
Maya Lee

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14 Posts | 171 Comments | Active Since 2009
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A Cut Above - Find Good Cookie Cutters
When I was married, my husband would win trips to conventions all over the U.S. and Canada. I would go to dime stores in each area and purchase cookie cutters. As a result, I had quite a diversity of cookie cutters and my children enjoyed the output.


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Dog Constipation
The canned pumpkin should also have no sugar. If you look at the ingredients, you can tell. Just plain canned pumpkin. I stock up when I find it. I used it for my dogs diarrhea as well.


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Comforting Puppies and Kittens
What a wonderful idea!


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Organize Your Refrigerator?
When I last cleaned my refrigerator, I realized that I have a problem with spills and things in the back of shelves which were forgotten. I have a number of trays and put all my items on trays in the refrigerator. That way, if I have a spill, I just have to...


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Painting Window Shades?
It would depend on the fabric/paper/plastic from which the shade is made. I painted some years ago. I think they were paper or plastic. i just used acrylic paint with a brush and painted vines and flowers. They were very attractive.


Siamese Kitten

Breed Information: Siamese
I have a male snow shoe Siamese. He is all of the above and is a real charmer. His name is Hunter.


Organizing a Sewing Room

Organizing a Sewing Room
I hang fabric on pants hangers in the closet in my sewing room. I use the kind with clips and it is really easy to see what I have and easy to organize by color, fabric, etc.


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Repairing Scratched DVDs
The Walmart in my area no longer carries the repair kits (described above). I got one on ebay.


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Keep a Photo of What's in the Box
Love this idea. I am so forgetful now that I am older and this would work very well. Thanks


Updating a Lamp

Updating a Lamp
Many years ago, I read a similar suggestion. It called for measuring the height of the lamp and adding inches for a casing at the top and bottom. Those were sewn fo make a casing at each end. The fabric was about one and a half times the width of the lamp. Elastic...


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Knitting Needle Alternative: Chubby Pencils
Wonderful needles can be found at thrift stores.


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Rotate Your Kids Toys
I used to do the same thing. I now have grandchildren, so it was a long time ago. I would fill a paper bags with pop-it beads, another with doll toys, etc. After a number of months I would take them down and the kids were thrilled. They acted as if the toys...



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Buying Presents for Grown Children?
Two of my children have had financial problems. One in the past and one now. I got a credit card in their name and gave them a limit of what they can charge. This has helped me feel useful and limits what I am able to provide.


Anything Wreaths

Anything Wreaths
Very nice.


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Use Bandannas for Cloth Napkins
When I was married and we entertained a lot, I used small hand towels as napkins. Easy to wash, no ironing, etc.


Closeup of Dalmatian.

Raleigh (Dalmatian)
What a beautiful dog.


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Make Coupons for Frugal Gift Giving
My children have been doing this since they were little girls (oldest is now 51). They gave me coupon books for Mothers Day, Xmas, etc.and included such items as I will get up on time with no nagging 5 times., I will get you a cup of coffee in the morning, 10...


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Ramen and Eggs
I used to go out with a man from Japan and the way he fixed ramen was similar. Except, when the ramen was boiling, he would drop in one or two raw eggs and the onion tops and then shut off the stove and let the eggs come out like soft boiled eggs. This way...


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Repairing Dents in Lampshades?
When I had a lampshade which was beyond redemption, I took a piece of fabric about twice as long as the shade was long. I cut it so that I could put a hem at the top and bottom which would just fit over the rims. I sewed it in a circle, sewed the hems and them...


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Storing Iceberg Lettuce
One of my aunts taught me to core the iceberg lettuce and run water through that open space. Drain it and then wrap it in a kichen towel and then in a plastic bag. It will last for weeks this way.


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Recipes Using Eggplants?
Ratatouille (?) not sure of the spelling. Can find recipes on


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Keep Lemon Wedges in the Freezer
I also have lemon trees and never thought of this. What a great idea!


