
jean leiner

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15 Posts | 439 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Egg in Hole in Bread
My mother called these eggs in a nest. Try lightly buttering the browned bread again after cooking. Mmm.


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Another Use of Barbecue Tongs
I keep along pair of BBQ tongs near my washer to pull clothes out of the bottom of the washer tub. Saves my back. My granddaughter is only 49, and cannot reach the bottom of her washer to pull out wet laundry, so she keeps a pair of tongs for that use.


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Another Use of Barbecue Tongs
Another use for barbecue tongs. My granddaughter is only 4 9 tall, and she has a top loading washer. She cannot reach the bottom of it to move clothes to the dryer. I gave her a pair of barbecue tongs which hang by the washer. She uses them to remove clothes...


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Dishwasher Soap for Cleaning Pans
Place the pot in a dish pan or sink of hot water with a cup of powdered dish washer detergent dissolved in it. Let soak overnight, then use a nylon scrubby on the stains. If you cannot submerge the entire pot, do half, then repeat on other half. The el cheapo...


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Mildew Smell on Towels?
I find that my towels do not have that mildew smell if I dry them before they are put down the laundry chute to the basement. I have a small drying rack that is kept in the tub behind the shower curtain. All towels, washcloths etc. are dried on it. Then they...


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Add Veggies to Tomato Sauce
You can add any vegetable you want to spaghetti sauce. My usual choices are onions, carrots, celery, and any left over vegs. Just put in your blender with some of the sauce, and use the chop setting. Makes the pieces of vegetables small, but still nutritious...


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Keeping Feather Mattress on the Bed?
You could try getting the non-slip matting that is put under area rugs and putting it between the feather mattress and the rest of the bed.


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Removing Smoke Odor from Leather Boots?
If you put how to remove smoke smell from leather jacket in the search for answers box at the top of the page, you will find many possible methods you might use. If it works on a leather jacket, it probably would work on leather boots.


Sprouting Vegetables in Water?
I have the bottom of a garlic head in water and it is growing green shoots which I clip and use like green onions.


Sprouting Vegetables in Water?
I have the bottom of a garlic head in water and it is growing green shoots which I clip and use like green onions.


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Using Cooked Lima Beans?
Mash the beans with 1 beaten egg and about 1/2 cup bread crumbs, enough to make a thick, stiff dough. I would season with more garlic powder/salt. Use an ice cream scoop, and put on a greased/pam sprayed cookie sheet. Flatten into patties, Bake 15-20 minutes...


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Tips for Freezing Leftovers?
Try using zip lock bags, and double bagging the food. Put the first bag into the second upside down after squeezing out as much air as possible from both. I find that I have much less freezer burn when I do this. I wash and reuse all bags except those which...



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Digestive Problems for Manx Cats
We have been owned by a stumpy Manx tuxedo cat named Stumpy(obvious I know) for 16.5 years, and he has had none of the health problems sometimes associated with the breed. He is a one man cat, and will only sit on my husbands lap, althogh he comes to everyone...


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Business Name for a Water Slide Rental?
Marrobs or Robmars Cool Slide Rental Slide Into Summer with Marrobs or Robmars Rental Service/company


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Cleaning Carpet Cleaner Brushes?
Use a sharp pair of scissors, a knife or box cutter, and cut carefully around the bar between the rows of bristles. Then pull the hair and fibers loose after cutting through them. Try using a sharp knife,box cutter or scissors to cut thru the fibers and hair...


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Stains on Cloth Napkins?
I have used cloth napkins for many years since my children (now in 30s and 40s)were young. I keep one set of napkins and a coordinating tablecloth for company. The family napkins get soaked overnight in a pail of warm water and powdered dishwasher detergent...


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Getting Additional Health Insurance Coverage?
I was in the same situation you describe: full paid BCBS, good health, good longevity genes, healthy lifestyle. When I reached 65 last year, Medicare became mandatory for me, with BCBS as my secondary insurance. If you are on Social Security, you will not have...


