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40 Posts | 225 Comments | Active Since 2010
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Return Address Labels
At first I was overwhelmed with all the address labels and then I found ways to use them. I lend books and cds to friends and family so I put a label on the book and the cd case so they know who to return it to. When I fill out a post card requesting information...


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What to do with 40 boxes of pasta?
Pasta is so adaptable and easy to use in so many recipes, many of which have already been shared. We have recently been making our soup a little more filling by adding pasta to it, like the shells, or elbow macaroni and now my grandsons new favorite...alphabet...


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What to do with 40 boxes of pasta?
You might want to check with the company that made the pasta as to proper storage. We love ring pasta and can only find it on our trips to New York. We store up on it and get quite a few boxes of it. The last time we did this though, the rings cooked up like...


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Documents and Safe Storage
I agree, it is important to keep documents in a safe place in case of a disaster. A fireproof, waterproof security box is the best way to go. A locked freezer was mentioned but here is why I wouldnt go in that direction. In a case of a disaster and power goes...


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Looking for Christmas Gifts?
My 7 year old grandson loves to garden, and has a nice patch of lavender. I told him this year we would harvest and dry the lavender and make sachets for everyone for Christmas. While I will enjoy doing the sachets, he will have fun growing and harvesting his...


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Is LeeWards Craft Store Still in Business?
When I first got started in crafts, Lee Wards was the first one I turned to and loved browsing the catalog. I was never disappointed in the kits I ordered.


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Keeping Christmas Wrap Rolls from Unrolling
I use to use tape also and got frustrated with it tearing the paper when you needed to unroll it again. So now I use rubber bands and just slip them over the roll and it keeps it wrapped tight.


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Crystal Lite Containers for Crochet Hooks
I loved the rounded Crystal Lite Holders and used one for the car for change. That way when we go through the drive-thru and get change we just pop it in the holder which fits nicely in the beverage holder in the console.


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Keeping The Lid On Your Garbage Can
Been there done that several times :( We had to replace our roof after raccoons chewed seven holes in it and got in the upstairs. We had to eventually have a trapper come and catch them....several times and unfortunately, its not cheap but has to be done or...


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Housecleaning Products I Swear By
I have found that paying a little more for better products is more cost saving then buying off brands. I will never use anything but regular Windex and Bounty towels. For some reason the cheap paper towels streak and leave a mess. The same with knockoffs of...


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Breaded Zucchini?
I love fried zucchini or yellow squash and do it the usual way with egg wash and dipped in flour. The only problem I have is everyone comes by and snitches it while I am frying it and it rarely makes it to the dinner table lol. Its one of our favorite summer...


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Breaded Zucchini?
We love fried squash or zucchini in the summer with its bounty. I slice it in thin slices, dip in an egg wash then flour and fry. The only problem I have is that it rarely makes it to the dinner table with everyone sampling as it comes out of the pan and drained...



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Marking Jackets for School
As a retired elementary school secretary, I can tell you that marking your childrens coats and sweaters, etc. is so important. We tried several ways to get clothing and other belongings such as lunch boxes back to the right owner. We had a coat rack in the...


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Reuse Tissue Paper and Gift Bags
We have used the gift bags and tissue for the past several years. Much easier to use and store when the gift-giving is over. We just cleaned out my parents attic and threw away this huge stockpile of gift-boxes (remember when the stores would give you a gift...


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Looking For No Sew Blanket Patterns?
The charity group I do blankets for, Project Linus, wants the blankets washed in a fragrance free detergent to prevent allergies for the children receiving the blankets.


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Keeping a Master Grocery List on the Computer
I, too, had to resort to a computerized list when my husband suffered two strokes recently. My sister helped me out while I was busy at the hospital and when he came home, to do grocery shopping for me and we found a computerized list was the most helpful. I...


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Keeping Track of Medical Information
This is such a great idea. I, too, do the same thing for myself and my late husband. It is so much easier to give the doctors your list then to try to remember what to add or delete to their list. I also list all of the doctors by name, specialty, phone numbers...


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Uses for Hampers
I love these pop-up hampers! We have one for when the grandsons come for a weekend visit and they love putting their dirty clothes in it. They look for it when they change to pjs the first night and we never have a problem with clothes laying around. We also...