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Guacamole Deviled Eggs
This sounds wonderful. I am diabetic, love guacamole and cant eat all the chips with it that Id like to. This is a great option.


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Use a Nut Cracker to Open 2 Liter Bottles
Since I retired, I have taken up painting. I keep a nutcracker in with my oil paints for tubes of paints with stuck on caps.



Getting Help With Vet Bills?
I got a doxie from a shelter and within 5 days the back legs were dragging. He had ruptured a disc in his back. The surgery would cost $2,000. which I did not have. The shelter would take him back and would put him down. He has been on cage rest for a month...


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Preserving an Antique Christening Gown?
Get it out of what it has been stored in and get it into acid=free tissue or an acid-free box until you can follow the advice given previously.


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Ground Beef Recipes?
This is very simple and very good. Brown one lb. of ground beef with a chopped onion and then drain the fat. Add some chopped garlic and soy sauce and stir. Add a tablespoon or so of cornstarch to a cup or two of cold water, stir until there are no lumps and...


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Paint Color Advise With Brick Wall?
I hated the brick fireplace in my family room. When I painted the room, I also painted the fireplace. It is not so obvious now and I can decorate the way I want to.


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Sleeping Better Without Medications?
I have used hypnotic tapes for years and find them very workable, especially if you can find one which helps deal with a problem area, such as public speaking, etc. I now use books on tape (CDs) at night.


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Does the Neckline Slimmer Really Work?
If you will notice on the ad, the models pull their chin in when they want to show how saggy their necks are and push them out to show the effects of the gadget. I can do that without the gadget.


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Looking for Easy Low Calorie Recipes
My favorite low-cal recipe is to take chicken pieces and remove all fat and skin. Saute in a small amount of olive oil. I season with salt, pepper and garlic powder. When it is nearly done, I add a package of frozen vegetables (not the starchy kind), stir and...


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Looking For Recipes Using Tofu?
When I was friends with a Japanese person, he used to just drain it, cut it in squares and sprinkle it with soy sauce and wasabi and eat it that way. It is very refreshing on a hot day.


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Trivia At Dinnertime
A few years ago, I found a blank Trivial Pursuit game. We were having a mini-family reunion and I passed the cards out there. Everyone wrote questions on them. When they were discussed, family stories came out that we hadnt heard before. It was extremely interesting...


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Cleaning Artist Brushes?
Another way to straighten crooked bristles on a brush is to stroke them on a cake of soap or add some liquid detergent. Shape them, let them dry and they will be straight again. When I am out painting, soap is always available.


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Stew Is Too Sweet?
Put some canned tomatoes or tomatoe paste in and cook a little more.


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Fixing the Taste of Vegetable Soup?
In addition to the other suggestions, lentils and barley cook at a different rate than vegtables. They need a much longer cooking time and the timing has to be that you put the veggies in 10 to 15 minutes before the barley and lentils are done, so that every...



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Uses for Egg Cartons?
A friend of mine works witha food bank. They get eggs donated in large boxes. We save our cartons and give them to her so they can more easily give them out.


My Frugal Life: Saving Money and Water
Nice to know Im not alone. I used to catch the initially cold water in a bucket and add it to my grandsons fish tank (after waiting 24 hours for the chlorine to evaporate). Now I use the water in the bucket to wash my floors. I was born during the great depression...


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What Happens To Discontinued Products At Target?
I got some Waverly violets pattern which had been discontinued at Target, on ebay.


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Italian Christmas Celebration Ideas?
My family was from Sicily. On Christmas eve, my aunt would cook a regular spagetti sauce and use canned tuna in place of meat. Sounds weird but was very good.


rabbits with Santa hats

Christmas Treats For Our Beloved Pets
Thanks for all the recipes. I intend to make some of these. Maya, owned by 3 doxies and 2 cats.


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Young Child Raised By Grandmother Now Lives With Mom?
I was in a similar position years ago. My grandson defied his mother at one point and came to live with me. He was 11 at the time. The relationship I had with my daughter was strained and she did what she could to keep the boy from any contact with me. She...


