
pam munro

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519 Posts | 788 Comments | Active Since 2006
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Grandmother on a Budget?
I am not a grandmother, either - but I have given my nieces and nephew Xmas presents for years when very broke. By starting in September and giving myself time to look around and pick up trifles on sale, and in thrift shops and so on, I usually had a nice variety...


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Can I Get a Decent Car for $1,000?
In our neck of the woods there is a group called Cars for Causes to which people donate their vehicles for charity and you can get very good deals there. See if there is anything like that around you.


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Whitening Dental Bridges?
I wash out my mouth with regular hydrogen peroxide - not only does it kill germs - but whitens as well.


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Need Help Paying for Prescription Drugs?
Get generic prescriptions whenever possible. Then go to Walmart - I understand that they have something like $10 deals on generics. I also did not have prescription coverage at one point and got drugs through the drug assistance program with the help of my...


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Cutting Family Clothing Expenses
Have to make the comment that if you want to be WELL dressed, the fact is you have to have a lot of clothes. (So that you will have things for all occasions.) But getting things at prices substantially below retail will certainly help with that. I grew up on...


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Uses for Contac Paper?
I have covered my bathroom cabinet doors with contact paper - & its the best they ever looked - I have also used it for faux marble tops over melamine tops - and covered particle board shelves...& used the marble pattern to cover a set of file cabinets....I...


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Spare Change Your Car Ashtray
If you keep change (here its for parking) - keep in a concealed container. I always have to caution hubby about covering up stuff we have left in the car with a blanket or jacket! Luckily we have scooped out places in our card door(s) where change can be kept...


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Custom Embroidery Help?
You could sew on appliques - or even use fabric paint and PAINT a swirly design on the pants. ( I think they call that something like liquid embroidery.)


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Keeping A Travel Bag Handy
I have a boat bag almost packed for the wkends at the boat. Its a great place to put all your toothpaste/moisturizer/deodorant & other samples! Get them from freebie sites & dont BUY them!


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Keeping A Travel Bag Handy
I have a boat bag almost packed for the wkends at the boat. Its a great place to put all your toothpaste/moisturizer/deodorant & other samples! Get them from freebie sites & dont BUY them!


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Keeping My Apartment Smelling Fresh?
I live in an older apartment which can get stuffy - but I work on the circulation of the fresh outer air - with fans in all the rooms to circulate it. Put the garbage in a tightly CLOSED plastic garbage bag if you cant take it out regularly. Make sure your...


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Home Remedy For Contact Dermatitis?
Besides my points from earlier feedback (see below) I find that if I wash my hands (or rinse) after touching irritant & re-apply hand lotion, I will avoid some irritation. My hands are very dry - so I always have lotion at hand to lubricate them throughout...



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Home Remedy For Contact Dermatitis?
Contact dermatitis is from when you have an allergic reaction to something you have come in contact with...What are you allergic to in the wristband? If it is the leather, switch to nylon, for ex. - I can only wear silver or stainless steel or gold - otherwise...


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Pants Hangers For Wrapping Paper
I wanna know where the guest got the clapping scene!


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Making Your Own Flavored Yogurt
You can also mix vanilla yogurt with plain yogurt 1/2 and 1/2 or to taste.


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Pressing Pants and Taking Out the Shine
Hope you havent fused the microfiber causing the shininess. If its a small area you could try scraping off the fused top layer very carefully with a razor blade.


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Sinking In Debt, More Bills Than Income?
General tip for eating frugally - Use less meat! and then only for flavoring - use lots of beans/tofu cheese/eggs and other forms of protein. Make lots of soups/stews (you can put anything in them.) Eat potatoes and pasta. Drink water & iced tea - Buy thing...


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Free Printable Cards or E-cards?
dover publishing has old-fashioned e cards (including holidays) and MOMA The Museum of Modern Art in NYC has nice photos/art ones - all FREE.


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Clothing That Never Goes Out of Style
Shirts and shirt dresses. Simple sheaths. Sun dresses. Good jackets. Denim - skirts, jeans, shirts, jackets..Ballet flats ,loafers, Roman sandals, plain sneakers, boat shoes. Fitted t-shirts with long and short sleeves. Shells, knitted and fabric. Well- fitted...


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Make Your Own Dry Erase Board?
When I was tutoring & wanted small, portable white boards, I found I could use the backs of shiney white-coated portfolio covers. I also used a small white metal board, originally for magnets, found at yard sale. The white board markers worked quite well on...


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Saving Money on Homeschooling Supplies?
You can find good deals on used books and text books at thrift shops, yard sales, used book stores. I sometimes prefer older textbooks, because they seem more demanding - but this is true more for English/literary/cultural subjects - not so much for science...