A colorful granny square afghan.

Granny Square Afghan
I love the Granny Square pattern and use it a lot to make the giant granny square afghans for Project Linus. It works up quickly and is so pretty. We have yarn donated to the Chapter and I love using up the scraps to make a unique blanket for the children.


cat in orange bag

Inexpensive Cat Toys
Lol, I am sure anyone coming to my house would wonder at the assortment of junk on the floor. My cats love selvage edges from fleece blankets when I make them, or the plastic milk jug caps or even the strip that holds the lid on orange juice concentrate cans...


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Make Canned Soup More Hearty
We love the Campbells Chicken Noodle Soup but find there are less and less noodles. My husband came up with the idea of adding Ramen noodles to the soup when cooking it and it solved the problem. Lots of noodles to balance out the broth. We just add the noodles...



Keeping Small Wildlife Out Flower Beds
We recently replaced our roof due to seven holes chewed by raccoons! We have had them professionally trapped to remove the offenders who are repeat visitors. But one of the trappers suggested using spray of Coyote pee found at the local sports store. Spray...


Homemade cat tree

Making Your Own Cat Tree
Thanks for the information. We, too, looked at them in the pet stores and were amazed at what they were charging for them. This way you could make it to suit your home, since ours is small, we cant use one of the big wide ones but could make one to fit our...



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Use Plastic Bedding Bags For Craft Supplies
I love repurposing the plastic zippered bags that bedding comes in. I use them to store yarn or fabric in. The plastic is heavier than the usual storage bags and the zipper keeps the cat from snatching my yarn and running off with it : )


Lacy heart decorations.

Lace Hearts
These are so cute, I would add a pin to the back to wear on Valentines Day.


A denim and pink quilt made from recycled fabrics.

Denim And Pink Recycled Quilt
Pretty quilt. I am a fabric hoarder and I believe somewhere in my stash I still have feedbags, (years ago feed was put in fabric print feedbags, my grandmother use to make me summer tops out of them)


Lacy Easter Eggs

Lacy Easter Eggs
Yarn would be too heavy, too thick, you need to use the white crochet thread and wind it tightly.


Lacy Easter Eggs

Lacy Easter Eggs
This brings back memories. When these eggs first came out you made it with a sugar water solution. They were beautiful and sparkled when dry. The only problem we had was the following Easter when we took it out of the cardboard box, it seems it was a special...


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Tips for Campfire Cooking
We use to do the foil dinners but always had trouble with turning them or juices boiling out of them. Then we switched to aluminum disposable pans, using the small ones for individual tastes. We like hobo stew and put cut up steak, potatoes, carrots, onions...


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Bouncing Cat Toy from Sewing Scraps
My cats favorite toy is a piece of salvage I cut off of a fleece blanket I was making for Project Linus. Pink String gets carried all over the place. We spare no expense to entertain the two cats lol.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Should I Reuse Gift Tissue Paper?
I reuse it if its not too wrinkled. I sometimes use it to fill the bottom of the bag where it wont be noticed. Also, I like to make gift baskets and run the wrinkled paper through the shredder (one that makes strips and not confetti) and use it in the baskets...


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Magnetize Your Screwdriver
I find my letter opener works great especially when I need a small screwdriver to open battery compartments.


A basket of homegrown tomatoes

Eliminating The Grocery Store
Here is another hint on saving on vegetables. My dad leases his farm to a farming group that raises green beans on the farm (my dad is not 91 so doesnt farm himself). When they harvest the green beans, people wait for them to leave and pick up the residue left...


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Hobo Dinner
We make this for one of our camping trip dinners. We use beef cubes, potatoes, carrots, onions and mushrooms. I add beef bouillon and cook them in the foil pans, the loaf cake pan works the best. We make them up according to everyones taste and mark their name...


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Growing a Sweet Gum Tree
Take it from someone who watched their neighbor rake up gum balls most of a whole day. Find another tree to plant, the gumballs are horrible to clean up once they fall. Not my favorite tree at all.



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Put Your Address on Your Cane
Great idea. My husband needed a walker and we purchased one from Goodwill that had an address label on it from the previous owner. Think I will do that now that he is in a nursing home and uses a walker there, that way it wont get mixed up with the roommates...


