
Abigail A.

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22 Posts | 1,504 Comments | Active Since 2011
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Buy Sandwiches at Grocery Instead of Restaurant
When I worked in a strip mall I went to the grocery store in the shopping center (if I had time to get in and out) for lunch. Some great things you can get: A greek yogurt, a salad, a tea, a string cheese, etc.


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Folding Towels
Ive actually managed to make a habit of the tri-fold, where you fold longways into thirds and then again into thirds. This seems to be perfect for the type of shelves I have. It seems odd at first but now I can do it really fast.


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Substitute Water for Butter
As long as you understand how cooking works. When making gravy or cream sauce, you need one part fat to one part flour, heated together. Add broth or milk and simmer until it makes gravy. If you dont use the fat it just wont make gravy. Its the same when thickening...


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Donating to Goodwill
Its a complicated issue. Some workers are so disabled they can barely manage to stuff flyers into newspapers. It isnt worth businesses hiring these disabled people when an able-bodied person could get much more work done per hour. Add that to the modifications...


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Miniscule Biting Black Insects?
It is a ground beetle. Sweep up and discard the beetles. Block entry to your house by caulking and fixing cracks and gaps.


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Saving on Dog Treats When Training
When training my cat, I use the broken pieces out of her Friskies treat bag.


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Shred Financial Papers Before Discarding
I spent the extra money to get a sturdy cross-cut shredder. Its worth it. It turns my old personal papers into little confetti. You could not possibly get any information from it. Then I recycle the confetti. The peace of mind is worth it. I made a shredder...


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Asking My Mom To Let Me Shave?
Shaving hair doesnt make it grow back thicker anyway. Its an old wives tale. Here:


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Using Olive Oil as Fuel for Oil Lamps?
Look on Lifehackers website for a DIY recycled kitchen fat-burning oil lamp. Interesting.


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Protecting Leather Furniture from Cats?
I trim my cats claws about once a week.


Neapolitan Mastiff

Why Spay or Neuter Your Pets?
This is simply not true, Gloria. Its great that youve never had an accident. But things do happen. A dog digs under a fence. The dog escapes during a move. A wolf hybrid I know of jumped through a plate glass window because there was a female in heat nearby...


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Overspending in September - Supplies for the Secondary Schools
My local big box store has the lists available for all local schools so you can consult them while shopping.



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Browning Meat for a Stew
It is actually a good idea to peel potatoes before using, at least just to check if there is a green layer right under the skin. If there is, peel away all the green. It is toxic.


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Fixing Runny Mashed Potatoes
Id do what Kim does. A handful of instant. I dont want to wait ten more minutes if Ive planned them to be done when the main course is.


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What Should I Eat Before Taking a Test?
The brain uses glucose for fuel. Fruits are good, like a banana. Oatmeal would also be good. Omega 3s are also good. They are found in extra virgin olive oil, nuts like walnuts and pecans, and seeds like sunflower seeds.


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Kitten Chewing on Wires?
You need split loom tubing. Its a lightweight plastic tube that covers cords so kittens cant chew them. Wrap all electrical cords. This will take a while. You dont have to do the ones you only use for a short time under supervision, like your hair dryer. Just...


Clean and Green Bathrooms

Clean and Green Bathrooms
I have to disagree with Louise. Many household cleaning products contain: Alkylphenols, which are endocrine disruptors. Perfluorooactanoic Acid (PFOA), which is associated with increased incidence of breast cancer. Triclosan, which can affect the body's hormone...


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Recipe For Bleach Water Remedy For Parvovirus?
A little bleach may not kill her, but it wont cure her. Bleach only kills viruses on hard surfaces. It must be applied and allowed to dry. A few drops of bleach could make your dog more sick to their stomach, which they certainly dont need if theyre already...


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Recipe For Bleach Water Remedy For Parvovirus?
Dogs that are old enough to drink from a pool and who have owners wealthy enough to own and maintain pools will be adult dogs that have all their vaccinations. Adult, fully vaccinated dogs rarely get parvo. This is unsurprising and certainly not coincidental...


