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A Healthy Meat Substitute
Someone asked (quite a while ago) if Hannaford carried TVP. The Hannafords in my area do, in the bulk section of the Natural Foods section.


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Hide the Popcorn Game for Dogs
Never thought of this! Thank you!


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Meal Replacement Cookies?
Oatmeal Raisin Breakfast Cookies 1 1/4 cups granulated date sugar 3/4 cup brown rice syrup 2 tablespoons canola oil 10 oz prune puree or prune baby food 4 eggs whites or 1/2 cup Egg Beaters 2 teaspoons vanilla 3 cups old fashioned oats 2 cups unprocessed bran...


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Mildew Smell Coming From My Car's Air Conditioner?
There are filters in your cars air conditioning system that need to be replaced every now and then. This is not the same as the engine air filter. People with allergies should do this more often.


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Finding Scrap Aluminum?
Start with someone in the HVAC line of work. The metal they use to make duct work isnt aluminum, but they often have access to all kinds of sheet metal from their suppliers. You may find someone with aluminum scraps.


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Bushes With Yellow Flowers?
Yes, you are probably looking at forsythia. They only flower in the spring, they will be green the rest of the season. You should be able to buy one at any garden center.


Product Placement and the Price Customers Pay
I find I spend less if I work the store in the opposite direction than is usual. I start at the end farthest from the doors (usually where the dairy is) and work back to the produce. I tend to get very little in the aisles following the produce. I find very...


woman trimming a puppy's nails

Trimming Your Dog or Cat's Toenails
Handle their paws from the time they are kittens and puppies and they will be used to their feet being touched. Clip nails when they are very relaxed, maybe just waking up, not when they are very excited. I also always give a treat after clipping.


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Ice Cream Maker Reviews?
Ive had a few over the years, different brands, the type where you add ice and salt. They work well. I just make so much I burn out the motors every couple of years. But they do work great. How long it takes to freeze the ice cream depends largely on the salt...


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Carmel Oat Bars?
Caramel Nut Bars 1 cup quick oats 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup flour 3/4 cup butter, melted 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 14 ounces caramels 1/3 cup milk 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 1/2 cups walnuts Combine oats, sugar, flour, butter baking soda...


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Odor From Spilled Milk?
I had a zucchini roll under my car seat and forgot about it until it began to smell. I couldnt figure it out at first. It was a few days and by then it was a slimy goopy mess. Febreeze completely got rid of the odor.


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Gift Recipes?
Different means different things to different people! Lately I make gift baskets. In the past when I received or won a basket, I made a list of all things in it, to give me ideas for making my own. They dont have to be expensive things but a good variety can...



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Preventing Basil From Flowering
I grow basil every summer. I finally bought a food dehyrdator and dry it for use in the winter. I cant figure out why basil in the market is so expensive when it grows so large and easily.


What are these plants? (Yarrow)

What are these plants? (Yarrow)
Get rid of it! I accidentally planted some because they were part of a wild flower seed mix. Its horrible and its invasive. It will take over if you let it.


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Converting an Outdoor Cat into an Indoor Cat?
The only way I was successful turning my outdoor cats to indoor cats was when I moved. Since you are doing just that, it will be easier than just not letting them out anymore. They protested of course, but because all of their surroundings were changed, they...


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Watermelon Daiquiri
I cannot wait to try this! Ive got everything right now including the watermelon!


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DVD Player Reviews?
I have a Sony and like it very much. Its very user-friendly. Unfortunately I cant remember the brand of the last one I had, but the remote control was complicated.


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Keeping a Pie Crust from Shrinking?
I fit the pan with foil before I put the crust in, then its already the right size and shape. Take it out of the pan to place your pastry crust, put the foil in the top and then fill with your beans. Foil works better than parchment paper for this because you...


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Light Icing Recipe for Cakes?
Actually, according to Cooks Illustrated, an extremely reliable source, in the FINISHED product, imitation vanilla is preferred by tasters to pure extract. This is because the imitation has more of the chemical vanillan. In the finished product vanilla is usually...


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Smoothie Maker Reviews (frozen drink maker)?
I completely agree a quality blender is a better investment. I dont have enough room in my kitchen to have things that only perform one job each. Multi-tasking tools are the only way to go!


