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2 Posts | 221 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Are You Prepared for a Power Outage?

Are You Prepared for a Power Outage?
One thing that I added to my emergency kit here at home is a flower pot heater. It wont really heat a large room, Im sure. Thankfully havent had to use it for that yet! But I have tried it and it definitely gives off a lot of heat, enough to warm a small area...


Are You Prepared for a Power Outage?

Are You Prepared for a Power Outage?
Oh, good. Now I see the picture. It will give you an idea of what I am talking about, but google it, you will find lots of information.


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Cutting Your Kids Hair?
I am amazed at how much info is on YouTube. Try putting cutting hair in the search box, refine the search for bangs boys long whatever. You can get some good tips there.


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Laundry Basket Planters
The pictures of the ideas are on her website They are From Emily


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Looking for Healthy Oatmeal Recipes?
I make scrapple with oatmeal. You can find many different recipes for scrapple online. You fry it, can be for any meal.


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Wrapping Your Hot Water Heater?
I thought what a great idea, wrapping the pipes instead of using a blanket. But the more I thought about it, I dont think I will bother. There are only about 10 or 12 inches of my pipes exposed and I really doubt insulating those few inches will make a difference...


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Poll: Have you purchased an HDTV?
No. Im still using an CRT TV, will keep it as long as it works! I dont seem to watch a lot of TV anymore and even if I did, HDTV is not something Id have to have.


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Shake Clothing Before Drying
I dont bother to shake anything. Figure they get enough shaking during the bouncing around in the dryer. Everything comes out fine. Ive heard if you add a clean tennis ball to the load, it helps to get things softer and more wrinkle-free. I havent tried it...


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Deleting Your Name From Telemarketers Lists?
Unfortunately, political and charity calls are not blocked.


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Vinegar for Pet Stains
Vinegar will NOT attract your pet to the same spot. You are probably thinking ammonia.


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Flashlights that Don't Require Batteries
I bought a crank flashlight and a crank radio, for emergencies. After a few uses, they no longer hold a charge. The light will stay on as long as I crank, but goes out as soon as I quit. The radio has a crank and a solar charging panel. Same problem. I dont...


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Preventing Bladder Infections?
My doctor told me to totally empty the bladder each time I go. I pee until Im finished but then wait just 15 seconds or so, and then I can pee a bit more. I saw a couple suggestions here that are somewhat similar. It works for me.



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Make Canned Soup More Hearty
I like to add my own touches to some of the soups too. As for the Chicken Noodle soup, I always get the Double Noodle soup.


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Map Garage Sale Routes
I dont trust MapQuest either, too many errors. RandMcNally suits me better. I do use GoogleMaps now and then, love their satellite views and street views.


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Problems Running Internet Explorer?
I use Chrome instead of IE. I find I have FAR fewer problems with Chrome and I really like how fast it is. Google Chrome and you can get a free download of it.


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Swap Out Incandescent Bulbs With Compact Fluorescent
Only the 100 watt incandescent bulbs are going away at the end of the year. We will still be able to buy other wattages for a few more years. I dont care for CFLs at all.


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Boil Drip Pans To Get Them Clean
I am going to try this boiling method. Ive ruined many drip pans by using an SOS pad on them.... the finish comes off and then the drip pan rusts. Lately Ive been using oven cleaner. Spray the drip pans, close them in a plastic grocery bag over night and they...


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Grocery Shop At Dollar Stores First
I was glad to see the editors note about the botulism. I always check the country that the products are from, especially in the Dollar stores and Walmart. I dont want to eat crab or fruit that is not up to FDA standards. Same with tilapia; I love it but if...


A pickpocket stealing a wallet out of a purse.

Keep Your Purse Safe When Dining Out
Here is a video of another sneaky trick to get a purse! Ive taken to carrying only credit cards and drivers license in a change purse, that is big enough to hold my keys, in a pocket.


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Teriyaki Flavored Beef and Noodles
Me either! Thanks for info.