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Flavoring Sun Tea?
I like mint sun tea. I pick fresh mint leaves, wash them, roll them in my hand to help them release more flavor, and add to the tea jar to steep. I use about 6 leaves per quart of tea. When the tea is ready, scoop out the leaves and enjoy. Have used a tea ball...


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Flavoring Sun Tea?
Sorry I did not make it clear. The quart includes 1-2 tea bags, 1 black tea, or 2 green tea, along with the mint leaves.


My Frugal Life: Vacation on a Budget
If your budget allows for a meal out, make it lunch, because dinner is more expensive, and the food is the same in the restaurant. Breakfast is the easiest meal to do on your own, and many hotels/motels provide a breakfast.


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Patterns for Dog Bandannas?
To get an idea for sizes, you could visit you local pet store and measure or at least eyeball the bandanas for sale.


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Making a Sippy Cup Bungee?
Try using shower curtain rings to tether the cup to the high chair. Make a chain of rings to use that reaches just above the floor. If the child is using the cup while mobile, he should be taught to pick it up himself. This is safer than a bungee cord, because...


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Making Your Adult Children Feel Loved?
Forwarding funny emails, leaving small gifts on their cars at work, sending e cards, always hugging when we are together, making jewelry (my hobby) for daughter, 2 granddaughters, daughter-in-law, buying cookbooks for aspiring pastry chef grandson, hiring son...


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Displaying Clothes at Yard Sale?
Could you park your car/truck and display clothes laid out on trunk and hood or hung from doors/tailgate? Display clothes on storage bins or boxes turned upside down. Do you have a playpen you could lay clothes over the sides of? A porch or deck railing you...



Gracie (Domestic Shorthair)
What a beautiful girl. How great rescue kitties are, and how kind of you to take in a dumpster kitty. Your Gracie looks just like my Christmas, born on Christmas day in 1988. She got me to adopt her by patting me on the head as I looked at kittens in a lower...


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Natural Home Remedies for Chafing?
Try putting antiperspirant on your thighs and under your breasts as well as under your arms. Using antiperspirant ends the sweating. No sweat, no chafe. I carry a travel size in my purse in case it needs renewing. I am over weight, and used to have a real problem...


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Painting Cabinets to Coordinate with "Tomato" Walls?
My kitchen counters are tomato red, with tomato red sponge painted over white walls. The cabinets are oak. What about painting yours a medium golden brown?


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Removing Cat Spray Odor from Sneakers?
Leather or fabric, the sneakers are unwearable as is. Mine are leather. Wash in the washing machine with an old towel or two, using hot water, a tablespoon of detergent, and a cup of white vinegar. Run one entire cycle. Put wet sneakers in the sun to dry. If...


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Recipes for Tart Grapes?
If you have enough grapes, you could try making a pie using a sour cherry recipe. Or you could try making a batch of jello jam. 3-5 C fruit washed and chopped 2-3 C sugar Mix well and let stand 12 hours. Bring fruit/sugar to a boil, boil 20 mins, stirring often...


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Smaller Tiles on Wall to Match Floor?
Had 8x 8 tiles put on the floor, and 4x 4 tiles put on the walls in the bathroom. Tile is pale green with dark green accents. After 10 years, we still like it. If you love the tile, go for it.


Samara (Tuxedo Cat)

Samara (Tuxedo Cat)
No picture, Would love to see Sam.


Samara (Tuxedo Cat)

Samara (Tuxedo Cat)
Thanks for the picture. Sam is pretty. She looks a lot like my tuxedo cat, Stumpy, except for the tail. Stumpy is a Manx.


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Buying a Gift for a New Grandma?
There will be lots of pictures taken of the first grandchild. How about a new camera/photo album/film/memory card etc.?


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Is It Too Late to Plant Vegetables and Flowers?
If you research length of growing season in zone 6a you find it runs from approximately 5/15-10/15. Figure out how many days are left, and you can grow things within that time frame. This information is available on seed packets, and online. Check out anything...


