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44 Posts | 333 Comments | Active Since 2008
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Saving on Car Washing?
I read about this tip; use a tank sprayer (like for bug spraying). The fellow said he filled it with water, wet down the car, I dont think he even used soap. Used a brush or cloth that would not scratch the auto and then sprayed it clean. Very little waste...


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Do Hibiscus Leaves Close at Night?
I always wondered what was wrong with my hardy hibiscus. One day someone told me the bloom only lasts one day. Now I enjoy them without freaking!


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Getting Teen to Help at Home?
My sister-in-law didnt put up with anything from her teen. When he didnt take the garbage out as he had been told and told, she dumped it on his bed one day and he finally got it out of the house. didnt miss a day since that! I tell my grandson that I will...


The Edna Allen House in Virginia.

Scenery: Edna Allen House (Virginia)
Last hangings for what? It is beautiful but unknown to us!


What is This Plant?
Thanks for the info. I have kept it outside, but will bring it into a sunny window! TF folks are the best!


What is This Tree?
I guess I need a better photo. It is a tree; just dont know what kind! Thanks guys though!


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Making Fake Desserts?
This link has some interesting items.


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Craft Ideas Using Terra Cotta Pots?
I used the very small pots to make door prizes/centerpieces for tables. Put a small piece of foam in the pot and stick tiny flowers in to make a floral pot.


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Printers That Are Inexpensive to Use?
I have and Epson photo printer and I buy my cartridges on-line from LaserMonks. They are real monks who sell printer cartridges (new and gently used-refilled). In about 7 years I have had only one bad cartridge. They are about 1/2 price as at the stores. The...


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Wrapping a Shoe Box?
Thanks for the feedback. The video was simple and easy and one of those DUH things!


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Treating Ant Bites?
If you immediately rub the bites with a banana skin they will not itch or even blister. I use this on my 2 yr old granddaughter! She hates me spraying Benedryl on anything so for her mosquito bites I put a dab of WHITE tooth paste -- stops itching!


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Making a Cheap Compost Bin?
I use a large plastic storage box. I punched holes all around the sides and bottom. I put my stuff in and then turn the box over on one visit and then to the side on the next, and the other side the next visit. I water slightly every once in a while. It just...



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Use Shredded Paper For Cat Litter
I se shredded newspaper for my cat. He was pretty old when I decided to do this so wasnt sure of his acceptance. Never had a problem at all with the litter box. Seemed to help with the smell too!


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Crafts Using Wedding Dress Underlining?
I got my fathers bath robe after he died. We were going to share it among siblings a year at a time, but my sister found a lady who took the robe and made 4 teddy bears out of it. That way we all had something of daddys and it was cute to boot. My teddy bear...


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Grocery Bags As Garbage Bags
Please reconsider using plastic bags at all. they NEVER go away! Go to YouTube and type in plastic bags and watch any of the videos. It will make you sick. Heres one I too used to use plastic bags for many re...


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Buying Old Technology - Music and Video?
I also have quite a few cassette tapes I would be glad to mail to you(cleaning after a garage sale). E-addy Hafwhit AT - Ill give you the titles!


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Inexpensive Feltable Wool?
If you can get old, small, torn (whatever) sweaters from thriftshops, etc. all you have to do is wash in hot water and dry them in the dryer and you have a good felting wool.


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Ants and Wasps in Bird Feeders?
I hear that the oil or greasy concoctions or vaseline are VERY bad for birds. If it gets on their feathers they cannot fly or groom. Just saying...


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Getting Rid of Robins?
Id love to have that problem, but understand; it can get messy. I have seen our local pool put styrofoam cups in the ledge, or even nylon/nylon net or wire scrubbers stuffed in the site.


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"Cut OK" Digital Eye Cutting Machine?
Do you have a pic of your machine? Never heard of it. Just bought a Cricut and am having a bit of a time with it. would love to know more about your machine.


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Baby is Constipated?
I just finished a class on Tai Chi and we were told if you massageyour stomach in the area of your intestines it will help with constipation -- go in the opposite direction for diarrhea. Just use your hand/fingers and start under your rib cage on the right...


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Making a Sugar Glider Bag?
What in Heavens name is a sugar glider and what do you have them for? (sounds like some sort of critter, very interesting). Learn something new every day! Editors Note: Wikipedia says A sugar glider is a small marsupial originally native to eastern and northern...