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A&D Ointment As Night Cream
I love A&D too. Im of a certain age and it is great on my face; whether to smooth crows feet or to dab on a zit, to aid in faster healing. Elbows, heels, scrapes, little owies all seem to benefit from A&D.


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Ultimate Earring Organizer!
What a good idea. A few years ago, I bought a round plastic canvas for yarn needlepoint and hung it up with a ribbon. I keep my earrings on it.


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Keep Track of Website Information
It is my impression that the lady was keeping track of sites to visit that she heard of while listening to the radio or watching tv. She may very well have put the sites in her favorites or bookmark them when she had a chance to sit down at her computer. I...


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Best Slug Repellent Ever
I couldnt do that. I think slugs are gross and dont like them at all but... this method just goes against the grain for me.



Spiders made from plastic bags for your yard.

Yard Spiders
Good idea! Very creative. They would definitely give ME nightmares ;-)


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Use Post-Its For Bookmarks
I like to use greeting cards. I cut out a flower or some cute aspect of the card and use that. Sometimes I use a hole punch to make a place to tie a scrap of ribbon or yarn. I just made several book marks from Xmas cards. They are a nice reminder of the person...


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Date Christmas Cake
Your cakes sounds wonderful. Im not too fond of pineapple so might substitute golden raisins. Thanks for posting the recipe.


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Getting More POP Out of Your Popcorn
Moisture in the pop corn kernel is what causes the corn to pop. I buy a large bag and store it in a jar and from time to time drop in a damp papertowel to add moisture to the kernels and take it out the next day. Of course, you dont want to overdo it... youd...


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Getting More POP Out of Your Popcorn Here is an article about the moisture required in popcorn. Maybe it depends where you live if adding moisture is a good idea or not.


Crocheted Christmas Card Ornaments

Crocheted Recycled Christmas Cards
They would make nice bookmarks too. I think I might enclose one in Christmas cards that I send to my reader friends, maybe with an extra stamp? Other old cards could be dressed up as bookmarks to enclose in a birthday card. I just bought some crochet thread...


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Packing Peanuts in Net Bags for Plant Containers
Excellent idea! Maybe panty hose legs could be used as an alternative to the onion bag. Ive heard of using empty pop cans as a filler too.


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Use Sandbox Sand in the Garden
Adding some sand to clay soil turns it to concrete basically, so it really depends on your soil type if it is a good idea. If you add enough sand, it will lighten clay soil, but adding small amounts doesnt help at all.


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Stopping Scam Phone Calls?
My land line phone service provider is Comcast. I was getting many calls that I did not want. Comcast offers a call logging and a call blocking service. I dont have caller ID so the call logging gave me the phone numbers of all the calls that I receive and...


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Use an Indoor Clothes Line
I live in an apartment and even tho I have a patio and a place to put a clothes line, we are not allowed to. Many home owners associations will not allow outdoor clothes lines. I believe the reasoning is that having clothes hanging out of doors is un-attractive...


Bunny gingerbread house.

Easter Gingerbread House
Just darling! I love it. You are so creative.


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Walking with Heel Spurs?
I did stretching exercises and it worked wonders. I can walk now with no pain at all.



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Keeping Cats Off Window Screens?
Why cant she come in? Maybe you should find a loving home for her.


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Make an Extension Cord Keeper
If you cant figure out how to use the paint roller for a winder, you can always do this.


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Use Baking Soda for Coffee and Tea Cups
I keep baking soda in a cheese shaker I got at the Dollar store at my kitchen sink. I use the soda to wash fruits or veggies, or my hands if the soap needs a boost. I even sprinkle some in my dishpan to make the water softer if I am doing dishes by hand. I...


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Pyracantha Shrubs Not Producing Berries?
I wonder if you are pruning them off. These plants will flower (small, not very showy) during the summer and then the berries form for the fall. I think the best time to prune, therefore, would be after the berries, but before the buds form for blooming.


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Squirrels Eating Flowers?
I used to think squirrels were such cute little things and fed them too.... Ive discovered, like you, that they are pests and destructive to my flowers. I dont have an answer to the problem but hope someone else does! I have a cat but he doesnt seem to deter...