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Cleaning Under a Gas Stove?
I live with a person who installs gas lines. Yes, as Stacey wrote, they cant install the line with the stove in place, so there has to be enough line to have the stove pulled out. My gas stove has a storage drawer in the bottom. I can pull that out to vacuum...


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Hard Water and Hair Dye
Ive had a water softener for years. I love it, but it does not help my frizzies or my hair color last any longer. It DOES let you use half as much soap, detergent, shampoo, etc. etc. and makes cleaning the kitchen sink and the bathroom a breeze.



Morning Glory Growing Slowly
Morning glories are very slow starters. Next year you may want to start them early indoors. The seeds are very easy to harvest in the autumn. Youll probably be looking for people to share them with!


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Bananas and Mosquito Bites
True or not true - I dont care! Its not harmful to try it. I mean, it is the scientists who tell us eggs are good, no eggs are bad, no eggs are good again!



Cat and young boy sharing an ice cream cone.

Tippy (Maine Coon)
I have a Maine Coon named Lurch and he is the gentlest giant. They are wonderful cats and I cant imagine ever being without one. Who ever lost Tippy lost a treasure.


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Chlorine Stain on Microfiber?
As anyone with a pool knows, the sun knocks out chlorine. Could you possibly bring it outside for a day? The sun is great for getting rid of lots of other odors on fabrics. And just one day wouldnt fade the fabric.


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Homemade Butter Flavored Crisco?
I dont know what the recipe for butter-flavored Crisco is, but I do know the reason shortening and butter are not 100% interchangeable is because real butter is something like 10%water. To substitute you need to do some math and adjust the liquid to solids...


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Choosing Watermelons
According to Alton Brown on Good Eats a watermelons ground spot should be yellow, not white, to indicate ripeness when picked.


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Damp Smell in Basement?
I only get that smell in summer, although I have a dry basement. A dehumidifier, emptied once a day does the trick. That smell is mildew and/or mold spores in the air.


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People Finder Advice?


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First Impression Quote
True, but weve all had bad days, and how wrong it is to be judged forever by that first impression by someone you met on a bad day!


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Recycling High Density Foam Mattresses
My friend covers them and makes dog beds out of them for her large dogs.


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When do you start litter training kittens?
Mama cat will teach her kittens how to use a litter SO LONG AS THERE IS ONE AVAILABLE! I got a kitten once where the mothers litter box was in a basement and her kittens were on the second floor. She wasnt able to teach her kittens proper hygiene and I eventually...


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Making Paneling Look Like Drywall?
I have one wall in each room that was paneled in my old house. Yes, spackle in the grooves and if it needs more help after that, you can buy what is called wall-paper liner that goes up like wall paper and it helps smooth everything out. You can paint it like...


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Sewing Machine Reviews?
I would never buy a Singer as they are almost the bottom of the barrel. I have a New Home, actually two, a regular machine and a serger and I have nothing to say but good about either one. They purr when they run!



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Outwitting Curious Children
I also have heard of people boxing them up and labeling the boxes as old clothes or something else uninteresting to children.


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Canned Milk As Glue
Do you mean sweetened condensed milk?


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Homemade Wallpaper Border?
You can buy plain white wall paper that you could cut into strips. If you cant find that, you can use wall paper liner. It would go up on the wall the same way wall paper border does. Id be worried about never getting the contact paper back off!


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Pumpkin Pies Splitting?
Just like cheesecake, pumpkin pie has a lot of moisture to bake out. Baking too fast or too hot will create the crack. Usually you start off at a higher temperature for just 15 minutes or so to help the unbaked crust get a head start, and then lower the temperature...


When do you bring a Poinsettia inside for the winter?
It must come in before the nights get too cold. Cold will kill a poinsettia very quickly. I dont know what you consider cold or exactly what temperature the killing point is, but Id bring it in now if you want to be safe.


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Repair For Cracked Dish
I know its ten months later, but I remembered this in my bookmarks and just recently needed to try it. I cant believe it actually worked and just wanted to thank you!


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Bombs for Termites?
No. Termites live in the ground and travel to your house to eat it when there are no dead trees around, which they prefer. They dont live in your house like fleas do.


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Oils That Prevent Bug Bites?
Actually regular baby oil will do the same thing as Skin So Soft. Avon just doesnt want you to know this.


