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Frugal Dog Toys?
My daughters dog loves to chase the cardboard boxes that cereal and crackers come in. We use them as indoor frisbees. I hope this isnt going to lead to a problem later on. He happily shreds the box, we pick up the bits of cardboard, vacuum daily, and thats...


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Basic Pesto Recipe
I have read in more than one place that to keep the pesto refrigerated and fresh for later, smear the top with olive oil. I guess you could pour on a small amount of oil. Has to be enough to seal off the air.


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Plastic Knives as Row Markers
I use them, but blade side down, as I dont want to hurt any stray wildlife.


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Garden Decor With Yard Sale Finds
A picture would be nice!


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Freezing the Vermin (Pantry Pests)
An employee from a flour factory told me that although modern technology is good, it isnt advanced enough to remove all of the bug eggs. He suggested placing the item in the freezer for 3 days, then removing it and putting it in the cupboard. I thought it might...


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Fleece Scarfs for Christmas
Why didnt I think of this? Holly


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How to Make Mystic Chai Tea?
She means how to make the mix from scratch.


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Energy Saving Tips
I have heard from more than one source that cell phone chargers draw power even when not being actively used. Might or might not be true. --------- To keep the house cooler in the summer I cook outside on the back patio as much as possible (this also cuts down...


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Sterilizing Soil
Do it outdoors because it makes the house reek!


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Keeping Cauliflower from Getting Brown Spots?
The FoodSaver: How do you clean it? Holly


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Frugal Tips For a Convenience Food Addict?
My daughter is a terribly picky eater. I tried the eat it or make your own, but that didnt work because all she ate were high carb things and then had sugar crashes, over and over... Solved it by buying a cookbook with pictures and letting her select the recipes...


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Chili With Too Much Salt?
Next time, do not salt it at all and let the family add salt at the table! Holly



Urgent Wedding Cake Decorating Ideas Needed!
How about decorating the top and sides with candied flowers or gum drop flowers? A co-worker once brought a lovely decorated cake to school. She frosted it in white with artistically designed peaks and swirls, placed gum drops in a lifesavers shape on the top...


Urgent Wedding Cake Decorating Ideas Needed!
Why dont go go for the simple yet sophisticated look for the cake and draw the same picture you created for your invitations on the top? How many people can say they have custom designed artwork for their cakes? Put it on a gorgeous pedestal and let your talent...


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Creative Ways To Serve Vegetables and Create Healthy Meals?
When you place the food on the table, put the veggies in front of him first and make sure the entree gets there about 10 mins. later. Hungry people are a little less picky. There are people who are super tasters in that flavor has more of an impact. He may...


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Plastic Cutlery for Lunches
If he doesnt care for plastic, you can always go to your local Goodwill or donation store and buy the forks inexpensively. If he loses them, you wont care. Holly


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Nice Fried and Poached Eggs
I always wondered how to keep them from spreading all over the pan. Now I know! Holly


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Visit Dog Parks
Arent you worried about your dog running out of the park or being attacked? Holly


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How to Help My Husband Change His Eating Habits?
It takes at least 6 weeks to make a change in habit. Keep trying and make sure he gets flavorful food so he doesnt miss the fat.


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Saving Money on a Limo, Tux and Flowers For Prom?
Do you have to rent a limo? How about getting a parent to drive who has a big car and making them agree to act as a chauffeur? About the tux - go to your local Goodwill and see what they have. If one fits you, it will be very inexpensive. Check out the shoes...


Big Roller Foot For a Sewing Machine?
What does this foot do that makes it so useful? Holly


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Very Dusty Old Couch?
After vacuuming it thoroughly, put it in the strong sun light to help kill odors. Rotate the cushions in the sun, too.


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French Phrases for Decorating a Bathroom with Calligraphy?
You could always call your local high school and ask to speak to the french teacher. I have noticed that internet translations dont always come out correctly when using Spanish, so I would double check everything before applying to the wall. Holly


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Reviving Hot Fudge
I used to work at a Dairy Queen. Wed keep the ice cream cones waxy chocolate dip liquified by placing it in a large tin can (like a coffee can) in a water filled crockpot set on high at first and then lowered. Holly



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Planting Green Pepper Plants
Is that the whole book of matches or just a few sticks? Holly


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Uses For Unwanted Books?
For magazines and encyclopedias: I donated them to a local Charter School and the office was thrilled. The students use them for reports. When I brought another bunch of magazines to the school, I spoke with an English teacher and asked if the mags really made...


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Computer Stationary with Cats and Dogs?
If all else fails, I have two suggestions: Go to a local printer and ask if they can make it for you or order it. My next suggestion is to scan a picture onto your printer paper and then to re-use it for stationary.


