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11 Posts | 141 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Large Valentine's Day Kiss
What a cute idea! Im thinkin you could also also melt a little at a time and coat the inside of the funnel with several thin layers to make it hollow, and put a little present inside! Less chocolate to try and eat, and fun too! Maybe use a margine lid to make...


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Refurbishing a Pop-up Trailer?
i recently covered up the icky old linoleum in my bathroom with stick on floor tiles from family dollar. a box costs 10 dollars and they look nice. a box was much more than enuf so im sure you could use it for maybe 2 places.


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Washing Your Back?
LOL thats funny.......... yes a back brush - its a wooden handled thing with a scrunchy thing on the end. they also have these thingys that have like 2 loops with a scrunchy like long thing in between that you use with both hands - i like that one. Or... you...


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Cheese Balls Recipe?
2 cream cheese (8 oz) 1 package of chipped beef chopped up minced nuts of your choice minced green onions T worst. sauce mix up all but nuts, wrap in a ball in some saran wrap, then when youve got it round, roll in the nuts, re wrap in some more saran wrap...


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Noisy Shower?
ours screams too. and we have a new shower head LOL...... must be somewhere behind the wall?


Making a Scary Doll
LMAO!!!!!!!!!! thats so funny! - LOVE the idea! thanks! - ill be scouring the garage sales this summer for ugly dolls who need a face-lift. :)


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Framing Newspapers?
I get them at Goodwill. When my bf wears out a favorite shirt of his (like his Beatles shirts) i cut out the picture on the shirt and put it in a frame. Looks like we bought an expensive Beatles picture. Goodwill has half off day one saturday each month and...


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Breaking Up a Dog Fight
theres another way i know of that also works. Ive seen water not work but PEPPER just about always works! they have to sneeze and feel temporary pain long enuf to stop the fight. Also, pepper weighs a lot less lol. :)


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Fixing Curled Edges on an Area Rug?
i used duct tape on the back.


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Tortilla Strips From Leftover Wraps
Allow me to share how i make my famous san diego tacos. Have cooked hamburger ready and your cheese shredded. Heat up oil in the pan, place your tortilla in it and quickly flip it and put the cheese then the meat on fast! fold it over and in like 30 seconds...


Can Dogs Spread Disease?
Ha ha ha! thanks for all your responses! Yes it does seem to be a common thing for dogs to do! I wish he wouldnt but David sometimes catches you by surprise lol! .......... hes been to the vet and has a clean bill of health so i guess well all live!


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What does the term "Supreme" mean?
LOL - in reference to a pizza, it means it has everything on it. In reference to anything else, it means the best of the best of whatever that is.



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Office Award Ideas?
Id say if you really appreciate them you could start a Christmas club account with a modest amt of money in their name. That way they can add to it as they wish all year and the next Christmas and the whole year it would be a very much appreciated award! Or...


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Another Year Has Passed (A Poem)
i know thats not about you - youre only 44! i hope not anyways! - im 47 almost 48 and ack - some of that does apply but not all of it! btw im from Illinois too, Streamwood. this is me and my cat toonces. (she drives)


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Saving Money on Flea Prevention?
Ive heard that feeding your dog some garlic will repell fleas as they cant stand it. The smell comes out of their skin. But Ive also heard to never give garlic to cats because its actually bad for them.


Cat laying on couch

My Mood Cat
Im afraid she may not change. Once a cat has grown, in my experience, you can change bad behavior by the squirt gun method, but you cant make them more lovey dovey. One of my cats was very friendly until a friend of my ex obviously did some thing to her she...


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Dog Shedding?
you cant stop a dog from shedding. All you can do is clean up the hair. Some dogs dont shed, if yours does, theres no way to stop it.


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My Husband Cheated on Me?
I wish you and your husband the best of luck. Young people these days rarely stay together long term like they did 50 years ago. But what he did is called emotional cheating. There may have not been anything physical, but he was enjoying other womens company...


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Hair and Well Water?
We had that. Everyone in this neighborhood has had well water for many many years. The only way to stop it from turning your sinks tub toilet and your hair red is to get a water softener. Meanwhile - since i know it costed us alot...... we only drank bottled...


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Lhasa Apso That Bites?
i just yelled NO at mine and he stopped it. But if he was doing it all the time like yours, id take him to one of the obedience classes.


Painted potato bin.