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Men's Shirts and Socks are Cheaper
I also have worn mens pants - they are better sized than womens - and small mens jackets. Mens clothes are so much better made. And I dont think anyone notices the difference in the way you button them. Colorful mens shirts make nice artist shirts, too. And...


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Perfume Bottle Won't Spray?
If you have a bottle with just dregs in it, you can take off the spray top & milk whats left of the spraying mechanism by pushing it against a hard surface, so it dribbles out - (I have used the dregs to add to my bath water to beef up my bubble bath.) I wish...


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Dressing Up a Bathroom Mirror?
I have put things ON the sides of the mirror - like angel figures - and have stacked framed flower pictures up against the side of the mirroron the shelf beneath it. I also hung a painted frame AROUND the old medicine frame box of my mirror in the bath room...



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Dressing Up a Bathroom Mirror?
I have hung a colored picture frame (pink to match the pink tile around the back of the medicine chest/mirror - & then hung decorative things/pictures in the space between the frame & the medicine chest (Its off center because I have had to make room for the...


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My Neighbors are Placing Dog Poop In My Yard?
You have to be careful about the law here - They sound as if they are harassing you - which should not be legal - I would check with local ordinances - and look up trespassing and harassment on the site - I always find them very helpful. You...


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How Long Does an Open Bottle of Wine Last?
Just a note - red wine ages better than most whites, which should be drunk young - For that reason I have been able to get really good deals on reads at the 99 Cent Store and other bargain outlets! (And the reds are less popular.) But buy a test bottle to taste...


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Problems With Sweating?
I am a veteran sweater - and have adopted certain strategies. For example, wearing natural fibers as much as possible, as synthetics make me hotter. I also wear layers as much as possible, as it allows me to adjust to the temperature. When it is hot, sometimes...


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Last Minute Gift Ideas
I always have little gift books which I buy on the clearance rack at places like Barnes & Noble. And I collect little bits of costume jewelry, too - samples of cosmetics, fragrance, etc. - which can be put into things. Over the years I have developed a custom...


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Frugal Hair and Body Care Tips?
About vaseline - correction - I use it ABOVE and around the eye - not beneath - beneath I use a dab of witch hazel & some eye cream - altho occasional applications of vaseline dont seem to hurt - I have extremely sensitive eyes - and allergies, etc. And at...


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Cleaning a Prom Dress?
The powder idea for greasy stains is good - I also love K2R - a spray cleaner with powder - A lot of those dresses are polyester, which could be washed gently in sections - but if its only acetate, then washing is out of the question. The dry cleaners dont...


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Highlighting Black Hair?
If you just want to jazz it up, you could use the cellophane color washes for dark hair. The burgundy color is nice, I have seen a lot of oriental hair with auburn streaks (from peroxide) which can be a nice look if thats what you are after. For a color streak...


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Keeping Facial Soap Case from Smelling Bad?
If you travel a lot - why dont you simply use the little soaps you get from your room - Most of them are quite nice nowadays. I save them & use them by the kitchen sink, etc.


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Help for Insomnia?
I also use Valerian, a homeopathic remedy called CALMS FORTE, another one called RESCUE REMEDY, melatonin and kava kave - alternating them off so I dont get too acustomed to any one. (sometimes I will take one & add Rescue Remedy.)Also have a sleep routine...


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Dealing With Extremely Sensitive Skin?
To protect yourself against nickel allergy - in most inexpensive earrings, etc - you can put clear surgical tape on the earrings/jewelry where it touches your skin to protect it. I can only wear silver/gold and stainless steel daily. When my skin gets really...


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Uses for Fragrant Powder?
I use my scented powder as dry shampoo - you sprinkle it in your hair and then brush it out to take out greasiness - & it smells nice and refreshes your hair, too.



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Evites Instead of Mailing Save-the-Date Cards
Pam responds - We only used the Evites for pre-wedding Save the Date invitations, and sent out real printed ones somewhat later, too - This was because there wasnt a long lead time for the wedding.


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Using Wedding Decorations in Your Home
Also think about potted flowering plants that can be put into the garden!


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Living Without a Microwave
We have gotten Microwaves 2nd hand that are quite adequate - & no, we dont use them all the time - but it can come in handy -


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Comodes With Artificial Flowers?
Well, people find that they have these large ceramic containers they dont know what to do with - so they think they might as well recycle them. If only they werent such a telltale shape! It does end up being down market....