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How much flour is a "cup"?
All of my cookbooks say that one cup of flour is 5 ounces.


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Crayons To Camoflauge Bleached Carpet
Im laughing because my guy almost used bleach to clean up the cats furball once! Its good to know hes not the only one.


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Radiant Cooktop and Copper Pans?
I dont know about copper bottoms, but I do know the bottom of all your pots and pans must be completely flat, not warped by heat at all, or they wont work well. Even if you dont think your pan has a warp in it, it might.


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Male Cat Getting Friendly With Another Male Cat?
Yes, everybody is right. The oldest male is the Alpha Cat and making sure the new little one (who might have an attitude!) knows whos boss.


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Multifunction (All-In-One) Printer Reviews?
I have an HP copier/scanner/fax/printer and love it! It prints everything, including photos, beautifully.


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Installing a Central Air Unit?
Would you walk into a restaurant with your own food and ask them to cook it for you? I dont think youll find too many HVAC guys (at least the reputable ones) who would be willing to clean up after you.


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Where Can I Get a Coon Cat?
You can get a cat that is mostly Maine Coon from a rescue/shelter for the breed. I went to a breeder that I thought was reputable, but my cat had a serious mouth problem (he had to have his teeth removed) and it was very expensive, on top of what I spent on...


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How Many Fat Quarters Do I Use?
If this is your first (or nearly first) quilt, I suggest making a strip-pieced quilt and you will want to buy fabric by the yard - much more economical!


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Printing Individual Tips?
An easier way than cutting and pasting into a Word document is to highlight and under File -->Print...-->click Selection, then click Apply, and then print.


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Buying a Bed?
DORMIA!!! It makes Temperpedic feel like a slab. Its 3 layers of different types of foam to support your body differently at different areas since your body is heavier in the middle than at the head and foot. The whole top has a pillow-like cover. They are...


What Breed Is My Dog? (German Shepherd mix)
Definitely has German Shepherd in her.


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Delicate Textured Cookie?
There could be a lot more to it than that. It depends on the type of cookie you are making and what you mean by delicate. Different flours have different levels of protein in them. You may even need to look into cake flours or part rice flour to change the...


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Remembering To Use Coupons?
I have a running list going all week with the things I run out of or want to remember to get. Then when Im ready to go to the market, I go through my coupons looking for things Im going to buy anyway or might want to try. Then I tuck them in my wallet.


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Painting Panelling?
I have an old house that had one wall paneled in each room. It was glued on as well as nailed so we couldnt take it down. I washed it well, then primed it and painted it with satin finish paint. You shouldnt have to sand it unless it is glossy finish paneling...


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Getting a Fair Price on a Car?
There is a great book out about buying cars. Im sorry I have forgotten the title, but you should be able to find something like it in the bookstore or library. Anyhow, one thing I remember is that you should buy toward the end of the month when they are more...


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Freeze Soup Bones For Your Dog
Also chewing on these bones will keep their teeth tartar free and their breath fresh.


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Lint Balls on Fleece?
Is it made with acrylic fibers? Dont ever buy anything made with acrylic - they are the worst for fuzz balling up!


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Removing Tight Rings
I tried this last night - it works! Water only seems to make mine harder to get off.


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What is the sauce on big mac?
I always heard it was a mix of mustard and catsup.


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Uses for Hand Lotion?
Ive put water in almost empty bottles to get every last bit and used it at the end of a shower as a moisturizer. Pat dry.


Backyard View
You should frame that picture.


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Save Change For Family Vacation
I like this idea! Im always using change for the vending machines, but I think I could save a lot before August when Im going on vacation. At least enough to help out anyway.


Coffee filter tie dye note cards

Tie-Dye Note Cards
Im doing this!


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Beware Of Online Banking Account Balances
Your checks were scheduled clear that night. Even though you had an incoming automatic deposit, you cant draw on that until it clears, like any other deposit. Its called a Float.


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Low Fat Chocolate Cake?
I tried that soda and boxed mix combo and really didnt like it. The middle of the cake never baked enough and the whole cake was sort of slimy.


Vacuums That Last?
I have the little canister Oreck and love it so much Ill buy the upright when the time comes. One thing I have heard a lot of people Ive asked say about Rainbow and Dyson and any other bagless vacuum is that they are a pain in the butt to empty. Youve pretty...