Painting a Potato Bin
wow thats so pretty! i bet your parents were so happy! thanks for the cool idea! :)


Two Little Piggies
awww! im so glad you found their owners. makes ya want one doesnt it? besides for breakfast ack! oh dear. i feel guilty! waaa! What fun tho, maybe you could take them every other weekend..... LOL in case ya cant tell i LOVE animals! Weve got a dog 2 cats n...


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Easy Homemade Gift Ideas
WOW! those are GREAT ideas Connie! btw i saw the mortor mix stepping stone craft in a craft book which calls for using old pizza boxes lined with garbage bags. :) I have a very large yard and the firepit is yards away from the house. We intend to make our own...


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Looking for Inexpensive Prom Dresses?
our local dry cleaners does a service for this, people donate the dresses, and the cleaners have a thing for girls who sign up to choose one. Check with South Bend Indiana Zykers cleaners and see if they can maybe persuade a cleaner in your area to do the same...



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Family Reunion Invitations?
Postcards with local sights on them? You wouldnt have to worry about envelopes and its also a keepsake.


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Cats Knocking Down Knick Knacks?
if you pull stuff towards the edge so they can see they have no where to land, they wont jump up there at all. or place stuff there when youre not around.


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Creating an Outdoor Curtain for Privacy?
I just got an arched trellis from for 16 dollars! You could then hang anything from it to block the view. This can also be easily removed. One thing you could hang from it is to hang like a bamboo mat on the back side of it and then plants...


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Wine Glass Holder Pattern?
I saw them used on either Martha Stewart or The Today Show. You could check both of their websites and type it in the search box.


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Medium Oak and Off-White Kitchen?
Well I think a dark color would make the room appear smaller......... maybe a lighter version of the color you have in mind?


A cute baby boy in a bouncy seat.

Can My Baby Do Modeling?
Hes adorable! (hope its a boy lol)


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Buying Galvanized Pots for Centerpieces?
You can try Oriental Trading Co. online its they have the little tin pails and all kinds of stuff cheap by the dozens! :)


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Stickers For Many Uses
Hi heres something nobody normal would do. But since i started i cant stop even tho i am a laughing stock at least i cheer people up everywhere i go LOL! Im still adding them - you should see it now! Sometimes im driving around and im like ugh why are those...


Robbie and Peanut (Poodle and Terrier)
omg that is sooooooooooooo adorable! (smiles) heres my boy david we just adopted this winter....


Creating a Cozy and Beautiful Backyard?
omg thats a blank canvas! You can do a million different things! Get a fountain, definately some comfortable chairs and small tables or a chair and table set, potted plants are a must of course! Also you can get a chimera - not sure how to spell it - its a...


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Surprise Gift in a Soup Can
wow thats such a kool idea! i just love it! thanks so much for sharing it. At Christmas i stuffed something for my brotherinlaw in a plastic clumping cat litter container LOL! I love those kind of tricky gift ideas! (smiles)


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Teaching a Dog to Not Chase Cars?
The only thing i can think of is an electronic dog fence. However, you must obviously live on at least an acre or youd have it chained or cabled. We have an acre and keep our dog on a cable which conveniently fits under the door. Its 30 feet and we have another...



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Making Holes in CDs?
The simplest way to put holes in anything plastic is to take and hold a nail with a pair of plyers onto the stove burner. Use a hotpad to hold the plyers of course (smile). then simply push it throught once its really really hot. On some plastic stuff ive had...


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Low Cost Activities?
How about a checkers night? Or a book and magazine swap night? Plant a community garden and have whoever want to add a plant or flowers? (smiles)


Rudolph (Black Masked Love Bird)
awwwwwww Rudolf is ADORABLE! What a wonderful picture of him too! thanks for sharing him! (smiles)


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My $150.00 Wedding
Hi. I think its great that you and his ex get along so well. I get along with my ex quite well myself! People do think its strange, but weve remained friends. Last month, my boyfriend, my ex and I all went to see Blue Oyster Cult in concert at a local club...


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Gift Idea for Less Than $30?
You could give them crafting supplies and or gardening supplies. A lot of people havent discovered the wonders of having a hot glue gun and hot glue and anyone can use some gardening things. (smile)


Tito, Katie, Billy and Bobby (Parakeets)
wow youre so kindhearted! im so glad youve rescued them! You, my dear, are a GOOD EGG! (smiles)


Four cats sleeping

Beatrice, Gabriel, Alexander and Bailey (Cats)
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! they are so sweet! Heres a pic of our 2 cats and our rat before we got the dog around the holidays....... May be a bit more difficult to get the dog with the rest of em all in one picture! LOL - hes a rat terrier and would sorely love to play...


