinarian. Dont ever give your pet any medication without consulting a Vet. that would be irresponsible.


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Kitchen Sink Color Advice?
I would put in a stainless steel sink. Good luck.


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Removing Caulking Around Front Door Window Glass?
Hello, My husband is a painter and he said to use a razor blade to scrape off the paint. Good luck.


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How Do I Delouse a Donkey?
Hello, Please call a large animal Veterinarian and ask them. There are different medications that they can prescribe or recommend to you.


Jetta (Labrador)
Debi, You are the best! What a beautiful fur baby you have. Hugs and tail ways from Tucker.


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Pet Urine Stains on Sub-flooring?
Hello, We just went through this! My husband used shellac. He applied it 4 times with it drying in between applications. This was recommend to us by our carpet installer. It worked great!


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Female Cat Peeing Everywhere?
Hello, Put out more litter boxes! Your fur babies need a closer place to do their business. Did your Veterinarian recommend a urinalysis? If not, you should have one done. Please make them more comfortable. Sher, Bears & Punnie


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Where Can I Buy Brewers Yeast?
Hello, Are you thinking of using it to repel fleas on your cats? if so, it does not work. I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 20 years. Good luck.


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Cleaning a Birdbath?
Hello, Please go to Birds and That is a wonderful site that can answer all or any of your questions. Good luck.


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Caring for a Malnourished Dog?
Hello, Your first step should be to a veterinarian. Have your fur baby examined and have her teeth checked. She might not be eating because she has dental problems, your veterinarian can recommend any treatment necessary to keep her healthy. He can also prescribe...


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Rubbing Alcohol as a Flea Repellent
Hello, I have worked for a veterinarian for over 20 years. PLEASE DO NOT use alcohol on your pet. It is TOXIC!


Dog with big ears.

Cleaning Your Dog's Ears?
Hello. First of all she is just adorable. Hugs to her! Please go to your veterinarian and have them do an examination for ear mites. The veterinarian is the only person that can prescribe medication for this. Do not use a home remedy or anything from over the...


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Searching for a Hospital with a RN Program for New Grads?
Hello, My daughter is an RN up here in Santa Rosa, CA Tell her to go to the local college and look at the job postings.


Orange tabby cat.

Josie (American Long Haired)
Hello, OMG! Josie is just the cutest. She looks like my Woobie (We lost him to mouth cancer a few years ago) The Orange girls & Boys are so special. Did you know that only 20% of orange cats are female? I know this because I have worked for a Veterinarian for...


Snowball (Maltese)

Snowball (Maltese)
Dear Wanda, Your Snowball was just adorable and just the cutest fur baby. I am so sorry she crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I feel that we will all see out furry friends again someday. Hugs, Sherri, Tucker, Bears & Punnie


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Cat Taking Medication for Kidney Failure Always Hungry?
Hello, I am a retired RVT. I worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years. Can you please ask your Dr. to test for Diabetes and thyroid disease. Good luck.


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Treating a Dog for Ear Mites?
Hello, Are you sure they are mites? Please go to your Veterinarian and have him/her take a slide and diagnose exactly what they are. If there are mites your vet has to treat them. There is not an over the counter medication to treat them. I have worked for...


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When is a Yard Treated for Parvo Safe for Dog to Play In?
Hello, No! Your yard is not safe for about 1 year. The parvo virus has been shed in your yard. Please call your Veterinarian on how to clean up the yard. Good luck.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Treating Cat with Ear Mites?
Hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years, please take your baby to the Vet. Your Vet will take a sample of the interior of the ear and put it on a slide and look for mites. Your Vet is the only person that can treat the mites. Over the counter...


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How Much Dry Food Should I Feed My Dog?
Hello, Please take you baby to his/her Veterinarian for an exam and ask your Vet for the right amount you should be feeding.


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Preventing a Cat from Spraying?
Hello, Please take him to his Veterinarian, there could be a urinary track problem going on.


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How Can I Keep My Cat in My Yard?
Hello, Euthanasia is NOT the answer, that would be a horrible thing to do. This cat did not ask to come live with you. You must get a harness for each cat like your law suggests or please find a home where this cat can stay inside.


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Choosing Between Vinyl or Leather Couch?
Hello, W Well leather is more costly than vinyl but the leather will last much longer.


