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4 Posts | 2,083 Comments | Active Since 2008
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Free Attractions When Driving from Texas to California?
We often traveled/camped with our kids when they were young. Many small towns along freeways, etc., often have parks, some with picnic tables, etc. These are great for kids running off stored energy and are also free! Check with a local gas station as they...


Pouch filled with nesting material.

Garden: Bird Nesting Pouch
Please do not put out yarn, thread, etc., for birds!!! The baby birds entangle their feet in the yarn and thread and are not able to free themselves!!!!


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Getting Rid of Poison Oak or Ivy Growing in Shrubs?
These answers do not address three hugh problems with poison oak and ivy: 1. Even though the plants may appear to be dead, after using a spray or in the winter, etc., even the dead branches often have enough dried sap in them to cause rashes. If you want to...


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Stretching Rubber Shoes?
Rubber is difficult to stretch permanently-you could take the shoes to a shoe repair store and ask what can be done. Ive had some very good results from my favorite shoe repair person who helps me with shoe modifications for my old ballet feet. For a less aggressive...


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Homemade Hummingbird Food
All Hummingbird Specialists Will Tell You: Boiling the water is necessary to avoid mold in the water and air that can easily kill hummers. Four parts water and one part sugar is fine, however, then bring the water to boil, boil two full minutes, let cool, and...


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Selling Old Encyclopedias
Hello Elizabeth, I was reading some old questions and found your 7.8.16 comment about your 1768 encyclopedias. If you still have them, they may be valuable. Encyclopedias published before 1923 do have some value depending upon the type and condition. You may...


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Disposing of Sugar Contaminated By Ants?
Very easy to pick the ants out of the sugar and save it. The ants do not cause any problems in the sugar, they are just hungry for sweets. You must keep all sweet things well packaged!


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Heating a Rice Theraputic Pad Without a Microwave?
Much better to give her a small electric heating pad-try Amazon: one for less than $10-Sunbeam Cozy Spot. Will last many years!


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Treating a Dog With Parvo at Home?
He will most probably not improve without treatment from a vet. Please get treatment now as he is suffering.


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Finding a Low Cost Vet?
Your boyfriends dog caused the injury. He should pay for the surgery and all other problems resulting from the attack. Your kitty is suffering and needs help now!


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Ivermectin for Cats Ears?
You must know exactly what the the ear problems are to be able to treat them correctly. All 12 may not have the same condition and may require different medications. Some of the cats and kittens may have sensitivities to Ivermectin and this can result in additional...



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Homemade Cake Flour
Cake flour is very different than all purpose flour. Simply adding cornstarch to all purpose flour will not result in the same baking results from real cake flour. See the information below from:


Brown Paper Bags for Healthy Microwave Popcorn
Brown paper bags for cooking: Heres what the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) says about this practice: Do not use brown paper bags from grocery or other stores for cooking. They are not sanitary, may cause a fire, and can emit toxic fumes. Intense heat...


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Value of The American Reference Library Encyclopedic?
Found this earlier answer re selling encyclopedias: Most Recent Answer By April [179]06/20/2014 My husband is an auctioneer, and sadly, these books usually bring only a couple dollars. You can access many encyclopedias online, that are updated daily, so the...


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Using Hedge Apples to Repel Spiders?
Article from University of Nebraska @ Lincoln Facts and Myths of Hedge Apples by Dr. Barbara Ogg, Extension Educator This article appeared in the October 2001 NEBLINE Newsletter This time of year, hedge apples - the fruit from the Osage-orange tree - are being...


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Selling Old Encyclopedias?
Recent Answers: By cybergrannie [30]08/15/2014 Generally older sets are not very valuable as information is outdated but the photos are still good. You can check out eBay, Amazon, Google and get some idea as to what others are doing with sets like these. Generally...


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Free Laptops and Training for Seniors?
The National Counseling On Aging has a free resource site: This site is a confidential and free and easy resource service to help people 55 years and older locate and apply for benefits. There are numerous financial assistance programs...


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Remember Truck Stops for Emergency Purchases
Excellent Tip! We camp quite a bit and often in areas far from stores as our interests and research are archaeology and biology. Even out in the boonies, we have been lucky to find truck stops with stores offering just about anything one might need. Recently...