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Recipe For Bleach Water Remedy For Parvovirus?
Its bleach water and pedialyte and pepto and many other things including anti emetics and antibiotics. So, it wasnt the pedialye, pepto, anti-emetics, and antibiotics and many other things that cured them? It was definitely the bleach?


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Getting Dehydrated Dog to Drink Water?
hazellvzsjay2015 In the future, please dont submit your concerns about your dog on other peoples threads. I missed yours for two days and I feel your dog is really ill. If you have questions or concerns in the future use the Get Advice: submit a question button...


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Getting Dehydrated Dog to Drink Water?
hazellvzsjay2015 Your dog is showing signs of poisoning. Take him to the vet right away.


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Can My Puppy Get Parvo Again if He is Not Vaccinated?
Shaklee Basic G is effective against Canine distemper but hasnt been shown to be effective against canine parvovirus.


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Freeze Cake Before Frosting
The main thing is to let cool completely. Make lots of icing. Separate some and use for a crumb coat. After the crumb coat, ice normally. There is really not any substitute or shortcut, though putting the cake in the fridge first would help if its a hot day...



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Using Less Toilet Tissue
They mean put it on with the loose end to the wall or cabinet. If you have a free-standing holder it wont make a difference. Only with built in holders.


Dog Eats Leaves?
A lot of dog kibble contains mostly meat, meat by-products, and corn or soy (or both). These grains are hard to digest. A healthier food will contain things like peas and sweet potatoes. Id try switching to a better quality food with vegetables in it.


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Remedies for Varicose Veins?
Bonjour. Désolé , il ny a pas français.


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Sugar Free Pancake Syrup?
LOL, Helmut! Hes pretty much right though. Splenda will actually raise your blood sugar more than sugar. It is not a safe alternative to sugar. Heres the science on that: If you are a diabetic...


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Using Bleach On Tile Grout?
Thats correct. And if the caulking is peeling off you need it removed and re-caulked.


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Make Dog Treats out of Hot Dogs
I wouldnt suggest hot dogs as dog treats, for several reasons. One is the nitrates and nitrites. Generally speaking these are bad for dogs. Theyre also bad for people. I just bought some uncured natural beef hot dogs, but theyre expensive. Secondly, the sodium...


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Tickling Sensation Inside Ear?
This may sound strange, but: see an acupuncturist. You need acupuncture on that ear.


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Keeping Dogs from Peeing in Flower Beds?
I agree you need to have a cell phone or small digital camera that you leave by the front door or window. Make sure people see you taking a picture but you can retreat quickly if they try to confront you. Some people get unreasonably mad even if theyre the...


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Reusing Plastic Pens?
They are more expensive than the cheap Bics, but if youre really interested: There is a pen called B2P (Bottle To Pen). It is made out of recycled water bottles. When the pen runs out, you refill with Pilot G2 refills. Pilot G2s are nice, dark, black or blue...


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Buy Frugal Toilet Paper at a Restaurant Supply Stores
I actually get Quilted Northern at 46 or 47 cents a roll. The trick is to buy warehouse damaged boxes. The toilet paper isnt damaged.


Eliminating Food Waste

Eliminating Leftovers and Food Waste
I personally think fully cooked leftover meals, reheated, are gross. This is because when I cook a meal, I make it done but not overdone. Thats the way I like my food. When you re-heat a meal, the meat becomes overdone and cheese goes from freshly melted to...


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J & J Hard Gloss-Glo Coat Floor Wax?
Glo-Coat was made by Johnsons Wax, and they advertised aggressively on Fibber McGee and Mollys radio program, which I am coincidentally listening to right now.



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Free Anti-Spyware Software?
I wouldnt suggest downloading comodo or anything like it. The problem with those types of programs is that they often interfere with you running legitimate programs, and they may give you a false sense of security because they frequently dont catch certain...