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Decorating a Room With Rose Carpeting?
Pink and tan pillows on the bed? How about if you go for the sophisticated look and have black accessories with a few splashes of pink.


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Tips For Taking a Cruise With Children?
Motion sickness can be helped with ginger pills (plain ol ginger root from the drug store in the vitamin aisle) - but I dont know the quantity. Next - my MIL told me that if the weather is bad, the ship wont dock possibly for hours, so the passengers that want...


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Keeping The Lid On Your Garbage Can
We use bungee cords on our trashcan to keep the raccoons out. Holly


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Less Smell When Cooking Cauliflower?
How about cooking it oudoors? Or, keeping the lid securely on the pot and also while the water cools after the cauli has been removed.


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Screening in a Front Porch?
Id add a ceiling fan or two if they can be kept out of the weather. Makes the place more useful for longer periods of time. Two of my neighbors have done this and say that they are very pleased with the results. One even has a TV up there, too.


Replacing the Non Skid Feet of Sleepers

Replacing the Non Skid Feet of Sleepers?
You can get the non-skid footsie cloth at the fabric store if needed. Cute kid!


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Phone Tied up While Online?
You could also get offline the last 10 mins. of every hour (if you remember) and let your friends know. Holly


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Saving Money on Laundry?
Quite some time ago I read an article by an organization that was promoting ideas to use less of the earths resources. Cant remember the name of the group, sorry. Been following their laundry guidelines ever since and have no complaints. They had something...


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Plastic Cups Stuck Together?
I heard of a similar problem, but with a commode and a cup. It was solved by placing ice cubes in the cup and when the cup shrank from the cold, it was removed from its wedged location. I ought to add that at this point in time, it was in the backyard.



Australian Cattle Dog

Hailey Hops Miller (Australian Cattle Dog)
Adorable pup. Dont you have poisonous snakes in the creek?


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Identity Theft and Your Trash
This is similar to the above story. The maid/housekeeper had ordered jewelry from a TV shopping channel and figured shed pick the stuff up before the housewife returned from work. She got away with it for a few months before someone figured it out.


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Craft Activities to Cure Boredom and Lose Weight?
I read somewhere that a change in activities sometimes triggers the urge for a snack. You might want to take this into account. Also, I cured my chocolate cravings by treating myself to a cup of cocoa. I researched it on the internet and found out that the...


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Groom's Gift to Bride Ideas?
A single rose with a home made poem. How much more romantic can you get? You can even rhyme it with: Roses are red, violets are blue... The poem doent have to be a work of prosaic art, just a loving thought from you. Holly


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Grandmas - A Legacy of Love
When we have grandmothers like you one you described, we need to remember that they are probably passing on how they were treated by their parents or grandparents. Thats the only way to make any sense of it.


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Storage for Brooms and Mops
My mother had a cabinet in her kitchen just for brooms and mops. This was so convenient that it took very little effort to whip out that broom and sweep. It was originally a model home with a few extras like double linen closets and 2 huge coat closets. Theres...


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Meat Free, Lactose Free, Gluten Free Recipes for Crockpot?
I have heard that if you salt the food at the beginning of the cooking, it will make the beans tough. So, salt to taste at the end of the cooking cycle. When you read a recipe that will not be made in a crockpot, be aware that the fresher beans will cook more...


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Shopping at Price Clubs and Discount Stores
My DH brown bags his lunches and I buy the 10 oz or larger bottled juices (V-8, orange, grapefruit, apple and grape) for him at Sams - this alone makes it worth while for us to maintain a membership.


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Mixing Peanut Butter
Turn it upside down and let set on your kitchen counter til it warms up. It will un-separate. Then refrigerate upside down.


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Be Flexible When Traveling
PS. Only do this if you are going to arrive at your destination at a reasonable hour. In our situation, it would have turned into 1:00 am with two little children. I dont know who would have been crankier, me or them!


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Be Flexible When Traveling
Last time my family and I traveled, we were offered a mere $100 discount with a one year limit to purchase tickets. I said, No! In fact, I pointed out we werent going to be traveling for the next year and couldnt they extend the offer. They refused.


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Replacing Grape Vines With Fruit and Nut Trees?
Just a comment about fruit trees. They make a lot of mess. Be sure you are willing to go out there and clean it up on a daily basis because if you dont, your property is an open invitation to rats.


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Buy Asian Spices and Products at an Asian Market
If you are confused by the way the aisles are arranged in an asian grocery store, bear in mind that the products are lined up according to country. The chinese products are in an aisle, separate from the japanese products... Thats why you will see duplicate...