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Lemon Fluffy
I made a very easy lemon pie. I made up a box of lemon pudding according to box directions then folded in a small container of whipped topping and poured in a graham cracker crust. Couldnt be any easier and the lemon flavor was so good.


Ghosts made from cheesecloth sitting on woodstove.

Cheesecloth Ghosts In My House!
Love making these ghosts for Halloween. I also made little ghost pins for our teachers at school by cutting a small piece of cheesecloth, soaking it in fabric stiffener then laying it out on protective paper like waxed paper or foil and formed them into little...


Garbage Bags

Saving Money on Garbage Bags
We only buy large garbage bags to contain trash for the recycling can. Groceries provide bags for the smaller cans around the house along with the kitty liter. Saves a lot of money recycling the store plastic bags.


Retired Racehorse pulling a carriage.

Tucker (Retired Racehorse)
My second horse was a retired pacer. Tony was the best horse I had and made a great saddle horse. He was gentle and well behaved. My sister also had two retired racehorses and got more then she bargained for when the one presented her with a foal. She got her...


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Food Scraps for Wildlife
While it sounds like an educational experience for the children, and sounds like an act of kindness for the animals, feeding them people food is a bad idea. Besides the fact it doesnt break down in their systems the way their natural food of choice does, it...


Wading Pool as a Garden

Use a Child's Wading Pool as a Garden
What a terrific idea! We have one of the plastic pools we had for the grand kids but they have since outgrown it and it just sets in a corner in the yard. Now I can put it to good use and even get the grandsons involved the next time they come, we can plant...


Frozen pizzas

Say "No" to Pizza Delivery
My husband use to make the best homemade pizzas, they were a treat. We got started making them when he was in college and we wanted a treat. I unfortunately cant recall the full recipe except that it was about a cup of flour, package of yeast, about a 1/4 cup...


Eliminating Food Waste

Eliminating Leftovers and Food Waste
Maybe if we stopped calling them leftovers and called them bonus meals? I love extras from a meal, like a pre-planned meal for the next day, not left over but pre-made for another days meal. Most things actually taste better the next day. I dont throw anything...


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Make Extra Pasta for Pasta Salad
I make extra pasta now since I discovered how easy it was to make a quick pasta salad. I use Italian Dressing, slice up some olives, pepperoni, green peppers if you like them and tomatoes. You could add celery or shredded cheese also. Just make to your own...


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Preserve Fresh Bouquets for Potpourri
Thank you for such a wonderful idea. My husband just passed away and I, too, have a beautiful flowers left over and hated to throw them away. What a nice way to preserve the memories.


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Lick Your Fingers to Open Plastic Bags
Lol, I wonder what everyone would say about when their moms used her hankie and spit to wipe something off the kids face when we were little.


Recycled Christmas Card Gift Tags

Recycled Christmas Card Gift Tags
I do this also with Christmas cards using the fancy scissors to make a decorative edge. Then I found some inexpensive Christmas stickers and put them on also for decoration, better than the bought tags!


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Ideas for Storing Yarn Stash?
I found that using the Ziplock tote bags works the best for my stash of yarn. I crochet for Project Linus and get donated yarn to use. I like the zippered totes and break down the yarn in types of yarn such as all the baby yarn in one or certain colors in some...


several blankets one with a dog sitting on it

Fleece Pet Blankets
Our chapter of Project Linus did a meeting on using up scraps of fleece from the blankets we make for children in hospitals, etc. We made blankets with the scraps and donated to the local animal shelter who was very happy to receive them.


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Mark Your Gift Cards and Coupons
Good idea, thanks! We experienced a similiar problem when paying the restaurant bill. My husband always gives them the exact coin change and if he has the exact dollar amount he does that also, But this particular time,the waitress put the big bill in the register...


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Dyeing White Hair Salt and Pepper?
I was in a similiar situation and grayed early. In my 40s I looked like 70 with gray hair. I decided to try color and had it done at my salon where I trust my hairdresser to come up with the right shade. After a few tries we came up with a pretty brown color...


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Buy Magazines Used at Garage Sales
My daughter recently had a yard sale and I contributed some items including old magazines I had kept. I had many craft magazines and thought instead of throwing them away I would give them to her for the sale. I went through the magazines first and printed...


