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11 Posts | 380 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Attracting the Guy I Like?
To CandyCane: If you dont know how to approach him or cant think of anything to talk about, a great way is to devise a project or list that youre working on. Perhaps a group at school is involved in something that hes not involved in. You can invite him to...


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Salt for Oven Fires
According to what Ive read, salt, sugar and flour can explode, not always, but its a possibility. Either covering the pot with a lid and turning off the burner or covering the pot with a very damp, not totally wet, but a very damp towel will smother flames...


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Spray Paint on Jeans?
Alcohol usually works.


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Remote Control Tips?
I know this will be funny, but it kinda makes a wild kind of sense. My 11-year-old step-son had what I thought was a brilliant idea if only somebody could figure out how to make it work. He thinks couches should hang from the ceiling like a porch swing and...


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Waterless Stacked Cooking?
I absolutely love my stainless steel waterless cookware. My husband and I bought a set right after were married in 2003. The only problem was I was 59 when we married. However, I wish Id bought it years and years ago. One thing to remember is when doing regular...


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Waterless Stacked Cooking?
I absolutely love my stainless steel waterless cookware. My husband and I bought a set right after were married in 2003. The only problem was I was 59 when we married. However, I wish Id bought it years and years ago. One thing to remember is when doing regular...


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Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Without Nuts?
The posted recipe sounds yummy. But if you already have a favorite recipe that includes nuts, you dont have to put them in. The recipe will still be good.


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Paper Stuck to a Photo?
Actually, you can probably soak the photo in water. When it is soaked through, remove the paper that is stuck. The photo can then be air dried or dried with a hairdryer. There is a very good possibility that the photo will have a tendency to curl afterwards...


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Planting Grass Where I Have a Concrete Patio?
I dont know how big your patio is, but I bought a house several years ago with a very large back yard. As I mowed the lawn, I discovered that quite near the back door was an area of lawn that felt different - the ground was harder. I traced the harder part...


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Planting Grass Where I Have a Concrete Patio?
I dont know how big your patio is, but I bought a house several years ago with a very large back yard. As I mowed the lawn, I discovered that quite near the back door was an area of lawn that felt different - the ground was harder. I traced the harder part...


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Homemade Cures for Poison Ivy?
I havent personally found a cure for poison ivy, though I had it really, really bad one year. Had to get shots and take cortisone too. This isnt a cure, but it definitely helps during healing: Hopefully, the affected area is in an area of your body that can...


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Tackle Box for Travel Organizer
Be very careful while traveling with pills out of their original container. I understand in some areas it is at least a misdemeanor, especially if police find one that has fallen out and onto the floor of your vehicle.



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Apple and Lemons Theme Kitchen?
If you think apples and lemons look good together, then they do! Before I married a few years ago, I was a single mom for several years. I found that I could save money by buying my home rather than renting one. One day I got tired of my white kitchen cabinets...


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Getting a 4 Year Old to Look Forward to School?
You can call the school and they will probably let her come in early to familiarize herself with the school and even meet her teacher. She will probably feel more comfortable then. Usually schools have a day when parents can take the children to meet the teachers...


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Small Balances Left on Pre-paid Credit Cards?
You can always finish out the balance with paying it on a purchase. Then pay the remainder with either a credit card, debit card, or cash - or even all three!


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Recipes Using Black Raspberries?
I have an idea --- send them to me!!!!!!


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Using Extended Characters on My Keyboard?
You also might try the ctrl and alt keys one at a time or both of them at the same time. See what that does. Access your character map - generally under programs, accessories, system tools (or do a search for it); it will show you all the keystrokes available...


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Tabouli Recipe?
One of my favorite recipes and extremely easy is to follow the recipe on the package with adding water, cucumber, and tomatoes, but then instead of lemon and olive oil, I substitute the same amount of Italian dressing. It is very flavorful.


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Removing Nail Polish Off a Car?
I agree, this sounds like something where the dealer needs to help, especially since the car is so new. Id also call the police department and your insurance company.


Torn vacuum cleaner hose.

Repairing a Torn Vacuum Cleaner Hose?
Back in my single days and before I could afford a new hose, I used duct tape. Works great. The split will still get bigger and the duct tape will attract dust and dirt. But the nice thing about it is that you can rip off the old nasty duct tape and put on...