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Crafts Made With Wine Corks?
If you click on Womans Day Magazine wine cork Christmas tree under related links, you will find directions for a cute holiday project. I made one and am making another. We always have lots of corks because we make home made wine.


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Cheap Jewelry Cleaner
You can use white(not gel type) toothpaste as jewelry cleaner. Put a little on an old soft toothbrush, brush well and rinse with water. Do not use on pearl or opal jewelry.



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Making Curtains From Towels?
There are clip on curtain rings available at your local mart store which could be used on the towels to make curtains. When you want a change, just unclip and have usable towels. These come in gold, silver and black, and cost about $3 a package. I have used...


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Flavored Vodka?
You can make fruit flavored vodka by taking 2 pints of fruit, and clean it by destemming, washing, and mashing slightly. Place in a container with a tight lid, and pour 1 750l bottle of vodka over the fruit. Stir and the refrigerate for 2 weeks. Straiin fruit...


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Washing New Red or Black Clothing?
Wash them separately the first 2-3 times. Before washing for the first time, soak in salt water overnight. this helps set the color. Use 1/2 cup salt in a bucket of warm water.


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Adding Leg Height to Vintage Chairs?
Google chair raisers or chair risers and see the devices which fit over the legs of the chair and add inches of height.


A beautiful calico longhair laying outside on a garden patio.

Amelia (Domestic Longhair)
Adopting senior animals is a great thing to do. Amelia will come around. Your parody is funny, I currently am owned by 2 cats, Christmas, 21, and Stumpy, 17. Recently I lost Pookie, a 17.5 year old poodle, adopted when he was 9 and his owner died. When I am...


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Making Apple Jam?
Microwave apple jam 2 medium apples, peeled and cored 1.5 cups sugar 1 teaspoon lemon juice Prepared containers Mix apples with sugar in bowl. Microwave 305 mins on high until apples are tender. Beat apple/sugar mixture with electric mixer until well blended...


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Boiled Dough Cookies?
Grams Boiled Cookies 1 c flour 1 c coconut flakes 1/2 c brown sugar 1/2 c corn syrup 1 stick butter (1/2 c) 1 t vanilla Combine flour and coconut. Combine sugar, butter, corn syrup in a pot and bring to a boil over low heat, stiring constantly remove from heat...


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Making Doll House Miniatures from Recycled Materials?
Try asking for material scraps on If you have friends or relatives who sew, ask them.


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Recipe Using Stale Chocolate Cupcakes?
You could make a trifle dessert. It is a layered cake, yogurt and fruit dessert. In a bowl, layer the crumbled cup cakes, then fruit , then yogurt, then repeat layers. Refrigerate covered for at least 4-6 hrs or overnight. Make it in a clear glass bowl if possible...


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Preparing Plants To Bring Indoors?
Also in zone 5a, Buffalo,NY area. Each year before the plants come in, I check all plants fo signs of insects and remove. Repot any plants that need it. I spray them thoroughly with a detergent/water solution,(1 tsp dish det/quart water) and rinse well. Then...


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Trivet from Wine Corks?
I have made a wreath and a Christmas tree from wine corks, and all I did to prepare them was to wash/soak them in hot water and dish detergent, then rinse well, and let air dry for a couple of days. You do have to weight them down to keep them under water to...


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Making Vests With Pre-Quilted Fabric?
You could use wide bias tape, grosgrain ribbon or even blanket binding to cover the raw edges. End and begin at the side seamm with a short overlap with the top tapes raw edge turned under. The inside seams can be trimmed with pinking shears, zig zag stitched...


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5th Grade Assignment: Build Simple Machine?
Google simple machines, and look for a site caslled It gives a simple explanation and pictures of simple machines.


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Converting a T-shirt into Other Apparel?
If the tee is large enough to fit around your hips, it can become a skirt. If the neck does not stretch enough, cut it on both sides along the shoulder seams until it does. Reinforce both ends of the cut with hand stitching so it wont rip. If short sleeved...