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Taking Out a Splinter
Great idea! I am sending it on to my children.


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Pickle Dip
My mother-in-law used to make a variation of this dip. She used the cream cheese base and used sweet pickle relish and a little garlic salt. She served this with thin pretzel sticks. It is very good.


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How to Wash a Wool Sweater?
I used to collect antique clothing and learned a great deal about handling delicate fabrics. I was taught to NEVER use Woolite as it leaves a residue.


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Ask Your Kids "Are We There Yet?"
When we drove from Chicago to San Diego to live, I drove with 2 teen-agers. One of them was constantly asking Are we there yet? I gave her the map and let her plot where we would stay and I didnt hear that the rest of the trip.


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Tomato Salsa Using Canned Tomatoes?
A friend who is Mexican gave me this recipe and it is delicious. 1 1/2 cans (approx. oz) whole tomatoes; 1 7oz can of Jalapeno peppers; 2 oz green chilies; dash (2 shakes) of cumin; 1 clove garlic; garlic salt; oregano; pepper; 1 onion chopped; cilantro, optional...


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Removing Lip Gloss From Tubes to Make New Colors?
I started painting when I retired. The way to get paint out of the tubes when they are nearly empty is to roll it out with a pencil or something like that. You lay the tube on a flat surface with the top off. Then roll the pencil from the bottom up. You may...


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Make Lettuce Last Longer
Many years ago, my aunt taught me to core the lettuce, let water run through it , then wrap it in a kitchen towel, put it in a plastic bag and refrigerate. It can keep for weeks this way.


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Reviews of Jetted Bathtubs?
Cyinda, Thanks for the information. I have a bad back and was considering buying one (when I saved enough money). With a bad back, I would not be able to keep it clean the way you describe. Thanks again.


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Water Stains on a Crocheted Bedspread?
Laying it out in the sun would likely help it as well.


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Wearing Flowers in Your Hair for Wedding Ceremony?
When my grandson got married last year, his bride had a round wire thing with flowers attached. It was very pretty. She doesnt have enough hair in which to pin flowers. It was just like a plain wire band with the flowers attached.


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Giving a Cat Medication
Great idea! I have a crotchety old male Siamese with a temper and love this idea.


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Neosporin Use on Dogs?
There is a dachshund website which is full of information. Cant think of the name right now. Just type in the word dachsund and see what comes up. They were very helpful when one of mine had a ruptured disc.


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Wash Potatoes and Carrots Before Peeling
It is less expensive to peel them on newspaper. Actually, carrots dont need to be peeled, just scrubbed.


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Feed Dog Pills with Cream Cheese
I use peanut butter and find it works very well.


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Motivating Myself to Clean and Organize?
It is nice to hear that others have this problem. I am 72 years old, with really bad arthritis and am unable to keep things as neat as I used to. I feel embarrased when someone drops in and cant seem to cut myself any slack about this. I have already used the...


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Remembering Items For Grocery Shopping
I do a similar thing with my car keys. Also, I keep a cooler in my trunk as I never know when I will run into a bargain in perishables.


Plastic tub shelter for cats.

Storage Container for Inexpensive Cat Shelter
I made the opening using a sharp knife I heated up on the gas stove. It cuts right through. You have to keep reheating it and its much easier than any other way I have tried.


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Groups for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren?
AARP has information on grandparents raising grandchildren. I have raised a grandchild and as a retired child psychologist also spoke to groups on this issue. You also might try a YWCA if there is one near you or a mental health agency. When I was involved...


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Substitute for La Choy Brown Gravy Sauce?
It is called Bead Molasses. I couldnt find it anywhere either. I went on-line and was able to order a number of bottles. Not sure how I found it. You might try going on-line and typing in LaChoy products or Oriental food. I really missed it too. It was worth...