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Gift Ideas for Operation Christmas Child?
Liquids arent allowed. They will be removed. You can send bar soaps but not lotions, shampoos, bubble bath, or body wash.


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Remedy for Moist, Stinky Shoes?
Its safe enough, but not really effective. The silica gel is drying but not effective on smells. Baking soda sachets would work better. The reason they put these in new shoes is because the shoes are made in countries that tend to have very high humidity, so...


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Helping My Husband Match His Clothing?
Either people didnt read the original post, or some of these answers dont go with this question. Anyway, try alphabet labelling with a laundry marker in a discreet place. All A shirts match A pants. A/B pants will match both A shirts and B shirts. And so forth...


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Keeping a Comforter on the Bed?
You might sew a piece of flannel to one side of the comforter. Then when you make your bed, tuck that extra piece of fabric in tight next to the wall. It should keep it from slipping.


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Is Peppermint Oil Harmful to Birds?
You should not use any oils near birds since their respiratory systems are delicate. Catch mice in traps. Store all seed in airtight containers like glass jars. Vacuum daily around the cage. If thats a pain, use a dustbuster. Put the cage on a table with legs...


Summer Stay Home Vacation

Summer Stay Home Vacation
My town has a lake, and yes you can fish in it. There is a dinosaur museum. In a nearby town you can visit a part of a national park that has fossils and petrified wood. There is the possibility of finding a fossil. They have tours, nature walks, and talks...


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Dogs Eating Grub Worms?
And my cat eats grasshoppers. Legs and all. Gross. But animals will be animals.


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How Do I Remove Black Mold on the Ceiling?
Vinegar or Hydrogen Peroxide work better to kill mold on porous surfaces. Bleach mainly works on hard, non-porous surfaces. Try to remove the dead mold as it can also cause allergies.


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Cherry Nut Bread
Its just a way we say a nut without the shell. No, you dont sound daft.


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Will Vinegar Neutralize Urine Odor in Laundry?
I think using a pet-accident enzyme formula would be better than anything else. This is specially formulated for urine.


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Cut the "Milk Ring" and Save Our Wildlife
Sandi, not everyone has recycling. We just got it at my apartment complex late last year. Yes, you can save it up and take it to a recycling place in a nearby city, if you have a place to save a few months worth of recycling. I can tell you this may not always...


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Keeping Wasps Away From Your Home?
I second the fake wasp nest idea. You can buy them online.


One Size Doesn't Always Fit All

One Size Doesn't Always Fit All
Maybe you only technically need 100 items. But I wouldnt be an artist without my pencils and paints, and I wouldnt be a writer without my pens, notebooks and laptop. Thats the way it is. I even have a cat stroller and harness. That works where I live. I swore...


One Size Doesn't Always Fit All

One Size Doesn't Always Fit All
Do you ever use You get free shipping with every $25 dollar order and there is no signup fee. Prices fluctuate, though, so you have to pay attention. Ive found that Amazon Prime really pays me. It may seem anti-frugal to pay that much per year but...


One Size Doesn't Always Fit All

One Size Doesn't Always Fit All
Youre right, soy should always be fermented or it can cause trouble.


Escalators at a shopping mall

Ten Things to Do Instead of Black Friday
Thanks. I shop for Christmas all year. By this time I am done. I can get the best deals because stores and websites have cyclical sales. Year-round shoppers know this. Ive gotten up to 80 percent off with clearance sales. 40 to 60 percent off is more typical...


Escalators at a shopping mall

Ten Things to Do Instead of Black Friday
You dont really get the best deals on Black Friday anyway. Thats because a lot of Black Friday merchandise is made specifically for Black Friday with cheaper parts so they can sell them cheaper and still make money. Those things arent made to last any length...


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Refreezing Previously Frozen Foods?
Keep in mind that anything you freeze and thaw, even if safe, will probably change in consistency. Freezing sucks moisture out of food, so thawing and refreezing can make foods dry or mushy.