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Keeping Preteens Entertained In Summer?
There are usually stores around where he can swap his Playstation games. He might try getting new games that way. Sometimes having a friend over is not really more work, but less work as they keep each other entertained. He can then play basketball, baseball...


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Printing Photos From Old Oversize Negatives?
Find a better-quality photo printing company in your area. It will cost a bit more but they can usually process your prints in-house and might save them from getting lost. I know a lot of people use Wal-Mart or K-Mart, but in my area their work is just not...


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Backsplash Without Using Ceramic Tiles?
What about buying some clear plastic that comes on a roll that the sales assistant has to cut to size at Wal-Mart. It is very flexible and inexpensive, and could be hung with tabs and taken down and cleaned or replaced when dirty. It also would allow the tiles...


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How To Use A Featherbed?
I guess either way will work, but I put the featherbed on top of the mattress cover so each time I change the sheets, I can fluff up the featherbed. And contrary to the other poster, my back pain went away when we got the featherbed. So I guess everyone is...



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Whitening Dirty Washcloths?
Soak the stained washcloths in Oxyclean overnight, then wash with regular detergent, bleach and more Oxyclean. See if that helps. My step-son went four-wheeling one night and was covered with mud - head to toe. He wore white socks. After the first washing, it...


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Frugal Wedding Photographer In Dallas?
I think the poster below meant She forgot the d in captured


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Try Using MySpace
I have a MySpace page if anyone wants to contact me. Send me a message first telling me youre from Thrifty Fun.


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Try Using MySpace
2nd post regarding MySpace. Ive read where some are having fears regarding using MySpace. Ive had a page for over a year and have had nothing negative happen. Before someone can become my friend, I have to approve them. Before I approve them I can look at their...


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Food Savings While Visiting Disney World?
DO NOT EAT AT DISNEY RESTAURANTS! We went a couple of years ago and found that at the cheapest restaurant where we had hamburgers and fries, the price was double what we would have paid at McDonalds or Burger King. Also, a warning on rides: The spaceship ride...


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Starting a Budget?
I had a budget some time ago like poster number 1. I liked the idea of paying off the smaller credit card first. A step further though is once that credit card is paid off, take the amount that you were paying on that card and add it to the next card. So if...


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How can I clean a cat?
A cat can be bathed, but very, very carefully. I would suggest (even if its hot weather) to dress in heavy clothing and gloves. Have the tub full of nice warm water BEFORE putting the cat in. And you have to hold him/her down firmly. Once they realize they...


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Where Can I Find FiberOne Bars?
Fiber One Bars are usually in the cereal aisle with the granola bars. A better granola-type bar is Kashi TLC bars. They have more fiber and less carbs.


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Bounce This Along - Uses For Bounce Fabric Softener
Another nice thing to do is put Bounce or a scented dryer sheet on air vents where the heat comes out in winter time. The warm air releases the scent and makes your house smell wonderful!


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Major Split in Poplar Tree?
Can you put a metal band around the tree just a bit above where it starts splitting? We have red bud trees in our back yard. The twins and their friends were climbing in them, causing the tree to split. What my husband did was to take a couple of pieces of...


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Removing Paint From Gazebo Curtains & Canopy?
Rubbing alcohol, either 70% or 90% and/or Goop. At least it works for latex paint.


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Stopping a Cat from Scratching a Couch?
There is a product that you can buy from the pet department at Wal-Mart that will deter cats from the area (apparently they hate the smell). I had a cat that had scratched the back of my couch to pieces. When I bought a brand new couch, I also bought the spray...



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Mexican Souvenirs For Coworkers?
Ahhh, souvenirs, I have to tell a funny story. A couple of years ago, my family and I went to Florida for our vacation. We went to Disney on a low budget. We even sat through one of the timeshare talks to get a couple of free tickets. Anyway, being short on...


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Curling Hair Naturally?
You can also buy rollers from any discount store. Warning, they are uncomfortable to sleep on. Remember those picks that you put through the rollers to keep in them in place? Ugh! The best way is to just braid your hair as mentioned before for nice waves or...


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Advice For Moving a House?
I think it costs way more than a dollar now. I saw something recently on either the Discovery Channel or TLC. I saw by googling that moves houses. Though they are probably more expensive than a local contractor, you might go through their...


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Buying a Hair Frizzer?
I googled hair frizzer and came up with someone in Australia talking about it - a Hair Frizzer 3000 but thats all I found. So maybe you might find something in Australia. I used to want to de-frizz my own hair, but apparently some people love the frizz look...