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Perking Up a Condo Deck?
Am thinking of a long rectangular pot with a trellis and a vining plant on it. However, anything you use to obscure the freeway view will also be a place for burglers to hide behind if they break in.


Binky (Poodle/Terrier) in his Halloween Costume
Your pet co-operates better than my kids when it comes to Halloween!


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Sunday Dinner Ideas?
How about lasagna or enchiladas? Holly


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Cottonmouth Snakes (Water Moccasin) in my Bathtub?
You have my sympathies. Hope you solve this situation quickly and easily. My DH is from CT and he said they always kept the commode lids down because of a similar situation. It seems to be a universal predicament. Holly


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Decorating With Throw Rugs
Many years ago, my daughter was given a large crocheted heart rug (or maybe it was knitted - I dont recall). It was too pretty to place on the floor. She used it between the bed and the wall at the head of the bed for many years.


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Curry Smell In Apartment?
I was told by a real estate agent that its actually the smell from frying food and essential oils lingering in the kitchen and its not possible to remove it. Perhaps if you think of it in terms of grease molecules instead of curry, you will find a new approach...


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Bacon on Chicken Salad
For less cholesterol, you can cook and dice Morningstar Farms soy bacon. In the freezer section. A very reasonable substitute. Called Bacon Strips. They also have an excellent Corn Dog on a stick. Same freezer section. My daughter, who doesnt care for any soy...


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Vegetarian Lentil Soup Assistance?
Thank you Joankay and Ettamae. These are excellent suggestions! Holly


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Getting Rid of Chirping Birds?
Could these birds be in the attic of your house? On your roof? In your chimney? Also try ear plugs. Different styles are available. Inexpensive and at your local drug store.


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Getting Rid of Chirping Birds?
A small air cleaner running in your bedroom with the ionizer off (ionizers aggravate asthma) might make enough background noise to sleep better.


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Keep Gloves Handy in the Garden
Id worry about bugs crawling into them and then biting you. In TX we have brown recluse spiders and their bites have simply awful results.


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Buying a Digital Camera?
I have read that the higher MPs are just regular MPs made smaller, and less useful. That a 3 MP with standard sized MPs, is more useful than something with many more MPs that are less than standard size. ============= I read this somewhere in a magazine that...


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Buying a Digital Camera? Nice article about pixels and sensors. ------------- This article talked about shrinking pixel size and offering more.


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Crabapples for Pest Control
To keep those roaches away, spray boric acid powder into cracks and crevices around the house, kitchen cupboards. Keep it dry, so do this after washing down the cabinets.


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Delicious Scrambled Eggs!
The liquid surrounding the seeds is actually the most nutritious part of the tomato. Dont discard. Find a way to use it.


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Pizza Sauce - Tips and Recipes?
I tried to use jarred expensive pasta sauce that seemed to be thick for pizza sauce. Didnt work. Was too watery. Should have simmered it on the stove to reduce it substantially. first.


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Adding Nutrition to Meals?
I tried adding blenderized zucchini to a meat loaf and no one was fooled as the seeds floated to the top of the meatloaf after baking.


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Free Downloads Can Freeze Up Your Computer
I had a lot of computer freeze ups when we were on dial up AOL. Thought it would go away when we still used AOL but were on a different companys DSL. Nope, freeze ups continued as usual. Got rid of AOL and got rid of the freeze ups.


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Organize Your Day?
I write my to do list on a large calendar, and check it through out the day and last thing at night for tomorrows activities. Each morning, I transfer the information to a to do sheet of paper. If the paper is lost, I still have the master list in the kitchen...


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

McCormick Salad Vinaigrette
An outstanding vinaigrette that Id like to recommend if you dont have any success with the McCormick Company is the house salad dressing from Olive Garden Restaurant. Approx. $4 per bottle and worth every cent. We usually have a bottle of it in the fridge with...


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Adding Nutrition to Meals?
I tried adding blenderized zucchini to a meat loaf and no one was fooled as the seeds floated to the top of the meatloaf after baking. ------------- I wrote meatloaf, but I should have typed in lasagna! Its one of those days!


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"Grows in a Minute" Vines?
Kudzu grows very fast. Is that what you are thinking of? I dont know the size of the flowers it provides.


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Solutions for Puffy Hair?
Layers take a lot of hard work and time to look decent. Since you never let it down except to go to bed and shower, this is more effort than you are accustomed to. Time your sisters efforts and then see if you want to take that time out of every morning to...


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Solutions for Puffy Hair?
Pur hair in a bun on top of head and wear long bangs. Thats what I do.