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Hair Coloring Tips for Men?
I helped a guy I know touch up his hair - & applied some mens gel color sparingly with a toothbrush - and left becoming snowy areas at the temples. Dont think you can totally restore your color, especially if it was dark - you should just touch up - otherwise...


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I'm Having a Hard Time Being Thrifty?
Necessity is the mother of invention - It started out that way for me - but even as my familys income has grown - we still get A LOT out of living frugally. - In fact, practically everything we WANT. We have 2 cars and a boat - nice clothes, a nice stylish...


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Pam to the Plant Rescue
Poinsettias are very hardy here in S. California - (They orginally come from Mexico.) So I think you would make sure they get a lot of sunshine - and put outside during the warm season if possible. Have you fertilized your ficus? Even putting your used tea...


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Subtle Creamy Yellow Paint?
I think you need to think cream with a yellow tinge rather than yellow per se. Nowadays there are so many paint choices and they mix them right there in front of you - so there shouldnt be a problem. Just get the color you can and duplicate it.


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Make a Poster Look Like a Painting?
I dont know about putting in on canvas, but you can mount posters on a backing with mod-podge (or just use thinned white glue) and then put in brush strokes when you apply the podge/glue. It will dry to a shiney, somewhat textured finish. This is particularly...


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Repairing Seat Cushions With Ripped In Them?
The way I have dealt with that problem is to put tapestry panels on top of the work place - sort of like old-fashioned antimacassars - If you get a nice contrasting pattern, it looks quite stylish. (And you can even glue the panel on the cushion with spray...


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Complaining About Bad Service
ALSO - go the the TOP and cc (copy at the end of the letter - you should do this all In WRITING when at all possible) everyone involved - like the Better Business Bureau, Consumer Protection Agencies - and other outside agencies - I have found that outside...


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Window Shopping
Yes, I understand about craft people & I am happy that they have people to buy their wares! (I had a glass artist I patronized & have what I think is her masterpiece - a bowl embossed with dragon flies). However - on my budget I find that I couldnt afford art...


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Non-Wool Winter Clothing?
I have always liked cotton velour - when you can find it, its out of style - and all sorts of corduroy - Then, of course, there are acrylic sweaters and the new fleecy synthetics - which are really WARM. For coats, look for the padded nylon/dacron padding combinations...


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Checking Out the Neighborhood Shopping
Also go to the neighborhoods at different times of the day - sometimes neighborhoods look fine during the day & take on a whole different character at NIGHT.


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Keeping Track of a Toddler at Disney World?
I have also seen people put jingle bells on their kids shoes, so that they can be HEARD. But I dont think having them on a leash of sorts some of the time would do them any harm - much less than getting lost!


A faux stained glass window

Faux Stained Glass (Directions)
You can also do faux stained glass on similar principles using acetate sheets - they do fade over time, tho- how do yours stand up?


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Homemade Eyeliner?
Yes, people used to use candleblack for makeup - That is, they would hold a lighted candle under a plate and collect the black soot to them apply to the eyes, etc. But there is so much good cheap stuff around, why do you want to bother? You can get it at the...


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Fun Things to Do With an Infant?
They love balls - just rolling them back and forth - and they like seeing themselves in shiney surfaces and playing with pots and pans - And listening to music (but not TOO loud) and dancing - Anything to see them to SEE and HEAR and respond - Its playing - it...


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Cosmetic Surgery Advice?
The trouble with plastic surgery is #1 that there are scars - #2 it rarely looks natural, especially in the case of face lifts. (I live in S. California - where there are lots of bad ones.) I think Joan Rivers looks weird, myself. I would avoid it personally...


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Finding Clothing That Fits?
I wear separates, because the fit is better - so a jacket & matching skirt, etc. And I take up the sleeves and the hems (skirts & pants) of my clothing myself. Sizing is far from uniform, too - I have things that are smaller & things that are larger. For ex...


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When should I plant my Easter Lily?
We planted all the lilies in containers we had for our wedding in the backyard right away (it was summer in N.J.) and the gardener told us it was ok.


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Daughter-In-Law Won't Accept Used Items?
I also have family members who want everything new -so I dress better than they do, hav high quality designer clothes, - have nicer furniture than they do - have a better decorated domicile and fewer debts...But everyone to his/her own -if thats the way buy...


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Temporary Screen Door?
I use a lace panel that I string across the opened door from a nail on the left inside doorjamb to a peg holder (originally for cups?) on the inside of the door where we hang hats. (you can unhook it to go through the door. But I saw a WWII movie where they...


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Temporary Screen Door?
P.S. When I lived for a while in a dark apartment, I put up a LOT of small mirrors to reflect whatever light did come into the apartment!