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Getting Rid of Mosquitoes, Flies and Bugs?
Hello, I have been a Large Animal RVT for many years. Please go to your local feed store and ask them. Please remember to put on fly masks on your horses as you know they can end up with fly Strike Please keep their water clean as the mosquitos will breed in...


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Advice for Potty Training a Toddler?
Hello, I have 2 grandsons and my daughter has potty trained them both. Her method was to make it FUN and then give a treat or prize when they accomplish a pee pee or a bowel movement. She used cherrios or froot loops in the toilet and told them to aim and sink...


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How Do You Know When Your Dog is Pregnant?
Take her to your veterinarian and he can palpate her or take an X-Ray. If she is pregnant, please have her spayed after she delivers her puppies and is done weaning them.


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Easy Tick Removal?
Hello, Do Not use alcohol! You can get a tool to remove them at your local pet store or you can always go to a Veterinarian and they will remove the tick for you.


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Can Dogs or Humans Catch Worms From Cats?
Hello, If they are tapeworms they need to be treated by a Veterinarian. There is NOT an over the counter medication to treat them. Please take a fecal sample to your Veterinarian and have them treat your fur baby...I have worked for a Vet for over 27 yrs.


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Scuff Marks on Walls?
Hello, Please try a pencil eraser.


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Having Coffee After a Tooth Extraction?
My daughter is an RDA and she said, No! Please keep the area free from coffee and any fizzy drinks. Do not smoke or use a straw. Drink only tepid drinks for a day or so.


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Cat Pulling Hair Out?
Hello, I dont mean to scare you but my Woobie did that, and he had a severe medical problem. Please go to the Vet asap. It is not always caused by food. I have been a vet tech for over 27 years.


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Low Cost Vet Services Near Chandler Arizona?
Hello Mandy, When you go to a cheap veterinarian. You get cheap medicine and services, please take your baby to a reputable Veterinarian and get Excellent medicine. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. Dont put you babys health in jeopardy, I am sure...


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Why is My Cat Itching?
Hello, Did your Vet so a skin scraping of the skin, if not please ask him to do so. There are many mites than can be bothering your baby and there are different medications to treat each. I have worked for a Vet for over 20 years.


Winston (English Springer Spaniel)

Winston (English Springer Spaniel)
Hello, Awww! Winston is just the sweetest fur baby. Please give a hug from me and a wag from my corgi Tucker Sherri and Tucker


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Buying Laxman Rekha for Lizards?
Why would you kill them? Please be kind to animals


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Miniature American Eskimo Has Deteriorating Eye Sight?
Hello, What did your Veterinarian tell you? I would take your baby in for an exam. Eye problems can be a very bad thing


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How Can I Remove Paper Stuck to a Table?
Hello, My husband refinished antique furniture. He said to apply some mayonnaise to it and let it sit for awhile and then it should come right off.


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Spam Emails Being Sent from My Account?
Yes, change your passwords. This happened to me.


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How Do I Treat an Older Incontinent Dog?
Hello, They have pads for dogs at your petstore. Have you taken your baby to the Veterinarian? Your Vet can prescribe or recommend a cream that you can apply to her vaginal area to ease any skin brun or irritation on her. Good luck


Photo of kids after playing in the mud.

Children's Photo Card for Mom's Day
OMG! That picture is adorable.


My Cat Is Always Hungry?
Hello, Please take him to his veterinarian. As young as he is, there could be a medical problem that needs to be addressed.


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Pamper the Mom, Too?
Hello, Yes! That is a wonderful and very thoughtful gift. When my daughter had her baby shower, I gave her a new robe, slippers and a manicure/pedicure. Just for her, and of course I bought out the store for the baby lol


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Dog Chewed Through the Bottom of Crate?
Hello, How long is she in the crate? Not all day I hope. She is bored and wants out. Can you have someone come in and walk her during the day?


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Pit Bull Puppy Chews on Everything?
Your puppy is teething. Make sure he/she has some chew toys and gets plenty of exercise.


Glenn (Welch Corgi)
Omg! How adorable is he! I have a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Tucker. They are the best babies. Tucker is now 13 and still acts like a puppy. They are great with kids and like to herd them, lol. So cute. Have a wonderful time with your new baby. Great name for...