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Diet and Vitamin Advice for ADD and ADHD?
A suggestion: I would listen to the school about holding him back in Kindergarten. Many children are held back (and this would be the grade that would least psychologically hurt him). Many children are not developed emotionally to go on. It is so much better...


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Use Panty Liners for Bandages
My son had a pilonidal cyst a few years ago and after his surgery (which went almost to the bone) the hospital had him wear a maxipad in that area to soak up blood from the wound. The area was packed with gauze provided by the hospital and then covered the...


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Uses for Splenda for Baking?
I went to the Splenda site and this is what I found: SPLENDA® Sugar Blend for Baking is a mix of SPLENDA® Brand Sweetener and pure sugar and provides only 1/2 the calories and carbohydrates of pure sugar. It helps you reduce the sugar in your home baking, while...


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Cleaning Textured Bathtub Floor?
The Works is great for bathrooms. Pour on or spray on, wait a few seconds and it wipes clean instantly with no elbow grease!


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Where To Fine The Best Down Blanket? is a great place to buy also.


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Advice For Dealing With a Frizzy Mohawk?
Is your hair long enough for the Sanjaya mohawk? I think that was a series of tiny pony tails.


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Substituting Wax Paper For Parchment Paper?
Actually, waxed paper can be cut to fit the inside bottoms of cake pans. When I was growing up we didnt grease and flour the pans, we used wax paper in the bottom of the pans. Place the pan on the wax paper, mark around the bottom and cut with scissors. Place...


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Fund Raising Ideas for Spay/Neuter Services?
Im not familiar with living conditions in Turkey, but can you have bake sales? Would a city or town sports team or arts center sponsor a night where all the funds are donated to your cause? Can you have yard sales (where you sell things that you dont want anymore...


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Yellow Jackets In House?
By all means, call an exterminator. There may be a hole in the attic, basement, somewhere that they are getting in. There is probably a large nest somewhere if there are that many. I had yellow jackets once in my yard near my front porch (Id even told the mailman...


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Cleaning Football Pants With Built-in Pads?
Dont the pads come out of football pants? When I bought them for our son, the pads came out. It was a pain taking them in and out, but at least the pants got clean.


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Keeping Brownies from Getting Hard on the Edges
Why would you not want the hard edge? Those are the best ones!


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Free Pictures to Download?
Please try to not use Webshots. Those are copyrighted pictures. I have many pictures up there myself. They are posted for the enjoyment of family and friends and others who may want to look at them. If you DO find that you have to use Webshots, please ask for...


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Help Making Chicken Fried Steak?
Definitely dry the meat first anytime you want to bread something. I always dried my chicken, but I found a kinda cool recipe using chicken breaded with french-fried onions and forgot to dry the chicken and the breaded onions fell off. So drying the meat is...


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Reception Hall Ideas?
If its in the summer, you can usually use a park for a small fee. Do you know someone with a large back yard? Many churches offer free rooms to their members.


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Help With 7 Year Old Picky Eater?
I have a picky eater, and slowly were introducing new foods. He hated fish, but loves talapia with cajun seasoning (I think because his dad loves it so much). Then I bought fish coated with potato flakes (tastes like its covered with french fries). He found...


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Can Neosporin be Used On a Dogs Eye Injury?
I would imagine that it would depend on how close to the eye the injury actually is. Many people medicines can be used on animals and many animal medicines can be used on people (believe it or not!). Best, though, to call a vet and many times they will tell...


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Looking For New Thankgiving Recipes?
I made chicken cordon bleu one year for Thanksgiving or Christmas as I was tired of the same old thing, And I really dont even like turkey. For me, the enjoyment of the dinner is having everyone there.


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Magnesium Capsules for Constipation
One of the best ways Ive found to relieve constipation or to stay regular is to take a teaspoon or tablespoon, depending on which you buy, of Metamusil three times a day. Place the teaspoon of Metamusil in 4 ounces of water and stir and drink. It is like drinking...


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Gift for Patients at Nursing Home?
Old movies and television shows on DVD (like I Love Lucy, etc.). A collection of large-print books would be nice for their library.


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What is The Difference Between Apple Cider and Apple Juice?
Cider might not be fermented when you buy it (unless you buy fermented cider), but it will definitely ferment if left too long - can have quite a tang!