What Breed is My Dog?
Looks like a dog belonging to a friend, a Bassador (half Basset Hound and half Labrador Retriever). Spot is the same color.


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Buying an Old-fashioned Dust Mop?
If you have Dollar Tree Stores near you, look there. Dust mops are available in the one in my area.


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Comforter Too Narrow for Bed?
What size is the bed? If any size smaller than king, get a coordinating flat sheet on/two sizes larger, and center the comforter on it, aligned at the top. If you sew, you can attach it all the way around. Or just do this each time you make the bed. If you...


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Cleaning Up Baby Powder Residue on Floors?
I use powder in the bathtub, with the shower curtain drawn, and with the bathroom door closed, and dont have much residue anywhere else in the house. I find it easier to clean one room. Most of the excess powder is in the tub and can be washed down the drain...


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Converting Cooking Time from Slow Cooker to Oven?
I googled converting slow cooker time to oven time, and on eHows website found that you divide the low slow cooker time by 4 to get oven time, and you divide the high slow cooker time by 2 to get oven time. The oven should be set at 325 degrees. Ex: 8 hrs low...


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Craft Ideas for Small Plastic Communion Cups?
You could cut a cardboard wreath shape, have the children decorate the clear cups with markers or paint, and glue the decorated cups to the cardboard wreath shape. The cups could be used to make a checkers/chess/tic tac toe set by coloring/labeling the cups...


When Should You Neuter a Dog?
The sooner, the better. I had a female Lab spayed at 6 months, and she lived to 14.5, a good age for a big dog. The vet said her good health and longevity was partially due to this. I adopted a 9 year old male toy poodle, unneutered, and had him neutered. He...


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Cleaning Body Oil Stains on Leather Jacket?
You could sprinkle baby powder or baking soda on the collar, let set over night, and brush well. Repeat if necessary. This works on suede or smooth finish leather. I have done this to get a salad dressing stain of a suede skirt. If it is smooth finish leather...


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Cleaning Body Oil Stains on Leather Jacket?
Cornstarch can also be used for this method.


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Leather Suite Cleaning?
You could try baby wipes if they are available in the UK. They are packaged wipes made for cleaning a baby during a diaper change.


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When Is the Groom's Cake Served?
The grooms cake can be served at the rehearsal dinner or at the reception.


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Keeping Dogs Out of the Inside Trash?
Try using a bungee cord to hold the lid on. Or get one of those decorative wooden trash containers that you put a removable trash can inside. These come with heavy lids. Or get a small trash container with a lid and keep it on the counter. Empty as needed into...


What Breed is My Cat?
Since those look like tabby stripes in the gray parts of her coat, I think you have a Domestic Shorthair gray and white tabby. Whatever she is, she is a pretty cat. Enjoy being owned by her.


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Name Ideas for a Costume Contest?
Hula Heroes Hula Hotties Beach combers Sufing Studs


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Delicate Necklaces Tangle When Worn Together?
Do you want them to stay untangled while wearing them? If the chains are different lengths, try crossing the two necklaces, and fastening the clasp of one to the ring of the other.


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Removing Black Price Marks from Goodwill Items?
If the item can get wet without harm, like dishes, I soak it in warm water and dish washing liquid, then scrub with a nylon scrubby. Works on china, ceramics and glass.


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Rescue Group Needs Ideas for Toys?
My cats enjoy pouncing on and wrestling with a spider. It is just a bunch of fleece strips about 1/2 inch wide and about 12 inches long tied together at the center 2-3 time. A fleece remnant would make a few inexpensively.


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Creamed Green Bean Recipe?
I googled creamed green beans recipes, and found many recipes. If you read through them, you may find what you are looking for.


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Making Lolly Jewelry?
If lollies are a soft candy, there are directions for making jewelry from them on the web. Google making gummy candy jewelry to find them.