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Bugs in Air Tight Flour Jars?
Bugs you find in any grain purchase, either just after purchase or later on, in regular and special flours, grains, cereals, organics, cake mixes, etc., usually arrive to your home in the actual product in their boxes and bags from the stores. You may not see...


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Babysitting Activity Ideas?
Your local library has many books on activities for kids!


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Dog is Bleeding from the Nose?
Problem could be from many things and could be serious if bleeding from the nose. Please take your dog to a vet for help. There is nothing you can do at home.


closeup of dog's face

Dog Has Rash and Is Losing Hair?
Your poor dog appears to be miserable with the rash and scratching. Please take him to a vet now for proper treatment of his problem. The medical problem will not disappear without medication, etc.


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Measuring Butter?
A stick of butter is 1/2 cup or 8 tablespoons. This information is also available online.



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Needle Stops with Thick Material?
Your machine may not be designed to sew through 4 layers of some fabrics. You can take the machine to a repair shop for an explanation of just what the machine is able to do and if a repair will help.


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Electric Cord Replacement?
The company is online and provides contact information.


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Feeding Ladybugs?
Checked wikihow for answer and how to keep ladybugs. I suggest releasing your ladybug in a day or two as they are difficult to keep alive for an extended period inside.


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Value of 1969 Murphy Red Cedar Blanket Chest?
For comparison I checked Etsy and found a red cedar chest for $199.00 -age not given. A chest from the mid 1900s is not very old so probable low value overall, not considering physical condition.


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Dog Was Exposed to Parvo Won't Gain Weight?
Please take your dog to the vet now-he is not gaining weight though you are feeding him well, he defecates much too often, and may or may not have other problems. He is clearly sick!


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Buying Plastic Canvas?
Can you glue, sew, etc., the smaller pieces to make a large piece?


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Excessive Foul Sweating?
Suggest you discuss your problem with your doctor as soon as possible. You may need prescriptive antiperspirants or other medication.


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Zipper Foot for Older Brother Sewing Machine?
The company has a website with customer service email and phone for assistance.


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Kenmore Sewing Machine Won't Turn?
There are many possible reasons why the machine wheel will not turn, especially in very old machines. It is very difficult to assess your machines problems from afar. Suggest you take the machine to a repair shop for help.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Transmission of Tape Worms in a Kitten?
Please take your kitten to a vet for a diagnosis of the worms and neceassary treatment. The worms will not disappear without medication. You can also ask the vet if you might have contracted something from your kitten. Note that the vet should be better able...


black puppy

Getting Rid of Tape Worms in a Puppy?
Please take your dog to a vet for a diagnosis and treatment. It would be very difficult for anyone else to help you as you do not know exactly what the dogs problem is and the dog may need prescriptive medication to cure the problem.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

2 Year Old Male Staffy Peeing and Pooping Inside?
Your dog has a problem and you do not know how to resolve the problem. Please take your dog to a vet for an exam to learn why your do is urinating, etc., inside. He may have a medical problem and need medication or the vet can help you with some guidance to...



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Needle On New Empisal 889 Won't Move Up?
Especially as you have a new machine that may have problems, you can contact the store where you purchased the machine or the machine manufacturer for help.


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Cooking a Turkey in a Foreman Rotisserie?
The company has an online site and a customer service email and phone number for help.


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Replacement Cord for Sunbeam Warming Blanket?
The Sunbeam company has a website with customer service email and phone # for assistance.


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Viking Sewing Machine Won't Stitch?
The company has a website with customer service email and phone # for assistance.


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Training a Needy Skittish Puppy?
Please take your puppy to a vet for help. If you do not know what is making the puppy so wary, you may not be able to help and the problem will just become worse. The vet is trained in assessing possible behavior, medical, etc., problems with animals and can...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Dog Chewing His Fur Out?
Please take your dog to your vet immediately for a diagnosis and treatment. If you do not know the problem, you cannot solve it. If your dog is chewing his fur out, he is surely in pain and the chewing will not stop without proper medication.


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Changing a Power of Attorney?
Suggest you consult with an attorney specializing in Power of Attorney issues.