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Getting Mechanical Grease Off a Suitcase?
Did you have a polite chat with the luggage carousel complaint dept.?


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Free Mulch from the City - Could it Carry Diseases?
Im skeptical, too. I bet it contains a bunch of weed seeds, bug spray, high nitrogoen fertilizers, mushroom spores, bugs and moldy wood chips. We have that same service here and I wont let it go on my lawn. Think about it. What do homeowners do with disease...


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Fill Up Gas Tank Before Weekend
I have heard that you get more gas per gallon when the weather is cool. Dont know what the difference is when gassing up during the hottest part of the day. This more gas and cool weather thing might refer to winter weather conditions.


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Expiration Dates on Food?
Expiration dates are mandated by the govt. because all foods have to have these dates. Just taste the item and if it seems ok, then use it. Havent we all had something whose expiration date and not yet occured, yet was already spoiled? Use your best judgement...


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Bugs on Porch?
At least the bugs are dead. Small comfort.


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Mama Lyn's Dry Rub Recipes
How do you use a dry rub? Thanks, Holly


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I Can't Control All The Dust?
Ask the doc about using Singular. I have found it to be VERY helpful in controlling allergies and asthma.


Handmade distressed jean skirt with ruffle

Jeans Skirt with Ruffle
I did the same thing with a pair of jeans that were way too large. Had to take in the waistband in addition. Holly


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What Is Interpolation?
How do you figure how many non-interpolated pixels it really has?


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Make Your Own Dickies
A dickie is a piece of cloth that you put right where your cleavage is so no one sees what they shouldnt be seeing. Not much is visible to the public. Sometimes blouses are a little too low cut (or tend to sag later in the day) and this helps to keep private...


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Cuisinart Food Processor Manuals?
See if anyone is selling it on ebay, or offer to pay someone who is selling it on ebay to xerox it and mail.


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Preventing Swollen Feet?
Stay away from extra sodium (soy sauce for instance and fast food) the week before the wedding. Keep feet higher than heart level with an ice bag on the ankles for some mins. each day. Get a larger pair of sandals as they may have been mismarked to begin with...


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Burritos - Tips and Recipes?
P.S. I like to use Mission brand Carb Balance tortillas.


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Greasing Silcone Pans?
The silicon baking pans absolutely must be greased!


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Smell from Hard Boiled Eggs?
A little vinegar in the water is supposed to help keep the shells from cracking. And placing the eggs in before the water is brought to boiling seems to help as the eggs arent being waved and shoved around quite as much by the boiling water. -------------- I...


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Making Vacuum Sealer Bags?
Clever idea! Why didnt I think of that?


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Rice Maker Reviews?
Any one found a rice maker with a non-aluminum liner?


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Removing Hair Without Shaving or Waxing?
You can pull it out with an Epilady machine (or just an Epi something in the title.


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What Colors Go With Sage?
My daughters bedroom is done in shades of red and black with sage as an accent. Looks very modern.


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Hoodia Diet Supplement?
If you want to lessen your appetite between meals, take L-Glutamine pills. Should keep you from feeling hungry 4 or more hours. Works for me in about 20 mins. If you are snacking mindlessly, you will need to be aware of whats happening and just restrict eating...


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Inexpensive Party In New Zealand?
The $1.00 stores arent all that wonderful. A lot of what they sel is junk or junky.


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Natural Indigestion Remedies?
1. stay away from spicy or acidic foods 2. chew gum 3. buy (now over the counter) and use Prilosec pills 4. eat small, frequent meals 5. before every large meal take a pill to help with acidity (Beano) 6. after every large meal, swallow a digestive enzyme pill...


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Healthy Beverages?
I make iced tea daily in 2 quart batches.


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Slipping Wedding Rings?
Jewelers can solder them together or clasp them together with a very small, almost oval, metal band located on the inside of the finger. Ask to see the band that will be used, because it might be too thick for you based on the rings original thickness.


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Slipping Wedding Rings?
PS Dont wear it while working in the garden. You could easily lose it or the stones (which you think are secure) could fall out!


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Pitted Fiberglass Tub?
If you refinish it, bear in mind that it must set a few days before using again (ask how many days) and that it must be cleaned with something that wont scratch as the new finish is very delicate.


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Paint To Go With Log Cabin Furniture?
A creative and artistic friend of mine painted her living room in 3 colors, ranging from lighter to darker. The after effects are fabulous. She just went to a paint store, found the color combo she liked on a paint swatch (one of those cards that have a bunch...


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Graduation Basket Ideas?
Put in mini bags of junk food and candy bars.