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Use a Tally Counter When Grocery Shopping
I keep track by counting everything in my basket - I always check at the 99 Cent Store - but thats easy becaz the prices are all the same!


My Frugal Life - Why I Love Yard Sales
My husband is great at getting small appliances at yard sales (& thrift shops). We have gotten fans,lamps, an electric drill, an air cleaner, a bubbler for the bath, massage units - stereo equipment - speakers - even a computer printer and a microwave. We find...


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Transportation Problems?
You could try to see if an oil Stop Leak additive would help - sometimes its cracked seals & the additive patches it up for a while - Frankly I dont see a problem just feeding the engine oil for a while as long as you keep tabs on the levels all the time - cheaper...


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Inexpensive Hair Color
Do you mean the peroxide? I just wet a cotton ball & touch up the roots after the color is established (On dirty hair - mine is fairly oily & in good condition...) I just used a dab of the self-tanner at my temple where the whiteness was. Applied it like makeup...


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Cholesterblock Reviews?
I have used Chloest- off by Nature Made - as well as other plant statin products - when I eat particularly fatty foods - and drink only red wine/lite beer and drink lots of TEA - all of which have made my good cholesterol sky high - so overall my cholesterol...


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Craft Uses for Leather Furniture Samples?
I use leather samples for small repairs on leather goods- straps, etc. You could try to encourage others to do so, too - but at my old leather store they gave them away as freebies for goodwill!


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Craft Uses for Leather Furniture Samples?
I use leather samples for small repairs on leather goods- straps, etc. You could try to encourage others to do so, too - but at my old leather store they gave them away as freebies for goodwill!


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Framing a Newspaper Article?
Yes, iron - thats apparently what butlers do for English royalty!


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Freezing Baking Soda and Baking Powder?
Pardon me - but whay would you want to freeze it? Isnt it a chemical mixture? My mother always kept it on the shelf - me, too - I dont think you have to treat it with much care- maybe put it in a can or jar???


Shining Vintage Straight Razors?
If they are vintage & you dont want to USE them - dont touch the patina - it could reduce their value.


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Refilling Ink Cartridges
Some brands of printers are easier to refull than others. My husband is a wiz at it - but he still cant do our HP. Canons and Lexmarks are good in this respect from our experience - and older printers are easier to refill - because they have put booby traps...


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Underarm Odor On Dry Clean Only Clothes?
I spray those areas with extra strength Fabreze - It saves drycleaning -


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My Yard is Just Weeds?
I would suggest you look at local native plants & create a dry garden. (You can look for plants in wasteland to replant - or get cuttings from neighbors). You can get succulents here at the 99 cent store - & plants like jade plants , etc. root just from putting...


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Remedies for Skin Allergies?
Watch out that they are not contact allergies - that is - you touch something & then touch your face and get an irritation. I have problems with that. (Avoid the irritant & wash your hands often.) Once you have an irritation cortisone cream will work - I also...


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Wrapping Paper for Wall Art
An artist friend of mine used fancy gift wrap as a mat when she framed antique prints! She contrasted the pattern/color of the mat with the print & the effect was quite contemporary & colorful.


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Alka Seltzer for Urinary Tract Infections?
I used to restore the ph of my bladder by using baking soda in water....I also put ice cubes in my wine and always have a glass of water when I drink coffee to minimize the acid effect. But the best tip I ever got was to ALWAY go to the bathroon and void after...


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My Frugal Life: My Frugal Parents
I, too, learned at my parents knee(s) how to be wise with money. Boy, am I glad that I didnt get into student loan debt! My M.A. was a deal in the U.K. through a now - closed loophole & cost $500!


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Decorating My Apartment?
Having a coordinated color scheme will really help. Collect things that are colorful and fit together from thrift shops, etc. Put pictures on the walls. You can have them unframed - or get frames from dollar stores - (You can use that sticky plastic stuff to...


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Planning a Simple Wedding?
Make is a cowboy wedding & think Wild West - ala Deadwood, etc. It was very common for the ladies to be very dressed up & the men not so - maybe a jacket with the jeans for the ceremony? And Try to make your dress, ensemble look like the 1880s-90s????


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Crafting With Contact Paper?
Contact paper is great for FLAT surfaces - but no matter what you do, folding it like that will be bulky & give you unsatisfactory results. You have to apply in flat planes. I would suggest covering the top and then, if necessary- applying the contact paper...


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What is the proper way to address a waiter in a restaurant?
We always have said miss to a waitress and waiter to a man...Just be polite. Maam and sir sound too deferential to me. You say that when you are serving someone - not the other way around.