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Camping Food Ideas?
We like foil dinners we call Hobo Stew. I make them in foil pans purchased at the Dollar Store, makes it easier to handle especially when there is juice involved in the recipe. Take beef cubes and add to the pan (we do individual pans and make each one to the...


Decorated Recycled Buckets

Decorated Recycled Buckets
This is a great project for organizing. We go to a local deli who puts buckets like these out for the patrons to take. They previously held condiments like mayo, extra. Just takes a little refreshing scrub and they work great. I even use them for container...


Property laws.

How Property Laws Affect Gardeners
We recently came across a new law, or one that we had never heard of until this summer, was that you cannot transport firewood from state to state. We camp and use a lot of firewood and one particular vendor we use has great campfire and we were planning on...


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Remedies for an Ingrown Toenail?
Time to go see a podiatrist. This nothing to fool around with especially if you have had it for over 2 years. Home remedies are good for some things but there some situations you need to get the advice of a doctor. Especially if there is a chance you are diabetic...


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Omelet in a Cup
I love doing this as does our grandson. But when we started, I would try to use margarine to coat the bowl/cup so the omlet wouldnt stick. But for some reason the egg would still adhere to the bowl. Then I tried spraying Pam or Pam substitute on the bowl and...


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Mix Pie Ingredients In Ziptop Bag
I wish I had read this a few hours earlier today. I just made an apple pie to take to my parents and stiring the apples around in the bowl to mix the sugar and spices was a problem as to getting full coverage. The baggy idea would have worked perfectly and...


When Are You Being Too Frugal?

When Are You Being Too Frugal?
I worry when I read about the use of home remedies when a visit to the doctor is in order. Example, several suggestions for ingrown toenails....but if you are a diabetic, its not time to fool around saving money with home remedies when there is the issue of...


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Stretch Juice With Cold Water
Sorry, but if you have to water it down that much, it might be better to forgo buying it. My son-in-law does this and it goes to waste because the grandsons hate it watered down. There are some things just better left alone and not be that frugal on. I had...


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Hide Your Child's Easter Basket
We would go to my daughters for Easter and the fun began with dyeing Easter eggs the night before. Then we started hiding their baskets and put clues in the plastic eggs. They had to follow the clues to find their baskets. The eggs were numbered so they had...


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Cream of Something Soup
Thanks for the recipe. My mom was just put on a very low salt diet and cream of soups are so loaded with sodium. It has been difficult to make casseroles for her but now with this recipe I think we can give her something good to eat again.


Healthy Azaleas

How to Grow Healthy Azaleas
I have two azaleas that puzzle me. They are planted side by side, but only one blossoms regularly. The white one is full of blossoms but the fuschia colored one blooms once every few years. Even in a good year it might have a few buds but most of the time it...


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Why Do Apples Turn Brown?
I cut the apples and place them in salted water to keep from turning brown until I am ready to bake with them. I also found the tip to soak them in pineapple juice to keep their color especially when you want to use them on a fruit tray with a dip.


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Recycling Printer Cartridges?
When I worked as a secretary at the elementary school, Safeway had a program where we collected used printer cartridges and old cell phones to be recycled. I would collect then send in boxes of items and our school would receive funds. It was a great way to...


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Saving Cards With Addresses
Great idea, my husband just passed away and I have the sympathy cards and love the idea of taping the address on the back of the card. Thanks for the idea.


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Swedish Meatballs
Looking for a recipe we had once of Swedish Meatballs using Lipton Onion Soup. They were delicious and would love to fine the recipe for making them.


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GDTYL - Gotta Drive, Text Ya Later
Turn the phone off pure and simple. Life goes on if you dont answer the second it rings. Nothing is that important that you cant use voicemail when you get to your destination.


Coexisting with Raccoons

Coexisting with Raccoons
We just invested over $11,000 for a new roof because the little bandits chewed 5 holes in our roof, going through shingles and plywood to get inside. Now we have lived here for over 30 years and this is the first year we have had trouble with animals. We have...


Raccoon in a live trap cage.

Trapping Racoons With Marshmallows
Thats what our trapper used with the last raccoon he caught. They have damaged our roof so much we had to have the roof replaced because they chewed 7 holes in it and several got in the upstairs. I told my husband it would be cheaper to just leave marshmallows...