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Games for Garden Club President's Tea?
You could create flash cards with various types of plants on them and have guests identify them by writing them down as they are flashed. Most identified get a small prize.


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Reuse Packing Paper for Crafts
I also use this paper to wrap gits. I do NOT smooth the paper out. After wrapping the gift I usually brush a stamp pad across the wrinkles, or brush a bit of glitter or even paint -- just barely brush, and then I have a nice package. A beautiful bow or lots...



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My Hands are Red?
Are you taking niacin? I had red splotches after taking niacin -- itchy too. Maybe?


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Sour Dough Starter is Runny?
I dont think anything is wrong with it. I have had some blow up the bag (yeasty) and others do nothing, but they all taste the same in the end.


Prepare for Tax Time
Just want to ask I reconcile my Credit Card bill with EVERY receipt I can hold onto. I enter the sales tax onto my spreadsheet and have been taking that as a deductible. I had my s-in-love do my taxes for 2020 and he said that was not worthwhile or viable. That...


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Using Coconut Oil as a Moisturizer?
I use just plain ole coconut oil from the grocery store. It takes only a little bit and it dissolves in your hand as you bring it to your face. Works wonders...same oil I use for cooking! Also I use baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to clean my face - almost...


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Buying Presents for Grown Children?
We finally solved that question as each daughter got married and then had children. We now draw names for Christmas (all 6 of us) and put a $50 limit on the gift we are to buy for our draw. Sure helps not having to spend $50 on each adult child and then find...


Garbage Bags

Saving Money on Garbage Bags
I DO NOT take plastic shopping bags from any stores. I carry mesh bags in my purse which take up very little room or in my fanny pack. If I dont have an empty bag I just carry the items in my arms or trolly to my car. Even re-using plastic bags is still putting...


Paper Craft Gift Set - Card and tag.

Paper Craft Gift Set
Where is the template for the treat basket?


Marigolds to Repel Mosquitoes

Marigolds to Repel Mosquitoes
I have been spraying Listerene around my house for most of this summer. It has worked so far. Someone just told me about spraying 50/50 pinesol and water to get rid of flies and it worked for her (she has chicken houses in S. AR). So I am going to try that...


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What Discarded Items Are Beneficial to Plants?
Anything but animal meats or grease is good for your plants. Even leftover fish, shrimp -- even the guts of fish if you have caught your own!


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Does Table Waste in Compost Attract Animals?
If you are really worried about critters take a storage bin (any size - from W-M or home store)and poke some holes around the bottom, sides, and top and use it for your compost. Just turn the thing over (and side to side) often. I have a wire cage I use and...


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Storing Stamping Supplies and Stamps?
I use large plastic zipper bags. You put a piece of cardbord to fit in the bag and then lay your stamps on top of it, stamp sidedown; image up. Most fit snugly together and you can tote them wherever. You can use different bag sizes to fit the different sizes...


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Ingredients To Make Homemade Laundry Detergent?
Thanks all...I will be able to make my own washing detergent now. Appreciate all the respondents!!



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Use a Spreadsheet to Track Interest
This is just too confusing for me to calculate or even put in Excel!


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Using Homemade Bisquick?
I use this homemade mix mostly for pancakes/waffles. I use about 1/4 mix per person per pancake/waffle. I use it also for dumplings -- just mix the dough and drop by spoonfills into the broth. Also, I use club soda for my liquid in the dough mix. It makes anything...



Getting a Christmas Cactus to Bloom
My Dad alwasy said to water your cacti when it rains in Arizona! LOL


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Old Fashioned Hard Boiled Eggs
An easy way to peel boiled eggs - crack the egg by rolling it around on the counter then peel back a bit at either end and fit a spoon, with back of spoon facing up, under the shell and bring it around and around. The shell removes very easy and not bits and...


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Stashing Money To Wait For Payday
I take every $5 bill I get and stash it. In just one year I had over $500. Been doing it still and now have over $1000. I cannot receive a $5 bill now without saving it. Hard to spend one if I have to. You will be amazed - you dont miss $5 at a time! Try it...


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Sharpening Scissors
This IS an old post - and NONE of these methods work for me. And Joe just tells us what NOT to do - what does one do to sharpen scissors?


Scissor sacks made from potholders.

Scissor Sacks
I use mine to hold sharp knives in my kitchen drawer. Perfect for paring and other sharp objects. Thanks for the easy directions!


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