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Help Organizing 40 Years of Photos?
Ive organized pictures for my mom and for my husband when we got married. He also had about 40 years worth of pictures. The best way, that Ive found, is sort out all the pictures, first by size, square ones in one pile, rectangular ones in a pile, portraits...


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Inexpensive Drapery Material Ideas?
In my bedroom I had no curtains for years, mostly because theyre so expensive and I had four windows to cover, two side-by-side on two walls. I went to a Goodwill-type store and found four twin-size white sheets for $6. I hung a sheet over each window. Its...


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Can My Puppy Get Parvo Again if He is Not Vaccinated?
We had a puppy who had Parvo. The vet decided that he didnt need the shots since hed already had Parvo. I would bleach the yard though. I dont know how much that will help, but we bleached the house and the yard. We also threw away his bed, etc. and got him...


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Short Battery Life With My Digital Camera?
My camera has specialized batteries, so I dont know if this helps. But I see batteries that are marked photo. Would those be any different? You also might check with a camera store.


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Peanut Butter Fudge Not Hardening?
Put it back in the pan and cook it longer. It has ALWAYS worked for me.


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Chicken Casserole with White Sauce?
My mom made a casserole after Thanksgiving that used up leftover turkey (but you could use chicken or ham). She added peas, carrots and potatoes in a white sauce (which was a thin gravy) and topped off the whole thing with canned biscuits, then baked it in...


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Indoor Birthday Party Locations?
Sometimes the local hospitals have rooms that can be rented fairly cheaply also.


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How Do I Sell My House to My Son?
In Missouri the lenders take care of all that. Have your son check with his lender.


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How to Avoid Pilling on Clothes and Sheets?
I once bought 300-thread count sheets at Bed, Bath & Beyond and they pilled badly. I took them back and got another set and the same thing happened. I took them back again and then spent about $20 for the next higher-priced sheets and they are fine. But if...


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Painting Plaster Walls?
When I was much younger (I believe I was in the 8th grade at the time), my sister and I removed wallpaper from the walls in our room. It had several layers of paper laid over plaster. What we had to do was dampen the paper and remove sometimes only a layer...


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Soundproofing the Laundry Closet?
carpet underneath the washer and dryer, and also you could use cardboard egg cartons to line the walls. Professional sound studios used to use egg cartons all the time.


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Removing Oil from Hair without Washing?
When I was little, we once used cornmeal to get the oil out. Seems like itd be easier to brush out than baby powder, but then Ive never used baby powder. We still had to brush a lot though.


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8 Year Old Is Now Afraid of Sleeping Alone?
My son slept on the floor beside my bed for a few months when he was around 6 or 7 (he might have been 8, its been a while ago), but it was something he grew out of. I was a single parent and I didnt feel comfortable letting him sleep in my bed. But every morning...


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Fried Eggplant Was Too Oily?
Sounds like the oil was a little too cool to fry in. The hotter the oil, the less that sticks to the food. Of course, the less the cooking time too.


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Uses for Doilies?
I think they would look nice placed against a piece of black velvet and framed. If they are the kind that stands up, they could be starched stiffly and placed in a box frame.


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Helping a Hurt Back?
When possible, lie on your back on the floor and do stretching exercises, i.e., raising knees to chin; laying on the floor, legs outstretched, raise one leg and try to touch the floor on the other side with the raised leg. Do not go past the point of pain. A...


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Recipes Using Citrus Fruits?
Can you take them to your local food shelter? I would imagine that they dont get a lot of fresh fruit.


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Appraising Inherited Rings?
You might take them to a jewelry store and ask about what theyre worth. Most jewelers will verbally tell you what they think. I believe an appraisal actually consists of paperwork and is therefore much more expensive. I took a ring in once to be cleaned. As...


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Attaching Pressure Gauge to Pressure Cooker?
Ive cooked with a pressure cooker many times and I do remember the recipe book saying that you can use running water to remove the pressure, but it also stated that there are some foods that need to cool on their own as this extra time is part of the cooking...


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Attaching Pressure Gauge to Pressure Cooker?
Now, after googling Innova pressure cookers, I notice that the regulator as they call it is adjustable for 5-10-15 lbs of pressure. You might want to google your brand and order exactly what came with your cooker - even though your model might be discontinued...


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Grind Coffee Beans As You Need Them
Another thing that will keep the beans fresh is to freeze them and then only pull what you need for the pot and put the beans back in the freezer.