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Aluminum Can Airplanes?
If you gogle aluminum can airplanes, you will find sites with directions for making them.


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Cleaning Hair Bows?
Using Clorox would depend on the material the bows are made of. Can you take a small sample of the material from the bows and try the Clorox on that? If it works, go ahead. If you are talking about plain ribbons that you tie, they are hand washable/air dry...


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Removing Dusty/Musty Odor from Dry Clean Only Jackets?
1. Fabric refresher spray used on the lining 2. Tumble in the dryer with dryer sheets on lowest heat or air settings. 3. Hang outside to air for several days. 4. Hang in a garment bag with with a container of charcoal, coffee grounds or baking soda in the bottom...


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Repairing a Hole in Duvet Cover?
More information is needed before advice can be given. Where is the hole? How large is it? What material is the cover made of?


Plastic heart garland.

Craft: Recycled Heart Garland
For those of us who do not crochet, use yarn or baby ribbon, knotted on either side of the holes. And how about shapes for other holidays? Any simple shape would work- shamrocks, bells, stars, eggs, pumpkins, witch hats etc. They could have designs drawn on...


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Shopping for a Quality Recliner?
I have owned La-Z-Boy recliners for the last 30 years. Have 2 rocker recliners with the swivel bases, and they work well. If your local dealer has 2 for 1 price sales, that is the best price for them. If you want 1 chair, find a friend who also wants a chair...


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Looking for Barbie Shoes?
There is a site called Doll Clothes Super Store which has lots of Barbie shoes at 75 cents a pair. I googled where to buy Barbie shoes and found a lot of sites.


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Keeping Water Hot in a Flask?
Fill the flask with the hottest water you can to preheat it. Then fill with the boiling water you are trying to keep hot. This may sound redundant, but preheating the flask makes it keep things hot longer. Save the preheating water for preheating again, or...


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Incubation Time for Finch Eggs?
I googled it, and found 11-14 days.


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Methods for Cutting Baking Time?
One way to decrease baking time is to increase the surface area of the food. Cupcakes bake faster than cakes, tarts than pies, chicken pieces than whole chickens. Bake casseroles in a 9x13 pan, not a casserole dish. If the food has to be in a certain form, increase...


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Jewelry Making and Beading Projects for Beginners?
There is a site called which has a Learning Center which gives instructions for many techniques, as well as project ideas. They also sell beads, and they always have free shipping.


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Inexpensive Vegetarian Recipes?
Cabbage fry up-feeds 2 as entree 1/2 head cabbage cut in narrow ribbons 2 onions cut in half then in half rings 2 potatoes cut julienne 2-5 (to taste) cloves of chopped garlic enough vegetable or olive oil to cover the bottom of your skillet 2 pats (about 2...


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Inexpensive Vegetarian Recipes?
Put oatmeal patties in the Thriftyfun search window to get a good meat substitute recipe.


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Altering Writing on a Glass Ornament?
Could you paint the entire area where the date is gold, and then put 2010 in black or some other color that coordinates with the ornament?


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Buying Clothes Online?
If you buy clothes from QVC or Homeshopping Network, they have size charts with measurements on them.


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Making Jewelry from China Dishes?
You may want to consider wire wrapping your china pieces if you arent able to drill holes after you cut your pieces with a jewelry saw.


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Cleaning Cat Urine Out of Leather ?
If you feel the purse is ruined, try washing it in the washer on the gentle cycle in warm water and Woolite or other gentle detergent. Stuff the wet purse with plastic bags, and let air dry away from heat. You can then recondition the leathwer and/or polish...


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Finding Free Water Garden Plants? is a site where you can give and get things for free. If you join it, you can post wanteds and ask for plants. Check it out.


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Choosing Best Flooring for a Kitchen?
You may want to consider laminate flooring if you want a wood look type floor. I have had Pergo flooring in my kitchen for 8+ years and it has held up well. It cleans up with vinegar water.