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Lists for Traveling
We go back and forth from the city to our boat a lot - so I keep my essentials in bags that I can throw into my satchels when we go. Little sample sizes of things like deodorant are really good here....


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Box Fan Filters
I wouldnt recommend pantyhose on heat filters due to heat problems - (altho I have used cheese cloth in the past) - For heat vents, I have used bought filters, which I cut down or fastened outside with metallic pipe tape - which seem resistant to the heat.And...


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Watch the Pennies and the Dollars
Beofre I came to this site, I thought I was the only person left alive who still thought of pennies as MONEY & even stooped down to pick them up (It used to be seen as good luck, you know.) Once I even saw a bunch of pre-teens running along, spreading a cloud...


Mr. Clean Magic Erasers Reviews
Its not cheap - but I like it to use for scuffs on wall paint. It works so well that we left wone at our rental house stipulating that they use one & nothing else to clean spots on walls.


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Should I Keep My Last Name?
When I got married at 50+ I kept my maiden name, because this is my professional name. It causes a bit of confusion occasionally - but then I can always call myself by a hyphenate - i.e., first name, maiden/professional name, hyphen, husbands last name. (In...


Woman frustrated with bills

Combat the "I Need It" Attitude
I think the most important thing is to develop our own minds and our own good taste. I wonder at the folks who hunger for a baronial lifestyle. I have a taste for old things,too - but my things are really old & BARGAINS - rather than knockoffs. (And they retain...


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Homemade Wall Art?
One easy thing to do is select material with a nice, artistic pattern and stretch it on a frame - stapling it on - But I prefer pictures myself - you can get big posters - Or you can emulate Chinese/Japanese brush painting on a blank canvas.....Or stamp a pattern...


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Repairing Chips on a Linoleum Floor?
If its linoleum tile and the cracks are on the edges - you can fill them in with colored grout - I have even applied colored nail polish in a matching shade....


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Gift Ideas for My Ailing Ex-Husband?
There must be some sort of chaplain associated with the assisted living home - &/or someone who deals with the terminally ill - they could be of great comfort to you & your husband. Shame on the minister!


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Refurbishing a Silk Flower Swag
Read somewhere that you should put the artificial flowers in a big bag with salt in it, close it & shake it to get ride of the dust - (I would try with a sample first.)


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Faded Converse Shoes?
If they are leather you could use an old red lipstick for shoe polish - or get red shoe polish- The Meltonian brand available at shoe repair shops comes in a wide range of colors.


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Inexpensive Car Alarm?
My husband got inexpensive alarms at the hardware store that shriek when a door is opened & put them on our truck doors - so if anyone wanted to get inside - the alarm would shriek. You just stick them on.


Murphy Cedar Chest

Antique Murphy Cedar Chest?
I have done research on some of my old furniture on the net - Google the name - you get pieces of information that you can put together to get some sort of picture of the item - works for a lot of stuff....


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Terry Cloth and an Iron for Wax
You can also use papertowels - but watch the heat of the iron.


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Thrift Shops in London, England?
From my student days they dont have thrift shops per se - but there are charity shops - like OxFam- & the other alternative - street markets - Check those out - there used to be one way up past the Portobello road market after you pass under the railroad bridge...


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Organizing Jewelry in a Drawer?
I have lots of little decorative boxes - & I segregate the jewlery according to type - one box for earrings, one for bracelets, one for pins - and then, of course - one that has everyday stuff I wear all the time....


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Shortening the Sleeves on a Robe?
If you could stand with a smidgen less of asleeve - you could sew the binding (or use seam binding) to the inside edge of the sleeve - & then use it as a hem - (Maybe if using satin - with a little bit showing at the edge?)


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Hair Stuck In a Necklace?
Is is still on? The only way may be to carefully cut it off - it can only be a few strands - so hopefully if you are carefull, it wont show!


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The Left Side of My Face Hurts?
I just had the same problems - happens several times a year - to relieve tension/sinus pressure - apply hot heating pad to facial area & lie down - it will take a while - but you should feel the mucus draining down your throat - it will relieve the pressure...


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Grass and Muds Stains on a Wedding Dress?
If it is washable - there is great stuff called ZOUT - which was orginally made for grass stains on things like kids sports uniforms - Try it on a small are before you clean it otherwise - Most satin nowadays is polyester - yours probably is, too - & easier...


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Arthritic Fingers?
Make sure you are getting all your B vitamins! When I told my mother when she was about 60 about taking Vitamin C + B6 for stress - She tried it & never had major arthritis problems again! I also massage my joints withliniment when they get stiff - & you can...


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