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Removing Mold from Couch?
Appears the couch cover and internal materials may have mold from the damp basement. A reupholster company may be able to help by replacing the cover and internal materials. However, the cost may be more than purchasing a new or used replacement.


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Feeding a Grasshopper?
Online-Go to ehow: how to keep grasshoppers.


dog sleeping

Dog Pooping in House After Losing Sight?
Please take your dog to the vet to address the new problems. Getting rid of your dog just because he has a medical condition is irresponsible and sad. If he now has medical problems that are uncontrollable, then euthanation may be the responsible consideration...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Locating the Source of a Bad Smell?
Suggest you speak with your landlord regarding the problem. He may need to have a rodent control company check the apartment for a possible trapped animal. Also could possibly be a problem from rehabing the apartment that the contractor may need to check. Appears...


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Dyeing Hair at Home?
There is no guarentee exactly what will happen with home hair dye attempts. You say that your hair has been through alot recently. I suggest you make an appointment with a hair stylist who specializes in hair dye. The stylist can examine your hair and suggest...


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Crate Training a Puppy?
Your dog may have a medical problem as his behavior has changed. The new cage may or may not have much to do with his new behavior. Please take him to your vet and ask for help. Be sure to explain he was a stray and describe his prior and current urinating...


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Senior Dog Going Potty Inside at Night?
Your very old dog may have a new medical problem that results in his new behavior. Please take him to your vet as soon as possible. He may need medication to help change the current behavior.


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Survivor Benefits for my Younger Brother?
This is a complicated situation, there are difficult issues and the boys future at stake here. If you have the money to hire an attorney, I strongly suggest doing so. Most attorneys provide a free initial meeting to discuss the issues and decide if they can...


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Removing Dog Urine Stains on Hardwood?
We bought a house which had large feces, urine and vomit stains in the wood that were hidden by new wall to wall carpet and several odor killers around the house. No cleaning agent helped (we tried!!!) and we finally had to replace the entire wood floor in...


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Spatula Bleach Stains?
The white stains on your rubber spatulas are actually a removal of the dye color of the rubber in the white areas by the dishwasher cleaning agent. You can not remove the white area as it is not a stain but rather an absence of color.


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Adult Son is Argumentative?
I fully agree with Stephanies excellent response, however, there is clearly a second issue that you noted at the end of your explanation. You said your son is an argumentative person and can become very abusive mentally, towards me. From your statement, it...


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Cat Peeing and Pooping Everywhere?
The poor cat is obviously extremely stressed from the mistreatment by your brothers. It will probably take some time and much love and understanding on everyones part to change the urinating and defecating behavior. It is clear your cat is still suffering from...


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Removing Cat Urine Odor from Wood and Carpet?
Your kitty may have a medical problem. Please take him to your vet to address and correct the behavior. He may need medication and your vet can help you with possible changes in his environment.


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Child's Eligibility for Parent's Life Insurance?
My condolences for your loss. There is no quick answer to your question. This legal situation is very complicated and there are many questions and issues that must be addressed by the attorneys on both sides. Please try to be patient and let your attorney move...


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Pellet Mill Cost?
You can find the information you need online. There are many types of pellet mills and the cost varies. One site had prices for a small mill starting over $1800.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Previously Trained Adult Dog Peeing Indoors?
Your dog may have a medical problem. Please take him to your vet and explain the dogs behavior clearly. He or she will examine and test to clarify any possible medical problem. If the testing reveals a medical problem, the vet will prescribe appropriate treatment...


brown and white dog

My Dog Peed on My Bed?
Your dog is older and may have developed a medical problem that needs immediate treatment to improve his behavior. Please take him to your vet now as the vet will be able to clarify and treat any medical problems. The vet can also suggest ways that will help...