Backyard Campfires

Backyard Campfires
I agree, runuts. I have a neighbor that as soon as we get good weather and we can open our windows for the fresh Spring air, he starts his back yard burning of broken, removed tree branches. It really aggravates my asthma, breathing the smoke, so I have to...


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Keep Lemon Wedges in the Freezer
So simple, but I never would have come up with this great idea! Ill be looking for a sale on lemons. thanks


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Better-Than-Sex Cake
Dr R, your comment is not cute or funny at all. Its had to imagine a doctor with so many specialties would have time or inclination to browse and comment on a cake recipe.


Paper or plastic bag when shopping?

Paper Or Plastic Bags?
I reuse the plastic bags for garbage too, but have noticed that the bags are getting thinner and thinner, especially at Fred Meyers. By the time I get home, there are holes in every one of them and then they arent good for wet garbage. I think stores are trying...


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Buying Internet Explorer 8?
Yes, I think the heat is getting to you. I know I am so tired of it. Windows 7 is on the shelves now but Internet Explorer 8 is not the same thing, just a new version of IE, can be used on Windows XP or Vista.


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Set Up Pup Pool for Summer Heat
chef4u, you are a nice person! It hurts me too to see pets suffering in the heat, or the cold. If you have pets, please treat them kindly. If you dont have the time or patience or space for a pet, dont get one.


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Does Sweating Cause Acne?
I sweat profusely too and my neck would break out where the sweat trickled down. I got in the habit of wiping my neck with a alcohol soaked cotton ball, and no more problem.


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Emergency Preparedness?
This is very interesting and Im wondering if I need more, too. I bought a crank radio and a crank flashlight, thought no batteries sounded good, but am disappointed in them both; they no longer hold charges. I have candles and space blankets, can opener, hand...


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Creamed Dill Potatoes
I think bullfrogcorner is being nit picky about when to add the cream. Obviously before baking but beyond that, it probably doesnt much matter. And fyi.... Mock Apple Pie does not have applesauce in it.


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Use Sink to Mix Caramel Corn
This is a fine example of why I never eat home-made treats. You never know if the cats are wandering on the kitchen counters or if the children are helping without washing their hands.


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Replacement for Ironing Board Pad?
And maybe add a sheet of foil on top of the towels or blanket to reflect the heat of the iron. Im going to try that the next time I change my ironing board cover. I saw several tips regarding that here at TF.


Refrigerator Caddy

Refrigerator Caddy
It looks like it goes over the top of the fridge and hangs down on both sides, not on the door of the fridge. You probably would have to hang sort of equal weight items on both sides so it wouldnt slide down one side or the other. Maybe some type of strong...


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Keeping Pets Out of Cupboards
My kitty gets into the cupboards too. Im glad to know I dont have the only cat burglar. lol


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Retro Aluminum Tumblers?
I think pop cans and beer cans are aluminum... must be safe.


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I Saw a White Deer?
Yes, I believe you. I live in Oregon and there is one here that was adopted by a family and there was a big to-do about it. I remember reading about one near Minn, I think, too. You could no doubt google it.


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Keep a Phone Book in the Car
Heres a number worth putting in your cell phone, or your home phone speed dial: 1-800-goog411 or 1-800-466-4411. This is an awesome service from Google, and its free -- great when you are on the road. Dont waste your money on information calls and dont waste...


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Building Trust in Abused Cat?
I think you are wonderful for even trying. He is so lucky to have found a loving home. I dont have any suggestions, and have a somewhat similar situation with my cat. He was at a shelter for 6 months when I got him and is very shy, doesnt enjoy being petted...


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Use Netflix for DVDs
For me, Redbox is the way to go. There are not a lot of movies that I actually want to see so I rent only a few a month. Plus I reserve the video I want online. It does annoy me to wait in line while people browse through all the videos. Browsing and reserving...


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Make Your Own Thermal Drapes
I like this idea too! Will be trying it this weekend. We are having a really cold spell here in the Northwest! Ill be prepared for the next one.