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How can I get rid of climbing ivy?
i would think pouring salt aroud the foundation would kill any plants? ~lol - just give it to ME! i need some climbing plants for my new trelliss!


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Saturday Meal Ideas
for a casual meal that is easy and yummy you can make my chili dip. 2 cans of chili and 2 cream cheese in a crock pot or slow cooker. Get scoop type chips and go at it........ lasts for hours! for mine, i add fresh chopped tomatoes and green onions and a bottle...


Rose (Mixed Breed)
awwwwwwwwww shes a doll! we recently were found by our dog too! David is also a digger!


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Makeshift Phone Speaker for Being on Hold
hey what a great idea! thanks!


Using Broken Bowls in the Garden

Using Broken Bowls in the Garden
wow what a great idea! thanks so much, that is so pretty! (smiles)


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Bell Pepper For Serving Dip
That is a GREAT idea! thanks so much! (smiles)


Jace As Ring Bearer
awwwwwwwww hes a doll! thanks for sharing - hell be breaking some hearts in another 10 yrs! (smiles)


Spring Tulips and My Grandmother's Quilt

Spring Tulips and My Grandmother's Quilt
wow thats gorgeous! Youre so fortunate to have your grandmothers quilt and in such good condition! thanks! (smiles)


Backyard View
omg thats sooooooooooo beautiful! thanks so much! can i come to visit???? LOL (smiles) heres a pic of our backyard......... not so pretty but fun. The firepit is behind us in this picture.


Long haired brown and white dog.

Brutus (Black Lab/Golden Retriever Mix)
They say its a dogs life! Boy has your sweetie got a good life! (smiles) my boy david says hello! Hey is Brutis on Dogster? if so David would like to be his pal!


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Dryer Lint For Seed Balls
wow! great idea! thanks hun!


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Getting My Feet Ready for Sandals?
I know EXACTLY what you can do! ........ ok its gross but it works! Get your bootie type slippers. Get your saran wrap and wrap your feet all the way up the ankles, not too tight but comfortable. Put the slippers on and lounge around 3 or 4 hours. When they...


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Making Eggs in the Microwave?
There are 2 ways i do it. 1st, you butter a bowl, crack the eggs in it and puncture the eggs. Its good really! The 2nd way you use a wax coated paper plate and put the eggs right on it, Only cook them a few minutes depending how strong your mic is. (smile)


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Removing a Marker Mustache From an Oil Painting?
ok. This is insane! I hope someone can help you. Id have a heart attack!


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Removing a Marker Mustache From an Oil Painting?
ok to be honest ........ when im mad at my bf i put a mustache and goatee on his pics on the walls with marker - but theyre BEHIND GLASS! once his unobservant butt notices them, he wets his finger and gets it off. - he doesnt notice till i laugh real hard and...


Orange Pomeranian wearing a white angel costume.

Nugget (Pomeranian)
DAWWWWWWWWWW! what a little ANGEL! (SMILES) i have had poms and they are sooooo smart they can be trained to wipe their feet when they come in! What a darling! Tell your daughter with a little patience that dog can do amazing things! What a sweetie pie! ~~love...


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Snail Repellents?
I have read that if you put like margerine tubs around the area with beer in them, they will fall in and drown. It says to bury them so the snails can get in but then they cant get back out. Good Luck! (smile)


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My Tiny Linen Closet?
You can fold the towels and washclothes 2 times lengthwise, then roll them in rolls and stack them so that you see the ends of the rolls. Same with sheets and other things youve got in there. Hey Im from Chicago too! (smile)


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How To Stiffen Coffee Filter Flowers After Tie Dyeing?
maybe spray it with starch? or like she said hairspray ought to work too! (smiles)


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Covering a Chain Link Fence?
Indian Potatos are a kind of vine with heart shaped leaves that ive used which cover the entire fence and are beautiful. You dont see the fence at all. They die down each winter and grow back bigger and better every spring. Or you could use Ivy which lives...