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Hair Falling Out After Typhoid Shot?
Please call your doctor immediately and explain your problem. Hair thinning is a possible side effect of contracting typhoid fever but may or may not be a result of a vaccination. There could possibly be another unrelated reason but your doctor will be able...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Dog Wouldn't Eat Dog Food and Vomiting?
Your dogs vomiting may be a result of not liking dog food but also may be something unrelated. She is obviously having a difficult time and needs help. Please take her to your vet now to clarify her problem and find a solution.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

White Hair Losing Its Color?
Suggest you make an apointment with a dermatologist to answer your concerns. She or he will be able to clarify any possible medical problem and recommend treatment to improve your hairs condition.


black Lab

Remedy for Dog's Smelly Ears?
Your dog obviously has a problem-infection, fungus, etc. However, you do not know what it is or how to treat and resolve the problem. Please take your dog to your vet for help-he may need medication for the ear. It is also possible he may have another condition...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of 1972 Webster's Dictionary?
Most old dictionaries have little (a few dollars max) or no value at all as almost everything now is computer based, and is always updated and current. 1972 may seem a long time ago for you, however, for many people it is just yesterday!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of 1932 Universal Dictionary?
You can search online, check craigslist, old book sites for information, etc. However, old books, dictionaries included, have little value as our computer age has most information instantly available online and always updated.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Hair Falling Out After Typhoid Shot?
Re has good information about Biotin but advises that you should discuss taking it with your doctor because of possible problems if you have other medical conditions and also possible interactions with drugs you are taking. I hope that you...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Donating Fabric Scraps?
Possibilities: Call any senior centers in your area as many have sewing and quilting classes and would certainly appreciate your donation. Call churches in your area. They may have groups who would appreciate your fabric for clothes, blankets, etc., for homeless...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of Collier's Encyclopedias?
Most old books have little value now-a few dollars at best. The internet has vast banks of information both old and current, and constantly updated, so old books are essentially just dust catchers. You can try craigslist and other selling sites for possible...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Sewing Machine Gets Stuck and Breaks?
All sewing machines are designed differently and one possible fix may not work on other brands. Now that they are much more computerized, even a simple seeming repair requires someone who knows the computer side of the machines. Best advice from me is to take...


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Removing an Iron On Applique?
Cant help on the removal but, if the company made the incorrect spelling mistake then they are responsible. Return and request a correction or a refund.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Sharing Living Expenses?
Something is very wrong here! The most obvious problem is a lack of communication between your friend and you. You believe he has not been honest about his finances and it appears there is (and has been) very little communication about money between you both...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Relief for Dog's Itchy Ears?
If you do not know what is causing your dogs ear itching, then you do not know what treatment he needs. If you try to administer any medication over the counter, advice from a friend, etc., without being absolutely certain it is appropriate to treat the actual...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Sharing Expenses With Boyfriend?
Your boyfriend and you have been on and off for 7-8 years, but this year made it official to be committed to one another. However, it appears that you and your boyfriend do not have an official committment about money. Since there is no legal agreement between...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Dog Pooping and Peeing in Basement?
Are you absolutely certain that your dogs behavior is a result of loud noises? It appears he does have a problem but it may not be a result of loud noises. Your vet can help you in this situation as your dog may have a new medical condition that causes the...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Dog Peeing On Rug?
The information you provide about your dogs behavior is not enough to suggest an answer . He may have a medical issue or a situational problem. Please take your dog to your vet for help. The vet can help with medication, if needed, and can provide suggestions...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Dog Leaks When She Needs to Pee?
Your dog clearly has a problem or problems and may also be affected by your frustration about his problem. Please take him to your vet immediately. He has a problem that must be identified before it can be treated correctly. Your vet will recommend appropriate...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Highlighting Hair With Well Water?
Your well water could have a million different things in it that might affect your dye attempt so your question is extremely difficult question to answer, however, you can take your question to a hair stylist for answers. You could also try the dye using distilled...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Smell in Wall of Dead Squirrel?
You can request the service of a pest control company to check for a possible dead animal removal. If there is a dead animal in your house, the smell will continue for months or even years depending upon the type and size of the animal.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Smell in Wall of Dead Squirrel?
An addition to my first response; if the smell is from an animal trapped in your walls or ceilings, the longer you wait, the more difficult the removal and costly the repair may be. As an animal decays, liquids released from the decay process will seep into...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Washer Stopped Working?
If you do not know how why your washer stopped working, it would be difficult for anyone here to suggest a solution. There are many factors to consider and you have not provided any additional information. If your washer is more than 4-5 years old, the most...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

POA Verses Trustee of a Trust?
Please see an attorney immediately as the issues in this situation are complex. The attorney will need to request copies of legal records, bank statements, etc., to thoroughly evaluate your case. This situation will require time and expense for the attorney...