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Blackberry Pie with Heavy Cream?
I found this on the web: Blackberry Cream Pie Pastry for 9-inch one crust pie 4 cups blackberries, fresh or frozen* 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1/3 cup sugar 4 tablespoon all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup heavy cream** * If using...


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Coat Cannot Be Washed or Dry Cleaned?
Cyinda, Those sanitizers at grocery stores are not free. Everyone of us pay for those as part of the cost of running the store. I for one do not want to pay for sanitizers to clean your coat.


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Dog Is Peeing In Front of Doggie Door?
Poor dog, left alone when you work a lot. Why do you even have a dog if you cant be there with it? The foster care friend should have told you the dog doesnt need more training, it needs a family.


Snow on sequoias.

Scenery: Snowy Sequoias (Hillsboro, OR)
Just gorgeous! The snow falling really makes it special. I hope it is ok if I save a copy to use as background on my desktop.


Snow on sequoias.

Scenery: Snowy Sequoias (Hillsboro, OR)
Ooh, even nicer! Thanks, I will use this new one for my desktop.


Power Strip With Many Cords Plugged In

Pull the Plug on Electrical Costs
Beth, I can relate! So true about the mercury. Im glad Im not the only one wondering what the heck is going on. Who comes up with these ideas and then forces them onto us? Ive read that in the UK, its just as bad re: CFLs being required.


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Throat Cream for "Necklace" Lines?
I was pretty sure that age lines were what you meant! I had never heard them called that before but it is a good description. The older we get, the more necklaces we But to get back to your question, no, I dont have any good suggestions. Maybe a...


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Fat Free Pumpkin Spice Cake
I think it was originally a Weight Watchers recipe. I usually add about 1/4 cup of water just to make mixing it easier and then some nuts for protein. Craisins might be good too. Ive used a lot of different flavored cake mixes. If I use a yellow cake mix, I...


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Fat Free Pumpkin Spice Cake
I dont have a can to check right now, but it is 15 or 16 oz. approx 2 cups.


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Product Review: Curel Itch Defense Lotion
Carol in PA. Is it Gold Bold or do you mean Gold Bond lotion?


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Grammar Tip: "Than" vs "Then"
where you at? makes me cringe!


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Dryer Lint for Bird Nests
We sort of got off topic here, but I was glad to see the information about the onion/net bags for birds. I had been thinking of using them but will scratch that idea. I dont think my dryer lint would be very good for birds as I do like to use fabric softener...


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How Many Ounces in a Can of Hershey's Chocolate Syrup?
Kaelle, 1 cup is 8 ounces, so 1 1/2 is 12 ounces.


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Giving a Cat Medication
What a great idea. Im going to try it next time my kitty needs meds. Thank you!


Crochet slippers.

Crocheted Slippers
Super cute! You are so creative!


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Oven Steak Fries Recipe?
JO JO POTATOES: 1/3 c flour 1/3 c. Parmesan cheese 1 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. paprika 1/3 c. butter 6-8 potatoes, washed well and quartered lengthwise Shake first four ingredients in a plastic bag. Add potatoes and shake to coat. Melt butter in a 9 x 13 inch Pyrex...


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Hiding Furniture Imperfections and Upholstery Damage
Painting wont cover the cat scatching damage, I dont think. I have a kitty that uses my couch as a scratching post. I cant seem to break her of the habit and would not dream of cutting the ends of her fingers off to de-claw her. So as far as covering the furniture...


Mirror Pin

Mirror Pin
I just love this! Im going to try making one, hope it turns out as fantastic as yours.


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My Mother's Gingerbread
Doris, I dont care for gingerbread either but my philosophy is If you cant say something nice, dont say anything at all. I suppose I am breaking my own rule by posting this! I probably should just ignored your cranky comment lol


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Use Cereal Liners in the Kitchen
Kerredur, your snowflakes are gorgeous! I wish I could crochet like that.


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What is Cutting Off the Blooms of My Iris?
Today I found one of my stems just as you described, had some last year as well. I googled and all I could find that fit was a gopher, but I think it is an insect of some kind. I see no other signs of a gopher. An Iris borer was mentioned in the article I read...


