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596 Posts | 1,651 Comments | Active Since 2011
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A pile of shredded newspaper.

Shredded Newspaper as Cat Litter
Another little thing I have found out, just recently, is that my ferret would never use the litter box with any amount of frequency until I changed to shredded magazines, newspaper, etc. You can also buy those little wee wee pads and put them in the litter...


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How do you make lip gloss out of Koolaid?
Crisco shortening and honey mixed together. Crisco is better than vaseline, and it is good for skin too! Blessings, Robyn


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Make Your Own Rubber Bands
I love this, I am going to try them both. Thanks!


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Keep an Errand Tote By the Door
That sparked an idea for me....awesome!


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Pinesol As A Cat Pee Deterrent
Cats will avoid huge smells at all costs. This is from trying to hide their presence in the desert all those years ago..from what i have read. It is their job to cover their identity from others who would make a meal out of them. I did read that shelters and...


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Inexpensive Doggy Sweater
Going to do this....for mine and my friends dogs!


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Guinea Pig Chewing On His Cage?
The guinea pig will chew on things, it is better to put things in there for him to chew on, like cardboard toilet rolls, and timothy hay, and these will help him keep his teeth from growing through his head, they never stop growing. They need a hidey hole, they...


Duct Tape Rose - purple tape rose

Duct Tape Rose
I love duct tap;e and somehow I missed this! This is great!


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Plastic Lids for Freezing Hamburgers
I am glad I read this! This is such a smart idea!


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Fresh Soft Pretzel
I love this idea!


Blue and white, as well as yellow and green parakeets.

Acclimatized Parakeets
That is so beautiful! I think they look so happy here!


misting plant

Humidity And Your Houseplants
I am going to do the humidity test. This was a wonderful article!



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Creamy Chicken Enchiladas
That looks so delicious!


Driftwood Wind-Catcher

Driftwood Wind-Catcher
Such a beautiful and lovely piece of art!


Homemade cat tree

Making Your Own Cat Tree
I am taking the rope wrapped around things and the fake fur and I am going to tweak this to do a project of mine when I go though my scrap wood, I just love the idea and the ones sold at pet shops and that are online wont last as long, either. These are so...


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Cookie Of The Month Present
I love that idea!


A Honey of a Deal for Your Garden!

Bees - A Honey of a Deal for Your Garden!
Thank you for a very informative article! I really enjoyed reading it!


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Repurposing Frisbees
I am so inspired now on how to use my extra frisbees! Thank you so much for sharing! I never would have thought of this!


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Is Salt Flea Treatment Safe For Ferrets?
There is a product at tractor supply that is safe to put on flowers, dogs, cats roosters chickens etc. and is very safe powder. I just put a little of my hand and put it on her back about once a month and kind of rub it in softly. My ferret Tinker is white...


Morning Glories: Not Just A Weed

Morning Glories: Not Just A Weed
Here are some interesting facts regarding our lovely Morning Glories:


Halloween decorated plate.

Halloween Plate
Beautiful! I have to try this!


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Fabric Christmas Bags For Green Gift Wrapping
This is a wonderful idea! I like the idea of not throwing away wrapping paper, and these are reusable! Each little things counts! Merry Christmas! ---Robyn



Snowman made with a 2x4.

Wooden Country Snowman
So darling! I am going to make a couple of these, only taller, and put them in the front yard. I will attach them to those little green metal posts you can buy at Tractor Supply for four dollars.


Scrap Fabric Pencil Holder

Craft Project: Scrap Fabric Pencil Holder
I have so many containers I can do this with! Thanks!


Name painted on rock.

Welcome Rock
When I get a little more time, I am going to make one of these, probably on little rocks with peoples names on them for gifts. It would be a nice gift for any occasion.


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Feeding Rescue Cats And Dogs Cheaply
Chicken hearts are cheap and they count as meat. Taurine is important to the cats to keep from going blind. This sounds wonderful, I havent thought of crock potting the chicken with the bones and such. Also a very successful kitty rescuer I know from here suggests...


Handmade Paper Frame

Handmade Paper Frame
This is awesome and I am going to have to try it with decorative duct tape... thanks for posting this awesome craft!


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Do Online Surveys for Rewards
I do and it is a great site for surveys. You get to cash out at paypal or amazon. You get opinion points. You also have the option to make a donation to charity or get itunes. It is a great site.