Skippy (Mixed Breed)
awwwwwwwwww. Im so sorry for your loss.... You and skippy were so lucky to have each other...... I wish you well. Here is a pic of my boy David who showed up when the wind chills were about 20 below this past Feb. We could not find his owner tho we searched...


Nickel and Diming My Way to a New Kitchen
Another nice way to save money is to never count the change in your checking account. What i do is when i write a check, when i put it in the check register, i round it up to the next dollar. When i deposit a check i round it down to the next dollar. In a few...


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Sonic Mole Repeller To Deter Dogs
LMAO!!!!!!! thats so funny! But a really cool tip too! thanks!


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Glasses With a Broken Bridge?
Hi i had the same thing happen to me last summer. I had to take them to a eye glass place but it was only 30 dollars for them to find a frame to fit my lenses and replace it. - A lot cheaper than new glasses. It was a place called Payless Optical here in the...


Kitties in the Winter
dawwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!! they are so sweet ty! here is my girly girl (smiles)


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

What kind of dog do you have?
We dont know! But some swear hes a rat terrier and some swear hes a Jack Russel. The vet says he could have several dif breeds in him. What do YOU think he is? He showed up one cold Febuary evening and we tried for a month to find his owners but so we adopted...


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Potty Training With Pennies
LOLLLLLLl!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is SO cute! When i used to babysit every Friday Id give all the kids even the littlest ones ( 2 yr olds ) a cup and have them pick up all the cig butts in the driveway. My bf at the time worked on cars in the garage and he and his...


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Uses for Cat Litter?
You could give it away to an animal shelter or join and give it away there!


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Struggling Bamboo Plant?
omg bamboo is a shade loving plant! They only grow in shade! You must change the water at least about 2 times a week, nothing is needed to add.


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Earring Organizer?
Here is how I made mine: Its a coat hanger covered with ribbon, bent and hot glued into a small jar of pennies and onto a small old plate. I painted the jar and the hot glue with black nail polish lol.


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Homemade Backyard Firepit?
Hi. In our city you can only have a fire in the backyard if it is ABOVE GROUND. So if you cant afford one of those 60 dollar ones, you can use any old grill on bricks out back. It burns wood nicely and is totally legal in town. (smiles to you) - just get rid...


Fancy (Tennessee Walker)
dawwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!! oh my how sweet she is! You are so fortunate to have her in your life as she is fortunate to have you in hers........ (smiles) please give her a carrot for me????


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Craigslist Alternatives?
We have a buy/sell/trade group here called Michiana buy sell trade. Im hoping your area has one too. Our area needed a car parts group so my friend who needed an engine and I started it ourselves! It was easy and now were up to 127 members and we started it...


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Indoor Fountain Vapor/Fogger Stopped Working?
I saw one of those in a Collections Etc. catalog. Theyre online too at All the stuff they sell is under 20 dollars, some is 10 and some 15 and some just under 20. Its my favorite catalog! (smiles)


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Re-Fluff Sofa and Loveseat Arms?
You can beat it with something like a broomstick. Or you can also cut a small slit where it doesnt show in the crack in the back or under the cushion and stuff new stuffing up and around to the flattened area. You can also take a needle, poke it thru in various...


Wheelbarrow Flower Decoration

Wheelbarrow Flower Decorations
OMGOSH those are so cute! Love it! (smiles!)


Fisher Price Record Player

Repairing a Fisher Price Record Player?
You need a new needle. Google record player needles. They are still available and so worth it! I just love my record player and so enjoy playing my old records!


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10 Year Old With A "Fresh" Mouth?
Sit on her. Literally. Warn her first if you dont stop getting smart and using that kind of disrespectful language with me or any other adults, i am going to sit on you. She may laugh and it may break the mood - at first. But if she does it again, grab her...


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Inexpensive Decor Items For New Home?
I love Collections Etc. Its a catalog and you can see the stuff online. If you dont want to order the stuff online, you can request the catalogs (free). Everything in there is under 20 bucks and i love their stuff!


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Covering a Picture Frame with Sand and Shells?
Id hot glue the shells first, as it seems they wouldnt stick to sand as well as to wood.


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Help Selling a Home?
Someone in the next town, Elkhart Indiana, they are offering a new car as an incentive for anyone who buys their house. It got on the news and some people have already made offers. They kept saying its better than that apple pie smell as far as incentive for...