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Agencies That Help After a House Fire?
You do not provide any further information so no one can even begin to respond to your question. If your friend owned the house and has insurance, she should contact her insurance company. There may be other options available to her but you did not provide...


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Mixing Instructions for Hitachi Bread Machine?
You can access (FREE!) many manuals by going to this site: Is a Free, No-Sign Up Required Library of Product Manuals.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Sewing Machine Not Running Properly?
All sewing machines are designed differently and one possible fix may not work on other brands. Now that they are much more computerized, even a simple seeming repair requires someone who knows the computer side of the machines. Best advice from me is to take...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Repairing a Broken Water Line?
You can call the water company and ask if they have suggestions that might work for you. They may be able to direct you to resources in your area.


Beagle sleeping

Beagle Pooping in the Kichen?
Her behavior may be coming from another medical problem. Please take your dog to the vet to check on any other possibility for this behavior. The dog may have a new medical problem that needs medication, etc. If there are no other problems, your vet can help...


Lola, white and brown Pit Bull

Training an Abused Dog?
Poor dog! How kind of you to take her and help her. She definitely needs your help. You need professional help to help your dog. If you havent already done so, please take her to your vet immediately to check for any medical problems. Your vet will also help...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Cleaning an Oven?
You will find a large amount of information online about cleaning ovens: self-cleaning and continuous cleaning (including those where the function no longer works), and regular ovens.


black cat holding an orange

Introducing a New Kitten to Resident Cat?
Adding a new kitty (or even older cat) to your home may be very difficult as your older cat has been top cat all of her life. I strongly suggest you bring your older kitty to your vet to discuss a new kitty addtion. Your vet is very experienced in this area...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Refrigerator is Freezing Food?
There may be many reasons why your fridge is not working correctly. The problem may be easily fixed or may be a costly solution. The best plan is to request an evaluation from a fridge repair company. The service person will examine the fridge and then recommend...


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Christmas Gift Ideas for Long Distance Relationship?
Depending on how much you want to spend, you can buy him a new ipod? Check Best Buy for prices.


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Spilled Bleach on Laminate Flooring?
I checked online and found this in Can bleach damage laminate flooring? Yes. Even soap-based cleaners can damage laminate flooring. If you do need to clean laminate, use either a laminate-specific cleaner or a weak vinegar solution (4 parts water...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of Book of Popular Science and New Standard Encyclopedia?
Most old books have little value now-a few dollars at best. The internet has vast banks of information both old and current, and constantly updated, so old books are essentially just dust catchers. You can try craigslist and other selling sites for possible...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Cat Litter Toilet Clog?
Cat litter is usually made, part or all, of clay and clay expands in water. So if clay litter is dumped into the toilet, it will expand and can cause very difficult problems, even cracked pipes. You can try a toilet snake yourself but the best plan is to call...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Christmas Eve 13th Birthday Ideas?
A Christmas Eve Ballet Performance would be a unique experience for a 13 year old. It may be difficult to get tickets so late but definitely worth a try if you can afford it. Also, a fancy restaurant, again if you can afford it, one with servers in black and...


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Door Lock Light is Blinking on Washer?
Suggest you call the company who sold you the machine or the manufacturer for help.


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Making Homemade Lip Balm?
Check the site for lip balm-there are many with various ingredient.