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Sterilize Toothbrushes in the Dish Washer
I prefer to soak mine in hydrogen peroxide for a little while. I suppose vinegar or even mouthwash would work.


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Acronyms Make Learning Easier
I think the geography one was Georges eldest oldest grandson rode a pig home yesterday. The planets are Marys Mercury Violet Venus Eyes Earth Make Mars John Jupiter Stay Saturn Up Uranus Nights Neptune Proposing Pluto But are we still counting Pluto as a planet...


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Cook With Coconut Oil
Flintmoonwitch, maybe canola oil is similar to baby oil, haha, just joking. Actually it is a word made up: CAnadian Oil, Low Acid...CANOLA.


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Deadheading Lilies?
This shows exactly how to do it :-)


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Sunshine and Mood?
I love cool grey days! And a good heavy rain every few days is heaven.


finished pearl brooch

Lacy Vintage Brooch
Wow, I love it! Your bag is great too.


Green Savings and Losses

Green Savings and Losses
I totally agree, zoodad. CFLs are not the answer. Ive read that incandescents are being banned in the UK, and will be here, starting in a year or two. I am stockpiling a few extra incandescents so I can put off switching to CFLs as long as possible. Im anxiously...


Display Rock Collection In Garden

Display Rock Collection In Garden
Really pretty garden! I collect agates too.


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Loaning Money to Relatives
Id get really upset if a loan werent repaid. I have loaned an item or two, and gotten them back damaged. So knowing myself. my policy now is either to GIVE an item or Neither a borrower nor a lender be. It just saves me so much stress.


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Keeping Flies Away from Your Horse?
Ive just gotten the email about WD-40 too but dont believe it! I checked Snopes and WD-40 is not fish oil and is not harmless. Please do not apply to cows or horses or any living thing.


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Can I Bread Cucumbers Before Freezing?
Figger, what website? Kathy, what do you do with breaded cucumbers? Just curious.


What Breed is My Dog?
To me, he looks like General Pattons dog, a bull terrier.


Rice Spiderweb

Rice Spiderweb
That is so cute. I think the blue paper gave me the idea of making a snowflake for winter.


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Moisten String Used to Tie Packages
I live in an apartment too and have limited space. I save boxes that I receive in the mail by taking them apart. That way they are flat and take very little room. A couple of strips of tape and they are good as new.


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How Do I Keep the Shower Curtain From Blowing in and Sticking to Me?
I noticed that someone mentioned buying a heavy duty shower curtain. That works for me too. Buying one of the really lightweight shower curtains like from Dollar Tree just isnt worth it to me, too much aggravation as you are experiencing. Spending more for...


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Smoke Detector Problem?
Thanks Elaine, for your wonderful sense of humor and good advice!


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Homemade Windshield Washer Fluid?
Be sure to clean the wiper blades themselves to get a nice clean windshield.


Crochet edged card.

Crocheted Edge Valentine Card
Very pretty! Im going to try it. You are so creative.


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What Are Some Meal Ideas for Someone With Diabetes?
Willie, there are lots of diabetes websites that will give you meal plans and list good foods for diabetics and the bad foods. As for going to a diabetes class or to see a dietitian, I cant afford this, having no health insurance. I cant find free classes in...


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Label Tops of Electric Plugs
I dont think you get it, Syntoniser. A spot of bright nail polish or white-out is easier to see than looking at the prong.... especially in the semi-dark. A quick glance, even without my glasses, is all Id need. Some of the alternative ideas are great too. I...


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Chinese Style Fried Rice
Yum, sounds delish! I used to make something very similar. I think it is time to make it again. And shaywood... it is Chinese STYLE fried rice.


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Uninstalling Internet Explorer 9?
Have you tried Firefox? It is free and I really like it.


Orange tabby laying on grass

Gunter (Orange Tabby)
Im so glad he found you!


Garage Sale sign laying over top of a black keyboard

Getting the Best Profit for Your Items
Maybe a consignment shop would be your best bet.