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Graham Cracker Dessert? This is the receipe for the Eclair Cake. Our family loves it so much its even requested for birthday cakes.


Small Stream with Fall Colors Reflecting

Scenery: Stream With Fall Color (Spearfish Canyon,...
Amazing picture, the color combination is incredible. I would use this as a picture in my living room, it is just so captivating.


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Hotdog Mini Pizzas
We use to make hot dog pizzas when in college. Just slice the hot dogs and add the other ingredients (sauce, cheese) for a great tasting treat. We use to grind up banana peppers for a little spice but it was just as good without them.


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Creamy Frozen Fruit Cups
We have made this recipe for years and it is so pretty and tastes wonderful. This summer I decided to try to change it a bit and instead of putting it in the muffin papers, put it in a graham cracker pie crust and it was a big hit. The same wonderful creamy...


Organizing Your Refrigerator

Organizing Your Refrigerator
Between my problems with arthritis and my husbands recent diagnosis of a terminal brain tumor, I have found my favorite saying work smarter not harder has been necessary even more lately. To manage my refrigerator organization, I got plastic trays for each...


Organizing Your Freezer

Organizing Your Freezer
I needed to organize the freezer and cleaned out old stuff, freezer burned things, etc. When I started to put things back in the freezer, I took large ziplock bags and put in the small, similar items, like personal size pizzas, nuts used for baking, etc. It...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Cubed Steak Recipe?
This makes a delicious, easy crockpot dinner. Brown the steaks and put in the crockpot. If you like onions you can brown the steaks with a little onion. Add a can of cream of mushroom soup with the milk added (can of milk) and pour over the steaks in the crockpot...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Cubed Steak Recipe?
Another way to use the cube steaks is to make swiss steak out of them. Brown them in a little oil, with some onions and add a can of diced tomatoes and either cook on low on the stovetop or put in the oven for about 45 minutes on 350 to tenderize. We also use...


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Choosing an eReader
Another consideration after I bought mine is whether it is touch screen or not. I bought a cheaper one for my grandsons for Christmas and they thought it was touch screen which makes it easier to use if you download games also on the ereader. The cheaper one...


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Making Things Easier for the Disabled
I, too, have to make adjustments due to arthritis. I just became a widow and my wonderful husband loved helping me and doing the cooking. One of the problems I was having was being able to cook. I invested in a small electric skillet about 8 inches square that...


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Warning About Keychain Credit Cards
I read on this site, I believe, to put your keytags on a separate key chain which we have been doing rather than attach them to the keychain with car keys. It is just as easy to grab the keychain with keytags when going to the stores, etc. and safer. We usually...


Use Eyeglass Case To Store Small Items

Use Eyeglass Case To Store Small Items
I just got a new cellphone and didnt like any of the cases for it. I was carrying my soft glass case in my purse which was empty most of the time since I was wearing the glasses. Then I realized the new cellphone fit in the case perfectly and thats where it...


Bread Tie People - Group of finished clips.

Fun Bread Ties for Kids
These are so cute! I use my ties for my crochet projects, since I have several projects going at the same time, I sometimes use a needle for different projects then find I have forgotten what needle I was using. So I just write on the tag the size of the needles...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon Menu Ideas?
I am a retired school secretary and have enjoyed many teacher/staff appreciation luncheons. One that might work for you is a soup and salad buffet. Parents usually make the soups and bring in crockpots, there is such a variety that can be made, even to suit...


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Free Kitchen Storage Containers
We get white buckets at our local deli that have mayo, salad dressing, etc. in and use them as planters outside. They usually have a stack of them in the shop and you can help yourself. They would make good storage containers also since they come with lids...


Collecting Important Tax Documents in one drawer.

Collecting Important Tax Documents
I also take care of tax information as soon as I bring the mail in. I have a folder ready on the desk so that as soon as the mail rolls in with tax information, it goes immediately to the folder, no more searching around for all the paperwork needed to do taxes...


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Sweet Italian Sausage Recipes?
We learned from my husbands grandmother to make Italian Sausage and spaghetti. We now love it more than meatballs. Just fry up the sausage and slice. Add the slices to your spaghetti sauce and let it simmer. Its a great change from meatballs or meat sauce. We...


Bread ties marking cords on a power strip.