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Killing Mosquito Larvae in Standing Water?
When I was in high school, we raised mosquitos and had to draw each stage of development. If you put a thin coating of cooking oil on the surface of the water, it blocks their breathing tubes and they die. Non-toxic and you only need a little oil swished over...


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Cat Poops in Bathtub?
I keep the litter box in the bathtub as I have a very old cat and she frequently misses. Rather than have it on the floor (yes, I tried putting a rug and then newspapers underneath it, neither of which worked), I find it easier to clean the tub than the floor...


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Killing Algae in Backyard Fishpond?
I wouldnt use vinegar without checking with a reliable source. I had a fish pond for years with no problem. Do you have any plants in the pond? Water hyacinths are supposed to help. In the house, I have algae eaters in the aquarium.


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Caring for a Newly Adopted Frightened Dog?
Give the little creature time. He is already frightened. Do what you would do with a frightened child.


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Recycling Ivory Piano Keys?
There is an artist in Apple Valley, Ca. who paints small flowers on them and sells them. Theyre very pretty.


Alvin (Chipmunk)
This is a wonderful picture. We used to have raccoons visit us when we went camping. Nothing near to what you are experiencing, although we watched a baby get into a peanut butter jar which was nearly empty and clean it out. These critters ars such a joy. Thanks...


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Microwaving Baked Potatoes
I have been doing this for years. As my microwave is very old, I prick the top of the potato with a fork, place it/them on paper napkins and set it for 7 minutes.


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Oil Free Fried Chicken
I have done the same thing except in a non-stick pan. Sometimes I will throw in a package of frozen vegetabels and cook everything together. One of my daughters liked it so much she asked for my recipe. I have none. I usually add salt, pepper and garlic powder...


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Using Up Ripe Bananas?
I do the same, only I eat the frozen banana pieces like they are little popsicles. Good in hot So. California.


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Cappuccino Mix
What a great idea! I am diabetic and cannot find sugar-free flavored coffee. Thanks a lot.


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Keeping Ants Out My Dog's Food Bowl?
I have cats and dogs. My house was built on what used to be orange groves and I was told that I would always have an ant problem. I put the food bowls inside a container of water, such as a container lid or a large tray. This works great. While I still have...


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How Can I Clean or Renew Paper Lamp Shades?
When my shades were looking bad, I measured the height and added a few inches on each end. I cut the fabric (I used a cotton with a pattern which was compatible to my living room) and left the length about twice as long as the shade was. Then I sewed it together...


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Training a Dog Not to Run Out the Door?
On animal planet, I have seen the trainer teach the dog to sit and stay. I am working on my dogs. They are dachshunds and very stubborn so it goes slow.


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Prepare Onions in Bulk
They can also be frozen and will keep for a long time.


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Removing a Sticky Residue from Car Windows?
I purchased a product from Walmart called Ultra Citrus. It smells like oranges and will take off sticky stuff like bumper stickers, etc.


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List of Family House Rules for Cleaning?
I copied this out of a book and framed it and had it hanging on my wall for years. It is: If God made you able to drop things on the floor, She also made you able to pick them up again. Dont remember the name of the book.


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Keeping Coffee Mate from Getting Hard?
Another option would be to put it in smaller moisture-proof containers. Or the refrigerator. My refrigerator keeps things dry as well as cold.


Mini Dachshund

Bobble-Head Lou (Mini Dachshund)
He sounds as if hes as spoiled as my two minis. Great news for the little guy.


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Dog is Marking Furniture?
I had a miniature poodle who did the same thing. I got diapers for him on ebay. It required padding, so I cut a sanitary pad in half and used that. It worked very well. I would just change the pad when he was wet. It also gave me a revenge type pleasure when...


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Using Creamer as a Substitute for Milk
I am lactose intolerant and use creamer to make a creamy seafood soup. I am able to enjoy this again.


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Use Placemats in Refrigerator
I put shallow plastic trays on the shelves of my refrigerator. They have a low edge and contain any spills. They dont effect the flow of air as they only cover the glass tops of the shelves. They make it very easy to clean.