Belladonna (Mastiff)
Aww, what a sweet girl! My niece had a mastiff and her name was Ruby, she was the best and loved everyone. Ruby had her own love seat in the living room, so cute. Ruby has crossed the Rainbow Bridge but there is a beautiful picture of her hanging in the office...


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Using a Flea Collar on a Kitten?
Hello, Please DO NOT use a flea collar on your kitten. I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 20 years and they have all said the same thing. There are harmful toxins in the collar that will harm your kitten. Please use Advantage as it can be used on a kitten...


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Red Itchy Rash in Crease of Chin?
Hello, I think you should go see a Doctor. Dont try to treat it yourself.


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Feeding Squirrels ?
Hello, yes, you can feed it to them but you must pop it first, they will love it.


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Can Dogs Get Parvo Again?
Please go to your Vet!


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Tween Clothing Store Name Ideas?
Hello, Just BeTween friends


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Birds on Protected Species List?
Well, all birds are illegal to kill if you have a big heart.


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Could Blue Jay Have Attacked Cat?
Hello, puncture wounds are usually caused by a cat bite. If your cat has a bite on hind end..he/she was running from the attack, if there is a wound on face/front legs the cat is usually standing and fighting. I would have your Veterinarian check the wound...


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Removing Popcorn Finish from Ceiling?
Hello, It is easy to remove. Please cover all carpet/furniture and fill a Hudson sprayer with water. Let it stand for a few minutes and then scrape it off with a broad knife. PLEASE have your popcorn tested for asbestos if it was installed before 1970. It it...


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Homemade Remedy for Worms in Cats?
Hello, No...there is not a home remedy. Your fur baby has Tapeworms. They must be treated by your Veterinarian. I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years. Please go ASAP as your baby can get really sick. Good Luck.


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Discouraging Cats from Catching Mice?
Hello. Cats are natural born hunters. They hunt for several reasons, one of which is food. They rarely eat mice but they bring them to you so you can be proud of them.


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Home Remedies for Treating Gum Disease?
Hello, Gum disease can cause other problems for you. My daughter is a dental RDA and she says to get to a dentist before you develop any health issues. There are a lot of Dentists that will give you sedation if you are afraid, also, if cost is a factor please...


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Pet Safe Slug Treatment?
Hello, You can go to your local hardware store and buy Copper strips. The slugs/snails will not cross it. This method is pet proof. Good luck Sherri & Tucker


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Puppy Peeing Everywhere?
Plesae take your baby to the Veterinarian there might be a medical issue going on.


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Using Advantage on a 2 Pound Puppy?
Please do not put Vaseline on your baby! I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years. This will leave a residue on his/her fur and cause digestive problems. Please call your Veterinarian.


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Treating Mange With Borax and Peroxide?
Hello, Please take your fur-baby to the Veterinarian for an exam. Your Vet will take a skin scraping to determine which type of mange your dog has, if it is mange. Your Vet will also prescribe a medication for you. Having mange is very painful for your pet...


Growlithe (Lhasa Apso)

In Memory Of Growlithe (Lhasa Apso)
Valerie, I know exactly how you feel. I am hugging you right now. It is so hard when our beloved family member crosses the Rainbow Bridge. Please sleep well little Growlithe. Sherri & Tucker


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Sneezing Cat?
Hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years. Please take your baby to his Dr. ASAP, this could be an upper respiratory infection.


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Caring for Your Dog After Surgery?
Your Veterinarian should have given you discharge instructions. If not, call them immediately.


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Cleaning Mossy Driveway?
Use a power washer.


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Improving Relationship with Estranged Relatives?
Hello, You need to let it go. I have been in your position and things I have said were twisted to suit their needs. I havent spoken to my 2 younger brothers (for a very good reason) for over 5 years and I am at peace. I know it is sad but I need to take care...


Abby Boo (Sheba Inu)
Happy Birthday sweetie. Our Tucker, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi turned 13 on Jan. 29th of this year. Tucker still acts like a puppy sometimes.


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Dog With Bald Spots?
Hello, Please take your baby to the Veterinarian so he/she can determine what is going on. Good luck


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Making a Demonstration of How Bread Rises?
Hello, How about this? Hollow out a loaf of already baked bread and then insert a balloon. ( I would use an oblong balloon) The middle of the loaf will fall just a little, but you can insert the balloon and blow it up to demonstrate how the process works? Good...