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Decorating for a Low Country Boil?
I was wondering what that was myself!


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Keep Paint Information Organized
I pour leftover paint into clear plastic bottles, which you can get in almost any size you need from small soda bottles to big 2 liter ones or dish soap bottles -whatevers closest to the amount of paint you have left over. You can always see what color it is...


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Wintergreen, Spearmint or Pepperminte to Repel Insects
Do I understand correctly - you use this mixture as body wash and shampoo?


What do I do after tulips have flowered?
Thats right. So many people cut off the leaves when the flowers are gone, but the leaves are feeding the bulb for next year. So just let them be for a while. The leaves will turn soon and then you can cut them off at ground level.


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Why isn't my grass growing?
I dont know how starter fertilizer is rated - but was it starter fertilizer you used? If you used regular fertilizer with a weed blocker, it will prevent your seed from germinating.


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Using Coal Tar Shampoo?
Coal tar shampoos never worked for me. Or any other special shampoo either. I found the best results using Tree Tea Oil directly on my scalp applied with a cleaned out hair coloring bottle. The oil I buy now has an almost minty smell. Then I read about putting...


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Keeping Kleenex In the Car?
I like the cup holder ones.


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The Best Flooring for Dogs?
And also hard floor are LOUD with dogs!


A rabbit sitting in grass.

Protecting Plants From Rabbits
My rabbit problem was so severe that in the spring I could shovel their little poop pellets like manure. I had an entire rabbit condominium underneath my hedges. Hair and hot pepper never stopped them. My cats would have stopped them, but they are indoor cats...


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Products Being Thrown in the Garbage
Many things may not be as potent as before they expired, but I highly doubt that toothpaste turns poisonous after the expiration date. If its that dangerous, it shouldnt be in there at all at any time!


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Flat Ground Cover?
All the greenhouses in my area have plants they call Steppables which are spreading, low ground cover that you can walk on. There are many different varieties.


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Products Being Thrown in the Garbage
Were not talking about YEARS over the date. I just cant believe that I could use toothpaste on Tuesday and on Wednesday it would kill me.


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Growing in a Bag of Top Soil?
Although Ive never heard of this, they should be fine in topsoil. Afterall, most peoples gardens are filled with topsoil, not potting soil.


What is this plant? (Hosta)
Yes its a Hosta. They come in several dozen varieties.


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Sunblock on Plants?
Just hose it off if it hasnt rained by now. It shouldnt harm them much, if at all. If it did, cut off the ruined parts - theyll continue to grow.


In Memory of BC (Baby Cat)
You know that you gave her a great home for 15 years and thats pretty terrific.


Simba (Feline)
I have the same problem - ONE fat cat out of four. I am having some success by feeding them all half of their food each morning and night. Then I put Valentine in the bedroom and feed the other three the rest of their food. At first he protested and I felt...


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Address Labels Can Get Stuck In Shredder
May I ask if they are only address labels why are you shredding them? Your name and address are available everywhere. I shred everything that has other personal information and offers of credit.


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Being a Good Houseguest?
Hey, its great that you even thought to ask. If you continue to be this considerate, youll have no problems. Everything everyone else wrote is perfect.


Rainbow Through the Lilacs
I always make a wish when I see a rainbow!


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Acid Free Tissue Paper? They also have a mail order catalog. Quilters only use acid-free tissue paper to preserve stored quilts.


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Full Freezers Work Better
This is true of your refrigerator too. I have a second refrigerator in the basement and on the rare occassion it starts to become empty, I fill it with unopened jars from the basement shelves. And this time of year its always handy to have extra cold drinks...


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How long does it take to make ice cream in an electric ice cream maker?
It also depends on the temperature your liquid starts at, and how much ice and salt you use. The quicker you freeze it the grainier it will be, whereas a little longer will result in a creamier texture. But it shouldnt take any longer than 45 minutes max. Id...


Tweeti the Cat
She looks gorgeous. You should post a picture where we can see all of her!


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Potty Training Tips For Puppies
Excellent advice! I wish more people who got puppies realized they had to be taught proper behavior and that the puppy just isnt endowed with it one day.


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Attach Earrings To Matching Necklace
You know, sometimes things are just so obvious we never think of it!