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Treating an Infant With a Stuffy Nose?
You can take the child in the bathroom and turn on the shower to provide steam. The steam will help to get the mucus out. It is sometimes surprising how much mucus the child has stuffing them up.


white husky pup

Grace (Husky - Malamute - Timberwolf)
What a beautiful dog. I can see how she stole your heart.


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Remedies for Lower Back Spasms?
I had sciatic pain as well as muscle spasms in my lower back. My doctor suggested alternating cold packs and hot packs which really helped. I also looked up exercises for back pain on the internet and they also helped. Good luck as they are really painful.


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Remedies for Lower Back Spasms?
P.S. my doctor also gave me Vicodin. Big help.


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Living During the Great Depression?
As a child during the great depression, I dont remember much. I do have a habit of buying things when they are on clearance, still cooking with economy cuts of meat when I can actually afford more. When I was working some of the women complained about mothers...


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Measuring Cup for Sisan Steam Iron?
Just fill the iron totally full and then pour it into a measuring cup. Then youll know how much to put in.


Homemade Diaper for Injured Dog?
My dachshund ruptured a disc in his back. My vet did acupuncture and he was pulling himself up on his back feet the next day. Crate rest for a minimum of 8 weeks was mandatory for him to recover along with weekly visits to the vet for more acupuncture. I was...


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Free Legal Help in Riverside County, CA?
I also live in Southern California and have used Legal Aide. The one in town here is at the YMCA. I think you can find them in the phone book.


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Painting a Brick Fireplace?
I had an ugly fireplace in my family room which stood out like a sore thumb. When I painted the room, I painted the fireplace the same color which helped it disappear somewhat. I used the same latex paint that the room was painted and used a paintbrush to get...


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Freezing Fresh Fruit?
I got a food dehydrator at a thrift shop and use that to dehydrate much of the fruit from my trees. I then put them in plastic bags in the refrigerator.


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Replacing a Zipper Pull?
You can go to a fabric store like Joannes. They have repair kits or replacement pieces. Ask for help there, if necessary.


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Can You Eat Sardines as Part of a Diabetic Diet?
Of course. Are you on a diet which uses calorie counting? I am and just deduct the calorie count from my total allowed calories. There are no carbs in sardines. Considering that most are packed in oil, it is the calorie count which is most important. I use...


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What Can I Feed a Goldfish Other Than Fish Food?
In addition to fish food, goldfish also like worms, peas and slices of zucchini. Only feed them as much as they can eat in five minutes. Then remove any other food. You can probably find a small aquarium at a thrift shop. Change 1/3 of the water once a week...


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Donating Old Cell Phones?
Our local postoffice has prepaid envelopes in which you can put a cell phone to be donated. You might check your post office.


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Where Can I Buy a Frame for a Bathroom Mirror?
In our area, we have a Michaels craft store where you can buy 2 pieces of a picture frame. So, you buy 2 that fit one side and 2 that fit the other and put them together. They have a number of metallics and wood finishes.


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"Please Ask For ID" On Back of Credit Cards
I agree with the first feedback. I put that on my credit cards and it didnt matter. So many places dont even require a signature. Someone stole my card and Citibank is investigating and I had writtenask for I.D. on the back of it. I just leave them at home...


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Feed Pumpkin To Your Dogs
The pumpkin should not have sugar in it. Just read the label.


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Tiny Changes To Save Electricity
I just put my coffee in a thermos. I saw workers at a coffee shop do this and the coffee stays fresh.


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What Can I Give My Dog for Fur Balls?
Wirh cats, you can put a dab of Vaseline on their paw or chin. They lick it off and it helps move the hairball out. Dont know if it will work on dogs.


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Giving a Dog Medication?
I find that putting the pill in a bit of peanut butter works. Just roll the peanut butter into a ball with the pill in the middle. It works. I used to have a dog that when I gave it a pill in a bit of ground beef, would eat the beef and spit out the pill.