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Gift Ideas For Father's 97th Birthday?
Light-weight blankets or lap throws are always nice as elderly people sometimes have trouble staying warm. His favorite food - especially if it is out of season is good. If he likes to read, books or crossword puzzles are good, or movies if he likes them, especially...


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Trumpet Noise Coming from My Toilet?
I think air in the pipes will make sounds when the water is turned on.


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Tile Cleaners?
The Works from Dollar General. Spray on or squirt on, let sit about 30 seconds, wipe clean!


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Help With Muscle Spasms?
See your chiropractor, also buy an ergonomic chair. This is a chair where your body weight rests on your knees, keeping your back straight. A picture can be found here: It is...


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Advice for Photo Framing With Marriage Certificate?
How large is your grouping going to be? And how large will your pics & document be? If you can give me those dimensions, I might be able to work something up for you.


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Where to Find Help for Aging Parents?
I just went through this with my Dad. It got to the point where my Mom just couldnt take care of him anymore. By the time she really needed help, it was almost impossible to find as almost every place we contacted had waiting lists. Finally, he had what he...


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Why Am I Getting Bleach Spots On Unbleached Loads?
As Mary said, you are probably splashing yourself or letting the bleach drip somewhere unnoticeable. Then the clothing comes in contact with the drip or splash and youve got ruined clothing. Its happened to me too and I wondered how in the world it was happening...


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Blue, Oily Substance In Bathtub?
You might also try The Works from Dollar General or Wal-Mart. Its pretty awesome too.


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My House is Falling Apart?
Call OACAC. They are amazing with their help for people who have lower incomes.


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Skin Is Darker Under Breasts?
If youve had rashes there before (such as heat rashes), it is probably scarring and nothing to worry about. However, you will probably want to check with your doctor for peace of mind. I have the same thing and even though Ive never mentioned it to my doctor...


Curl Relaxers For Gray Hair?
If thats the way your hair looks without hair relaxers, leave it. Its gorgeous!


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Ideas For a Mother's Day Party?
Ive been to those type services where there is a rose, prize, etc. for the mother with the most kids, oldest mother, youngest mother, etc. And its usually the same ones every year. Nothing for the rest of the mothers to look forward to at all. I think itd be...


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Dog Is Aggressive Towards My New Dogs?
We have a Jack Russell and he started acting aggressive when I have him a bone - even toward us. The vet said to not give him a bone anymore and we dont. Also, when he acts this way, he gets reprimanded good! I will not put up with a dog that thinks it runs...


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Buy Vacation Gifts At Regular Stores
Our family went to Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida for vacation one year - all on the ocean. Coming home, we realized that we had forgotten a couple of souvenir gifts, but by that time we were in Arkansas. Believe it or not, we went to a second-hand store...


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Mother's Day Cookbook
Be sure to include some of the recipes that they have written themselves. We did a cookbook fundraiser for our school when my son was small. Included with the regular recipes that were donated by everyone was a chapter written by kindergartners and first-graders...


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Attaching Mirror Pieces To Bowling Ball?
If you are wanting same-size pieces, you might take the mirror to a hardware store and have them score it for you so that it can be broken at the score marks.


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Getting Rid of Digger Wasps?
There may be some good feedback here. I had yellow jackets one summer and called an exterminator. I think it was only $30. He came out with his spray can wrapped around his waist and when he saw the number of yellow jackets, he left and went back for a truck...


Digital Camera

What's So Great About a Digital Camera?
The nice thing about digital cameras also is that you can have your files printed by a print house, but you can have them print only the files that you want. You dont need to print every file.


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Recommendations for Eureka Springs, AR?
The Crescent Hotel! Weve been to Eureka Springs many times and the best thing to do is to stay at the Crescent! It is a haunted hotel and really hyped up in the area! If you dont stay overnight there, at least visit and wander around. People do it all the time...


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Recommendations for Eureka Springs, AR?
I cant believe I did this. I posted the wrong link for the Really Good Quotes article. The correct link is: Sorry, there arent any pictures there, but on the MySpace blog there are several.


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Recommendations for Eureka Springs, AR?
I would like to know if you enjoyed Eureka Springs.


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Shelf Life Of Imitation Crab Meat?
I dont know about highly-salted fish, but fresh fish should never be kept past the third day!