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Clean Veggies With Water and Vinegar
Ive been using vinegar for washing fruits/vegetables lately too. I use baking soda to scrub things like cukes, potatoes that I dont peel, apples etc.


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Baby Shampoo For Makeup Remover
I have dry eye syndrome and my eye doctor recommended baby shampoo for scrubbing my eye lids right at the lash line, to keep the oil glands there from clogging. The oil helps eyes stay moisturized and if they get clogged, eyes feel dry.


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Peeling a Banana?
Mrs. Story is mistaken. The stem (where fruit is attached to bunch) is lower than the fruit itself, unlike apples, pears, etc.


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Apply Deodorant In Sweaty Areas
Im not sure what Ace is saying. As far as I know, cornstarch is a no no for yeast infections. And do you mean antiperspirant when you say deodorant? Are you applying it to keep drier or to prevent odor?


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My Frugal Life: Shop Smart
Wow, prices are good at YOUR Goodwill. Not so much here in Oregon. Items have gone up so much in price that I dont shop there a lot anymore.


Silk Poinsettia Petals Step 4

Poinsettia Pillow
Wow, I love that! You are so clever. I cant wait to try it myself. Thank you for the great idea.


Litterbox in the basement inside a dog crate.

Where to Keep the Litter Box?
I agree with CS7 about not having food and litter box so close. I know I wouldnt want to eat in my bathroom. ;-) I put my kittys litter box in a small linen closet that is right next to the bathroom. I removed the door and hung a curtain (with a tension rod...


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Unruly Eyebrows?
Good question, Betty! Im having problems too. Sometimes I snip off the ends, sometimes I pluck a white one out. Im afraid Ill end up with NO eyebrows soon ;-)


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Finding Land for Off-The-Grid Living?
I know of a great place in Oregon. Would you be interested in that part of the country?


Cat Dumping Water Bowl?
I got tired of water on the floor too, so bought a cookie sheet with raised edges at the Dollar store. His water bowl and food dish fit and the cookie sheet is easy to clean.


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Diabetes Informational Websites?
Im sure the classes are a good thing but I didnt have insurance and couldnt afford to pay. I am now on Medicare and have an advantage plan so will be taking the classes soon. I feel for you Nikki, I had a hard time getting information too. I looked for free...


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Lowfat Cake Recipes?
How about this recipe: Two Ingredient Cake Ingredients 1 (18.25 ounce) package spice cake mix 1 (15 ounce) can pumpkin Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Generously grease a 9x13 inch baking pan. 2. In a large bowl, mix together...


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Making Jo Jo Potatoes?
Google jojo potatoes. Youll find a lot of recipes, some baked, some deep fried. Here is one site


Leather Jacket Footstool -Recovered footstool.

Use a Leather Jacket to Cover a Worn Footstool
You did a fantastic job! It looks really high end now.


An electric plug in an outlet.

Saving Money on Electricity
I use night lights too. I have one in the bathroom, and one in the kitchen. I leave those on all the time and they save me from flipping on the light when I make a quick trip to either room. I have two in the living room as accent lights that are fine for watching...


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Removing Facial Hair?
Its such a nuisance, huh! I use a razor on my chin, do a lot of plucking, and now and then use Sally Hansen depilatory on my upper lip.


TV Dinner Cupcakes

TV Dinner Cupcakes
So cute and imaginative! Id almost hate to eat them.


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Remedies for Heel Pain?
Not everyone can afford to go to the doctor. I had heel pain and at that time, I had medical insurance so could go. I no longer have that luxury. Heel pain MAY be heel spurs but could very well be plantar fasciitis. Mine was. Doing simple exercises took care...


Terra Cotta Pot People

Pot People (The Path Garden)
Just darling! I might have to try my hand, but I know they wont be as cute as yours.


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Making Dry Shampoo from Baby Powder and Baking Soda?
At the top of the Thrifty Fun page is an orange bar. Click on Browse. From there you have lots of options. Search Thrifty Fun for past tips or comments on Thrifty fun. They even have helpful tips of how to phrase your search words. Try dry shampoo with the...


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