Our Finches
Absolutely wonderful! You are so fortunate to be a part of this miracle.


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Sweeter Spaghetti Sauce
My grandmother, who came here from Italy, used to add a whole carrot to the sauce as it cooked and then remove it before serving.


Scenery: Water Lilies (Botanical Gardens, Birmingham, AL)
Wonderful photos. Thanks for sharing.


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Dog Bed for a Dog That Chews?
We had to keep a dachshund dog in a metal crate due to an injury. The vet said that dogs like the crates as it feels like a den to them. You could use newspaper to line it.


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Dog Bed for a Dog That Chews?
P.S. The cat used to like to sleep in it when there was no dog in it.


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Protecting a Screen Door from Cats?
Bought one at Home Depot. It is heavy metal, enameled white and had pieces which stick out and can be screwed to a wooden door. Put one on a window as well to keep the cat from getting out. He kept pushing the screen with his head until it popped out. He got...


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My Pet Chihuahua is Throwing Up Intermittently?
I had a puppy that did the same thing. I turned out that her intestine was folded over and she would have died without help. I agree with earlier suggestions for low-cost care.


Long Haired Chihuahua in grass

Bathing Small Dog That Hates Water
I used to do a similar thing with a little poodle I had. I just took her in the shower with me and washed her. She still didnt like being bathed, but it was certainly easier.


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How Do I Find Out Which of My Cats is Peeing Inside?
Can you confine them to different rooms in the house for enough of a period of time for them to urinate? I have one cat who did that. She is 22 years old and I discovered that she couldnt get into the litter box. I put a tray in front of the litter box and...


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What Can Cause Dry Scaly Skin in Dog's Ears?
Ear mites only appear as dark looking patches. I agree. He needs to be seen by a vet.


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Stretch Fruit Juice
On the Dr. Oz show yesterday, the subject was ovarian cancer. He and a cancer expert said that drinking two cups of black tea a day cuts the risk of ovarian cancer by 40 percent.


Iris Knoxville

Iris (Knoxville, TN)
Beautiful flower. Beautiful photo.


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Cleaning a Steam Iron Sole Plate?
Once you clean the iron, heat it up to Warm and iron over a sheet of waxed paper. It will make the iron iron smoother. After the waxed paper, iron it on a paper towel to remove excess wax.


A ragdoll grey and white cat with blue eyes.

In Memory of Gizmo (Cat)
What a beautiful cat. I recently lost my mini-doxie and the pain is awful. I understand your loss.


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Cleaning Black Grout?
My handyman, who just put in new tile around my shower said that it isnt necessary to seal the grout. So, it is likely it was never sealed in the first place.


A rooster with a white hen.

My Frugal Life: Of Chickens, Dogs, and Fences
My grandmother used to have a rooster she called a Chiney rooster. It was white with a purple beak and claws. When it got out, it would jump on your chest, hold on and peck at your eyes. He became dinner. I was very young at the time and remember my fear when...


Vintage mirrors on shelf

Decorate With Vintage Mirrors
I used to find really old mirrors in thrift stores. I bought the ones with interesting frames and shapes and hung them on a wall in a dark hallway and really liked the look. It really brightened things up.


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Store Canned Foods Upside Down
I always wash the tops of cans before opening. When I use my can opener some of the juice from the food gets on the top of the cans. Who knows what little beasties have walked on it in the store.


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Keeping Lettuce Fresh
My aunt taught me something similar. She said to cut out the core and then run water into the lettuce until it runs out of the head. Then wrap it in a clean kitchen towel and then into a plastic bag. I agree that it can stay fresh a long time with this treatment...


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Kitchen Flooring Advice?
I had bamboo flooring put in my kitchen and I love it.


tubular swing glider

Replacing Canopy for a Swing/Glider?
Or, use a piece of canvas tarp.


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Dyeing a Merino Wool Scarf?
Or, you can find a cold-water dye. They do make them.


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