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Smoke Odors in My Apartment from Neighbors?
That depends. Smoking is not allowed in the apartments where I live, but people think they can get away with it anyway. If you complain to the owner he will give them a warning but if they continue they are out. If smoking is not allowed your landlord needs...


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Testing Fabric for Colorfastness
When my dad was very young he had a job dying fabrics the old-fashioned way. He knew which dyes were colorfast and which were not. To this day colorfastness is a major concern for him when buying clothes. A tip from my dad: Dickies has the most colorfast black...


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Dog Won't Stop Scratching?
Try a hypoallergenic dog food. A soy-free, grain-free food is a good place to start.


When Are You Being Too Frugal?

When Are You Being Too Frugal?
This is a pretty good post. As a single person, its hard for me to use up a bag of produce, even though the per pound price is cheaper. I often just get one large onion or bell pepper instead. With meat its okay to get the big pack because I can freeze it in...


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Stretch Juice With Cold Water
I use juice as a flavoring for club soda or sparkling water. If you change the way you think about beverages it will help with blood sugar problems many Americans have. Straight juice is FOOD, not a good way to rehydrate. The same with milk, sweet tea, soda...


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Stretch Juice With Cold Water
I realize this is an old comment. But anyway, orange juice has a good deal of sugar in it. Its also processed in huge vats, then held up to a year in sterile conditions. The flavor is gone by the time they get it out, so they add flavor to make it seem normal...


Pile of coupons

Obsessed with Coupons
Sorry, Im not feeling this. Im on the same page as other commenters here. Soda and chips? I could by something more healthy with the same amount of money with no coupon and call it even. I dont drink sodas at home and I dont buy chips. Unfortunately, most of...


A frustrated man at a laptop

Warning: Anti-Virus Pop Up Advertisements
I wouldnt suggest using the real-time free anti-software suggested by a user below. The problem with those programs is that they often interfere with legitimate programs your computer is trying to run. If you have Windows you have a built-in antivirus in your...


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How is Parvo Transmitted?
Please dont listen to advice that says not to vaccinate your pet. Parvo is an extremely virulent deadly disease. It is very, very contagious. There are other deadly diseases your dog must be vaccinated from, including rabies and distemper. Treatment for dogs...


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How is Parvo Transmitted?
Please dont listen to advice that says not to vaccinate your pet. Parvo is an extremely virulent deadly disease. It is very, very contagious. There are other deadly diseases your dog must be vaccinated from, including rabies and distemper. Treatment for dogs...


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Selecting A Good Watermelon
Geez Louise, people. He was black because he happened to be black. What do stereotypes have to do with anything if the story actually happened? Its easier to picture the person in the story if a few details are mentioned. He deserves credit for the tip and...


Low growing ground cover with round leaves.

What is This Plant? Creeping Charlie
Sorry, it may also be a dichondra. Its hard to tell from a small picture. Crush it and see if it smells like garlic. If it does, its garlic mustard. If it doesnt its dichondra.


Low growing ground cover with round leaves.

What is This Plant? Creeping Charlie
Becky, the plant in the picture you are showing is not pennywort. It is garlic mustard. It is edible.


Low growing ground cover with round leaves.

What is This Plant? Creeping Charlie
As long as you are certain it is pennywort it is edible.


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Label Leftovers in the Fridge
I date everything I put in the fridge. You can use masking tape and a sharpie.


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Getting Rid of Ants and Spiders on Corn?
To get rid of ants, locate the hills (colonies) and use outdoor ant baits. If you kill the ants at the source they wont bother your corn. I dont see why youd want to get rid of the spiders, because they kill the pest bugs that would otherwise destroy your corn...


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Getting Rid of Ants and Spiders on Corn?
You might also consider building and hanging bird boxes next year. Birds eat spiders and ants, so the more birds the better.


What Is This Plant?
I dont see a picture. Did you mean to post one?