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Ideas For Marking Where To Clean Up After Dog?
i used plastic butter knives to mark where i had planted my bulbs. She can just poke one in where the dog goes and then go back out and find it immediately (altho it still doesnt make sense she doesnt use the inside out pick it right up plastic bag thingy everybody...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Papier Mache Recipes?
Ive always used plain old flour and water, mixed up to a soupy consistancy. Its the cheapest ans simplest way to make the paper mache. Then you just tear strips of newspaper to dip in the bowl. I like to get large oval balloons and then make Pinatas out of...


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What to Do With Coke Bottle Caps?
You know those business card size fridge magnets we are always getting for free? Take some of those type magnets - our town gives big ones with the whole years recycling schedule on it - and draw around a cap to make as many as you need to glue them to the...


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Oriental Themed Christmas Decorations?
Im not sure how far you may have to travel, but you would find some very pretty things in your closest Vietnamese or Tai grocery store. Those stores carry lots of weird foods and all kinds of housewares and decor. The things arent expensive as to an asian person...


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Homemade Bow And Arrow Set?
Our daddy grew up on a res in northern Wisconsin. When we were little he showed us how to do it. Nowadays you probably wont let your kids use a pocket knife but one is needed. You need to hunt down a good branch thats flexible but not too flexible. Notch both...


Wetting rolled hair and drying with doll in vase..

Extreme Barbie Makeover
awwwwwwww! this is soooooooooo wonderful! ..... the last time i got some old barbies at the Goodwill store, we dressed them (theyre all naked there) in cheap clothes. Then my neieces nephew and I made boats and floated em down the river....... unfortunately...


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Suggestions for Disposing of Dog Waste?
You can throw it away, or flush it down the toilet or bury it or throw into the woods. It is biodegradeable. :)


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Where Do I Start When Putting Down Floor Tile?
I did mine starting at the door. And the room is not even - one thing i found out after struggling with a utility knife for the most of it is, scizzors worked just perfectly UGH! LOL and i had a lot of places like around the pedistal sink and the toilet and...


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How Can I Casually Ask a Guy Friend to a School Dance?
I would call him up and say hey can i ask your advise about something? Then when he says yeah sure...... say if a girl was gonna ask you to a dance, how would you like the girl to ask you? Cuz theres this guy i want to ask to our school dance. Whichever way...


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Covering a Cardboard Box with Fabric?
Ive used elmers type glue and ive used a hot glue gun. I only put the glue on the lines of the edges as i go pulling, THEN cutting to fit. I leave enuf room to fold a quarter inch or so so i dont have any raw edges.


Uses for old computers and equipment? - people want those computer parts or all of it desperately! Theyll come and get them whenever you want!


Large white goose.

Mr. Koose-Koose (African Goose)
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! what a lucky goose and gander! -- and goslings! (smiles) would you mind if i share your story with my friends? let me know at please?


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Home Remedy to Help Hair Grow Longer?
How are you brushing it? If you use a comb, thats not good, it rips the hair when you get to a knot. You should use a good brush. Only brush from the bottom an inch or a half an inch at a time. Never pull knots out, gently work thru them.


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What is Whiting?
I had a recipe which i have lost now, but was very useful. IT WORKED on roaches! I think all it was is a mixture of the boric acid and Jack Daniels whiskey, could have had a tad of sugar mixed in. It was called Roach Cookies. You add just enuf of the whiskey...


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Breast Lumps in Female Dog?
My sister had the same thing - DONT WAIT! they waited and the lump grew into a huge thing that dragged on the ground before they FINALLY PUT HER TO SLEEP! I was sick about it but i couldnt afford to pay for my sister... my point is its going to get bigger and...


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Will a Small Sponge Plug Up My Toilet?
LOL! my sister flushed a big rag down mine years ago. I found out that if the object is flexible, itll flush all the way down just fine! ---unlike toys LOL!


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Ideas for Country Boy's 5th Birthday Party?
foot races were always fun when we were kids (back in the 60s). A big pinata hanging from a tree is a blast too. How about a baseball game? let em run for sure - kids today never seem to have to run and stretch their legs - relay races, sack races, 3 legged...


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Ideas for Country Boy's 5th Birthday Party?
Oh i forgot wheelbarrow races!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOO much fun and the pictures would be hilarious!


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Putting Self Stick Tile Over Linoleum?
I did that. It worked out very very nicely! One tip, after struggling with a utility knife for most of the floor, i found i could just cut the tiles to fit the edges and around the pedistal sink and toilet with scizzors! I did put one tile over a crevise in...