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Give Trick or Treaters a Candy Container
What an awesome idea! I am so doing this next year!


Seashell soap dish with a bar of soap.

Seashell Soap Dish
That is adorable! I love anything to do with the ocean. This would be great to use E 6000 glue with. I dont like glue guns. I am going to make some of these as gifts. Thanks for sharing!


David With Toby Keith
Beautiful picture, and they both look so wonderful! God bless our soldiers!


Print and frame schedules.

Print and Frame Regularly Used Schedules
That is a marvelous idea! I am going to do that with the school days off schedule also. It wont get all torn up and wrinkled by the end of the year. I am going to type it up in bigger print and then frame it. Thanks for getting that idea into my head! I love...


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Baby Shower Clothesline
That is unique. I have never seen that either! What a wonderful idea!


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Dill Cabbage
I cant wait to try this~! Thanks! :)



Finished rug.

Old Clothing Rag Rug
This is the most clear instructions I have ever read. Thank you!


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Use Pet Food in Homemade Pet Toys
I second that, Brilliant idea! Peanut butter jars, not washed out, and given to the dog make great Kongs as they lick out the peanut butter. I wouldnt let them keep after it for more than an hour. I always watch them when they have any kind of toy if they are...


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Keep Dogs Calm During Thunderstorms
This is true, the dryer sheets are full of toxins. It is interesting that this would help and makes me think that it must have something to do with the extra lack of pressure during a thunderstorm perhaps. What could we do to lessen the static? It poses an...


Filled jar.

Vintage Rag Jar
I have dozens of little treasure jars Ive made. I am going to consolidate them into a large jar like this right away. Thanks!


Use the cake mix bag as a frosting bag.

Reuse Cake Mix Bag For Decorating
You just taught me how to recycle another item. Thank you so much! Great idea as well! Blessings, Robyn from Tennessee


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Natural Remedy for Itchy Puppy?
Feed her boiled chicken for a couple of days and see if the itching subsides. She is probably suffering from a yeast, corn or wheat allergy. Find a food that contains real meat not by products in the first three ingredients. I would not use flea shampoo even...


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Line Soap Dishes with Rocks
That is a pretty idea and I am going to do it too, I love rocks so much! Any new way to incorporate them into my life is a plus for me! Thank you so much for posting! Blessings, Robyn from Tennessee


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Use Natural Lice Shampoo For Fleas
Some dogs and cats are sensitive to the shampoo ingredient, some are not. Here is a video describing what to look for and also do not use any sort of flea shampoo with pyrethrin if you are pregnant as it can cause autism, from what I read. On the other hand...


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Diet Ideas for an Autistic Child?
The GAPs Diet and the Gluten Free Casein Free diet are excellent. Most children with autism and other disorders have problems with digesting the proteins in milk and wheat. As a matter of fact, these and other things contribute to what is called a leaky gut...


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Carry a Clothing Color Chart When Shopping
That is a wonderful idea! I am going to make one for the kids!


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Feed Dog Pills with Cream Cheese
I cannot wait to try that next time! Especially if I have to crush a pill for them! What a great idea!


Some Easter eggs made from

Egg Carton Easter Eggs
These are so darling!


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Too Much Fat in Dog Treats?
I dont trust a single store bought treat with all the recalls. I feed my dogs diamond lamb meal and rice, or some such other food without by products, and artificial coloring or wheat or other additives. They also get soft dog food mixed with a little olive...


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Reuse Backpack and School Supplies
I am going to do this, put the bag in a place only I know where it is and fill it, little at a time with pencils, sharpeners, folders, etc. that I know will be needed. And I am also going to have a place to put snack money, saving it up all Summer, and it will...


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Cat Poops in Bathtub?
Try newspaper in the litter box. Some cats will refuse to use a litter box with cat litter in it. Also keep something strong smelling in the bathtub like orange peels so your cat will avoid it.


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Use Baggie as Thrifty Pastry Bag for Deviled Eggs
This is such a good idea! Thanks for posting!


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Mark the "Up" Side on Electrical Plugs
What a simple and great idea, I am going to get the permanent marker right now! Thank you for saving me the aggravation of having to struggle with this also!