Orange garage sale sign with large black arrow and address in lower left corner.

Promoting Your Garage Sale
I am a garage sale customer and this is what I want to see: 1. Signs should have a cross beam or bar. Otherwise wind curls them and you cant see whats written on it. Make it like a T. 2. Sign going to the same sale, the same color. Otherwise Im likely to end...


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Pretreating Carpet Stains?
Just a warning: I once spilled a little peroxide on my carpet and it left a bleach spot I still have.


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Getting Rid of Weeds in Vegetable Garden?
Eat your lambs-quarters, too! Lots of nutrients there. Of course a lot of weeds are inedible. The best way to deal with them might depend. Can you tell about how big your garden is and how long is your growing season?


Top of plant with what appears to be a tall multibranched flower spike.

What Is This Plant?
You have a type of palm, and it is attempting to propogate. You can safely cut this off next to the stem. Your plant looks healthy to me.


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Growing Vegetables in Plastic Containers?
Would you eat from a plastic bowl or drink from a plastic cup? Most people do. I doubt theres anything wrong with your plants. The best advice I could give is, dont overuse pesticides. Other than that, your veggies are probably fine.


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Keeping a Roly Poly as a Pet?
A roly poly likes a shady space with a couple of rocks, a piece of old wood, and some dead leaves. Add a little moisture but dont keep it too wet. Dont worry if the food gets a little old because they kind of like it that way. If you fix it up right, I doubt...


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Quick Aluminum Foil Funnel
I also kind of thought this was wasteful. You can get a whole set of plastic funnels, from large to small, for a buck or two and throw them in a drawer where theyll always be handy. They can be re-used for years. I always think the best think to use for a funnel...


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Freezing Celery?
I would not suggest freezing celery because of the high moisture content. It will be brown and mushy when you defrost it. However, celery is a great candidate for dehydrating. Slice it thin and follow the instructions on the dehydrator. You can dry the leaves...


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Something is Leaving a Trail of Dog Food Through the House?
Ill bet you have a ground squirrel. If so, there is a hole it hides in and you must find the hole. It may have more than one.


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Reusing Small Bows from Wedding?
If you glue or sew them to hair-clip backs that you get at a craft store, you can give them to the women who attended the wedding.


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Tomato Plants Falling Over?
Its good to stake up tomato plants when they are younger so when they get bigger they dont do this. You can try staking them up now and if the stems arent too bent they might recover. Also use a sling or bandage if tomatoes are bending a branch down. Otherwise...


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Finding a Low Cost Vet for Cat with Respiratory Problems?
Im sorry about your situation. Have you tried contacting your local animal rescue orginazation? They might be able to recommend a vet they use at low cost if your income is low. I hope everything goes well.


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Housebreaking a Shih Tzu?
You might try this positive, no-yell training method: Close up the doggie door for a while and take her out frequently yourself. Have treats handy, and whenever she goes, give her a treat and praise her. When she goes indoors, let her smell the mess but dont...


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Keeping Celery
When my celery gets rubbery I cut it in long pieces and put it in a large bowl with cold water for an hour. It crisps right back up. I havent tried the foil thing yet. Sounds good.


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Dog Won't Go In Dog House?
This is a dominance issue. The younger dog told your older dog All the doghouses belong to me. As far as your dog is concerned, those orders still stand. Who, according to your dog, is the boss in your house? Think carefully. Whoever the dog sees as the boss...


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Dog Won't Go In Dog House?
Thats probably correct. Marking territory is one way a dog tells another dog, youre not allowed here. Or, its also possible the dog physically didnt allow her to go in them, and she still thinks it will come back to enforce that rule. Either way, another boss...


Growing Flowers from This Year's Seeds?
It depends. What kind of flower is it?


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Feeding Three Week Old Kitten?
Make sure you are washing its rear with a warm cloth afterward and very gently rubbing the sides and tummy. This makes them go to the bathroom. If they cant go, they will die. Deficiencies can kill kittens, but I wouldnt take a friends advice. Id take a licensed...