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Neosporin Use on Dogs?
Hello, Please take your fur baby to the Vet. A fungal infection can be treated with oral medication.


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Treating Dog With a Swollen Ulcerated Eye?
Hello, Please DO NOT treat you baby with anything from your local pet store. I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years and your baby needs to see an animal eye doctor ASAP!. Your veterinarian can refer you, so please call his office and make an appt...


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How Often Should a Puppy Poop?
Hello, I hope your puppy is still with his mother? She will clean him after he poops. It depends on how often the puppy is fed? If his mother is feeding him she will take care of him. If his mother is not with him, I suggest you take your baby to a vet. A baby...


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Using a Camcorder?
Hello, Can you just read the instructions line by line? Some photography stores offer classes on how to use your camera, Try going back to the store you bought it from and ask them.


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Buying Save the Date Invitations?
Hello, If you want to send them by E-Mail, you can use and it is free. Congratulations


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Grooming a Long Haired Cat?
Hello, Please get her shaved. Having mats is like someone constantly pulling your hair. She is in a lot of pain with these. Not shaving her can lead to other problems, so please shave her. After you shave her, please keep her indoors (if she goes outside) because...


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Cat Has Stopped Eating?
Hello, Please take your baby to the Vet asap! I have worked for a veterinarian for over 27 years. Please have all the lab work done, this sounds like a thyroid problem to me but please go the the Vet. Good luck


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Replacement Dual Control Power Cord for Sunbeam Electric Blanket?
Hello, I would call the company with the model # and ask them.


Training an Excited Dog Not to Spin?
Hello, How long is he in his kennel? He is bored and maybe has been in there way too long. Animals that are caged will spin because there is nowhere for them to walk/run etc. You can also see this in large animals. Good luck


In Memory of Herbie (Chihuahua)
I know how you feel. We lost our Sophie & Woobie to mouth cancer last year. the loss is so hard on us humans. We love them so dearly. I am hugging you right now. Take Care Sweetie. Sherri, Tucker, Punnie & Teddy Bears


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Cat is Moping?
Hello, Does your friend have another cat, or is this kitty alone? Cats are pack animals like dogs and would like the company of others. He had a great time at your house playing with your cats. He seems to be bored at home.


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Dog Has Teary Eyes?
Hello, Please take your baby to his Dr.. There are many reasons for teary eye. Your Vet might also refer you to an eye Dr. for animals. Good luck


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Return Newspaper Delivery Bags To Your Carrier
Hello, that is a great idea, thank you. I use one of my plastic bags to put my wet umbrella in. I keep one in each vehicle and my grand children keep one in their backpack so other things dont get wet.


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Reviews of AAA Auto Club?
Yes, We have had AAA for over 15 years. We use their service for all kinds of things ie: plan trips, get maps. One of the best things is that you can register your vehicles with them instead of going to the DMV. At the DMV the lines are VERY long and sometimes...


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Problems With Other Tenants?
I think you have a tenant/landlord dispute. Please put any communication with your landlord in writing and mail it with a return receipt request. Your Landlord must respond to you within 10 business days.


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Old Pillowcases for Dust Covers
Great idea. I have mine stored in the garage. I will now put pillowcases over them. This will certainly help with the dust while be stored until the next family gathering. Thank you for the great tip.


Sammie (Calico)
Hello, Your girl is just adorable. The picture should be on a Christmas Card! I am glad she has such a wonderful family to love her, she certainly deserves it. Take Care, Sherri, Tucker (Welsh Corgi) Punnie & bears


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Cat Peeing on Countertops?
Hi Joanie, I worked at South Novato Animal Hospital in Novato for many years. I suggest you get your fur baby a urinalysis. There might be something going on. Please take him in. You can get an appt there if you do not have a Vet. Dr. Dahlman is a cat expert...


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My Dog Is Leaning His Head to One Side?
Hello, Please take your baby to another Veterinarian for a second opinion. I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years. The new vet can order the copies of all the lab/test done on your baby from your previous Dr., then you wont have to pay to have them...


What Breed is My Dog?
Hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years. If I had to guess their breed I would say Lab/GoldenRet mix. They look like they have been well taken care of. Please have them checked for a microchip as they might belong to a family that misses them...


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