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Painting a Wall Two Different Colors?
If you want the ceiling to look higher, light on top, and vice versa. If either color is close to or matches the floor color, put that one on the bottom because it will make the room look bigger.


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Company Names for a Design Business?
Designitall Service DesigninCalvin


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Easter Gift Basket for Husband Who Loves Books, Video Games, and Cooking?
If you have DollarTree stores in your area, go and get kitchen tools, towels, pot holders etc, that you do not have, recipe/cookbooks, and DVDs of old movies or tv shows. $10 will fill a nice basket and you can buy the basket there too.


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Removing Ink From Your Hands?
Try scrubbing your hands with white toothpaste and a nail brush. Works for me.


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What Color Countertops Should I Get?
I googled quartz countertops and found a number with blue samples. You could check them out, find something you like, find out where they are available in your area, and go look.


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Name Ideas for Homemade Pet Treats Business?
puppernickel K9 treats dog cuisine by Millie doggie donuts(round treats)


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Looking for Unique Inexpensive Reception Venue in NY, NJ or PA?
Try historic sites and homes open to the public. They may let you hold a function on the premises. I attended a wedding in the Johnson family home historic site in Austin, Texas that was very memorable.


Puppies From Mini Dachshund and Doxie Pom?
While there is no way to tell for sure before their birth, with 3/4 of the genes coming from dachshunds, they shouild favor doxy over pom.


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Name Ideas for a Custom Card Business?
Cardemma Emcards/EmCards Photo Greetings by Emma Emmas Custom Cards/Emmas Custom Photo Cards Emmas Camera Cards Custom Camera Cards


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Removing Urine Stains on Tile Floor?
Try soaking a rag in white vinegar, and putting it on the stains to soak for several hours or overnight, rewetting the rag if needed. Then wipe clean. This has worked for me. Apparently acetic acid is stronger than uric acid. Kaboom bathroom cleaner( the one...


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Craft Ideas Using Baby Formula Scoops?
Stuff with some fabric scraps or Styrofoam cut to fit, cover with a piece of fabric glued on, and have a mini pin cushion for diaper or sewing pins. Make holes in the handles of several, and string on a ribbon or key chain to make a rattle type toy. Make a...


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Quick and Easy Skillet Dinner?
1/2 head green cabbage, cut in thin slices 1 large onion, cut in thin slices 1/2 polish sausage from loop type package sliced in rounds, or 1/2 pound bulk sausage any flavor, or 1/2 pound ground beef 4 T butter(1/2 stick) 4 T olive or vegetable oil 1 electric...


What is This Plant?
If the leaves are thick and fleshy like a jade tree, it looks like you have a kalanchoe or shrimp plant. I dont know why it flowers so infrequently.


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Silicone Temporary Wrinkle Fillers?
The cosmetic you are talking about is called a mattifying gel. One brand is All Right Mattifying Gel which sells for $12 at Kohls stores. I read about this on pg 11 of the May 3rd issue of Womens World Magazine


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Recipe for a Small One Layer Cake?
You can make half a cake mix and put the rest of the mix in the freezer for later use. For a Pillsbury Supreme cake Mix for example, I use 1/2 cup water, 1 large egg, and 1/4 cup oil or apple sauce, and bake in an 8x8 or small loaf pan.


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Name and Slogan for Cleaning Business?
Southern Comfort. We make your home comfortable and clean.


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How Do I Make Beads from Plum Seeds?
I googled how to make beads from plum pits, and found a site wth directions.


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Do You Have the 70s Weight Watchers Yogurt Bread Dough Recipe?
WW Yogurt Bread 1 C white flour 1 C wheat flour 2 beaten eggs 1 C yogurt 1 t baking powder 1/2 t baking soda 1/2 t salt 1/3 C honey 1/4 C melted butter Put all dry ingredients in a bowl. Mix all liquid ingedients in another bowl. Stir into dry ing. until just...