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Substitute Canned Turnip Greens For Spinach
This is a good idea. I find there is a lot of difference in the flavor of fresh greens, but once theyve been wilted by processing the difference isnt nearly so much.


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Previously House Trained Dog Pooping on the Floor?
If it keeps up, be sure and take her to the vet and rule out a physical condition. She may have developed a problem with her digestive system or cant control her functions anymore.


Praying Mantis on Glass

Yes, what you have there is a cute katydid. He probably wants a nice, yummy tree.


Money jar with label that says "Support Our Fundraiser" on white background

No Effort Fundraisers
I have a different view of magazine sales. They are always teens or young people that come to my door. They see the No Soliciting signs and do it anyway. They lie and say my apartment manager or owner gave them permission. They talk really fast. They say Im...


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Craft ideas Using Baby Food Jars?
Heres an idea. Its for Christmas. Glue Christmas wrapping paper on the outside of the lid. Youll stll need to be able to get the lid on the jar. In the middle of the inside of the lid, use permanent jewelry glue to glue on a little plastic Santa, deer, snowman...


Make your own crustless sandwiches for school lunches.

Homemade "Uncrustables"
I got a vintage metal pastry making-thing, I think at a yard sale, and it does this. The outside is a large round biscuit cutter. It has a knob on top and when you press it a crimper comes down and crimps the edges. Its for making little round pies. I wish...


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Reuse Dishwashing Liquid Bottles For Bleach
I like this idea. I use small plastic bottles from juice or water to hold one load of liquid detergent. That way I dont have to haul the heavy jug with me when I go out to our apartments laundry room.


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Three Year Old Backsliding On Potty Training?
Toilets on planes are much different than toilets at home. It seems like you could be sucked down a plane toilet when it flushes. Did she go to the toilet on the plane? Are you sure she knows she cant possibly be flushed down the toilet? It sounds strange, but...


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Toxicity of the Crown of Thorns Plant?
Love these nosy neighbors with their old wives tales. I have one like that. Many plants are somewhat toxic and can cause skin irritation. Its the plants defense against predators. A lot of these plants are common in peoples yards and houses. The Crown of Thorns...


Three Pit Bull puppies on a leather chair.

Feeding Puppies Together or Separately?
Aww...Just wanted to say, cute!


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Kenmore Refrigerator Will Not Dispense Ice Through the Door?
Is it possible a plug of ice has formed up in there somewhere? Thats just a theory. I dont know how youd test it.


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Cement Lawn
This will look great for a year or two. Then it will start cracking, crumbling, and generally breaking down. And you wont be able to remove it. It also isnt kid friendly- think the spills and falls they take- and will get icy in winter. If youd like to do something...


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Protecting My Blind Kitten from a Pool?
Not everyone wants to raise an indoor-only pet. There are some really good reasons not too. After all, you wouldnt think it was a good idea to raise indoor-only children, and humans are more domesticated than felines. Besides the fact that cats always manage...


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Roundup on Poison Oak Leaves
Id like to point out that, if you buy Roundup, you are supporting Monsanto, the company that introduced genetically modified foods into our food supply. A good deal of our corn and soy are now genetically modified because of Monsanto. Not everybody cares about...


A letter L made out of a denim scrap.

Saving Instead of Scrapping Old Clothes
I do this quite a bit myself. I re-use my old clothing, buttons from my clothing, packing materials from packages, and odds-and-ends like spools. Sewing old receiving blankets into a flannel pillowcase for the now older child is a good idea. Keeps you from...


Swallowtail Butterfly in the Sand

Wildlife: Sandy Swallowtail Butterfly
This is in fact a mating ritual. They display their colors on a neutral background so the others can see them. This is dangerous, because predators can see them, too. Thanks for the pic.