Hanging Bottle Decoration

Hanging Bottle Decoration
How lovely an idea! I cant wait to make mine! Thank you so much! :)


frying pan birdbath

Frying Pan Bird Bath
That is a wonderful looking birdbath! I love this idea!


Grow Ornamental Grasses

How to Grow Ornamental Grasses
Very informative article. I am going to bookmark this page for future use! I have an area where I would like to plant these beautiful grasses!


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Refrigerate Facial Moisturizer In The Summer
That sounds so wonderful! Thanks for sharing!


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Add Ranch Dressing to Mashed Potatoes
When we eat pizza, we dip the pieces into ranch dressing! It is so delicious! I like the idea of using milk instead of water. Thanks for sharing! Blessings, Robyn


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Math Pancakes
Instead of having circle pancakes, I would take a math fact that is hard to remember, like 9 X 6 and I would make pancakes that look like the 9 and then the 6. There would be two pancakes next to them that were the answer which would be 54. OR I could just...


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Transfer Patterns with Vinyl Tablecloth
This sounds great and I am going to get one and keep them for fall leaf Patterns! Thank you so much! Paper is always getting torn! Blessings, Robyn


A wild raccoon looking up.

"Can I Keep It?" Rescuing Wild Animals
I always keep up with Birgit at Rainbow Wildlife, she updates us all the time on facebook.!/pages/Rainbow-Wildlife-Rescue/306568912427 She does streaming videos of her babies and she is a great teacher of all things wild. She is an...


cooking pot as hose hanger

Use a Pot as Hose Hanger
Very nice! I love to reuse and recycle! Thank you for that because we need to keep all we can out of our landfills! This is wonderful. This will definitely get a thumbs up from me! Good, no, let me correct, GREAT thinking! Blessings, Robyn


Fleas on a Kitten?
I always do a dawn and water bath on kittens and puppies. I use dawn and heavily lather it on them. I once had four puppies that were so covered with fleas that they got on my, and I was almost covered with them. It took four times in a row of rinsing and lathering...


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Product Review: Warner Slicker Brush
I am going to get one of these for my long haired cat, Mick. Thank you for posting about it. I have seen one in the pet area of Walmart. Blessings, Robyn


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Put Lotion on Hands Before Using Super Glue
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am hoping it also works on other sticky type things, I am so glad to know this! Thank you!


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Make Gift Tags from Wallpaper
Please let me see some photos, so I can try it too, this sounds so wonderful!


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Easy Homemade Christmas Tree Decorations?
Putting little bows on the branches of red are so pretty! Just tie them on the branches yourself the same way you would put on other decorations. I have seen trees just done in this alone and it is adorable!


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Wrap Gifts in Old Shirts
This is so cute and I like to reuse beautiful fabric as wrapping for gifts also!!!! Thanks for your post! Blessings! Robyn


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Keep Notebook for Holiday Gift Buying
Excellent way to keep from giving one person tons of gifts and the other person not as many. I am going to do this too! Thanks!


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Cat Pudding
I used this recipe, for the kittens I have had over the years to try and raise when their mom had died or they had been abandoned. I didnt use the geletin, and I added a drop or two of baby vitamin drops per kitten.


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Cat Keeps Scratching a Sore?
There is a spray at Tractor Supply and probably online that costs around 25 dollars. It is available at It is called...


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Child Support and SSDI?
Yes I can tell you from experience that it will come out of the payment until they reach a certain age. It isnt really fair though, is it? If you have a child with a disability that will be lifelong, then make sure you ask the judge for lifelong child support...


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Baked Eggplant
That sounds so good!


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Hibbi Scrub for Mange This above site is a place you could order it from


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Hibbi Scrub for Mange
It is called HebiClens and it is in a green bottle.


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Hibbi Scrub for Mange
Here is some info on the ingredient:


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Hibbi Scrub for Mange
The ingredient mentioned is excellent for yeast issues also. Blessings, Robyn


finished dog booties

Make Dog Booties to Protect Paws from Snow
I will try this wonderful idea as well, thank you so much!


A banana spider hanging in a garden area.

Banana Spider
I bet he ate a large number of bugs while he was there. I once had one of those outside our window and I enjoyed watching it for a long time. They are amazing. Thanks for posting!


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Making an Artificial Tree?
I knew a teacher who turned a supporting post in the classroom into a large tree. I forget how he did it. It was an inside tree though. I was looking at this, and here is one link I found: I like trees...