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How Do I Make a Plus Size Water Resistant Apron?
Use a flannel backed vinyl tablecloth as the fabric to cut out your apron pattern. It wont ravel, so the only sewing involved would be the attaching of the ties, Buy one at a dollar store, and cut out your pattern with pinking shears. Theyre available in lots...


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Jewelry Made Out of Game Pieces?
If the tile or domino is made of wood, there are tiny screw in eyes that you can use. Start a hole with an awl or ice pick, and then screw in manually. These are available in craft and hardware stores.


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Decorating Fence Posts for a Wedding?
Most stores that sell gift wrap sell premade gift bows which attach with adhesive patches to the gift. I have seen some quite large (6 or so across) and these could be put on the post, and streamers attached, using thumbtacks or a stapler or staple gun.


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How Do I Clean My Mr. Coffee?
Wipe the outside throughly with a 1/3 vinegar and 2/3 water solution. Run a 1/2 cup of vinegar in a normal size pot of water through the makers cycle, then run a cycle of plain water to rinse the innards. If pot is very dirty, repeat.


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Keeping Dog From Chewing Through Fence and Escaping?
When my lab mix did this, we set up a dog cable run in our yard. It was far enough from the fence that she couldnt get to it, and was attached to the house near the back door at one end, and to a tree at the other end. All I had to do was open the back door...


Name Ideas for a Carnivorous Plant Club?
Carniflowers Vegabites Bug Biters Trappist Plants


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Keeping Cats from Getting Under the House?
If you can get under the house to access the backs of the vents, attach window screening from the hardware store.


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Color Ideas for Nook Upholstery in Burgundy and White Kitchen?
Prints hide dirt the best. What about a print with some burgundy, white and other medium to dark colors? Or burgundy stripes? I have seen burgundy/white checked material too. If you dont want burgundy, what about blue, maybe royal blue or a blue print.


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Name Ideas for Desktop Publishing and Graphic Design Business?
Write It Right Designet Designitall Victorian Design


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Dyeing White Hair Salt and Pepper?
Could you get highlights of color on your white hair so it looks naturally colored and white mixed? If you try it, use temporary hair coloring, or go to a salon at least for the first time. You could also try streaking if the colors go with your coloring and...


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What is the Best Way to Crush Sea Shells?
Unless the shells are very thick, use a rolling pin to crush the shells. The pieces will be more uniform. If you put them in a plastic bag or between two towels, the dust and small pieces will not fly all over


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School Project: Making a Garden Party Hat?
Try gluing or otherwise attaching fake vegetables or fruit to the hat base. Toy food/fake vegs and fruit from the dollar store on a straw hat or baseball cap would be different since most everyone will use flowers.


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Late Night Light Dinner Ideas?
If you own a crock pot. you can make many different meals. Put the meal together in the morning. let it cook while you are at work. and come home to a hot meal. There are many recipe sites for crock pots, and some of them let you adjust the number of servings...


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How Can I Tell if I Have a Flea Problem Indoors?
Put a shallow pan (like a pie tin) with about 1/2 inch of water in it under a night light in the dark. If you have fleas inside the pan next morning, you can take action.


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Storing a Rolled Up Rug?
Stores keep rugs this way all the time, so it should work for you. Make sure the rug is clean, rolled and tied securely, and that it sits on a dry clean surface. You may want to try to get a long roll/pole from a carpet places discards for this.


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Name Ideas for a Cleaning and Painting Business?
BrushNScrub RollerClean Transformations


Black lab looking puppy.

What Breed is My Puppy?
She looks like my dog, Ma Barker, a lab mix.


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Cleaning Burned Milk Out of Tea Kettle?
Try boiling a solution of powdered dishwasher detergent and water in the kettle for 10 minutes, then use a bottle brush to scrub as much as possible. Repeat if needed.


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Pitting Cherries Without a Pitter?
My husband makes home made wine. Last summer we pitted 15 pounds of cherries for it without a cherry pitter. We used a ball point pen with the ink refill removed. The pen shell was sterilized in alcohol. Place the pen point end in the stem area of the cherry...


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