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Dog Loves Cat Food?
Yes, all dogs love the cats food. But yeah its not nutritionally correct for them. Therefore, we feed our cat on the table. She knows to not get up there when we are eating, and shes never been allowed to beg so it works out fine for us. In the past, Ive also...


Laz'rus (Shetland Sheepdog)

Laz'rus (Shetland Sheepdog)
awwwwwwwwwww what a wonderful thing you have done! We are very glad you gave Laz a happy life! He is very handsome too! God bless you all!


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Accessories to Put on the Coffee Table?
Well you need at least 2 coasters! one on each end for you and another. Then I just use candle or some kind of candle fixture.


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Looking for a Good Place to Find a Computer?
Yes register with freecycle for your area, and then explain and ask for any components anyone may have. Then see what you get and ask for the other parts you still need. People give computer parts (keyboards monitors towers etc) all the time...


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Helping an Injured Mole?
awww the poor sweet little dear!!! Im so glad you want to help him. Until you find a wild animal rescue person, dont shine bright lights near him as that would hurt his little eyes. some gerbil food may interest him. My dog found one and was trying to hurt...


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Dog Has Clear, Foamy Vomit?
If this is an ongoing thing he has to go to the vet! If its only rarely or once in a while, try a teaspoon of cooking or olive oil. Could be hes choking on a piece of his rawhide chew?


Bead My Valentine

Bead My Valentine
Those are really neat. Ive done so many crafts but never thought about my mood while making gifts. My dad was native american. Thats something i wont forget, next time im making craft gifts.... thanks. course when in a bad mood im not so creative anyways lol


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Unsubscribing from Freecycle?
Edit Membership is at the top of your home page. I did the same thing, i changed mine to web only due to the million mails i kept getting.


A red heart for Valentine's Day

Tips for Singles on Valentine's Day
You could join Its a free singles site but its more fun than the others. They have a lot of tests to take and all kinds of questions you can answer. Hey at the least, it takes up some of that boring alone time. Some of the tests are really fun...


Dolce (Domestic Shorthair)

Dolce (Domestic Shorthair)
she is a beautiful beautiful girl! Here is my girl Toonces. :)


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Burning Fingers When Using Glue Gun?
I use a special pair of tweezers, and toothpicks or popsicle sticks depending on what im working with. mostly tweezers as i make stuff that is very tiny. :)


God's Candle
wow thats beautiful you must live in just the right spot and this must be just the right time of year to capture that! very kewl!


Meshu (Shih Tzu/Pom)
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!! what a little angel-doll! thank God you came along...... what a horror it is that people try to sell dogs like so much garage sale crap. here is my little angel (devil) lol david walked into our life last year. Hes quite the leaper...


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Use Decal or Paint a Picture to Mark Luggage
i used black nail polish to simply put my last name on my bag. its a very unusual name so that way i knew id have no trouble identifying it.


Collage mouse pad.

Use A Scanner To Make A Photo Collage
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait to do that!!!!! that is SOOOOOOOO KOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!! thank you! :)


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Protecting Carpet While Painting Trim?
You can put bobby pins on the plastic and tuck the end of the pins under the baseboards.


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Creative Acknowledgments of Coworkers' Birthdays?
I always enjoy giving a plant. Our local grocery chain always has ivy in cool coffee mugs. I always love to give one of those to coworkers on their bdays, as they can repot the ivy and think about me (lol) when they drink coffee out of the cup and as the years...


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Eye Color Changes in Certain Lighting?
If thats the actual color of the color part of your eyes, its just beautiful, and you are blessed. God works in mysterious ways, and you are a rare beauty. :)


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Making a Bedroom Door Stay Closed?
we stick a hand towel in the one - close it on it? and the other one i use an old iron to hold it shut lol.


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Sites Similar to Thriftyfun? ~~~the people there really research and have much better answers to thrifty questions than they do here? but its just not as much fun LOL!


hamster on doll house bed

Princess The Hamster
OMGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!! how adorable is she!!!!! i so wish my ratty boy had a sweet home like that! LOL! heres a picture of Georgie, hes my thweet little boy - hey he dont know hes a rat! hes my little boo boo.


Closeup of mermaid paperweight.

Decoupaged Paperweights
Wow! that is really cool! thanks for sharing that!


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