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Rice Filled Heat Pad Sweats When Heated?
Because rice has moisture in it, even though it seems dry. Incidentally, did you know that if popcorn was entirely dry, it wouldnt pop? Its that tiny bit of moisture that heats up to make it explode.


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Rejuvenate Hard Bread in the Microwave
You can also: Make bread pudding Dip in soup instead of crackers, or Dry all the way in a warm oven to make seasoned bread crumbs.


Min Chi puppy sleeping.

Caring for a 5 Week Old Puppy?
Note that it is okay to socialize him with people who are gentle, but be careful taking him around other dogs until he has had his shots. A friend of mine introduced a five-week-old puppy to some other dogs and the puppy got distemper and died.


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Using Manwich in a Recipe?
Have you checked They have a lot of recipes. Type in Manwich as a keyword and see what you get.


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Why Store Plastic Bags?
I do have reusable shopping bags and I use them. However, when I run out of plastic grocery bags I leave my reusable bags at home so I can get more plastic bags with my groceries. I save a certain amount to clean out my cats litter box and some for tying up...


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Cake Batter Rice Krispie Treats
I think the problem here is terminology. You should not eat uncooked premade dough, like cookie dough in the tube. People have died. Though it was determined to be e coli and not salmonella (not the eggs) cooking probably would have killed the e coli. Fresh...


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Frugal Refurbished Ereader
And Id like to add that, if you can purchase an older or used Kindle that still works fine: has many ebooks free. The titles rotate every few weeks.


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Ask For Household Items On Craigslist
Id like to also point out- if you dont live near a city, Craigslist and Freecycle arent always the best options, since you could be driving a long way to pick up items. In towns or more rural places, see if your area has a local Buy, sell, trade site on Facebook...


Carry Stun Gun On Dog Walks - a dog who was killed in a dog attack.

Carry Stun Gun On Dog Walks
In America you can get bear spray, which is pepper spray.


ThriftyFun Links Image

Link: Free Online Jigsaw Puzzles
I am a frequent contributor to Jigidi. Most of my puzzles feature my calico cat, but I also do other puzzles like colorful food. Most of the puzzles I create are small, usually in the 30 to 50 pieces range. My screen name there is Jellyrollmorton. Look me up...


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Getting Rid of Cigarette Odors Inside?
Im in the clean everything camp. Shampoo carpets and rugs. Clean upholstery with a shampooer or steam cleaner. Wash drapes or have them dry cleaned. Throw out any soft plastic, like cheap tupperwares, and buy more. Same with fake plants and flowers, wreathes...


Ham and Cheese Popovers in the pan

Ham and Cheese Popovers
Yes, not popovers. Popovers are called that because after they rise so high, they pop over to one side. I wonder what you would call these? Just rolls would be more accurate, but not as fun.


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Zyrtec and Dogs?
It shouldnt unless theres something already wrong with your dogs liver and kidneys. If your dog has severe liver or kidney disease, Zyrtec might not be right for the dog. If your dog does not have bad liver or kidneys, Zyrtec should be okay.


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Buy Now Pay Later at
Yes, Fingerhut actually has a one star rating at Consumer Affairs dot com.


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Buy Now Pay Later at
I wouldnt recommend any buy now, pay later sites. You will always end up paying more than retail, and I can almost always find what Im looking for LESS than retail anyway. The best way to get something you need right now is to locate someone who is moving and...


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Storing Fresh Ginger?
Try coating it lightly with paraffin wax, then peel before you use it. Keep until it looks kind of dry and wrinkly.


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Hoarding Recovery Tips?
There are several books on hoarding disorder and recovery. If you go to Amazon and search hoarding under books youll see whats available.


Zucchini growing next to a brick wall.

Zucchini Patties
Use a cheese grater.


dog poop bags

Cheap Doggie Poop Bags
I got my doggie poop bags (for kitty) as an open-box deal on Amazon. If you buy in bulk, you can get the best deals. They throw different colors in a plastic bag, but since its just for poop disposal, you dont care what colors you get. I got pink, purple, black...


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