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Grocery Shopping Tips?
I plan for 2 meals and the third meal is made up of on sale items at the grocery store.


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Work or Family? What's More Important?
Lots of people have kids without family nearby. Lots of people live near their families and find them to be worthless. If you both can have a home and pay for it on ONE salary, feel free to have kids. If not, wait a couple of years by putting one income in...


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Moving and Leaving The Cockroaches Behind?
Nope, it wasnt borax, it was boric acid. I was going to suggest you bug bomb the new place, too, but I would warn you there is a limit you will reach of the toxicity generated if you bomb the moving van and also the new place.


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Victorian Brass Saucepans?
I agree with Claudias comments. And frankly, wouldnt use any cookware that isnt absolutely modern. We all thought aluminum and teflon were safe, and now were hearning about their dangers.


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Barney Themed Party?
Well, if its a farm theme, you can rent one of those petting zoos (price differs according to number of animals) and give them a bouncy room. Include insurance because you never know what a kid will do. Coloring t-shirts as souvenirs would keep little hands...


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Wedding Gift For Son?
Id tell them that they were going to get a gift after they move into their apt. and it will be something they choose. They dont know which gifts will be coming their way until after theyve moved in. No need for duplicatons. Or, the other equally useful thing...


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Growing a Crepe Myrtle
Around here (Dallas, TX), they suffer from powdery mildew, which can be caused by growing the plant where it doesnt get much air circulation. So make sure to place it where it will get plenty of breezes and sunlight.


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Planning a Grocery List?
make a list of what your little bro likes to eat in the protein, veg and carb areas. Select one from each list and make it for dinner. You could also ask him to help you decide what would be a good lunch, breakfast, dinner and write them down for sample menus...


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Do I Remove the Fish When Siphoning Tank?
Just be sure to replace the water with pre-conditioned water!


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Dressing Up a Bathroom Mirror?
Hang a boa or a garland on it with colored netting underneath.


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Was Getting Married, Now I'm Expecting?
Call Medicaid and find out if you lose any benefits by getting married before the baby is born! Baby birth is very expensive. If there is no change in how Medicaid is going to pay, then have a wedding now.


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Are Wolf Hybrid Dogs Safe?
I would NOT adopt that pet. 1. can be dangerous 2. is only half domestic bred 3. how vicious can the other half become? 4. as it gets older, it may become mean ------------ My aunt had a collie that was mean - and that dog was bad enoough. Can you imagine a...


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Are Wolf Hybrid Dogs Safe?
This is a P.S. My sil adopted a part dog/ part coyote. Big mistake. Im not going into any details.


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Giving Gift Cards
When you get or give a gift card, write the amount on it (if need be) and the expiration date in permanent marker. Someone gave my sil a $75 gift card and by the time she remembered it, the card was in the low twenties.


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Keeping Your Favorite Recipes Handy
I use an expensive music stand to hold my cook book away from the counter top, yet close enough to read the recipe. I keep the books open with large chip clips. Saves counter space and less spills on the pages. The music stand is from the time when my son played...


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Chili With Too Much Oregano?
You need to make the oregano into a suitable amount for the dish by increasing the other ingredients. If I were you, Id add a couple of cans of chili to the mix. That will dilute the amount of oregano per serving. And if you dont add more chili, you can add...


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Uses for Paper Sample Books?
Make home made xmas cards using a stencil.


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Do I have Diabetes?
Have the doc run an A1c test. This indicates your blood sugars as an average for the last 3 months. Its not necessary to be fasting for the test.


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Preparing a Child for New Sibling?
Tell all well wishers that come for a visit to make a fuss also over the first child!! It makes a difference.


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Wedding Cake for a Morning Wedding?
Any cake is ok. Its your wedding! ------------- A friend of mine who makes cakes for special occasions says that she always freezes the cake layers to make them more moist. I thought she might have been putting pudding in the mix, but she wasnt doing anything...


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Neck Holder for Eyeglasses?
Sears Optical sells them.


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What to give an outstanding woman?
Gift certificate to the grocery store of her choice (probably has a very limited budget and this would help her to eliminate some worries). Wal-MArt might be nice as it has both food and clothing.


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How to clean 30 years worth of dirt of a floor?
My previous renters left holes in the wall and a carpet reeking of animal waste when the air conditioning was turned off. You have to admit that many renters have earned the reputation they so richly deserve.


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IRA Alternative?
Talk to a brokerage (like Smith Barney, for instance) and see what they have to offer. Ditto for your banks representative. You might be surprised.


Pomeranian in a wicker dog bed.

Indy (Pomeranian) 2 1/2 Months
This pooch is absolutely gorgeous!


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