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Reduce Chaos to Save Money
I agree with the people below. I live a simple life, always trying to minimize but there is room for a little color in my life. Reading your words makes me think you are angry for some reason.


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Apple and Lemons Theme Kitchen?
Sure they do. You could throw in somewhere, maybe a tablecloth or placemats or whatever, something with a general fruit design to pull it all together. Post a picture when youre done!


Abby (Chihuahua/Jack Russell)

Abby (Chihuahua/Jack Russell)
Thats a picture to make anybody smile. Love those cheeks!


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Drive Slower To Save Gas
Just be careful not to cause an accident by driving too much slower than everybody else. Especially on a limited access highway.


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Sharpening a Can Opener?
For about 50 cents you can buy a new blade at an applicance repair center. Or maybe its 75 cents by now....


Hamburger Cake

Hamburger Cake
I am making this!


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Pack Away Camping Supplies Together
I also keep a list on my computer so that I can review it and update it as necessary. While Im actually loading everything up I check the items off.


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Iguanas Eating Tree Leaves?
I dont know, but when you live in the north and you see a request like yours, it sure does make me say Wow!


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Parakeet's Feathers Clumped Together?
Birds need water to take a bath with every day, whether from a dish or a spray bottle. Definitely check with a vet to find out what you should be doing to help it.


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Disinfecting Dish Cloths?
My bottle of dish soap reads that it fights bacteria on hands when used as a hand soap. So maybe its not killing off bacteria anywhere else. Besides, doesnt it smell?


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Summer Water Conservation Tips
Ive never seen anyone write that they use the water from their dehumidifiers. Rather than dump it down the drain, I water my outdoor plants with it. During the summer months I pull 2 gallons of water from the air every day in my basement.


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Need Help Growing Basil?
My basil gets so big that by Autumn the original stem is thick and almost bark-like. I just plant it in the ground in full sun and water it daily. I only feed it Miracle Grow when I first plant it.


Kitten in colander.

Maddie Mingletoes (Maine Coon)
I have a Maine Coon too. He is the gentlest giant, other than that he licks first, then bites. Its a trait of the breed I guess. His picture was posted a year ago or so. His name is Lurch which suits him well since hes so big people think hes a bobcat. You...


Torn vacuum cleaner hose.

Repairing a Torn Vacuum Cleaner Hose?
Duct tape. Hot glue will come off as it flexes.


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Ant Repellents?
Borax - like you find in the laundry aisle of the market. Sprinkle that around. They like it - until it kills them.


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Putting Pictures on a Backpack?
Fabric shops also carry the iron-on transfer paper. Be sure when you print it you set your printer to print a mirror image - especially if there are letters or numbers in it!


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Water Filters in Refrigerators?
I have a side-by-side Whirlpool and the filter is in the top of the refrigerator section. Very easy to replace.


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Outlet Doesn't Work After Cutting Through an Extension Cord?
Sometimes the thrown breaker needs to be manually turned all the way to off before turning back to on.


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Use A Cool Mist Humidifier To Boost AC
This isnt for everyone. Im pretty sure it would depend on your dew point temperature. Where I live I am trying take the humidity OUT of the air, not add it. For some of us this would only make things worse and make our air conditioners work harder.


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Liquid Paper To Cover Shoe Spot
Ive touched up many a pair of black shoes with a Sharpie.


Mabel Belle (Calico)
Looks like she likes to have her picture taken too!


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Newborn Kitten Eyes Not Opening?
God bless you for saving the little thing. I agree it may have an infection. But you should also know that all kittens and puppies need to be wormed. Ive never tried to do this without going to a vet, but you should be aware that it is something you will have...


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Tennis Ball Massage
I think there might be a run on tennis balls now!


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Quick Weight Loss Tips?
Anything with caffiene is dehydrating as well. Terri Schiavo, the Florida woman who was the subject of a court battle regarding being taken off life-support, drank so much iced tea as part of her anorexia that her kidneys shut down.


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Pour Off Oil From Bottled Salad Dressings
Why not just buy the fat-free kind?


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Smelly Feet Odor in My Car?
I had a zucchini roll under my car seat once. Out of sight, out of mind. Until a few days later that is. Wow what a smell! After scooping it out with paper plate, I cleaned the carpet as well as possible and then Febreezed the whole car, especially the carpet...


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