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13 Comments | Active Since 2006
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Hole in a Broomstick Skirt?
I had a broomstick skirt that ripped in huge swaths. All I did was use the iron-on patch material in black. THen, wash it and dry it twisted up into a rope to make it regain crinkliness. The advantage of the crinkly material is that the crinks hide just about...


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Dog Shredding Puppy Pads?
Give him something else of a similar consistency, like newspaper or cardboard and take the puppy pad away? Our pomeranian adores shredding paper and old cereal boxes (the smaller the box, the better, which is why i find myself saving paperclip boxes from work...


Dog wearing coat.

A Dog Coat for Honey
Very cute coat and thank you so much! Ive been looking for a good free pattern for a dog coat and this is a great site. :-) My pomeranian doesnt need the warmth, but it sure would be nice to have something on her so we (and cars) can see her at night!


Pomeranian's Hair Not Growing?
I second having her checked out by a vet. Also, lowering the temperature may help as well. It may also be that she just isnt going to get a huge coat. Our pom (pure-bred) has a nice thick coat, but I see tinier poms with just as much fur as our larger dog! If...


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Recipe Ideas for Ulcerative Colitis?
I have UC and had to have the surgery to remove the lower intestine. First, the safest, safest thing to have, despite what everyone tells you, is meat. High calories and NO fiber. I used to be almost vegetarian. Not anymore. Boiled is best, but baked or seared...


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Removing Tear Stains From a Dog's Eyes?
I use the piece of tissue and water too. Frankly, I think its safer than using chemicals near their eyes. Start at the corner of the eye and wipe down and away from the eye. The other thing to do is to make sure to wipe their eyes off at least once a day. If...


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Finding Clothing That Fits?
Kohls has some petites that will fit you. I have the same problem. The other suggestion? Learn to hem? Usually I get skirts/pants/shirts for larger women and just chop five inches off the bottom and sleeves. Hemming is really easy, especially if you do it by...


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Pitbull Odors?
A dogs feet is one of the places her scent glands are located. Therefore, if they smell like corn chips, its because shes eating corn! You might want to change her food to something else. As for the fishy smell, yup, its anal glands. Apparently, you can help...


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Ant Hill in a Flower Bed?
If you go to , youll see a recipe for ant killer thats wonderful. Its all natural. The key is that once you put it out, YOU CANT KILL ANY ANTS. You want them to take the poison into the nest. It usually takes about 2 weeks for the ants to disappear.


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Dog Pees in the House When I'm at Work?
This isnt a fix, but have you tried confining him in the kitchen while youre gone? We did that until our dog got the message and stopped peeing during the day. At least it will limit the damage. Some dogs, depending on the age, are too little to hold it for...


White or cream dog.

What Breed is My Dog? (Schipperke?)
Does his tail curl over his back? And how big is he? Does he have the characteristic spitz fur with an undercoat and then an overcoat? He looks like a pom mix. We have a pom. Keep in mind that poms were shrunk from 30 lbs to 5 lbs in 100 years, so if the breeder...


West Highland Terrier Barking?
We have a pom who barks as well, but what we realized was that she felt it was her duty to notify us, the alphas, of anything dangerous. Unfortunately, dangerous to her could be a rustling plastic bag. However, now we go, check out the whatever it is and say...



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Pomeranian Barks Too Much?
Our Pom barks a lot too, but the key is understanding why he/she is barking. Ours feels her job is to tell us of anything new in the neighborhood. Weve discovered that when she barks, if we go out and look out the window and say, Thank you Nellie. she shuts...


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