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Electrical Repair for Low Income Families?
Re Rent-To-Own-Whether you have signed an agreement or not with your landlord, you do not own the house and are not responsible for wiring problems unless you caused them. You only own the house at the end of the period you are paying and after you sign actual...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Electrical Repair for Low Income Families?
If you signed an actual agreement with your landlord, if should have addressed exactly who is responsible for repairs, electrical, etc. If the agreement does not specifically state who is responsible for what, then the landlord should be responsible for the...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of 1955 Webster's Dictionary?
Seems almost everyone has old books they want to sell. Most old dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc., have very little value-a few dollars at most. You can check online for old book collectors, on Craigslist and other retail sites for possibilities. Everything...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of 1911 Encyclopaedia Brittanica?
Seems almost everyone has old books they think are important and want to sell. Most old dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc., have very little value-a few dollars at most. You can check online for old book collectors, on Craigslist and other retail sites for possibilities...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Green Bay Packer Doily Pattern?
Do not know if this is the one you want. ThriftyFun has a source but appears she does not sell the pattern, instead makes them to sell. The info below is dated 2008: hi everyone my email is if any one wants a nice homemade crocheted packers design doiliy i...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Front Load Washing Machine Stopped Spinning?
You did not provide the washer brand, year model, etc., so difficult to help you. However, you can check the product booklet for possibilities, ask the store where purchased, and also check the manufacturers website for help-customer service.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Power Supply and Control for Electric Blanket?
You can easily check online-Online stores say you must contact the manufacturer for info. Assisted Living Store, Inc. also DBA ElectricBlanket.NET Warehouse 199 Bridgepoint Drive South Saint Paul, Minnesota 55075 Toll Free (888) 388-5862 Local (651) 769-1574...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Smoking Neighbor?
I had the exact same problem years ago in California but the state laws have changed. You do not say what state or city you live in so it is impossible to know if your local laws address this problem. If your city or state has no laws addressing the smoke problem...


doll in box

Value of Seymour Mann Doll? has a section to check on possible values for various dolls: Note the first paragraph suggests to go to another site for better info and you can just click it.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Guinea Pig Sits Where He Pees?
You can check online for answers-there is alot of information about how to keep guinea pigs. Try this website for help in keeping a guinea pig: Please be careful to change the bedding every day to avoid...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Rubberized Mat Left Stains on Vinyl?
You can find many answers to your question via a simple search: If marks are on surface of vinyl, they can be removed with mineral spirits. If stain has been absorbed into vinyl, it is likely the stains are permanent. Read more:


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Making Hot Chocolate?
Reheating should not be a problem. Even if there is some separation, reheating and stirring or mixing should result in the same chocolate milk.


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Fudge Did Not Set Up?
What you can do to harden your fudge is difficult to answer as you have not included the exact recipe. The specific ingredients, cooking instructions, etc., also weigh in an answer.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Removing Cigarette Odor from Leather Handbag?
This is a tough one but an online search offers many suggestions. I chose this answer as it suggests several possibilities: THE DAMP CLOTH Try wiping down both the inside and outside of your bag with a very rung out damp cloth, then give it a dry wipe straight...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Washer Flashing F13 Error Code?
Every manufacturer has different codes so without knowing your washers manufacturer, no answer. You can get this information in your product booklet or online at the manufacturers website.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

White Westinghouse Bread Machine Error Codes?
You can find the answer in your product booklet or online at the manufacturers website.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Dog Has Soft Stool?
Very difficult to answer as there could be so many possibilities. You can continue to try alternative foods, however, this might make the problem even worse. You could try another vet for a different opinion.


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Repairing a Foodsaver?
You can contact the manufacturer online or the store where purchased for an answer.


partially coiled snake

What Kind of Snake Is This?
The photo is too dark for a clear picture of the snakes identifying markings. Also need your locale or state, when the picture was taken (season), where the snake was found and day or night time the snake was found. All of these answers will help identify the...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Making a Coat from a Blanket?
Go to Pinterest and search blanket coats. There are make pictures, ideas and DIY patterns to try.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Dog Has Soft Stool?
Additional information: If you decide to try a different vet, you can request copies of your dogs tests and evaluations for the new vet-to save retesting costs and also so the new vet has all possible information for the examination. Delivering the test and...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Windows Fogging Up in Pick Up Truck?
You can contact a Ford dealer, Ford online-customer service, a Ford mechanic, etc.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Using a Turkey Bag in Electric Roaster Oven?
You can contact the store where purchased or the manufacturer-online or phone.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of Seymour Mann Doll?
You can search online and find many sites for doll collectors. Keep in mind that just because the doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Sunbeam Bread Machine Codes?
You can search online for an answer, check the booklet received with the machine, check the online site for customer service, etc.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Homemade Candles Don't Stay in Containers?
Essentially the problem here is that wax does not adhere very well to glass. When the candles fall out of the glasses, you can glue them to the glass, melt more wax to try to adhere the candles again, try double sided tape, any number of possibilities to solve...


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Shopping for Glo Coat Floor Wax?
If you search online, you will find that the product was last manufactured in 1988 and is not available as as most floors are now no wax.


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