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Getting A Cat To Stop Scratching Without Declawing?
There is a pet-off solution that you can buy at most pet or farm stores that one can spray on furniture. It leaves no marks. It has a scent that pets dont like. That along with taking your cat to a scratch post that has been rubbed down with catnip should do...


Adult Cat Nursing on a Male Cat?
My male helped mother our new kitten and she would try to nurse him. It eventually stopped on its own.


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Looking For Affordable, Fashionable Children's Clothing?
Lots of good ideas here, but you might call the store and ask if they need any modeling. Perhaps your daughter could model their clothing and get paid in clothes! At least it would cost anything to ask.


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Black Spots On Bathroom Tile Floor?
If its mildew, try bleach.


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Advice For Buying A Scanner?
I also have used HP, both as a computer and as a scanner. In fact we have an HP2410 now, which works very well. No problems with it at all. HPs service may not be as great as it once was, but I feel their product is good. Our scanner is an all-in-one, scanner...


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Keeping Food From Sticking To Cuisanart Pan?
Is your pan already hot when you put the egg substitute in? I was told when cooking with stainless steel, the pan has to be hot first. Be sure the pan is oiled. I notice more sticking with olive oil, so you might want to try vegetable oils. And, as you say...


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Where Would I Find A Sling Blade?
I would try garage sales and sale barns, especially sale barns, out where the farmers sell their wares.


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Help Redecorating My Living Room?
Teal or Forest Green or Hunter Green would go great, depending on the hue of burgundy. Go to some paint supply places and match the color tabs with the burgundy color of your carpet and see what you like!


Quilt on bed.

Craft: Turning Your Squares When Quilting
I found this while googling turning the squares but it doesnt look like it applies to the pictured quilt.


Rainbow Sunbeams

Scenery: Rainbow Sunbeams
You were shooting into the sun. The sun was just enough out of the frame to not overexpose your meter on your camera, but was in the corner enough to give the rays. Many cool effects can be gotten from shooting into the sun - such as sillhouettes and what you...


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Do HHO Gas Generators Work?
I dont know about scams for gullible people, but my husband has been working on a hydrogen generator for a couple of months. We ran the car on assist hydrogen for about a week. It does work in that it assists in the mileage you can get, but the challenge to...


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Retrieving Deleted Email From Outlook Express?
If you havent emptied your deleted folder, it is probably still there. If it has been emptied, then its probably gone. Have the person resend the e-mail if possible.


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Retrieving Deleted Email From Outlook Express?
Martha, where is the contact folder? What e-mail program do you use?


Scenery: Beautiful Mount Rainier
Hello Rita from Tacoma What a lovely picture! Makes me feel like I was part of it.


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Use a Bathroom Rug to Move Furniture
You can also use an old quilt or blanket - Ive done that myself.


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Edey's Fat Free Diet?
If your diet includes other healthy food - you could eat them on a diet. You just need to make sure you count them - eg, Weight Watchers - yes but count the calories, fat grams, carbs, etc., it depends on what your diet calls for.


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Identifying Real Crystal?
You can also wet the end of a finger and run it around the top edge of the glass. It will vibrate with a loud ring.


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Carpet Cleaning Solution to Control Fleas?
I used to have trouble with fleas with a cat that I had. The only way I could rid of the fleas was flea-bomb the house - I put a can in each room, the cat and I left for a couple of hours and when I came back, the fleas were gone. The thing you want to do after...


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Choosing Paint Color To Coordinate With Terra Cotta Tile?
What about something in the blues and greys? I know you said you didnt like green, but a teal might be nice also, just remember to keep the hues the same temperature.


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Can I Plant Crape Myrtles in the Summer?
Just remember that crepe myrtles are one of the latest blooming trees. I pruned one back one January after our huge ice storm and worried about whether it would bloom or not. By July it was blooming. I noticed that mine has just started to bloom and it is in...


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Advice for Making Apple Pie?
Be sure to add flour to your sugar. Place butter pats on top of the filling before adding top crust. Ive used just about every kind of apple there is for pies. Apple pie is my favorite desert and I cant tell much difference in various apples in pies.


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Losing 5 Pounds in a Week?
When you first start a diet such as Weight Watchers, you will almost definitely lose 5-6 pounds the first week - that is mostly water weight as we all know. The weeks afterwards are generally 1/2 to 2 lbs (if you keep it very low carb). If youre trying to fit...


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