Printed-Fabric Mini Pillows

Printed-Fabric Mini Pillows
Those are so cute! I am going to make some like those. Thanks!


Pink and white flowers.

Feminine Flowered T-Shirt
Very beautiful! Love it!


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How Do I Replace the Heel on a Pair of Boots?
You can order taps or tips on line for boots, Here is a picture of some of them. There is a glue called shoe Goo. I hope this helps. Here is a link on how to use Shoe Goo and what it is made of. http://www...


photo of baby chicks

Photo: Chickens in the Garden
How funny! I have a rooster and he keeps us laughing all the time!


photo of bee hive

Bee Hive
This is absolutely an amazing photograph, I shared it on my facebook!


Large sunflower with apparent smile.

Gardening: Laughing Sunflower
This shows me the joy of love and laughter, and I believe all creation can praise the Lord, too! Beautiful picure, I voted for it to win!


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Water and Pennies Home Remedy for Flies?
I have seen this in many different forms, the most popular of these being the mason jar of water with aluminum foil floating in it. I have seen the baggies with the pennies. The idea behind this is the difference in light vibration and waves or refraction. Here...


Keeping Indoor Cats from Fighting?
Here are my suggestions: Ironing boards with pillows on them all around the house, and tie them up where they wont fall over. Get lots of different food bowls and dont make them eat next to one another, that will cause fights. Get an entertainent center from...


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Recipes for Green Tomatoes?
These look really good: 3 Medium unripe tomatoes 1/3 cup Cornmeal 1/4 tsp salt Put tomatoes which have been drenched and pushed well into the mixture of cornmeal and salt into a hot pan with nonstick...


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Looking for Recipes for Yogurt Grilled Chicken?
I found this one on the food network: Ingredients 1/4 cup whole milk yogurt 1 (1 to 2-inch) knob fresh ginger, peeled and grated 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon red chili flakes Kosher salt 1 whole chicken, cut in 1/2 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil...


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Using Chinaberry Leaves to Repel Fleas?
I dont know about the chinaberry question, but I usually go to the vet and get the advantage. I am going to try the clear bowl of water, with a white glow stick over it to attract fleas....the water has to have one drop of soap in it and be set out at night...


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Using Dawn Dishsoap on Plants to Deter Deer?
I know the recipe for a bug repellent is 1 tsp dawn per spray bottle full of water, but I do not know if this would work on deer. I have heard that Ivory bar soap and Irish Spring bar soap hung in a piece of hose and staked out around the garden or from a tree...


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Husqvarna Riding Mower Won't Start?
Here are some common reasons why mowers wont start: I did some research on the web for you. One reason is that you do not have all the components to make it start. It takes only 3 things to make a gasoline engine operate properly: Fuel Fire Compression Answer...


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Run Away Ivy?
I was looking up information and thinking it would be like my Morning Glories, but I love them so much, i dont mind pulling them up from one part of the yard and putting them in another part of the yard. Wouldnt it be great if all plants grew as well as these...


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Shopping for Oxydol in Tennessee?
Do you have Big Lots or Dollar General? Here is a list of stores that sell this product. Dollar General Big Lots Arlans Markets Bag N Save Bexar Brookshire Certco Coborns Davids Supermarket Dierbergs Discount Drug Mart El Centro Fareway Food Basket IGA Food...


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Readers Digest Magazine Christmas Trees?
I recall a craft involving turning the pages over, folding one page over and then the next page-folding the page up from the bottom. I do not remember how many magazines it took to make one. But when all the pages are folded this way and the magazines are put...


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Identifying Tiny Biting Insect?
I would get an attractive cover or a sheet to cover the couch after you get a can of salt from the store and sprinkle it heavily all over the couch, in the corners, under the cushions, everywhere. The reason for the sheet or cover is to not sit on the salt...


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Getting Coupons Through the Mail?
I like All You magazine. You can look in the first few pages and there is a page that tells all the coupons in the whole magazine. I always buy this magazine when I have the money for all the coupons. If there is a particular product that you like, find its...


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Getting Clematis Seeds?
This was a very interesting question. I checked at my favorite site, and found out that it is the hairy like center of the flower. You pull the whole center of the flower and dry it out. Then when it is a certain dryness as in the article below, you will find...


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