Bread Tie Cord Label
I love the idea of using the bread ties for cords. I also use them when I crochet. I usually have several projects going at the same time and switch the needles back and forth but sometimes forget what needle was being used for the gauge. So I use the bread...


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Saving Obituaries in a Photo Album
Thats a great idea. I have a collection of obituaries and the memory cards from the funeral home and couldnt figure out how to store them. I have several of the small photo albums from the Dollar Store and this would be a perfect solution. Thanks for the suggestion...


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Storing Yarn in a Two Liter Bottle
And my little buddy wouldnt be able to grab and run off with my yarn lol. Lumpy the cat loves grabbing my ball of yarn and running down the hall with it. This is a great idea.


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Organizing Camping Equipment
I remember when we first started camping and were so inexperienced that everything was just in grocery bags or boxes lol. Then when we found out how much we loved camping we got a little better organized. We purchased the plastic tubs with lids and it made...


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Recycling Shredded Paper?
We can put shredded paper in with the recycle items in a plastic bag just that they request a large X placed on the bag (we use the black garbage bags) so they know it is to recycle and not for the regular trash.


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Recipes Using Kale?
When we were growing up, I remember my mom cooking kale by boiling it until it was tender, then served it with a splash of vinegar...sounds crazy but it was so good that way. The vinegar was added by each person to suit their taste.


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Recipes Using Kale?
When we were growing up, I remember my mom cooking kale by boiling it until it was tender, then served it with a splash of vinegar...sounds crazy but it was so good that way. The vinegar was added by each person to suit their taste.


Blue Plastic Cup with lid and straw.

Product Review: Insulated Drinking Glass
I bought cups like this at Christmas for my grandsons. It was time to give up the small sippy cups and move up to something a little older. As far as balance goes, I havent had a problem with them. I love the cups and use one myself because I hate the condensation...


Loons on a lake.

Loons (Heyden, Ontario)
Loons are my favorite duck. We vacation in Old Forge, New York in the Adirondacks and I never get tired of seeing and hearing the loons when we are there. Thanks for the great picture.


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Egg Mc Muffins
I use the microwave to make my egg Mc Muffin eggs. I spray a glass bowl with the spray shortening (I tried margarine, but it makes the egg stick to the bowl and makes clean up a pain). I scramble the eggs, in the bowl, add chopped ham or cheese and do in the...


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Inexpensive All in One Fax Copier Printer?
I have an HP Photosmart all in one that I love. It prints, faxes, scans and prints photos. I love being able to print out my photos at home when I want them. You can find them at the office supply stores and are pretty reasonable. I also have used the fax feature...


Bottle sailboat, materials, and children playing with the boat.

Make a Sailing Boat from Old Plastic Bottle
What a neat idea! I have been looking for something to make with the grandsons and this is perfect especially for those fun times in the bath. Thanks for the idea.


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Craft Ideas for Frozen Juice Lids?
We use to use the lids to make nail punch designs and decorate with trimming around the edge for Christmas tree ornaments. Just trace a small design on the lid and using hammer and nail, tap around the design evenly. Add a string for hanging. Designs could...


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

5-Cup Fruit Salad
My grandmother use to make this for special occasions and we loved it. It is so easy to make, just plan on making it a day ahead for the flavors to mello.


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Reusing Egg Cartons
I recently saw this idea also about making ice in the stryofoam egg cartons but the issue was whether they were safe enough to use. It was then suggested that making extra ice in them for the coolers, or for keeping food cool was a better way of using them...


Watering Office Plant

Plants for the Office
I had several African violets on my desk at the school where I worked and they were beautiful. They blossomed just about all the time. My desk sat by the window but mostly light was provided by the overhead lights. As soon as I brought them home, I lost them...


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Crispy Baked Chicken
This use to be a favorite, the corn flake crumbs give it a special flavor.


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Homemade Vegetable Soup?
We use to use soup bones also years ago when we butchered beef, it was part of the package. I cant remember what part it was from but know it was the base of every vegetable soup my mom made. Now I just use a cheaper piece of steak and cut it in pieces to add...


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Making an Adult Bib?
That would make a great gift! We had a principal in our elementary school that was given an adult bib by one of her secretaries. She was not offended at all and very thankful to protect her expensive dresses and suits when she ate lunch with us. Make the bib...


Lumpy helping with computer card game.

My Cat Loves Plastic Bags?
We realize the damage the bags could do to her system. She has so many toys to play with, that the bags shouldnt come into play. I had heard once that the bags are made with animal by-products and wondered if that was true and maybe she thought it was a treat...


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No More Stale Marshmallows
I had the problem of leftover marshmallows in a warm kitchen causing them to melt together. I started putting them in the fridge and that solved the problem.


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Homemade "Memories" Gift for Sons Grieving Loss of Father?
Just a thought, perhaps make a pillow for each boy out of their dads favorite tee-shirt or shirt if you still have them around. Or a small quilt with the same idea using favorite shirts he use to wear? Another idea would be a collage of pictures of the boys...


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Choosing an Apartment Locator?
I would avoid the locators. We tried to use one when we moved from out of state and they took our money but didnt come through with apartments. Check into BBB before you settle on a company to use or Angies list.


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Organizing and Cleaning Tips for Someone in Poor Health?
I understand how you feel, since arthritis has slowed me down considerably. But I still like a clean house and since my husband suffered from two strokes, I dont like to put too much on him either. The best way I have found since standing long is an issue is...


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Kitty Litter Bucket for Laundry Powder?
Wish I lived closer, we have our share of kitty litter buckets. I would love to share. We get our kitty litter at Aldis Supermarket or you can check out Walmart or any of the Pet Superstores. We also can get big white buckets from our favorite carry-out deli...


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Thrifty Christmas Tree Theme Ideas?
We use to make ornaments for our Elf Shop and one that was a favorite was using the lid from the frozen orange juice can and taking a nail and outlining a picture in a Christmas theme, like a wreath, candle, etc. (tin-punching). We would take white ruffling...


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Health Benefits of Pet Ownership
I couldnt agree with you more! We had a cat named Muffin for about 16 years and sadly she passed away. My husband was so heartbroken losing her he couldnt and wouldnt get another kitten. Two years ago he suffered two strokes brought on by stress from work. One...


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Baked Pineapple With Bread
Ive used a receipe like this but it was called scalloped pineapple. It was delicious and such a nice change. Makes a nice side dish for potluck too.


Thread pulled through bobbin hole.

Threading the Bobbin
A perfect solution, thanks


Thread pulled through bobbin hole.

Threading the Bobbin
Wow! Perfect solution for these senior eyes and now RA fingers.


liners in jar

Storing Cupcake Liners
What a great idea! I just tried to find my cupcake liners for blueberry muffins I was making for my grandkids and with arthritis fighting me all the way, I had problems searching through the cabinet to locate them. With this suggestion, I can take care of two...


Plastic placemat on shelf.

Keeping Your Refrigerator Clean and Organized
Great idea! I also found that using plastic trays purchased at the dollar store helps also. I just was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in my hands so the trays make it easier to slide out and get things in the back of the tray. For cleaning, I just put...


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Time Required to Organize Parties and Conferences?
This sounds like a question my daughter just had on one of her college courses. I cant give you exact times, but some guidelines to think about when planning for a party. You have to figure out the number of guests, call for locations, plan the food, the entertainment...


easter peeps candy bouquet

Easter Peeps Candy Bouquet
This was such a cute idea. We were going to do it for the grandsons for Easter until we got to thinking that it was a lot of peeps for them and decided not to do it. Still a cute idea though for someone who can control how many peeps they eat : )


Cat Who Loves To Play In Water - cat pawing at water in its dish

Cat Who Loves To Play In Water
I have a cat that loves to splash in her water dish. No matter what level it is, she has to splash first then she eventually drinks from it. But it makes such a mess, so much so that now I have to put a paper towel under the bowl to catch the mess lol. My other...


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Simple Green to Clean Thermos
We love using Simple Green and its the only cleaning product we use to clean floors, counters, etc. It isnt harsh like the other products and it cuts through dirt making the job easier and faster. We have used it for years and wouldnt think of changing products...


The Northern Cardinal

The Northern Cardinal
We live in a wooded area and one of our favorite birds are the cardinals. We have a bird feeder and they are a daily visitor. Noisy lol, I can always tell who is out there without looking. Love Poppa Cardinals beautiful red colors. This spring I was watching...


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